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5-74-67 Bibliography of Documents 5-74-67 4/12/72. 11:33 am-1:40 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Henry Kissing- er, and Alexander Butterfield in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Nominations; Department of Jus- tice; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Weinberger, Caspar W. 5-74-68 4/12/72. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell. Descriptors: Nominations; Department of Jus- tice; International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.; Senate rules and procedure; Congression- al investigations; Congressional-executive rela- tions; Eastland, James O. 5-74-69 4/12/72. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and John Connally. Descriptors: States' rights; Texas; Lawsuits; De- partment of Justice; Daniel, Price 5-74-70 4/12/72. 3:29-4:40 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, John Mitchell, Rose Mary Woods, Walter Tkach, and Kenneth Riland at the Executive Office Building. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Democratic Party; Nominations; Department of Justice; Senate rules and procedure; Congressional- executive relations; Press coverage; Television; Kennedy, Edward M.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Dole, Robert J.; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Weinberger, Caspar W.; Reagan, Ronald; Smith, William 5-74-72 4/13/72. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and John Connally. Descriptors: Federal interagency relations; De- partment of Treasury 5-74-73 4/13/72. 2:00-4:00 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Henry Kissinger at the Executive Office Building. Descriptors: International relations; China, Peo- ple's Republic; Awards, medals and prizes; Austria; Soviet Union; Thomas, Helen; Wilson, Richard; Kaplow, Herbert E.; Rogers, William P.; Laird, Melvin R.; Woods, Rose Mary; Brezhnev, Leonid I. 5-74-76 4/14/72. 4:30-5:25 pm; 11:58-11:59 pm. 148 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman in Ottawa, Canada, and telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Government and the press; Press coverage; Foreign relations; Canada 5-74-77 4/75/72. 8:4 7-9:02 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Democratic Party; Public opinion 5-74-78: [Withdrawn item]. 5-74-79 4/16/72. 12:30 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Religion; Vietnam Conflict; Cabinet; Nominations; Department of Justice; Connally, John B.; Rogers, William P.; Laird, Melvin R.; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Flanigan, Peter M.; Mitchell, John N. 5-74-81 4/16/72. 12:45 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell. Descriptors: Political ethics; International Tele- phone and Telegraph Corp.; Senate rules and procedure; Congressional investigations; Flani- gan, Peter M.; Fannin, Paul J.; Ervin, Samuel J., Jr.; Gleason, Mr. 5-74-82 4/16/72. 1:00 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Limitation of debate; Fannin, Paul J.; Ervin, Samuel J., Jr. 5-74-83 4/16/72. 1:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman with Charles Colson and Clark MacGregor, and telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell. Descriptors: Senate rules and procedure; Con- gressional investigations; Congressional-execu- tive relations; Ervin, Samuel J., Jr.; Fannin, Paul J.; Flanigan, Peter M.; Gleason, Mr.; Kleindienst, Richard G. 5-74-84 4/16/72. 3:19-3:27 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Nominations; Department of Jus- tice; International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.; Campaign funds; Mitchell, John N.; Kleindienst, Richard G. 5-74-85 4/16/72. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell. 5-74-86 4/17/72. 11:15-11:19 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. 5-74-87 4/17/72. 8:00-8:45 am. Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman with staff members. Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; Government information and information services; Flanigan, Peter M. 5-74-88 4/17/72. 2:58-4:00 pm. Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman, Clark MacGregor, John Mitchell, John Ehrlichman, Charles Colson, William Timmons, John Dean, and Wally Johnson. Descriptors: Congressional investigations; Ex- ecutive privilege, government information; Wit- nesses; Congressional investigations; Senate rules and procedure; Flanigan, Peter M.; Ervin, Samuel J., Jr.; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Gleason, Mr.; Ramsden, Richard J. 5-74-89 4/17/72. 9:35-10:32 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Government and the press; Vietnam Conflict; Air warfare; Negotiations; Strategies for rallying public opinion 5-74-92 [4/17/72]. 11:35 am-12:02 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Alexander Butterfield in the Oval Office. 5-74-93 4/17/72. 11:05 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Ervin, Samuel J., Jr. 5-74-94 4/17/72. 2:36-2:43 pm. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Rogers, William P. 5-74-95

Bibliography of Documents 5-75-42 4/17/72. 4:00-4:48 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler at the Executive Office Building. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Congressional- executive relations; Muskie, Edmund S.; Connal- ly, John B. 5-75-03 4/17/72. Contents: Notes. Descriptors: Kissinger, Henry A. 5-75-04 4/18/72. 8:00-8:35 am. Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman with staff members. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Air warfare; Laird, Melvin R. 5-75-05 4/18/72. 10:02-10:58 am: 12:04 pm: 12:21-1:46 pm. Participants: Meetings of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Henry Kissinger, and Charles Colson in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Anti-American demonstrations; Canada; Cabinet; Travel; Government and the press; White House; Ping pong; Public opinion polls; Gleason, Mr.; Nixon, Tricia; Nixon. Julie 5-75-08 4/18/72. 11:30 am-12:04 pm. Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman with Henry Kissinger. Descriptors: Foreign relations; Soviet Union; Travel 5-75-09 4/18/72. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and VP Agnew. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Air warfare; Press coverage 5-75-10 4/19/72. 8:00-9:00 am. Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman with staff members. Descriptors: Budget of the U.S. 5-75-11 4/19/72. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and William Rogers. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Air warfare; Fo- reign opinion of the U.S.; United Kingdom; Canada; Sharp, Mitchell W. 5-75-12 4/19/72. 5:50-8:00 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Alexander Haig on board the Sequoia. Descriptors: Government and the press; Demo- cratic Party; Vietnam Conflict; Jews; Soviet Union; Military assistance; Arab-Israeli conflict; Cultural relations; China, People's Republic; Ping pong; Agnew, Spiro T. 5-75-14 4/79/72. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and William Rogers. Descriptors: Public opinion; Fulbright, J. William 5-75-15: [Withdrawn item]. 5-75-16 4/19/72. 10:11 am-12:17 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman, Ronald Ziegler, and Henry Kissinger at the Executive Office Building. Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations; Budget of the U.S.; Defense budgets and appropriations; Revenue sharing; Government and the press; Ehrlichman, John D.; Shultz, George P.; Connally, John B. 5-75-18 [4/72]. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and George Shultz. Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; Defense budgets and appropriations; Congressional-executive re- lations; Ehrlichman, John D. 5-75-19 4/20/72. 8:41-9:38 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Rose Mary Woods in the Oval Office. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Air warfare; Fed- eral employees; Democratic Party; Negotiations; Paul VI; Cooke, Terence Cardinal; Krol, John Cardinal; Connally, John B.; Graham, Billy; . Kissinger, Henry A. 5-75-21 4/21/72. 12:00-1:30 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman at Camp David. Descriptors: Cabinet; Election campaign of 1972; Government reorganization; Family Assistance Program; Revenue sharing; Democratic Party; Vietnam Conflict; Government and the press; Television; Foreign relations; China, People's Republic; Awards, medals and prizes; Anderson, Martin C; McGovem, George; Kennedy, Edward M.; Schurz, Franklin D.; Colson, Charles W. 5-75-25 4/22/72. 11:37 am; 2:11-2:13 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Camp David, and telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Foreign relations; Soviet Union; Travel; Government and the press; Political broadcasting; Vietnam Conflict; Military strate- gy; Air warfare; Planning; Connally, John B.; Khrushchev, Nikita S.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Rogers, William P.; Haig, Alexander M., Jr. 5-75-26: [Withdrawn item]. 5-75-31 4/23/72 11:22-11:47 am. Participants: Telephone conversation between the President and H. R. Haldeman. Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Public demon- strations; Nixon, Julie; Kissinger, Henry A.; Haig, Alexander M., Jr. 5-75-32: [Withdrawn item]. 5-75-34 [4/23/72]. Participants: Telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman and Alexander Haig. Descriptors: Kissinger, Henry A. 5-75-35 4/23/72. 2:30 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman at Camp David. Descriptors: Press coverage; Foreign relations; Soviet Union; Speeches and addresses; Consum- er Price Index; Government reorganization; Federal employees; Government efficiency; Vietnam Conflict; Kissinger, Henry A.; Rums- feld, Donald 5-75-38 4/23/72. 7:50-9:15 pm. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Alexander Haig at Camp David. Descriptors: Government information and infor- mation services; Vietnam Conflict; Soviet Union; Military assistance; Military strategy; Air war- fare; Negotiations; Laird, Melvin R.; Kissinger, Henry A. 5-75-41: [Withdrawn item]. 5-75-42 4/24/72. 10:20 am. Participants: Meeting of the President with H. R. Haldeman and Alexander Haig at Camp David. Descriptors: Government information and infor- mation services; Congressional-executive rela- Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes 149

5-74-67 Bibliography of Documents<br />

5-74-67<br />

4/12/72. 11:33 am-1:40 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Henry Kissing-<br />

er, and Alexander Butterfield in the Oval Office.<br />

Descriptors: Nominations; Department of Jus-<br />

tice; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Weinberger,<br />

Caspar W.<br />

5-74-68<br />

4/12/72.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell.<br />

Descriptors: Nominations; Department of Jus-<br />

tice; International Telephone and Telegraph<br />

Corp.; Senate rules and procedure; Congression-<br />

al investigations; Congressional-executive rela-<br />

tions; Eastland, James O.<br />

5-74-69<br />

4/12/72.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

H. R. Haldeman and John Connally.<br />

Descriptors: States' rights; Texas; Lawsuits; De-<br />

partment of Justice; Daniel, Price<br />

5-74-70<br />

4/12/72. 3:29-4:40 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman, John Mitchell, Rose Mary Woods,<br />

Walter Tkach, and Kenneth Riland at the<br />

Executive Office Building.<br />

Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Democratic<br />

Party; Nominations; Department of Justice;<br />

Senate rules and procedure; Congressional-<br />

executive relations; Press coverage; Television;<br />

Kennedy, Edward M.; Humphrey, Hubert H.;<br />

Dole, Robert J.; Kleindienst, Richard G.;<br />

Weinberger, Caspar W.; Reagan, Ronald; Smith,<br />

William<br />

5-74-72<br />

4/13/72.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

H. R. Haldeman and John Connally.<br />

Descriptors: Federal interagency relations; De-<br />

partment of Treasury<br />

5-74-73<br />

4/13/72. 2:00-4:00 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Henry Kissinger at the<br />

Executive Office Building.<br />

Descriptors: International relations; China, Peo-<br />

ple's Republic; Awards, medals and prizes;<br />

Austria; Soviet Union; Thomas, Helen; Wilson,<br />

Richard; Kaplow, Herbert E.; Rogers, William<br />

P.; Laird, Melvin R.; Woods, Rose Mary;<br />

Brezhnev, Leonid I.<br />

5-74-76<br />

4/14/72. 4:30-5:25 pm; 11:58-11:59 pm.<br />

148 Nixon Papers, Part 5. H.R. Haldeman Notes<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman in Ottawa, Canada, and telephone<br />

conversation between the President and H. R.<br />

Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Press<br />

coverage; Foreign relations; Canada<br />

5-74-77<br />

4/75/72. 8:4 7-9:02 am.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Vietnam Conflict; Democratic<br />

Party; Public opinion<br />

5-74-78:<br />

[Withdrawn item].<br />

5-74-79<br />

4/16/72. 12:30 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Religion; Vietnam Conflict; Cabinet;<br />

Nominations; Department of Justice; Connally,<br />

John B.; Rogers, William P.; Laird, Melvin R.;<br />

Kleindienst, Richard G.; Flanigan, Peter M.;<br />

Mitchell, John N.<br />

5-74-81<br />

4/16/72. 12:45 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell.<br />

Descriptors: Political ethics; International Tele-<br />

phone and Telegraph Corp.; Senate rules and<br />

procedure; Congressional investigations; Flani-<br />

gan, Peter M.; Fannin, Paul J.; Ervin, Samuel J.,<br />

Jr.; Gleason, Mr.<br />

5-74-82<br />

4/16/72. 1:00 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Limitation of debate; Fannin, Paul J.; Ervin,<br />

Samuel J., Jr.<br />

5-74-83<br />

4/16/72. 1:15 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman with<br />

Charles Colson and Clark MacGregor, and<br />

telephone conversation between H. R. Haldeman<br />

and John Mitchell.<br />

Descriptors: Senate rules and procedure; Con-<br />

gressional investigations; Congressional-execu-<br />

tive relations; Ervin, Samuel J., Jr.; Fannin, Paul<br />

J.; Flanigan, Peter M.; Gleason, Mr.; Kleindienst,<br />

Richard G.<br />

5-74-84<br />

4/16/72. 3:19-3:27 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Nominations; Department of Jus-<br />

tice; International Telephone and Telegraph<br />

Corp.; Campaign funds; Mitchell, John N.;<br />

Kleindienst, Richard G.<br />

5-74-85<br />

4/16/72.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell.<br />

5-74-86<br />

4/17/72. 11:15-11:19 am.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

5-74-87<br />

4/17/72. 8:00-8:45 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman with<br />

staff members.<br />

Descriptors: Budget of the U.S.; Government<br />

information and information services; Flanigan,<br />

Peter M.<br />

5-74-88<br />

4/17/72. 2:58-4:00 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of H. R. Haldeman, Clark<br />

MacGregor, John Mitchell, John Ehrlichman,<br />

Charles Colson, William Timmons, John Dean,<br />

and Wally Johnson.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional investigations; Ex-<br />

ecutive privilege, government information; Wit-<br />

nesses; Congressional investigations; Senate<br />

rules and procedure; Flanigan, Peter M.; Ervin,<br />

Samuel J., Jr.; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Gleason,<br />

Mr.; Ramsden, Richard J.<br />

5-74-89<br />

4/17/72. 9:35-10:32 am.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Ronald Ziegler in the Oval<br />

Office.<br />

Descriptors: Government and the press; Vietnam<br />

Conflict; Air warfare; Negotiations; Strategies<br />

for rallying public opinion<br />

5-74-92<br />

[4/17/72]. 11:35 am-12:02 pm.<br />

Participants: Meeting of the President with H.<br />

R. Haldeman and Alexander Butterfield in the<br />

Oval Office.<br />

5-74-93<br />

4/17/72. 11:05 am.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell.<br />

Descriptors: Congressional-executive relations;<br />

Kleindienst, Richard G.; Ervin, Samuel J., Jr.<br />

5-74-94<br />

4/17/72. 2:36-2:43 pm.<br />

Participants: Telephone conversation between<br />

the President and H. R. Haldeman.<br />

Descriptors: Rogers, William P.<br />


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