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490 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

Prinsloo, G., Chen, Y., Giles, K.L. and Greenstone, M.H. (2002). Release and recovery in South Africa<br />

of the exotic aphid parasitoid Aphelinus hordei verifi ed by the polymerase chain reaction.<br />

Biocontrol 47: 127–136.<br />

Queller, D.C., Peters, J.M., Solis, C.R. and Strassmann, J.E. (1997). Control of reproduction in social<br />

insect colonies: Individual and collective relatedness preferences in the paper wasp, Polistes<br />

annularis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 3–16.<br />

Quicke, D.L.J. and Belshaw, R. (1999). Incongruence between morphological data sets: An example<br />

from the evolution of endoparasitism among parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).<br />

Systematic Biology 48: 436–454.<br />

Ratcliffe, S.T., Robertson, H.M., Jones, C.J., Bollero, G.A. and Weinzerl, R.A. (2002). Assessment of<br />

parasitism of housefl y and stable fl y (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae by pteromalid (Hymenoptera:<br />

Ptermalidae) parasitoids by using a polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Medical Entomology<br />

39: 52–60.<br />

Richardson, B.J., Baverstock, P.R. and Adams, M. (1996). Alloyzyme Electrophoresis. A Handbook for<br />

Animal Systematics and Population Studies. London, UK: Academic Press.<br />

Robertson, H.M., Martos, R., Sears, C.R., Todes, E.Z., Walden, K.K. and Nardi, J.B. (1999). Diversity<br />

of odorant binding proteins revealed by an expressed sequence tag project on male Manduca<br />

sexta moth antennae. Insect Molecular Biology 8: 501–518.<br />

Roehrdanz, R.L. and Flanders, R.V. (1993). Detection of DNA polymorphisms in predatory<br />

Coccinellids using polymerase chain reaction and arbitrary primers (RAPD-PCR). Entomophaga<br />

38: 479–491.<br />

Rubin, G.M., Hong, L., Brokstein, P., Evans-Holm, M., Frise, E., Stapleton, M. and Harvey, D.A.<br />

(2000). A Drosophila complementary DNA resource. Science 287: 2222–2224.<br />

Rudd, S. (2003). Expressed sequence tags: Alternative or complement to whole genome sequences?<br />

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Sanchis, A., Latorre, A., Gonzalez-Candelas, F. and Michelena, J.M. (2000). An 18S rDNA-based<br />

molecular phylogeny of Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and<br />

Evolution 14: 180–194.<br />

Sappal, N.P., Jeng, R.S., Hubbel, M. and Liu, F. (1995). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in<br />

polymerase chain reaction amplifi ed ribosomal DNAs of three Trichogramma species<br />

(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Genome 38: 419–425.<br />

Schmidt, S., Naumann, I.D. and De Barro, P.J. (2001). Encarsia species (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) of<br />

Australia and the Pacifi c Islands attacking Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum<br />

(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): A pictorial key and descriptions of four new species. Bulletin of<br />

Entomological Research 91: 369–387.<br />

Schmitz, J. and Moritz, R.F.A. (1998). Molecular phylogeny of Vespidae (Hymenoptera) and the evolution<br />

of sociality in wasps. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9: 183–191.<br />

Seybold, S.J., Ohtsuka, T., Wood, D.L. and Kubo, I. (1995). The enantiomeric composition of ipsdienol:<br />

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group (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 21: 995–1016.<br />

Silva, I.M.M.S., Honda, J., van Kan, F., Hu, J., Neto, L., Pinturequ, B. and Stouthamer, R. (1999).<br />

Molecular differentiation of fi ve Trichogramma species occurring in Portugal. Biological Control<br />

16: 177–184.<br />

Simon, J.C., Carre, S., Boutin, M., Prunier-Leterme, N., Sabatermunoz, B., Latorre, A. and Bournoville, R.<br />

(2003). Host-based divergence in populations of the pea aphid: Insights from nuclear markers<br />

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