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It nigrum campis agmen: l<br />

<strong>The</strong> sable-coloured band,<br />

Marches along the Land.<br />

A gust of contrarie winds, the crolring of a flight of<br />

Ravens, the false pase of a Horse, the casual flight<br />

of an Eagle, a dream, a sodaine voyce, a false signe,<br />

a mornings mist, an evening fogge, are enough to<br />

overthrow, sufficient to overwhelme and able to pull<br />

him to the ground. Let the Sunne but shine hot upon<br />

his face, hee faints and swelters with heat: cast out<br />

a little dust in his eyes, as to the Bees mentioned by<br />

our Poet, all our ensignes, all our legions, yea great<br />

Pompey himselfe, in the forefront of them is overthrowne<br />

and put to rout (For as I remember it was<br />

he whom Sertorius vanquished in Spaine, with all those<br />

goodly armes.) This also served Eumenes against<br />

Antigonus, and Surena against Crassus :<br />

Hi motus animorum, atque hoec certamina tanta,<br />

Pulveris exigur jactu compressa quiescent. 2<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir stomacke-motions, these contentions great,<br />

Clam'd with a little dust, strait lose their heat.<br />

Let us but uncouple some of our o<strong>rd</strong>inary flies, and<br />

let loose a few gnats amongst them, they shall have<br />

both the force to scatter and courage to consume him.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Portugals not long since beleagring the City of<br />

Tamly, in the territory of Xiatine, the inhabitants<br />

thereof brought great store of hives (whereof they have<br />

plentie) upon their walls; and with fire drove them<br />

so forcible upon their enemies, who, as unable to abide<br />

their assaults and endure their stingings, left their<br />

enterprize. Thus by this new kinde of help was the<br />

libertie of the towne gained and victory purchased;<br />

with so happy successe, that in their retreating there<br />

was not one townes-man found wanting. <strong>The</strong> soules<br />

of Emperours and Coblers are all cast in one same<br />

mould. Considering the importance of Princes actions,<br />

¹ VIRO. AEn. 1. iv. 404. ² VIRG. Georg, 1. iv. 86, 87.

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