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5-8-75 Descriptors: Inflation; Press coverage; Federal- State relations; Congressional-executive rela- tions; Names lists 5-8-76 9/23/69. 11:52 am-l:04 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Foreign relations; White House; Names lists; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Diplomatic and consular service; Laird, Melvin R.; Mitchell, John N.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Keogh, James; Humes, Bernard J.; Gavin, James M. 5-8-79 9/24/69. 12:45-1:30 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Gifts and donations; Golf; Fort Bragg, N.C.; Model Cities Program; Press coverage; Election campaign of 1968; Planning Federal-State relations; White House Office: Government efficiency; Chambers, James F., Jr.: Moynihan, Daniel P.; Buchanan, Patrick J. Love, John A.; Klein, Herbert G. 5-8-82 9/24/69. 6:19-6:25 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Philadelphia, Pa.; Rockefeller, Nel- son; Dent, Harry S.; Reagan, Ronald; Kissinger, Henry A.; Nixon, Tricia 5-8-83 9/24/69. 5:19-5:20 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Social security; Press coverage; Mitchell, John N.; Byrnes, John W.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-8-84 9/25/69. 9:20-9:40 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Social security; Presidential com- munications and messages; Harlow, Bryce N.; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-8-85 9/25/69. 2:59-3:16 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Social security; Presidential com- munications and messages; Congressional-ex- ecutive relations; Foreign relations; Government and the press; Cabinet; Vietnam Conflict; War casualties; Compulsory military service; Negotiations; Finch, Robert H.; Byrnes, John W.; Ford, Gerald R.; Kissinger, Henry A. 20 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 5-8-87 9/25/69. 1:20-1:35 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Social security; Press coverage; Ehr- lichman, John D.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Javits, Jacob K. 5-8-88 9/26/69. 12:57-12:58 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Air warfare; Cam- bodia; Laos; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-8-89 9/26/69. 3:07-3:11 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at the White House Residence. 5-8-90 9/26/69. 1:45-2:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at the White House Residence. Descriptors: Government and the press; Press coverage; Television; Congressional-executive relations; Names lists; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Sevareid, Eric; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Klein, Herbert G.; Lindsay, John V.; Marchi, John 5-8-92 9/27/69. 9:47-9:56 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Government and the press; Seva- reid, Eric 5-8-93 9/27/69. 1:45-2:00 pm: 2:15-4:30 pm. Participants: Meetings of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Harry Dent, Robert Griffin, John Tower, Gerald Ford, Leslie Arends, Robert Wilson, Rogers Morton, Bryce Harlow, Donald Rumsfeld, Lyn Nofziger, and Patrick Buchanan at Camp David. Descriptors: Virginia; New Jersey; Presidential appointments; Congressional-executive rela- tions; Vietnam Conflict; Negotiations; Strategies for rallying public opinion; Press coverage; Congressional elections; Television; Knowles, Warren P.; Johnson, Lyndon B. 5-8-95 9/29/69. 9:15-9:40 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. 5-8-96 9/29/69. i:05-i:55 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Bibliography of Documents Descriptors: Government and the press; Congres- sional-executive relations; Inflation; Vietnam Conflict; Public welfare programs; White House Office; Scott, Hugh; Goodell, Charles E.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Percy, Charles H. 5-9-04 9/29/69. 4:15-4:25 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Ehrlichman, John D.; Flanigan, Pet- er M.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Harlow, Bryce N. 5-9-05 9/29/69. 6:43-6:48 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Press coverage 5-9-06 9/50/69. 12:18-12:35 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Senate; Press coverage; Television; Strategies for rallying public opinion; Weinberger, Caspar W.; Merriam, Robert E.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Hayns- worth, Clement; Klein, Herbert G. 5-9-08 9/30/69. 8:26-8:49 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: White House Office; Names lists; Klein, Herbert G.; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Keogh, James; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-10-03 FICHE 10 TO 13 10/1/69 to 12/31/69 Document Withdrawal Record. 5-10-05 iO/i/69. i2:02-/2:25 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Herbert Klein, and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage; Television; White House Office; Cabinet; Federal-State relations; Congressional-executive relations; Kissinger, Henry A.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Rockefeller, Nelson; Reagan, Ronald; Nofziger, Lyn; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-10-06 70/7/69. 3:02-3:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Nofziger, Lyn; Harlow, Bryce N.; Klein, Herbert G.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Buchanan, Patrick J.

Bibliography of Documents 5-10-07 10/1/69. 8:40-11:35 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, John Ehrlich- man, and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; War crimes; Ro- man Catholic Church; Congressional-executive relations; Inflation; Consumers; Environmental pollution and control; Nuclear weapons; Nomi- nations; Goodell, Charles E.; Safire, William L.; Flanigan, Peter M; Rumsfeld, Donald; Whitak- er, John C; Train, Russell E.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; DuBridge, Lee A.; Mayo, Robert P. Buchanan, Patrick J.; Naughten, Thomas E. Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.; Richardson, Elliot L. Agnew, Spiro T.; Morton, Rogers C. B. Symington, Stuart; Laird, Melvin R.; Hayns- worth, Clement; Mitchell, John N.; Tower, John G.; Cook, Marlow W. 5-10-11 10/1/69. 6:04-8:10 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman on Air Force One. Descriptors: Press coverage; Democratic Party; Southern States; Presidential appointments; President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Nuclear weapons testing; Soviet Union; China, People's Republic; Govern- ment and the press; Travel; Africa; Vietnam Conflict; Kraft, Joseph; Smith, H. Allen; Haynsworth, Clement; Bums, Arthur; Chapman, Leonard F., Jr.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Cawley, John; Agnew, Spiro T.; Rogers, William P.; Laird, Melvin R.; Harlow, Bryce N.; BeLieu, Kenneth E. 5-10-14 10/2/69. 12:30-12:40 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Key Biscayne. Descriptors: Government and the press; Public opinion polls; Motion pictures; Kissinger, Henry A.; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Saltonstall, William L.; Haynsworth, Clement; Chancellor, John W.; Gleason, Jackie 5-10-16 10/2/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Nominations; Supreme Court; Government and the press; Harlow, Bryce N.; Ford, Gerald R.; Scott, Hugh; Haynsworth, Clement; Klein, Herbert G.; Rehnquist, William H.; BeLieu, Kenneth E. 5-10-18 10/3/69. 11:52 am-12:04 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; House rules and procedure; Anti-ballistic mis- siles; Government and the press; Public opinion polls; Vietnam Conflict; Harlow, Bryce N.; Ford, Gerald R.; Griffin, Robert P.; Eastland, James O.; McCormack, John W.; Patman, Wright; Kissinger, Henry A.; Butterfield, Alexander P. 5-10-22 10/3/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman at Key Biscayne. Descriptors: Foreign relations; Press coverage; Kissinger, Henry A.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Hayns- worth, Clement; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Weinberg- er, Caspar W.; Finch, Robert H.; Schlesinger, James R.; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-10-25 10/5/69. 10:53-11:05 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Congressional elections; Massachusetts; Gov- ernment and the press; Names lists; National goals; Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion; Harlow, Bryce N.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Safire, William L.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Morton, Rogers C. B.; Dent, Harry S.; Haynsworth, Clement 5-10-28 10/6/69. 9:14-9:25 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Awards, medals and prizes; Con- gressional-executive relations; Names lists; As- tronauts; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; U.S. Information Agency; Di- plomatic and consular service; Press coverage; Harlow, Bryce N.; BeLieu, Kenneth E.; Ehrlich- man, John D.; Griffin, Robert P.; Williams, John J.; Mollenhoff, Clark R.; Rehnquist, William H.; Judd, Walter H. 5-10-30 10/6/69. 8:48-8:52 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Presidential appointments 5-10-31 10/6/69. 6:43 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Bryce Harlow, and John Ehrlich- man at the Executive Office Building. Descriptors: Nominations; Supreme Court; Con- gressional-executive relations; Haynsworth, Cle- ment; Romney, George W.; Griffin, Robert P.; Aiken, George D. 5-10-32 10/6/69. 3:09-3:10 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Planning 5-10-33 10/6/69. 12:21-1:24 pm. 5-10-47 Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Bryce Harlow, and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Vietnam Conflict; Press coverage; Television; Planning; Ford, Gerald R.; Scott, Hugh; Hayns- worth, Clement; Allott, Gordon L.; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-10-35 10/7/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: White House; Foreign relations; Iran; Clothing and clothing industry; Postal service; Woods, Rose Mary; Pahlevi, Mo- hammed Reza, Shah of Iran; Stuart, Constance; Nixon, Pat; Kissinger, Henry A.; Dent, Harry S. 5-10-36 10/7/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Press coverage; Buchanan, Patrick J. 5-10-38 10/7/69. 8:20-8:32 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Names lists; Cabinet; Government efficiency; Government reorganization; Democratic Party; Government and the press; Vietnam Conflict; Interstate highways; Bureau of Budget; McCor- mack, John W.; Allott, Gordon L.; Lewis, Ted; Alsop, Stewart; Smith, Howard K.; Linkletter, Art; Kissinger, Henry A.; Wheeler, Earle G.; Laird, Melvin R.; Lodge, Henry Cabot; Ford, Gerald R.; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-10-41 10/7/69. 10:54-11:19 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Government and the press; Baseball; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Inflation; Lewis, Hobart D.; Kuhn, Bowie; Safire, William L. 5-10-45 [10/69]. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Press coverage; Government effi- ciency; Congressional-executive relations; Ehr- lichman, John D.; Sloan, Hugh W., Jr.; Colson, Charles W.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Flynn, Clyde; Burress, Richard 5-10-47 10/7/69 to 10/8/69. 4:35-6:02 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Daniel Moyni- han, John Mitchell, and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 21

5-8-75<br />

Descriptors: Inflation; Press coverage; Federal-<br />

State relations; Congressional-executive rela-<br />

tions; Names lists<br />

5-8-76<br />

9/23/69. 11:52 am-l:04 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: Foreign relations; White House;<br />

Names lists; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Diplomatic and<br />

consular service; Laird, Melvin R.; Mitchell,<br />

John N.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Keogh, James;<br />

Humes, Bernard J.; Gavin, James M.<br />

5-8-79<br />

9/24/69. 12:45-1:30 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Gifts and donations; Golf; Fort<br />

Bragg, N.C.; Model Cities Program; Press<br />

coverage; Election campaign of 1968; Planning<br />

Federal-State relations; White House Office:<br />

Government efficiency; Chambers, James F., Jr.:<br />

Moynihan, Daniel P.; Buchanan, Patrick J.<br />

Love, John A.; Klein, Herbert G.<br />

5-8-82<br />

9/24/69. 6:19-6:25 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Philadelphia, Pa.; Rockefeller, Nel-<br />

son; Dent, Harry S.; Reagan, Ronald; Kissinger,<br />

Henry A.; Nixon, Tricia<br />

5-8-83<br />

9/24/69. 5:19-5:20 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Social security; Press coverage;<br />

Mitchell, John N.; Byrnes, John W.; Buchanan,<br />

Patrick J.; Kissinger, Henry A.<br />

5-8-84<br />

9/25/69. 9:20-9:40 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Social security; Presidential com-<br />

munications and messages; Harlow, Bryce N.;<br />

Kissinger, Henry A.<br />

5-8-85<br />

9/25/69. 2:59-3:16 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: Social security; Presidential com-<br />

munications and messages; Congressional-ex-<br />

ecutive relations; Foreign relations; Government<br />

and the press; Cabinet; Vietnam Conflict; War<br />

casualties; Compulsory military service;<br />

Negotiations; Finch, Robert H.; Byrnes, John<br />

W.; Ford, Gerald R.; Kissinger, Henry A.<br />

20 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes<br />

5-8-87<br />

9/25/69. 1:20-1:35 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Social security; Press coverage; Ehr-<br />

lichman, John D.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Javits,<br />

Jacob K.<br />

5-8-88<br />

9/26/69. 12:57-12:58 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Air warfare; Cam-<br />

bodia; Laos; Kissinger, Henry A.<br />

5-8-89<br />

9/26/69. 3:07-3:11 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman at the White House Residence.<br />

5-8-90<br />

9/26/69. 1:45-2:15 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman at the White House Residence.<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Press<br />

coverage; Television; Congressional-executive<br />

relations; Names lists; Buchanan, Patrick J.;<br />

Sevareid, Eric; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Harlow, Bryce<br />

N.; Klein, Herbert G.; Lindsay, John V.; Marchi,<br />

John<br />

5-8-92<br />

9/27/69. 9:47-9:56 am.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Seva-<br />

reid, Eric<br />

5-8-93<br />

9/27/69. 1:45-2:00 pm: 2:15-4:30 pm.<br />

Participants: Meetings of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Harry Dent, Robert Griffin, John<br />

Tower, Gerald Ford, Leslie Arends, Robert<br />

Wilson, Rogers Morton, Bryce Harlow, Donald<br />

Rumsfeld, Lyn Nofziger, and Patrick Buchanan<br />

at Camp David.<br />

Descriptors: Virginia; New Jersey; Presidential<br />

appointments; Congressional-executive rela-<br />

tions; Vietnam Conflict; Negotiations; Strategies<br />

for rallying public opinion; Press coverage;<br />

Congressional elections; Television; Knowles,<br />

Warren P.; Johnson, Lyndon B.<br />

5-8-95<br />

9/29/69. 9:15-9:40 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

5-8-96<br />

9/29/69. i:05-i:55 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Bibliography of Documents<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Congres-<br />

sional-executive relations; Inflation; Vietnam<br />

Conflict; Public welfare programs; White House<br />

Office; Scott, Hugh; Goodell, Charles E.;<br />

Harlow, Bryce N.; Percy, Charles H.<br />

5-9-04<br />

9/29/69. 4:15-4:25 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Ehrlichman, John D.; Flanigan, Pet-<br />

er M.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Harlow, Bryce N.<br />

5-9-05<br />

9/29/69. 6:43-6:48 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Press coverage<br />

5-9-06<br />

9/50/69. 12:18-12:35 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Senate; Press coverage; Television; Strategies for<br />

rallying public opinion; Weinberger, Caspar W.;<br />

Merriam, Robert E.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Hayns-<br />

worth, Clement; Klein, Herbert G.<br />

5-9-08<br />

9/30/69. 8:26-8:49 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: White House Office; Names lists;<br />

Klein, Herbert G.; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Keogh,<br />

James; Kissinger, Henry A.<br />

5-10-03<br />

FICHE 10 TO 13<br />

10/1/69 to 12/31/69<br />

Document Withdrawal Record.<br />

5-10-05<br />

iO/i/69. i2:02-/2:25 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Herbert Klein, and Ronald Ziegler<br />

in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Press coverage; Television; White<br />

House Office; Cabinet; Federal-State relations;<br />

Congressional-executive relations; Kissinger,<br />

Henry A.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Rockefeller,<br />

Nelson; Reagan, Ronald; Nofziger, Lyn; Agnew,<br />

Spiro T.<br />

5-10-06<br />

70/7/69. 3:02-3:15 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Nofziger, Lyn; Harlow, Bryce N.;<br />

Klein, Herbert G.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Ziegler,<br />

Ronald L.; Buchanan, Patrick J.

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