Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy - IUCN

Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy - IUCN Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy - IUCN
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F I N A N C I N G 17 RESOURCES MORE LIKELY TO BE AVAILABLE FOR TABLE SPCS IMPLEMENTATION IN THE SHORT-TERM, 1995-98 THEMES RESOURCES RESOURCES MORE LIKELY TO BE AVAILABLE REQUIRED LOCAL 1 DONOR 2 TOTAL (million rupees) (million rupees) Governance & Capacity Development 462 128 250 378 Poverty Alleviation & Population 6,080 1,396 4,283 5,679 Non-governmental Organizations 227 62 151 213 Communication & Education 45 20.6 11.4 32 Urban Environments & Sustainable Cities 5,263 1,239 1,564 2,803 Sustainable Industrial Development 586 76 134 210 Natural Resource Management 1,657 690 896 1,586 Biological Diversity, Parks & Protected Areas 345 23 227 250 Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism 122 54 25 79 Total 14,787 3,688.6 7,541.4 11,230 1 The availability of funds from the Government of NWFP includes its likely contribution through the Annual Development Programme (ADP) as well as non-ADP resources such as the Fund for Sustainable Development. This assessment does not include the contribution (about Rs. 2.248 billion or 20%) that the communities might make towards this cost. 2 For the purpose of this table, the likely input from the Federal Government & private sector is included in ‘donor’ resources. 1 7 . 4 . 3 Fund for Sustainable Development A Fund for Sustainable Development in the NWFP is envisaged. This will be raised initially with seed money from the Government of NWFP. The Federal Government will also be asked to contribute. It will be open to contributions by donors, drawing especially on the mechanism of swapping debt for environmental improvements. Any revenues raised from environmental levies under the polluter pay principle will also be channelled into the fund. The compliance with National Environmental Quality Standards has yet to begin, and alternative technologies are only now being evaluated to undertake cleanup programmes. Private-sector investment in actual cleanup of their operations, when it does begin, will be substantial but cannot be easily quantified at this stage. Nonetheless, the sector is expected to contribute to the fund, through environment levies, an estimated annual amount of Rs. 20 million. The fund will be administered by an autonomous board, and will be used to finance NGO environmental programmes as well as programmes they may undertake in partnership with Government organizations. An investment of Rs. 200 million is envisaged through this fund during 1995-98. A total of Rs. 60 million would be contributed by the Government of the NWFP. The remainder would come from donors and the private sector. 1 7 . 4 . 4 Federal NGO Fund for Enviro n m e n t 1 7 . 4 This fund is designed for an annual allocation of Rs. 30 million. Due to the strength of the NGO sector in the NWFP, compared with other provinces, NGOs in the province have benefited more from it in the past. In 1993-94, of a total allocation of Rs. 12.65 million from this fund, Rs. 5.10 million went to NGO activities in the NWFP. With the new NGO support programme under the SPCS, the NGO capacity to tap this fund will be even better. An investment of Rs. 30 million from this fund is expected over the next three years. SARHAD PROVINCIAL CONSERVATION STRATEGY 203

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