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450 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

of Cry1Ab protein were detected in the gastrointestinal contents, but not in the liver, spleen,<br />

kidney, muscle, or mesenteric lymph nodes (Chowdhury et al., 2003). No lesions were<br />

observed pathologically. Cry1Ab protein in the feces was degraded quickly at atmospheric<br />

temperature, suggesting that only trace amounts of Cry1Ab protein survived passage<br />

through the gastrointestinal tract, but were not transferred to liver, spleen, kidney, lymph<br />

nodes, or muscles. Fragments of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA as well as Bt Cry1Ab<br />

protein were not detected in chicken breast muscle samples from animals fed MON 810<br />

(YieldGuard) ( Jennings et al., 2003). A 396-bp fragment of the chicken ovalbumin (ov) gene<br />

used as a positive control was amplifi ed from all the samples showing that the DNA preparations<br />

were amenable to PCR amplifi cation. By using a competitive immunoassay with<br />

a limit of detection of approximately 60 ng of Cry1Ab protein per gram of chicken muscle,<br />

neither the Cry1Ab protein nor immunoreactive peptide fragments were detectable in the<br />

breast muscle homogenates from chickens fed YieldGuard.<br />

Protease Inhibitors<br />

Rats fed on purifi ed cowpea trypsin (EC inhibitor in a semisynthetic diet based on<br />

lactoalbumin (10 g inhibitor kg1 ) for 10 days showed a moderate reduction in weight gain<br />

in comparison with controls, despite identical food intake (Pusztai et al., 1992). Although<br />

most of the cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTI) was rapidly broken down in the digestive<br />

tract, its inclusion in the diet led to a slight, though signifi cant, increase in the nitrogen<br />

content of feces, but not of urine. Accordingly, the net protein utilization in rats fed on<br />

inhibitor-containing diets was also slightly lower, while their energy expenditure was elevated.<br />

The slight antinutritional effects of CpTI were probably due mainly to the stimulation<br />

of growth and metabolism of the pancreas. Thus, the nutritional penalty for increased<br />

insect resistance after the transfer of the cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene into food plants is<br />

quite low in the short term.<br />

Lectins<br />

The level of Galanthus nivalis L. lectin expression that provides insecticidal protection for<br />

plants did not reduce the growth of young rats, and showed negligible effect on weight<br />

and length of the small intestine, even though there was a slight hypertrophy of this tissue<br />

(Pusztai et al., 1996). However, the activity of brush border enzymes was affected. Sucraseisomaltase<br />

activity was nearly halved, and those of alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase<br />

increased signifi cantly. Incorporation of N-acetylglucosamine-specifi c agglutinins from<br />

wheat germ (WGA), thorn apple, Datura stramonium L., or nettle, Urtica dioica L. rhizomes<br />

in the diet at the level of 7 g kg1 reduced the apparent digestibility and utilization of dietary<br />

proteins and the growth of rats, with WGA being the most damaging (Pusztai et al., 1993).<br />

As a result of their binding and endocytosis of the epithelial cells of the small intestine, all<br />

three lectins interfered with metabolism and function to varying degrees. WGA also induced<br />

hypertrophic growth of the pancreas and caused thymus atrophy. Transfer of WGA genes<br />

into crop plants has been advocated to confer resistance to insect pests. However, the<br />

presence of this lectin in the diet may harm higher animals at concentrations required to<br />

be effective against most insect pests.<br />

Changes in Chemical Profile/Secondary Metabolites<br />

Comparative analysis of genetically modifi ed crops and the conventionally bred crop plants<br />

has been suggested to monitor the changes in secondary metabolites, assuming that these

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