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5-15-06 Bibliography of Documents 5-15-06 7/28/70. 5:35-5:36 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: White House Office 5-15-07 [1/29/70]. 9:03 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Rose Mary Woods, and John Ehrlichman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government and the press; Congres- sional-executive relations; Press coverage; Klein, Herbert G. 5-15-09 1/29/70. 10:39 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Ehrhchman, John D.; Buchanan, Patrick J. 5-15-10 1/30/70. 8:14-8:24 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; Religious observ- ances; Congressional-executive relations; Gov- ernment information and information services; White House Office 5-15-13 1/30/70. 4:59-5:01 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Helicopters; Presidential protection; Secret Service; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Shultz, George P. 5-15-14 1/31/70. 1:32-2:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Presidential appointments; Mone- tary policy; Press coverage; Cabinet; Travel; Chicago, 111.; Lipscomb, Glenard P.; Nixon, Tricia; Nixon, Pat; Nixon, Julie; Eisenhower, David; McCracken, Paul W.; Bums, Arthur; Kennedy, David M.; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr. 5-15-17 2/1/70. 6:11-6:13 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: White House; Names lists 5-15-18 2/2/70. 8:22-8:33 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. 32 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes Descriptors: Presidential vetoes; Congressional- executive relations; Budget of the U.S.; State of the Union address; Political broadcasting; Press coverage; Government and the press; Govern- ment efficiency; Cemeteries and funerals; Kalm- bach, Herbert W.; Timmons, William E.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Taft, William H.; Roosevelt, Theodore; Laird, Melvin R.; Lipscomb, Glenard P. 5-15-23 2/2/70. 9:43-9:55 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Republican Party; White House Office; Names lists; Allen, James E.; Rogers, William P.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Graham, Billy 5-15-25 2/2/70. 1:03-1:20 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Awards, medals and prizes; Govern- ment efficiency; Bureau of Budget; Nixon, Pat; Wilkinson, Charles B.; White, Theodore H.; Perot, H. Ross; Bums, Arthur; Anderson, Martin C; Mayo, Robert P.; Weinberger, Caspar W.; Romney, George W. 5-15-27 2/3/70. 2:50-3:20 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government reorganization; Volun- teer agencies and workers; White House Police; Uniforms; Press coverage; Government and the press; Rogers, William P.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Goodell, Charles E.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Salinger, Pierre; BeLieu, Kenneth E.; McKinley, Arch; Brinkley, David 5-15-30 2/4/70. 9:35-10:41 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, Bryce Harlow, Kenneth BeLieu, Richard Cook, Lyn Nofziger, Eugene Cowen, and William Timmons in the Oval Office. Descriptors: State of the Union address; Press coverage; Government and the press; Discrimi- nation in education; Black Americans; Demo- cratic Party; Schwengel, Fred; Rogers, William P.; Loory, Stuart H.; Reston, James B.; Panetta, Leon E.; Mitchell, John N.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Haynsworth, Clement; Mollenhoff, Clark R.; Phillips, Kevin 5-15-33 [2/70]. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Names lists 5-15-34 2/4/70. 10:46-11:20 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Peter Flanigan, Bryce Harlow, and John Ehrlichman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage 5-15-36 [2/70]. Contents: Notes. Descriptors: White House; Household workers; Scouten, Rex W. 5-15-37 2/4/70. 12:30-2:45 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government efficiency; Strategies for raUying public opinion; Chicago, 111.; Press coverage; Mollenhoff, Clark R.; Nofziger, Lyn 5-15-40: [Withdrawn item]. 5-15-41 £2/707. Contents: Notes. (?) Descriptors: Congressional elections; Michigan; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Griffin, Robert P.; MiUiken, William G.; Ford, Gerald R.; Romney, George W. 5-15-44 2/5/70. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Press coverage; Television; Gardner, John W. 5-15-45 2/5/70. 11:05 am-12:21 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman on Air Force One. Descriptors: Public opinion polls; Press coverage; Mardian, Robert C. 5-15-46 [2/70]. Contents: Notes. (?) Descriptors: Government efficiency; Planning 5-15-47 2/6/70. 5:44 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrhchman at the Executive Office Building. Descriptors: Federal-State relations; Business cy- cles; Chotiner, Murray; Dent, Harry S. 5-15-48:

Bibliography of Documents [Withdrawn item]. 5-15-49 2/9/70. 10:18-10:41 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government reorganization; Cabi- net; Selective Service System; National Security Council; Price, Raymond K., Jr.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; DuBridge, Lee A.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Pike, Thomas P. 5-15-51 2/9/70. 4:35-5:20 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government reorganization; Con- gressional-executive relations; Strategies for rallying public opinion; Speeches and addresses; Black Americans; Press coverage; DuBridge, Lee A.; Allen, James E.; Mansfield, Michael J. Rogers, Adele; Terzian, Carl; Graham, Billy Mitchell, John N.; Milliken, William G.; Kendall, Donald M. 5-15-55 2/10/70. 4:51-4:53 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: School busing; Charlotte, N.C.; Fed- eral-local relations; Department of Justice 5-15-56 2/7 0/70. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Speeches and addresses; Safire, Wil- liam L. 5-15-57 2/10/70. 9:42-10:05 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage 5-15-58 2/10/70. 6:16-6:25 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government reorganization; Plan- ning 5-15-60 [2/70]. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and Robert Finch. (?) Descriptors: Discrimination in education; Los Angeles, Calif.; Courts 5-15-61 2/10/70. 12:40-1:42 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: School busing; Charlotte, N.C.; Democratic Party; Congressional elections; Mi- chigan; Shultz, George P.; Finch, Robert H.; Mitchell, John N.; Romney, George W.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Romney, Lenore; Stuart, Constance; Krogh, Egil, Jr. 5-15-63 2/11/70. 3:40-4:33 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Presidential communications and messages; Speeches and addresses; Congression- al-executive relations; Government efficiency; Strategies for rallying public opinion; Bums, Arthur; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Flanigan, Peter M. 5-15-65 2/11/70. 9:16-10:07 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Civil liberties; Elections; Housing; Democratic Party; Public schools; Economic policy; Television; Miller, Arjay; Wilkinson, Charles B.; Romney, George W.; Mansfield, Michael J.; Nixon, Pat 5-15-68 2/;i/70. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Travel; Asia; Air pollution; Public schools; Television; Nixon, Julie; Eisenhower, David; Richardson, Elliot L.; Train, Russell E.; Nickerson, Al; McElroy, Neil H.; Borch, Fred J. 5-15-70 2/11/70. 2:57-3:00 pm Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Civil liberties; Elections; Public schools; Teachers; Miller, Arjay 5-15-71 2/12/70. 12:06-12:38 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: School busing; Civil liberties; Elec- tions; Press coverage; Television; Chicago, 111.; Economic policy; Business cycles; Kennedy, Edward M.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Móndale, Walter F.; Stans, Maurice H.; Flanigan, Peter M. 5-15-73 £2/70;. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Peace Corps; Rogers, William P.; Passman, Otto E. 5-15-74 5-15-84 2/12/70. 1:32-1:36 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Presidential appointments; Foreign relations; France; McElroy, Neil H.; Pompidou, Georges; David, Edward E., Jr.; Casey, William J.; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-15-75 2/14/70. 11:32-11:38 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Democratic Party; Political ethics; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Mollenhoff, Clark R.; Dole, Robert J. 5-15-76 2/Í5/70. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Inflation; Business cycles; Press cov- erage 5-15-77 2/15/70. 4:15-4:28 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Travel; Business cycles; Names lists; Nixon, Julie; Eisenhower, David; Mayo, Robert P. 5-15-79 2/16/70. 9:50-10:20 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Cabinet; Economic policy; Foreign relations; School busing; Democratic Party; McCracken, Paul W.; Dole, Robert J.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Kennedy, Edward M. 5-15-80 2/16/70. 1:04-1:17 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Travel; Asia; Foreign relations; United Kingdom; Colleges and universities; Anniversaries; Ohio State University; Awards, medals and prizes; Garment, Leonard; Bayh, Birch E.; Nixon, Julie; Eisenhower, David; Finch, Robert H.; Hickel, Walter J.; Whitaker, John C; Charles, Prince of Wales; Anne, Princess 5-15-84 2/16/70. 8:10-8:13 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Speeches and addresses; Economic policy; Congressional-executive relations; Her- shey, Lewis B.; Agnew, Spiro T. Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 33

5-15-06 Bibliography of Documents<br />

5-15-06<br />

7/28/70. 5:35-5:36 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: White House Office<br />

5-15-07<br />

[1/29/70]. 9:03 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Rose Mary Woods, and John<br />

Ehrlichman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Congres-<br />

sional-executive relations; Press coverage; Klein,<br />

Herbert G.<br />

5-15-09<br />

1/29/70. 10:39 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Ehrhchman, John D.; Buchanan,<br />

Patrick J.<br />

5-15-10<br />

1/30/70. 8:14-8:24 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; Religious observ-<br />

ances; Congressional-executive relations; Gov-<br />

ernment information and information services;<br />

White House Office<br />

5-15-13<br />

1/30/70. 4:59-5:01 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Helicopters; Presidential protection;<br />

Secret Service; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Shultz,<br />

George P.<br />

5-15-14<br />

1/31/70. 1:32-2:15 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Presidential appointments; Mone-<br />

tary policy; Press coverage; Cabinet; Travel;<br />

Chicago, 111.; Lipscomb, Glenard P.; Nixon,<br />

Tricia; Nixon, Pat; Nixon, Julie; Eisenhower,<br />

David; McCracken, Paul W.; Bums, Arthur;<br />

Kennedy, David M.; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.<br />

5-15-17<br />

2/1/70. 6:11-6:13 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: White House; Names lists<br />

5-15-18<br />

2/2/70. 8:22-8:33 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and Bryce<br />

Harlow in the Oval Office.<br />

32 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes<br />

Descriptors: Presidential vetoes; Congressional-<br />

executive relations; Budget of the U.S.; State of<br />

the Union address; Political broadcasting; Press<br />

coverage; Government and the press; Govern-<br />

ment efficiency; Cemeteries and funerals; Kalm-<br />

bach, Herbert W.; Timmons, William E.; Agnew,<br />

Spiro T.; Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.;<br />

Taft, William H.; Roosevelt, Theodore; Laird,<br />

Melvin R.; Lipscomb, Glenard P.<br />

5-15-23<br />

2/2/70. 9:43-9:55 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and Henry<br />

Kissinger in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Republican Party; White House Office; Names<br />

lists; Allen, James E.; Rogers, William P.;<br />

Moynihan, Daniel P.; Graham, Billy<br />

5-15-25<br />

2/2/70. 1:03-1:20 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Awards, medals and prizes; Govern-<br />

ment efficiency; Bureau of Budget; Nixon, Pat;<br />

Wilkinson, Charles B.; White, Theodore H.;<br />

Perot, H. Ross; Bums, Arthur; Anderson, Martin<br />

C; Mayo, Robert P.; Weinberger, Caspar W.;<br />

Romney, George W.<br />

5-15-27<br />

2/3/70. 2:50-3:20 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Government reorganization; Volun-<br />

teer agencies and workers; White House Police;<br />

Uniforms; Press coverage; Government and the<br />

press; Rogers, William P.; Kissinger, Henry A.;<br />

Goodell, Charles E.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Salinger,<br />

Pierre; BeLieu, Kenneth E.; McKinley, Arch;<br />

Brinkley, David<br />

5-15-30<br />

2/4/70. 9:35-10:41 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, Bryce Harlow,<br />

Kenneth BeLieu, Richard Cook, Lyn Nofziger,<br />

Eugene Cowen, and William Timmons in the<br />

Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: State of the Union address; Press<br />

coverage; Government and the press; Discrimi-<br />

nation in education; Black Americans; Demo-<br />

cratic Party; Schwengel, Fred; Rogers, William<br />

P.; Loory, Stuart H.; Reston, James B.; Panetta,<br />

Leon E.; Mitchell, John N.; Moynihan, Daniel<br />

P.; Haynsworth, Clement; Mollenhoff, Clark R.;<br />

Phillips, Kevin<br />

5-15-33<br />

[2/70].<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Names lists<br />

5-15-34<br />

2/4/70. 10:46-11:20 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Peter Flanigan, Bryce Harlow, and<br />

John Ehrlichman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Press coverage<br />

5-15-36<br />

[2/70].<br />

Contents: Notes.<br />

Descriptors: White House; Household workers;<br />

Scouten, Rex W.<br />

5-15-37<br />

2/4/70. 12:30-2:45 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Government efficiency; Strategies<br />

for raUying public opinion; Chicago, 111.; Press<br />

coverage; Mollenhoff, Clark R.; Nofziger, Lyn<br />

5-15-40:<br />

[Withdrawn item].<br />

5-15-41<br />

£2/707.<br />

Contents: Notes. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Congressional elections; Michigan;<br />

Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Griffin, Robert P.;<br />

MiUiken, William G.; Ford, Gerald R.; Romney,<br />

George W.<br />

5-15-44<br />

2/5/70.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Press coverage; Television; Gardner,<br />

John W.<br />

5-15-45<br />

2/5/70. 11:05 am-12:21 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman on Air Force One.<br />

Descriptors: Public opinion polls; Press coverage;<br />

Mardian, Robert C.<br />

5-15-46<br />

[2/70].<br />

Contents: Notes. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Government efficiency; Planning<br />

5-15-47<br />

2/6/70. 5:44 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and John Ehrhchman at the<br />

Executive Office Building.<br />

Descriptors: Federal-State relations; Business cy-<br />

cles; Chotiner, Murray; Dent, Harry S.<br />


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