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Mechanisms and Inheritance of Resistance to Insect Pests 141<br />

Fruits<br />

Resistance in fruits to several species of aphids is controlled by a single dominant gene, for<br />

example, rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea Pass., and rosy leaf-curling aphid, Dysaphis<br />

devecta Walk., in apple (Alston and Briggs, 1977). In raspberry, Rubus phoenicolasius Maxim.,<br />

two dominant genes control resistance to the raspberry aphid, Amphorophora idaei Bomer<br />

(Daubeny, 1966; Jones, McGavin, and Birch, 2000). Monet and Massonie (1994) identifi ed a<br />

single gene in peach, Prunus persica (L.), (Batsch.) that controls resistance to peach potato<br />

aphid, M. persicae.<br />

Conclusions<br />

Sources of resistance to insect pests have been identifi ed in different crops. However, the<br />

identifi ed sources of resistance have not been used widely because of low heritability or<br />

linkage drag. The progress in developing crop cultivars with resistance to insects has been<br />

quite slow because of lack of information on the mechanisms that contribute to insect<br />

resistance, the number of genes involved, and the nature of gene action. Levels of resistance<br />

to insect pests in most of the varieties released for cultivation are low to moderate<br />

and, therefore, there is a need to diversify the bases of resistance through gene pyramiding<br />

from cultivated germplasm and closely related wild relatives of crops. Resistance to insects<br />

is largely due to antixenosis, antibiosis, and tolerance, and is controlled by many genes.<br />

Resistance may be dominant or recessive. Pedigree and backcross approaches can be<br />

used to transfer insect resistance genes into the cultivars with desirable agronomic backgrounds,<br />

while recurrent selection is useful for gene pyramiding for the same or different<br />

insect pests. Cytoplasmic male-sterility can be exploited for developing insect-resistant<br />

hybrids, and resistance is needed in both the parents to produce insect-resistant hybrids.<br />

Information on mechanisms and inheritance of resistance will be useful for marker-<br />

assisted introgression of resistance genes into high yielding cultivars.<br />

References<br />

Agrawal, B.L. and Abraham, C.V. (1985). Breeding sorghum for resistance to shoot fl y and midge. In<br />

Proceedings, International Sorghum Entomology Workshop, July 15–21, 1984, Texas A&M University,<br />

College Station, Texas, USA. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India: International Crops Research<br />

Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 371–384.<br />

Aladele, S.E. and Ezeaku, I.E. (2003). Inheritance of resistance to head bug (Eurystylus oldi) in grain<br />

sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). African Journal of Biotechnology 2: 202–205.<br />

Alston, F.H. and Briggs, J.B. (1977). Resistance genes in apple and biotypes of Dysaphis devecta. Annals<br />

of Applied Biology 87: 75–81.<br />

Angeles, E.R., Khush, G.S. and Heinrichs, E.A. (1981). New genes for resistance to whitebacked planthopper<br />

in rice. Crop Science 21: 47–50.<br />

Athwal, D.S. and Pathak, M.D. (1972). Genetics of resistance to rice insects. In Rice Breeding. Manila,<br />

Philippines: International Rice Research Institute, 375–386.<br />

Athwal, D.S. and Virmani, S.S. (1972). Cytoplasmic male sterility and hybrid breeding in rice. In Rice<br />

Breeding. Manila, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute, 615–620.

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