Chapter 4 - The Library of Iberian Resources Online

Chapter 4 - The Library of Iberian Resources Online Chapter 4 - The Library of Iberian Resources Online
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65. AC Tortosa, caj. Del Camarero, 12; caj. Del Sacrista I, 39 (27 July 1250). 66. See Ch. 5 below. The earliest record of a Tortosa synod dates from 1274: VL, V, 283-4. 67. AC Huesca, 2-317; publ. Arco, BRABL, VIII, 514. 68. Arco, BRABL, VIII, 463 ff; idem, BRABL, IX, 221 ff. 69. Reg. Inn. IV, 2703; 3240; AC Huesca, 6-189 (reg. Durán Gudiol, AA, VII, no. 75). 70. His successor, Domingo de Sola, incorporated Vidal's constitutions in his own legislation: Ramón de Huesca, Teatro histórico, VI, 236. Vidal borrowed and quoted the constitutions of Bishop Vicente of Zaragoza's 1243 synod: AC Jaca, Libro de la Cadena I, fo. Ir. Cf. Arco, BRABL, IX, 89. 71. Reg. Greg. IX, 3977; Hergueta, RABM, XVII, 415-16; Bujanda, Episcopologio calagurritano, 16. 72. Tejada, VI. 30. The legislation is published by Bujanda, Berceo, I, 121 ff. It includes provisions concerning clerical dress (c. 12, 18-20, 33); pastoral responsibility; annual penance; knowledge of the Pater Noster and Credo (c. 4-5, II, 13-14); pluralism (c.25); tithes (c. 9, 32, 36, 38-42, 44); clerical involvement in secular affairs (c. 48-9); monastic seizure of parochial income (c. 43); and custody of the Sacrament (c. 51). 73. Ibid. c. 31. 74. Ibid. c. 15-16, 52; and c. 2, 6, 8, 17, 29. 75. In the course of a hearing of the Ordinatio Valentina by Cardinal Otto of Porto at Lyons, 17 March 1246, the Tarragona proctor mentioned that 'archiepiscopus Tarraconensis celebravit synodum apud Pampilonam sede vacante de consensu capituli Pampilonensis' at which pluralists had been excommunicated 'iuxta constitutionem domini Sabinensis editam in concilio Ylerdensi': AC Toledo, X.2.K.I.12. It may be inferred from AHN, cod. 987B, fos. 171vb, 174vb, that the synod occurred before the provincial council of April 1239. 76. Reg. Greg. IX, 5020 (the Register entry is written over an erasure); Goñi Gaztambide, Príncipe de Viana, XVIII, 95-7. The Toledo claim had been discussed at the Tours Council of 1163, and was certainly revived in 1244: Chronica Roberti de Torigneio, 219-20; AHA, Index dels Indices, fo. 31v. 77. For the former's efforts to replace the Black Monks of Leyre with Cistercians, cf. Goñi Gaztambide, Príncipe de Viana,XVII, 116 ff. In 1248 the General Chapter of the Order considered the latter's request 'de uno monacho et tribus conversis secum habendis': Canivez, Statuta, II, 329. Cf. also, Hergueta, RABM, XVII, 416. 78. Cocheril, SM, I, 82; idem, AEM, I, 238-9. 79. Part. 1.7.27 (Academy ed. I, 315): BM Add. MS. 20787, fos. 59rb-va; Canivez, III, 201 (ad an. 1280). 80. 'La Reconquista avanza pero los monjes no tienen mucho empeño por descender hacia el sur' : Los monjes españoles, II, 527. Cf. Cocheril, Études sur le monachisme, map after p. 440. 81. Cit.. Defourneaux, Les Français en Espagne, 52. 82. RAH, MS. 9-24-5/4558, fo. 193v. 83. Eydoux, Cîteaux in de Nederlanden, V, 175, whose list of foundations corrects that of Janauschek in Originum Cisterciensium, 299 ff. See also Cocheril, 372-6; Burns, I, 214 ff. 84. Junyent, Diplomatari de Sant Bernat Calvó, XXXVIII. 85. Canivez, II, 276; AC Barcelona, Libro de la Cadena, fo.129ra.

86. Raimundo died at Lyons in 1247, en route for the General Chapter at Cîteaux, according to Finistres, II, 311. 87. AA Zaragoza, 5/1/7: 'Item constat nobis per episcopum et per alios fidedignos quod clerici in sinodo fuerant amoniti ut in suis ecclesiis residerent'; Argáiz, II, 219r-v. For his election, see Vida del.. .D. Felix Amat, 158 (appendix); for the constitutions of the 1243 synod, Arco, BRABL, IX, 89. 88. See Llorente, Historia de la Inquisición, I, 51-3; Lea, History, II, 162-6; Maisonneuve, Études sur les origines, 275-7. Archbishop Sparago expressed concern in 1230 and received assistance from the Carthusians: Tejada, VI, 28; VL, X1X, 3 10-11. Not even the Cistercians were above suspicion (Canivez, II, 159), and in Feb. 1235 King Jaime issued legislation on the subject: Tejada, III, 362-6 (the date of which cannot have been Feb. 1234, as in Tejada, since Guillermo de Mongrí was present as archbishop-elect: cf. VL, XIX, 180). In AA Zaragoza (1/2/2) there is an exemplar of Gregory IX's capitula of Feb. 1231 'contra hereticos et fautores heresum'. Cf. Reg. Greg. IX, 539; Maisonneuve, 245- 6. 89. Morder, Histoire des Maîtres Généraux, I, 274-5. 90. Ibid. I, 276 ff. 91. VL, XVII, 337-41; Reg. Inn. IV, 3; Puig y Puig, Episcopologio de la sede barcinonense, 200-2. The date of Bishop Berenguer's death is variously given, as 23 Aug., 24 Aug. and 1 Sept: Puig, 198; VL, XVII, 211, 337. The king's approval of Bishop Pedro had been withdrawn by Sept. 1244; ACA, Bulas, leg. VII-3 (reg. Miquel Rosell, Regesta, 112). 92. Dondaine, AFP, XVI, 96. The synod would seem the likeliest occasion for its publication. Douais published the document in Moyen Âge, m, 3 15-25, and dated it late 1241-early 1242; Lea, II, 167, and Maisonneuve, 287, favour 1242; and Valls i Taberner, Obras selectas, I, ii, 305, places it 'en la segunda mitad del año de 1241, O, acaso, en 1242'. 93. Douais, 313, and Lea, loc. cit., suggest that it was a joint enterprise; Valls i Taberner, loc. cit., makes Raymond the outright author. For Guillermo's difficulties, see Reg.Greg. IX, 2531; Lea, 164. 94. Ed. Linehan, HS, XXII, 9 ff., q.v., for description of the MSS. See also Linehan, Studies in Church History, VII, 101-11. References to the Summa in the following pages are to the copy in AC Barcelona, Libro de la Cadena, fos. 127ra-30va. 95. RAH, MS. 9-24-5/4558, fos. 171r-8v. 96. Collectio Maxima Conciliorum, V, 197-202. 97. Ibid. 202: 'Ista mandavit dominus archiepiscopus Tarraconensis observari in synodo per eum celebrata in sede Barchinonensi, sede vacante, anno domini 1241 in die S. Lucae Evangelistae.' For variations in the Valencia version, see ed. cit., HS, XXII. One of the more interesting is the reduction from three to two of the number of godparents permitted: a restriction designed to promote the growth of the Christian population on the frontier by minimising the bonds of spiritual affinity. 98. 'Idem per omnia dicimus et sub eadem poena fieri mandamus de tractatu septem sacramentorum edito per venerabilem archiepisopum praedecessorem dominum P.... Tarraconensis ecclesiae': BC Valencia, MS. 163 (cf. Olmos, Códices, 122). Aguirre, V, 197, has praedecessorem domini, viz. Archbishop Sparago or Guillermo de Mongrí. I am grateful to Don Ramón Robles, canónigo archivero of Valencia, for verifying this point for me. 99. Cf. VL, XVI, 141-2, 308-10. 100. Reg. Inn. IV, 4172. The date of his profession is not known, but the Lérida convent was founded 'much before' 1230, according to Diago, Historia de la Provincia de Aragón, fo. 147v.

86. Raimundo died at Lyons in 1247, en route for the General <strong>Chapter</strong> at Cîteaux, according to<br />

Finistres, II, 311.<br />

87. AA Zaragoza, 5/1/7: 'Item constat nobis per episcopum et per alios fidedignos quod clerici in<br />

sinodo fuerant amoniti ut in suis ecclesiis residerent'; Argáiz, II, 219r-v. For his election, see Vida<br />

del.. .D. Felix Amat, 158 (appendix); for the constitutions <strong>of</strong> the 1243 synod, Arco, BRABL, IX, 89.<br />

88. See Llorente, Historia de la Inquisición, I, 51-3; Lea, History, II, 162-6; Maisonneuve, Études sur<br />

les origines, 275-7. Archbishop Sparago expressed concern in 1230 and received assistance from the<br />

Carthusians: Tejada, VI, 28; VL, X1X, 3 10-11. Not even the Cistercians were above suspicion<br />

(Canivez, II, 159), and in Feb. 1235 King Jaime issued legislation on the subject: Tejada, III, 362-6 (the<br />

date <strong>of</strong> which cannot have been Feb. 1234, as in Tejada, since Guillermo de Mongrí was present as<br />

archbishop-elect: cf. VL, XIX, 180). In AA Zaragoza (1/2/2) there is an exemplar <strong>of</strong> Gregory IX's<br />

capitula <strong>of</strong> Feb. 1231 'contra hereticos et fautores heresum'. Cf. Reg. Greg. IX, 539; Maisonneuve, 245-<br />

6.<br />

89. Morder, Histoire des Maîtres Généraux, I, 274-5.<br />

90. Ibid. I, 276 ff.<br />

91. VL, XVII, 337-41; Reg. Inn. IV, 3; Puig y Puig, Episcopologio de la sede barcinonense, 200-2. <strong>The</strong><br />

date <strong>of</strong> Bishop Berenguer's death is variously given, as 23 Aug., 24 Aug. and 1 Sept: Puig, 198; VL,<br />

XVII, 211, 337. <strong>The</strong> king's approval <strong>of</strong> Bishop Pedro had been withdrawn by Sept. 1244; ACA, Bulas,<br />

leg. VII-3 (reg. Miquel Rosell, Regesta, 112).<br />

92. Dondaine, AFP, XVI, 96. <strong>The</strong> synod would seem the likeliest occasion for its publication. Douais<br />

published the document in Moyen Âge, m, 3 15-25, and dated it late 1241-early 1242; Lea, II, 167, and<br />

Maisonneuve, 287, favour 1242; and Valls i Taberner, Obras selectas, I, ii, 305, places it 'en la segunda<br />

mitad del año de 1241, O, acaso, en 1242'.<br />

93. Douais, 313, and Lea, loc. cit., suggest that it was a joint enterprise; Valls i Taberner, loc. cit.,<br />

makes Raymond the outright author. For Guillermo's difficulties, see Reg.Greg. IX, 2531; Lea, 164.<br />

94. Ed. Linehan, HS, XXII, 9 ff., q.v., for description <strong>of</strong> the MSS. See also Linehan, Studies in Church<br />

History, VII, 101-11. References to the Summa in the following pages are to the copy in AC Barcelona,<br />

Libro de la Cadena, fos. 127ra-30va.<br />

95. RAH, MS. 9-24-5/4558, fos. 171r-8v.<br />

96. Collectio Maxima Conciliorum, V, 197-202.<br />

97. Ibid. 202: 'Ista mandavit dominus archiepiscopus Tarraconensis observari in synodo per eum<br />

celebrata in sede Barchinonensi, sede vacante, anno domini 1241 in die S. Lucae Evangelistae.' For<br />

variations in the Valencia version, see ed. cit., HS, XXII. One <strong>of</strong> the more interesting is the reduction<br />

from three to two <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> godparents permitted: a restriction designed to promote the growth<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Christian population on the frontier by minimising the bonds <strong>of</strong> spiritual affinity.<br />

98. 'Idem per omnia dicimus et sub eadem poena fieri mandamus de tractatu septem sacramentorum<br />

edito per venerabilem archiepisopum praedecessorem dominum P.... Tarraconensis ecclesiae': BC<br />

Valencia, MS. 163 (cf. Olmos, Códices, 122). Aguirre, V, 197, has praedecessorem domini, viz.<br />

Archbishop Sparago or Guillermo de Mongrí. I am grateful to Don Ramón Robles, canónigo archivero<br />

<strong>of</strong> Valencia, for verifying this point for me.<br />

99. Cf. VL, XVI, 141-2, 308-10.<br />

100. Reg. Inn. IV, 4172. <strong>The</strong> date <strong>of</strong> his pr<strong>of</strong>ession is not known, but the Lérida convent was founded<br />

'much before' 1230, according to Diago, Historia de la Provincia de Aragón, fo. 147v.

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