Contents - Faperta

Contents - Faperta

Contents - Faperta


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522 Subject Index<br />

Brown planthopper, 12, 16, 65, 66, 85, 86,<br />

89, 92, 101, 105, 108, 110, 129, 132, 136,<br />

162, 165, 170, 172, 227, 229, 232, 233,<br />

350, 389<br />

Brush border membrane, 265, 266, 378,<br />

448, 450<br />

Bumble bees, 343<br />

C<br />

Chemical control, 2, 9, 10, 14, 16, 94, 105, 106,<br />

109, 324, 325, 330, 346, 493, 506<br />

Chitinases, 29<br />

Collembola, 343, 357, 358<br />

Combining ability, 135, 138, 139, 140<br />

Constitutive resistance, 85<br />

Consumer response, 457<br />

Cotton bollworm, 14, 29, 41, 56, 67, 86, 127, 211,<br />

217, 218, 265, 271, 319, 321, 330, 346,<br />

353, 388, 481<br />

Coumesterol, 65, 164<br />

Crop losses, 2, 501<br />

Cryo-preservation, 294, 299, 300<br />

Cultural control, 8, 102, 103, 326<br />

crop rotation, 9, 380, 384, 393, 439<br />

fl ooding, 9<br />

intercropping, 9, 326<br />

nutrient management, 8<br />

planting date, 43, 44<br />

sanitation, 9<br />

Cytochrome P450, 90, 299, 303, 482,<br />

495, 496<br />

D<br />

Detection–genetically modifi ed<br />

crops, 465–474<br />

DNA-based methods, 468<br />

ELISA, 471<br />

mass spectrometery, 472<br />

microarray technology, 470<br />

multiplex PCR, 469<br />

qualitative PCR, 468<br />

quantitative PCR, 469<br />

RNA based methods, 471<br />

sampling, 466<br />

surface plasmon resonance, 473<br />

Development of resistance to Bt, 374–377<br />

detection of resistance, 374<br />

effect of host plants, 373<br />

frequency of resistance alleles, 176, 370,<br />

382, 392<br />

resistance monitoring, 371, 386<br />

variation in insect populations, 371<br />

variation in susceptibility, 371, 372, 373<br />

Drought resistance, 30<br />

E<br />

Earthworms, 343, 357, 358<br />

Ecdysterone, 262<br />

Economic thresholds, 4, 94<br />

Egg/pupal storage, 51<br />

Electrophoresis, 154, 167, 170, 179, 444,<br />

467, 468, 470, 479, 485<br />

ELISA, 61, 217, 357, 420, 438, 448, 456,<br />

471, 472, 473, 487<br />

Entomopathogenic microbes, 255–279<br />

bacteria, 263–272<br />

fungi, 272–275<br />

nematodos, 275–276<br />

protozoa, 275<br />

viruses, 257–263<br />

Epistasis, 26, 177, 186, 331<br />

European corn borer, 9, 29, 49, 65, 131–137,<br />

175, 176, 215, 219, 224, 271, 320, 321,<br />

325, 345, 353, 358, 359, 370, 372, 375,<br />

376, 391<br />

F<br />

Factors affecting expression of resistance,<br />

91, 92<br />

biotypes, 92<br />

photoperiod, 92<br />

plant nutrition, 91<br />

soil moisture, 91<br />

temperature, 91–92<br />

Fall armyworm, 43, 49, 53, 59, 85, 102,<br />

131, 137, 215, 219, 232, 303, 322,<br />

373, 387<br />

Fluorescence in situ hybridization, 154<br />

Food labelling, 458, 459, 473, 509<br />

Frego-bract, 105, 106, 127, 157, 158<br />

Functional genomics, 27, 183, 483, 484,<br />

493, 497, 506<br />

G<br />

Gene escape, 328, 411, 421, 423, 428, 429<br />

Gene fl ow, 307, 407, 408, 409, 416, 418–422, 436<br />

horizontal gene fl ow, 307, 416<br />

management of gene fl ow, 422–424<br />

pollinators, 343, 347, 348, 408, 410

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