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Pest Management and the Environment 15<br />

Mass trapping by pheromone- or kairomone-baited traps can be attempted to reduce insect<br />

infestations. It is important to understand that not all insects can be controlled by mass trapping.<br />

It is also better to think in terms of population suppression rather than control. The most<br />

promising candidates are insects that use aggregation pheromones, such as Spruce bark beetle,<br />

Ips typographus (L.). For this pest, trap densities of 20 to 30 traps per hectare have been<br />

used. Sex pheromones can be used for mass trapping of some insects. It is necessary to catch<br />

95% of the male moths before there is any signifi cant impact on the ability of the population<br />

to reproduce. Mobile insects such as H. armigera cannot be successfully controlled by mass<br />

trapping or mating disruption, as the females that have mated outside the treated area lay<br />

eggs in the area where the males may have been successfully removed. Mercury lamps spaced<br />

300 m apart over a large number of contiguous cotton fi elds reduced the egg laying by 41.5%,<br />

and the frequency of pesticide application by two to three times in China (Zhao et al., 1999).<br />

However, the application and economics of such an approach need to be looked into critically.<br />

Compound traps having two lamps with sex pheromone or poplar branches have been<br />

used to control H. armigera in China. In comparison to the control plots, the numbers of eggs<br />

on cotton plants in plots with traps were reduced by 34.5% within 160 m. Mass trapping has<br />

been shown to work successfully for lepidopteran moths, which are relatively immobile, such<br />

as rice stem borers (Pyralidae), potato tuber moth [Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller)], diamondback<br />

moth, P. xylostella, and brinjal fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guen.) (Howse,<br />

Stevens, and Jones, 1997). For pests such as these, trap densities of 10 to 20 traps per hectare<br />

have been shown to be effective at reducing damage levels.<br />

Population Prediction Models and Early Warning Systems<br />

Monitoring the movement of insect pests can provide early warning of pest invasion in<br />

an area or crop. Although work on long-distance movement using remote sensing, backtracking,<br />

and other techniques have indicated that some insects are able to cover large distances,<br />

their occurrence in signifi cant numbers at a particular location can seldom be predicted with<br />

certainty. Pheromone-baited traps alone or in combination with other lures have been used<br />

for monitoring insect populations (Nesbitt et al., 1979), but the relationship between egg, larval,<br />

and insect catch in traps is closest only when insect densities are low at the beginning of<br />

the season. Trapping is useful as a qualitative measure indicating the initiation of infestation<br />

or migration (wave front), and the need to begin scouting for immature stages in the crop.<br />

Models are conceptual or mathematical devices that aim to describe or simulate natural<br />

processes. They can be used to predict the outcome of hypothetical eventualities and as<br />

management tools to predict or establish the optimal tactics required to achieve a particular<br />

result within the constraints of the model. The population models are useful for developing<br />

appropriate pest management strategies, such as optimal timing of insecticide application<br />

(Apel, Herrmann, and Richter, 1999). The use of phenological or time parameters<br />

in predictive models is important to improve their performance. In Australia, the size of<br />

the second generation of H. armigera is linked to fi rst generation, winter rainfall (positive<br />

effect) and spring rainfall (negative effect), which account for 96% of the variation in<br />

second generation (Maelzer and Zalucki, 1999).<br />

SIRATAC, a computer-based pest management system, has been developed to rationalize<br />

insecticide use on cotton (Hearn et al., 1981). This system incorporates a temperature-driven<br />

cotton development model, including the natural fruiting habit of the plant, and submodels<br />

to incorporate damage relationships, the impact of natural enemies, and predetermined or<br />

dynamic thresholds for pests. The system gives management options, and the outcomes of<br />

using “soft” or “hard” insecticides. Signifi cant improvements in this model were obtained by

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