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Genetic Engineering of Entomopathogenic Microbes for Pest Management 279<br />

However, biosafety concerns have been raised regarding the deployment of the genetically<br />

engineered biocontrol agents for pest management. There is a need for a thorough investigation<br />

regarding the fate of genetically modifi ed organisms in the environment, and their<br />

interaction with wild relatives and nontarget organisms. Products based on Bt at times<br />

may not be compatible with some pesticides. For example, some insecticides have a signifi -<br />

cant antifeeding effect, while a Bt preparation has to be ingested for a desired effect.<br />

Genetically engineered microbial pesticides can play an important role in pest management<br />

and reduce the amounts of pesticides applied for pest control, leading to reduction of<br />

pesticide residues in food and food products, and resulting in conservation of the environment.<br />

A fast-track process can be adopted for testing and release of genetically engineered<br />

microbes, which are known to give satisfactory results and have a relatively safer track<br />

record in different environments.<br />

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