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266 Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability<br />

Wells, 1995; Novillo, Castanera, and Ortego, 1997). The Cry1A protoxins are digested to a<br />

65 kDa protein starting at the C-terminus, and proceeds towards the 55 to 65 kDa toxic core<br />

(Chestukhina et al., 1982; Choma et al., 1990). The carboxy-terminal end of the protoxin is<br />

clipped off in 10 kDa sections (Choma, Surewicz, and Kaplan, 1991). The mature Cry1A<br />

toxin is cleaved at R28 at the amino-terminal end (Nagamatsu et al., 1984), while Cry1Ac is<br />

cleaved at K623 on the carboxy-terminal end (Bietlot et al., 1989). Activated toxin binds to<br />

specifi c receptors on the apical brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) of the midgut<br />

(Hofmann and Luthy, 1986; Hofmann et al., 1988). Irreversible binding is associated with<br />

membrane insertion (Van Rie et al., 1989; Ihara et al., 1993; Rajamohan et al., 1995) and<br />

requires the insertion of domain I (Flores et al., 1997). Cry1Aa and Cry1Ab bind to purifi ed<br />

M. sexta aminopeptidase N (APN) (Masson et al., 1995). Cry1Ac also binds irreversibly to<br />

purifi ed L. dispar APN (Vadlamudi, Ji, and Bulla, 1993; Valaitis et al., 1997). Cry1Ab receptor<br />

is believed to be a cadherin-like 210 kDa membrane protein (Francis and Bulla, 1997;<br />

Keeton and Bulla, 1997), while the Cry1Ac and Cry1C receptors have been identifi ed as<br />

APN proteins with molecular weights of 120 and 106 kDa, respectively (Knight, Crickmore,<br />

and Ellar, 1994; Sangadala et al., 1994; Luo, Lu, and Adang, 1996).<br />

Incorporation of purifi ed 120 kDa APN into planar lipid bilayers catalyzes channel formation<br />

by Cry1Aa, Cry1Ac, and Cry1C (Schwartz et al., 1997). There is some evidence that<br />

domain II from either Cry1Ab or Cry1Ac promotes binding to the larger protein, while<br />

domain III of Cry1Ac promotes binding to APN (de Maagd et al., 1996a, 1996b). Alkaline<br />

phosphatase has also been proposed to be a Cry1Ac receptor (Sangadala et al., 1994). In<br />

H. virescens, three aminopeptidases bind to Cry1Ac. The 170 kDa APN binds to Cry1Aa,<br />

Cry1Ab, and Cry1Ac, but not Cry1C or Cry1E. N-Acetylgalactosamine inhibits the binding<br />

of Cry1Ac, but not of Cry1Aa or Cry1Ab. In gypsy moth, L. dispar, the Cry1Ac receptor<br />

seems to be APN, while Cry1Aa and Cry1Ab bind to a 210 kDa BBMV protein (Valaitis<br />

et al., 1995, 1997). In P. xylostella (Luo, Tabashnik, and Adang, 1997) and B. mori (Yaoi et al.,<br />

1997), the APN appears to function as a Cry1Ac binding protein. A gene encoding a<br />

Cry1Ab-binding APN has been cloned in M. sexta and its homolog in P. xylostella (Denolf<br />

et al., 1997). Insertion into the apical membrane of the columnar epithelial cells follows<br />

the initial receptor-mediated binding, rendering the toxin insensitive to proteases and<br />

monoclonal antibodies (Wolfersberger, Hofmann, and Luthy, 1986), inducing ion channels<br />

or nonspecifi c pores in the target membrane.<br />

Several studies have demonstrated the association of insect specifi city of a toxin with its<br />

affi nity for specifi c receptors on BBMV (Hofmann and Luthy, 1986; Hofmann et al., 1988;<br />

Van Rie et al., 1989). Insect specifi city of Cry1Aa and Cry1Ac is localized in the central<br />

domain of the toxin in B. mori and T. ni, and the central and C-terminal domain for H. virescens<br />

(Ge, Shivarova, and Dean, 1989; Ge et al., 1991; Bosch and Honee, 1993). Specifi city<br />

and binding domains were colinear for Cry1Aa against B. mori (Lee et al., 1992). However,<br />

Wolfersberger (1990) observed that Cry1Ab was more active than Cry1Ac against gypsy<br />

moth, L. dispar, larvae, despite exhibiting a relatively weaker binding affi nity. A number of<br />

other examples indicating the lack of correlation between receptor binding affi nity and<br />

insecticidal activity have also been reported (Van Rie et al., 1989; Garczynski, Crim, and<br />

Adang, 1991; Sanchis and Ellar, 1993). Liang, Patel, and Dean (1995) observed that affi nity<br />

of Cry1Ab was not directly related to toxin activity in gypsy moth, but observed a direct<br />

correlation between the irreversible binding rate and toxicity. Minor changes in binding<br />

usually do not have a major effect on toxicity. Binding affi nity as measured by competition<br />

binding or irreversible binding may effect toxicity. The same mutation in a toxin can have<br />

different effects in different insects. Different toxins may have the same amino acid<br />

sequence in the loops of domain II (e.g., Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac), and yet bind to different

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