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Common Units Certainty Equivalent Constructive A type of interaction between a goal's active members where a high Interaction utility for one member leads to a high overall utility for the goal. Constructive interaction is modeled by a multiplicative MUF formula where the sum of the weights (small ks) is more than 1.0, and the interaction scaling constant big K is less than 0.0. Default See Utility. The certainty equivalent of a probabilistic level of a measure for an alternative is the level for that measure that is equally preferred to the uncertain outcome defined by the probability distribution. LDW computes the certainty equivalent by finding the expected utility (defined by summing (integrating) prob(x)U(x) for all levels x whose probability is greater than 0) for the probability distribution. The certainty equivalent is the level y such that U(y) equals the expected utility for the probability distribution. See also: Alternative, Level, Measure, Probabilistic Level, Utility. See also: Big K, Destructive Interaction, Goal, Member, MUF, MUF Formula, Small k, utility, Weight. A default is a value for a variable assigned by LDW in the absence of a specification from the user. Defaults include ! Measure Levels for Alternatives -- set to the most preferred level for the measure. ! SUF curves -- set to straight lines over the measure's entire range. ! Level types -- assumed to be point estimates rather than probabilistic ! MUF scaling constants -- assumed that all active members of a goal have equal weights (equal small ks in an additive MUF) See also: Initialize. 12-2 Section 12 -- Glossary

Destructive Interaction Efficient Frontier Goal Goals Hierarchy Initialize Label A type of interaction between a goal's active members where a low utility for one member leads to a low overall utility for the goal. Destructive interaction is modeled by a multiplicative MUF formula where the sum of the weights (small ks) is less than 1.0 and the interaction scaling constant big K is greater than 0.0. See also: Big K, Goal, Member, MUF, MUF Formula, Small k, Utility, Weight. A cumulative graph showing the alternatives ordered by decreasing benefit/cost ratio. In the absence of other constraints, the efficient frontier shows the order in which you would select multiple alternatives if you wanted to maximize their benefits subject to a budget constraint. A set of measures (and possibly other goals) treated as a unit for ranking purposes. The goals form a hierarchy ranging from most to least general. Each analysis is required to have at least one goal, called Overall. If no other goals have been defined, all of the measures are members of the Overall goal. A measure or goal can be a member of only one goal. See also: Measure, Member. An representation like an organization chart of a set of goals and measures that organizes them from most to least general. Goals and measures can be members of another higher (or more general goal) and in turn goals can have members which are lower (more specific) goals or ranking measures. See also: Goal, Measure, Member. When a variable is initialized it is returned to its default value. When SUFs are initialized, they become straight lines. When tradeoffs are initialized, they are simply deleted. See also: Default. A label is a type of measure level that is a text string rather than a number. Measures must use either text labels or numbers, and the two types can't be mixed in a single measure. You specify if text labels are to be used in a measure's dialog box. Each alternative is Section 12 -- Glossary 12-3

Common<br />

Units<br />

Certainty<br />

Equivalent<br />

Constructive A type of interaction between a goal's active members where a high<br />

Interaction utility for one member leads to a high overall utility for the goal.<br />

Constructive interaction is modeled by a multiplicative MUF formula<br />

where the sum of the weights (small ks) is more than 1.0, and the<br />

interaction scaling constant big K is less than 0.0.<br />

Default<br />

See Utility.<br />

The certainty equivalent of a probabilistic level of a measure for an<br />

alternative is the level for that measure that is equally preferred to the<br />

uncertain outcome defined by the probability distribution.<br />

LDW computes the certainty equivalent by finding the expected<br />

utility (defined by summing (integrating) prob(x)U(x) for all levels x<br />

whose probability is greater than 0) for the probability distribution.<br />

The certainty equivalent is the level y such that U(y) equals the<br />

expected utility for the probability distribution.<br />

See also: Alternative, Level, Measure, Probabilistic Level, Utility.<br />

See also: Big K, Destructive Interaction, Goal, Member, MUF, MUF<br />

Formula, Small k, utility, Weight.<br />

A default is a value for a variable assigned by LDW in the absence of<br />

a specification from the user. Defaults include<br />

! Measure Levels for Alternatives -- set to the most preferred<br />

level for the measure.<br />

! SUF curves -- set to straight lines over the measure's entire<br />

range.<br />

! Level types -- assumed to be point estimates rather than<br />

probabilistic<br />

! MUF scaling constants -- assumed that all active members of<br />

a goal have equal weights (equal small ks in an<br />

additive MUF)<br />

See also: Initialize.<br />

12-2 Section 12 -- Glossary

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