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Physico-Chemical and Molecular Markers for Resistance to Insect Pests 169<br />

1996; Burns et al., 2001; Sharopova et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2002). The SSRs provide highquality<br />

and consistent results, but the markers are expensive to develop as they require<br />

extensive sequence data from the species of interest. The sequence data can be generated<br />

from libraries of cloned DNA (with or without enrichment for a specifi c SSR motif). Existing<br />

EST resources for a specifi c crop can also be used. EST-derived SSRs are less polymorphic<br />

than those derived from genomic libraries, but both are useful as they are PCR-compatible<br />

and typically inherited in a codominant manner. Polymorphic SSRs have been used to<br />

map resistance to shoot fl y, A. soccata, in sorghum (Folkertsma et al., 2003; Hash et al., 2003);<br />

greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), resistance in wheat (Weng and Lazar, 2002); and<br />

for covering the soybean genome (Narvel et al., 2000).<br />

Sequence-tagged microsatellite markers (STMs) primers are complementary to the fl anking<br />

regions of SSR loci, and yield highly polymorphic amplifi cation products. Polymorphism<br />

appears because of variation in the number of tandem repeats (VNTR loci) of a given<br />

repeat motif. Tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellites are more popular for STMS analysis<br />

(based on PCR product separation on PAGE gels) because they present a clear banding pattern<br />

after PCR and gel electrophoresis. However, dinucleotides are abundant in genomes<br />

and have been used as markers. The di- and tetranucleotide repeats are present mostly in<br />

the noncoding regions of the genome, while 57% of trinucleotide repeats reside in or around<br />

the genes. A good relationship has been observed between the number of alleles detected<br />

and the total number of SSRs within the targeted microsatellite DNA of a reference genotype.<br />

Thus, the larger the repeat number in the VNTR locus, the greater the number of<br />

alleles that are expected to be detected in a large population of diverse accessions.<br />

Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA<br />

The randomly amplifi ed polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) are based on PCR, and use arbitrary<br />

primers for initiating amplifi cation of random pieces of the sampled plant DNA, and<br />

requires no knowledge of the genome to be screened. PCR-based markers involve in vitro<br />

amplifi cation of particular DNA sequences or loci with the help of specifi cally or arbitrarily<br />

chosen oligonucleotide sequences (primers) and a thermostable DNA polymerase enzyme.<br />

The amplifi ed fragments are separated electrophoretically and banding patterns detected<br />

by staining or autoradiography. PCR is a versatile technique invented during the mid-<br />

1980s (Saiki et al., 1985). However, the results are inconsistent across populations and laboratories<br />

(Powell et al., 1996; Staub, Serquen, and Gupta, 1996). The PCR primers used for<br />

RAPD analysis are short random DNA sequences approximately 10 nucleotides long that<br />

amplify homologous genomic DNA sequences during the PCR process. Differences in the<br />

DNA sequences of resistant and susceptible plants result in different primer binding sites,<br />

which result in differences in PCR products that allow the visualization of polymorphisms<br />

between the DNA in the resistant and susceptible plants. Insect resistance genes in apple,<br />

rice, and wheat have been mapped using RAPD primers (Dweikat et al., 1994; Nair et al.,<br />

1995, 1996; Roche et al., 1997; Botha and Venter, 2000; Venter and Botha, 2000; Selvi et al.,<br />

2002; Jena et a1., 2003). Reproducibility of RAPD markers has been quite diffi cult in many<br />

studies. In addition, DNA banding patterns based on RAPD primer amplifi cation do not<br />

reveal heterozygotes as they are inherited in a dominant manner.<br />

Inter Simple Sequence Repeat<br />

In this technique, primers based on microsatellites are utilized to amplify inter-simple<br />

sequence repeat (SSR) DNA sequences (Staub, Serquen, and Gupta, 1996, Srivastava and<br />

Narula, 2004). Here, various microsatellites anchored at the 3′ end are used for amplifying

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