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Transgenic Resistance to Insects: Interactions with Nontarget Organisms 363<br />

Johnson, M.T. (1997). Interaction of resistant plants and wasp parasitoids of tobacco budworm<br />

(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Environmental Entomology 26: 207–214.<br />

Johnson, M.T. and Gould, R. (1992). Interaction of genetically engineered host plant resistance and<br />

natural enemies of Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in tobacco. Environmental<br />

Entomology 21: 586–597.<br />

Johnson, M.T., Gould, F. and Kennedy, G.G. (1997). Effects of natural enemies on relative fi tness of<br />

Heliothis virescens genotypes adapted and not adapted to resistant host plants. Entomologia<br />

Experimentalis et Applicata 82: 219–230.<br />

Kannan, M., Uthamasamy, S. and Mohan, S. (2004). Impact of insecticides on sucking pests and natural<br />

enemy complex of transgenic cotton. Current Science 86: 726–729.<br />

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Li, W.D., Ye, G.Y., Wu, K.M., Wang, X.Q. and Guo, Y.Y. (2002). Evaluation of impact of pollen grains<br />

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Liu, W.X., Wan, F.H., Zhang, F. and Meng, Z.J. (2000). Bionomics of the cotton bollworm predator,<br />

Campylomma diversicornis. Chinese Journal of Biological Control 16: 148–151.<br />

Liu, Z.C., Ye, G.Y., Fu, Q., Zhang, Z.T. and Hu, C. (2003). Indirect impact assessment of transgenic rice<br />

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Losey, J.E., Raynor, L.S. and Carter, M.E. (1999). Transgenic pollen harms monarch larvae. Nature<br />

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Lozzia, G.C. (1999). Biodiversity and structure of ground beetle assemblages (Coleoptera Carabidae)<br />

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31: 37–50.<br />

Lozzia, G.C., Furlanis, C., Manachini, B. and Rigamonti, I.E. (1998). Effects of Bt corn on Rhopalosiphum<br />

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Chrysopidae). Bollettino di Zoologia Agrariae di Bachicoltura 30: 153–164.<br />

Luttrell, R.G., Mascarenhas, V.J., Schneider, J.C., Parker, C.D. and Bullock, P.D. (1995). Effect of transgenic<br />

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Malone, L.A. and Pham-Delègue, M.H. (2001). Effects of transgene products on honey bees (Apis<br />

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Malone, L.A., Burgess, E.P.J., Christeller, J.T. and Gatehouse, H.S. (1998). In vivo responses of honey<br />

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Malone, L.A., Giacon, H.A., Burgess, E.P.J., Maxwell, J.Z., Christeller, J.T. and Laing, W.A. (1995).<br />

Toxicity of trypsin endopeptidase inhibitors to honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of<br />

Economic Entomology 88: 46–50.

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