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5-12-88 Descriptors: Rumsfeld, Donald; Kissinger, Henry A.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Garment, Leonard 5-12-89 U/24/69. Contents: Notes from Henry Kissinger's brief- ing. (?) Descriptors: Government information and infor- mation services; International relations; Govern- ment efficiency; Names lists; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-12-92 11/25/69. 10:41-11:23 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, VP Agnew, and Stanley Blair in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Travel; Astronauts; Vietnam, South; Press coverage; Television; My Lai massacre; Criminal procedure; Borman, Frank; Armstrong, Neil A.; Paine, Thomas 5-12-94 11/25/69. Contents: Notes from televised debate on VP Agnew. (?) Descriptors: Government and the press; Televi- sion; Federal Communications Commission; Public opinion polls; Agnew, Spiro T.; Wallace, Mike; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Klein, Herbert G.; Moyers, Bill D. 5-12-96 11/25/69. 9:55-10:32 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Nixon Foundation; Libraries; Bowl- ing; Photography; Fairness Doctrine; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Mayer, Jean; Atkins, Ollie 5-13-04 11/26/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Middle East; Budget deficits; Inflation; Federal employees; Postal service; Scranton, William W.; McCloy, John J.; Anderson, Martin C; Blount, Winton M. 5-13-05 11/28/69. 1:18-1:40 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Press coverage; Football; Awards, medals and prizes; Hunger and malnutrition; White House; Marriage; Haynsworth, Clement; Krogh, Egil, Jr.; Bums, Arthur; Price, Raymond K., Jr.; Hope, Bob; Stone, W. Clement; Mulcahy, John; Perot, H. Ross; Rogers, William P.; Hardin, Clifford M.; Rogers, Douglas L.; Hardin, Nancy A.; Nixon, Pat 28 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 5-13-07 12/1/69. 9:20-9:28 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: White House; Blair House; As- tronauts; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Hope, Bob; Haynsworth, Clement 5-13-08 12/1/69. 2:15-2:40 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: My Lai massacre; Government and the press; Kissinger, Henry A.; Ziegler, Ronald L. 5-13-09 12/1/69. 10:55-11:40 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: My Lai massacre; Government and the press; Government efficiency; Football; Awards, medals and prizes; Agnew, Spiro T.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Rumsfeld, Donald; Hayns- worth, Clement 5-13-11 12/1/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Vietnam, North; Paris peace talks; Press coverage; Lodge, Henry Cabot; Perot, H. Ross 5-13-13 12/1/69. 12:41pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Nominations; White House; Christ- mas; Press coverage; Haynsworth, Clement; Hope, Bob; Newton, Bessie 5-13-14: [Withdrawn item]. 5-13-15 12/2/69. 5:05 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Speeches and addresses; Music; Philadelphia, Pa.; Presidential Medal of Free- dom; Congressional-executive relations; Travel; Security clearances; My Lai massacre; Agnew, Spiro T.; Ormandy, Eugene; Kissinger, Henry A.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Laird, Melvin R.; Harlow, Bryce N. 5-13-17 12/3/69. 3:50-5:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Bibliography of Documents Descriptors: Speeches and addresses; Television; Music; Congressional-executive relations; Geria- trics and gerontology; Crime and criminals; Department of Justice; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Huebner, Lee; Hirt, Al; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Mitchell, John N.; Harlow, Bryce N. 5-13-20 12/4/69. 5:15-6:51 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Bryce Harlow, Harry Dent, and Donald Rumsfeld at the Executive Office Building. Descriptors: Department of State; Travel; Politi- cal broadcasting; Congressional elections; Ag- new, Spiro T. 5-13-22 12/3/69. 12:40-2:20 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Ralph de Toledano, and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Presidential appointments; White House Office; Speeches and addresses; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Wright, Marshall; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-13-24 12/5/69. 2:50-3:05 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage; My Lai massacre; Marine Corps; Government investigations; Johnson, W. Thomas 5-13-26 12/6/69. 8:15-8:36 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. 5-13-27 12/7/69. 5:20-5:27 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Council for Rural Affairs; Food supply; Agnew, Spiro T.; Murphy, George L.; Regan, Ronald 5-13-28 12/8/69. 9:00 pm. Contents: Notes from press conference. Descriptors: My Lai massacre; Laos; Taxation; Presidential vetoes; Food stamp programs; School lunch and breakfast programs; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; Thailand; Paris peace talks; Discrimination in education; Budget deficits; Office of Economic Opportunity; Press coverage; Television; Agnew, Spiro T.; Laird, Melvin R.; Mitchell, Martha; Lodge, Henry Cabot 5-13-33

Bibliography of Documents 5-13-72 72/8/(59. Contents: Telephone log. 5-13-37 12/8/69. 5:10-5:15 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Press coverage; Kissinger, Henry A.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Churchill, Winston S. 5-13-38 ¡2/8/69. 11:27-11:31 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Soviet Union; Germany, West; Hun- ger and malnutrition; Conferences; Press cover- age; Kissinger, Henry A.; Harlow, Bryce N. 5-13-40 ¡2/9/69. Contents: Telephone log. 5-13-41 12/9/69. 9:32-10:03 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage; Speeches and ad- dresses; MacArthur, Douglas; Lewis, Hobart D.; Mitchell, John N.; Buchanan, Patrick J. 5-13-43 ¡2/9/69. 2:50-3:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Government in- formation and information services; Presidential appointments; Bureau of Budget; Colson, Charles W.; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Schlesinger, James R.; Fitzgerald, A. Ernest 5-13-44: [Withdrawn item]. 5-13-45 ¡2/10/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Government and the press; Vietnam Conflict 5-13-46 ¡2/H/69. 4:05-5:30 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, John Ehrlich- man, and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; White House Office; Office of Consumer Affairs; Mayo, Robert P.; Hughes, James D.; Knauer, Virginia H. 5-13-47 12/12/69. 2:0¡-3:¡5 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: White House Office; Vietnam Con- flict; Prisoners of war; Military dependents; Political broadcasting; Cheshire, Maxine; Habib, Philip C; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-13-49 12/13/69. 3:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Robert Mayo, and James Schles- inger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; Federal em- ployees; Office of Economic Opportunity; Department of Interior; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Food stamp programs; Legal aid and services; VISTA; Head Start Project; Child day care; American Revolution Bicentennial Commission; Commission on Civil Rights; Equal Employment Opportunity Com- mission; Inter-Agency Committee on Mexican American Affairs; Drunk driving; Prisons; Suicide; Children; Rumsfeld, Donald; Ehrlich- man, John D.; Dole, Hollis M.; Hickel, Walter J.; Brown, William H., Ill; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-13-50: [Withdrawn item]. 5-13-54 12/13/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Government and the press; Look (magazine); Garment, Leonard; Frost, David; de Toledano, Ralph; Klein, Herbert G. 5-13-55 12/14/69. 1:27-1:46 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: White House; Music; Christmas; Speeches and addresses; Woods, Rose Mary; Safire, William L.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Wright, Marshall; Winchester, Lucy A. 5-13-58 12/15/69. 1:05-1:20 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Vietnam Conflict; Speeches and addresses; Kissinger, Henry A.; Rogers, William P.; Haig, Alexander M., Jr.; Laird, Melvin R. 5-13-59 12/15/69. 8:40-9:52 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Christmas; Speeches and addresses; Monetary policy; Department of Treasury; State of the Union address; Foreign relations; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; Foreign opinion of the U.S.; Government reorganization; Strategies for rallying public opinion; White House; Safire, William L.; Nixon, Pat; Rebozo, Charles G.; Kennedy, David M.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Rumsfeld, Donald; Wright, Marshall; Ehrlich- man, John D. 5-13-62 12/16/69. l:01-¡:20 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Christmas; Photography; Govern- ment and the press; Speeches and addresses; Kalmbach, Herbert W.; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-13-64 12/16/69. l¡:08-¡¡:35 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Speeches and addresses; Christmas; Agnew, Spiro T.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Rogers, William P.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Safire, William L.; Klein, Herbert G.; Mollenhoff, Clark R.; Nofziger, Lyn; Perot, H. Ross 5-13-67 12/18/69. 2:50 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Golf; Presidential appointments; Press coverage; Palmer, Arnold; Humphrey, Muriel; Kissinger, Henry A.; Bobst, Elmer H. 5-13-69 12/18/69. 6:28-6:33 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Office of Consumer Affairs; Ehrlich- man, John D.; Knauer, Virginia H. 5-13-70 12/19/69. 8:55-10:08 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage; New Jersey; Vir- ginia; White House; Household workers; Gifts and donations; Congressional-executive rela- tions; Christmas; Phillips, Kevin; Scouten, Rex W. 5-13-72 12/3¡/69. ¡0:¡5-11:05 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Ronald Ziegler, and Henry Kissinger at San Clemente. Descriptors: Government and the press; Environ- mental pollution and control; Planning; Speeches and addresses; Television; Western White House; Agnew, Spiro T.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Pearson, Drew; Otten, Alan L.; Nixon, Pat; Winchester, Lucy A.; Stuart, Constance; Rock- efeller, Nelson; Reagan, Ronald; Drown, Jack; Drown, Helene; Annenberg, Walter H.; Annen- berg, Leonore Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 29

Bibliography of Documents 5-13-72<br />

72/8/(59.<br />

Contents: Telephone log.<br />

5-13-37<br />

12/8/69. 5:10-5:15 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Press coverage; Kissinger, Henry A.;<br />

Buchanan, Patrick J.; Harlow, Bryce N.;<br />

Churchill, Winston S.<br />

5-13-38<br />

¡2/8/69. 11:27-11:31 am.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Soviet Union; Germany, West; Hun-<br />

ger and malnutrition; Conferences; Press cover-<br />

age; Kissinger, Henry A.; Harlow, Bryce N.<br />

5-13-40<br />

¡2/9/69.<br />

Contents: Telephone log.<br />

5-13-41<br />

12/9/69. 9:32-10:03 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, and Ronald<br />

Ziegler in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Press coverage; Speeches and ad-<br />

dresses; MacArthur, Douglas; Lewis, Hobart D.;<br />

Mitchell, John N.; Buchanan, Patrick J.<br />

5-13-43<br />

¡2/9/69. 2:50-3:15 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Government in-<br />

formation and information services; Presidential<br />

appointments; Bureau of Budget; Colson,<br />

Charles W.; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Harlow,<br />

Bryce N.; Schlesinger, James R.; Fitzgerald, A.<br />

Ernest<br />

5-13-44:<br />

[Withdrawn item].<br />

5-13-45<br />

¡2/10/69.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Vietnam<br />

Conflict<br />

5-13-46<br />

¡2/H/69. 4:05-5:30 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, John Ehrlich-<br />

man, and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; White House<br />

Office; Office of Consumer Affairs; Mayo,<br />

Robert P.; Hughes, James D.; Knauer, Virginia<br />

H.<br />

5-13-47<br />

12/12/69. 2:0¡-3:¡5 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: White House Office; Vietnam Con-<br />

flict; Prisoners of war; Military dependents;<br />

Political broadcasting; Cheshire, Maxine; Habib,<br />

Philip C; Kissinger, Henry A.<br />

5-13-49<br />

12/13/69. 3:15 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Robert Mayo, and James Schles-<br />

inger in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; Federal em-<br />

ployees; Office of Economic Opportunity;<br />

Department of Interior; Department of Health,<br />

Education, and Welfare; Food stamp programs;<br />

Legal aid and services; VISTA; Head Start<br />

Project; Child day care; American Revolution<br />

Bicentennial Commission; Commission on Civil<br />

Rights; Equal Employment Opportunity Com-<br />

mission; Inter-Agency Committee on Mexican<br />

American Affairs; Drunk driving; Prisons;<br />

Suicide; Children; Rumsfeld, Donald; Ehrlich-<br />

man, John D.; Dole, Hollis M.; Hickel, Walter J.;<br />

Brown, William H., Ill; Agnew, Spiro T.<br />

5-13-50:<br />

[Withdrawn item].<br />

5-13-54<br />

12/13/69.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Look<br />

(magazine); Garment, Leonard; Frost, David; de<br />

Toledano, Ralph; Klein, Herbert G.<br />

5-13-55<br />

12/14/69. 1:27-1:46 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: White House; Music; Christmas;<br />

Speeches and addresses; Woods, Rose Mary;<br />

Safire, William L.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Wright,<br />

Marshall; Winchester, Lucy A.<br />

5-13-58<br />

12/15/69. 1:05-1:20 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Vietnam Conflict; Speeches and addresses;<br />

Kissinger, Henry A.; Rogers, William P.; Haig,<br />

Alexander M., Jr.; Laird, Melvin R.<br />

5-13-59<br />

12/15/69. 8:40-9:52 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Henry Kissinger in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: Christmas; Speeches and addresses;<br />

Monetary policy; Department of Treasury; State<br />

of the Union address; Foreign relations; Strategic<br />

Arms Limitation Talks; Foreign opinion of the<br />

U.S.; Government reorganization; Strategies for<br />

rallying public opinion; White House; Safire,<br />

William L.; Nixon, Pat; Rebozo, Charles G.;<br />

Kennedy, David M.; Moynihan, Daniel P.;<br />

Rumsfeld, Donald; Wright, Marshall; Ehrlich-<br />

man, John D.<br />

5-13-62<br />

12/16/69. l:01-¡:20 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Christmas; Photography; Govern-<br />

ment and the press; Speeches and addresses;<br />

Kalmbach, Herbert W.; Agnew, Spiro T.<br />

5-13-64<br />

12/16/69. l¡:08-¡¡:35 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Speeches and addresses; Christmas;<br />

Agnew, Spiro T.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Rogers,<br />

William P.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Harlow, Bryce<br />

N.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Safire, William L.;<br />

Klein, Herbert G.; Mollenhoff, Clark R.;<br />

Nofziger, Lyn; Perot, H. Ross<br />

5-13-67<br />

12/18/69. 2:50 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Golf; Presidential appointments;<br />

Press coverage; Palmer, Arnold; Humphrey,<br />

Muriel; Kissinger, Henry A.; Bobst, Elmer H.<br />

5-13-69<br />

12/18/69. 6:28-6:33 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Office of Consumer Affairs; Ehrlich-<br />

man, John D.; Knauer, Virginia H.<br />

5-13-70<br />

12/19/69. 8:55-10:08 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: Press coverage; New Jersey; Vir-<br />

ginia; White House; Household workers; Gifts<br />

and donations; Congressional-executive rela-<br />

tions; Christmas; Phillips, Kevin; Scouten, Rex<br />

W.<br />

5-13-72<br />

12/3¡/69. ¡0:¡5-11:05 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Ronald Ziegler,<br />

and Henry Kissinger at San Clemente.<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Environ-<br />

mental pollution and control; Planning; Speeches<br />

and addresses; Television; Western White<br />

House; Agnew, Spiro T.; Moynihan, Daniel P.;<br />

Pearson, Drew; Otten, Alan L.; Nixon, Pat;<br />

Winchester, Lucy A.; Stuart, Constance; Rock-<br />

efeller, Nelson; Reagan, Ronald; Drown, Jack;<br />

Drown, Helene; Annenberg, Walter H.; Annen-<br />

berg, Leonore<br />

Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 29

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