Rabanus Maurus - Concilium medii aevi

Rabanus Maurus - Concilium medii aevi

Rabanus Maurus - Concilium medii aevi


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FEE-ALEXANDRA HAASE: Rhetoric as praise of the emperor<br />

Alcuin introduced with his Disputatio de rhetorica et virtutibus the definition of<br />

rhetoric in a dialogue between him and Charlemagne:<br />

K. Unde dicta est rhetorica?<br />

K. Where does ‘rhetoric’ come from?<br />

A. Apo tou retoreuein, id est copia locutionis.<br />

A. ‘ Apo tou retoreuein’, this is the variety of speaking.<br />

K. Ad quem finem spectat?<br />

K. What is its purpose?<br />

A. Ad bene dicendi scientiam.<br />

A. The art of good speaking.<br />

K. In quibus versatur rebus?<br />

K. To which things is it related?<br />

A. To civil things, these are scholary questions […].<br />

A. In civilibus, id est doctis quaestionibus […]. 12<br />

Alcuin invoces the king with the words Dominus rex Karlus:<br />

A. Deus te, domine mi rex Karle, omni sapientiae lumine inluminavit et scientiae<br />

claritate ornavit, ut non solum magistrorum ingenia prompte subsequi, sed etiam in<br />

multis velociter praecurrere possis. 13<br />

A. God enlightened you, my master King Charles, with the light of total wisdom and<br />

decorated you with the clearness of science, so that you not only are able to follow<br />

immediately the intellect of the teachers, but also are able to proceed in many. 14<br />

In the Epistola de litteris colendis (784/85), for which Charlemagne is considered<br />

being the author, the docendi et discendi instantia is mentioned:<br />

12<br />

K. WERNER, Alcuin und sein Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur christlich-theologischen<br />

Literaturgeschichte. 1876, Pp. 12ff.<br />

13<br />

http://freespace.virgin.net/angus.graham/Alcuin.htm. [2.2.2004]<br />

14<br />

http://freespace.virgin.net/angus.graham/Alcuin.htm. [2.2.2004]<br />


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