Contents - Faperta

Contents - Faperta

Contents - Faperta


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Transgenic Resistance to Insects: Interactions with Nontarget Organisms 367<br />

Wang, C.Y. and Xia, J.Y. (1997). Differences of population dynamics of bollworms and of population<br />

dynamics of major natural enemies between Bt transgenic cotton and conventional cotton.<br />

China Cottons 24: 13–15.<br />

Williamson, M., Perrins, J. and Fitter, A. (1990). Releasing genetically engineered plants. Present<br />

proposal and possible hazards. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5: 417–419.<br />

Wold, S.J., Burkness, E.C., Hutchison, W.D. and Venette, R.C. (2001). In-fi eld monitoring of benefi cial<br />

insect populations in transgenic corn expressing a Bacillus thuringiensis toxin. Journal of<br />

Entomological Science 36(2): 177–187.<br />

Wraight, C.L., Zangerl, A.R., Carroll, M.J. and Berenbaum, M.R. (2000). Absence of toxicity of Bacillus<br />

thuringiensis pollen to black swallowtails under fi eld conditions. Proceedings National Academy<br />

of Sciences USA 97: 7700–7703.<br />

Wu, K.M., Peng, Y.F. and Jia, S.R. (2003). What we have learnt on impacts of Bt cotton on non-target<br />

organisms in China. AgBiotechNet 5: 1–4.<br />

Zwahlen, C., Hilbeck, A., Howald, R. and Nentwig, W. (2003). Effects of transgenic Bt corn litter on<br />

the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. Molecular Ecology 12: 1077–1086.<br />

Zwahlen, C., Nentwig, W., Bigler, F. and Hilbeck, A. (2000). Tritrophic interactions of transgenic<br />

Bacillus thuringiensis corn, Anaphothrips obscurus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), and the predator<br />

Orius majusculus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae). Environmental Entomology 29(4): 846–850.

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