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352 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin (Musser and Shelton, 2003). Control of O. nubilalis,<br />

Spodoptera frugiperda ( J.E. Smith), and H. zea by Bt sweet corn and spinosad was better than<br />

or equal to application of lambda-cyhalothrin.<br />

Protease Inhibitors<br />

Pentatomids are affected adversely when fed on proteinase inhibitor contaminated prey<br />

(Ashouri et al., 1998; Walker et al., 1998). Prey reared on transgenic oilseed rape expressing<br />

oryzacystatin (OC-1) inhibited ladybird, H. axyridis digestive enzymes in vitro, but had<br />

no effect in vivo. Ladybird was able to upregulate digestive proteases in response to the<br />

inhibitor and had no adverse effects on survival and development of the coccinellid when<br />

fed on P. xylostella larvae, which had accumulated the transgene product in the larval tissues<br />

at levels of up to 3 ng per gut (Ferry et al., 2003). The predatory stinkbug, Podisus<br />

maculiventris Say may suffer some indirect adverse effects as a result of foraging on prey<br />

in crops expressing either GNA or CpTI due to prey being of inferior quality rather than<br />

to direct toxicity of the transgene products (Bell et al., 2003). A signifi cant reduction in<br />

growth and female adult weight was observed when P. maculiventris was provided with<br />

tomato moth, Lacanobia oleracea (L.) larvae injected with either GNA or CpTI at 10 mg day1 .<br />

Weight reduction was 11.3% and 16.6% in GNA-fed and CpTI-fed P. maculiventris, respectively.<br />

The males, however, were not signifi cantly affected. The female bugs that had not<br />

been exposed to the transgene proteins as nymphs showed no reduction in fecundity<br />

when provided with prey injected with either GNA or CpTI at the same dose. When provided<br />

with prey that had been reared on transgenic plants expressing either GNA or<br />

CpTI, no effects on the survival of nymphs were observed and only small, largely nonsignifi<br />

cant, reductions in weights were recorded throughout pre-adult development. Male<br />

nymphs fed on prey reared on diet with GNA prolonged the pre-adult development by<br />

0.8 days. The next generation adults showed a signifi cant reduction in egg production<br />

when fed on GNA-fed prey.<br />

Lectins<br />

Two-spotted ladybirds, Adalia bipunctata L., fed for 12 days on peach potato aphid,<br />

M. persicae colonizing transgenic potatoes expressing GNA showed a decrease in fecundity,<br />

egg viability, and longevity (Birch et al., 1999). However, subsequent studies by Down<br />

et al. (2000) showed that the observed effects were prey-quality mediated rather than the<br />

direct effects of GNA. Adverse effects on ladybird reproduction caused by eating peachpotato<br />

aphids from transgenic potatoes were reversed after switching the ladybirds to pea<br />

aphids from nontransgenic bean plants. GNA showed high levels of toxicity to grubs of<br />

C. septempunctata (Dhillon et al., 2008).<br />

Interaction of Transgenic Crops with Parasitoids<br />

The effects of transgenic crops on the parasitoids vary across crops and the cropping systems.<br />

Some of the variation may be due to differences in pest abundance between the<br />

transgenic and the nontransgenic crops.

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