Logical Decisions - Classweb

Logical Decisions - Classweb Logical Decisions - Classweb

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The check box labeled "Allow Representatives for Sub-Goals" lets you use a member of a sub-goal as its representative in the weight assessment. LDW infers the sub-goal's weight from the member's weight in the active goal's assessment and its weight in the subgoal's MUF. Not all assessment methods allow the use of representatives. Assessing Weights with Tradeoffs The "Tradeoff" method defines weights for a goal by having you identify pairs of simple alternatives that differ in two members but that you prefer equally. LDW identifies weights for the two members that give these equally preferred pairs an equal utility for the goal. Each tradeoff defines the ratio of the weights for the two members in the tradeoff. These ratios --plus the fact that the weights must sum to one -- let LDW compute the weights for all the goal’s members from the tradeoffs. This computation is more complicated if there are interactions between the members. The discussions on page 9-44 and in Appendix A describe how LDW computes weights using tradeoffs in more detail. You begin the tradeoff assessment process by clicking the "Assess" button in the “Weights” tab in the assess weights dialog box . When you do this you will see the tradeoffs dialog box shown in Figure 7-11. 7-26 Section 7 -- Using LDW 2: Assessing

Figure 7-11. Assess tradeoffs dialog box. This dialog box lets you select pairs of members and assess a tradeoff for them. You select one member from the list labeled "First Member:". LDW will update the list of allowable second members based on the first member you select. Only"non-redundant" pairs are allowed. Non-redundant tradeoffs define a weight ratio that can't be computed based on the other tradeoffs. When you have selected two members to compare in a tradeoff, click the "Assess" button to begin the tradeoff process. Selecting Representatives. If you select a goal as a tradeoff member and you have selected the "Allow Representatives for Sub-Goals" option in the assess weights dialog box, LDW will next ask you to select a representative for the goal to use in the tradeoff. You can select the goal itself or any of the goals or measures under that goal as the representative. Section 7 -- Using LDW 2: Assessing 7-27

Figure 7-11. Assess tradeoffs dialog box.<br />

This dialog box lets you select pairs of members and assess a<br />

tradeoff for them. You select one member from the list labeled<br />

"First Member:". LDW will update the list of allowable second<br />

members based on the first member you select.<br />

Only"non-redundant" pairs are allowed. Non-redundant<br />

tradeoffs define a weight ratio that can't be computed based on<br />

the other tradeoffs.<br />

When you have selected two members to compare in a tradeoff,<br />

click the "Assess" button to begin the tradeoff process.<br />

Selecting Representatives. If you select a goal as a tradeoff<br />

member and you have selected the "Allow Representatives for<br />

Sub-Goals" option in the assess weights dialog box, LDW will next<br />

ask you to select a representative for the goal to use in the<br />

tradeoff. You can select the goal itself or any of the goals or<br />

measures under that goal as the representative.<br />

Section 7 -- Using LDW 2: Assessing 7-27

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