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422 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

Gene Flow and Aquatic Environments<br />

Transgenic crops are intended to reduce the types and quantities of pesticides necessary<br />

for production of food, feed, and fi ber. Because of decreased reliance on chemical pesticides,<br />

extensive cultivation of transgenic crops may result in improved water quality and<br />

related ecosystems (Estes et al., 2001). A simple model has been proposed to examine the<br />

displacement of insecticides by growing Bt cotton and Bt maize, and assess the impact on<br />

drinking water quality. Based on this module, all the transgenic cropping systems resulted<br />

in signifi cantly lower pesticide concentrations in ground and surface waters, thereby<br />

reducing whatever impacts these products have on drinking water quality and the aquatic<br />

environments.<br />

Management of Gene Flow<br />

There are many ways to prevent transgene introgression from crops to other varieties or to<br />

related weeds or wild species (containment strategies), as well as to preclude the impact<br />

should containment fail (mitigation strategies) (Gressel and Al Ahmad, 2003). The needs are<br />

most acute with rice and sunfl owers, which have conspecifi c weeds, and with oilseed rape,<br />

sorghum, and barley, which have closely related weeds. Containment and mitigation are<br />

critical for pharmaceutical crops, where gene fl ow from the crop to edible varieties must be<br />

precluded. Some gene fl ow (leakage) is inevitable with all containment mechanisms, and<br />

once leaked, could then move through populations of undesired species, unless their spread<br />

is mitigated. Leakage even occurs with chloroplast-encoded genes. A mechanism for mitigation<br />

has been proposed where the primary transgene (herbicide resistance, etc.) is tandemly<br />

coupled with fl anking genes that could be desirable or neutral to the crop, but unfi t<br />

for the rare weed into which the gene introgresses. Mitigator traits include dwarfi ng, nonbolting,<br />

no secondary dormancy, no seed shattering, and poor seed viability, depending on<br />

the crop. Hybrids with the tandem construct are unable to reach maturity when grown<br />

interspersed with the wild type. Such mitigation should greatly decrease the risk of transgene<br />

movement when coupled with containment technologies, allowing cultivation of<br />

transgenic crops having related weeds. As the number of transgenic crops being released for<br />

cultivation is increasing, the problem of monitoring such genes also increases geometrically.<br />

There is a need for a uniform system, where a small piece of noncoding DNA carrying<br />

an assigned variable region is used to mark transgenic crops, allowing monitoring.<br />

Use of Taxonomic Information<br />

Systematic studies can be used for managing gene fl ow as they provide important information<br />

on breeding system and sexual compatibility of related species, likelihood of such<br />

crosses, and the factors affecting the successful production and survival of hybrid progeny<br />

(Warwick, 1997). They also provide information on the distribution of crop and wild relatives,<br />

their ecological requirements, status in natural environments, and if weedy, the areas<br />

of infestation and patterns of spread. This information is needed on a case-by-case basis<br />

for evaluation of both the likelihood of escape of a transgenic trait and the environmental<br />

impact, if such an escape occurs.

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