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Physico-Chemical and Molecular Markers for Resistance to Insect Pests 155<br />

Physical maps can be used for gene isolation through microdissection and microcloning.<br />

Gene structure and function can also be elucidated by comparing the mapped<br />

positions of genes with their physical locations, and physical distances between genes can<br />

be used to gain an understanding of the mechanism of chromosome recombination and<br />

rearrangements. High-density genetic linkage maps have been developed for barley,<br />

Hordeum vulgare L.; maize, Zea mays L; potato, Solanum tuberosum L.; rye, Secale cereale L.;<br />

sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.; tomato, Lycopersicon<br />

esculentum Mill; and wheat, Triticum aestivum L. (Paterson, Tanksley, and Sorrells, 1991;<br />

Hernandez et al., 2001; Korzun et al., 2001; Boyko et al., 2002; Sharopova et al., 2002; Song<br />

et al., 2004; Somers, Isaac, and Edwards, 2004). Molecular markers in many of these crops<br />

have also been linked to genes expressing resistance to several insect pests. Developments<br />

in DNA marker technology can be used to accelerate the process of transferring insect<br />

resistance into improved cultivars. Once markers linked closely to the resistance genes<br />

are identifi ed, MAS can be practiced in early generations at early stages of plant development,<br />

and speed up the selection process. The MAS can also be used for pyramiding resistance<br />

genes from diverse sources. Location of the marker away from the gene of interest<br />

may lead to cross over between the gene of interest and the marker, and the marker identifi<br />

ed for a gene in one cross may not be useful in another cross unless the marker is linked<br />

to the resistance gene (Mohan et al., 1997). The MAS takes 3 to 6 years, and thus speeds up<br />

the pace of transferring the traits of interest into improved varieties, and it does not require<br />

large-scale planting of the segregating material up to crop harvest, as only the plants<br />

showing the presence of markers associated with QTLs linked to resistance alleles need to<br />

be maintained up to maturity.<br />

Mapping Populations<br />

It takes fi ve to six generations to transfer insect resistance traits into the high-yielding<br />

cultivars through conventional breeding, while gene transfer from wild relatives may take<br />

a considerably longer time due to the complexity of achieving interspecifi c hybrids on a<br />

suffi ciently large scale to identify stable progeny with an acceptable combination of traits.<br />

In either case, MAS can dramatically speed up the process by reducing the number of generations<br />

and the size of the populations required to identify individuals with appropriate<br />

combination of genes, while having the minimal amount of linkage drag from the wild<br />

relatives. The improved lines with insect resistance thus developed will need to be tested<br />

across seasons and locations, before a variety can be identifi ed for cultivation by farmers.<br />

This process takes 7 to 10 years. In MAS programs, the elite breeding line or cultivars can<br />

be crossed with the source of resistance, and the F 1 hybrid recrossed with the recurrent<br />

parent (invariably the elite parent) (BC 1), and the gene transfer can be monitored through<br />

MAS up to BC 3-5 (until a line with the QTL or the gene of interest in the genomic background<br />

of the elite line with a minimum of donor parent genome is identifi ed).<br />

Near isogenic lines (NILs), F 2 and backcross populations, doubled haploids, and recombinant<br />

inbred lines (RILs) can be used for gene mapping in many crops (Mohan et al., 1994,<br />

1997). Mapping populations from interspecifi c crosses are often used for genetic linkage<br />

studies due to high levels of detectable polymorphism, but linkage maps derived from<br />

such crosses may have limited relevance in crop breeding programs due to different<br />

recombination patterns (Fulton et al., 1997). However, markers developed from such maps

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