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Applications of Biotechnology in Agriculture: The Prospects 29<br />

Resistance to Insect Pests, Diseases, and Herbicides<br />

The fi rst transgenic plants with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) (Berliner) genes were produced<br />

in 1987 (Barton, Whiteley, and Yang, 1987; Vaeck et al., 1987). While most of the insectresistant<br />

transgenic plants have been developed by using Bt d-endotoxin genes, many<br />

studies are underway to use non-Bt genes, which interfere with the nutritional requirements<br />

of the insects. Such genes include protease inhibitors, chitinases, secondary plant<br />

metabolites, and lectins (Hilder and Boulter, 1999; Sharma, Sharma, and Crouch, 2004).<br />

Genes conferring resistance to insects have been inserted into crop plants such as maize,<br />

cotton, potato, tobacco, rice, broccoli, lettuce, walnuts, apple, alfalfa, and soybean. A number<br />

of transgenic crops have now been released for on-farm production or fi eld testing (James,<br />

2007). The fi rst transgenic crop with resistance to insects was grown in 1994, and large-scale<br />

cultivation was undertaken in 1996 in the United States. Since then, there has been a rapid<br />

increase in the area sown with transgenic crops in the United States, Canada, Australia,<br />

Argentina, India, and China. Transgenic crops are now grown in over 25 countries in<br />

the world. Successful control of cotton bollworms has been achieved through transgenic<br />

cotton (Wilson et al., 1992; Benedict et al., 1996; Zhao et al., 1998). Cry type toxins from<br />

Bt are effective against cotton bollworms, Heliothis virescens F. and Helicoverpa armigera<br />

(Hubner), corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis<br />

(Hubner), and rice stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Armstrong et al., 1995;<br />

Benedict et al., 1996; Nayak et al., 1997; Mqbool et al., 1998; Alam et al., 1999). Successful<br />

expression of Bt genes against the lepidopterous insects has also been achieved in tomato<br />

(Delannay et al., 1989), potato (Jansens et al., 1995), brinjal (Kumar et al., 1998), groundnut<br />

(Singsit et al., 1997), and chickpea (Kar et al., 1997).<br />

There will be tremendous benefi ts to the environment through the deployment of transgenic<br />

plants for pest management (Sharma and Ortiz, 2000). Deployment of insect-resistant<br />

crops has led to 1 million kg reduction of pesticides applied for pest control in the United<br />

States in 1999 as compared to 1998 (NRC, 2000). Papaya with transgenic resistance to ringspot<br />

virus (Gonsalves, 1998) has been grown in Hawaii since 1996. Rice yellow mottle virus<br />

(RYMV), which is diffi cult to control with conventional approaches, can now be controlled<br />

through transgenic rice, which will provide insurance from total crop failure. Globally,<br />

herbicide-resistant soybean and insect-resistant maize and cotton account for 85% of the<br />

total area under transgenic crops. The area planted to genetically improved crops has<br />

increased dramatically from less than 1 million ha in 1995 to 100 million ha in 2006 (James,<br />

2007). Transgenic plants with insecticidal genes are set to feature prominently in pest<br />

management in both the developed and developing worlds in the future. Such an effort<br />

will play a major role in minimizing insect-associated losses, increase crop production, and<br />

improve the quality of life for the rural poor. Development and deployment of transgenic<br />

plants with insecticidal genes for pest control will lead to:<br />

• Reduction in insecticide sprays.<br />

• Increased activity of natural enemies.<br />

• IPM of secondary pests.<br />

Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses<br />

Development of crops with an inbuilt capacity to withstand abiotic stresses would help<br />

stabilize the crop production and signifi cantly contribute to food security in developing<br />

countries. Plants expressing trehalose phosphate synthase, and trehalose phosphate

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