Working Documents - CIRCA - Europa

Working Documents - CIRCA - Europa

Working Documents - CIRCA - Europa


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European Forum of Official Gazettes<br />

8 th meeting<br />

Riga<br />

15 - 16 September 2011<br />

<strong>Working</strong> <strong>Documents</strong><br />

1<br />

Riga 2011

Content<br />

Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

List of expected participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

Latvian Official Publisher (LOP) and<br />

dissemination of Public Sector Information . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />

Official electronic publication in “Latvijas Vēstnesis” . . . 29<br />

RE-use of Legislative Publications .<br />

Latvian Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

Administrative Codes and Registers in<br />

the United States of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

Report from the <strong>Working</strong> Group<br />

“Indexing and search” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61<br />

<strong>Working</strong> Group “Access to Legislation”<br />

Interim Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85<br />

<strong>Working</strong> Group ‘Sharing experiences and best practices’<br />

Economic transparency – Efficient Protection<br />

for Consumers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95<br />

About Dissemination of Information to Citizens . . . . . . 105<br />

Sustainable development in the DILA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127<br />

Cooperation between the legislator<br />

and the official publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137<br />

Scope of an official publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141<br />

Security aspects of the official electronic publication . . 147<br />


5<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />





Thursday, 15 September<br />

15:00–15:30 Registration for the workshops, followed by coffee<br />

15:30–15:40 Official handover of the Chair<br />

Mr Alfonso ANDRIANI, Editor-in-Chief of the Official Gazette of the Italian<br />

Republic — Ministry of Justice — Chairperson of the Forum<br />

15:40–15:50 Greeting message<br />

Ms Daina ĀBELE, Head of the official publishing office of the Republic<br />

of Latvia ‘Latvijas Vēstnesis’<br />

15:50–16:10 Welcoming address<br />

Mr Aigars ŠTOKENBERGS, Minister for Justice of the Republic of Latvia<br />

16:10–16:20 Activity report<br />

Mr Andrea BARTOLINI, Secretary to the Forum<br />

16:20–17:00 Presentation of ‘Latvijas Vēstnesis’<br />

Representatives of the Latvian official publishing office<br />

17:00–17:30 Possibilities of re-use of official publications and experience in Latvia<br />

Mr Juris RETENAIS, “Netcard” ltd<br />

17:30–18:00 Presentation<br />

Mr John MARTINEZ, President of the Administrative Codes and Registers Section<br />

of the National Association of Secretaries of State, US; via web-streaming<br />

18:00 Welcome to Dinner<br />

Friday, 16 September<br />

09:30–09:45 Coffee<br />

09:45–09:50 Welcome to day 2<br />

Ms Daina ĀBELE, Head of the official publishing office of the Republic<br />

of Latvia ‘Latvijas Vēstnesis’<br />

09:50–10:20 Report from the <strong>Working</strong> Group ‘Indexing and search’<br />

Mr Aleš GOLA, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic<br />

10:20–10:50 Report from the <strong>Working</strong> Group ‘Access to legislation’<br />

Mr John DANN, Central Legislative Service, Ministry of State, Luxembourg<br />

10:50–11:20 Reports from the <strong>Working</strong> Group ‘Sharing experiences and best practices’<br />

— Economic transparency - Efficient Protection for Consumers<br />

Ms Nadja KWAPIL, Responsible for European Affairs, Wiener Zeitung, Austria<br />

— About Dissemination of Information to Citizens<br />

Mr Didier FRANçOIS, Deputy Director of Direction de l’information légale<br />

et administrative, France<br />

11:20-11:30 Sustainable development in the DILA’<br />

Mr Didier FRANçOIS, Deputy Director of Direction de l’information légale<br />

et administrative, France<br />


11:30–12:10 Introduction to the afternoon workshops<br />

Mr Jānis PLEPS, Dr . iur ., Legal Adviser, Legal Service of the Saeima<br />

Mr Ivars BIČKOVIČS, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court<br />

Mr Arvīds DRAVNIEKS, Senior Legal Adviser to the Ombudsman<br />

12:10–13:30 Lunch<br />

13:30–15:30 Workshop sessions<br />

1 . Cooperation between the legislator and the official publisher — ensuring authenticity of<br />

announced normative acts — technical solutions<br />

a . Legislative process only digital or a parallel flow of paper documents?<br />

b . Synergies between technical solutions of electronic legislative process and official<br />

electronic publication<br />

i . Solutions for transport of documents from the legislator to the publisher<br />

ii . Integrated solutions for publishing legislation (use of XML in drafting stage or<br />

conversion to XML before publication)<br />

Facilitator: Mr Søren BROBERG NIELSEN, Head of Division, Ministry of Justice,<br />

Department of Civil Affairs, Denmark<br />

2 . Scope of an official publication (what information is classified as official?)<br />

a . Information that has legal consequences?<br />

b . Or, just information for general awareness?<br />

c . Municipal legislative acts as a part of a country’s legal system?<br />

i . An object to official publication?<br />

ii . Financing of a municipal official publication (state, respective municipality)?<br />

Facilitator: Ms Carol TULLO, Director of Information Policy and Services,<br />

The National Archives, United Kingdom<br />

3 . Security aspects of the official electronic publication<br />

a . Ensuring continuous accessibility<br />

b . Ensuring trust for the user<br />

c . Personal data protection<br />

Facilitator: Mr Aki HIETANEN, Director of Information Services, Ministry of Justice,<br />

Finland<br />

15:30–16:00 Coffee<br />

16:00–17:00 Presentation of workshop results by the facilitators<br />

17:00–17:15 Information on the Ninth Forum Meeting in Malta 2012<br />

Ms Diane OSWALD, Assistant Director, Department of Information DOI, Malta<br />

Closing remarks<br />

Ms Daina ĀBELE, Head of the official publishing office of the Republic<br />

of Latvia ‘Latvijas Vēstnesis’<br />

Saturday, 17 September<br />

11:00 Social program<br />

Visit to Latvian Ethnographic Open-air museum, introduction to Latvian traditions<br />


9<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

List of expected participants

European Union<br />

Nadja Kwapil Austria<br />

Karl Irresberger Austria<br />

Bert Van Damme Belgium<br />

Christos Demetriades Cyprus<br />

Jiří Kaucký Czech Republic<br />

Aleš Gola Czech Republic<br />

Søren Broberg Nielsen Denmark<br />

Maret Mauer Estonia<br />

Eve Agur Estonia<br />

Jari Linhala Finland<br />

Aki Hietanen Finland<br />

Artur Borzeda France<br />

Didier Francois France<br />

Dr . Franziska Schumacher Germany<br />

Ralf Killian Germany<br />

Richard Caffrey Ireland<br />

Alfonso Andriani Italy<br />

Nando Orsini Italy<br />

Maurizio Quattrociocchi Italy<br />

Daina Ābele Latvia<br />

Artis Trops Latvia<br />

Irena Milaknytė-Šukevičienė Lithuania<br />

Kieffer Patricia Luxembourg<br />

John Dann Luxembourg<br />

Diane Oswald Malta<br />

Mark Sciberras Malta<br />

Hans Flier Netherlands<br />

Jarosław Deminet Poland<br />

Beata Jaszczyk Poland<br />

Popa Gabriel Romania<br />

Bolea Virgil-Marian Romania<br />

Roman Makara Slovak Republic<br />


Jan Svak Slovak Republic<br />

Špela Munih Stanič Slovenia<br />

Mojca Samotorčan Slovenia<br />

Jose Enrique Martin Arahuetes Spain<br />

Carol Tullo United Kingdom<br />

Martine Reicherts Publications Office of the EU<br />

Andrea Bartolini Publications Office of the EU<br />

Barbara Roza Publications Office of the EU<br />

European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Countries<br />

Eygló Súsanna Halldórsdóttir Iceland<br />

Knut Erik Davidsen Norway<br />

Michel Moret Switzerland<br />

Markus Tanner Switzerland<br />

EU Candidate Countries<br />

Sanja Perić Croatia<br />

Nikola Sila Croatia<br />

Toni Trajanov The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia<br />

Snezana Kuzmanovska The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia<br />

Selçuk Özcan Turkey<br />

Momcilo Vujosevic Montenegro<br />

EU Potential Candidate Countries<br />

Ilir Kondi Albania<br />

Ilir Stojku Albania<br />

Dragan Prusina Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

Sanja Jovicic Serbia<br />


13<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

Latvian Official Publisher (LOP)<br />

and dissemination<br />

of Public Sector Information<br />

Daina Ābele<br />

VSIA<br />

“Latvijas Vēstnesis”

Latvian Official Publisher<br />

(LOP)<br />

and dissemination of Public<br />

Sector Information<br />

Riga · 2011 www.lv.lv<br />

1993 2011<br />

25.02.1993.<br />

First issue of<br />

“Latvijas V"stnesis”<br />

14<br />

Daina !bele<br />

VSIA “Latvijas V!stnesis”, CEO<br />

Daina.Abele@lv.lv<br />

and<br />


! Founded in 1993 as state company;<br />

! Supervised by Ministry of Justice;<br />

Basic information about<br />

LOP<br />

! No money from the State’s budget, costs are covered by income<br />

from sales of products and publication of notices;<br />

! Turnover year 2010 – 3,1 million Euro;<br />

! Number of employees – 78;<br />

! ISO 9001:2000 (Quality Management Standard) certified – April,<br />

29 th 2004;<br />

! ISO/IEC 27001:2005 (IT – Security techniques – Information<br />

security management systems Standard) certified – October, 30 th<br />

2009.<br />

European Forum of Official Gazettes · Riga ·<br />

2011<br />

15<br />

Mission<br />

Ensuring promulgation and accessibility of the<br />

States official information, “Latvijas V!stnesis”<br />

fulfils exchange of information and ideas between<br />

society and the State, performing development of<br />

civil society.<br />

European Forum of Official Gazettes · Riga ·<br />

2011<br />

3<br />


! Free and convenient access to law;<br />

Art. 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia<br />

Everyone has the right to know<br />

about his or her rights.<br />

! Wide range of options for the society to be informed<br />

about the core essence of the adopted legislation;<br />

! More options for society to impact the law-making<br />

process;<br />

! More options for lawmakers and state officials for<br />

receiving feedback from the society about their<br />

expectations and opinions.<br />

European Forum of Official Gazettes · Riga ·<br />

2011<br />

16<br />


Official publisher<br />

“Everyone has the right to know about his or her rights” Art.90 of the Constitution<br />

OP: normative acts and official announcements * Consolidated legislation * Explanations, opinions for stimulating legal theory<br />

and practice<br />

Till introduction of<br />

official e-publication<br />


Functions are carried out on the basis of revenue from publication of official<br />

notices<br />

Official publisher does not receive funding form the State’s budget<br />


! Topics: Laws &<br />

Regulations, legal books,<br />

legal textbooks for<br />

students;<br />

! Internet Bookstore;<br />

! About 10 titles per year;<br />

! Small circulation (on<br />

average 800 copies) –<br />

high product cost – low<br />

profitability.<br />

European Forum of Official Gazettes · Riga ·<br />

2011<br />

Future developments and<br />

topics for discussion<br />

Official electronic gazette (currently in Parliament):<br />

!Security of electronic environment, reliability and<br />

sustainability;<br />

!Requirement of a printed copy;<br />

!Accessibility of the State’s official information:<br />

centralized/decentralized...<br />

!Status and functions of the Official publisher.<br />

European Forum of Official Gazettes · Riga ·<br />

2011<br />

26<br />

Books<br />

16<br />


Thank you for attention!<br />

Riga · 2011 www.lv.lv<br />

Official publisher of the Republic of Latvia<br />

Bru"inieku 41, R#ga, Latvija<br />

info@lv.lv<br />


29<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

Official electronic publication<br />

in “Latvijas Vēstnesis”<br />

Artis Trops<br />

VSIA «Latvijas Vēstnesis»,<br />

Project manager

Official electronic publication in<br />

“Latvijas Vēstnesis”<br />

Artis Trops<br />

VSIA «Latvijas Vēstnesis»,<br />

Project manager<br />

Artis.Trops@lv.lv<br />

Riga · 2011 www.lv.lv<br />

30<br />

The new portal is a frontoffice<br />

for the official electronic<br />

publication .<br />

Technically ready for production<br />

as soon as the official<br />

electronic publication is<br />

official (when the law comes<br />

into force) .<br />

Legislative acts and official<br />

notices are published .<br />

Official publication in PDF<br />

format . Authenticity ensured<br />

with a advanced electronic<br />

signature containing qualified<br />

certificate with time-stamp<br />

(PAdES Long Term ETSI TS 102<br />

778 Standard) .<br />

HTML version for information .

31<br />

Publication Process Management<br />

System – backoffice<br />

for official electronic<br />

publication<br />

1) All publication steps<br />

(processes) in different section,<br />

user rights according<br />

to their roles in publication<br />

process, some processes<br />

can be executed in parallel,<br />

however – several are step<br />

stone processes that can<br />

be executed when certain<br />

processes are finished<br />

2) Registration . Registration<br />

of a new document for publication,<br />

adding metadata<br />

and the respective original<br />

file<br />

3) List of documents registered<br />

today .<br />

4) If the registered document<br />

is not a final version, a<br />

check box must be clicked<br />

to indicate that the original<br />

has not been received yet .<br />

Waiting for the original<br />

version of the registered<br />

documents<br />

1) Till received the document<br />

is on hold - no other<br />

processes can be initiated<br />

2) List of documents waiting<br />

for original version - received<br />

automatically from<br />

external systems

32<br />

Planning of content of the<br />

issue<br />

1) <strong>Documents</strong> without an<br />

issue assigned to them . In red<br />

colour – documents with approaching<br />

publication date .<br />

2) <strong>Documents</strong> with issue<br />

assigned .<br />

3) Dropdown list of registered<br />

issues for assignment .<br />

4) Section within the Official<br />

gazette – determined automatically<br />

based on authority<br />

and type .<br />

Correction – preparation of<br />

text according to publication<br />

style guidelines<br />

1) <strong>Documents</strong> for correction<br />

2) List of documents with<br />

correction finished<br />

3) Here and everywhere else<br />

in the system – as an indicator<br />

that a step stone process<br />

has been initiated and must<br />

be cancelled in order to<br />

perform modifications .

33<br />

Upload of corrected document<br />

Addition of extra metadata<br />

for likumi .lv legislative<br />

portal of systematized and<br />

consolidated legislative<br />


34<br />

Layout designing<br />

1) <strong>Documents</strong> with assigned<br />

issue<br />

2) <strong>Documents</strong> without an<br />

issue assigned<br />

Layout designing<br />

1) Designer shall indicate<br />

when he begins work with<br />

the particular document so<br />

no other designer starts to<br />

work with the same document<br />

2) Addition of PDF and HTML<br />

files . Shall indicate when the<br />

work has finished – for each<br />

file type separately so that<br />

other processes can start as<br />

soon as the layout design is<br />

ready of the particular document<br />

file format .

35<br />

Quality control of layout<br />

designs<br />

1) Icons indicate the finished<br />

layout designs of particular<br />

document file formats<br />

Quality control of layout<br />

designs<br />

Comparison of the produced<br />

file with the original<br />

received .

36<br />

Confirmation of planned<br />

issues<br />

Can be confirmed once both<br />

HTML and PDF file versions<br />

are finished for documents<br />

of the particular issue . A possibility<br />

to re-arrange documents<br />

within the issue .<br />

Serves a status overview panel<br />

of all issues for publication<br />

– editor in chief can monitor<br />

the progress o work .<br />

An issue can be cancelled<br />

– as long as it has not been<br />

published yet .<br />

Quality control of performance<br />

of automated<br />

processes – scripts adding<br />

headers, footers, page<br />

numbers, meta-data, etc . To<br />

PDF files<br />

1) In case of an error there is<br />

possibility to add a manually<br />

generated file

37<br />

Electronic signing<br />

1) Signing in bach-process is<br />

possible once all the documents<br />

planned for an issue<br />

are ready . Ability to verify the<br />

electronic signatures .<br />

E-signature verification<br />


39<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

Re-use of Legislative Publications<br />

Latvian Experience<br />

Juris Retenais<br />

“Netcard” ltd

Agenda<br />

Re-use of Legislative<br />

Publications<br />

Latvian Experience<br />

Juris Retenais<br />

EU Forum of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga, September 15, 2011<br />

• E-publishing of Latvian Legislation<br />

• Re-use of Legislative Publications<br />

• Re-use by private sector<br />

• Improvements of Legislative Publications<br />

• Questions & Answers<br />


E-publishing of Latvian<br />

Legislation Today<br />

• likumi.lv = e-version of official (paper)<br />

publication<br />

• Maintained by government enterprise Latvijas<br />

Vēstnesis (LV)<br />

• Publishes consolidated legislative acts and<br />

historic and future versions of consolidated acts<br />

• Current version of LP “on top“<br />

• Free of charge<br />

History of Legislative E-publishing<br />

before Crisis<br />

• nais.lv, privately owned database<br />

• 1st version built in 1991<br />

• Publishings obtained in electronic (Word ) form<br />

directly from Legislative institutions<br />

• Pay for subscription or per document<br />

• No other options<br />

• Quite expensive to cover all public sector<br />

needs (1000+ institutions)<br />


Re-use of Legislative Publications<br />

• Anybody can reuse with reference to source<br />

• Governmental institutions:<br />

• re-publish on their web-sites<br />

• Publish links to likumi.lv<br />

• Private Sector<br />

• Privately owned legislative databases<br />

• Re-publish on their web-sites<br />

• Publish links to likumi.lv<br />

Re-use by private sector<br />

• Privately owned legislative databases:<br />

• Nais.lv<br />

• Has contract with Official Publisher<br />

• Has on-line data exchange channel (pay per document)<br />

• Has free public version with simple functionality<br />

• Subscription fee for extended functionality, e.g. search<br />

• Maintains current information<br />

• e-likumi.lv<br />

• No agreement with Official Publisher<br />

• Supports core business of printing law collections<br />

• Pay per document, except latest 2 months of Parliament<br />

& Council of Ministers documents<br />

• Publishing delayed<br />


Re-use by private sector (cont.)<br />

• latlex.lv<br />

• No agreement with Official Publisher<br />

• LPs free, but formatting primitive<br />

• Added value: internal and external navigation to direct<br />

references, links to court rulings (pay per document)<br />

• Publishing delayed<br />

• l2d.lv<br />

• Has agreement with Official Publisher<br />

• Downloads LPs from likumi.lv (no effort on LV part)<br />

• Added value: internal navigation, external navigation based<br />

on key-words & -phrases , EuroVoc<br />

• Maintains current information (Currently free)<br />

Improvements of Legislative<br />

Publications by L2D.LV<br />

• L2D.LV is abbreviation of Legislation in 2 Dimensions<br />

• Goal: make LPs easy to read & save time<br />

• Internal navigation (reference to Articles, clauses)<br />

• Direct external navigation (laws by name, EU<br />

directives by number)<br />

• External navigation by key-words/-phrases<br />

• Using EuroVoc<br />

• Subscription to RSS<br />

• Improve quality of legislative publications<br />


Live DEMO of www.l2d.lv<br />

• Currently Latvian<br />

• Prototype in English<br />

• Customizable to other languages<br />

L2D Links to Related <strong>Documents</strong><br />

• Fragment from Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction<br />

of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at<br />

work with links<br />


L2D List to Related <strong>Documents</strong><br />

• Fragment from Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction<br />

of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at<br />

work with links<br />

L2D Full List to Related Doc-ts<br />

• Fragment from Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction<br />

of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at<br />

work with links and full searchable list of related documents<br />


L2D Auto-detection & Links<br />

Fragment from Latvian Labour Law<br />

L2D Internal Navigation Links<br />

Fragment from Latvian Labour Law<br />


L2D Using EuroVoc Thesaurus<br />

• Search in your language, get results for Latvia<br />

L2D Using EuroVoc Thesaurus (cont.)<br />

• Google Translate the list of documents<br />

• Open the document you are interested in<br />

• Copy the link and feed it to Google Translate<br />


Questions & Answers<br />

Contacts<br />

Juris Retenais, PMP<br />

Netcards SIA<br />

Thank you for your attention!<br />

5 Visbijas prospekts, Riga, Latvia, LV-1014<br />

juris.retenais@netcard.lv<br />

+371 6738 7748<br />


51<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

Administrative Codes and Registers<br />

in theUnited States of America<br />

John Hyrum Martinez<br />

Administrative Codes & Registers<br />


Administrative Codes and Registers<br />

in the<br />

United States of America<br />

John Hyrum Martinez<br />

Administrative Codes & Registers President<br />

• Federation of<br />

– 50 States<br />

– 1 District<br />

– 2 Commonwealths<br />

– 3 Territories<br />

USA<br />

• The States are sovereign in their own right<br />

and can make their own laws<br />

• 3-branch government model<br />

– Legislative<br />

– Executive<br />

– Judicial<br />


Administrative Rules<br />

• Legislative branch can authorize the<br />

Executive branch to make specific laws<br />

• Laws made by Executive branch frequently<br />

called administrative rules or regulations<br />

• Most states have a Register to publically<br />

announce new and amended rules (and<br />

other material)<br />

• The Registers are similar to Gazettes<br />

• Most states have an administrative code<br />

which is the compilation of current rules<br />

ACR<br />

• Administrative Codes and Registers Section<br />

• ACR is the organization of the writers,<br />

publishers and reviewers of administrative<br />

rules in the USA<br />

• Private organization (not part of the<br />

government)<br />

• Founded in 1978<br />

• Section of the National Association of<br />

Secretaries of State (NASS)<br />


ACR Membership<br />

• Membership open to employees of state and<br />

federal governments<br />

– Rule publishers<br />

– Rule reviewers<br />

– Rule writers<br />

– Any others who work with administrative rules<br />

• Corporate members include vendors who<br />

also publish administrative rules<br />

• Rule publishing in 26 of the states is under<br />

the Secretary of State<br />

NASS<br />

• National Association of Secretaries of State<br />

• Founded in 1904<br />

• Secretaries of State or Lt. Governors for all<br />

the states and territories<br />

• 2 additional sections<br />

– Administrative Codes and Registers<br />

– Notary Public Administrators<br />

• www.nass.org<br />

• NASS provides staff support for ACR<br />


ACR Mission<br />

• To gather, exchange and disseminate information<br />

and ideas that relate to the publication and<br />

distribution of administrative codes and registers<br />

• To enhance the quality of administrative codes and<br />

registers through better style, format and design<br />

• To encourage the development of administrative<br />

codes and registers in jurisdictions where none exist<br />

• To foster the development of better rule writing<br />

skills and rule review techniques, and more effective<br />

management of the rule promulgation process<br />

• To increase knowledge of administrative law among<br />

ACR Section members and within the general<br />

public<br />

Issues<br />

• Maintaining integrity of registers and<br />

administrative codes<br />

• Establishing best practices for managing all<br />

types of records<br />

• Authenticating digital documents<br />

• Adopting model administrative procedures<br />

• Enhancing user access to rules<br />

• Improving rule writing and review<br />

• Increasing awareness of registers and<br />

administrative codes<br />


Colborn Award<br />

• The Colborn Award annually recognizes a<br />

program that demonstrates creativity and<br />

innovation in managing or providing public<br />

access to administrative rules<br />

• 2011 – Florida – Hyperlinked incorporated<br />

material<br />

• 2010 – New Mexico – Online rules training<br />

• 2009 – Virginia – Coordinated online<br />

administrative code<br />

• 2008 – Arkansas – Rules cataloging and archiving<br />

State and Federal Survey<br />

• ACR surveys state and federal governments<br />

about the publication of administrative rules<br />

• Survey made every two years<br />

• Compilation of information about<br />

administrative rules publications in the<br />

United States and its jurisdictions<br />

• Charge of $40 for current survey<br />

• Past surveys available on website free of<br />

charge<br />


Winter Meetings<br />

• Held in Washington, DC during February<br />

• Held with the Secretaries and NPA<br />

• ACR has separate meetings but joint meals<br />

and activities with the Secretaries and NPA<br />

• 3 to 4 days of meetings<br />

Summer Conferences<br />

• Held during July<br />

• Changes location every year – hosted by a<br />

specific Secretary of State<br />

• Held with the Secretaries and NPA<br />

• ACR has separate meetings but joint meals<br />

and activities with the Secretaries and NPA<br />

• 3 to 4 days of meetings<br />

• Colborn Award is presented<br />

• Officers are elected every other year<br />


Online Conferencing<br />

• Due to budget constraints fewer members<br />

are attending the meetings and conferences<br />

• 2011 ACR Winter Meeting was held online<br />

• Portions of the 2011 ACR Summer<br />

Conference were available online<br />

• Will continue to use online conferencing in<br />

the future<br />

ListServ<br />

• Automated E-mail system<br />

• Subscribers automatically receive all new<br />

postings made to the list<br />

• Responses can go to the entire group or just<br />

to the original sender<br />

• Tailored to those working primarily with<br />

Administrative Codes and Registers<br />

• To subscribe, send an e-mail message to<br />

join-acr@list.utah.gov<br />


ACR Website<br />

• www.administrativerules.org<br />

• List of Administrative Codes and Registers<br />

available online<br />

• Materials from past meetings and<br />

conferences<br />

• Past State and Federal Surveys<br />

• Contact information<br />

Questions<br />

Are there any questions?<br />

John Hyrum Martinez<br />

New Mexico State Records Center and Archives<br />

1205 Camino Carlos Rey<br />

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507<br />

john.martinez4@state.nm.us<br />


61<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

Report from the <strong>Working</strong> Group<br />

“Indexing and search”<br />

Mr Aleš GOLA,<br />

Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic

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85<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

<strong>Working</strong> Group<br />

“Access to Legislation”<br />

Interim Report<br />

Mr John DANN<br />

Central Legislative Service, Ministry of State, Luxembourg

I. Members<br />

Mr John Dann (Chairperson of the WG, Luxembourg)<br />

Ms Nadja Kwapil (Austria)<br />

Mr Bert Van Damme (Belgium)<br />

Mr Wilfried Verrezen (Belgium)<br />

Mr Ostap Graljuk (Croatia)<br />

Mr Ale Gola (Czech Republic)<br />

Ms Nina Koch (Denmark)<br />

Mr Søren Broberg Nielsen (Denmark)<br />

Mr Aki Hietanen (Finland)<br />

Mr Philippe Gibon (France)<br />

Mr Ralf Killian (Germany)<br />

Mr Maurizio Quattrociocchi (Italy)<br />

Mr Nando Orsini (Italy)<br />

Mr Artis Trops (Latvia)<br />

Ms Diane Oswald (Malta)<br />

Mr Odd Storm-Paulsen (Norway)<br />

Mr Gabriel Popa (Romania)<br />

Ms Sanja Jovicic (Serbia)<br />

Ms Irina Tomic (Serbia)<br />

Ms Petra kodlar (Slovenia)<br />

Ms Ana Herrero-Botas (Spain)<br />

Mr Cemal Karatas (Turkey)<br />

Mr Faruk Sabah (Turkey)<br />

Mr Norman Hodgett (United Kingdom)<br />

Ms Judith Riley (United Kingdom)<br />

Ms Leda Bargiotti (Secretariat of the WG, Publications Office)<br />

II. Meetings<br />

• Brussels 25 th May 2011<br />

• Luxembourg 19 th July 2011<br />


III. Mandate<br />

Sharing information, knowledge and collaboration are the main topics of the <strong>Working</strong> Group<br />

(WG) . Given the large mandate of this WG, it is important that the WG concentrates on major<br />

subjects this year, choose topics which can be delivered in a given timeframe and develop other<br />

topics at a later stage .<br />

To reach this goal the cooperation with the other WG is of high importance .<br />

Mandate adopted in Brussels:<br />

1 . This <strong>Working</strong> Group (WG) shall act as a ‘Front Desk’ and the other WG, with specific<br />

detailed tasks, could act as the ‘Back Office’:<br />

• Share the on-going and finished results of the specialised WG and try to<br />

bring all the work together .<br />

• Share the on-going specialised work at the Publications Office.<br />

2 . EU regulations impacting our business of ‘Legal Gazettes’:<br />

• Follow legislative work and developments of the European Union’s (EU)<br />

activities impacting the business of the national “Legal Gazettes”, and keep<br />

the participants up to date;<br />

• Study by the Publications Office (PO) on the impact of privacy developments<br />

at the EU level with regard to dissemination of legal information;<br />

• Gather best practices on privacy issues in Member States.<br />

3 . Access for general public and legal experts: Challenge to satisfy both partners:<br />

• How to get law closer to the general public;<br />

• Work closely with the WG on “Indexing and Search”.<br />

4 . State of play for electronic versus paper version, and the consequences of free<br />

access to legislation on the Internet, can we uphold access rights for the ‘non-<br />

Internet’ public?<br />

• Share best practices and identify “best arguments” to shift from the paper to<br />

the electronic format of legal information .<br />

5 . Thoughts on future technologies and especially on:<br />

• Web 3.0.<br />

• How to simplify the Official Journal’s websites.<br />

• “e-Codes”: efforts to make our codes read better in different environments.<br />

• How mobility will change the use of online services:<br />

Will mobile access be one of the solutions for remote regions with<br />

lack of broadband connections?<br />

Will this technology (use of smartphones …) broaden and facilitate<br />

the outreach of our legal systems to other users, experts in the fields<br />

etc .?<br />

6 . Share best practises on how to help ‘developing countries’ (at the bilateral level) to<br />

improve their ‘Legal Official Gazettes’ websites .<br />


IV. The major topics discussed<br />

The WG will follow the legislative work and developments of the European Union (EU) activities<br />

impacting the business of the national “Legal Gazettes” .<br />

The following concrete actions have been foreseen for this year’s WG:<br />

a) Create a newsletter aiming at keeping the participants up to date regarding<br />

relevant EU legislation or projects, alternatively to provide information on the<br />

OJ Forum’s website;<br />

b) Publications Office (PO) will carry out a study on the impact of privacy<br />

developments at the EU level with regard to dissemination of legal information;<br />

c) Share best practices on privacy issues in Member States . Members will provide<br />

all necessary information to the PO, which will centralize and disseminate the<br />

information received on the Forum’s website .<br />

Another important topic has been identified, and given its importance it has been decided to<br />

highlight it: the “Semantic Web” .<br />

The “Semantic Web”, “WEB 3 .0” or “Web of connectable data”, is designed for both human and<br />

machine readable and facilitates machines to understand the meaning of information . It goes<br />

further than the actual “Web of documents with hyperlinks” by enabling machine-readable<br />

metadata with descriptions about their meaning and relations between objects, facilitating<br />

inter-domain information sharing and encouraging data to be distributed in reusable and<br />

interoperable/open formats .<br />

The aim is to put “users” in the front row with easy and free access to Governments’ Legal Gazettes<br />

“raw data”, able them to download, analyse, interconnect different information and sources<br />

across domains and also enable private companies to build programs, to perform tasks on<br />

behalf of users, and interrogate intelligently legislative databases . The Semantic Web presents an<br />

opportunity to enable the public to scrutinize more effectively our democratic systems, as well as<br />

increasing Governments’ transparency, accountability and efficiency .<br />

The basic building blocks of the “Semantic Web” are common Metadata, unique URI and URL, and<br />

different techniques like HTTP data access, “RDF” (Resource Description Framework) . “RDFS” (RDF<br />

Scheme) and “OWL” (Web Ontology Language) can be used to define contextual relationship<br />

between objects and connect them . “SPARQL” can be used to query across domain data . The<br />

technologies exist already and are used in various contexts and are largely standardised, W3C<br />

specifications, and ready to use .<br />

The goal of this WG is to provide a framework for common data structure indispensable for the<br />

“Semantic Web” and consistent across “Legal Gazettes” . In this respect it is important to share<br />

the information on a “strategic level” of the most advanced projects . A first meeting had been<br />

organized in Luxembourg on July 19 th 2011 .<br />


The group focused on:<br />

1 . Common Metadata structure:<br />

• Annexe 1, as amended after the July’s meeting, proposes a common metadata set<br />

(bold are the mandatory fields) .<br />

2 . Differentiable Unique Resource Identifiers (URI) to identify each legislative object:<br />

• Each object needs a name or unique reference in order for others to refer to it.<br />

Following the discussion at the July’s meeting, it has been agreed to draft a new,<br />

more complex, modelling scheme will for the WG’s next meeting, taking into<br />

account a significant levels of hierarchy .<br />

3 . Unique http URL for each legislative act:<br />

• It has been agreed by the WG to draft a new proposition, based on the new URI<br />

modelling scheme for the WG’s next meeting .<br />

V. Action points<br />

• Proposition to intensify the work this year of the WG “Access to Legislation” on<br />

“Semantic Web’s Back-office” (common data structure: Metadata – URI -URL) with<br />

the aim to introduce a “European Legislative Identifier” 1 (ELI), and a minimum set of<br />

uniform metadata to standardize our legal databases and make sure they are ready<br />

for Web 3 .0 (see Annexes) .<br />

• Proposition on how to integrate the new data structure (micro formats …);<br />

• Analyse the possibility of a Project “vocabulary + authority tables + ontology”.<br />

A consistent collection of a vocabulary with the same meaning across all “Legal<br />

Gazettes” would be a necessary step to interconnect all data . The basis of this<br />

project would be “Eurovoc” .<br />

• Concentrate on the “Front-Desk” (Users) aspects next year.<br />

1 Based on the initiative for an ECLI identifier (“European Case Law Identifier” see Council conclusions inviting the introduction of<br />

the European Case Law identifier)<br />


VI. Annexes<br />

Common Metadata<br />

Comments<br />

ECLI<br />

Reference<br />

ECLI<br />

Full taxonomy to<br />

be established,<br />

input needed . to be<br />

discussed<br />

dcterms:<br />

type<br />

European Legislation Identifier (ELI)<br />

Field<br />

eGov Share Reference<br />

Field Name Description<br />

Cardinality Data type Examples<br />

identifier<br />

Ontology<br />

Legal resource (language independent)<br />

Any type of legal resource published in an Official Journal at the work leve<br />

The identifier of the legal id_<br />

1 . .* string To be standardised . (not distinguished<br />

Unique<br />

resource . Schema needs to document<br />

from the manifestation<br />

Identifier<br />

be developed<br />

identifier)<br />

The identifier of the legal id_local 0 . .* string Act’s reference in Luxembourg:<br />

resource in a local reference<br />

the EU’s, country’s 1234<br />

Local identifier system<br />

or region’s own COM (2001) 006,<br />

terminology, e .g . 32011L0012<br />

celex id, com id<br />

The type of a legal resource type_ 1 string For European law<br />

(class in ontology<br />

(e .g . directive, règlement document<br />

based on authority<br />

/ resource type<br />

grand ducale, law, règlement<br />

table:<br />

taxonomy)<br />

ministère, Draft Propostion<br />

Resource types = class<br />

Type of<br />

etc, Parliamentary act . . . . .)<br />

names in the OP’s<br />

legislation<br />

Common Data Model<br />

(CDM) . For national<br />

and regional laws to<br />

be studied in more<br />

detail<br />

Area that this legal resource relevant_ 0 . .* unit_<br />

individual<br />

is applicable for (e .g EU, for<br />

administrative administritive units,<br />

Area of<br />

country / member state,<br />

taxonomy of possible<br />

is-relevantapplicability<br />

region . . . .)<br />

values to be defined .<br />

for<br />

90<br />

Use NUTS<br />

nomenclature, level 1<br />

http://europa .<br />

eu/legislation_<br />

summaries/regional_<br />

policy/management/<br />

g24218_en .htm<br />

dcterms:<br />

coverage<br />

dcterms:<br />

creator<br />

European<br />

Parliament,<br />

Luxembourg,<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz is-provided-by<br />

Based on authority<br />

tables:<br />

Corporate bodies /<br />

Countries, must be<br />

extended to cover<br />

more agents<br />

1 . .* country /<br />

institution<br />

agent_<br />

document<br />

The European institution,<br />

other bodies or Member<br />

State or regional bodies, who<br />

created the legal resource<br />

(e .g . European Parliament,<br />

Luxembourg Government,<br />

Agent /<br />

Authority<br />

To be unified<br />

with Agent? It<br />

will probably be<br />

difficult to create<br />

a comprehensive<br />

authority table for<br />

all cases<br />

service 0 . .* free text indicating<br />

responsible<br />

ministries, DGs etc .<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz parliament . . .)<br />

Name of Ministry if<br />

applicable<br />

Sub-Agent /<br />


Eurovoc concept,<br />

identified by its<br />

Eurovoc code<br />

dcterms:<br />

subject<br />

is_about 0 . .* concept_eurovoc is-about (a Eurovoc<br />

concept)<br />

The subject of this legal<br />

resource<br />

Subject<br />

dcterms:<br />

date<br />

1 date Format: YYYY-MM-DD<br />

creation-date<br />

date_<br />

document<br />

The official adption or<br />

signature date of the<br />

Date of<br />

adoption<br />

dcterms:<br />

issued<br />

1<br />

date_<br />

publication<br />

document<br />

Date in which this legal<br />

resource was officially<br />

published<br />

If one date for the act is<br />

applicable, if multiple dates<br />

no entry<br />

Date of<br />

publication<br />

0 . .* Format: YYYY-MM-DD<br />

date_entryinto-force<br />

Date entering<br />

into force<br />

date_end- 0 . .*<br />

of-validity<br />

related_to 0 . .* URI Identifier<br />

to other legal<br />

resource(s)<br />

changed_by 0 . .* Identifier of other<br />

legal resource<br />

Date of end of<br />

validity<br />

dcterms:<br />

references<br />

is-related-to<br />

Related to<br />

dcterms:<br />

isReplacedBy<br />

is-related-to<br />

(approximative match)<br />

Legal resource changed<br />

(amended or replaced) by<br />

another legal resource<br />

(typically a newer version,<br />

replacement can be<br />

Changed by<br />

0 . .* is deliberate as<br />

sometimes a law<br />

is still partially in<br />

force, whereas other<br />

parts are already<br />

withdrawn<br />

List of values to<br />

be defined<br />

status<br />

status 0 . .* string Based on authority<br />

table:<br />

Legal resource<br />

versions . Has no<br />

direct counterpart in<br />

completely or partially)<br />

Status of the legal resource<br />

(in force, not in force,<br />

partially applicable, implicitly<br />

revoked, explicitely revoked,<br />

repealed, expired, suspended<br />

. . . etc )<br />

Legal resource is based on<br />

another legal resource (e .g .<br />

a treaty article, a provision in<br />

the constitution, framework<br />

legislation . . .)<br />

references to other legal acts<br />

mentioned<br />

Status<br />

91<br />

the CDM<br />

is-governed-by<br />

based_on 0 . .* URI Identifier<br />

of other legal<br />

resource<br />

Based on<br />

cites 0 . .* URI Identifier<br />

of other legal<br />

resource<br />

Cites<br />

In XML serializations<br />

implicit<br />

dcterms:<br />

isVersionOf<br />

dcterms:<br />

language<br />

ENG language<br />

Expression (language dependent)<br />

Realisation of a work in a given language version<br />

Expression<br />

belongs_to 1 Identifier of other<br />

belongs to a<br />

legal resource<br />

work<br />

Language version of the language_ 1 string Based on authority<br />

Language expression .<br />

expression<br />

table:<br />


dcterms: title<br />

1 string n/a European<br />

Parliament<br />

resolution on<br />

the European<br />

Neighbourhood<br />

Policy<br />

(2004/2166(INI))<br />

Title of the expression title_<br />

expression<br />

name<br />

Title<br />

0 . .1 string n/a<br />

short_title_<br />

expression<br />

title_<br />

alternative<br />

published_<br />

in (in CDM<br />

Established short title of the<br />

expression (if any)<br />

Alternative title of the<br />

expression (if any)<br />

Short title<br />

0 . .1 string n/a<br />

Alias<br />

OJ C127/1<br />

0 . .* Number of the<br />

OJ in which the<br />

legal resource<br />

is published,<br />

identified<br />

by a suitable<br />

mechanism<br />

on work<br />

level)<br />

Publication<br />

reference<br />

0 . .1 string<br />

A suitable free text<br />

description of the legal<br />

resource in the expression’s<br />

language (e .g . using the<br />

abstract)<br />

Description of<br />

the act<br />

In XML serializations<br />

implicit<br />

In XML serializations<br />

implicit<br />

Manifestation<br />

link or description to the physical object<br />

1 Identifier of<br />

manifests<br />

expression<br />

92<br />

dcterms:<br />

identifier<br />

link dcterms:<br />

identifier<br />

file:<br />

COM_2004_058_<br />

EN_ACTE_f .pdf<br />

1 . .* string Format:<br />

URI<br />

link_<br />

manifestation<br />

dcterms:<br />

publisher<br />

dcterms:<br />

publisher<br />

0 . .1<br />

publisher<br />

string<br />

Additional fields to be considered<br />

Consolidation Is the act consolidated or not 0 . .1<br />

URI link to the consolidated<br />

0 . .1 URI Identifier<br />

Link-<br />

text<br />

to other legal<br />

consolidation<br />

resource(s)<br />

Bold: Mandatory Fields

Example:<br />


95<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

<strong>Working</strong> Group ‘Sharing experiences and best practices’<br />




Presented by<br />

Ms Nadja KWAPIL,<br />

Responsible for European Affairs, Wiener Zeitung, Austria






• Consumers are not (well) informed about the financial products in which<br />

they invest, as a result they often buy without knowledge of costs and riks.<br />

• Also advisors are not informed (and they admit and even regret it) about<br />

the products they´re promoting or selling.<br />

• Statistics/Media-reports especially in Germany and Austria clearly<br />

demonstrate the lack of information on the part of both, consumers and<br />

advisors.<br />



• „Sharp asymmetry in information and expertise between the manufacturers<br />

and distributors of products and retail investors.“<br />

• „Another main weakness is related to the inconsistencies in the European<br />

regulatory framework in force. It is currently inadequate especially with<br />

regard to the retail investment market reality and is not able to offer<br />

investors a satisfactory level of protection.“<br />

• „The main failings of the Community framework for packaged retail<br />

investment products have their origin in the lack of key investor disclosures<br />

and in the regulation of commercial practices.“<br />


• March 2011/Vienna: „Fiction or Reality?“ provided by Lieferanzeiger.at*<br />

– an online tool for creating and publishing tenders for public procurement.<br />

• Participants from over 19 different Memberstates of the EU.<br />

• Lectures and discussions (all above) on E-Tendering and E-Signature.<br />

*Enabels you - as a contracting authority/entity - to publish your tenders in<br />

the online journal of the Wiener Zeitung, in the supplement of the Official<br />

Journal of the EU, in your online procurement profile or in all Austrian<br />

regional journals.<br />

The Lieferanzeiger provides access to the standard forms used in European<br />

public procurement and to the national forms used in Austria. Thus, it<br />

accelerates your work and the publication of your tender.<br />




• Meeting AK/Vienna - April, 12th, 2011 - Defining the problem: Vacuum of<br />

protection.<br />

• Internal Meeting/Vienna - May, 17th, 2011 - Discussing results of legal<br />

research and analysis.<br />

• Internal Meeting/Vienna - June, 30th, 2011 - First drafts of our visions.<br />

• Internal Meeting/Vienna - July, 15th, 2011 - Fixing the final version - how to<br />

proceed.<br />

• International Meeting/Vienna - July, 20th, 2011 - Meeting with France,<br />

Luxembourg/Slovakia - preparing for Riga.<br />


European Directives, all above:<br />

a. MiFID - Market in Financial Investment Directive<br />

b. KID - Key Investors Document<br />

c. UCITS - Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable<br />

Securities<br />

d. Retail Package<br />



European Directives, all above:<br />

a. MiFID - Market in Financial Investment Directive<br />

b. KID - Key Investors Document<br />

c. UCITS - Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable<br />

Securities<br />

d. Retail Package<br />


a. MiFID - Key aspects of MiFID<br />

•Authorisation, regulation and passporting<br />

•Client categorisation<br />

•Pre-trade transparency<br />

•Post-trade transparency<br />

•Best execution<br />

•Systematic Internaliser<br />



c. Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities<br />

Directives 2001/107/EC and 2001/108/EC (or "UCITS")<br />

•UCITS are a set of European Union Directives that aim to allow collective<br />

investment schemes to operate freely throughout the EU on the basis of a<br />

single authorisation from one member state. In practice many EU member<br />

nations have imposed additional regulatory requirements that have<br />

impeded free operation with the effect of protecting local asset managers.<br />


d. Packaged Retail Investment Products<br />

•The retail investment market is largely dominated by 'packaged retail<br />

investment products'. These provide retail investors with easy access to<br />

financial markets, but can be complex for investors to understand. Those<br />

selling these products can also face conflicts of interest since they are often<br />

remunerated by the product manufacturers rather than directly by the retail<br />

investors.<br />

•A complex patchwork of regulation has grown up to address these risks, and<br />

inconsistencies and gaps in the patchwork have raised concerns as to the<br />

overall effectiveness of the regulatory regime, both in relation to its capacity<br />

to protect investors and its ability to ensure the markets work efficiently. These<br />

concerns have been further heightened by the impact of the financial crisis.<br />



• We do have a lot of directives - legal precautions.<br />

• However, these legal precautions are insufficient in that they are not<br />

transparent and therefore difficult to apply (also linguists observed and<br />

complain about the very long and complicated sentences in leaflets).<br />

• There are a lot of different products; therefore it´s difficult to<br />

„evaluate“/forsee all the costs and the risks.<br />

• Of course, (basic) information can be helpful. But we´ll need additional<br />

protections to help consumers and specifically to protect them from<br />

aggressive or not-(well)-informed advisors.<br />

• Our „solution“/idea: the registration/publication of advisors and<br />

„advising“ leaflets (not primarily the products), transparent<br />

information for both, issuers and consumers.<br />



• cf. Legal situation of Germany, where a new binding law obliges advisors to<br />

register into a database, administrated by the ministry of finances. That is -<br />

in our point of view - a good approach, but: the database is not public!<br />

• cf. „Zertifikate Forum Austria“.<br />




• Founded by the leading issuers of Austria (banks).<br />

• Independend, non-profit-association.<br />

• With the aim to strengthen the certificate-market, to promote trade with<br />

certificates.<br />

• But without hiding the risks - strong interest in transparency.<br />



• Categorization of the different products (certificates).<br />

• Information-brochure for investors.<br />

• Ratings, analysis, data concerning the market.<br />

• Offered trainings for advisors – „Diplomas“.<br />





• „Necessity is the mother of invention“ - this national commitment proofs the<br />

present need of transparency in practice.<br />

• And therefore the prevailing need of the Memberstate´s commitment.<br />

• We should try to promote and install a platform, which provides on one<br />

hand the mentioned information: already existing leaflets and<br />

samples/KID – information for both, issuers and consumers.<br />

• On the other hand a database, where advisors are obliged to register in<br />

that it becomes obvious for consumers at whom to adress to; and to gain<br />

the consumer´s confidence in assuring responsibility (alone or together with<br />

the bank) for their acting.<br />

• This platform could be installed on an extra – neutral – Website to assure<br />

availability.<br />

• The requirements for registrating (eg.): owners of a certificate, advisors in<br />

training with notice of liability of the specific bank they are employed at.<br />



Next Meeting - Mid of November.<br />



105<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />

<strong>Working</strong> Group ‘Sharing experiences and best practices’<br />



Presented by<br />

Didier FRANÇOIS,<br />

Deputy Director<br />

Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA), France

Motivations<br />



Riga, Latvia, September 2011<br />



by Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director<br />

Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA), France<br />

Our topic, “Sharing experiences and best practices about dissemination of information to citizens”,<br />

is particularly important for a number of reasons.<br />

Disseminating information to citizens is an integral part of the primary administrative missions of each of<br />

the Forum member countries. It goes hand in hand with our fundamental mission of ensuring access to<br />

legislation. It also relates closely to the topic of economic transparency.<br />

Our joint Austrian-French working group is addressing both the dissemination of “information to citizens and<br />

economic transparency”. Other Forum colleagues are working on the topic of ensuring access to legislation.<br />

The initial results of our research on the dissemination of information to citizens confirm the relevance of the<br />

topic and offer ample room for future mutually beneficial multilateral cooperation.<br />

Methodology and objectives<br />

We all know that the various European Union countries differ widely in size, population, administrative<br />

organization and many other aspects. In addition, some are longstanding EU members, while others are<br />

newcomers.<br />

They also differ in terms of how they disseminate information to their citizens. It is both important<br />

and desirable to learn about each other’s systems, because the knowledge gained will help us to work<br />

together more effectively and will enable each of us to improve our own national approach.<br />

106<br />


With these considerations in mind, we arrived at the following methodology and objectives:<br />

1. Analysis of 10 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain,<br />

Sweden, United Kingdom<br />

Based on the following criteria:<br />

1.1. Countries of different sizes (by surface area and population)<br />

1.2. Representative geographic location (Western Europe or Central Europe), with consideration<br />

also as to length of European Union membership<br />

1.3. Organizational model, e.g. centralized, decentralized, mixed...<br />

2. Creation of synergies between different national public information systems<br />

2.1. Sharing experiences and good practices<br />

2.2. Avenues for optimizing each country’s model based on national specificities<br />

2.3. Developing cooperation between different countries and organizations<br />

Questions addressed<br />

On the basis of our research and discussion, we developed a detailed, explicit analysis scheme for different<br />

aspects of the dissemination of public information.<br />

It asks five main questions:<br />

1. What range of services does each national website offer?<br />

2. Are legal information and administrative information separate?<br />

3. What is the distribution between administrative and commercial<br />

websites?<br />

4. What are the different funding models (payment required/free)?<br />

5. What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the websites analysed?<br />

107<br />


Snapshot of the <strong>Working</strong> Group’s Activities<br />

The members of the working group have met with each other many times in Vienna and Paris, as well as with<br />

other stakeholders and/or potential partners in Brussels, and have exchanged e-mails and information<br />

on various topics.<br />

Our group’s activities can be summarized chronologically as follows:<br />

• September 2009, London. At the Forum’s annual meeting, Austria (K. Schiessl of the Wiener Zeitung,<br />

publisher of Austria’s official printed gazette) introduces the idea of establishing a working group on<br />

“Sharing Experiences and Best Practices about Dissemination of Information to Citizens”.<br />

• September 2010, Rome. France (D. François of the DILA) throws its support behind the project at the<br />

Forum’s annual meeting.<br />

• January 2011, Vienna. The Austrian-French working group is formed during a meeting in Vienna.<br />

• February 2011. The DILA carries out a first study of five target countries: Austria, France, Germany, Spain<br />

and the United Kingdom.<br />

• February 2011. The group receives the Forum’s mandate, and the Publication Office<br />

assigns it a secretary.<br />

• March 2011, Rome. The project is presented at the meeting of the Forum’s expanded presidency.<br />

• May 2011, Paris. The DILA holds a lunch debate on the topic, “Potential synergies between different<br />

European on-line public service networks”. It is attended by the group’s executive members and<br />

representatives from the Publication Office and from DG Internal Market, which operates the Your Europe<br />

website.<br />

• May 2011 to June 2011. We carry out a broader, more detailed study than February’s, this time with 10<br />

target countries: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain,<br />

Sweden and the United Kingdom.<br />

108<br />


Country<br />

Austria<br />

Belgium<br />



Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom<br />

Range<br />

of products<br />

and/or services<br />

www.help.gv.at<br />

Top-ranked in Europe’s 2009<br />

e-Government Benchmark<br />

* Official federal administrative website<br />

(very similar to French model)<br />

* Two languages: German, English<br />

* “One stop” approach<br />

* More than 140 everyday situations<br />

covered under headings such as<br />

housing, disabled people, education,<br />

family, taxes/finance and social<br />

relief.<br />

* On-line filing<br />

* List of administrative websites<br />

* Glossary of legal terms<br />

* Search engine<br />

* General search form<br />

* Shortcut page for legal professionals<br />

* RSS feed<br />

www.belgium.be<br />

* Official federal administrative website<br />

* Four languages: English, Dutch,<br />

French, German<br />

* Many everyday situations covered<br />

under headings such as family,<br />

justice, mobility, health, environment,<br />

work and education.<br />

* On-line filing (justice site)<br />

* List of administrative websites<br />

* Search engine<br />

* Directory of administration offices<br />

* RSS feed<br />

* Payment required for some content<br />

(e.g. model contracts)<br />

* Other websites:<br />

Wallon site<br />

www.wallex.wallonie.be<br />

Separation<br />

between<br />

administrative<br />

and legal<br />

information?<br />

Yes<br />

www.<br />

ris.bka.gv.at<br />

Austria’s Legal<br />

Information<br />

System<br />

(RIS)<br />

Other website:<br />

www.rdb.at<br />

Database of legal<br />

publications<br />

Yes<br />

www.<br />

just.fgov.be<br />

All Belgian<br />

legislation<br />

Other website:<br />

www.<br />

droitbelge.be<br />

Participatory<br />

website on the<br />

law<br />

109<br />

Distribution<br />

between<br />

public and<br />

commercial<br />

Public<br />

Commercial<br />

Public<br />

Funding<br />

model<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Strengths <br />

versus<br />

Weaknesses <br />

Administrative website:<br />

<br />

* Easy to access and use<br />

* Appealing graphics<br />

* Mobile e-signature<br />

* Many links to websites on<br />

everyday life, the family, the<br />

environment, etc.<br />

* Links to social networks like<br />

Twitter and Facebook<br />

<br />

* English content markedly<br />

more limited than German<br />

content<br />

Legal websites:<br />

<br />

* Clear, readable graphics<br />

* Well organized<br />

* Two languages: German,<br />

English<br />

* Free telephone information<br />

service<br />

* Telephone service for<br />

information on the European<br />

Union<br />

<br />

* - - -<br />

Administrative websites:<br />

<br />

* Easy to access and use<br />

* Appealing graphics<br />

* Well organized<br />

* Numerous topics<br />

* Links to social networks like<br />

Twitter and Facebook<br />

<br />

* Information somewhat limited<br />

or incomplete<br />

Legal websites<br />

<br />

* Appealing graphics<br />

* Well organized<br />

* Numerous topics<br />

<br />

* Information occasionally illassorted<br />

et specialized,<br />

basically intended for legal<br />

professionals<br />


Czech<br />

Republic<br />

France<br />

www.portal.gov.cz<br />

* Official administrative website<br />

* Two languages: Czech, English<br />

* Three main headings:<br />

1. Citizens<br />

2. Entrepreneurs<br />

3. Foreigners<br />

* Numerous everyday situations<br />

* List of administrative websites<br />

* List of government contracts<br />

* Debate on upcoming legislation<br />

* Directory of administration offices<br />

* Search engine<br />

* Information on institutions<br />

*List of non-profit organizations<br />

* Glossary of common government<br />

terms<br />

www.service-public.fr<br />

* Official administrative website<br />

(very similar to the Austrian model)<br />

* Three languages: French, English,<br />

German<br />

* Numerous everyday situations for<br />

three primary audiences: ordinary<br />

users, legal professionals and nonprofit<br />

organizations. Headings<br />

include money, other<br />

countries/Europe, family, education<br />

and work, justice, housing, leisure,<br />

papers/citizenship, social<br />

security/health and transport.<br />

* Telephone information line (Allo<br />

Service-public 3939) and on-line<br />

message form<br />

* List of administrative websites<br />

* Directories of administration offices<br />

* Search engine<br />

* Information on institutions<br />

* RSS feed<br />

Other websites:<br />

* Individual user account for on-line<br />

services<br />

www.mon.service-public.fr<br />

* Administrative initiative to develop<br />

the information society<br />

www.vie-publique.fr<br />

Yes<br />

www.mvcr.cz<br />

Principal legal<br />

instruments and<br />

codes of the<br />

Czech Republic<br />

www.sbcr.cz<br />

International laws<br />

and treaties<br />

since 1945<br />

Advice, studies,<br />

publications,<br />

addresses, etc.<br />

Yes<br />

www.<br />

legifrance.gouv.<br />

fr<br />

Official gazette<br />

since 1990<br />

Codes,<br />

consolidated<br />

texts, collective<br />

agreements<br />

www.<br />

journal-officiel.<br />

gouv.fr<br />

Authenticated<br />

official electronic<br />

gazette with<br />

official economic<br />

and financial<br />

information<br />

bulletins<br />

110<br />

Public<br />

Commercial<br />

(Wolters Kluwer)<br />

Public<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Public<br />

/Commercial<br />

Public (free)<br />

Administrative website<br />

<br />

* Easy to access and use<br />

* Appealing graphics<br />

* Well organized<br />

* Numerous topics and links<br />

<br />

* No links to social networks like<br />

Twitter or Facebook<br />

Legal websites<br />

<br />

* Numerous topics<br />

(e-government, EU,<br />

government contracts, public<br />

information bulletins, etc.)<br />

* Languages: Czech, English<br />

* Many links to specialized sites<br />

* Advice and case studies<br />

* Mobile telephone application<br />

* Clear and easy to access<br />

<br />

* No links to social networks<br />

like Twitter or Facebook<br />

Administrative websites:<br />

<br />

* Easy to access and use<br />

* Appealing graphics<br />

* Many links to site pages on<br />

everyday life, the family, the<br />

environment, non-profit<br />

organizations, etc.<br />

* Links to a administrative<br />

announcement site,<br />

accessible by mobile phone<br />

<br />

* Information scattered over too<br />

many websites, complicating<br />

the administrative landscape,<br />

e.g. separate sites for on-line<br />

filing<br />

* No links to social networks like<br />

Twitter or Facebook<br />

Legal websites:<br />

<br />

* Very complete, easy to access<br />

* Three languages: French,<br />

English, Spanish<br />

<br />

* No links to social networks like<br />

Twitter or Facebook<br />


Germany<br />

Poland<br />

www. bund.de<br />

* Official federal administrative website<br />

* Two languages: German, English<br />

* No on-line filing<br />

* Five main headings:<br />

1. Civil service job offers<br />

2. Public-sector calls for tenders<br />

3. Federal government real estate<br />

for sale<br />

4. List of federal administration<br />

offices<br />

5. List of federal administrative<br />

services<br />

* Directories of federal administration<br />

offices<br />

www.poland.gov.pl<br />

* Official administrative website, but<br />

focused exclusively on external<br />

promotion (similar to the Swedish<br />

model)<br />

* Nine languages: Polish, Arabic,<br />

Chinese, English, French, German,<br />

Portuguese, Russian, Spanish<br />

* Topical pages on Poland, its history,<br />

everyday life, educational system,<br />

institutions, business opportunities,<br />

climate, culture and traditions, etc.<br />

* RSS feed<br />

Yes<br />

www.gesetzeim-internet.de<br />

Ministry of Justice<br />

makes almost<br />

the entire body of<br />

federal law<br />

available free of<br />

charge<br />

www.juris.de<br />

Complete, up-todate<br />

compilations<br />

of federal law<br />

Yes<br />

isap.<br />

sejm.gov.pl<br />

On-line database<br />

of parliamentary<br />

legislation<br />

www.lex.pl<br />

The Polish law<br />

server: various<br />

legal<br />

instruments,<br />

commentaries,<br />

analyses,<br />

addresses and<br />

links<br />

111<br />

Public<br />

Public<br />

Public<br />

Commercial<br />

(Wolters Kluwer)<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Payment<br />

required<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Payment<br />

required<br />

Administrative website<br />

<br />

* - - -<br />

<br />

* Stark layout<br />

* Decentralized information for<br />

each State and city<br />

* Federal website information<br />

limited to the public sector<br />

* Very limited offering<br />

* Very little on-line filing<br />

* Counterexample: Munich<br />

website, in eight languages.<br />

Lively and informationpacked,<br />

but focused more on<br />

everyday living than public<br />

service<br />

Legal websites<br />

<br />

* Broad, complete offering of<br />

legal instruments, business<br />

documents, certificates, etc.<br />

* Information easily accessed<br />

<br />

* Sites in German only<br />

* No links to social networks like<br />

Twitter or Facebook<br />

Administrative website<br />

<br />

* Ample information about many<br />

aspects of the country<br />

* Same content in all language<br />

versions<br />

* Links to social networks<br />

(Twitter, Facebook and Flickr)<br />

<br />

* Nothing for Polish citizens<br />

* No on-line filing<br />

(available on the websites of<br />

some ministries)<br />

Legal websites<br />

<br />

* Numerous topics<br />

(e-government, EU,<br />

government contracts, public<br />

information bulletins, etc.)<br />

* Many links to specialized sites<br />

* Advice and case studies<br />

* Clear and easy to access<br />

* Mobile telephone application<br />

* RSS feed<br />

<br />

* In Polish only<br />


Romania<br />

Spain<br />

Sweden<br />

* Romania does not have an official<br />

administrative information website in<br />

the same sense as the other<br />

countries in the study.<br />

However, various administrative<br />

institutions have websites organized<br />

much like other European<br />

administrative sites (e.g. official<br />

websites of heads of state,<br />

parliament, various ministries)<br />

www.060.es<br />

* Official administrative website<br />

* Five languages: Spanish, Catalan,<br />

Galician and Basque (official<br />

languages of Spain), plus English<br />

* Two main headings<br />

1. Citizens: on-line services,<br />

education, work, health care,<br />

transport, investment, taxes,<br />

culture, etc.<br />

2. Business: business information,<br />

tax information, sustainable<br />

development, innovation,<br />

government contracts, etc.<br />

* On-line filing<br />

* Search engine<br />

* Information on institutions<br />

* Links to other administrative sites<br />

www.sweden.se<br />

* Official administrative website, but<br />

focused exclusively on external<br />

promotion (similar to the Polish<br />

model)<br />

* Six basic languages, but not<br />

Swedish: English, Chinese, French,<br />

German, Russian, Spanish<br />

* Several thematic pages on Sweden,<br />

everyday life, economy, health care,<br />

institutions, business opportunities,<br />

climate, culture and traditions, etc.<br />

* RSS feed<br />

* No Swedish version<br />

Yes<br />

http://legislatie.<br />

just.ro<br />

Ministry of Justice<br />

search engine<br />

www.legisplus.<br />

ro<br />

Legal database<br />

Yes<br />

www.boe.es<br />

Official gazette<br />

and trade<br />

register<br />

Consolidated<br />

legislation<br />

Yes<br />

www.<br />

lagrummet.se<br />

Legal information<br />

portal<br />

112<br />

Public<br />

Commercial<br />

Public<br />

Public<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Payment<br />

required<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Administrative website<br />

<br />

* - - -<br />

<br />

* No website<br />

Legal websites<br />

<br />

* A modern, functional<br />

database<br />

<br />

* Dysfunctional search engine<br />

on the public site<br />

Administrative website<br />

<br />

* Well organized<br />

* Numerous topics<br />

* On-line form for complaints<br />

and suggestions<br />

<br />

* No links to social networks like<br />

Twitter or Facebook<br />

Legal website<br />

<br />

* Complete and informative<br />

* Relatively easy to access<br />

* RSS feed<br />

* Links to social networks like<br />

Twitter and Facebook<br />

<br />

* - - -<br />

Administrative website<br />

<br />

* Ample information about<br />

many aspects of the country<br />

* Lively, appealing and fun to<br />

visit<br />

* Links to social networks<br />

(Twitter, Facebook, YouTube,<br />

Flickr, Google Buzz, etc.)<br />

<br />

* Nothing for Swedish citizens<br />

* Several languages (English,<br />

Chinese, French, German,<br />

Russian, etc.), but more<br />

content in the English version<br />

(summaries in other versions)<br />

* No on-line filing<br />

(available on some ministry<br />

websites)<br />

Legal website<br />

<br />

* Very complete and accessible<br />

* Two languages: Swedish,<br />

English<br />

* Instructional, with<br />

explanations of Swedish law<br />

and procedures<br />

* Glossary and search tips<br />

* RSS feed<br />

<br />

* - - -<br />


United<br />

Kingdom<br />

www.direct.gov.uk<br />

* Official administrative website<br />

* Two languages: English, Welsh<br />

* “One stop” approach<br />

* Numerous everyday situations under<br />

headings including motoring,<br />

education, money; tax and benefits;<br />

home and community, travel and<br />

transport; government, citizens and<br />

rights; parents, young people;<br />

disabled people; crime and justice;<br />

health and well-being; pensions, and<br />

local services.<br />

* Many on-line filing options<br />

* Search engine<br />

* Information on institutions<br />

* RSS feed<br />

* Users can petition the government or<br />

make legislative suggestions<br />

* Also offers video clips on how to<br />

handle various situations (e.g. “Living<br />

in a difficult suburb, “Interviewing for<br />

a job”)<br />

* ‘Newsroom’ with quick links to<br />

government-related news, e.g. crime<br />

monitoring<br />

* Young people’s page <br />

Yes<br />

Principal official<br />

site for legislation<br />

www.legislation<br />

.gov.uk<br />

Other sites:<br />

National Archives<br />

www.<br />

nationalarchives.<br />

gov.uk<br />

The British & Irish<br />

Legal Institute<br />

www.bailii.org<br />

113<br />

Public<br />

Public<br />

Commercial<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Public<br />

(free)<br />

Commercial<br />

(free)<br />

Administrative website<br />

<br />

* Very complete and informative<br />

* Easy to access and use<br />

* Appealing graphics<br />

* Links to social networks<br />

(Twitter, Facebook,<br />

YouTube, Google Buzz, etc.)<br />

* Mobile phone version<br />

* Some innovative ideas<br />

<br />

* Only national languages:<br />

English, Welsh<br />

* Difficult to manage a site with<br />

such a wide range of<br />

information???<br />

Legal websites<br />

<br />

* Very complete<br />

* Converted to a single format<br />

* User tools with explanations<br />

* FAQ<br />

* Users can make legislative<br />

suggestions<br />

<br />

* Single language: English<br />

* No links to social networks<br />


Conclusions<br />

1. The 10 European sites analysed present significant differences, mostly in terms of the range of services<br />

offered (in the case of the administrative information sites) and the website operator (in the case of the<br />

legal information sites).<br />

1.1. Two main models dominate the administrative information websites:<br />

1.1.1. The predominantly citizen-oriented model of the United Kingdom, Austria, France, etc.<br />

(Appendix 1)<br />

1.1.2. The external promotion model followed by Poland and Sweden. (Appendix 2)<br />

1.2. The legal information websites are run by various organizations such as the Ministry of Justice or<br />

the National Archives, sometimes in conjunction with commercial website operators.<br />

1.2.1. France is the only country in which a single institution, the DILA, maintains two websites.<br />

(Appendix 3)<br />

2. All of the countries have separate administrative information and legal information websites. Some<br />

administrative information portals also provide legal information, but not the texts of laws.<br />

3. The administrative information websites analysed contain exclusively information of public origin.<br />

The legal information websites are a mixed bag, with information on some sites provided by commercial<br />

website operators. (Appendix 4)<br />

N.B. Points 2 and 3 tie in closely with the work of John Dann’s working group on Ensuring access to<br />

legislation.<br />

4. Payment is required only for legal information, generally in the more recent EU Members (the Czech<br />

Republic, Poland and Romania).<br />

5. The major strengths of many citizen-oriented sites are their wealth of information, their accessibility, their<br />

many links to social networks and, in some cases (Austria and the United Kingdom), their “one stop”<br />

approach.<br />

• The best legal information sites sometimes offer completeness, ease-of-use for non-specialists and<br />

telephone information lines.<br />

• The most common weaknesses are the absence of foreign language versions of legal information<br />

websites and the absence of links to social networks.<br />

• The specific case of Romania, which does not have a administrative information website like the other<br />

countries analysed. However, the offerings of Romania’s legal information websites are comparable to<br />

those of the other countries.<br />

The diversity of the national websites, as well as our desire to analyse any synergies at the European level,<br />

have naturally led us to take a look at the European Union approach. To that end, we established contact<br />

with the European site, Your Europe, which is managed jointly by two European Commission Directorates<br />

General: the Internal Market DG and the Enterprise DG. (Appendix 5)<br />

• Your Europe is an official website of the European Commission that disseminates public information for<br />

two primary audiences: citizens and business. This naturally makes it of interest to our working group,<br />

given that our two topics are “disseminating information to citizens and economic transparency”.<br />

114<br />


Looking ahead<br />

Austria and France’s interest in the subject and the results of the study have encouraged our two countries to<br />

continue and develop joint initiatives.<br />

• Austria and France are planning to expand our study to include other countries in order to gain a clearer<br />

understanding of the issues and increase the relevance of our analyses.<br />

• This September, we plan to begin looking into the possibility of collaborating with Your Europe on a study<br />

of several target European countries.<br />

• If you are interested in the issue of disseminating information to citizens, we would like to grow our<br />

working group by welcoming new members.<br />

We wish to extend a warm invitation to join us in all of these activities<br />

and to develop others...<br />


115<br />


APPENDIX 1<br />

APPENDIX 1<br />

116<br />

11<br />


117<br />


118<br />


APPENDIX 2<br />

APPENDIX 2<br />

119<br />

14<br />


120<br />


APPENDIX 3<br />

APPENDIX 3<br />

121<br />

16<br />


Romania<br />

Ministry of Justice legal information website<br />

APPENDIX 4<br />

122<br />


Romania<br />

Commercially operated legal information website<br />

123<br />


APPENDIX 5<br />

124<br />


Citizens’ website<br />

Business website<br />

125<br />



127<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />



Presented by<br />

Didier FRANÇOIS,<br />

Deputy Director<br />

Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA), France



Riga, Latvia, September 2011<br />


by Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director<br />

Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA), France<br />

The DILA is a specific institution in the European public landscape since it combines both administrative and<br />

legal information; Our aim is thus to fulfil our role as the French state’s publisher and printer of reference.<br />

As such we pay particular attention to the issue of Sustainable Development which forms part of our main<br />

priorities; we already presented a communication on this topic at our previous annual meeting in Rome, in<br />

September 2010.<br />

Sustainable Development must be a lever for improving all our activities<br />

and for helping us to achieve greater economic efficiency.<br />

128<br />



The Sustainable Development policy was launched in late 2010 and incorporated into the<br />

Directorate's management chart. This approach includes Quality.<br />

An initial process was chosen<br />

Printing process improving economic and environmental performance<br />

• Obtain ISO 14001 certification which is an environmental management system<br />

• Ten targets for: controlling the environmental impacts of its operations and its products, matching the<br />

resources used with assessed needs; anticipating risks and continually improving its performance<br />

• Differentiating our public printer service offer<br />

A recent counter-example: the DILA failed to win a contract since it was the only tenderer<br />

not ISO 14001 certified<br />

Process of public procurement buy better to buy less<br />

• Awareness by all the DILA is essential for the success of the approach<br />

• A policy focused on actions linked to daily work practices<br />

• Developed in a collaborative mode by volunteering officers/employees and covering the areas<br />

of consumption, waste, recycling, solidarity...<br />

• Supported by training yet to be implemented<br />

• Here we are calling on the DILA's social responsibility and that of its staff<br />

Awareness by all the DILA is essential for the success of the approach<br />

• A policy focused on actions linked to daily work practices<br />

• Developed in a collaborative mode by volunteering officers/employees and covering the areas<br />

of consumption, waste, recycling<br />

• Solidarity Supported by training yet to be implemented<br />

• Here we are calling on the DILA's social responsibility and that of its staff<br />

129<br />


Means to match its ambitions<br />

• The Sustainable Development Mission is directly attached to the DILA's Deputy Director's Office<br />

• Its functions are twofold<br />

• Decision-making assistance for the management<br />

• Support in its implementation for operations staff<br />

• It consists of three qualified people and has a budget to carry out its objectives contained<br />

in the management chart<br />


• Our commitment to Sustainable Development is multifaceted and also requires external collaboration<br />

We launched an invitation for this to all the members of our forum at our previous annual meeting in<br />

Rome in September 2010<br />

• In January 2011, we designed and distributed a questionnaire aimed at finding out about your<br />

experiences, your plans and questions about this topic in order to share best practices and move forward<br />

together (see. ANNEXE)<br />

Here are the main results we have obtained so far<br />

• We received 9 replies out of the 27 questionnaires sent, i.e. a 30 % response rate<br />

with quite good representativeness of the sample (countries of different sizes which joined the European<br />

Union at different times).<br />

Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Romania, and OPOCE<br />

130<br />


• Seven areas of application were analysed:<br />

1. Printing<br />

2. Marketing and Communications<br />

3. Legal Aspects<br />

4. Purchasing<br />

5. Information Systems<br />

6. Allies and Obstacles<br />

7. Future Priorities<br />

Main conclusion of the survey<br />

1. Printing<br />

• The general trend is a gradual downward use of paper distribution in favour of digital media<br />

• In respect of paper, the share of recycled paper is increasing steadily<br />

• Several countries (France, Luxembourg...) as well as the OPOCE are in the process of or already have<br />

adopted PEFC, FSC and IMPRIMVERT certification<br />

• France is aiming as a priority to obtain ISO 14001 certification for its entire printing process<br />

• In some countries (Austria, Latvia ...) the printing process is outsourced (private)<br />

2. Marketing and communication<br />

• All countries report making efforts to make their various partners (customers and suppliers) aware of the<br />

issue of Sustainable Development<br />

• All countries report a wish to gradually change over to exclusively digital means for marketing and<br />

communication<br />

3. Legal aspects<br />

• A fairly unequal situation, between those countries who report having specific national legislation<br />

(Luxembourg, France and Germany in part) and the other countries which have none<br />

131<br />


4. Purchasing<br />

4. Purchasing<br />

4. • Purchasing No country reported having introduced the concept of Sustainable Development in this area<br />

• No France country asserts reported it is starting having and introduced is targeting the concept this area of as Sustainable one of its priorities Development in the in future this area<br />

• No country reported having introduced the concept of Sustainable Development in this area<br />

• France In contrast, asserts the it OPOCE is starting states and that is targeting this is an this on-going area as one and of complex its priorities process in the in future its relationships with all<br />

• France asserts it is starting and is targeting this area as one of its priorities in the future<br />

• In suppliers, contrast, with the customers OPOCE states and with that employees this is an on-going and complex process in its relationships with all<br />

• In contrast, the OPOCE states that this is an on-going and complex process in its relationships with all<br />

• Luxembourg suppliers, with requires customers the use and of with FSC employees and PEFC certified paper for all public procurement procedures<br />

suppliers, with customers and with employees<br />

• Luxembourg requires the use of FSC and PEFC certified paper for all public procurement procedures<br />

• Luxembourg requires the use of FSC and PEFC certified paper for all public procurement procedures<br />

5. Information Systems<br />

5. Information Systems<br />

5. Information Systems<br />

• An imbalance between the different countries between those which use Green IT and the others<br />

• An Included imbalance among between the countries the different especially countries committed between to those this issue which are use Luxembourg, Green IT and Austria, the others the Czech<br />

• An imbalance between the different countries between those which use Green IT and the others<br />

• Included Republic and among France the countries especially committed to this issue are Luxembourg, Austria, the Czech<br />

• Included among the countries especially committed to this issue are Luxembourg, Austria, the Czech<br />

• All Republic countries and nevertheless France report making efforts with regard to recycling<br />

Republic and France<br />

• All countries nevertheless report making efforts with regard to recycling<br />

• All countries nevertheless report making efforts with regard to recycling<br />

6. Allies and Obstacles<br />

6. Allies and Obstacles<br />

6. Allies and Obstacles<br />

• Almost all countries consider the general enthusiasm for Sustainable Development to be positive<br />

• Almost The majority all countries address consider the issue the on general a sectorial enthusiasm basis, others for Sustainable prefer a cross-cutting Development approach to be positive (France)<br />

• Almost all countries consider the general enthusiasm for Sustainable Development to be positive<br />

• The Among majority the main address obstacles the issue mentioned on a sectorial are lack basis, of experience, others prefer financial a cross-cutting means and approach political will (France)<br />

• The majority address the issue on a sectorial basis, others prefer a cross-cutting approach (France)<br />

• Among the main obstacles mentioned are lack of experience, financial means and political will<br />

• Among the main obstacles mentioned are lack of experience, financial means and political will<br />

7. Future Priorities<br />

7. Future Priorities<br />

• 7. Future This question Priorities resulted in the fewest concrete answers but which remain the most diverse.<br />

• This The countries question speak resulted of their in wish the to fewest make concrete Sustainable answers Development but which central remain to the development the most diverse. of their<br />

• This question resulted in the fewest concrete answers but which remain the most diverse.<br />

organisation The countries (Austria, speak of France, their wish Romania), to make to Sustainable develop/improve Development e-solutions central (Luxembourg, to the development Latvia), to of further their<br />

The countries speak of their wish to make Sustainable Development central to the development of their<br />

organisation restrict paper (Austria, production France, (virtually Romania), all) or to to develop/improve form partnerships e-solutions with the (Luxembourg, private sector Latvia), (Latvia, to further Czech<br />

organisation (Austria, France, Romania), to develop/improve e-solutions (Luxembourg, Latvia), to further<br />

restrict Republic). paper production (virtually all) or to form partnerships with the private sector (Latvia, Czech<br />

restrict paper production (virtually all) or to form partnerships with the private sector (Latvia, Czech<br />

Republic).<br />

Republic).<br />

These results confirm the initial trends that we first presented at the meeting of the expanded<br />

Presidency These results of the Forum confirm in March the initial 2011 in trends Rome that we first presented at the meeting of the expanded<br />

These results confirm the initial trends that we first presented at the meeting of the expanded<br />

Presidency of the Forum in March 2011 in Rome<br />

Presidency of the Forum in March 2011 in Rome<br />

• Very large disparities between different countries of the Forum regarding the importance they attach<br />

• Very to Sustainable large disparities Development, between how different they apply countries its principles of the and Forum the areas regarding that the it concerns importance they attach<br />

• Very large disparities between different countries of the Forum regarding the importance they attach<br />

• to Some Sustainable countries Development, (Austria, France, how they Luxembourg) apply its principles include and Sustainable the areas Development that it concerns in the list of their<br />

to Sustainable Development, how they apply its principles and the areas that it concerns<br />

• Some strategic countries priorities (Austria, France, Luxembourg) include Sustainable Development in the list of their<br />

• Some countries (Austria, France, Luxembourg) include Sustainable Development in the list of their<br />

• Others strategic (Italy...) priorities so far show a limited interest…<br />

strategic priorities<br />

• Others It is the (Italy...) OPOCE so far which show a is limited indisputably interest… an example to follow regarding the commitment<br />

• Others (Italy...) so far show a limited interest…<br />

• It of measures is the OPOCE related which to Sustainable is indisputably Development an example and Luxembourg to follow too regarding is very far the advanced. commitment<br />

• It is the OPOCE which is indisputably an example to follow regarding the commitment<br />

of measures related to Sustainable Development and Luxembourg too is very far advanced. 5<br />

of measures related to Sustainable Development and Luxembourg too is very far advanced.<br />

5<br />

5<br />


ANNEXE<br />

1. Printing<br />


1.1. Have you developed a strategy to introduce a gradual balance between paper and computer supports in<br />

accordance with Sustainable Development requirements?<br />

1.2. Have you implemented an eco-responsible approach to printing (plant-based inks, recycled paper,<br />

waste management, low-energy intensive machines, other, etc.)?<br />

2. Marketing and communication<br />

2.1. How have you streamlined your communication supports (paper/electronic) in terms of printing and<br />

distribution?<br />

2.2. Which “responsible” rules do you use to inform your customers about your products and services?<br />

3. Legal aspects<br />

3.1. To which main areas of national regulations on Sustainable Development are you subject?<br />

4. Purchases<br />

4.1. Have you undertaken procedures to identify your needs in line with your resources?<br />

4.2. Have you set up a relationship with your suppliers enabling them to offer eco-responsible services?<br />

4.3. How do you offer your customers products and/or services which reduce negative social and<br />

environmental impacts?<br />

5. Information systems<br />

5.1. Do you use Green IT for your computer installations?<br />

5.2. Have you set up eco-responsible procedures for waste management and recycling?<br />

5.3. How do you use the complementary relationship between paper-based editorial and digital activity?<br />

6. Friends and foes<br />

6.1. Have you identified and/or contacted partners to carry out your Sustainable Development projects?<br />

6.2. Do you opt for a more cross-cutting or a more sectorial approach in the field?<br />

6.3. Have you identified any obstacles and specific risks in this field?<br />

6.4. Have you estimated the costs of your projects?<br />

133<br />


7. Future priorities<br />

7.1. Overall, how do you apply the national and/or European strategy on Sustainable Development in your<br />

activities?<br />

7.2. Which approaches would you like to commit to in the medium-term?<br />

7.3. What are your long-term goals?<br />

8. Would you to develop thinking on these subjects at the workshop?<br />

9. Your comments and suggestions…<br />

134<br />




137<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />



Workshop session summary<br />

Presented by<br />


Head of Division,<br />

Ministry of Justice, Department of Civil Affairs, Denmark

Cooperationbetween<br />

thelegislatorandthe<br />

officialpublisher<br />

Ensuringauthenticityof<br />

announcednormativeacts<br />

Technicalsolutions<br />

Agendafortheworkshop<br />

• Whatwouldbeyouridealproductionsystem<br />

– Theskyisthelimit<br />

• Nofundingproblems<br />

• Usersarepositiveandskilled<br />

• 4smallgroups<br />


Headlinesfromthegroups<br />

• Onesystem<br />

• Userrights(separationofpowers)<br />

• Draftingtool<br />

• Flexibility<br />

• Dataandmetadata<br />

• Consolidatedtexts<br />

• 3clicksandyouareproduced<br />

• Willwebeoutofbusiness<br />



141<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />


Workshop session summary<br />

Presented by<br />

Ms Carol TULLO<br />

Director of Information Policy and Services,<br />

The National Archives, United Kingdom

Scopeofanofficialpublication<br />

MsCarolTullo<br />

Facilitatorof<strong>Working</strong>Group<br />

Discussionthemes<br />

• Scopeofanofficialpublication<br />

• Informationthathaslegalconsequences?<br />

• Orinformationforgeneralawareness?<br />

• Nationalorlocal/municipallegislative<br />

content?<br />

• Howisservicefinanced?<br />


Informationthathaslegalconsequences?<br />

• Consensusthatcoverageismanlyinformation<br />

thathaslegaleffect<br />

Informationforgeneralawareness?<br />

• France– uniquelyhasabroaderscope<br />

coveringgeneralawarenessofthecitizen<br />


Nationalorlocal/municipallegislativecontent?<br />

• Differentapproachesindifferentjurisdictions<br />

• Sizeofjurisdictiondictatesapproach<br />

Howisservicefinanced?<br />

• Concessionarycontract– risktransferredto<br />

contractor<br />

• Incomefromusersplacingnoticesor<br />

advertisements<br />

• Subscriptionincome<br />

• Subsidyfromgovernment<br />


Issues<br />

• Currenteconomicsituationcreatingpressureon<br />

revenue<br />

• Differenceinversionthatcarrieslegalauthority<br />

• Differentapproachappropriatefullsizefor<br />

jurisdiction<br />

• Opportunitiestocreatenewrevenuesources<br />

• Shifttoelectronicpublishing<br />

• Brandingandtitle<br />



147<br />

Riga 2011<br />

Eighth meeting of the European Forum<br />

of Official Gazettes<br />

Riga<br />

15-16 September 2011<br />



Workshop session summary<br />

Presented by<br />

Mr Aki HIETANEN<br />

Director of Information Services,<br />

Ministry of Justice, Finland

Security aspects of<br />

the official electronic publication<br />

a. Ensuring continuous accessibility<br />

b. Ensuring trust for the user<br />

c. Protection of personal data<br />

148<br />

Riga 16.9.2011<br />

Security aspects -<br />

the he conclusions<br />

In exceptional situations there is still need to<br />

keep capability to make the paper versions<br />

There is confidence in the electronic version<br />

For the electronic publication of Official<br />

Gazettes, the same backup systems are<br />

needed as for any other electronic systems<br />

If the information is provided in the official<br />

webpage it is considered as reliable<br />

E-signatures signatures are worth using, psychological<br />

impact on the production and archiving<br />

Time stamps as method for verification of the<br />

document<br />

Riga 16.9.2011

Security aspects - the<br />

conclusions (2)<br />

Difference of publishing personal data in the<br />

official gazettes<br />

There are several solutions to avoid problems<br />

1) to give no permission to Google to index<br />

2) anonymization of documents, problem of<br />

authenticity<br />

3)Tagging of XML data elements<br />

149<br />

Riga 16.9.2011


Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!