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Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia Index by Subjects and Names Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia -Subject (5/18/71) 5-49-20; (5/20/71) 5-50-06; (5/24/71) 5-50-23; (5/26/71) 5-50-34; (5/27/71) 5-50-41 Families see also Children see also Marriage see also Military dependents see also Presidential families see also Women ([4/73]) 5-96-82 Family Assistance Program see also Family Security System (8/20/69) 5-8-08; (2/26/70) 5-17-48; (4/10/70) 5-20-67; (4/13/70) 5-2040: (4/16/70) 5-21-23; (4/17/70) 5-21-31: (7/13/70) 5-27-73; (7/20/70) 5-28-31: (7/20/70) 5-28-33: (7/24/70) 5-28-55; (11/7/70) 5-35-53: (12/16/70) 5-38-35; (4/13/71) 5-46-68; (5/13/71) 5-48-81; (7/23/71) 5-55-04; (7/26/71) 5-55-36; (8/31/71) 5-59-25; (4/21/72) 5-75-21; (3/2/73) 5-91-94 Family planning see also Abortion Family Security System see also Family Assistance Program (5/7/69) 5-4-10; (7/9/69) 5-6-26; (7/10/69) 5-6-28; (7/12/69) 5-6-35 Famine see Hunger and malnutrition Fannin, Paul J. -Subject (5/20/70) 5-23-95; (3/30/71) 5-45-41; (4/16/72) 5-74-81; (4/16/72) 5-74-82; (4/16/72) 5-74-83 FAP see Family Assistance Program Fargo, N.Dak. (7/24/70) 5-28-53; (7/24/70) 5-28-55 Farland, Joseph S. -Subject (3/15/73) 5-92-66 Farley, Philip J. Subject (11/15/69) 5-12-45 Farm Bureau see American Farm Bureau Federation Farm production quotas see Agricultural quotas and price supports Farms and farmers (2/8/71) 5-42-13; (2/27/71 to 2/28/71) 5-43-78; (3/1/71) 5-43-88; (3/1/71) 5-43-89; (3/29/71) 5-45-27; (4/20/71) 5-47-19; (4/26/71) 5-47-70; (5/7/71) 5-48-51; (5/7/71) 5-48-53; (7/23/71) 5-55-12; ([9/71]) 5-59-36; (9/21/71) 5-60-87; (7/23/72) 5-80-62; (8/14/72) 5-81-49; (10/7/72) 5-85-43; (10/9/72) 5-85-45; (10/26/72) 5-86-64; (1/24/73) 5-89-43 Farrell, Raymond F. -Subject (10/7/71) 5-62-55 FBI see Federal Bureau of Investigation FCC see Federal Communications Commission Federal advisory bodies see also Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations see also American Revolution Bicentennial Commission see also Cabinet Committee on Economic Growth see also Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy see also Cabinet Committee on the Environment see also Commission of Fine Arts see also Commission on Obscenity and Pornography 220 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes see also Pay Board see also President's Commission on Campus Unrest see also President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports see aiso President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board see also White House Conference on Children and Youth Federal aid programs see also Agricultural quotas and price supports see also Revenue sharing see also Subsidies see also terms beginning with Federal aid to Federal aid to cities (7/30/70) 5-28-80; (4/13/71) 5-46-65 Federal aid to education see also Federal aid to higher education see also Head Start Project see also School lunch and breakfast programs (8/1/69) 5-7-49; (7/28/70) 5-28-65; (7/23/71) 5-55-12; (8/2/71) 5-56-03; ([8/71]) 5-58-55; (10/27/71) 5-63-41; (3/30/72) 5-73-28; (3/31/72) 5-73-36; (6/17/72) 5-78-69; (7/23/72) 5-80-62; (10/9/72) 5-85-48 Federal aid to higher education (5/12/70) 5-23-49; (5/20/70) 5-23-93; (6/22/70) 5-25-61; (6/2/71) 5-50-70; (5/18/72) 5-77-55; (6/9/72) 5-78-34; (6/22/72) 5-78-87 Federal aid to housing (6/8/71) 5-51-10 Federal aid to law enforcement ([2/70]) 5-17-43 Federal aid to libraries (7/11/69) 5-6-33 Federal aid to local governments see also Federal aid to cities see also Revenue sharing Federal aid to medicine see also Veterans health facilities and services Federal aid to railroads (6/4/70) 5-24-54 Federal aid to States see also Revenue sharing (2/6/69) 5-1-73: ([2/70]) 5-17-43: (4/4/71) 5-46-24; (4/13/71) 5-46-61; (4/13/71) 5-46-65; (4/14/71) 5-46-74; (4/20/71) 5-47-17; (5/2/71) 5-48-20: (5/5/71) 5-48-39; (8/9/71) 5-56-41 Federal aid to transportation see also Federal aid to railroads (7/12/69) 5-6-35; (10/15/70) 5-33-81 Federal Aviation Administration (3/13/72) 5-71-93 Federal budget see Budget of the U.S. Federal buildings see Public buildings Federal Bureau of Investigation (5/12/70) 5-23-49; a/24/70) 5-28-52; (9/11/70) 5-31-66; (9/21/70) 5-32-29; (¡0/17/70) 5-34-06; (1/23/71) 5-41-23; (2/2/71) 5-41-69; (4/13/71) 5-46-65; (7/12/71) 5-53-87; ([9/71]) 5-59-58; (10/2/71) 5-62-14; (5/2/72) 5-75-74; ([5/2/72]) 5-75-77; ([5/2/72]) 5-75-81; (5/2/72) 5-75-82; (5/17/72) 5-77-49; (¡0/20/72) 5-86-36; (l/¡2/73) 5-88-53; (¡/¡6/73) 5-88-84; (2/8/73) 5-9¡-¡6; (2/25/73) 5-91-69; (3/2/73) 5-91-94; (6/23/72) 5-93-22; (3/24/73) 5-93-81; ([3/73]) 5-93-83; (3/25/73) 5-93-84; (3/26/73) 5-93-90; (3/3¡/73) 5-94-46; ([4/73]) 5-94-47; (3/24/73) 5-95-17; (4/26/73) 5-97-H; (4/26/73) 5-97-20; (4/27/73) 5-97-2¡; (4/27/73) 5-97-22; (4/27/73) 5-97-28: (4/30/73) 5-97-62; (4/2¡/73) 5-97-78; (3/21/73) 5-97-91; ([4/73]) 5-98-16 Federal Communications Commission (11/25/69) 5-12-94; (6/23/70) 5-25-69 Federal courts see Courts Federal departments and agencies see also Cabinet see also Federal employees see also Federal interagency relations see also Government reorganization see also names of specific departments or agencies (2/5/69) 5-1-70; (4/15/69) 5-3-19: (7/23/71) 5-55-04 Federal employees see also Cabinet see also Civil service system see aiso Conflict of interests see also Diplomatic and consular service see also Employee-management relations in government see also Financial disclosure see also Loyalty-security program see also Military personnel see also Nominations see also Postal employees see also Presidential appointments see also Protection of government personnel see also Security clearances (2/5/69) 5-1-70; (6/23/69) 5-5-31; (7/1/69) 5-6-05; (7/7/69) 5-6-18; (8/3/69) 5-7-57; (9/22/69) 5-8-73; (11/18/69) 5-12-55; (11/24/69) 5-12-86; (11/26/69) 5-13-04: (12/13/69) 5-13-49; (2/27/70) 5-17-55: (3/4/70) 5-17-78; (3/18/70) 5-18-33: (3/25/70) 5-18-77; (3/28/70) 5-18-88; (4/3/70) 5-20-15; (4/3/70) 5-20-18; (8/10/70) 5-30-22; (10/23/70) 5-34-36; (11/23/70) 5-36-89; (12/23/70) 5-38-85: (12/23/70) 5-38-88; (2/19/71) 5-43-28; (2/23/71) 5-43-50; (4/19/71) 5-47-13; (4/20/71) 5-47-17; (4/20/71) 5-47-26; (7/15/71) 5-54-43; (7/23/71) 5-54-93; (7/23/71) 5-55-04: (8/4/71) 5-56-17; (8/19/71) 5-58-59; (9/7/71) 5-59-61: (9/13/71) 5-59-92; (9/15/71) 5-60-18: (10/20/71) 5-63-08; (11/24/71) 5-66-06; (11/29/71) 5-66-11; (11/29/71) 5-66-16; (3/17/72) 5-72-50; (4/20/72) 5-75-19; (4/23/72) 5-75-35: (1/25/73) 5-89-56: ([2/73]) 5-90-14; ([3/2/73]) 5-91-93; (3/3/73) 5-92-08: (9/15/72) 5-93-32 Federal expenditures see Budget of the U.S. see Defense expenditures see Government spending Federal Home Loan Bank Board (2/5/69) 5-1-70 Federal independent agencies see also Appalachian Regional Commission see also Arms Control and Disarmament Agency see also Commission of Fine Arts see also Commission on Civil Rights see also Environmental Protection Agency see also Equal Employment Opportunity Commission see also Export-Import Bank see also Federal Home Loan Bank Board see also Federal Reserve Board see also General Services Administration see also National Aeronautics and Space Administration see also National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities see also National Labor Relations Board see also National Science Foundation see also Selective Service System see also Small Business Administration see a/so Tennessee Valley Authority see also Veterans Administration

Index by Subjects and Names Firestone, Leonard K. (- Participant) Federal interagency relations (1/24/69) 5-1-39; (3/10/69) 5-2-44; (4/7/69) 5-3-03; (4/10/69) 5-3-09; (4/15/69) 5-3-19; (4/16/69) 5-3-25; (4/24/69) 5-3-48; (4/24/69) 5-3-50; (5/12/69) 5-4-22; (7/24/69) 5-7-06; (8/1/69) 5-7-49; (8/4/69 to 8/5/69) 5-7-62; ([10/69]) 5-11-04; (1/19/70) 5-14-66; (1/26/70) 5-14-91: (2/27/70) 5-17-51; ([3/31]) 5-19-20; (4/1/70) 5-20-05; (5/19/70) 5-23-81; (6/9/70) 5-24-69; (6/24/70) 5-25-73; (7/16/70) 5-27-95; ([7/70]) 5-28-47; (8/9/70) 5-30-18; ([2/71]) 5-43-67; (3/2/71) 5-43-95; (3/20/71) 5-44-87; (4/30/71) 5-48-12; (6/29/71) 5-52-81; (6/28/71) 5-53-09; (7/16/71) 5-54-37; (7/16/71) 5-54-41; (7/30/71) 5-55-63; (8/2/71) 5-55-95; (8/21/71) 5-58-73; (8/21/71) 5-58-75; (9/16/71) 5-60-31; (9/16/71) 5-60-45; (9/21/71) 5-60-90; (11/5/71) 5-64-23; (11/29/71) 5-66-18; (11/30/71) 5-66-22; (1/14/72) 5-68-89; (1/18/72) 5-69-15; (1/19/72) 5-69-19; (1/19/72) 5-69-21; (1/19/72) 5-69-28; (1/29/72) 5-69-69; (1/31/72) 5-69-72; (1/31/72) 5-69-77; (2/3/72) 5-70-04; (3/9/72) 5-71-75; (3/20/72) 5-72-57; (3/24/72) 5-72-86; (4/13/72) 5-74-72: (5/7/72) 5-76-04; (4/30/73) 5-97-68; ([4/73]) 5-97-76 Federal lands see Government property see Public lands Federal-local relations see also Federal aid to cities see also Revenue sharing (5/12/69) 5-4-22; (9/21/69) 5-8-71; (10/15/69) 5-11-08; (10/16/69) 5-11-10; (11/20/69) 5-12-68: (2/10/70) 5-15-55; (2/25/70) 5-17-33; (8/4/70) 5-28-89; (12/18/70) 5-38-55; (12/30/70) 5-39-30; (1/27/71) 5-41-49; (3/16/71) 5-44-63; (6/6/71) 5-50-91; (6/24/71) 5-52-42; (6/25/71) 5-52-52; (7/15/71) 5-54-19; (8/24/71) 5-58-91; (11/5/71) 5-64-07; (2/2/72) 5-69-95; (6/20/72) 5-78-77; (7/25/72) 5-80-78; (9/12/72) 5-83-36; (9/13/72) 5-83-41; (10/14/72) 5-85-92; (2/5/73) 5-90-17 Federal Maritime Commission (8/27/71) 5-59-10 Federal officials see Cabinet see Federal employees Federal paperwork see Government forms and paperwork Federal prisons see Prisons Federal Reserve Board (4/13/70) 5-20-87; (8/4/71) 5-56-16; (10/27/71) 5-63-45: (12/6/71) 5-66-46; (2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76 Federal Reserve System see also Federal Reserve Board Federal-State relations see aiso Federal aid to States see also Revenue sharing see also States' rights ([2/69]) 5-2-12: (2/22/69) 5-2-23: (3/3/69) 5-2-27; (3/5/69) 5-2-33; (4/8/69) 5-3-05; (5/10/69 to 5/11/69) 5-4-18; (5/12/69) 5-4-22; (9/5/69) 5-8-34; (9/9/69) 5-8-46; (9/21/69) 5-8-71; (9/23/69) 5-8-75; (9/24/69) 5-8-79; (10/1/69) 5-10-05; (10/14/69) 5-10-90; (10/19/69) 5-11-23; (10/20/69) 5-11-25; ([10/69]) 5-11-53; (10/27/69) 5-11-61; (10/31/69 to 11/1/69) 5-11-70; (11/5/69) 5-11-96; (11/5/69 to 11/6/69) 5-12-05; ([11/69]) 5-12-57; (2/6/70) 5-15-47; (2/16/70) 5-15-87; (5/11/70) 5-23-45; (6/14/70) 5-25-09; (8/9/70) 5-30-18; (8/20/70) 5-30-70; (10/16/70) 5-34-04; (11/10/70) 5-36-05; (11/28/70) 5-37-12; (12/12/70) 5-38-09; (12/15/70) 5-38-34; (12/16/70) 5-38-40; (12/18/70) 5-38-55, (12/30/70) 5-39-30; (12/31/70) 5-39-36; (1/3/71) 5-40-20; (1/27/71) 5-41-45; (1/27/71) 5-41-49; (2/16/71) 5-43-12; (2/22/71) 5-43-42; (2/23/71) 5-43-47; (3/2/71) 5-43-92; (3/6/71) 5-44-21; (3/28/71) 5-45-23; (3/29/71) 5-45-28; (4/21/71) 5-47-31; (4/21/71) 5-47-36: (5/16/71) 5-49-07; (7/4/71) 5-53-47; (8/3/71) 5-56-11; (9/8/71) 5-59-68; (9/12/71) 5-59-86; (9/13/71) 5-59-90; (1/27/72) 5-69-61; (1/27/72) 5-69-62; (1/31/72) 5-69-73; (6/20/72) 5-78-78; (8/21/72) 5-82-51; (8/27/72) 5-82-83; (9/3/72) 5-83-09; (9/19/72) 5-83-58; (2/15/73) 5-91-40: (2/17/73) 5-91-49; (4/5/73) 5-96-08; (4/7/73) 5-96-17 Federal Trade Commission (1/9/73) 5-88-35 Feeds see Grains Fellowships see Scholarships Felt, W. Mark Subject (5/2/72) 5-75-74; (10/20/72) 5-86-36 Fensterwald, Mr. Subject (3/26/73) 5-93-96; (3/27/73) 5-94-14; (3/29/73) 5-94-40; ([4/73]) 5-94-47; (4/4/73) 5-94-59 Ferguson, Homer Subject (6/4/71) 5-50-84 Field, Marvin Subject (6/7/72) 5-78-27 Fielding, Fred F. Subject (4/16/73) 5-94-92 Fielding, Lewis J. -Subject (4/19/73) 5-96-51 Fifth amendment see Self-incrimination Filibuster see Limitation of debate Films see Motion pictures Finance see also Banks and banking see aiso Capital investments see also Economic policy see also Educational finance see also Fiscal policy see also Foreign exchange see also Inflation see also Interest rates see also International finance see also Investments see also Loans see aiso Monetary policy see also Money see also Municipal finance see aiso Prices see also Securities see also Stock exchanges (4/13/71) 5-46-61 Financial crises and depressions see Business cycles Financial disclosure (9/26/70) 5-32-60; (9/27/70) 5-32-72; (12/23/70) 5-38-86; (5/13/71) 5-48-85; (5/17/71) 5-49-12; (5/17/71) 5-49-14; (10/22/71) 5-63-27; (1/17/72) 5-69-10; (1/18/72) 5-69-15; ([8/13/72]) 5-81-45; (8/26/72) 5-82-82 Financial institutions see aiso Banks and banking Financial regulation see aiso Financial disclosure Finch, Robert H. -Participant (2/12/69) 5-1-93; (4/15/69) 5-3-19; (5/10/69 to 5/11/69) 5-4-18; (6/6/69) 5-5-08; (8/5/69) 5-7-64; ([2/70]) 5-15-60; (5/12/70) 5-23-53: (6/5/70) 5-24-56; (6/18/70) 5-25-29; (7/2/70) 5-27-15; (7/8/70) 5-27-32; (7/10/70) 5-27-49; (7/17/70) 5-28-15; (7/18/70) 5-28-22; (7/22/70) 5-28-41; (8/4/70) 5-28-89; (8/5/70) 5-28-96: (8/6/70) 5-29-12: (8/11/70) 5-30-36; (8/13/70) 5-30-45; ([8/70]) 5-30-56; (8/18/70) 5-30-66: (8/27/70) 5-30-88: (8/28/70) 5-30-90; (9/2/70) 5-31-11; (9/9/70) 5-31-46: (10/13/70) 5-33-55; (11/4/70) 5-35-24; (11/5/70) 5-35-32; (11/7/70) 5-35-53: (12/19/70) 5-38-65: (1/19/71) 5-40-85; (1/25/71) 5-41-29: (2/23/71) 5-43-47; (2/27/71) 5-43-74; (4/1/71) 5-46-07; (4/8/71) 5-46-39; (4/9/71) 5-46-47; (5/19/71) 5-49-23; (6/2/71) 5-50-70; (6/12/71) 5-51-36; (11/3/71) 5-63-87; (11/5/71) 5-64-09; (12/23/71) 5-67-34; (1/25/72) 5-69-54; (4/5/73) 5-96-08 Subject (2/11/69) 5-1-88; (2/12/69) 5-1-95: ([2/69]) 5-2-12; (2/17/69) 5-2-14; (2/22/69) 5-2-24; (3/6/69) 5-2-38; (3/11/69) 5-2-48; (3/23/69) 5-2-72; (3/26/69) 5-2-81; (5/12/69) 5-4-22; (6/1/69) 5-4-79; (7/6/69) 5-6-14; (7/18/69) 5-6-66; (8/19/69) 5-7-96; (9/22/69) 5-8-73; (9/25/69) 5-8-85; (10/3/69) 5-10-22; (10/8/69) 5-10-50; (10/13/69) 5-10-83; (10/13/69) 5-10-87; (¡0/17/69) 5-11-13; (11/21/69) 5-12-87; (2/10/70) 5-15-61; (2/16/70) 5-15-80; (2/18/70) 5-16-06; (2/21/70) 5-17-14; (3/12/70) 5-18-09; (3/19/70) 5-18-49: ([3/70]) 5-18-93; (5/8/70) 5-23-15; (5/12/70) 5-23-51; (5/21/70) 5-24-09; (5/27/70) 5-24-23; (6/5/70) 5-24-58; (6/6/70) 5-24-60; (6/8/70) 5-24-66; (6/9/70) 5-24-69; (6/11/70) 5-24-84; (6/14/70) 5-25-09; (6/15/70) 5-25-11; (6/23/70) 5-25-70; (11/8/70) 5-35-81; (12/2/70) 5-37-31; (12/12/70) 5-38-09; (1/6/71 to 1/7/71) 5-40-25; (1/8/71) 5-40-26; (1/9/71 to 1/10/71) 5-40-28; (1/71) 5-40-37; (2/3/71) 5-41-78; (2/4/71) 5-41-81; (2/16/71) 5-43-14; (3/29/71) 5-45-28; (7/22/71) 5-54-88; (8/2/71) 5-56-08; (8/23/71) 5-58-82; (8/25/71) 5-59-05: (8/30/71) 5-59-15; (9/13/71) 5-59-92: ([9/71]) 5-60-53; (9/27/71) 5-61-29; (11/1/71) 5-63-79; (11/9/71) 5-64-34; (11/23/71) 5-65-94; (12/22/71) 5-67-26; (9/19/72) 5-83-58; (8/14/72) 5-93-26; (8/18/72) 5-93-30; (4/7/73) 5-96-17 Findley, Paul Subject (1/30/69) 5-1-55; (4/30/70) 5-22-26 Fine arts see Arts and the humanities Fines see Sentences, criminal procedure Finkelstein, Louis -Subject ([6/69]) 5-5-40; (6/28/69) 5-5-42 Firearms see aiso Gun control (10/24/72) 5-86-52 Firestone, Leonard K. -Participant (10/13/70) 5-33-55 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 221

Index by Subjects and Names Firestone, Leonard K.<br />

(- Participant)<br />

Federal interagency relations<br />

(1/24/69) 5-1-39; (3/10/69) 5-2-44;<br />

(4/7/69) 5-3-03; (4/10/69) 5-3-09;<br />

(4/15/69) 5-3-19; (4/16/69) 5-3-25;<br />

(4/24/69) 5-3-48; (4/24/69) 5-3-50;<br />

(5/12/69) 5-4-22; (7/24/69) 5-7-06;<br />

(8/1/69) 5-7-49; (8/4/69 to 8/5/69) 5-7-62;<br />

([10/69]) 5-11-04; (1/19/70) 5-14-66;<br />

(1/26/70) 5-14-91: (2/27/70) 5-17-51;<br />

([3/31]) 5-19-20; (4/1/70) 5-20-05;<br />

(5/19/70) 5-23-81; (6/9/70) 5-24-69;<br />

(6/24/70) 5-25-73; (7/16/70) 5-27-95;<br />

([7/70]) 5-28-47; (8/9/70) 5-30-18;<br />

([2/71]) 5-43-67; (3/2/71) 5-43-95;<br />

(3/20/71) 5-44-87; (4/30/71) 5-48-12;<br />

(6/29/71) 5-52-81; (6/28/71) 5-53-09;<br />

(7/16/71) 5-54-37; (7/16/71) 5-54-41;<br />

(7/30/71) 5-55-63; (8/2/71) 5-55-95;<br />

(8/21/71) 5-58-73; (8/21/71) 5-58-75;<br />

(9/16/71) 5-60-31; (9/16/71) 5-60-45;<br />

(9/21/71) 5-60-90; (11/5/71) 5-64-23;<br />

(11/29/71) 5-66-18; (11/30/71) 5-66-22;<br />

(1/14/72) 5-68-89; (1/18/72) 5-69-15;<br />

(1/19/72) 5-69-19; (1/19/72) 5-69-21;<br />

(1/19/72) 5-69-28; (1/29/72) 5-69-69;<br />

(1/31/72) 5-69-72; (1/31/72) 5-69-77;<br />

(2/3/72) 5-70-04; (3/9/72) 5-71-75;<br />

(3/20/72) 5-72-57; (3/24/72) 5-72-86;<br />

(4/13/72) 5-74-72: (5/7/72) 5-76-04;<br />

(4/30/73) 5-97-68; ([4/73]) 5-97-76<br />

Federal lands<br />

see Government property<br />

see Public lands<br />

Federal-local relations<br />

see also Federal aid to cities<br />

see also Revenue sharing<br />

(5/12/69) 5-4-22; (9/21/69) 5-8-71;<br />

(10/15/69) 5-11-08; (10/16/69) 5-11-10;<br />

(11/20/69) 5-12-68: (2/10/70) 5-15-55;<br />

(2/25/70) 5-17-33; (8/4/70) 5-28-89;<br />

(12/18/70) 5-38-55; (12/30/70) 5-39-30;<br />

(1/27/71) 5-41-49; (3/16/71) 5-44-63;<br />

(6/6/71) 5-50-91; (6/24/71) 5-52-42;<br />

(6/25/71) 5-52-52; (7/15/71) 5-54-19;<br />

(8/24/71) 5-58-91; (11/5/71) 5-64-07;<br />

(2/2/72) 5-69-95; (6/20/72) 5-78-77;<br />

(7/25/72) 5-80-78; (9/12/72) 5-83-36;<br />

(9/13/72) 5-83-41; (10/14/72) 5-85-92;<br />

(2/5/73) 5-90-17<br />

Federal Maritime Commission<br />

(8/27/71) 5-59-10<br />

Federal officials<br />

see Cabinet<br />

see Federal employees<br />

Federal paperwork<br />

see Government forms and paperwork<br />

Federal prisons<br />

see Prisons<br />

Federal Reserve Board<br />

(4/13/70) 5-20-87; (8/4/71) 5-56-16;<br />

(10/27/71) 5-63-45: (12/6/71) 5-66-46;<br />

(2/18/72 to 2/19/72) 5-70-76<br />

Federal Reserve System<br />

see also Federal Reserve Board<br />

Federal-State relations<br />

see aiso Federal aid to States<br />

see also Revenue sharing<br />

see also States' rights<br />

([2/69]) 5-2-12: (2/22/69) 5-2-23:<br />

(3/3/69) 5-2-27; (3/5/69) 5-2-33;<br />

(4/8/69) 5-3-05; (5/10/69 to 5/11/69) 5-4-18;<br />

(5/12/69) 5-4-22; (9/5/69) 5-8-34;<br />

(9/9/69) 5-8-46; (9/21/69) 5-8-71;<br />

(9/23/69) 5-8-75; (9/24/69) 5-8-79;<br />

(10/1/69) 5-10-05; (10/14/69) 5-10-90;<br />

(10/19/69) 5-11-23; (10/20/69) 5-11-25;<br />

([10/69]) 5-11-53; (10/27/69) 5-11-61;<br />

(10/31/69 to 11/1/69) 5-11-70;<br />

(11/5/69) 5-11-96;<br />

(11/5/69 to 11/6/69) 5-12-05;<br />

([11/69]) 5-12-57; (2/6/70) 5-15-47;<br />

(2/16/70) 5-15-87; (5/11/70) 5-23-45;<br />

(6/14/70) 5-25-09; (8/9/70) 5-30-18;<br />

(8/20/70) 5-30-70; (10/16/70) 5-34-04;<br />

(11/10/70) 5-36-05; (11/28/70) 5-37-12;<br />

(12/12/70) 5-38-09; (12/15/70) 5-38-34;<br />

(12/16/70) 5-38-40; (12/18/70) 5-38-55,<br />

(12/30/70) 5-39-30; (12/31/70) 5-39-36;<br />

(1/3/71) 5-40-20; (1/27/71) 5-41-45;<br />

(1/27/71) 5-41-49; (2/16/71) 5-43-12;<br />

(2/22/71) 5-43-42; (2/23/71) 5-43-47;<br />

(3/2/71) 5-43-92; (3/6/71) 5-44-21;<br />

(3/28/71) 5-45-23; (3/29/71) 5-45-28;<br />

(4/21/71) 5-47-31; (4/21/71) 5-47-36:<br />

(5/16/71) 5-49-07; (7/4/71) 5-53-47;<br />

(8/3/71) 5-56-11; (9/8/71) 5-59-68;<br />

(9/12/71) 5-59-86; (9/13/71) 5-59-90;<br />

(1/27/72) 5-69-61; (1/27/72) 5-69-62;<br />

(1/31/72) 5-69-73; (6/20/72) 5-78-78;<br />

(8/21/72) 5-82-51; (8/27/72) 5-82-83;<br />

(9/3/72) 5-83-09; (9/19/72) 5-83-58;<br />

(2/15/73) 5-91-40: (2/17/73) 5-91-49;<br />

(4/5/73) 5-96-08; (4/7/73) 5-96-17<br />

Federal Trade Commission<br />

(1/9/73) 5-88-35<br />

Feeds<br />

see Grains<br />

Fellowships<br />

see Scholarships<br />

Felt, W. Mark<br />

Subject<br />

(5/2/72) 5-75-74; (10/20/72) 5-86-36<br />

Fensterwald, Mr.<br />

Subject<br />

(3/26/73) 5-93-96; (3/27/73) 5-94-14;<br />

(3/29/73) 5-94-40; ([4/73]) 5-94-47;<br />

(4/4/73) 5-94-59<br />

Ferguson, Homer<br />

Subject<br />

(6/4/71) 5-50-84<br />

Field, Marvin<br />

Subject<br />

(6/7/72) 5-78-27<br />

Fielding, Fred F.<br />

Subject<br />

(4/16/73) 5-94-92<br />

Fielding, Lewis J.<br />

-Subject<br />

(4/19/73) 5-96-51<br />

Fifth amendment<br />

see Self-incrimination<br />

Filibuster<br />

see Limitation of debate<br />

Films<br />

see Motion pictures<br />

Finance<br />

see also Banks and banking<br />

see aiso Capital investments<br />

see also Economic policy<br />

see also Educational finance<br />

see also Fiscal policy<br />

see also Foreign exchange<br />

see also Inflation<br />

see also Interest rates<br />

see also International finance<br />

see also Investments<br />

see also Loans<br />

see aiso Monetary policy<br />

see also Money<br />

see also Municipal finance<br />

see aiso Prices<br />

see also Securities<br />

see also Stock exchanges<br />

(4/13/71) 5-46-61<br />

Financial crises and depressions<br />

see Business cycles<br />

Financial disclosure<br />

(9/26/70) 5-32-60; (9/27/70) 5-32-72;<br />

(12/23/70) 5-38-86; (5/13/71) 5-48-85;<br />

(5/17/71) 5-49-12; (5/17/71) 5-49-14;<br />

(10/22/71) 5-63-27; (1/17/72) 5-69-10;<br />

(1/18/72) 5-69-15; ([8/13/72]) 5-81-45;<br />

(8/26/72) 5-82-82<br />

Financial institutions<br />

see aiso Banks and banking<br />

Financial regulation<br />

see aiso Financial disclosure<br />

Finch, Robert H.<br />

-Participant<br />

(2/12/69) 5-1-93; (4/15/69) 5-3-19;<br />

(5/10/69 to 5/11/69) 5-4-18; (6/6/69) 5-5-08;<br />

(8/5/69) 5-7-64; ([2/70]) 5-15-60;<br />

(5/12/70) 5-23-53: (6/5/70) 5-24-56;<br />

(6/18/70) 5-25-29; (7/2/70) 5-27-15;<br />

(7/8/70) 5-27-32; (7/10/70) 5-27-49;<br />

(7/17/70) 5-28-15; (7/18/70) 5-28-22;<br />

(7/22/70) 5-28-41; (8/4/70) 5-28-89;<br />

(8/5/70) 5-28-96: (8/6/70) 5-29-12:<br />

(8/11/70) 5-30-36; (8/13/70) 5-30-45;<br />

([8/70]) 5-30-56; (8/18/70) 5-30-66:<br />

(8/27/70) 5-30-88: (8/28/70) 5-30-90;<br />

(9/2/70) 5-31-11; (9/9/70) 5-31-46:<br />

(10/13/70) 5-33-55; (11/4/70) 5-35-24;<br />

(11/5/70) 5-35-32; (11/7/70) 5-35-53:<br />

(12/19/70) 5-38-65: (1/19/71) 5-40-85;<br />

(1/25/71) 5-41-29: (2/23/71) 5-43-47;<br />

(2/27/71) 5-43-74; (4/1/71) 5-46-07;<br />

(4/8/71) 5-46-39; (4/9/71) 5-46-47;<br />

(5/19/71) 5-49-23; (6/2/71) 5-50-70;<br />

(6/12/71) 5-51-36; (11/3/71) 5-63-87;<br />

(11/5/71) 5-64-09; (12/23/71) 5-67-34;<br />

(1/25/72) 5-69-54; (4/5/73) 5-96-08<br />

Subject<br />

(2/11/69) 5-1-88; (2/12/69) 5-1-95:<br />

([2/69]) 5-2-12; (2/17/69) 5-2-14;<br />

(2/22/69) 5-2-24; (3/6/69) 5-2-38;<br />

(3/11/69) 5-2-48; (3/23/69) 5-2-72;<br />

(3/26/69) 5-2-81; (5/12/69) 5-4-22;<br />

(6/1/69) 5-4-79; (7/6/69) 5-6-14;<br />

(7/18/69) 5-6-66; (8/19/69) 5-7-96;<br />

(9/22/69) 5-8-73; (9/25/69) 5-8-85;<br />

(10/3/69) 5-10-22; (10/8/69) 5-10-50;<br />

(10/13/69) 5-10-83; (10/13/69) 5-10-87;<br />

(¡0/17/69) 5-11-13; (11/21/69) 5-12-87;<br />

(2/10/70) 5-15-61; (2/16/70) 5-15-80;<br />

(2/18/70) 5-16-06; (2/21/70) 5-17-14;<br />

(3/12/70) 5-18-09; (3/19/70) 5-18-49:<br />

([3/70]) 5-18-93; (5/8/70) 5-23-15;<br />

(5/12/70) 5-23-51; (5/21/70) 5-24-09;<br />

(5/27/70) 5-24-23; (6/5/70) 5-24-58;<br />

(6/6/70) 5-24-60; (6/8/70) 5-24-66;<br />

(6/9/70) 5-24-69; (6/11/70) 5-24-84;<br />

(6/14/70) 5-25-09; (6/15/70) 5-25-11;<br />

(6/23/70) 5-25-70; (11/8/70) 5-35-81;<br />

(12/2/70) 5-37-31; (12/12/70) 5-38-09;<br />

(1/6/71 to 1/7/71) 5-40-25; (1/8/71) 5-40-26;<br />

(1/9/71 to 1/10/71) 5-40-28; (1/71) 5-40-37;<br />

(2/3/71) 5-41-78; (2/4/71) 5-41-81;<br />

(2/16/71) 5-43-14; (3/29/71) 5-45-28;<br />

(7/22/71) 5-54-88; (8/2/71) 5-56-08;<br />

(8/23/71) 5-58-82; (8/25/71) 5-59-05:<br />

(8/30/71) 5-59-15; (9/13/71) 5-59-92:<br />

([9/71]) 5-60-53; (9/27/71) 5-61-29;<br />

(11/1/71) 5-63-79; (11/9/71) 5-64-34;<br />

(11/23/71) 5-65-94; (12/22/71) 5-67-26;<br />

(9/19/72) 5-83-58; (8/14/72) 5-93-26;<br />

(8/18/72) 5-93-30; (4/7/73) 5-96-17<br />

Findley, Paul<br />

Subject<br />

(1/30/69) 5-1-55; (4/30/70) 5-22-26<br />

Fine arts<br />

see Arts and the humanities<br />

Fines<br />

see Sentences, criminal procedure<br />

Finkelstein, Louis<br />

-Subject<br />

([6/69]) 5-5-40; (6/28/69) 5-5-42<br />

Firearms<br />

see aiso Gun control<br />

(10/24/72) 5-86-52<br />

Firestone, Leonard K.<br />

-Participant<br />

(10/13/70) 5-33-55<br />

Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 221

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