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Development of Resistance to Transgenic Plants 371<br />

broad-spectrum insecticides, which will lead to serious environmental hazards associated<br />

with the use of synthetic insecticides. The potential for development of resistance to Bt<br />

proteins is not only of concern to farmers, but to scientists, extension agencies, and the<br />

transgenic plant industry. The investments made in the past would be turned useless<br />

unless this issue is addressed on an urgent basis. Most of the transgenic plants produced<br />

so far have Bt genes under the control of caulifl ower mosaic virus (CaMV35S) constitutive<br />

promoter, and this system may lead to development of resistance in the target and nontarget<br />

insect species as the toxins are expressed in all parts of the plant (Harris, 1991). Toxin<br />

production also decreases over the crop-growing season, which may lead to development<br />

of resistance to the toxin used because of sublethal concentrations, and to other related Bt<br />

toxins to which the insect populations may initially be quite sensitive. Low doses of the<br />

toxins eliminate the most sensitive individuals of a population, leaving a population in<br />

which resistance can develop much faster. Since most Bt toxins have a similar mode of action,<br />

resistance developed against one toxin may also lead to development of cross-resistance to<br />

other toxins. Therefore, there is a need to take a critical look at the potential for development<br />

of resistance to Bt transgenic crops and develop strategies to deploy different Bt toxins<br />

alone or in combination with other novel genes and plant traits associated with resistance<br />

to insect pests in different crops.<br />

Factors Influencing Insect Susceptibility to Bt Toxins<br />

Variation in Insect Populations for Susceptibility to Bt Toxins<br />

Considerable variation has been observed in the toxicity of Dipel ® and purifi ed Cry1Ac<br />

protein in 15 geographically diverse populations of H. zea and H. virescens collected from<br />

several locations in the United States (Stone and Sims, 1993). The variability in susceptibility<br />

of different populations of H. zea (16- to 52-fold) and H. virescens (17- to 71-fold) to<br />

B. thuringiensis formulations such as Javelin WG ® , Dipel ES ® , and Condor OF ® was in contrast<br />

to Cry1A toxins. The LC 50 ranges of Bt formulations and Cry toxins for fi eld-collected<br />

populations were similar to those for laboratory colonies of H. virescens, but differed widely<br />

for H. zea (Luttrell, Wan, and Knighten, 1999).<br />

Wide variation in susceptibility of H. armigera populations collected from different<br />

locations in India was fi rst reported by Gujar et al. (2000) by using discriminating concentrations<br />

of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1 strain (0.54 μg endotoxin g 1 diet) and HD-73<br />

(1.4 μg endotoxin g 1 diet) (Figure 12.1). Chandrashekar et al. (2005) described a 16-fold<br />

variation in susceptibility of neonates of H. armigera (LC 50 0.023 μg to 0.372 μg 1 mL). Studies<br />

on susceptibility of H. armigera populations to Bt toxins from different parts of India indicated<br />

that Cry1Ac was most toxic, followed by Cry1Aa, and Cry1Ab (Kranthi, Kranthi, and<br />

Wanjari, 2001). The LC 50 values ranged from 0.07 to 0.99 μg mL 1 (14-fold) for Cry1Aa, 0.69<br />

to 9.94 μg mL 1 (14-fold) for Cry1Ab, and 0.01 to 0.67 μg mL 1 (67-fold) of diet for Cry1Ac.<br />

Across locations, the LC 50 values were 0.62 μg mL 1 for Cry1Aa, 4.43 μg mL 1 for Cry1Ab,<br />

and 0.100 μg mL 1 of diet for Cry1Ac, which can be used as baseline susceptibility indices<br />

for resistance monitoring in the future. The LC 99 values derived from cumulative data<br />

were 515 μg mL 1 for Cry1Aa, 13,385 μg mL 1 for Cry1Ab, and 75 μg mL 1 of diet for Cry1Ac,<br />

and these values represent the diagnostic doses for monitoring of resistance in H. armigera<br />

to Bt toxins. The range of LC 50 values for Cry1Ac in H. armigera populations in Pakistan

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