7TH Annual Perioperative Transesophageal ... - CME

7TH Annual Perioperative Transesophageal ... - CME

7TH Annual Perioperative Transesophageal ... - CME


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Harvard Medical School<br />

Department of<br />

Continuing Education<br />

Beth Israel Deaconess<br />

Medical Center<br />

Department of Anesthesia,<br />

Critical Care and Pain Medicine<br />

<strong>7TH</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Perioperative</strong><br />

<strong>Transesophageal</strong> Echocardiography<br />

and Echo Boards Review<br />

(Basic & Advanced)<br />

October 2 - 5, 2010<br />

- Mitral Valve Symposium<br />

- Three-Dimensional Echocardiography Symposium<br />

- Ultrasound for Regional & Vascular Access<br />

- Live Porcine Dissection<br />

- Comprehensive Basic & Advanced Echo Boards Review<br />

The Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel • Boston, MA<br />

Course Director: Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

Co-Directors:<br />

Peter Panzica, MD • Adam Lerner, MD • Douglas Shook, MD




This course is designed to benefit practicing clinicians who want a comprehensive review of<br />

the basic echocardiographic anatomy of the heart and intermediate level practitioners who<br />

want to have an update on the latest echocardiographic techniques.<br />


Clinicians planning on taking the Echo Boards exam for Special Competence in <strong>Perioperative</strong><br />

TEE as well as clinicians planning on taking the “Basic TEE Exam” can enroll in the “Echo<br />

Boards Review” session, which will include a review of echo questions as well as video clips,<br />

followed by a simulated echo boards exam. The NBE, its officers and directors have no<br />

involvement with the Echo Boards Review portion of this course or the simulated exam.<br />

Course learning objectives include:<br />

- Participants will learn techniques to perform a comprehensive intraoperative exam<br />

- Participants will learn anatomy of the heart through hands-on porcine heart dissection<br />

- There will be a detailed discussion on challenging cases and diagnostic dilemmas<br />

- Comprehensive review of multiple choice questions<br />


The Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel<br />

138 St. James Avenue<br />

Boston, MA 02116<br />

Telephone: 617-267-5300/800-441-1414<br />

Fax: 617-375-9648<br />

Hotel rooms in Boston are limited. You are urged to make your reservations early. A<br />

limited number of rooms have been reserved at The Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel (617-267-<br />

5300 or 1-800-441-1414) until September 10, 2010. Please specify that you are enrolled in<br />

this course to receive a reduced room rate of $289 Single/Double. A map of Boston listing<br />

local hotels will be sent with your confirmation of enrollment. For additional housing<br />

assistance, please call Boston Reservations at (617) 332-4199.<br />

For information on reduced airfare, call HMS Travel Desk toll free 1(877) 4-HARVMD)<br />

1-877-442-7863 Monday - Friday, 9AM to 8PM (EST). From outside the U.S., Canada and<br />

Virgin Islands, please call (617) 559-3764.


Course Director: Feroze Mahmood, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center<br />

Co-Directors: Adam Lerner, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center<br />

Peter Panzica, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center<br />

Douglas Shook, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital<br />


Gerard Aurigemma, MD<br />

Professor of Medicine,<br />

University of Massachusetts<br />

Director, Noninvasive Cardiology,<br />

University of Massachusetts,<br />

Worcester, MA<br />

Arthur Bert, MD<br />

Professor, Clinical Professor Surgery<br />

(Anesthesiology)<br />

Department of Bio Med Surgery<br />

Brown University, Providence, RI<br />

Tommy Burch, MD<br />

Assistant Professor, Cardiothoracic Anesthesia<br />

Medical University of South Carolina,<br />

Charleston, SC<br />

Albert Cheung, MD<br />

Professor of Anesthesia, Department of<br />

Anesthesia, University of Pennsylvania School<br />

of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.<br />

Co-Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery and<br />

Anesthesia Clinical Research Group, University<br />

of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA<br />

Gregg S. Hartman, MD<br />

Professor of Anesthesiology, Dartmouth<br />

Medical School, Lebanon, NH<br />

Director of Cardiac Anesthesia, Dartmouth<br />

Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH<br />

Kay Leissner, MD<br />

VA Boston Medical Center<br />

West Roxbury, MA<br />

G. Burkhard Mackenson, MD, PhD<br />

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Duke<br />

University Medical School, Durham, NC<br />

Andrew Maslow, MD<br />

Clinical Associate Professor in<br />

Anesthesiology, Brown University,<br />

Providence, RI<br />

Staff Anesthesiologist, Department of<br />

Anesthesiology, Rhode Island Hospital,<br />

Providence, RI<br />

Athena Poppas, MD<br />

Assistant Professor of Medicine,<br />

Brown Medical School<br />

Director, Echocardiography Laboratory,<br />

Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI<br />

Nikolaos Skubas, MD<br />

Weill Cornell Medical College<br />

New York, NY<br />



Ruma Bose, MD<br />

Robert Hagberg, MD<br />

Philip E. Hess, MD<br />

Kamal Khabbaz, MD<br />

Robina Matyal, MD<br />

John Mitchell, MD<br />

John Pawlowski, MD, PhD<br />

Frank Sellke, MD<br />

Sajid Shahul, MD<br />

Marc Shnider, MD<br />

Brett Simon, MD, PhD<br />

Balachundhar Subramaniam, MD<br />

Sugantha Sundar, MD<br />

Senthilnathan Venkatachalam, MD<br />

Madhav Swaminathan, MD<br />

Associate Professor Anesthesiology,<br />

Duke University Medical School, Durham, NC<br />

Director, <strong>Perioperative</strong> Echocardiography,<br />

Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC<br />


Julie Bertozzi, BS<br />

Lauren Cornella, MD<br />

Amanda Fox, MD<br />

John Fox, MD<br />

Andrew Locke, BS<br />

Annette Mizuguchi, MD, PhD<br />

J. Daniel Muehlschlegel, MD<br />

Prem Shekar, MD<br />

Stanton Shernan, MD<br />


Mark Adams, RDCS<br />

Michael Fitzsimons, MD<br />

Scott Strekenbach, MD

Also<br />

Offered<br />

Five-Day Observation in the Operating Room<br />

Problem-Based Learning Discussions<br />

Probe Manipulation and Handling<br />

Image Acquisition and Optimization<br />

Echo Boards Review<br />

Presented by:<br />

Training in <strong>Perioperative</strong> <strong>Transesophageal</strong><br />

Echocardiography Live Cases and<br />

Now with the TEE Simulator<br />

Harvard<br />

Medical<br />

School<br />

Training in <strong>Perioperative</strong> <strong>Transesophageal</strong> Echocardiography<br />

● Offered one week a month<br />

● 40 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits<br />

● Maximum two participants per week<br />

● Real-time decision making in the operating room<br />

Course Director: Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

Co-Directors: Peter Panzica, MD<br />

Balachundar Subramaniam, MD<br />

VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.cme.hms.harvard.edu/courses/pte<br />

for more information or contact Ronald Mayes @ (617) 667-5039<br />

or rmayes@bidmc.harvard.edu<br />

Echo Preceptorship

www.cme.hms.harv ard.edu/courses/tee

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2010<br />


6:00-7:15am Registration & Continental Breakfast<br />

7:15-7:30 Welcome & Introductory Remarks Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

Brett Simon, MD, PhD<br />

7:30-8:00 TEE Imaging Planes and Orientation | Gregg Hartman, MD<br />

8:00-8:30 Comprehensive Intraoperative Echo Examination | Albert Cheung, MD<br />

8:30-9:00 Image Optimization and Knobology | Mark Adams, RDCS<br />

9:00-9:30 Artifacts and Pitfalls | Gregg Hartman, MD<br />

9:30-9:45 Questions and Answers MMooddeerraattoorr | Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

9:45-10:00 BBrreeaakk aanndd DDiissppllaayy<br />

10:00-10:30 Systolic Function Assessment | Michael Fitzsimons, MD<br />

10:30-11:00 Assessment of Mitral Regurgitation | Albert Cheung, MD<br />

11:00-11:30 Right Ventricular Function | Kay Leissner, MD<br />

11:30-11:45 BBrreeaakk aanndd DDiissppllaayy<br />

11:45-12:15pm Aortic Valve Assessment | Amanda Fox, MD<br />

12:15-12:45 Tricuspid and Pulmonary Valves | Arthur Bert, MD<br />

12:45-1:00 Questions and Answers MMooddeerraattoorr | Peter Panzica, MD<br />

1:00-2:00 LLuunncchh oonn yyoouurr oowwnn<br />

LIVE PORCINE DISSECTION MMooddeerraattoorrss | JJoohhnn FFooxx,, MMDD<br />

| DDoouuggllaass SShhooookk,, MMDD<br />

2:00-4:30 PORCINE DISSECTION<br />

- One Heart per Person JJoohhnn FFooxx,, MMDD<br />

- Detailed Overview of Anatomy AAnnddrreeww LLoocckkee,, BBSS<br />

- Valvular Anatomy and Echocardiographic<br />

Correlations JJuulliiee BBeerrttoozzzzii,, BBSS<br />

LLaauurreenn CCoorrnneellllaa,, MMDD<br />

4:30-4:45 BBrreeaakk<br />


Handouts/Questions/Answers (Interactive) | FFeerroozzee MMaahhmmoooodd,, MMDD<br />

4:45-6:15pm<br />


WORKSHOP WWoorrkksshhoopp DDiirreeccttoorr | MMaarrcc SShhnniiddeerr,, MMDD<br />

6:15-8:15pm | PPhhiilliipp HHeessss,, MMDD<br />

Description: 1. Phantom Models for Vascular Access<br />

2. Phantom Models for Nerve Blocks<br />

3. Live Models for Anatomical Display<br />

4. Hands-On Experience on Multiple Stations<br />

5. Image Optimization and Equipment Overview<br />

Pre-registration<br />

is Required<br />

Faculty: Balachundhar Subramaniam, MD, Robina Matyal, MD, Ruma Bose, MD,<br />

Sugantha Sundar, MD, Marc Shnider, MD, Sajid Shahul, MD

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2010<br />

6:00-7:00am BBRREEAAKKFFAASSTT<br />

AORTIC VALVE SYMPOSIUM MMooddeerraattoorr | John Pawlowski, MD<br />

7:00-7:30 Unanticipated Aortic Stenosis | Adam Lerner, MD<br />

7:30-8:00 Aortic Regurgitation | Athena Poppas, MD<br />

8:00-8:30 Aortic Valve Repair | Robert Hagberg, MD<br />

8:30-9:00 Aortic Valve Case - Presentation and Discussion | John Mitchell, MD<br />

9:00-9:15 Questions, Answers and Discussion<br />

9:15-9:30 BBrreeaakk aanndd DDiissppllaayy<br />


9:30-10:00 Prosthetic Valve Assessment | Scott Strekenbach, MD<br />

10:00-10:30 TEE and Congenital Heart Disease | Tommy Burch, MD<br />

10:30-11:00 Pericardial Disease | Peter Panzica, MD<br />

11:00-11:15 Questions and Discussion MMooddeerraattoorr | Adam Lerner, MD<br />


11:15-12:15 | GGrreegggg HHaarrttmmaann,, MMDD<br />

12:15-1:15 Lunch on your own<br />

MITRAL VALVE SYMPOSIUM MMooddeerraattoorr | PPeetteerr PPaannzziiccaa,, MMDD<br />

AA sseerriieess ooff pprreesseennttaattiioonnss bbyy AAnneesstthheessiioollooggiissttss aanndd CCaarrddiioollooggiissttss,,<br />

FFoolllloowweedd bbyy cchhaalllleennggiinngg ccaassee pprreesseennttaattiioonnss aanndd lliivveellyy ddiissccuussssiioonn wwiitthh SSuurrggeeoonnss<br />

1:15-1:45 Echocardiographic Anatomy of Mitral Valve | Douglas Shook, MD<br />

1:45-2:15 Surgeon’s Expectations from TEE for Mitral<br />

Valve Repair | Kamal Khabbaz, MD<br />

2:15-2:45 Assessment of Mitral Valve for Suitability for<br />

Repair | Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

2:45-3:00 BBrreeaakk aanndd DDiissppllaayy<br />

3:00-3:30 Echocardiographic Assessment of a Repaired<br />

Mitral Valve | Andrew Maslow, MD<br />

3:30-4:00 Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation-Assessment<br />

in the Operating Room | Stanton Shernan, MD<br />

4:00-5:00 Mitral Valve Case Presentations J. Daniel Muehlschlegel, MD<br />

Bala Subramaniam, MD<br />

Surgical Panel Robert Hagberg, MD<br />

Kamal Khabbaz, MD<br />

Frank Sellke, MD<br />

5:00 CCoonncclluuddiinngg RReemmaarrkkss | Prem Shekar, MD<br />


Hemodynamics<br />

OCTOBER 3RD 5:00-8:00 PM<br />

Moderators: Feroze Mahmood, MD, Peter Panzica, MD<br />

Faculty: Kevin Cumminsford, MD, John Mitchell, MD, John Pawlowski, MD, PhD

MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2010<br />

6:30-7:00am BBRREEAAKKFFAASSTT<br />

DIASTOLIC FUNCTION SYMPOSIUM MMooddeerraattoorr | Douglas Shook, MD<br />

7:00-7:30 Diastolic Function Assessment -<br />

Cardiologist’s Perspective | Gerard Aurigemma, MD<br />

7:30-8:00 Diastolic Function Assessment -<br />

Anesthesiologist’s Perspective | Madhav Swaminathan, MD<br />

8:00-8:30 Doppler Tissue Imaging - | Nikolaos Skubas, MD<br />

8:30-9:00 Strain and Strain Rate Imaging - An Introduction | Madhav Swaminathan, MD<br />

9:00-9:30 Case Presentation and Discussion | Gerard Aurigemma, MD<br />

9:30-9:45 BBrreeaakk aanndd DDiissppllaayy<br />


9:45-10:15 Echocardiographic Assessment of Aortic Dissection | Albert Cheung, MD<br />

10:15-10:45 TEE and Endovascular Aortic Stenting Procedures | Madhav Swaminathan, MD<br />

10:45-11:15 Intracardiac Masses | Peter Panzica, MD<br />

11:15-11:45 Epicardial Echocardiography | John Fox, MD<br />

11:45-12:15pm Questions and Discussion MMooddeerraattoorr | John Pawlowski, MD<br />

12:15-1:30 LLuunncchh oonn yyoouurr oowwnn<br />

1:30-2:30pm ECHO JEOPARDY Peter Panzica, MD<br />

Andrew Maslow, MD<br />

Game Style Format<br />

Echo Questions<br />

Audience Participation<br />

Prizes<br />



MMooddeerraattoorr | Peter Panzica, MD<br />

2:30-3:00 Current Status of Three-Dimensional<br />

Echocardiography in the OR | Stanton Shernan, MD<br />

3:00-3:30 Three-Dimensional Echocardiography:<br />

Principles and Technical<br />

Considerations | Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

3:30-3:45 BBrreeaakk aanndd DDiissppllaayy<br />

3:45-4:15 Three-Dimensional Anatomy Mitral Valve:<br />

New Insights into Scallop Identification | G. Burkhard Mackenson, MD<br />

4:15-5:00 Case Presentations | G. Burkhard Mackenson, MD<br />

5:00 AAddjjoouurrnn

Moderators: Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

Kay Leissner, MD<br />

Faculty: Robina Matyal, MD<br />

Sajid Shahul, MD<br />

Balachundhar Subramaniam,MD<br />

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2010<br />

6:30-7:00am BBRREEAAKKFFAASSTT<br />

7:00-9:30 Challenging Case Presentations and MMooddeerraattoorr | AAnnddrreeww MMaassllooww,, MMDD<br />

Discussion<br />

Participants: John Fox, MD, Albert Cheung, MD, Scott Streckenbach, MD,<br />

Adam Lerner, MD, Kay Leissner, MD, Senthilnathan Venkatachalam, MD,<br />

Robert Hagberg, MD, Kamal Khabbaz, MD<br />

9:30 CCoonncclluuddiinngg RReemmaarrkkss | Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

Moderators: Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

Peter Panzica, MD<br />

John Pawlowski, MD<br />

Andrew Maslow, MD<br />



Basic/Advanced<br />

OCTOBER 5TH 10:00-4:00 PM<br />

1. Explanation of the format of the Echo Boards Exam<br />

2. Comprehensive review of the exam content outline with multiple choice questions and<br />

explanations<br />

3. Have the attendees take a simulated echo board examination, which will consist of video<br />

clips as well as theoretical questions<br />

Part–I:<br />

Audience Response System and Statistics | Sugantha Sundar, MD<br />

Question and Answers/Explanations Robina Matyal, MD<br />

10:00–10:15am Exam Overview | Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

10:15–12:15pm Board Questions & Explanations Feroze Mahmood, MD<br />

John Pawlowski, MD<br />

12:15–1:30pm Boxed Lunch Provided<br />

Part–II:<br />

1:30–3:30pm Simulated Echo Exam<br />

3:30–4:00pm Explanation and Answers<br />



OCTOBER 4TH 5:00-8:00 PM<br />


1. Video Exam<br />

2. Exam overview with faculty<br />

3. Mock Exam with written questions and answers<br />

4. Interactive discussions<br />

(Participants will be provided with individual calculators/handouts for this portion of the exam)<br />

4:00pm Concluding Remarks and Adjourn

7th <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Perioperative</strong> <strong>Transesophageal</strong> Echocardiography<br />

and Echo Boards Review October 2 - 5, 2010<br />

Register early, space is limited. All foreign payments must be made by a draft on a United States<br />

Bank or by Visa or MasterCard. If paying by check, please make payable to Harvard Medical School<br />

and mail with completed registration form to Harvard Medical School - Department of Continuing<br />

Education, P.O. Box 825, Boston, MA 02117-0825. If paying by credit card, please register online at<br />

www.cme.hms.harvard.edu/courses/tee. Telephone or mail-in registration with credit card payment<br />

is not accepted. Inquiries should be directed to the above address, made by phone: 617-384-8600,<br />

Monday-Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM (EST), or by e-mail: hms-cme@hms.harvard.edu. Upon receipt of your<br />

registration form an email confirmation from the HMS-DCE office will be sent to you. Therefore,<br />

be sure to include an email address that you check daily/frequently. Your email address is used for<br />

critical information about the course including: registration confirmation, course evaluation and<br />

certificate.<br />

REFUND POLICY: A handling fee of $60 is deducted for cancellation. Refund requests must be<br />

received by mail or fax one week prior to the course. No refunds will be made thereafter.<br />


Physicians - Course Only $990 (USD), Course & Echo Boards Review $1250 (USD)<br />

Residents*/Fellows in Training* - Course Only $590 (USD), Course & Echo Boards Review $625 (USD)<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Course Only $590 (USD), Course & Echo Boards Review $625 (USD)<br />


Harvard Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education<br />

(AC<strong>CME</strong>) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.<br />

Harvard Medical School designates this educational activity for a maximum of the following AMA PRA<br />

Category 1 Credit(s) TM :<br />

Course Only: 26.75<br />

Optional Evening Physics Workshop and Hands-On Regional and Vascular Workshop:<br />

(Saturday, October 2) 3.5<br />

Echo Boards Review: 10.75<br />

Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.<br />

The American Medical Association has determined that physicians not licensed in the US who participate<br />

in the <strong>CME</strong> activity are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s).

✄<br />

7th <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Perioperative</strong> <strong>Transesophageal</strong> Echocardiography and Echo Boards Review Class #301288<br />

Choose Your Fee: Course Only Course & Echo Boards Review<br />

Physicians $990 (USD) $1250 (USD)<br />

Residents*/Fellows in Training* $590 (USD) $625 (USD)<br />

Allied Health Professionals $590 (USD) $625 (USD)<br />

*A letter of verification from Department Chair must accompany registration form for a reduced fee.<br />

YES! I will attend NO, I will not attend the optional Physics Workshop and Hands-On<br />

Regional and Vascular Workshop on Saturday, October 2, from 4:45 PM - 8:15 PM.<br />

(Pre-registration is required.)<br />

All Fields Required. Please Print Clearly:<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

First Name Middle Initial Last Name<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Degree<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Street Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Country Daytime Phone Fax Number<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Email Address Upon receipt of your registration form an email confirmation from the HMS-DCE office will be sent to you. Therefore, be sure to<br />

include an email address that you check daily/frequently. Your email address is used for critical information about the course<br />

including: registration confirmation, course evaluation and certificate.<br />

Please check if you wish to be excluded from receiving email notices of future Harvard Medical School - Department of<br />

Continuing Education programs.<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Professional School Attend Year of Graduation Board Certified? Yes No<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Primary Specialty (Physicians Only) Organization Affiliation<br />


If paying by check, please make payable to Harvard Medical School and mail to:<br />

Harvard Medical School - Department of Continuing Education<br />

P.O. Box 825, Boston, MA 02117-0825<br />

If paying by credit card, telephone, fax or mail-in registrations are not accepted. Please register online at:<br />

Online Registrants: Add the first three<br />

characters of the source code found here <br />

www.cme.hms.harvard.edu/courses/tee<br />

Source Code: A WEB B C D E X Z

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