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470 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C +ve M<br />

FIGURE 16.1 RT-PCR analysis of genetically engineered pigeonpea plants for cry1Ac gene. Lanes 1 to 12 are<br />

pigeonpea transgenic events with cry1Ac gene, lane C is a negative control, lane positive is the plasmid DNA<br />

having the cry1Ac gene, and lane M is the 1 kb ladder as marker.<br />

of the DNA to be analyzed is prepared, and a constant amount of the competitor added.<br />

After completion of the PCR, the resulting amplifi cation products are visualized through gel<br />

electrophoresis. When both DNA targets yield the same amount of product, it is assumed<br />

that the starting amount was also the same. By setting up two competitive PCRs, one for<br />

the transgenic crop (Bt maize) and one for the species of interest (nontransgenic maize),<br />

and including competitors in both, the quantity of transgenic crop relative to the species<br />

can be estimated by extrapolation from the degree of dilution and concentration of the<br />

competitors. The competitive PCR methods are semiquantitative.<br />

Real-time PCR is based on continuous monitoring of PCR product. This is done via<br />

fl uorometric measurement of an internal probe during the reaction. In real-time analyses,<br />

the amount of product synthesized during PCR is estimated directly by measuring<br />

fl uorescence in the PCR reaction. Several types of hybridization probes are available that<br />

emit fl uorescent light corresponding to the amount of synthesized DNA. The quantitative<br />

estimation is based on extrapolation by comparing the transgenic crop sequence relative to<br />

the reference, for example, gene sequence cry1Ac (Figure 16.1) and ivr1 gene from maize.<br />

With the use of fl uorescence, it becomes possible to measure exactly the number of cycles<br />

that are needed to produce a certain amount of PCR product. Since one cycle corresponds<br />

to doubling the amount of product, a simple formula can be used to estimate the ratio.<br />

While real-time PCR requires more sophisticated and expensive equipment than competitive<br />

PCR, it is faster, automated, and more specifi c. Presently, real-time PCR can be considered<br />

as the most powerful tool for the detection and quantifi cation of food derived from<br />

transgenic crops.<br />

Detection systems for monitoring the presence of genetically modifi ed food could also<br />

be based on the presence of the 35S promotor, which has been used in many insect protected<br />

crops. However, the detection limit based on 35S has been found to vary by a factor<br />

of 20 in different laboratories, and is not suited to distinguish between genetically modifi<br />

ed food mixers and co-mingling of produce during harvest, transport, and storage.<br />

It allows the detection of 35S promotor in the range of 0.01% to 0.1%. The fi xing of a limit of<br />

1% as the basis for labeling food as genetically modifi ed has necessitated the use of quantitative<br />

PCR (Hardegger, Brodmann, and Herrmann, 1999), and real-time PCR (Heid et al.,<br />

1996). Hubner, Studer, and Luthy (1999) suggested that QC-PCR could be used for survey<br />

of threshold values of 1% for the labeling of genetically modifi ed food.<br />

Microarray Technology<br />

In this technique, many selected probes are bound in an array format to a solid surface,<br />

with each spot containing numerous copies of the probe. The array is then hybridized<br />

with the isolated DNA sample of interest labeled with a fl uorescent marker. During the<br />


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