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5-6-31 Descriptors: Travel; Planning; Nixon, Pat; Nixon, Tricia; Nixon, Julie 5-6-32 7/11/69. 9:30-9:50 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. 5-6-33 7/11/69. 1:20-1:32 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Young Republican National Federa- tion; Cemeteries and funerals; Religious observ- ances; Apollo Program; Government spending; Federal aid to libraries; Nixon, Julie; Hoover, Herbert, Jr.; MacGregor, Clark; Smith, Paul S.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Johnson, Lady Bird 5-6-35 7/72/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Camp David. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Budget of the U.S.; Family Security System; Urban transportation; Federal aid to transporta- tion; Social security; Surtax; Supersonic tran- sport; Economic policy; Travel; Religious observances; Government and the press; Interna- tional relations; Hungary; Belgium; NATO; France; Diplomatic and consular service; Pakis- tan; Planning; Baseball; Apollo Program; Wil- liams, John J.; Mayo, Robert P.; Bums, Arthur; Nixon, Pat; Harlow, Bryce N.; Shultz, George P.; Kennedy, David M.; Dole, Robert J.; Ehrlich- man, John D.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Smith, Paul S.; Harris, Frederick Brown; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Johnson, Lady Bird; Alsop, Stewart; Semple, Bob; Kilpatrick, James J.; Oberdorfer, Donald, Jr.; Gates, Patricia; Prouty, Winston L.; Good- paster, Andrew J.; Pompidou, Georges; Flanigan, Peter M.; Rhyne, Charles S. 5-6-49 7/12/69. 4:25-4:26 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Anti-ballistic missiles; Television; Fairness Doctrine; Kennedy, Edward M.; Prouty, Winston L. 5-6-50 7/13/69. 12:45 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at the White House Residence. Descriptors: Press coverage; National Security Council; Travel; Kennedy, Edward M.; Rowen, Hobart; Lund, Russell; Nixon, Pat; Gates, Patricia Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Government and the press; Long, Russell B.; Barry, Dr.; Alsop, Joseph W.; Alsop, Stewart; Crawford, Kenneth 5-6-54 7/14/69. 1:00-2:20 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage; Television; Govern- ment and the press; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Price, Raymond K., Jr.; Klein, Herbert G.; Rumsfeld, Donald 5-6-55 7/74/69. 3:31-4:00 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Frank Borman, Peter Flanigan, and Dwight Chapin in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Baseball; Names lists 5-6-56 7/14/69. 9:01-9:11 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Surtax; Congressional-executive re- lations; Mansfield, Michael J.; Long, Russell B.; Williams, John J.; Prouty, Winston L. 5-6-57 7/15/69. 11:45 am-12:12 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government and the press; White House; Foreign relations; Astronauts; McGrory, Mary; Winchester, Lucy A.; Pompidou, Georges; Brosio, Manlio; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-6-59 7/15/69. 7:10-7:12 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Government and the press; Televi- sion; Klein, Herbert G. 5-6-60 5-6-53 5-6-62 7/76/69. 10:15-11:47 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, and Dwight Chapin in the Oval Office. Descriptors: International relations; Travel; Anti- American demonstrations; Philippines; In- donesia; Thailand; Vietnam, South; White House; Baseball; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Nixon, Pat; Bums, Arthur; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Blount, Winton M.; Smith, Paul S. 7/14/69. 8:40-10:05 am. 7/16/69. 2:55-3:28 pm. 14 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes Bibliography of Documents Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Planning; Names lists 5-6-63 7/77/69. 1:20-1:32 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Bryce Harlow in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Democratic Party; White House; Johnson, Lyndon B. 5-6-64 7/77/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) 5-6-65 7/77/69. 4:15-4:25 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Press coverage; Surtax; Fiscal poli- cy; Harlow, Bryce N.; Ziegler, Ronald L. 5-6-66 7/78/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Camp David. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Surtax; Names lists; Press coverage; Public welfare programs; Revenue sharing; Manpower training programs; Office of Economic Oppor- tunity; Government reorganization; Political broadcasting; Planning; Speeches and addresses; Government and the press; Television; Lawyers; Religious observances; Harlow, Bryce N.; Bu chañan, Patrick J.; Price, Raymond K., Jr. Moynihan, Daniel P.; Ehrlichman, John D. Shultz, George P.; Bums, Arthur; Rumsfeld, Donald; Finch, Robert H.; Sherer, Ray; Kenne- dy, Edward M. 5-6-74 7/75/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Camp David. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Anti-ballistic missiles; Fiscal policy; Cook, Marlow W.; Scott, Hugh; Mansfield, Michael J. 5-6-76 7/79/69. 3:49-5:30 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Ronald Ziegler, and John Ehrlich- man in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Apollo Program; Anti-ballistic mis- siles; Chappaquiddick incident; Kennedy, Ed- ward M.; Kopechne, Mary Jo 5-6-78

Bibliography of Documents 5-7-28 7/20/69. 6:36-6:45 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Senate; Surtax; Chappaquiddick incident; Press coverage; Criminal procedure; Kissinger, Henry A.; Smith, Gerard C; Gravel, Maurice R. Magnuson, Warren G.; Kennedy, Edward M. Mansfield, Michael J.; Dirksen, Everett M. Williams, John J.; Mitchell, John N. 5-6-80 7/20/69. 5:49-9:42 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Frank Borman, Ronald Ziegler, and Dwight Chapín in H. R. Haldeman's office. Descriptors: Apollo Program; Armstrong, Neil A. 5-6-81 7/2J/69. 8:31-8:46 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at the White House Residence. Descriptors: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; Chappaquiddick incident; Cemeteries and funer- als; McCloy, John J.; Green, Gerald 5-6-83 7/2J/69. 9:20-70:55 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: White House; Astronauts; Press coverage; Government and the press; Graham, Billy; Reagan, Ronald; Ehrlichman, John D.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Nofziger, Lyn; Mollenhoff, Clark R.; Klein, Herbert G.; Woods, Rose Mary; Kissinger, Henry A.; Allen, Richard V.; Nixon, Pat; Nixon, Tricia; Nixon, Julie; Wayne, John 5-6-87 7/2J/69. 5:35-5:28 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. Descriptors: White House Office; Government efficiency; Public welfare programs; Foreign relations; Biafra; National goals; Strategies for rallying public opinion; Flanigan, Peter M.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Rumsfeld, Donald; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Agnew, Spiro T.; DuBridge, Lee A. 5-6-90 7/2J/69. 1:48-1:51 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Rose Mary Woods in the Oval Office. Descriptors: White House; Baseball; Congres- sional-executive relations; Names lists; Harlow, Bryce N.; BeLieu, Kenneth E. 5-6-91 [6/69]. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Names lists; Harlow, Bryce N. 5-6-92 7/2J/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Cemeter- ies and funerals; Democratic Party; Green, Gerald; Kennedy, Edward M.; Kopechne, Mary Jo 5-6-94 7/22/69. 5:45-6:14 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Rumsfeld, Donald 5-6-95 7/23/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Criminal procedure; Public buildings; White House; Astronauts; White House Office; Home health services; Press coverage; Telegraph; Govern- ment spending; Congressional-executive rela- tions; Green, Gerald; Krogh, Egil, Jr.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Mayo, Robert P.; Laird, Melvin R.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Bums, Arthur; Tkach, Walter R.; Panetta, Leon E.; BeLieu, Kenneth E. 5-7-05 7/23/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Planning 5-7-06 7/24/69. 11:14-11:20 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Government efficiency; Federal in- teragency relations; Cost of living; Economic indicators; Kennedy, Edward M.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Agnew, Spiro T.; Kennedy, David M.; McCracken, Paul W.; Mayo, Robert P.; Buchanan, Patrick J. 5-7-07 7/24/69. Contents: Notes. Descriptors: Apollo Program; Borman, Frank 5-7-08 7/25/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Guam. (?) Descriptors: Thailand; Press coverage; Secret Service; Guam; Bunker, Ellsworth; Abrams, Creighton W.; Ziegler, Ronald L. 5-7-11 7/26/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman on Air Force One. Descriptors: White House Office; Loyalty-securi- ty program; Presidential protection; Congres- sional-executive relations; Government efficiency; Ehrlichman, John D.; Nixon, Pat; Harlow, Bryce N.; Krogh, Egil, Jr.; Potter, Philip; Lisagor, Peter I. 5-7-16 7/26/69. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Guam. Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Criminal procedure; Press coverage; Television; Kennedy, Edward M.; Kopechne, Mary Jo; Ehrlichman, John D. 5-7-21 7/26/69. Contents: Notes. Descriptors: White House Office; Travel; Guam; Kennedy, Edward M. 5-7-22 7/26/69. 5:52-5:59 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Names lists; Legislative procedure; Anti-ballistic missiles; Surtax; Chappaquiddick incident; Press coverage; Television; Public opinion; Harlow, Bryce N.; Mansfield, Michael J.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Kennedy, Edward M. 5-7-25 7/26/69. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?) Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Press cov- erage; Television; Green, Gerald; Kennedy, Edward M. 5-7-27 7/27/69. 6:15-6:16 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Public welfare programs; Press coverage; Ehr- lichman, John D.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Butterfield, Alexander P. 5-7-28 7/27/69. Contents: Notes. (?) Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Names lists; Legislative procedure; Anti-ballistic missiles; Surtax; Chappaquiddick incident; Press coverage; Election campaign of 1972; Harlow, Bryce N.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Kopechne, Mary Jo; Dirksen, Everett M.; Williams, John J.; Reston, James B.; Wicker, Tom Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 15

Bibliography of Documents 5-7-28<br />

7/20/69. 6:36-6:45 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Senate; Surtax; Chappaquiddick incident; Press<br />

coverage; Criminal procedure; Kissinger, Henry<br />

A.; Smith, Gerard C; Gravel, Maurice R.<br />

Magnuson, Warren G.; Kennedy, Edward M.<br />

Mansfield, Michael J.; Dirksen, Everett M.<br />

Williams, John J.; Mitchell, John N.<br />

5-6-80<br />

7/20/69. 5:49-9:42 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, Frank Borman, Ronald Ziegler,<br />

and Dwight Chapín in H. R. Haldeman's office.<br />

Descriptors: Apollo Program; Armstrong, Neil<br />

A.<br />

5-6-81<br />

7/2J/69. 8:31-8:46 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman at the White House Residence.<br />

Descriptors: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks;<br />

Chappaquiddick incident; Cemeteries and funer-<br />

als; McCloy, John J.; Green, Gerald<br />

5-6-83<br />

7/2J/69. 9:20-70:55 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: White House; Astronauts; Press<br />

coverage; Government and the press; Graham,<br />

Billy; Reagan, Ronald; Ehrlichman, John D.;<br />

Buchanan, Patrick J.; Nofziger, Lyn; Mollenhoff,<br />

Clark R.; Klein, Herbert G.; Woods, Rose Mary;<br />

Kissinger, Henry A.; Allen, Richard V.; Nixon,<br />

Pat; Nixon, Tricia; Nixon, Julie; Wayne, John<br />

5-6-87<br />

7/2J/69. 5:35-5:28 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and Henry<br />

Kissinger in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: White House Office; Government<br />

efficiency; Public welfare programs; Foreign<br />

relations; Biafra; National goals; Strategies for<br />

rallying public opinion; Flanigan, Peter M.;<br />

Harlow, Bryce N.; Rumsfeld, Donald; Johnson,<br />

Lyndon B.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Agnew, Spiro<br />

T.; DuBridge, Lee A.<br />

5-6-90<br />

7/2J/69. 1:48-1:51 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Rose Mary Woods in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: White House; Baseball; Congres-<br />

sional-executive relations; Names lists; Harlow,<br />

Bryce N.; BeLieu, Kenneth E.<br />

5-6-91<br />

[6/69].<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Names lists; Harlow, Bryce N.<br />

5-6-92<br />

7/2J/69.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Cemeter-<br />

ies and funerals; Democratic Party; Green,<br />

Gerald; Kennedy, Edward M.; Kopechne, Mary<br />

Jo<br />

5-6-94<br />

7/22/69. 5:45-6:14 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Rumsfeld, Donald<br />

5-6-95<br />

7/23/69.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Criminal<br />

procedure; Public buildings; White House;<br />

Astronauts; White House Office; Home health<br />

services; Press coverage; Telegraph; Govern-<br />

ment spending; Congressional-executive rela-<br />

tions; Green, Gerald; Krogh, Egil, Jr.; Kennedy,<br />

Edward M.; Mayo, Robert P.; Laird, Melvin R.;<br />

Harlow, Bryce N.; Bums, Arthur; Tkach, Walter<br />

R.; Panetta, Leon E.; BeLieu, Kenneth E.<br />

5-7-05<br />

7/23/69.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Planning<br />

5-7-06<br />

7/24/69. 11:14-11:20 am.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Government efficiency; Federal in-<br />

teragency relations; Cost of living; Economic<br />

indicators; Kennedy, Edward M.; Ehrlichman,<br />

John D.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Agnew, Spiro T.;<br />

Kennedy, David M.; McCracken, Paul W.;<br />

Mayo, Robert P.; Buchanan, Patrick J.<br />

5-7-07<br />

7/24/69.<br />

Contents: Notes.<br />

Descriptors: Apollo Program; Borman, Frank<br />

5-7-08<br />

7/25/69.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman at Guam. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Thailand; Press coverage; Secret<br />

Service; Guam; Bunker, Ellsworth; Abrams,<br />

Creighton W.; Ziegler, Ronald L.<br />

5-7-11<br />

7/26/69.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman on Air Force One.<br />

Descriptors: White House Office; Loyalty-securi-<br />

ty program; Presidential protection; Congres-<br />

sional-executive relations; Government<br />

efficiency; Ehrlichman, John D.; Nixon, Pat;<br />

Harlow, Bryce N.; Krogh, Egil, Jr.; Potter, Philip;<br />

Lisagor, Peter I.<br />

5-7-16<br />

7/26/69.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman at Guam.<br />

Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Criminal<br />

procedure; Press coverage; Television; Kennedy,<br />

Edward M.; Kopechne, Mary Jo; Ehrlichman,<br />

John D.<br />

5-7-21<br />

7/26/69.<br />

Contents: Notes.<br />

Descriptors: White House Office; Travel; Guam;<br />

Kennedy, Edward M.<br />

5-7-22<br />

7/26/69. 5:52-5:59 am.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Names lists; Legislative procedure; Anti-ballistic<br />

missiles; Surtax; Chappaquiddick incident; Press<br />

coverage; Television; Public opinion; Harlow,<br />

Bryce N.; Mansfield, Michael J.; Ehrlichman,<br />

John D.; Kennedy, Edward M.<br />

5-7-25<br />

7/26/69.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Chappaquiddick incident; Press cov-<br />

erage; Television; Green, Gerald; Kennedy,<br />

Edward M.<br />

5-7-27<br />

7/27/69. 6:15-6:16 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Public welfare programs; Press coverage; Ehr-<br />

lichman, John D.; Harlow, Bryce N.; Butterfield,<br />

Alexander P.<br />

5-7-28<br />

7/27/69.<br />

Contents: Notes. (?)<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Names lists; Legislative procedure; Anti-ballistic<br />

missiles; Surtax; Chappaquiddick incident; Press<br />

coverage; Election campaign of 1972; Harlow,<br />

Bryce N.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Kopechne,<br />

Mary Jo; Dirksen, Everett M.; Williams, John J.;<br />

Reston, James B.; Wicker, Tom<br />

Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 15

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