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McCall's (magazine) (- Subject) McCall's (magazine) (4/17/71) 5-46-92 McCarthy, Eugene J. -Subject (2/5/69) 5-1/69; (8/9/71) 5-56-46 McClellan, John L. -Subject (4/19/71) 5-47-13 McCleod, John -Suiy'ect (6/7/69) 5-5-10 McClintock, Robert -Subject (2/23/70) 5-17-21; (2/25/70) 5-17-33 McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. -Participant (5/6/71) 5-48-41 -Subject (9/9/69) J-S-46; (3/2/70; 5-22-38; (2/20/71) 5-43-33; (3/20/71) 5-44-84; (4/17/71) 5-46-92; (4/17/71) 5-46-96; (4/19/71) 5-47-09; (4/20/71) 5-47-19; (4/21/71) 5-47-36; (4/26/71) 5-47-66; (5/5/71) 5-48-36; (6/29/71) 5-53-12; (11/3/71) 5-63-88; (12/18/71) 5-67-13; (3/8/72) 5-71-62 McCloskey, Robert J. -Subject (6/4/69) 5-4-91; (11/24/70) 5-36-93 McCloy, John J. -Subject (7/21/69) 5-6-81: (11/26/69) 5-13-04; (4/6/71) 5-46-30; (11/9/71) 5-64-39; (11/15/71) 5-65-22 McCone, John -Participant (3/19/70) 5-18-48 McCord, James -Subject (3/26/73) 5-92-80; ([3/73]) 5-92-90; (6/18/72) 5-93-16; (9/11/72) 5-93-31; (1/8/73) 5-93-57; (1/9/73) 5-93-59; (1/13/73) 5-93-61; (3/23/73) 5-93-72; (3/25/73) 5-93-84; (3/25/73) 5-93-87; (3/26/73) 5-93-92; (3/26/73) 5-93-96; (3/27/73) 5-94-07; (3/27/73) 5-94-12; (3/27/73) 5-94-14; (3/27/73) 5-94-26; (3/28/73) 5-94-33; (3/28/73) 5-94-37; (3/29/73) 5-94-40; ([4/73]) 5-94-47; (4/17/73) 5-94-96; (3/24/73) 5-95-17; (4/18/73) 5-96-37; (4/26/73) 5-97-06; (4/21/73) 5-97-78; (3/21/73) 5-97-91; ([4/73]) 5-98-16 McCormack, John W. -Participant (3/23/70) 5-18-69 -Subject (10/3/69) 5-10-18; (10/7/69) 5-10-38; (4/17/70) 5-21-26; (12/16/70) 5-38-35 McCracken, Paul W. -Participant (1/24/69) 5-1-37; (1/9170) 5-14-22: (5/19/70) 5-23-81; (11/19/70) 5-36-70; (6/26/71) 5-52-56: (6/28/71) 5-52-70: (8/13/71) 5-56-89; (8/14/71) 5-58-15; (8/15/71) 5-58-24; (9/11/71) 5-59-85; (10/5/71) 5-62-31; ([11/15/71]) 5-65-28 -Subject (1/21/69) 5-1-22: (1/27/69) 5-1-49; (2/5/69) 5-1-66; (3/13/69) 5-2-53; (3/19/69) 5-2-64; (5/1/69) 5-4-05; (6/24/69) 5-5-36; (7/24/69) 5-7-06; (8/4/69) 5-7-58: ([10/69]) 5-10-82; (11/21/69) 5-12-71; (11/21/69) 5-12-74: (11/21/69) 5-12-75; (1/15/70) 5-14-42; (1/27/70) 5-14-96; (1/31/70) 5-15-14; (2/16/70) 5-15-79; (2/18/70) 5-15-96; (2/19/70) 5-16-11; (2/19/70) 5-16-14; (3/9/70) 5-17-87; (4/7/70) 5-20-36; (4/21/70) 5-21-58; (5/20/70) 5-23-91; 244 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes (5/25/70) 5-24-U; (8/22/70) 5-30-76: (12/2/70) 5-37-31; (12/12/70 to 12/13/70) 5-38-06; (3/26/71) 5-45-16; (7/20/71) 5-54-79; (7/21/71) 5-54-83; (7/25/71) 5-55-29; (8/9/77; 5-56-43; (9/13/71) 5-59-92: (11/16/71) 5-65-30 McCrary, Tex -Subject (8/1/71) 5-55-85 McCuUoch, William M. -Subject (5/12/70) 5-23-54 McElroy, Neu H. -Subject (2/11/70) 5-15-68; (2/12/70) 5-15-74; (11/15/70) 5-36-45; (11/17/70) 5-36-57; (1/10/72) 5-68-51 McFall, Russell -Subject (4/15/70) 5-21-08 McGaw, Foster G. -Subject (1/13/69) 5-1-08 McGee, Gale W. -Subject (3/23/70) 5-18-69; (3/28/70) 5-18-88; (4/2/70) 5-20-10; (4/2/70) 5-20-14; (11/17/70) 5-36-57; (2/14/72) 5-70-60 McGinnis, Edward F. -Subject (2/28/70) 5-17-57 McGinnis, Joe -Subject (10/22/69) 5-11-40 McGovern, George -Subject (7/10/69) 5-6-28; (5/3/70) 5-22-54; (7/14/70) 5-27-81; (8/31/70) 5-30-95; (9/19/70) 5-32-21; (9/26/70) 5-32-62; (10/21/70) 5-34-26; (2/2/71) 5-41-70; (8/21/71) 5-58-75; (11/5/71) 5-64-09; (11/18/71) 5-65-48; (2/5/72) 5-70-15; (4/3/72) 5-74-22; (4/5/72) 5-74-29; (4/21/72) 5-75-21; (4/29/72) 5-75-64; (5/18/72) 5-77-51; (6/3/72) 5-78-18; (6/6/72) 5-78-22; (6/6/72) 5-78-26; (6/7/72) 5-78-27; (6/9/72) 5-78-34; (6/10/72) 5-78-40; (6/12/72) 5-78-41; (6/12/72) 5-78-46; (6/12/72) 5-78-49; (6/13/72) 5-78-52; (6/19/72) 5-78-73; (6/25/72) 5-79-07; (6/26/72) 5-79-15; (6/28/72) 5-79-22; (7/7/72) 5-80-08; (7/10/72) 5-80-14; (7/12/72) 5-80-19; (7/17/72) 5-80-23; (7/21/72) 5-80-35; (7/21/72) 5-80-46; (7/21/72) 5-80-50; (7/21/72) 5-80-52; (7/22/72) 5-80-60; (7/23/72) 5-80-61; (7/23/72) 540-62; (7/26/72) 5-80-82; (7/29/72) 5-81-08; (7/30/72) 5-81-09: (7/31/72) 5-81-13; (7/31/72) 5-81-14; (8/1/72) 5-81-19; (8/8/72) 541-26; (8/11/72) 5-81-37; (8/13/72) 5-81-41; ([8/13/72]) 5-81-45; (8/14/72) 5-81-52; (8/14/72) 5-81-56; (8/15/72) 5-81-59; (8/16/72) 5-81-67; (8/17/72) 5-82-06; (8/17/72) 542-10; (8/17/72) 5-82-11; (8/17/72) 5-82-16; (8/17/72) 5-82-20; (8/18/72) 5-82-26; (8/18/72) 5-82-31; (8/21/72) 5-82-47; (8/21/72) 5-82-49; (8/22/72) 5-82-55; (8/22/72) 5-82-57; (8/23/72) 5-82-59; ([8/25/72]) 5-82-72; (8/29/72) 5-82-88; (8/31/72) 5-83-03; (9/6/72) 5-83-15; (9/11/72) 5-83-29; (9/12/72) 5-83-33; (9/12/72) 5-83-36; (9/13/72) 5-83-41; (9/15/72) 5-83-47; (9/16/72) 5-83-51; (9/20/72) 5-83-64; (9/30/72) 5-84-09; (10/5/72) 5-85-22; (10/5/72) 5-85-30; (10/9/72) 5-85-45; (10/9/72) 5-85-52; (10/10/72) 5-85-59; (10/11/72) 5-85-72; (10/12/72) 5-85-75; (10/13/72) 5-85-85; Index by Subjects and Names (10/15/72) 5-86-09; (10/15/72) 5-86-12, (10/17/72) 5-86-24; (10/18/72) 5-86-27, (10/18/72) 5-86-30; (10/20/72) 5-86-38; (10/22/72) 5-86-47; (10/23/72) '5-86-50, (10/23/72) 5-86-51; (¡0/24/72) 5-86-54, (10/26/72) 5-86-64; (10/28/72) 5-86-74, (10/28/72) 5-86-77; (10/29/72) 5-86-80; (10/30/72) 5-86-89; (11/3/72) 5-87-13: (11/4/72) 5-87-17; (11/6/72) 5-87-24; (11/9/72) 5-87-37; (11/14/72) 5-87-54; (3/10/73 to 3/11/73) 5-92-43; (6/20/72) 5-93-18; (8/14/72) 5-93-26; (9/11/72) 5-93-31; (9/15/72) 5-93-32; (10/15/72) 5-93-36; (4/8/73) 5-96-19; (4/21/73) 5-97-78; (3/21/73) 5-97-91, ([4/73]) 5-98-16 McGrath, J. Howard -Subject (4/28/73) 5-97-41 McGrory, Mary -Subject (7/15/69) 5-6-57 Mclntyre, Thomas J. -Subject |'3/J/69; 5-2-33 McKay, John (11/28/70) 5-37-24 McKee, Pat (4/30/73) 5-97-68 McKinley, Arch -Subject (2/3/70) 5-15-27; (2/21/70) 5-17-08 McLaren, Richard W. -Subject (5/28/69; 5-4-72; C9/2/7Í; 5-59-4; McMahon, William -Subject (11/2/71) 5-63-82 McManus, Marty -Subject (5/26/69) 5-4-67 McNamara, Robert S. -Subject (6/13/71) 5-51-37; (6/15/71) 5-51-46; (7/26/71) 5-55-36; (7/26/71) 5-55-42; (7/26/71) 5-55-43; (7/26/71) 5-55-45; (7/27/71) 5-55-49 McWhorter, Ned -Participant (3/17/72) 5-72-49 Mead, Dana G. -Participant (2/6/71) 5-41-94 Meany, George -Subject (4/30/69) 5-3-78; (6/20/69) 5-5-29; (10/7/69 to 10/8/69) 5-10-47; (3/28/70) 5-18-88; (4/2/70) 5-20-10; (4/4/70) 5-20-20; (4/15/70) 5-21-16; (5/4/70) 5-22-61; (5/25/70) 5-24-12; (6/11/70) 5-24-79; (8/10/70) 5-30-22; (8/11/70) 5-30-36: (9/21/70) 5-32-28; (9/25/70) 5-32-50; (11/17/70) 5-36-57; (12/30/70) 5-39-25; (2/8/71) 5-42-11; (4/24/71) 5-47-55; (5/4/71) 5-48-31; (5/6/71) 5-48-41; (7/16/71) 5-54-37; (7/25/71) 5-55-32; (8/16/71) 5-58-37; (8/18/71) 5-58-51; (8/18/71) 5-58-54; (8/19/71) 5-58-61; (8/20/71) 5-58-65: (8/20/71) 5-58-69; (8/24/71) 5-58-90; (8/24/71) 5-58-91; (8/31/71) 5-59-27; (9/7/71) 5-59-53; (9/13/71) 5-60-08; (10/12/71) 5-62-65; (11/1/71) 5-63-77; (11/9/71) 5-64-34; (11/15/71) 5-65-17; (11/16/71) 5-65-30; (11/16/71) 5-65-33, (11/17/71) 5-65-36; (11/17/71) 5-65-39, (11/18/71) 5-65-48; (11/18/71) 5-65-49, (11/19/71) 5-65-55; (11/19/71) 5-65-57; (11/19/71) 5-65-60; (11/20/71) 5-65-64, (11/20/71) 5-65-65: (11/20/71) 5-65-66,

Index by Subjects and Names Military health facilities and services (11/22/71) 5-65-76; (11/22/71) 5-65-79; (11/22/71) 5-65-81; (11/30/71) 5-66-19; (12/2/71) 5-66-34; (12/6/71) 5-66-42; (1/25/72) 5-69-50; (1/27/72) 5-69-64; (2/4/72) 5-70-13; (2/14/72) 5-70-57; (3/8/72) 5-71-62; (3/20/72) 5-72-62; (3/21/72) 5-72-64; (3/21/72) 5-72-65; (3/22/72) 5-72-75; (3/23/72) 5-72-78; (3/23/72) 5-72-79; (3/23/72) 5-72-80; (3/23/72) 5-72-84; (3/24/72) 5-72-86; (4/8/72) 5-74-50; (5/8/72) 5-76-23; (7/23/72) 5-80-62; (7/29/72) 5-81-08; (8/9/72) 5-81-31; (1/19/73) 5-89-05; (6/18/72) 5-93-16 Meat and meat products (2/17/70) 5-15-90; (2/23/70) 5-17-21; (3/10/70) 5-17-95; (7/31/70) 5-28-83; (3/15/72) 5-72-32; (6/6/72) 5-78-21; (6/15/72) 5-78-61; (6/23/72) 5-78-94; (8/18/72) 5-82-30 Medals see Awards, medals and prizes see Military awards, decorations, and medals Mediation see Arbitration and mediation Medical centers see Hospitals and nursing homes Medical costs see also Health insurance (4/19/71) 5-47-06 Medical education see also Medical research Medical ethics see also Abortion Medical examinations and tests (12/30/70) 5-39-25; (12/30/70) 5-39-30 Medical personnel see also Dentists and dentistry see abo Physicians Medical research (4/28/71) 5-47-90; (5/6/71) 5-48-41; (5/7/71) 5-48-51; (5/7/71) 5-48-53; (9/20/72) 5-83-64 Medical supplies and equipment (6/20/70) 5-25-47 Medical technology see also Medical supplies and equipment Medici, President -Subject (11/18/71) 5-65-49; (12/9/71) 5-66-61 Medicine see abo Dentists and dentistry see abo Diseases and disorders see abo Geriatrics and gerontology see abo Health facilities and services see also Health insurance see abo Hospitals and nursing homes see abo Medical examinations and tests see abo Physicians see abo Spinal cord injuries see abo Veterinary medicine see abo terms beginning with Health see abo terms beginning with Medical Medina, Ernest -Subject (4/1/71)^5-46-08 Meir, Golda Subject (6/16/69) 5-5-18; (9/10/70) 5-31-64; (11/16/71) 5-65-30 Melencamp, Noble Subject a/15/69) 5-2-10 Members of Congress see under names of specific Members of Congress Memorial Day (5/25/70) 5-24-12; (5/25/70) 5-24-16 Memorials see Holidays see Monuments and memorials Mental health and illness see abo Suicide (7/27/72) 5-80-94 Menzies, Sir Robert Subject (2/4/69) 5-1-62; (2/4/69) 5-1-64 Merchant marine see abo Ships and shipbuilding Mergers see Business acquisitions and mergers Merriam, Robert E. -Subject (9/30/69) 5-9-06 Metals and metal industries see abo Iron and steel industry Meteorology see also Weather Metzenbaum, Howard M. Subject (10/16/70) 5-33-83 Mexican Americans see abo Mexicans in the U.S. (5/5/70) 5-22-67; (9/4/70) 5-31-17; (10/23/70) 5-34-36; (2/2/71) 5-41-70 Mexicans in the U.S. (10/7/71) 5-62-55 Mexico see abo Mexicans in the U.S. ([6/70]) 5-25-17; (8/4/70) 5-28-92; (8/20/70) 5-30-70; (8/21/70) 5-30-75; (8/22/70) 5-30-76; (8/23/70) 5-30-79; (11/10/70) 5-36-05; (11/5/71) 5-64-07; (3/29/72) 5-73-13 Meyer, Charles A. -Subject (12/3/70) 5-37-40 Miami Beach, Fla. (6/23/72) 5-78-95 Michaelson, Charles -Subject (8/5/69; 5-7-64 Michel, Robert H. -Subject (2/22/73) 5-91-64 Michener, James A. -Subject (6/22/71) 5-52-24 Michigan see abo Detroit, Mich. ([2/70]) 5-15-41; (2/10/70) 5-15-61; (2/28/70) 5-17-57; (3/9/72) 5-71-74; (10/28/72) 5-86-76 Micronesia see abo Guam (4/24/69) 5-3-51; (11/29/71) 5-66-12 Middendorf, J. William, II -Subject (1/8/73) 5-88-28 Middle East see also Arab-Israeli conflict see aiso CENTO see also Egypt see abo Iran see abo Israel see abo Jordan see abo Saudi Arabia see abo Turkey ([3/69]) 5-2-91; (11/26/69) 5-13-04; (5/11/70) 5-23-45; (7/1/70) 5-27-07; (8/8/70) 5-30-12; (4/20/71) 5-47-19; (6/26/71) 5-52-59; (10/12/71) 5-62-65; (3/7/72) 5-71-59; (3/9/72) 5-71-70; (3/11/72) 5-71-85; (4/2/72) 5-74-08; (5/20/72) 5-77-66: (5/20/72) 5-77-67; (7/27/72) 5-80-94; (10/29/72) 5-86-80 Midway (5/16/69) 5-4-32; (5/17/69) 5-4-35; (5/18/69) 5-4-42; (4/24/71) 5-47-56; (4/28/71) 5-47-90; (5/3/71) 5-48-28; (5/24/71) 5-50-23; (6/15/71) 5-51-44 Milbank, Samuel R. -Sub;ect (10/23/69) 5-11-47 Military Academy (2/19/71) 5-43-30 Military aircraft see abo B-l bomber see abo F-l 11 aircraft see abo Helicopters (6/4/70; 5-24-50; (10/26/70) 5-34-54; (10/30/70) 5-34-87; (11/4/70) 5-35-23; (11/4/70) 5-35-27; (7/20/71) 5-54-74; (11/16/71) 5-65-30; (11/30/71) 5-66-23; (1/2/72) 5-68-09; (1/14/72) 5-68-93; (3/2/73) 5-92-06 Military appropriations see Defense budgets and appropriations Military assistance see abo Foreign assistance (5/24/69) 5-4-62; (8/4/69) 5-7-58; (3/1/70) 5-17-62; (4/29/70) 5-22-13; (5/1/70) 5-22-30; (5/2/70) 5-22-46: (5/10/70) 5-23-33; (6/4/70) 5-24-50; (9/25/70) 5-32-51; (8/6/71) 5-56-29; (11/16/71) 5-65-30; (11/30/71) 5-66-23; (1/2/72) 5-68-09; (1/10/72) 5-68-58: (1/10/72) 5-68-60; (1/14/72) 5-68-93: (2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76; (4/19/72) 5-75-12; (4/23/72) 5-75-38; (5/2/72) 5-75-79; (5/3/72) 5-75-84: (5/4/72) 5-75-87; (5/8/72) 5-76-20; (7/27/72) 5-80-94; (¡0/15/72) 5-86-12; ([1/31/73]) 5-89-95 Military aviation see abo Air warfare see abo Military aircraft Military awards, decorations, and medals (10/19/69) 5-11-21; (2/17/70) 5-15-90; (4/7/70 to 4/8/70) 5-20-42; (5/26/71) 5-50-34; (2/12/73) 5-91-27 Military bases, posts, and reservations (5/7/71) 5-48-53 Military cemeteries and funerals ([3/69]) 5-2-94; (4/11/69) 5-3-13 Military contracts and procurement see Defense contracts and procurement Military courts see Courts-martial and courts of inquiry Military dependents (12/12/69) 5-13-47; (9/22/70) 5-32-41: (10/6/70) 5-33-27; (11/20/70) 5-36-77: (12/1/70) 5-37-20; (11/70) 5-37-27; (12/8/70) 5-37-72; (12/26/70) 5-39-03; (1/22/71) 5-41-19; (4/6/71) 5-46-29; (4/15/71) 5-46-83; (4/16/71) 5-46-90; (4/28/71) 5-47-94; (9/11/71) 5-59-84; (9/14/71) 5-60-14; (2/7/72) 5-70-26; (2/12/73) 5-91-27; (2/15/73) 5-91-36; (3/2/73) S-92-06; (3/14/73) 5-92-63 Military deserters (11/12/71) 5-65-10; (1/2/72) 5-68-09; (2/15/73) 5-91-40; ([2/73]) 5-91-80; (3/2/73) 5-91-94 Military education see also Military Academy see abo Naval Academy Military expenditures see Cost of war see Defense expenditures Military funerals see Military cemeteries and funerals Military health facilities and services see abo Veterans health facilities and services Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 245

Index by Subjects and Names Military health facilities and services<br />

(11/22/71) 5-65-76; (11/22/71) 5-65-79;<br />

(11/22/71) 5-65-81; (11/30/71) 5-66-19;<br />

(12/2/71) 5-66-34; (12/6/71) 5-66-42;<br />

(1/25/72) 5-69-50; (1/27/72) 5-69-64;<br />

(2/4/72) 5-70-13; (2/14/72) 5-70-57;<br />

(3/8/72) 5-71-62; (3/20/72) 5-72-62;<br />

(3/21/72) 5-72-64; (3/21/72) 5-72-65;<br />

(3/22/72) 5-72-75; (3/23/72) 5-72-78;<br />

(3/23/72) 5-72-79; (3/23/72) 5-72-80;<br />

(3/23/72) 5-72-84; (3/24/72) 5-72-86;<br />

(4/8/72) 5-74-50; (5/8/72) 5-76-23;<br />

(7/23/72) 5-80-62; (7/29/72) 5-81-08;<br />

(8/9/72) 5-81-31; (1/19/73) 5-89-05;<br />

(6/18/72) 5-93-16<br />

Meat and meat products<br />

(2/17/70) 5-15-90; (2/23/70) 5-17-21;<br />

(3/10/70) 5-17-95; (7/31/70) 5-28-83;<br />

(3/15/72) 5-72-32; (6/6/72) 5-78-21;<br />

(6/15/72) 5-78-61; (6/23/72) 5-78-94;<br />

(8/18/72) 5-82-30<br />

Medals<br />

see Awards, medals and prizes<br />

see Military awards, decorations, and medals<br />

Mediation<br />

see Arbitration and mediation<br />

Medical centers<br />

see Hospitals and nursing homes<br />

Medical costs<br />

see also Health insurance<br />

(4/19/71) 5-47-06<br />

Medical education<br />

see also Medical research<br />

Medical ethics<br />

see also Abortion<br />

Medical examinations and tests<br />

(12/30/70) 5-39-25; (12/30/70) 5-39-30<br />

Medical personnel<br />

see also Dentists and dentistry<br />

see abo Physicians<br />

Medical research<br />

(4/28/71) 5-47-90; (5/6/71) 5-48-41;<br />

(5/7/71) 5-48-51; (5/7/71) 5-48-53;<br />

(9/20/72) 5-83-64<br />

Medical supplies and equipment<br />

(6/20/70) 5-25-47<br />

Medical technology<br />

see also Medical supplies and equipment<br />

Medici, President<br />

-Subject<br />

(11/18/71) 5-65-49; (12/9/71) 5-66-61<br />

Medicine<br />

see abo Dentists and dentistry<br />

see abo Diseases and disorders<br />

see abo Geriatrics and gerontology<br />

see abo Health facilities and services<br />

see also Health insurance<br />

see abo Hospitals and nursing homes<br />

see abo Medical examinations and tests<br />

see abo Physicians<br />

see abo Spinal cord injuries<br />

see abo Veterinary medicine<br />

see abo terms beginning with Health<br />

see abo terms beginning with Medical<br />

Medina, Ernest<br />

-Subject<br />

(4/1/71)^5-46-08<br />

Meir, Golda<br />

Subject<br />

(6/16/69) 5-5-18; (9/10/70) 5-31-64;<br />

(11/16/71) 5-65-30<br />

Melencamp, Noble<br />

Subject<br />

a/15/69) 5-2-10<br />

Members of Congress<br />

see under names of specific Members of Congress<br />

Memorial Day<br />

(5/25/70) 5-24-12; (5/25/70) 5-24-16<br />

Memorials<br />

see Holidays<br />

see Monuments and memorials<br />

Mental health and illness<br />

see abo Suicide<br />

(7/27/72) 5-80-94<br />

Menzies, Sir Robert<br />

Subject<br />

(2/4/69) 5-1-62; (2/4/69) 5-1-64<br />

Merchant marine<br />

see abo Ships and shipbuilding<br />

Mergers<br />

see Business acquisitions and mergers<br />

Merriam, Robert E.<br />

-Subject<br />

(9/30/69) 5-9-06<br />

Metals and metal industries<br />

see abo Iron and steel industry<br />

Meteorology<br />

see also Weather<br />

Metzenbaum, Howard M.<br />

Subject<br />

(10/16/70) 5-33-83<br />

Mexican Americans<br />

see abo Mexicans in the U.S.<br />

(5/5/70) 5-22-67; (9/4/70) 5-31-17;<br />

(10/23/70) 5-34-36; (2/2/71) 5-41-70<br />

Mexicans in the U.S.<br />

(10/7/71) 5-62-55<br />

Mexico<br />

see abo Mexicans in the U.S.<br />

([6/70]) 5-25-17; (8/4/70) 5-28-92;<br />

(8/20/70) 5-30-70; (8/21/70) 5-30-75;<br />

(8/22/70) 5-30-76; (8/23/70) 5-30-79;<br />

(11/10/70) 5-36-05; (11/5/71) 5-64-07;<br />

(3/29/72) 5-73-13<br />

Meyer, Charles A.<br />

-Subject<br />

(12/3/70) 5-37-40<br />

Miami Beach, Fla.<br />

(6/23/72) 5-78-95<br />

Michaelson, Charles<br />

-Subject<br />

(8/5/69; 5-7-64<br />

Michel, Robert H.<br />

-Subject<br />

(2/22/73) 5-91-64<br />

Michener, James A.<br />

-Subject<br />

(6/22/71) 5-52-24<br />

Michigan<br />

see abo Detroit, Mich.<br />

([2/70]) 5-15-41; (2/10/70) 5-15-61;<br />

(2/28/70) 5-17-57; (3/9/72) 5-71-74;<br />

(10/28/72) 5-86-76<br />

Micronesia<br />

see abo Guam<br />

(4/24/69) 5-3-51; (11/29/71) 5-66-12<br />

Middendorf, J. William, II<br />

-Subject<br />

(1/8/73) 5-88-28<br />

Middle East<br />

see also Arab-Israeli conflict<br />

see aiso CENTO<br />

see also Egypt<br />

see abo Iran<br />

see abo Israel<br />

see abo Jordan<br />

see abo Saudi Arabia<br />

see abo Turkey<br />

([3/69]) 5-2-91; (11/26/69) 5-13-04;<br />

(5/11/70) 5-23-45; (7/1/70) 5-27-07;<br />

(8/8/70) 5-30-12; (4/20/71) 5-47-19;<br />

(6/26/71) 5-52-59; (10/12/71) 5-62-65;<br />

(3/7/72) 5-71-59; (3/9/72) 5-71-70;<br />

(3/11/72) 5-71-85; (4/2/72) 5-74-08;<br />

(5/20/72) 5-77-66: (5/20/72) 5-77-67;<br />

(7/27/72) 5-80-94; (10/29/72) 5-86-80<br />

Midway<br />

(5/16/69) 5-4-32; (5/17/69) 5-4-35;<br />

(5/18/69) 5-4-42; (4/24/71) 5-47-56;<br />

(4/28/71) 5-47-90; (5/3/71) 5-48-28;<br />

(5/24/71) 5-50-23; (6/15/71) 5-51-44<br />

Milbank, Samuel R.<br />

-Sub;ect<br />

(10/23/69) 5-11-47<br />

Military Academy<br />

(2/19/71) 5-43-30<br />

Military aircraft<br />

see abo B-l bomber<br />

see abo F-l 11 aircraft<br />

see abo Helicopters<br />

(6/4/70; 5-24-50; (10/26/70) 5-34-54;<br />

(10/30/70) 5-34-87; (11/4/70) 5-35-23;<br />

(11/4/70) 5-35-27; (7/20/71) 5-54-74;<br />

(11/16/71) 5-65-30; (11/30/71) 5-66-23;<br />

(1/2/72) 5-68-09; (1/14/72) 5-68-93;<br />

(3/2/73) 5-92-06<br />

Military appropriations<br />

see Defense budgets and appropriations<br />

Military assistance<br />

see abo Foreign assistance<br />

(5/24/69) 5-4-62; (8/4/69) 5-7-58;<br />

(3/1/70) 5-17-62; (4/29/70) 5-22-13;<br />

(5/1/70) 5-22-30; (5/2/70) 5-22-46:<br />

(5/10/70) 5-23-33; (6/4/70) 5-24-50;<br />

(9/25/70) 5-32-51; (8/6/71) 5-56-29;<br />

(11/16/71) 5-65-30; (11/30/71) 5-66-23;<br />

(1/2/72) 5-68-09; (1/10/72) 5-68-58:<br />

(1/10/72) 5-68-60; (1/14/72) 5-68-93:<br />

(2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76;<br />

(4/19/72) 5-75-12; (4/23/72) 5-75-38;<br />

(5/2/72) 5-75-79; (5/3/72) 5-75-84:<br />

(5/4/72) 5-75-87; (5/8/72) 5-76-20;<br />

(7/27/72) 5-80-94; (¡0/15/72) 5-86-12;<br />

([1/31/73]) 5-89-95<br />

Military aviation<br />

see abo Air warfare<br />

see abo Military aircraft<br />

Military awards, decorations, and medals<br />

(10/19/69) 5-11-21; (2/17/70) 5-15-90;<br />

(4/7/70 to 4/8/70) 5-20-42; (5/26/71) 5-50-34;<br />

(2/12/73) 5-91-27<br />

Military bases, posts, and reservations<br />

(5/7/71) 5-48-53<br />

Military cemeteries and funerals<br />

([3/69]) 5-2-94; (4/11/69) 5-3-13<br />

Military contracts and procurement<br />

see Defense contracts and procurement<br />

Military courts<br />

see Courts-martial and courts of inquiry<br />

Military dependents<br />

(12/12/69) 5-13-47; (9/22/70) 5-32-41:<br />

(10/6/70) 5-33-27; (11/20/70) 5-36-77:<br />

(12/1/70) 5-37-20; (11/70) 5-37-27;<br />

(12/8/70) 5-37-72; (12/26/70) 5-39-03;<br />

(1/22/71) 5-41-19; (4/6/71) 5-46-29;<br />

(4/15/71) 5-46-83; (4/16/71) 5-46-90;<br />

(4/28/71) 5-47-94; (9/11/71) 5-59-84;<br />

(9/14/71) 5-60-14; (2/7/72) 5-70-26;<br />

(2/12/73) 5-91-27; (2/15/73) 5-91-36;<br />

(3/2/73) S-92-06; (3/14/73) 5-92-63<br />

Military deserters<br />

(11/12/71) 5-65-10; (1/2/72) 5-68-09;<br />

(2/15/73) 5-91-40; ([2/73]) 5-91-80;<br />

(3/2/73) 5-91-94<br />

Military education<br />

see also Military Academy<br />

see abo Naval Academy<br />

Military expenditures<br />

see Cost of war<br />

see Defense expenditures<br />

Military funerals<br />

see Military cemeteries and funerals<br />

Military health facilities and services<br />

see abo Veterans health facilities and services<br />

Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 245

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