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Physico-Chemical and Molecular Markers for Resistance to Insect Pests 187<br />

in accurately and precisely phenotyping such traits, which confound the development of<br />

effective MAS systems. The quality of an MAS program can only be as good as the quality<br />

of the phenotypic data on which the development of that marker was based. Therefore, it<br />

is essential to use large mapping populations characterized across seasons and locations,<br />

using well-defi ned phenotyping protocols. Nevertheless, when confi dence limits are calculated<br />

for the QTL positions, they might cover several intervals or entire chromosome<br />

arms, if the heritability of the trait is low (Hyne et al., 1995). Fine mapping of such large<br />

QTL intervals, by phenotypic screening of several hundred individuals exhibiting molecular<br />

marker evidence of genetic recombination in the interval of interest, is then required<br />

to obtain tightly linked fl anking markers that can be exploited in MAS.<br />

Conclusions<br />

A good beginning has been made in developing genetic linkage maps of many crops.<br />

However, the accuracy and precision of phenotyping for resistance to insect pests remains<br />

a critical constraint in many crops. There is a need to focus on developing innovative<br />

solutions to this problem. Improved phenotyping systems will have substantial impact on<br />

both conventional and MAS to breed for resistance to insect pests, in addition to the more<br />

strategic research that feeds into these endeavors. MAS has had a dramatic impact,<br />

particularly in the private sector, in breeding for disease resistance and quality traits where<br />

simply inherited components could be readily identifi ed. The same potential may be<br />

achieved in the case of more complex traits such as resistance to insect pests and abiotic<br />

stresses. However, the practical and logistical demands for developing and implementing<br />

molecular breeding systems for these traits are quite complex. There is a need to use MAS<br />

to develop cultivars with improved resistance to insect pests and to strengthen Bt transgenic<br />

crops through introgression of other components of resistance through MAS. There<br />

are very few reports concerning the application of MAS for resistance to insect pests.<br />

However, those available fail to demonstrate an increase in effi ciency of MAS over conventional<br />

breeding approaches, although combining MAS with conventional approaches has<br />

given better results. Thus, not only is there a need for precise mapping of the QTLs associated<br />

with resistance to insects, but also the development of a new par adigm in breeding<br />

based on re-engineering breeding programs to make best use of molecular marker data.<br />

Only a combination of conventional and molecular approaches can accelerate the progress<br />

in developing cultivars with insect resistance to increase crop productivity and improve<br />

livelihoods of the rural poor.<br />

References<br />

Agrama, H.A., Widle, G.E., Reese, J.C., Campbell, L.R. and Tuinstra, M.R. (2002). Genetic mapping of<br />

QTLs associated with greenbug resistance and tolerance in Sorghum bicolor. Theoretical and<br />

Applied Genetics 104: 1373–1378.<br />

Ahmad, F., Gaur, P.M. and Slinkard, A.E. (1992). Isozyme polymorphism and phylogenetic interpretations<br />

in the genus Cicer L. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 83: 620–627.

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