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Genetic Engineering of Entomopathogenic Microbes for Pest Management 273<br />

fungi (Srinivasan, 1997). For commercial-scale production, however, one would require a<br />

solid-state fermentation system. The advantages associated with the use of fungi for insect<br />

control is the fact that they can infect an insect through the cuticle, thus removing the need<br />

for ingestion. They are generally not hazardous to mammals, have no toxic residues, and<br />

give long-term control. Recent breakthroughs in formulation, strain selection, and production<br />

have provided new impetus for the inclusion of fungal-based pesticides in IPM programs.<br />

A number of facilities for mass production of M. anisopliae and B. bassiana have now<br />

been established in several countries. Several commercial fungal products are currently<br />

available. Bio 1020 has been registered in Germany for the control of black vine weevil,<br />

Otiorhynchus sulcatus (F.). This product is composed of dried mycelial granules, and has a<br />

shelf life of up to six months at low temperatures.<br />

The major drawbacks associated with fungal pesticides include relative instability,<br />

requirement for moist conditions for spore germination, invasion, and growth, and slow<br />

rates of mortality. The problems associated with moisture requirement may be overcome<br />

by selecting isolates that are less humidity dependent. In order to improve the insect<br />

mortality, it is also possible to select naturally occurring potent fungi and use them to<br />

improve other strains through protoplast fusion or anastomosis. The prospects for genetic<br />

improvement of entomopathogenic fungi are quite good (Ferron, Fargues, and Riba, 1991;<br />

St. Leger and Roberts, 1997). Developments in molecular biology of entomopathogenic<br />

fungi will provide the basic understanding of mechanisms of pathogenesis and produce<br />

recombinant fungi with increased virulence (Charnley, Cobb, and Clarkson, 1997). There<br />

is considerable genetic variability in natural strains of B. bassiana and their virulence to the<br />

spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Uma Devi et al., 2001). Genetic manipulation<br />

of fungi still remains a diffi cult task considering the large size of the fungal genome and<br />

the fact that most fungal toxins are complex molecules encoded by several genes. Davila,<br />

Zambrano, and Castillo (2001) used 40 primers to gain an understanding of the mechanisms<br />

for producing recombinant fungi with increased virulence. Molecular markers<br />

can also be used for detecting gene sequences that confer on fungi the capacity to cause<br />

disease in insects (Zambrano, Davila, and Castillo, 2002).<br />

Genetic manipulation can be used to improve tolerance of entomopathogenic fungi<br />

to fungicides (Figure 8.2), thereby promoting their utility in IPM programs (Table 8.6).<br />

A benlate-resistance gene from Aspergillus has been used to transform M. anisopliae (Goettel<br />

et al., 1989). The transformants grew at benomyl concentrations up to 10 times that inhibit<br />

wild type, and were mitotically stable on either selective or nonselective medium or insect<br />

tissue. The transformants were pathogenic to the sphingid, M. sexta, producing both<br />

appressoria and the cuticle-degrading enzyme chymoelastase in the presence of 50 μg mL 1<br />

of benomyl. The gene encoding the cuticle-degrading protease (Pr1) has been inserted<br />

into the genome of the same fungus. Bernier et al. (1989) introduced benomyl resistance<br />

(beta-tubulin) gene from Neurospora crassa (Draft) (encoding resistance to benomyl) into<br />

M. anisopliae. The transformants were mitotically stable when subcultured on nonselective<br />

agar and retained the ability to infect and kill larvae of M. sexta. The benomyl-resistant<br />

phenotype persisted in re-isolates from insect cadavers. St. Leger et al. (1995) cotransformed<br />

M. anisopliae with two plasmids (pNOM102 and pBENA3) containing the betaglucuronidase<br />

and benomyl resistance genes, using electroporation and biolistic delivery<br />

systems. The cotransformants showed pathogenicity to B. mori. The bar gene from<br />

Streptomyces hygroscopicus (Jensen) Waksman and Henrici under the control of Aspergillus<br />

nidulans (Eidam) Winter trpC promoter and terminator sequences has been inserted into<br />

Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wise) Brawn & Smith (Cantone and Van denberg, 1999).<br />

Evaluation of selected transformants revealed two mutant strains with altered sporulation

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