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Firestone, Leonard K. (- Subject) -Subject (6/2/11) 3-50-70; $12/11) 3-56-08; (12/10/71) 5-66-65; (1/28/72) 5-69-67 Fiscal policy see also Budget of the U.S. see also Business cycles see also Government spending see also Inflation see also Monetary policy see also Municipal finance see also Prices see also Public debt see also Public welfare finance see also Revenue sharing see also Taxation (7/17/69) 5-6-65; (7/1S/69) 5-6-74; (1/9/70) 5-14-22; (1/18/70) 5-14-60; (2/10/72) 5-70-43 Fisher, Max -Participant (1/30/69) 5-1-58; (1/31/72) 5-69-75 -Subject (1/13/69) 5-1-08; (2/21/69) 5-2-18; (3/10/69) 5-2-44; (3/19/69) 5-2-64; (5/14/71) 5-48-90; (5/17/71) 5-49-14 Fitzgerald, A. Ernest -Subject (12/9/69) 5-13-43 Fitzsimmons, Frank E. -Subject (6/7/7J; 5-50-96; (8/14/71) 5-58-20; (8/20/71) 5-58-65; (8/31/71) 5-59-27; (11/9/71) 5-64-33; (3/22/72) 5-72-75; (7/21/72) 5-50-43 Fixed investment see Capital investments Flags see National signs and symbols see U.S. flag Flanigan, Peter M. -Participant (4/8/69) 5-3-06; (4/21/69) 5-3-33; (4/24/69) 5-3-48; (5/20/69) 5-4-49; (7/2/69) 5-6-11; (7/14/69) 5-6-55; Í2/4/70J 5-/5-34; (4/28/70) 5-22-07; (4/29/70) 5-22-13; (6/4/70) 5-24-54; (6/25/74) 5-25-74; (7/U/70) 5-27-65; (9/10/70) 5-31-56; (11/19/70) 5-36-70; (2/20/71) 5-43-33; (2/22/71) 5-43-42; (3/11/71) 5-44-42; (4/13/71) 5-46-65; (5/5/71) 5-48-36: (6/9/71) 5-51-14; (6/28/71) 5-52-70; (7/8/71) 5-53-69; (7/13/71) 5-54-07; (7/24/71) 5-55-25; ([8/71]) 5-55-92; (8/11/71) 5-56-66; ([8/71]) 5-56-70; ([8/71]) 5-56-72; (8/12/71) 5-56-79; (8/30/71) 5-59-24; (11/15/71) 5-65-22; (12/10/71) 5-66-66; (12/30/71) 5-67-46; (1/10/72) 5-68-66; (1/17/72) 5-69-07; (1/24/72) 5-69-49; (2/8/72) 5-70-33; (7/12/72) 5-80-18: ([1/73]) 5-88-15 -Subject (1/22/69) 5-1-28; (1/25/69) 5-1-46; (6/27/69) 5-5-39; (1/24/69) 5-1-43: (3/14/69) 5-2-54; (6/28/69) 5-5-42; (7/12/69) 5-6-35; (7/21/69) 5-6-87; rS/5/69; 5-7-64; (8/21/69) 5-8-10; (9/14/69) 5-8-52; (9/15/69) 5-8-58; (9/16/69) 5-8-62; (9/29/69) 5-9-04; (10/1/69) 5-10-07; (10/11/69) 5-10-67; (10/22/69) 5-11-38; (1/3/70 to 1/6/70) 5-14-05; (2/11/70) 5-15-63; (2/12/70) 5-15-71; (2/16/70) 5-15-85; (2/19/70) 5-16-11; (2/27/70) 5-17-50; (3/3/70) 5-17-72; (3/9/70) 5-17-87; (4/7/70) 5-20-36; (5/5/70) 5-22-69; (5/20/70) 5-23-91; (5/20/70) 5-24-05; (5/25/70) 5-24-11; (5/26/70) 5-24-20; (5/27/70) 5-24-25; (7/16/70) 5-27-95; (11/8/70) 5-35-66; (3/9/71) 5-44-33; (3/11/71) 5-44-46; (4/5/71) 5-46-26; 222 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes (5/24/71) 5-50-23; (7/10/71) 5-53-79; (7/12/71) 5-53-87; (7/16/71) 5-54-35; (7/23/71) 5-55-08; (8/11/71) 5-56-65; (8/11/71) 5-56-67; (8/21/71) 5-58-73; (9/17/71) 5-60-47; (11/17/71) 5-65-39; (11/29/71) 5-66-16; (12/22/71) 5-67-26; (1/3/72) 5-68-23; (1/8/72) 5-68-49; (1/18/72) 5-69-15; (1/19/72) 5-69-28; (1/19/72) 5-69-31; (1/29/72) 5-69-69; (2/2/72) 5-69-96; (2/7/72) 5-70-23; (2/8/72) 5-70-32; (2/13/72) 5-70-55; (2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76; (3/4/72) 5-71-41; (3/8/72) 5-71-60; (3/14/72) 5-72-19; ([3/15/72]) 5-72-30; (3/15/72) 5-72-32; (3/16/72) 5.72-38; (3/24/72) 5-72-86; (3/27/72) 5-72-95; (3/27/72) 5-73-03; (4/12/72) 5-74-68; (4/16/72) 5-74-79; (4/16/72) 5-74-81; (4/16/72) 5-74-83; (4/17/72) 5-74-87; (4/17/72) 5-74-88; (5/11/72) 5-77-19; (5/16/72) 5-77-41; (5/28/72) 5-77-89; (11/17/72) 5-87-80 Fleming, Robert H. -Subject (9/28/71) 5-61-31; (3/8/72) 5-71-61; (3/8/72) 5-71-62 Flemming, Arthur S. -Subject (12/7/71) 5-66-48 Fleps, Carl -Subject (11/18/71) 5-65-49 Fletcher, Arthur A. -Subject (2/24/71) 5-43-60; (3/16/71) 5-44-63; (7/29/71) 5-55-62; (12/1/71) 5-66-27 Fletcher, James C. -Subject (2/22/71) 5-43-42 Floods (6/23/72) 5-78-94 Florida see also Key Biscayne, Fla. see also Miami Beach, Fla. (7/25/69; 5-J-iO; (3/7/69; 5-2-40; (4/20/70) 5-21-52; (10/27/70) 5-34-62; (10/27/70) 5-34-66; (1/17/71) 5-40-78: (1/21/71) 5-41-11; (2/15/71) 5-42-51; (12/1/71) 5-66-30: (3/5/72) 5-71-43; (3/6/72) 5-71-52; (3/8/72) 5-71-62: ([3/14/72]) 5-72-21: (3/14/72) 5-72-24; (3/14/72) 5-72-25; (3/15/72) 5-72-27; (1/25/73) 5-89-53 . Florinoy, Hugh -Subject (3/19/70) 5-18-49; Flynn, Clyde -Subject ([10/69]) 5-10-45 Folger, John C. -Subject (1/13/69) 5-1-08; (1/16/69) 5-1-18; (1/30/69) 5-1-57; (5/16/69) 5-4-34 FoUiard, Ed -Subject (3/17/69) 5-2-55 Fonda, Jane -Subject (7/23/72) 5-80-62; (3/31/73) 5-92-91 (3/19/70) 5-18-56 (1/15/69) 5-1-12, (1/22/69) 5-1-26, (4/24/69) 5-3-51 (10/15/72) 5-86-10; Fong, Hiram L. -Subject (5/17/69) 5-4-35; (6/7/69) 5-5-10; (3/21/70) 5-18-57; (4/2/70) 5-20-14 Index by Subjects and Names Food assistance see also Food stamp programs see also School lunch and breakfast programs Food industry see also Dairy industry and products see also Food prices see also Food supply see also Meat and meat products see also Restaurants and restaurant industry see also Sugar and sugar industry (1/8/70) 5-14-15; (2/19/70) 5-16-11 Food prices (7/8/70; 5-i4-;5; (2/23/70) 5-17-21; (7/31/70) 5-28-83; (3/15/72) 5-72-32; (6/15/72) 5-78-61; (6/20/72) 5-78-77; (6/22/72) 5-78-87: (8/14/72) 5-81-49; (2/17/70) 5-15-90; (3/10/70) 5-17-95; (2/18/71) 5-43-24; (3/24/72) 5-72-86; (6/16/72) 5-78-65; (6/21/72) 5-78-80: (6/22/72) 5-78-93; (8/17/72) 5-82-08 Food services and concessions (8/20/72) 5-82-41 Food stamp programs (12/8/69) 5-13-28; (12/13/69) 5-13-49 Food supply (12/7/69) 5-13-27 Football (4/Í5/69; 5-3-23; (5/24/69) 5-4-60; (11/24/69) 5-12-84; (11/28/69) 5-13-05; (12/1/69) 5-13-09; (2/23/70) 5-17-17; (2/28/70) 5-17-57; (2/28/70) 5-17-59; (3/1/70) 5-17-63; (3/3/70) 5-17-75; (11/28/70) 5-37-24; (1/29/71) 5-41-59; (2/5/71) 5-41-88: (2/5/71) 5-41-91; (3/4/71) 5-44-10; (3/14/71) 5-44-53; (4/19/71) 5-47-08; (4/20/71) 5-47-29; (7/25/71) 5-55-32; (7/30/71) 5-55-73; (9/17/71) 5-60-55; (9/18/71) 5-60-60; (11/1/71) 5-63-64; (11/6/71) 5-64-24; (11/15/71) 5-65-26; (11/22/71) 5-65-87; (12/14/71) 5-66-84: (12/15/71) 5-67-07; (1/25/72) 5-69-50; (3/10/72) 5-71-81; (3/11/72) 5-71-88; (3/13/72) 5-72-07; (3/20/72) 5-72-54; (3/20/72) 5-72-57; (3/20/72) 5-72-60; (10/13/72) 5-85-88; (3/10/73 to 3/11/73) 5-92-43 Ford Foundation (9/7/71) 5-59-61 Ford, Gerald R. -Participant (9/27/69) 5-8-93; (5/19/70) 5-23-81; (5/5/71) 5-48-36; (9/14/71) 5-60-14; (7/21/72) 5-80-35 -Subject (4/21/69 to 4/22/69) 5-3-36; (4/25/69) 5-3-53: (5/16/69) 5-4-31: (9/25/69) 5-8-85; (10/2/69) 5-10-16: (10/3/69) 5-10-18; (10/6/69) 5-10-33; (10/7/69) 5-10-38; ([10/69]) 5-10-82; (10/27/69) 5-11-58; (11/9/69) 5-12-12; (11/12/69) 5-12-22; ([2/70]) 5-15-41; (4/20/70) 5-21-52; (4/27/70) 5-21-90; (5/4/70) 5-22-61; (5/5/70) 5-22-65: (5/25/70) 5-24-16; (6/12/70) 5-24-96; (6/14/70) 5-25-09; (12/1/70) 5-37-20; (12/14/70) 5-38-22: (3/31/71) 5-45-48; (4/19/71) 5-47-08; (5/15/71) 5-48-96; (7/2/71) 5-53-42; (7/13/71) 5-53-91; ([7/71]) 5-54-32; (9/13/71) 5-59-90; (9/21/71) 5-60-91 (12/3/71) 5-66-38; (7/26/72) 5-80-89, (2/13/73) 5-91-29; (9/15/72) 5-93-32, (4/4/73) 5-94-53 Ford, Henry, II -Subject (1/30/69) 5-1-58: (2/21/70) 5-17-08 Ford Motor Co. (8/18/72) 5-82-30

Index by Subjects and Names Foreign relations Forecasting (10/31/69 to 11/1/69) 5-11-70; see Projections (12/15/69) 5-13-59; (5/2/70) 5-22-45; Foreign affairs see Foreign relations Foreign assistance see also Military assistance (6/27/69) 5-5-39; (8/14/71) 5-58-08: (10/27/71) 5-63-40; (10/27/71) 5-63-45; (10/28/71) 5-63-53; (10/30/71) 5-63-59; (10/30/71) 5-63-61: (10/31/71) 5-63-62; (10/31/71) 5-63-63: (11/1/71) 5-63-64; (11/1/71) 5-63-79; (11/2/71) 5-63-83; (11/4/71) 5-63-93; (11/5/71) 5-64-07; (10/2/70) 5-33-07; (10/2/70) 5-33-13; (10/8/70) 5-33-37; (3/1/71) 5-43-86; (4/26/71) 5-47-69; (7/19/71) 5-54-55; (7/19/71) 5-54-61; (7/20/71) 5-54-74; (7/22/71) 5-54-90; (7/23/71) 5-54-92; (10/27/71) 5-63-50; (11/10/71) 5-64-44; (2/17/72) 5-70-70; (3/14/72) 5-72-25; (3/31/72) 5-73-31; (4/19/72) 5-75-11; (5/8/72) 5-76-18; ([5/72]) 5-76-25; (5/28/72) 5-77-91; ([6/23/72]) 5-79-04; (7/21/72) 5-80-35; (1/23/73) 5-89-36; (1/26/73) 5-89-65 (11/11/71) 5-64-49; (11/15/71) 5-65-18; ([11/15/71]) 5-65-21; (12/2/71) 5-66-34; (12/7/71) 5-66-48; (12/10/71) 5-66-67: Foreign relations see also Anns control and disarmament see also Cultural relations (12/10/71) 5-66-74; (12/18/71) 5-67-13; see also Diplomatic and consular service (1/14/72) 5-68-89; a/15/72) 5-70-61; see also Executive agreements (2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76; see abo Foreign assistance (5/28/72) 5-77-89; (7/23/72) 5-80-61; see also Foreign diplomats and missions in U.S. (9/20/72) 5-83-64; ([9/25/72]) 5-83-89; see also Foreign economic relations (1/19/73) 5-89-05; (1/31/73) 5-89-90; see also Foreign trade ([1/31/73]) 5-89-95; (2/15/73) 5-91-35; see also International arbitration (2/15/73) 5-91-36; (2/15/73) 5-91-40; see also International relations (3/2/73) 5-91-94 see aiso Military assistance Foreign diplomats and missions in U.S. see aiso Protection of foreign visitors (1/30/69) 5-1-55; (2/4/69) 5-1-62: (5/29/69 to 5/30/69) 5-4-77; (6/27/69) 5-5-39; (10/11/69) 5-10-67; (10/15/69) 5-11-06; (10/28/69) 5-11-63: (2/18/70) 5-15-96; (2/20/70) 5-16-17; (2/20/70) 5-16-20; (2/21/70) 5-17-08; ([2/70]) 5-17-42; (3/9/70) 5-17-87: (3/9/70) 5-17-94; (7/16/70) 5-28-07; (10/5/70) 5-33-21; (10/13/71) 5-62-75; (10/13/71) 5-62-79; (12/30/71) 5-67-46; (3/3/73) 5-92-09; (3/9/73) 5-92-41 see aiso Protection of foreign visitors see aiso Treaties and conventions ([1/15/69]) 5-1-13; (1/27/69) 5-1-49; (1/30/69) 5-1-56; (2/12/69) 5-1-93; (2/12/69) 5-1-95; (2/15/69) 5-2-10; (3/9/69) 5-2-42; (3/18/69) 5-2-59; (3/19/69) 5-2-64; (3/23/69) 5-2-71; (3/27/69) 5-2-84; ([3/69]) 5-2-91; (3/31/69) 5-2-92; ([3/69]) 5-2-94; (4/10/69) 5-3-12; (5/15/69) 5-4-30; (5/16/69) 5-4-34; (5/26/69) 5-4-66; (5/26/69) 5-4-67; (5/27/69) 5-4-69; (6/5/69) 5-5-05; (6/16/69) 5-5-18; (6/24/69) 5-5-36; (7/15/69) 5-6-57; Foreign economic relations (7/21/69) 5-6-87; (8/10/69) 5-7-79; see also Balance of payments (9/11/69) 5-8-49; (9/17/69) 5-8-67; see also Blockade (9/23/69) 5-8-76; (9/25/69) 5-8-85; see also East-West trade (10/3/69) 5-10-22; (10/7/69) 5-10-35; see also Embargoes and boycotts (10/20/69) 5-11-29; (11/4/69) 5-11-90; see also Export controls (11/17/69) 5-12-47; (11/19/69) 5-12-64; see also Foreign assistance (12/15/69) 5-13-59; (1/26/70) 5-14-86; see also Foreign exchange (1/28/70) 5-15-03; (2/12/70) 5-15-74; see also Foreign trade (2/16/70) 5-15-79; (2/16/70) 5-15-80; see also Foreign trade promotion see also Import restrictions see also International finance see also Tariffs see also Trade agreements (7/10/69) 5-6-28; (1/16/70) 5-14-49; (5/20/70) 5-23-91; (9/70) 5-32-71; (5/6/71) 5-48-40; (5/28/71) 5-50-45; (6/7/71) 5-51-06; (6/23/71) 5-52-39; (7/12/71) 5-53-85: (8/6/71) 5-56-25; (8/11/71) 5-56-66; (9/19/71) 5-60-69; (9/21/71) 5-60-91; (9/23/71) 5-61-04; (11/10/71) 5-64-44; (11/17/71) 5-65-39; (11/23/71) 5-65-90: (11/23/71) 5-65-93; (12/22/71) 5-67-25; (12/29/71) 5-67-40; (2/17/70) 5-15-89; (2/18/70) 5-16-06; (2/19/70) 5-16-11; (2/21/70) 5-17-14; (2/23/70) 5-17-21; (2/24/70) 5-17-27; (2/24/70) 5-17-30; (2/25/70) 5-17-33; (2/26/70) 5-17-46; (2/26/70) 5-17-49; (2/28/70) 5-17-59; (3/2/70) 5-17-70; (3/16/70) 5-18-22; (3/16/70) 5-18-25; (3/18/70) 5-18-35; ([3/70]) 5-18-76; (3/30/70) 5-19-03; (3/31/70) 5-19-13; (4/9/70) 5-20-57; (4/13/70) 5-20-80; (4/19/70) 5-21-45: (4/20/70 to 4/21/70) 5-21-46; (5/11/70) 5-23-40; (6/4/70) 5-24-51; (6/5/70) 5-24-58; (6/12/70) 5-24-94; (6/15/70) 5-25-11; ([6/70]) 5-25-17; (6/19/70) 5-25-42; (6/20/70) 5-25-48, (1/19/72) 5-69-25; (2/2/72) 5-69-96; (6/22/70) 5-25-62; (6/23/70) 5-25-66, (2/3/72) 5-70-04; (3/14/72) 5-72-19; (6/23/70) 5-25-70; (6/23/70) 5-25-72, (8/29/72) 5-82-88: (8/31/72) 5-83-06 (6/26/70) 5-25-79; (6/26/70) 5-25-83, Foreign exchange (7/9/70) 5-27-38; (7/9/70) 5-27-42; see also Balance of payments (7/10/70) 5-27-62; (7/25/70) 5-28-57; (8/9/71) 5-56-44; (8/14/71) 5-58-06; (8/4/70) 5-28-92; (8/8/70) 5-30-12; (8/14/71) 5-58-08; (8/14/71) 5-58-20; (8/21/70) 5-30-75; (8/23/70) 5-30-79; (8/15/71) 5-58-22; (8/16/71) 5-58-30; (9/9/70) 5-31-47; (9/10/70) 5-31-56; (8/31/71) 5-59-27; (9/13/71) 5-59-92; (9/24/71) 5-61-09; (12/2/71) 5-66-34 Foreign investments see also Expropriation (5/6/71) 5-48-41 Foreign loans (6/11/71) 5-51-28 (9/10/70) 5-31-64; (9/11/70) 5-31-66, (9/12/70) 5-31-74; (9/14/70) 5-31-81; (9/17/70) 5-32-07; (9/19/70) 5-32-16; (9/22/70) 5-32-41; (9/30/70) 5-32-86; (10/2/70) 5-33-08; (10/6/70) 5-33-27; (10/14/70) 5-33-70; (10/14/70) 5-33-74; (10/16/70) 5-33-93; (11/6/70) 5-35-42; (11/10/70) 5-36-05; (11/16/70) 5-3(5-46; Foreign opinion of the U.S. (11/17/70) 5-36-61; (11/25/70) 5-37-05; see aiso Anti-American demonstrations (12/3/70) 5-37-41; (12/8/70) 5-37-67; (12/8/70) 5-37-72: (12/11/70) 5-37-93; (12/21/70) 5-38-70; (12/70) 5-39-13: (12/30/70) 5-39-25; (2/2/71) 5-41-73; (2/11/71) 5-42-40; (2/18/71) 5-43-25; (3/2/71) 5-43-95: (3/20/71) 5-44-90; (3/31/71) 5-45-46; (4/8/71) 5-46-41; (4/13/71) 5-46-61; (4/14/71) 5-46-70; (4/15/71) 5-46-80; (4/15/71) 5-46-81; (4/16/71) 5-46-88; (4/17/71) 5-46-92; (4/17/71) 5-47-03; (4/20/71) 5-47-17; (4/20/71) 5-47-19; (4/22/71) 5-47-37; (4/22/71) 5-47-45; (4/23/71) 5-47-49; (4/26/71) 5-47-73; (4/28/71) 5-47-85; (4/28/71) 5-47-94; ([4/71]) 5-48-03; (5/18/71) 5-49-20; (5/20/71) 5-50-06; (5/24/71) 5-50-23; (5/26/71) 5-50-34; (5/27/71) 5-50-40; (5/27/71) 5-50-41; (5/29/71 to 5/31/71) 5-50-51: (6/2/71) 5-50-74; (6/9/71) 5-51-18; (6/12/71) 5-51-32: (6/13/71) 5-51-37; (6/16/71) 5-51-56; (6/18/71) 5-51-79; (6/25/71) 5-52-55; (6/26/71) 5-52-58; (6/27/71) 5-52-62; (6/28/71) 5-53-09; (7/7/71) 5-53-68; (7/8/71) 5-53-70; (7/11/71) 5-53-83; (7/15/71) 5-54-17; (7/15/71) 5-54-18; (7/15/71) 5-54-19; (7/15/71) 5-54-20; (7/15/71) 5-54-21; (7/16/71) 5-54-28; (7/16/71) 5-54-30; ([7/71]) 5-54-32; (7/16/71) 5-54-34; (7/16/71) 5-54-35; (7/17/71) 5-54-46; (7/17/71) 5-54-50: (7/18/71) 5-54-54; (7/19/71) 5-54-68; (7/20/71) 5-54-71; (7/19/71) 5-54-73; (7/20/71) 5-54-74; (7/21/71) 5-54-83; (7/22/71) 5-54-88: (7/22/71) 5-54-90; (7/23/71) 5-55-08; (7/23/71) 5-55-12; (7/26/71) 5-55-36; (7/28/71) 5-55-52; (7/28/71) 5-55-58; (7/30/71) 5-55-63: (8/4/71) 5-56-16; (8/17/71) 5-58-46; (8/19/71) 5-58-58; (8/23/71) 5-58-82: (8/23/71) 5-58-84; (8/24/71) 5-58-89; (9/26/71) 5-61-23; (9/27/71) 5-61-25: (9/28/71) 5-61-33; ([10/2/71]) 5-62-11; (10/11/71) 5-62-60; (¡0/11/71) 5-62-61; (10/12/71) 5-62-70; (10/13/71) 5-62-75; (10/14/71) 5-62-83: (10/15/71) 5-62-86; (10/16/71) 5-62-90; (10/18/71) 5-62-92; (10/26/71) 5-63-30; (10/30/71) 5-63-59; (11/2/71) 5-63-83; (11/9/71) 5-64-38; (11/10/71) 5-64-41; (11/18/71) 5-65-49; (11/18/71) 5-65-52, (11/18/71) 5-65-53; (11/19/71) 5-65-57, (11/20/71) 5-65-66; (11/22/71) 5-65-87, (11/24/71) 5-66-03; (11/24/71) 5-66-05, (11/28/71) 5-66-10; (11/30/71) 5-66-19; (11/30/71) 5-66-22; (11/30/71) 5-66-23, (12/7/71) 5-66-49; (12/14/71) 5-66-84; (12/15/71) 5-66-94; (12/16/71) 5-67-04; (12/23/71) 5-67-35; (1/10/72) 5-68-52; (1/10/72) 5-68-54; (1/12/72) 5-68-74; (1/14/72) 5-68-92; (1/17/72) 5-69-10; (1/23/72) 5-69-40; (1/25/72) 5-69-54; (1/27/72) 5-69-65; (1/28/72) 5-69-67; (1/31/72) 5-69-72; (2/2/72) 5-69-92; (2/4/72) 5-70-13; (2/5/72) 5-70-15; (2/7/72) 5-70-26: (2/10/72) 5-70-39; (2/13/72) 5-70-53; (2/15/72) 5-70-65; (2/17/72) 5-70-70; (2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76; (2/19/72 to 2/20/72) 5-71-09; (2/21/72) 5-71-11; (2/21/72) 5-71-12; (2/21/72) 5-71-14; (2/22/72) 5-71-15; (2/22/72) 5-71-16: (2/23/72) 5-71-17; (2/23/72) 5-71-18; (2/24/72) 5-71-21; (2/25/72) 5-71-22; (2/26/72) 5-71-24; (3/1/72) 5-71-34; (3/2/72) 5-71-37; (3/4/72) 5-71-41: (3/5/72) 5-71-43; (3/6/72) 5-71-48; (3/14/72) 5-72-10; (3/14/72) 5-72-25; (3/17/72) 5-72-47; (3/20/72) 5-72-54; (3/20/72) 5-72-57; (3/20/72) 5-72-63; (3/23/72) 5-72-80; (4/1/72) 5-74-05; (4/5/72) 5-74-33; (4/11/72) 5-74-58; (4/14/72) 5-74-76; (4/18/72) 5-75-08; (4/21/72) 5-75-21; (4/22/72) 5-75-25; (4/23/72) 5-75-35; (4/24/72) 5-75-42; (4/24/72) 5-75-44; Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 223

Index by Subjects and Names Foreign relations<br />

Forecasting<br />

(10/31/69 to 11/1/69) 5-11-70;<br />

see Projections<br />

(12/15/69) 5-13-59; (5/2/70) 5-22-45;<br />

Foreign affairs<br />

see Foreign relations<br />

Foreign assistance<br />

see also Military assistance<br />

(6/27/69) 5-5-39; (8/14/71) 5-58-08:<br />

(10/27/71) 5-63-40; (10/27/71) 5-63-45;<br />

(10/28/71) 5-63-53; (10/30/71) 5-63-59;<br />

(10/30/71) 5-63-61: (10/31/71) 5-63-62;<br />

(10/31/71) 5-63-63: (11/1/71) 5-63-64;<br />

(11/1/71) 5-63-79; (11/2/71) 5-63-83;<br />

(11/4/71) 5-63-93; (11/5/71) 5-64-07;<br />

(10/2/70) 5-33-07; (10/2/70) 5-33-13;<br />

(10/8/70) 5-33-37; (3/1/71) 5-43-86;<br />

(4/26/71) 5-47-69; (7/19/71) 5-54-55;<br />

(7/19/71) 5-54-61; (7/20/71) 5-54-74;<br />

(7/22/71) 5-54-90; (7/23/71) 5-54-92;<br />

(10/27/71) 5-63-50; (11/10/71) 5-64-44;<br />

(2/17/72) 5-70-70; (3/14/72) 5-72-25;<br />

(3/31/72) 5-73-31; (4/19/72) 5-75-11;<br />

(5/8/72) 5-76-18; ([5/72]) 5-76-25;<br />

(5/28/72) 5-77-91; ([6/23/72]) 5-79-04;<br />

(7/21/72) 5-80-35; (1/23/73) 5-89-36;<br />

(1/26/73) 5-89-65<br />

(11/11/71) 5-64-49; (11/15/71) 5-65-18;<br />

([11/15/71]) 5-65-21; (12/2/71) 5-66-34;<br />

(12/7/71) 5-66-48; (12/10/71) 5-66-67:<br />

Foreign relations<br />

see also Anns control and disarmament<br />

see also Cultural relations<br />

(12/10/71) 5-66-74; (12/18/71) 5-67-13;<br />

see also Diplomatic and consular service<br />

(1/14/72) 5-68-89; a/15/72) 5-70-61;<br />

see also Executive agreements<br />

(2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76;<br />

see abo Foreign assistance<br />

(5/28/72) 5-77-89; (7/23/72) 5-80-61;<br />

see also Foreign diplomats and missions in U.S.<br />

(9/20/72) 5-83-64; ([9/25/72]) 5-83-89;<br />

see also Foreign economic relations<br />

(1/19/73) 5-89-05; (1/31/73) 5-89-90;<br />

see also Foreign trade<br />

([1/31/73]) 5-89-95; (2/15/73) 5-91-35;<br />

see also International arbitration<br />

(2/15/73) 5-91-36; (2/15/73) 5-91-40;<br />

see also International relations<br />

(3/2/73) 5-91-94<br />

see aiso Military assistance<br />

Foreign diplomats and missions in U.S.<br />

see aiso Protection of foreign visitors<br />

(1/30/69) 5-1-55; (2/4/69) 5-1-62:<br />

(5/29/69 to 5/30/69) 5-4-77; (6/27/69) 5-5-39;<br />

(10/11/69) 5-10-67; (10/15/69) 5-11-06;<br />

(10/28/69) 5-11-63: (2/18/70) 5-15-96;<br />

(2/20/70) 5-16-17; (2/20/70) 5-16-20;<br />

(2/21/70) 5-17-08; ([2/70]) 5-17-42;<br />

(3/9/70) 5-17-87: (3/9/70) 5-17-94;<br />

(7/16/70) 5-28-07; (10/5/70) 5-33-21;<br />

(10/13/71) 5-62-75; (10/13/71) 5-62-79;<br />

(12/30/71) 5-67-46; (3/3/73) 5-92-09;<br />

(3/9/73) 5-92-41<br />

see aiso Protection of foreign visitors<br />

see aiso Treaties and conventions<br />

([1/15/69]) 5-1-13; (1/27/69) 5-1-49;<br />

(1/30/69) 5-1-56; (2/12/69) 5-1-93;<br />

(2/12/69) 5-1-95; (2/15/69) 5-2-10;<br />

(3/9/69) 5-2-42; (3/18/69) 5-2-59;<br />

(3/19/69) 5-2-64; (3/23/69) 5-2-71;<br />

(3/27/69) 5-2-84; ([3/69]) 5-2-91;<br />

(3/31/69) 5-2-92; ([3/69]) 5-2-94;<br />

(4/10/69) 5-3-12; (5/15/69) 5-4-30;<br />

(5/16/69) 5-4-34; (5/26/69) 5-4-66;<br />

(5/26/69) 5-4-67; (5/27/69) 5-4-69;<br />

(6/5/69) 5-5-05; (6/16/69) 5-5-18;<br />

(6/24/69) 5-5-36; (7/15/69) 5-6-57;<br />

Foreign economic relations<br />

(7/21/69) 5-6-87; (8/10/69) 5-7-79;<br />

see also Balance of payments<br />

(9/11/69) 5-8-49; (9/17/69) 5-8-67;<br />

see also Blockade<br />

(9/23/69) 5-8-76; (9/25/69) 5-8-85;<br />

see also East-West trade<br />

(10/3/69) 5-10-22; (10/7/69) 5-10-35;<br />

see also Embargoes and boycotts<br />

(10/20/69) 5-11-29; (11/4/69) 5-11-90;<br />

see also Export controls<br />

(11/17/69) 5-12-47; (11/19/69) 5-12-64;<br />

see also Foreign assistance<br />

(12/15/69) 5-13-59; (1/26/70) 5-14-86;<br />

see also Foreign exchange<br />

(1/28/70) 5-15-03; (2/12/70) 5-15-74;<br />

see also Foreign trade<br />

(2/16/70) 5-15-79; (2/16/70) 5-15-80;<br />

see also Foreign trade promotion<br />

see also Import restrictions<br />

see also International finance<br />

see also Tariffs<br />

see also Trade agreements<br />

(7/10/69) 5-6-28; (1/16/70) 5-14-49;<br />

(5/20/70) 5-23-91; (9/70) 5-32-71;<br />

(5/6/71) 5-48-40; (5/28/71) 5-50-45;<br />

(6/7/71) 5-51-06; (6/23/71) 5-52-39;<br />

(7/12/71) 5-53-85: (8/6/71) 5-56-25;<br />

(8/11/71) 5-56-66; (9/19/71) 5-60-69;<br />

(9/21/71) 5-60-91; (9/23/71) 5-61-04;<br />

(11/10/71) 5-64-44; (11/17/71) 5-65-39;<br />

(11/23/71) 5-65-90: (11/23/71) 5-65-93;<br />

(12/22/71) 5-67-25; (12/29/71) 5-67-40;<br />

(2/17/70) 5-15-89; (2/18/70) 5-16-06;<br />

(2/19/70) 5-16-11; (2/21/70) 5-17-14;<br />

(2/23/70) 5-17-21; (2/24/70) 5-17-27;<br />

(2/24/70) 5-17-30; (2/25/70) 5-17-33;<br />

(2/26/70) 5-17-46; (2/26/70) 5-17-49;<br />

(2/28/70) 5-17-59; (3/2/70) 5-17-70;<br />

(3/16/70) 5-18-22; (3/16/70) 5-18-25;<br />

(3/18/70) 5-18-35; ([3/70]) 5-18-76;<br />

(3/30/70) 5-19-03; (3/31/70) 5-19-13;<br />

(4/9/70) 5-20-57; (4/13/70) 5-20-80;<br />

(4/19/70) 5-21-45:<br />

(4/20/70 to 4/21/70) 5-21-46;<br />

(5/11/70) 5-23-40; (6/4/70) 5-24-51;<br />

(6/5/70) 5-24-58; (6/12/70) 5-24-94;<br />

(6/15/70) 5-25-11; ([6/70]) 5-25-17;<br />

(6/19/70) 5-25-42; (6/20/70) 5-25-48,<br />

(1/19/72) 5-69-25; (2/2/72) 5-69-96;<br />

(6/22/70) 5-25-62; (6/23/70) 5-25-66,<br />

(2/3/72) 5-70-04; (3/14/72) 5-72-19;<br />

(6/23/70) 5-25-70; (6/23/70) 5-25-72,<br />

(8/29/72) 5-82-88: (8/31/72) 5-83-06<br />

(6/26/70) 5-25-79; (6/26/70) 5-25-83,<br />

Foreign exchange<br />

(7/9/70) 5-27-38; (7/9/70) 5-27-42;<br />

see also Balance of payments<br />

(7/10/70) 5-27-62; (7/25/70) 5-28-57;<br />

(8/9/71) 5-56-44; (8/14/71) 5-58-06;<br />

(8/4/70) 5-28-92; (8/8/70) 5-30-12;<br />

(8/14/71) 5-58-08; (8/14/71) 5-58-20;<br />

(8/21/70) 5-30-75; (8/23/70) 5-30-79;<br />

(8/15/71) 5-58-22; (8/16/71) 5-58-30;<br />

(9/9/70) 5-31-47; (9/10/70) 5-31-56;<br />

(8/31/71) 5-59-27; (9/13/71) 5-59-92;<br />

(9/24/71) 5-61-09; (12/2/71) 5-66-34<br />

Foreign investments<br />

see also Expropriation<br />

(5/6/71) 5-48-41<br />

Foreign loans<br />

(6/11/71) 5-51-28<br />

(9/10/70) 5-31-64; (9/11/70) 5-31-66,<br />

(9/12/70) 5-31-74; (9/14/70) 5-31-81;<br />

(9/17/70) 5-32-07; (9/19/70) 5-32-16;<br />

(9/22/70) 5-32-41; (9/30/70) 5-32-86;<br />

(10/2/70) 5-33-08; (10/6/70) 5-33-27;<br />

(10/14/70) 5-33-70; (10/14/70) 5-33-74;<br />

(10/16/70) 5-33-93; (11/6/70) 5-35-42;<br />

(11/10/70) 5-36-05; (11/16/70) 5-3(5-46;<br />

Foreign opinion of the U.S.<br />

(11/17/70) 5-36-61; (11/25/70) 5-37-05;<br />

see aiso Anti-American demonstrations<br />

(12/3/70) 5-37-41; (12/8/70) 5-37-67;<br />

(12/8/70) 5-37-72: (12/11/70) 5-37-93;<br />

(12/21/70) 5-38-70; (12/70) 5-39-13:<br />

(12/30/70) 5-39-25; (2/2/71) 5-41-73;<br />

(2/11/71) 5-42-40; (2/18/71) 5-43-25;<br />

(3/2/71) 5-43-95: (3/20/71) 5-44-90;<br />

(3/31/71) 5-45-46; (4/8/71) 5-46-41;<br />

(4/13/71) 5-46-61; (4/14/71) 5-46-70;<br />

(4/15/71) 5-46-80; (4/15/71) 5-46-81;<br />

(4/16/71) 5-46-88; (4/17/71) 5-46-92;<br />

(4/17/71) 5-47-03; (4/20/71) 5-47-17;<br />

(4/20/71) 5-47-19; (4/22/71) 5-47-37;<br />

(4/22/71) 5-47-45; (4/23/71) 5-47-49;<br />

(4/26/71) 5-47-73; (4/28/71) 5-47-85;<br />

(4/28/71) 5-47-94; ([4/71]) 5-48-03;<br />

(5/18/71) 5-49-20; (5/20/71) 5-50-06;<br />

(5/24/71) 5-50-23; (5/26/71) 5-50-34;<br />

(5/27/71) 5-50-40; (5/27/71) 5-50-41;<br />

(5/29/71 to 5/31/71) 5-50-51:<br />

(6/2/71) 5-50-74; (6/9/71) 5-51-18;<br />

(6/12/71) 5-51-32: (6/13/71) 5-51-37;<br />

(6/16/71) 5-51-56; (6/18/71) 5-51-79;<br />

(6/25/71) 5-52-55; (6/26/71) 5-52-58;<br />

(6/27/71) 5-52-62; (6/28/71) 5-53-09;<br />

(7/7/71) 5-53-68; (7/8/71) 5-53-70;<br />

(7/11/71) 5-53-83; (7/15/71) 5-54-17;<br />

(7/15/71) 5-54-18; (7/15/71) 5-54-19;<br />

(7/15/71) 5-54-20; (7/15/71) 5-54-21;<br />

(7/16/71) 5-54-28; (7/16/71) 5-54-30;<br />

([7/71]) 5-54-32; (7/16/71) 5-54-34;<br />

(7/16/71) 5-54-35; (7/17/71) 5-54-46;<br />

(7/17/71) 5-54-50: (7/18/71) 5-54-54;<br />

(7/19/71) 5-54-68; (7/20/71) 5-54-71;<br />

(7/19/71) 5-54-73; (7/20/71) 5-54-74;<br />

(7/21/71) 5-54-83; (7/22/71) 5-54-88:<br />

(7/22/71) 5-54-90; (7/23/71) 5-55-08;<br />

(7/23/71) 5-55-12; (7/26/71) 5-55-36;<br />

(7/28/71) 5-55-52; (7/28/71) 5-55-58;<br />

(7/30/71) 5-55-63: (8/4/71) 5-56-16;<br />

(8/17/71) 5-58-46; (8/19/71) 5-58-58;<br />

(8/23/71) 5-58-82: (8/23/71) 5-58-84;<br />

(8/24/71) 5-58-89; (9/26/71) 5-61-23;<br />

(9/27/71) 5-61-25: (9/28/71) 5-61-33;<br />

([10/2/71]) 5-62-11; (10/11/71) 5-62-60;<br />

(¡0/11/71) 5-62-61; (10/12/71) 5-62-70;<br />

(10/13/71) 5-62-75; (10/14/71) 5-62-83:<br />

(10/15/71) 5-62-86; (10/16/71) 5-62-90;<br />

(10/18/71) 5-62-92; (10/26/71) 5-63-30;<br />

(10/30/71) 5-63-59; (11/2/71) 5-63-83;<br />

(11/9/71) 5-64-38; (11/10/71) 5-64-41;<br />

(11/18/71) 5-65-49; (11/18/71) 5-65-52,<br />

(11/18/71) 5-65-53; (11/19/71) 5-65-57,<br />

(11/20/71) 5-65-66; (11/22/71) 5-65-87,<br />

(11/24/71) 5-66-03; (11/24/71) 5-66-05,<br />

(11/28/71) 5-66-10; (11/30/71) 5-66-19;<br />

(11/30/71) 5-66-22; (11/30/71) 5-66-23,<br />

(12/7/71) 5-66-49; (12/14/71) 5-66-84;<br />

(12/15/71) 5-66-94; (12/16/71) 5-67-04;<br />

(12/23/71) 5-67-35; (1/10/72) 5-68-52;<br />

(1/10/72) 5-68-54; (1/12/72) 5-68-74;<br />

(1/14/72) 5-68-92; (1/17/72) 5-69-10;<br />

(1/23/72) 5-69-40; (1/25/72) 5-69-54;<br />

(1/27/72) 5-69-65; (1/28/72) 5-69-67;<br />

(1/31/72) 5-69-72; (2/2/72) 5-69-92;<br />

(2/4/72) 5-70-13; (2/5/72) 5-70-15;<br />

(2/7/72) 5-70-26: (2/10/72) 5-70-39;<br />

(2/13/72) 5-70-53; (2/15/72) 5-70-65;<br />

(2/17/72) 5-70-70;<br />

(2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76;<br />

(2/19/72 to 2/20/72) 5-71-09;<br />

(2/21/72) 5-71-11; (2/21/72) 5-71-12;<br />

(2/21/72) 5-71-14; (2/22/72) 5-71-15;<br />

(2/22/72) 5-71-16: (2/23/72) 5-71-17;<br />

(2/23/72) 5-71-18; (2/24/72) 5-71-21;<br />

(2/25/72) 5-71-22; (2/26/72) 5-71-24;<br />

(3/1/72) 5-71-34; (3/2/72) 5-71-37;<br />

(3/4/72) 5-71-41: (3/5/72) 5-71-43;<br />

(3/6/72) 5-71-48; (3/14/72) 5-72-10;<br />

(3/14/72) 5-72-25; (3/17/72) 5-72-47;<br />

(3/20/72) 5-72-54; (3/20/72) 5-72-57;<br />

(3/20/72) 5-72-63; (3/23/72) 5-72-80;<br />

(4/1/72) 5-74-05; (4/5/72) 5-74-33;<br />

(4/11/72) 5-74-58; (4/14/72) 5-74-76;<br />

(4/18/72) 5-75-08; (4/21/72) 5-75-21;<br />

(4/22/72) 5-75-25; (4/23/72) 5-75-35;<br />

(4/24/72) 5-75-42; (4/24/72) 5-75-44;<br />

Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 223

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