Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy - IUCN

Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy - IUCN

Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy - IUCN


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T O W A R D S T H E S A R H A D P R O V I N C I A L C O N S E R V A T I O N S T R A T E G Y<br />


Principal Issues<br />

■ Environmental awareness & education<br />

■ Reforestation & afforestation<br />

■ Environmental education<br />

■ Physical improvement of the area<br />

■ Agricultural/mineral/economic development<br />

■ Coordinated/integrated approach<br />

■ Community/women’s involvement<br />

■ Alternate fuel sources<br />

■ NGO/CBO involvement<br />

■ Wildlife conservation<br />

■ Population planning & control<br />

Other Issues<br />

■ Formation/amendment/enforcement of law<br />

■ Soil conservation/irrigation<br />

■ <strong>Conservation</strong> and preservation of cultural heritage<br />

■ Urban building codes & byelaws<br />

■ Clean drinking water<br />

■ Fertilizer/pesticide use<br />

■ Development resources & decentralization<br />

■ Impact of Afghan refugees on resources<br />

■ Training of NGOs/CBOs<br />

■ Range land management<br />

■ Energy conservation<br />

■ SPCS pilot project<br />

pate from the villages urged the SPCS Unit to hold<br />

similar consultations in villages if a true perspective on<br />

rural environmental problems was to be obtained.<br />

Arranging village-level public consultations in all<br />

villages of the province was beyond the capacity of<br />

the SPCS Unit. It was decided that one village from<br />

each tehsil (administrative unit) in a district would<br />

be selected to give fair geographic coverage to all<br />

parts of the province. These consultations were<br />

arranged with the support of the community development<br />

projects and the networks of village organizations<br />

in some parts of the province. In others,<br />

such as Hazara and southern districts of Bannu,<br />

Lakki, D.I. Khan and Tank, the services of two<br />

NGOs (Sungi in Hazara and the Human Resource<br />

Management and Development Centre, HRMDC, in<br />

southern districts) were used. These consultations<br />

were organized in an informal atmosphere in<br />


places most convenient for the village people, so<br />

that they could freely express their views. The invited<br />

participants included members of village organizations,<br />

village elders, village activists, communitybased<br />

organizations (CBOs), and interested individuals<br />

from the village. The meetings were attended<br />

by men because of the local culture. In the southern<br />

districts, however, with the support of HRMDC, led<br />

by a women, five separate women consultations<br />

were also arranged. This was possible because the<br />

HRMDC team included a few women as well.<br />

The consultations would begin with a briefing to<br />

the participants about the SPCS, followed by invitations<br />

for suggestions, views, and comments. The proceedings<br />

of each consultation were prepared verbatim.<br />

The principal issues raised in most cases were<br />

poverty alleviation, provision of clean drinking water,<br />

drainage, sanitation, solid waste collection and disposal,<br />

recreational facilities, better means of communication,<br />

matters related to agricultural development,<br />

forest conservation, employment generation, skill<br />

training at local level, enhancing educational facilities,<br />

and frustrations with the inability of public services<br />

to deliver. A summary of the major issues raised<br />

in village meetings is given in Box 4.5.<br />

4 . 5 . 4<br />

S e c t o r-specific Consultations<br />

Besides public consultations at district and village level,<br />

sector-specific meetings were also held. Key government<br />

departments, academia, trade and labour unions,<br />

media, and the <strong>Sarhad</strong> Chambers of Commerce and<br />

Industries, and Agriculture were involved. Sector-specific<br />

meetings are listed in Annexure 3.<br />

4 . 5 . 5<br />

The Response to Public Consultations<br />

More than 3,000 people participated in the districtand<br />

village-level consultations, and the response of the<br />

public, partner organizations, Government departments,<br />

NGOs, CBOs, and the private sector was very<br />

encouraging. They not only participated but also<br />

assisted in organizing the meetings. Most participants<br />

read the material supplied to them before the consulta-

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