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430 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

Saure, C., Kuhne, S., Hommel, B. and Bellin, U. (2003). Transgenic herbicide-resistant rape: Flowervisiting<br />

insects, pollen dispersal and outcrossing. Agrarokologie 44: 1–103.<br />

Saxena, K.B., Singh, L. and Gupta, M.D. (1990). Variation for natural out-crossing in pigeonpea.<br />

Euphytica 46: 143–148.<br />

Scheffl er, J.A., Parkinson, R. and Dale, P.J. (1993). Frequency and distance of pollen dispersal from<br />

transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Transgenic Research 2: 356–364.<br />

Schlüter, K., Fütterer, J. and Potrykus, I. (1995). Horizontal gene transfer from a transgenic potato line<br />

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Bio/Technology 13: 1094–1098.<br />

Schubbert, R., Renz, D., Schmitz, B. and Doerfl er, W. (1997). Foreign (M13) DNA ingested by mice<br />

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Seefeldt, S.S., Young, F.L., Zemetra, R.S. and Jones, S.S. (1999). The production of herbicide-resistant<br />

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Serratos, J.A., Willcox, M.C. and Castillo-Gonzalez, F. (Eds.). (1997). Gene Flow Among Maize Landraces,<br />

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Song, Z.P., Lu, B.R., Zhu, Y.G. and Chen, J.K. (2003). Gene fl ow from cultivated rice to the wild<br />

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