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Contents - Faperta

Contents - Faperta


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Genetic Transformation of Crops for Resistance to Insect Pests 213<br />

FIGURE 7.1 Selection of putative transgenic plants of sorghum with the herbicide glufocinate (BASTA) as a<br />

selection marker.<br />

an identifi able protein product to indicate DNA incorporation. Construction of DNA<br />

sequence for incorporation into vectors consists of several components, for example, in<br />

toxin genes from Bt, the gene should be fi rst converted from AT-rich (typical of bacteria) to<br />

GC-rich (typical of higher plants) to increase toxin expression. Most changes are made to<br />

the third codon, thereby minimizing changes in the amino acid sequence, and increasing<br />

the expression of Bt toxin by 10- to 100-fold. For expression of the Bt gene in the higher<br />

plants, a recognizable promoter and a terminator sequence must bracket the Bt gene.<br />

Popular constitutive promoters as described above include CaMV35S, ubiquitin, PEPC, and<br />

maize pollen specifi c promoter (Koziel et al., 1993). The size of the vectors ranges from<br />

5,000 to 11,000bp, depending on the Bt gene and the promoter incorporated into the vector.<br />

Delivery of the vectors into the nucleus can be achieved by using Agrobacterium-mediated<br />

transformation and biolistic methods (Koziel et al., 1993).<br />

Premature polyadenylation at times may lead to poor expression of the transgene<br />

(Haffani et al., 2000). Transformation of potato with the cry3Ca1 gene resulted in transformants<br />

with poor expression of the transgene (Kuvshinov et al., 2001). No full-length<br />

transcript (2,300 nucleotides) was detected, but short transcripts of approximately 1,100<br />

nucleotides were observed. The sites at which premature polyadenylation took place were<br />

not those that showed the highest degree of identity to the canonical AAUAAA motif, suggesting<br />

that premature polyadenylation may contribute to poor expression of transgenes<br />

in a foreign host. Expression of the transgene may also depend on the plant species in<br />

which the gene has been deployed. Expression level of the synthetic gene cry9Aa under the<br />

control of double 35S promotor has been observed to be three to ten times lower in potato,<br />

caulifl ower, and turnip as compared to that in tobacco (Kuvshinov et al., 2001). In tobacco<br />

plants transformed with a truncated native cry9Aa gene and with a translational fusion<br />

construct of the truncated native cry9Aa and uidA (GUS) gene, the expression level of the<br />

native cry9Aa gene ranged from 0.03 to 1 pg of cry9Aa mRNA per 1 μg of total RNA, while<br />

the expression level of the synthetic cry9Aa gene was fi ve to ten times higher at the mRNA<br />

level, and at least 50 times higher at the translational level. Therefore, considerable care<br />

should be exercised while selecting a gene construct, the promotor, and the marker genes<br />

for genetic engineering of plants for resistance to insects.

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