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Contents - Faperta


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462 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

Lavrik, P.B., Bartnicki, D.E., Feldman, J., Hammond, B.G., Keck, P.J., Love, S.L., Naylor, M.W., Rogan,<br />

G.J., Sims, S.R. and Fuchs, R.L. (1995). Safety assessment of potatoes resistant to Colorado<br />

potato beetle. In Genetically Modifi ed Foods: Safety Issues. Washington, D.C., USA: American<br />

Chemical Society, 148–158.<br />

Lehrer, S.B. (2000). Potential health risks of genetically modifi ed organisms: How can allergens be<br />

assessed and minimized. In Persley, G.J. and Lantin, M.M. (Eds.), Agricultural Biotechnology and<br />

the Poor. Washington, D.C., USA: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research,<br />

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Leopold, M. (1993). The commercialization of biotechnology. Annals of the New York Academy of<br />

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Levin, S.A. (1988). Safety standards for the release of genetically engineered organisms. Trends in<br />

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Li, F.G. (2003). Study on the physiological and biochemical characters of insect-resistant transgenic<br />

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McClintock, J.T., Schaffer, C.R. and Sjoblad, R.D. (1995). A comparative review of the mammalian<br />

toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis based pesticides. Pesticide Science 45: 95–105.<br />

McDougall, D.J., Longnecker, N.E., Marsh, S.P. and Smith, F.P. (2001). Attitudes of pulse farmers in<br />

Western Australia towards genetically modifi ed organisms in agriculture. Australasian<br />

Biotechnology 11: 36–39.<br />

Mendoza, T.L.T. and Ables, H.A. (2003). Awareness of and attitudes towards modern biotechnology<br />

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Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 36: S165–186.<br />

Miller, H.I. and Flamm, E.L. (1993). Biotechnology and food regulation. Current Opinion in Biotechnology<br />

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Millstone, E.P., Brunner, E.J. and Mayer, S. (1999). Beyond “substantial equivalence.” Nature 401:<br />

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Morel, J.B and Tepfer, M. (2000). Pour une évaluation scientifi que des risques: le cas du promoteur<br />

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Moseley, B.E.B. (2002). Safety assessment and public concern for genetically modifi ed food products:<br />

the European view. Toxicologic Pathology 30: 129–131.<br />

Moses, V. (1999). Biotechnology products and European consumers. Biotechnology Advances 17:<br />

647–678.<br />

Mumm, R.H. and Walters, D.S. (2001). Quality control in the development of transgenic crop seed<br />

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Netherwood, T., Martin-Orue, S.M., O’Donnell, A.G., Gockling, S., Graham, J., Mathers, J.C. and<br />

Gilbert, H.J. (2004). Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal<br />

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Nicoletti, C. (2000). Unsolved mysteries of intestinal M cells. Gut 47: 735–739.<br />

Noteborn, H.P.J.M., Bienenmann Ploum, M.E., Alink, G.M., Zolla, L., Reynaerts, A., Pensa, M.,<br />

Kuiper, H.A. and Fenwick, G.R. (1996). Safety assessment of the Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal<br />

crystal protein CRYIA(b) expressed in transgenic tomatoes. In Hedley, C., Richards, R.L.<br />

and Khokhar, S. (Eds.), Agri Food Quality: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Special Publication<br />

No. 179. Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, 23–26.<br />

Noteborn, H.P.J.M., Bienenmann Ploum, M.E., van den Berg, J.H.J., Alink, G.M., Zolla, L., Reynaerts,<br />

A., Pensa, M. and Kuiper, H.A. (1995). Safety assessment of the Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal<br />

crystal protein CRYIA(b) expressed in transgenic tomatoes. In Genetically Modifi ed Foods: Safety<br />

Issues. Washington D.C., USA: American Chemical Society, 134–147.

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