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1110<br />

Ptlmn. Ed Davidson<br />

r<br />

N MARCH 1966 a former teacher and<br />

principal realized there was something<br />

needed in the city's grammar and<br />

high schools that would either<br />

alleviate or deter the incidents that<br />

were beyond a teacher's sphere. So<br />

Edward Brady, Director of Security with<br />

the Board of Education, with the<br />

cooperation of the <strong>Chicago</strong> Police<br />

Department, placed plainclothes<br />

off·duty policemen in the schools as<br />

security men.<br />

The 420 policemE;n, now in 200<br />

schools, have met with a tremendous<br />

response, says Brady. Proof of this is<br />

the situation at Sen n High School, 5900<br />

N. Glenwood,where two of the security<br />

policemen are ptlmn. Dennis<br />

McNamara of the 18th District<br />

(<strong>Chicago</strong> Avenue) and ptlmn. Ed<br />

Davidson of the 7th District<br />

(Englewood).<br />

Senn's administration is very pleased<br />

with the work done by McNamara and<br />

Davidson. Dr. John Byrne, the District<br />

Superintendent, contends that Senn<br />

cannot get along without the men.<br />

Byrne explained that Senn is a large<br />

school with students of varying<br />

backgrounds (a student body of 3400<br />

with 36 national groups represented).<br />

"When trouble arises, fights, etc.,<br />

you're in an area that calls for<br />

someone with a different type of<br />

experience than teachers. You need<br />

people with police background."<br />

McNamara and Davidson are under<br />

the direction o·f Eugene Fricker,<br />

assistant principal. Fricker explained<br />

that the men work in shifts with two<br />

other policemen, Sgt. Gordon<br />

Fitzsimmons, 52, of Area IV Youth<br />

and ptlmn. Thomas Goddard, 28, of the<br />

17th District (Albany Park), so that their<br />

presence is noted while school is in<br />

session from 9:00 to 3:00. The men<br />

work a 20 hour week.<br />

Fricker further explained that the<br />

men are placed in areas of the school<br />

where the most difficulty is<br />

encountered. This is usually in the<br />

lunchroom when a third of the stUdent<br />

body is together during one of the<br />

three lunch periods, or during study in<br />

4<br />

the main auditorium.<br />

"These policemen are a blessing.<br />

Their authority extends past mine, out<br />

of the school and into the school yards<br />

and bookstores across the street,"<br />

says Fricker.<br />

McNamara, Davidson and the other<br />

Both McNamara and Davidson, who<br />

have been at Senn a <strong>com</strong>paratively<br />

short period of time, have elicited a<br />

tremendous response from the student<br />

body. They are not just one of the guys,<br />

but the two congenial men are well·liked<br />

and respected.<br />

policemen try to get to the trouble<br />

before it mushrooms into something<br />

that may end in court.<br />

"You don't have to give kids a big<br />

line, no phony goals. But understand<br />

them on their own plane, treat them as<br />

"We don't want to go to the police<br />

men and women ," says Davidson .<br />

station," explained Fricker. "We try to<br />

Davidson explained that many<br />

solve our problems at this level, in<br />

policemen don't realize that young<br />

the school with the parents, and<br />

people are human beings, they don't<br />

usually they are very cooperative."<br />

understand their attitudes or behavior,<br />

Fricker, Dr. Byrne, and Thomas<br />

and when they <strong>com</strong>e together there' s<br />

Coffey, principal, all agree that there<br />

bound to be friction.<br />

has been a marked difference since the<br />

And does the philosophy work?<br />

advent of plainclothes policemen in the "I feel I can talk to these policemen<br />

school. According to them, the<br />

and get good counseling," said<br />

security police have kept disturbances 17·year·old Laverne Richmond, a senior.<br />

at a minimum and developed an<br />

Laverne added that she felt closer to<br />

exceptional rapport with the student<br />

body.<br />

" Ofcrs. Ed and Dennis" because of<br />

their ages. Davidson is 30, McNamara<br />

Coffey explained that an important is 26.<br />

factor is that the mere presence of a<br />

The majority of the students feel<br />

policeman can allay the fears of a lot surprisingly close to McNamara and<br />

of people, but he hastens to add, it<br />

Davidson. Mainly because they are<br />

can, by the same token, build quite a young and they are dressed in casual<br />

bit of resentment. However, over all,<br />

attire, not uniforms. Some of the<br />

the affect is good, because it gives the students expressed the thought that<br />

teachers, as well as the students, a<br />

although they may still be a little leary<br />

sense of security.<br />

of policemen, their contact with the

security policemen has helped them to<br />

view the Department with an open mind.<br />

" We don't want them to be afraid<br />

of us, just respect us and our position,"<br />

says McNamara. "If one of those kid'S<br />

wants to do something he knows I'm<br />

against, and doesn't, then I know I've<br />

gained their respect."<br />

It's obvious that McNamara and<br />

Davidson have ac<strong>com</strong>plished their goal.<br />

The students help keep each other in<br />

line "because these police are good<br />

guys." And on the light side, they are<br />

sought after as team members for a<br />

rough football game and as dance<br />

chaperones.<br />

"They' re good men, not just Davidson<br />

and McNamara, but all the policemen<br />

that work as security men in the<br />

schools," says Brady. "They are reliable,<br />

I think we have the best of 12,000<br />

men. They' re all ha nd'picked,"<br />

boasted Brady.<br />

Brady added that since the idea was<br />

initiated three years ago, he has had to<br />

release only one percent of the men<br />

because they did not work out.<br />

But it is not only the students and<br />

the school's faculty that are<br />

benefitting from the association.<br />

" I've learned so much about young<br />

people by working with these stUdents.<br />

I'm the fortunate one," contended<br />

McNamara.<br />

And Davidson added"You know, you<br />

really get a good feeling when a group<br />

Seated at the table are left to right Sgt.<br />

Fitzsimmons, Mr. Fricker and Mr. Coffey<br />

at the head of the table. A t the rear to<br />

the left of the table are Ptlmn. Goddard<br />

and McNamara.<br />

of kids approach you in the halls, and<br />

a cou pie of them call out to you by<br />

name. Not like their surly attitude on<br />

the street where you're just another<br />

policeman. "<br />

The Senn security police have tried<br />

to make the young people understand<br />

that policemen are not inhuman or<br />

unreachable. They have explained that<br />

the civilian has recourse if there is a<br />

<strong>com</strong>plaint against a policeman, he is<br />

not immune to discipline.<br />

The men are also there to help the<br />

kids over hurdles, and set up guidelines<br />

for them from a police point of view.<br />

And both Ptlmn. Davidson and<br />

McNamara realize their thinking must<br />

be flexible.<br />

And, of course, there is their main<br />

function-keep the school in running<br />

order. From all appearances they seem<br />

to be doing it. The administration and<br />

McNamara and Davidson are quick to<br />

remind you that one has read of little<br />

trouble at Senn in the past few months.<br />

" Oh, we do have our problems, but<br />

mostly from outsiders, those that have<br />

been expelled or suspended," said<br />

Fricker. "Even these people know our<br />

security men, though, and just the<br />

knowledge that they are on the premises<br />

helps alot."<br />

And Dennis and Ed sum up their<br />

work at Senn as an ac<strong>com</strong>plishment in<br />

police work and "a beautiful scene." *<br />


Nine Policemen Receive High Department A wards<br />

Supt. James B. Conlisk, Jr., recently<br />

presented nine policemen with high De·<br />

partment awards for heroism and ac·<br />

<strong>com</strong>plishments in police work. The po·<br />

licemen received either the Award of<br />

Valor for heroism, personal courage<br />

and devotion to duty; the Blue Star<br />

Award for serious or fatal wounds reo<br />

ceived in the pe{iormance of duty; or<br />

the Award of Merit for outstanding con·<br />

tributions for the betterment of the De·<br />

partment.<br />

Ptlmn. Earl Leib 48, and Sam Greco,<br />

30, 15th District (Austin) received the<br />

Award of Valor for their action in thwart·<br />

ing a robbery attempt and fatally<br />

wounding the suspect. Greco, who was<br />

wounded during a gun battle with the<br />

man, also received the Blue Star Award .<br />

Det. Ollie Morgan, 25, of the Intel·<br />

ligence Division, also received the Award<br />

of Valor for his undercover work which<br />

culminated in 30 indictments of eight<br />

members of a militant organization<br />

active in the destruction and thievery<br />

following the assassination of Dr. Martin<br />

Luther King,J r.<br />

Ptlmn. Richard Curley, 26, Area 4<br />

Task Force, received the Blue Star for<br />

wounds he suffered during a gun battle<br />

with members of the Black Panther<br />

party last summer. Three other police·<br />

men were injured in the incident, and<br />

three Panthers were arrested and in·<br />

dicted.<br />

6<br />

Ptlmn. Fred Eschenbrenner, 37, 20th<br />

District (Foster Ave .), was a recipient<br />

of the Blue Star Award as the result of<br />

stab wounds he incurred while aiding<br />

another policeman who had intervened<br />

in a disturbance.<br />

Ptlmn. Fred Terrile, 31, 3rd District<br />

(Grand Crossing), received the Blue Star<br />

for a sniper wound he received. Terrile<br />

had <strong>com</strong>e to assist in the removal of<br />

prisoners on the southside, when he<br />

was wounded.<br />

Lt. John MacDonald, 47, Sgts. James<br />

Fanning, 43, and Stanley Panek, 41, all<br />

of the Training Division , were presented<br />

the Award of Merit for the development<br />

of procedures to be put to use during<br />

large scale disturbances. The three men<br />

studied the contemporary problem and<br />

then designed and conducted a program<br />

based on their findings. *<br />

Ptlmn. Sam Greco with his son, fiveyear-old<br />

Gregory.<br />

The award recIpients pose with Supt.<br />

James B. Conlisk, Jr. They are from left<br />

to right: Sgts. Stanley Panek, James Fanning,<br />

Lt, John MacDonald, Ptlmn, Fred<br />

Terrile, Fred Eschenbrenner, Supt. Conlisk,<br />

Ptlmn. Richard Curley. Earl Leib,<br />

Det. Ollie Morgan and Ptlmn. Sam Greco.


fund's Protective Association<br />

spent the better part of five months<br />

last year in Springfield attending the<br />

76th Illinois General Assembly. Not all<br />

of the bills sponsored by the Protective<br />

Association were passed. And some bills<br />

passed which the Association did not<br />

support. But as Association President<br />

Sgt. AI Apa said:<br />

"The programs which have been<br />

passed and signed by the Governor will<br />

correct most, if not all, of the<br />

deficiencies of the Pension Fund."<br />

SENATE BILL 818. This, undoubtedly,<br />

was one of the most important bills<br />

passed as far as the pension fund is<br />

concerned. S.B. 818 is the new ,<br />

financing bill which changes the<br />

method of <strong>com</strong>puting the share the<br />

city pays in to the pension fund. In the<br />

past, the fund has received a set or<br />

pegged levy each year, regardless of<br />

policemen's salaries or number of men<br />

on the Force. The change, which<br />

started January I, 1970, stipulates that<br />

for each dollar a policeman contributes<br />

to the fund, the city must contribute<br />

$1.40. The city's contribution is<br />

graduated, so that in 1972, the city will<br />

be contributing a top of two dollars for<br />

each dollar contributed by policemen.<br />

Thus, the city is now contributing on a<br />

dollar for dollar basis on a graduated<br />

scale, instead of paying in the set<br />

amount at the end of each year.<br />

SENATE BILL 192. This bill, known as<br />

the Compensation Act, is another<br />

extremely important one. It provides a<br />

death benefit paid by the state to any<br />

policeman or firefighter in Illinois who<br />

is killed in the line of duty. The money<br />

is awarded and administered by the<br />

Illinois Attorney General. It is<br />

important to note that, to be an eligible,<br />

a policeman must fill out and return a<br />

beneficiary form available at the Attorney<br />

New Laws That Affect You<br />

Pension Bills<br />

SENATE BILL 888. This bill permits<br />

sworn members in exempt rank to pay<br />

into the pension fund according to their<br />

actual, instead of civil service, salary.<br />

Retirement credit is based on the five<br />

highest consecutive years in the last<br />

ten years of actual salary. However, no<br />

policeman assigned to an exempt<br />

position within three years of retirement<br />

can pay into the pension on actual<br />

salary.<br />

Men in all ranks benefit from this bill.<br />

At present, there are approximately<br />

1200 patrolmen working in the exempt<br />

rank of detective, 300 working as youth<br />

officers, and 250 working as dispatchers.<br />

There are also sergeants working as<br />

technicians, and lieutenants in such<br />

positions as deputy chief, coordinator<br />

and director.<br />

SENATE BILL 596. This suspends a<br />

widow's annuity if she marries after<br />

age 60, but reinstates the annuity if<br />

the marriage is ended by death or<br />

divorce.<br />

SENATE BILL 597. This bill forbids<br />

payment of pension to anyone<br />

convicted of a felony while he is<br />

receiving disability payments.<br />

SENATE BILL 598. This provides a<br />

widow's annuity refund to the<br />

policeman who is married before 57<br />

but whose wife dies while he is in<br />

service. The money is refunded when<br />

the man retires.<br />

SENATE BILL 994. This provides for a<br />

1112 per cent pension increase at age 60,<br />

with annual increases of 1112 per cent<br />

to a total of 30 per cent over a 20 year<br />

period. In the past, a retiree had to<br />

wait until age 63 to begin his annuity<br />

increase.<br />

SENATE BILL 1720. The basic annuity<br />

increase bill was first passed in<br />

September,1967. Senate Bill 1720<br />

General's office. therefore provides a 1112 per cent<br />

annuity increase at age 65 for those<br />

policemen who retired before September<br />

1967 with at least 20 years of service<br />

at age 55. A total of 3000 <strong>Chicago</strong><br />

retirees are now eligible for an annuity<br />

increase for the first time.<br />

SENATE BILL 2324. This bill changes<br />

the date of fixation of widows'annuities<br />

from age 57 to age 63. Thus, policemen<br />

will continue to pay widow's annuity for<br />

a longer time and therefore build up the<br />

widows'annuity at collection time.<br />

SENATE BILL 1125. This bill increases<br />

the child's (under 18) annuity from $40<br />

to $60 a month while a widow or<br />

widower survives and from $60 to $90<br />

if the child is orphaned.<br />

HOUSE BILL 2637. This bill provides<br />

that prior to any investigation, the<br />

results of which may be the basis for<br />

charges seeking the discharge of a police<br />

officer, the officer must be advised in<br />

writing of the improper or illegal act he<br />

has allegedly <strong>com</strong>mitted, be advised<br />

that his admissions in the hearing may<br />

be a basis for charges against him,<br />

have the right to an attorney, and have<br />

all investigation recorded and a copy<br />

made available to him at no cost<br />

without delay.<br />

HOUSE BILL 1375. This bill prohibits<br />

skipping over the top candidate on a<br />

promotional list more than once, and<br />

the number two candidate more than<br />

twice.<br />

HOUSE BILL 1376. This bill requires<br />

that all vacancies be filled before a<br />

promotional list is taken down.<br />

HOUSE BILL 1377. This bill requires<br />

that a promotional list be posted within<br />

60 days after the date on which the<br />

exam was given.<br />

*<br />


ews news<br />


Po lice Superintendent James B. Con·<br />

lisk, Jr., (left) and Mayor Richard J.<br />

Daley (right) help She ri Sprung, Von<br />

Steuben High School student, place new<br />

traffic slogan on the back of the Police<br />

Department three·wheel motorcycles to<br />

alert the public on traffic safety. Shert<br />

is the winner of the traffic safety slo·<br />

gan used on the poster.<br />

Three Officers Attend Program<br />

Pictured are three policemen who par·<br />

ticipated in a program, administered by<br />

Northern Illinois University, geared to<br />

learning more about Puerto Rican cui ·<br />

ture. At left is Cmdr. Harold Miles, 7th<br />

(Englewood) Dist., Sgt. Donald Berga·<br />

min, Training Division, and Chief of Pa·<br />

trol, John T. Kelly, fou rth from the ri ght.<br />

The three men are pictured with Puerto<br />

Rican Police Superintendent Luis Torres<br />

Massa and his Community Relations Di·<br />

rector, Capt. Luis E. Vasquez. The po·<br />

licemen returned Nov. 22 after 18 days<br />

in San Juan and outlying rural districts<br />

learning about aspects of Puerto Rican<br />

history. " We left there with a better un·<br />

derstanding of our fellow American citi·<br />

zens," said Cmdr. Miles.<br />

a<br />

news news<br />


Did you know that winter with its<br />

trappings-ice and snow-is not the<br />

only area of concern regarding skid·<br />

ding? The Automotive Maintenance Di·<br />

vision pointed out. that a cautious driver<br />

should beware of highway surfaces fol·<br />

lowing a light rain or drizzle, particularly<br />

after a long dry spell, because a thin<br />

greasy film forms. And the Division<br />

pointed out that other pitfalls for skids<br />

are loose gravel, sand , leaves and wet<br />

mUd.<br />

An added note was that ice is twice<br />

as slippery when the temperature level<br />

is freezing (32°) than it is at zero. To<br />

assure safe driving under poor condi·<br />

tions, it is re<strong>com</strong>mended that a car be<br />

equipped with snow tires, preferrably<br />

with studs which are twice as effective<br />

for traction, or chains, which are four<br />

to six t imes as effective; the driver<br />

should also redu ce his speed; keep his<br />

tires properly inflated and don't tailgate.<br />

If you do skid, turn the wheels in<br />

the direction of the skid and pump the<br />

bfakes gently. Above all, don't panic.<br />

In Puerto Rico<br />

Dr. Carroll Receives Award<br />

The <strong>Chicago</strong> Police Captains Associa·<br />

tion recently presented its Distinguished<br />

Service Award to Dr. James P. Carroll,<br />

Chief Surgeon of the Police Department.<br />

The award recognizes outstanding dedi·<br />

cation and devotion to the Department<br />

and its members. Dr. Carroll, who has<br />

been with the Department since 1963,<br />

received the award from Supt. James<br />

Conlisk, Jr. at the Association's annual<br />

Theatre Dinner Party I Nov. 9 , at the<br />

Martinique Restaurant.<br />

Dr. Carroll is a graduate of the Uni·<br />

versity of Notre Dame and the Stritch<br />

School of Medicine at Loyola Univer·<br />

sity. He recently became an Assistant<br />

Clinical Professor at Stritch. Dr. Car·<br />

roll became Chief Surgeon of the De ·<br />

partment in 1963.<br />

Past recipients of the award are:<br />

Fred I nbau, professor of Law at North·<br />

western University, 1966; Thomas Mu l·<br />

roy, attorney, 1967; and Ralph Scheu,<br />

founder of The Hundred Club of Cook<br />

County, 1968.<br />

Here's another old·time photo for you . Check and see if you recognize anyone<br />

here. It was sent in by retired Ofcr. Edward O'Leary who says the cl ass was sworn<br />

in on Nov. 25, 1941. He knows the whereabouts of only a few of the officers in the<br />

picture. For starters, we have two tentative identifications: Front row, fifth from left,<br />

Det. James Cooley, DDA#2; back row, fifth from ri ght, Det. James Millaney, Patrol<br />



2ND DISTRICT: Our District was saddened<br />

by the death of Ptlmn. John<br />

Gilhooly who was killed in a shoot out<br />

Nov_ 14th_ We extend ou r condolences<br />

to his family_ Also to the family of Sgt.<br />

Sylvester Rollins, who died at home on<br />

9 Dec.... Congratulations to Sgt. Ed<br />

Brooks our Community Service Sgt., who<br />

received a trophy for superior public<br />

service. Incidently, Sgt. Brooks, ptlmn_<br />

W. Glass, S. Gilton. M. Chrismon, Dan<br />

Cambric and Cadet Taylor chaperoned 19<br />

youths to Dunbar High School for a<br />

talent show given by Youth Action. They<br />

also took 60 kids to Soldier Field, to see<br />

the Catholic vs. Public School football<br />

game. They give thanks to Cmdr. Robert<br />

M. Harness for purchasing all tickets<br />

. . . Hats off to Tactical Unit Sgt. W.<br />

Crigler, T. Mills and Ron Davis, who received<br />

Honorable Mentiol1s. They observed<br />

two men standing in the shadows.<br />

Upon making an investigation, the two<br />

men threw down a sawed off shot gun.<br />

An arrest and search revealed a .25 cal.<br />

loaded automatic pistol. Eye witnesses<br />

then came upon the scene and identified<br />

them as being the men who had just<br />

robbed them ... Cmdr. Harness praised<br />

the men in the 2nd Dist. for being<br />

awarded 118 Honorable Mentions in the<br />

last month. For the entire year of 1969<br />

eleven hundred and fifty Honorable<br />

Mentions were awarded to the 2nd Dist.<br />

.. _ Condolences on deaths in the family<br />

to: Alphonso Howard, Dan Teta, George<br />

Williams, and Godfrey Jones . . . Best<br />

wishes to Ken Josephs, who recently<br />

selected a charming bride ... Bill Gordon<br />

vacationed in Nassau. He visited<br />

their Police Dept., and observed much<br />

discipline. Among the people he noticed<br />

a peaceful atmosphere, relating that the<br />

police do not carry guns. 002 reporting.<br />

-Ptlmn. Louis Shelley<br />

3RD DISTRICT: Our 1969 Annual Fiesta<br />

exploded with another series of happy<br />

moments. We were honored with distinguished<br />

speakers, Supt. J. Conlisk, Chief<br />

J. Kelly, Dep. Chief J. Riordan, W. Parker<br />

and 7th Wd. Rep. Ald. N. Bolling. Our<br />

invited guests were 5th Dist. Cmdr. J.<br />

Cotter, 6th Dist. Cmdr. E. Sheehy, Lt.<br />

B. Gore from the Sheriff's Dept., two<br />

Rep_ from Sears & Roebuck and our<br />

own Ptlmn D. Miley and F. Terrille, now<br />

on extended medical leave with injuries<br />

incurred while on duty. Dist. Cmdr,<br />

William B. Griffin, who's always full of<br />

surprises for others, was the .recipient<br />

of a surprise when the personnel presented<br />

him with a plaque for "Outstanding<br />

Leadership" ... Our Dist. personnel<br />

and many outsiders spread a little sunshine<br />

and Xmas cheer on F. Rappaport's<br />

family with a cash gift of $772. Mrs.<br />

Rappaport and children were extremely<br />

grateful ... Condolences to Ptlmn. C.<br />

Smith on the death of his brother, J.<br />

Smith, 5th Dist.; and to the bereaved<br />

family of Ptlmn T. Williams . _ . Congratulations<br />

to Harold Matthews Jr., who<br />

celebrated his 2nd birthday. His mother,<br />

M. Matthews is one of our most reliable<br />

C.C.... Shirley and Sarah Riggins, our<br />

civilian clerk and two other lovely ladies,<br />

known as the "Soul Stations", are now<br />

spinning the vocal wheel which spells<br />

"S.U.C.C.E.S.S." . . . Our 2nd Area<br />

mixed Choral Group of 40 voices, under<br />

leadership of Ptlmn. F. Basile, sang season's<br />

greetings at City Hall, Civic Cntr.,<br />

Pol. Hdqtrs. and many other public areas<br />

... Congrats to B. Broughton, P. Foley<br />

for a fine job in apprehending 3 youths<br />

involved in stolen auto c.nd to Tactical<br />

Unit Car #369A on the recovery of 395<br />

stolen cars during 1969 . . . "Three<br />

Star Salute" goes to J. Doyle, J. O'Rourke<br />

and Sgt. A. Annerino for the apprehension<br />

of a murderer ... Don't forget our<br />

Retirement Party in February honoring<br />

Sgt. McKellop, Sgt. Hallisy & Ptlmn. P.<br />

Donahue _ .. Let's support our Dist. all<br />

Star B3sketball Team.<br />

-Ptlmn. Arthur Kimber<br />

4TH DISTRICT: Glad to see Tom Hayes<br />

and Paul Nealis up and about again ...<br />

Congratulations to Sgt. Rafferty on his<br />

very successful Thanksgiving Day basket<br />

drive. I'm sure many senior citizens<br />

were made very happy _ .. And what<br />

about ou r Ofcr. Cooley placing 3rd on the<br />

Dick's examination. We always told Sgt.<br />

Stevens Cooley wa90r on the ball _ .. You<br />

could tell Michael Kelly the Ill's stag was<br />

a big success by the faces at roll call<br />

the following morning. Bill Hardey's favorite<br />

Cadet wasn't himself for 3 days<br />

... Hey-Hey- 004's basketball team<br />

is on its way. Four wins and no loses.<br />

We are expecting a few trophies this<br />

year-so keep up the good work ...<br />

Cmdr. Nolan wishes all the men and their<br />

families a Happy New Year ... Please<br />

leave all news for publication in my<br />

mailbox.<br />

-Ptlmn. Robert Galloway<br />

6TH DISTRICT: Wel<strong>com</strong>e back to Capt.<br />

Satunas and U. Madsen, reoently back<br />

from a stay on the sick and injured list<br />

_ . . Some new items bought with the<br />

new raises are: Walsh, the time keeper,<br />

an extra set of fingers; T. Quinn, his<br />

own hospital bed; C. McDonald a hinge<br />

for his elbow; M. Melaniphy, a set of<br />

earplugs; J. Pfundstein, 10 more season<br />

tickets to the bear games; Callaghan &<br />

Heimann, another volume on the powers<br />

of ESP; S. Ryzanka, a pair of glasses to<br />

keep the bullies away; Brown & Turturillo<br />

invested in a partition; M. Schoenbein,<br />

another Lincoln Continental for his<br />

new garage; R. Niehoff 2,000 copies of<br />

December's Star; Cadet O'Donnell a one<br />

way ticket to Canada; Cadet Atkinson a<br />

road map of Canada and Cadet Willis<br />

10,000 copies of the new draft list ...<br />

A special congratulation to D. Johnson<br />

on the birth of Shirley Dishonn, a bouncing<br />

beauty ... R. McPencow a heroic<br />

capture of a robbery suspect in a shootout<br />

... The annual Xmas party at the<br />

Beverly Woods was a great success ...<br />

Our football moderator, Bronko Rourke<br />

received a bowl bid. It was from Howard,<br />

our Maintenance Chief. Our co-captains<br />

are considering the offer. _ . The furlough<br />

was great. Hawaii and Japan are<br />

beautiful but Blue Island was my first<br />

choice.<br />

-Ptlmn. R. Angone<br />

7TH DISTRICT: Condolences to the families<br />

of Ptlmn. Gilhooly and Rappaport on<br />

their untimely deaths ... Condolences<br />

to the family of Ptlmn. Walter Leamon<br />

who recently passed away. Walt served<br />

in the Englewood Dist. for 28 years ...<br />

Congratulations to Ptlmn. Sadowski and<br />

his wife on their first arrival, Stephen<br />

Richard weighing in at 7 Ibs. 12 ozs.. _ .<br />

Also Ptlmn. J. Dalton's wife Maureen<br />

presented him a bouncy baby boy. The<br />

Daltons' second child, Tim, weighed 8<br />

Ibs. 13 ozs... _ Also adding to their list<br />

of tax exemptions Ptlmn. D. Wayne and<br />

his wife Karen announced their new arrival,<br />

a little girl weighing in at 8 Ibs.<br />

5 ozs .... Good luck to Lt. Jim Kelly on<br />

his new assignment at the 10th Dist.<br />

Members of Capt. Gastel's watch will<br />

long remember Jim Kelly as a fine boss<br />

... Also good luck to Ptlmn. J. Bronky,<br />

R. Nevells, and T. Eckstrom going to<br />

T.F.A. #4 D.S_ ... Good luck to Ptlmn.<br />

H. Farmer's son, Michael, who is stationed<br />

in Viet Nam. May his parents<br />

prayers be answered for his safe return<br />

home.<br />

-Ptlmn. John Ciszek<br />

8TH DISTRICT: Wel<strong>com</strong>e aboard to Capt.<br />

J. Ridges, Lt. J. Ryan, Ptlmn. N. Phillips<br />

. . . Top Bowling teams: 1st. place<br />

"Novak's Tap", 2nd, Axtec lounge ...<br />

Cmdr. O'Connell thanks all members for<br />

a job well done. Crime did go up during<br />

'69 due primarily to the many special<br />

details, especially our Tac Units. The<br />

Cmdr. said we will have a decrease for<br />

1970. Let's all do our part and pull together<br />

like one big team ... Congratulations<br />

and happiness always to Mr. &<br />

Mrs. Edward Leppa, Jr. (formerly Arlene<br />

Lipinski) on their recent marriage. He is<br />

son of Sgt. Ed Leppa, Sr. (Area # 3, G/ A)<br />

and Ann Leppa our genial Steno & Citation<br />

clerk here at "8" . _ _ Capt. R.<br />

McCurrie did a splendid job as acting<br />

Cmdr. while Cmdr. O'Connell was on furlough<br />

... Relative to the oldest retired<br />

police officer, we here at "8" believe<br />

John Goles' dad is the oldest retired policeman<br />

in the U.S.A. as we stated in our<br />

June issue. John is <strong>com</strong>ing up with a<br />

few photos we hope to forward to Star<br />

Mag. for a future issue_ (Come to think<br />

of it John has been around here for a<br />

long time too_) His dad will be 96 yrs.<br />

old <strong>com</strong>e next May. Hope John is around<br />

when he's that old enjoying his pension,<br />

as well as myself and "all you Guys".<br />

-Ptlmn. Vince O'Grady<br />

10TH DISTRICT: Salutes to James Raspberry<br />

for his fine arrest of two stick-up<br />

men while off duty_ Would you believe<br />


he was the victim? ... We are glad to<br />

have James Marren back from his short<br />

stay at traffic . .. A hearty wel<strong>com</strong>e to<br />

It. James Kelly .. . We will miss Sgt.<br />

Edward Devereux who retired as of 1<br />

Dec.... Congratulations to proud new<br />

parents: R. Bayron and his wife, Frances,<br />

on the birth of a son; and to Curtis Jones<br />

and Janice on the birth of their daughter.<br />

Also good luck in their new home . . .<br />

John Karlik celebrated his 10th Wedding<br />

Anniversary. Would you believe he and<br />

Bernadine never had a fight? ... 2nd<br />

Watch personnel are f iling a petition to<br />

enjoin Lt. Devitt from <strong>com</strong>ing into the<br />

district on his days off and checking on<br />

their activities . . . What's this about<br />

Cadet Murphy telling his girlfriend he is<br />

the District Cmdr. of 10? ... Secretary<br />

Walt Pawlowski lost another tax exemption<br />

(the 3rd). His son Daniel recently<br />

married.<br />

-'-Ptlmn. Joseph Wagner<br />

12TH DISTRICT: The 12th District basketball<br />

team appears to be on its way<br />

to another successful season. The team<br />

has already <strong>com</strong>piled a 3-0 record by<br />

dumping the 18th and 21st Districts<br />

along with the C.T.A. Detail Section. This<br />

year the team is led by Big Jim Johnson,<br />

Ivan Jefferson, AI Rowe, Charles Sias,<br />

Gene Greenwood and Jerry Rusnak ...<br />

Congratulations to Richard Williams, son<br />

of crossing guard Mrs. Wi,JIie Ruth . Richard<br />

received his Masters Degree from<br />

<strong>Chicago</strong> State College in Dec .... Cadet<br />

Rich Putyrski was one of those lucky<br />

ones in the recent Draft lottery. His<br />

birthday was picked sixth . . . Wel<strong>com</strong>e<br />

back to Lt. Coburn who recently returned<br />

from a two week "mercy mission" at<br />

the 13th District . . . Ken Fowler is<br />

smiling now that he has been returned<br />

to full duty .. . Sgt. Crawford is boasting<br />

that he bagged 8 pheasants on his<br />

recent hunting trip to southern III. Surprising,<br />

how well he does everything ...<br />

Honorable Mentions for Ptlmn. Gian·<br />

noni, Carolan, Estey and Flores.<br />

-Ptlmn. Vince Gavin<br />

15TH DISTRICT: This reporter apologizes<br />

for the late news, but I was on my furlough<br />

and the news wasn't sent in the<br />

last period ... Ofcr. Ray Behnke & his<br />

wife are the proud parents of a new<br />

baby girl ... Capt. Edward Russell has<br />

a new 8 lb. 2 oz. grandson & Sgt. Mahn·<br />

ke's daughter Pat Blassick presented him<br />

with a new 4 lb. 15 oz. grandson . . .<br />

In the hospital recuperating are Ptlmn.<br />

John C. Finnegan & Arthur Aznavoorian.<br />

Also Cadet Dave Holder Jr. was released<br />

from the hospital after undergoing surgery.<br />

(They really let him go home because<br />

he eats too much) .. . Cadet Jim<br />

Anhalt shot a nice buck while hunting<br />

in Wisconsin ... Ptlmn. Jack Killenberg<br />

& AI Salerno will be in sunny Mexico<br />

with their families during their December<br />

fu rlough . . . Sgt. John Allegretti<br />

& Tactical Unit men John Kozaritz & B.<br />

Crimins were put in for a Department<br />

Commendation for the apprehension of<br />

some armed robbers . . . Good news is<br />

that Ptlmn. Sam Greco who was ser·<br />

iously wounded in a gun fight, is now<br />

home recuperating . . . Ptlmn. Rich<br />

Petr is back after being detailed to the<br />

Training Division . Wel<strong>com</strong>e to the new<br />

10<br />

arrivals: Ptlmn. Tim O'Meare, Ken Quinn,<br />

Wm. Nass, Joe Trizinski & Dom Palm·<br />

isano.<br />

-Sgt. Arthur Ferando<br />

16TH DISTRICT: Our sympathy to Cadet<br />

Paul Venticinque on the loss of his<br />

mother and grandmother ... Congratulations<br />

to Ron Springer who entered the<br />

matrimonial circle. What took you so<br />

long? ... Honorable Mentions: Pat Mc­<br />

Enroe, Ed Madden, Joe Gagliano, Larry<br />

Schreiner, John Wotring, Ron Caprio,<br />

Ken Nagorsen, Russ Marringer, Vern<br />

lamb, Joe Burwitz, Robert Meyer, Charlie<br />

Cerese & Pat Chambe.rs . .. Charlie<br />

Cerese, of the "Nose Patrol", has been<br />

on the job over ten years and hasn't<br />

found a stolen car during that time.<br />

His son Charlie and his friend Mark<br />

came into the station when we had<br />

"Open House", took a Daily Bulletin and<br />

on their way home, started checking all<br />

the cars against the list of cars reported<br />

stolen. Would you believe that they located<br />

one 4 houses from where they<br />

live? . .. Now a few words about the<br />

"Elite Corp" from O'Hare Field. Ed<br />

Bourke is the proud father again. His<br />

lovely wife presented him with a baby<br />

girl, Eileen Margarete ... Their softball<br />

team finished 2nd in the O'Hare<br />

Field Softball league. The men also<br />

entered two teams in the III. Police<br />

Tollway Pistol Match and took 1st place<br />

in the Tyro Class and 7th place in the<br />

Marksman Class. Team members were<br />

Ed & Otis Fleming, John Zdziarski, Harry<br />

Obermeier, Roy Ott, Charlie Perce, Rich<br />

Callender and Sgt. larry Ciessau . . .<br />

Frank Kantak won the 1st place individual<br />

trophy in the Marksman class in<br />

the IPA Turkey Shoot.<br />

-Ptlmn. louis Bruzzini<br />

17TH DISTRICT: Our sympathy is extended<br />

to Ptlmn. Peter and Robert Papeck<br />

on the loss of their mother just<br />

prior to the Christmas holidays . .. A<br />

speedy recovery to Lt. Charles lynch,<br />

Sgt. Tom Fergus, Ptlmn. Carl Enwell,<br />

John Nikopoulas, Tom Johnson, Art<br />

Becker and Joe McDermott. We need<br />

you all back on the job fellows so hurry<br />

and get well . . . Cmdr. Hayes flew to<br />

Denver to witness his son's marriage<br />

.. . Cadet Frank Nardi took his vacation<br />

during the Christmas holidays and went<br />

skiing in Wisconsin .. . Ptlmn. Alan<br />

Gottfried joined the club and got married<br />

on Christmas Eve. According to him<br />

it's a pretty good institution. We are<br />

going to check on his reaction next year<br />

... The 5th Area Crossing Guards hosted<br />

a Christmas dinner at the Diplomat with<br />

District Commanders as their guests . .<br />

Sgt. Bob lane's Community Service Unit<br />

sponsored a Christmas party for children<br />

of the Uhlich and lydia Homes and children<br />

from the Vision Foundation for<br />

Blind Youth.<br />

-Marge Happs<br />

18TH DISTRICT: Congratulations to Ray<br />

Isaac and Elaine on the birth of Christopher<br />

James at 7 Ibs. born Nov. 15.<br />

What? Another "OU 0" player? ... Fou r<br />

Feathers Bruce Powell shot a 250 lb.<br />

black bear on his latest expedition and<br />

is having it mounted for his den ...<br />

Our basketball team got off to a rough<br />

start and they are keeping the score a<br />

big secret . .. Sgt. Jim Clark is now in<br />

the process of making some very big<br />

trades for next season's baseball te!'lm<br />

. . . Now that Vernis Jones is in the<br />

district and getting acquainted I hear<br />

th'lt larry (long Acres) Clark is getting<br />

a little worried about losing his title as<br />

the most eligible bachelor ... Sgt. Bruce<br />

Powell and Kitty recenly added to the<br />

family with the birth of Christine Marie<br />

at 7 Ibs. 1 oz .. their 2nd girl. That makes<br />

3 in the family . . . Bernie Shuman tells<br />

m e that Bobby Flatow had to tu rn down<br />

two marriage proposals during the<br />

Thanksgiving Holidays ... Sgt. Peters<br />

again missed the pleasure of Sgt. Ed<br />

Wright and Ptlmn. Ed. leonard on the<br />

golf tour to Biloxi during the holidays.<br />

All the other golfers are studying the<br />

golf tips du rin g this slack season . ..<br />


-Ptlmn. John Daciolas<br />

19TH DISTRICT: The 19th District wei ·<br />

<strong>com</strong>es Roberts, McHugh and Gartner ...<br />

We need help in getting a basketball<br />

team started. All those interested contact<br />

Ptlmn. Pat Koertgen . . . Congrats Girmaldi<br />

and (Crash) Koehler for their Dept.<br />

Commendations, Tansey on be<strong>com</strong>ing a<br />

grandfather and to Sgt. Sweeney on<br />

being one of the selected few by the<br />

Air Force to deliver a plane to French<br />

Africa . . . Honorable Mentions: Granthan,<br />

Markovitch, Haisch, Reed, M. Mil·<br />

ler, Q. (Omar Shariff) Muntaner, who will<br />

also receive the J.C. Award; also Honor·<br />

able mentions to D. Herman, Riley,<br />

Mooney, Garrido, Farmer, Naughton, Ma·<br />

lecke, O'Reilly, Garcia, Vetrano, and L.<br />

Milz . . . Congrats to Cadet One Ton<br />

Meyer who has taken over the desk from<br />

Doc. McDermott who is in semi-retirement<br />

. .. Condolences to Ptlmn. New·<br />

man on the death of his daughter who<br />

was five years old.<br />

-Ptlmn. Paul Koburi<br />

20TH DISTRICT: Sgt. leroy levy and<br />

Ptlmn. Seymour Weinstein attended the<br />

Nat'l Convention of the Schomrim So·<br />

ciety in New York. Ptlmn. Weinstein was<br />

re-elected President. Sgt. Levy was elect·<br />

ed 1st Vice President. Ptlmn. Michael<br />

Chasin was elected trustee . . . Steve<br />

Carynski gave the crossing guards a<br />

Christmas Party and breakfast at Grass·<br />

fields on Ridge . .. Former ass't sec·<br />

retary Ray Isaac was blessed with a<br />

baby boy ... Ptlmn. Centranowicz and<br />

wife were also blessed with a 7 lb. girl<br />

.. . Deepest sympathy to Sh irley Washington<br />

on the passing of her grand·<br />

mother . . . louis Ortale left for a six<br />

month tour in our Nat'l Guard and on<br />

his return will probably attend Police<br />

School . .. Again this year, members<br />

gave the annual Christmas Party for the<br />

members of the Uptown Community.<br />

Toys, food, and other needy items were<br />

passed out. The party was a huge suc·<br />

cess! . . . Cmdr. James J. Connolly<br />

would like to inform all members that<br />

he is proud of their performance in the<br />

past year and hopes that all will con ·<br />

tinue their efforts to promote good will

and understanding in the <strong>com</strong>munity for<br />

1970.<br />

-Ptlmn. Dennis Salemi<br />

21ST DISTRICT: Get we" wishes to<br />

Ptlmn. J. Pearson, just home from the<br />

hospital and doing just fine, and Ptlmn.<br />

J. Tu"os who broke his trigger finger<br />

and also to everyone's favorite Ptlmn.<br />

Bob LaVinge ... Wel<strong>com</strong>e aboard to Mrs.<br />

Gloria Nails our new secretary on the<br />

third watch, who brightens the station<br />

with her lovely smile ... Sgt. Nowakis<br />

back from the Training Division . . .<br />

Ptlmn. J. Brooks is in Spain, believe it<br />

or not ... We salute the men of the<br />

Honor Ro", Ptlmn. J. Laskey, P. Connally,<br />

F. Pace, C. Anderson, D. King, J.<br />

Thompson, J. Durkin, P. Jenites, R. Henderson,<br />

A. Scalise, E. Denson, G. Burian,<br />

E. Keen, R. Malkowski, T. O'Connor, J.<br />

Glynn, S. Cardinale, M. Chlopek, A. Sabbia,<br />

J. Kennedy who by the way showed<br />

very high on the Dick's list. These men<br />

are doing a fine job. We" done, men,<br />

from Cmdr. C. Pepp . .. Ptlmn. J. Schaefer<br />

was another one of our own who<br />

wi" be a Dick soon .. . Have you seen<br />

our new Trouble Shooter wagon with<br />

Ptlmn. H. Shelton and Ptlmn_ W. Sims?<br />

They have no arguments on the street<br />

.. . With the addition of Ptlmn. M. Zee's<br />

car being stolen it makes things even,<br />

because now he is even with his partner<br />

Ptlmn. B_ Love who had his stolen during<br />

the early part of the year.<br />

-Ptlmn. Howard Patterson<br />

TRAFFIC HEADQUARTERS: I hope everyone<br />

in the Department had a joyous<br />

Christmas and may 1970 promise to be<br />

a year of peace, happiness and fulfi"ment<br />

for one and all . . . While the rest<br />

of us are walking in slush and snow,<br />

Marion Folland is relaxing on the beach<br />

and basking in that Florida sun _ . . At<br />

the other extreme, we have John Leonardi<br />

who plans to spend pa.rt of his furlo<br />

in Wisconsin engaging in winter sports<br />

· .. Charlie Smith (Safety Ed) has just<br />

returned from Meadowdale where he<br />

<strong>com</strong>pleted a course in Pursuit Driving<br />

· . . We understand that Lt. Logan has<br />

been hospitalized and we wish him well<br />

· .. Also hospitalized is Ted Baum (Radar)<br />

and we hope he is back to work<br />

soon . .. Sgt. Skalski's daughter, Deborah,<br />

is presently away at school. She<br />

attends Bradley University in Peoria and<br />

according to dad, she loves it ... Best<br />

wishes to Capt_ Rowder upon his retirement<br />

. .. Capt. Hopp is a two-time loser.<br />

First the Cubs, and now the Bears . . .<br />

Congratulations to Ptlmn. Rizzi and Panepinto<br />

(Vehicle) for receiving two honorable<br />

mentions for outstanding police<br />

work.<br />

-Sharon Halper<br />

TRAFFIC AREA # 1: The entire unit was<br />

deeply saddened by the news that Ptlmn.<br />

Wesbrooks' son was killed in action in<br />

Vietnam_ On behalf of all, I would like<br />

to extend our sincere sympathy to Wes<br />

and his family .. . My sources revealed<br />

to me that our new C.O., R.H.H. owes it<br />

all to J.T. Althouse ... Fred Drew's new<br />

assistant, Mrs. Dillon is an ac<strong>com</strong>plished<br />

entertainer, having performed with a<br />

Marimba band in various South Side<br />

establishments ... Congrats to Mr. &<br />

Mrs. Ed Devine on the bi rth of a son;<br />

Ed is thinking of naming him Elmer . ..<br />

Two recent weddings added sons-in-law<br />

to the Jim Andrasco and Jim Lettner<br />

families ... The Training Division reo<br />

turned our two O.I.'s, Kevin Ransford<br />

and Big Bad Dick Alberts ... Bob Allen<br />

was displaying pictures of his Thanks·<br />

giving orgy. He .had shots of the bird<br />

before and after and of Mrs. Allen be·<br />

fore and after (martinis). I think the<br />

bird won ... The contest to determine<br />

who is Houdini is nearing the finals, the<br />

winner will be named Barn Boss for<br />

1970 . .. Bill Jones struck out in his<br />

attempts to field a basketball team. It<br />

seems the only thing athletic about the<br />

men of TA# 1 is their feet ...<br />

-Ptlmn. Charlie Jenkins<br />

DETECTIVE AREA # 1: Congratulations<br />

to Michael Griegel (Hom.) and Norbert<br />

Listowski (Robb.). Both became fathers<br />

.. . Condolences to Sgt. Bruce Jaffray<br />

(Hom.), Ralph McGrath (Burg) and Sgt.<br />

Harry Blackburn (Burg) in the passing<br />

of loved ones . . . Good luck to John<br />

Deneen (Hom) upon his retirement . . .<br />

Andy O'Connor (GA) states his son is<br />

winning the war in Viet Nam .. . Cadet<br />

Mike Spangelo (GA) is number nine in<br />

draft status .. . Dick Jablonski (Robb)<br />

shot a 250 lb. 9 point deer in Iron<br />

Mountain, Mich.. .. John Donohue is<br />

on cloud nine since his son won a<br />

scholarship to West Point ... Ken Rose<br />

(AT) is extra proud since his bowling<br />

team advanced to first place . . . Pat<br />

Liskovec (Burg) is going to Las Vegas<br />

on furlough to win some money . . . Albert<br />

Heard & Jo Ann Mitchell (AT) were<br />

the best dancers on the floor at Lou<br />

Green's Retirement Party ... Hats off<br />

to Charles Wright (Burg) for the off-duty<br />

arrest at the hockey game. Charlie apprehended<br />

an armed felon in the act of<br />

a robbery and defended another policeman<br />

who had already been shot by the<br />

offender.<br />

-Det. William McWhinney<br />

DETECTIVE AREA #2: Congratulations to<br />

Steve Pavlekovich of G/A. In the month<br />

of November he had an Exhibit at the<br />

<strong>Chicago</strong> Public Library on boating &<br />

Yachting Models, Marlinspike Seamanship<br />

& Aids to Navigation . . . Congrat·<br />

ulations on a fine job done by Lt. Ed<br />

Walliser, Sgts. McHugh, Bernth, Dooley,<br />

Dets. Griffin, Healy, Robinson, Dawson<br />

& Edenfield, Deluca & Orr, Cardoni,<br />

Broderson, Chorley, with the speedy apprehension<br />

of the offenders in a roof<br />

burglary and safe peel ... Dets. Mike<br />

Golden & Chet Marczak did a fine job<br />

with the arrest of 4 subjects and the<br />

recovery of $10,000 . . . Robbery had a<br />

unit Christmas get together. Thanks to<br />

the <strong>com</strong>mittee for the fine arrangements<br />

... A.T.-What Det. was seen haggling<br />

at the Flea Market? ... Det. Geo. Patton<br />

did a fine job as the F.O.P. Rep. in<br />

Louisvi"e ... Det. Ron Harris has the<br />

wanderlust look again . . . Det. AI Kustra's<br />

son is about to be<strong>com</strong>e a golf Pro<br />

(Anyone for lessons?) . . . Area # 3<br />

wel<strong>com</strong>es back Lt. Smith from the med.<br />

roll ... Det. Wally Zie is going to have<br />

2 additions to his household: a new<br />

baby & a new room. Wally has been<br />

wearing some real loud shirts lately.<br />

Has anyone noticed? . .. Polwmn. Mary<br />

King's daughter is about to tie the knot<br />

. .. Deepest sympathy to Sgt. Griffith<br />

on the recent loss of his mother ...<br />

Our office sec'y Mrs_ Helen Conway is<br />

looking forward to the summertime this<br />

year. She and Mr. Conway have a little<br />

cottage up in the country and can't<br />

wait ...<br />

-Det. Gene Ivana<br />

DETECTIVE AREA #4: Autos-If you're<br />

wondering why Frank Nied is smiling<br />

these days, it's because his son-in-law,<br />

Robt. Heisey, was promoted to Lt. in the<br />

Oak Pk. Fire Dept . ... Det. Joe Nalepa<br />

just returned from a fishing trip in Minn.<br />

He's not saying how many fish he<br />

caught, but we understand that the<br />

Game Warden is looking for him . . .<br />

Congratulations to Lt. McCann and his<br />

men who have won the Golden Cadillac<br />

for the second period in a row . .. Why<br />

are people calling Owen Bolger "Crash"?<br />

· .. GA: Wel<strong>com</strong>e back to Max Berkowsky,<br />

who successfully made it back from<br />

the 3rd Watch to the 2nd . . . Det. B.<br />

Husfield has just returned to snowy Chi ­<br />

cago from sunny Florida, where he and<br />

his wife spent Thanksgiving with Bob's<br />

brother, Willard, formerly of AT#4 ...<br />

Sgt. Scalia is very proud of his son,<br />

Chuck, who enlisted in the Marines for<br />

6 yrs. He left Nov. 29 for Paris Island<br />

· .. HIS: Wel<strong>com</strong>e back to Tom Shine<br />

who's back after 3 months on the Med.<br />

Roll. Tom broke his leg while playing<br />

baseball. While he was off, his wife,<br />

Josephine gave birth to a baby boy ...<br />

Robb: Congratulations for a job well done<br />

to Dets. Ke"y & Soltys. They made one<br />

arrest and cleared up several robberies<br />

· .. Farewe" to Robt. Miller who left the<br />

Police Dept. to move to Wisconsin.<br />

-Judi Wisnoski<br />

DETECTIVE AREA # 6: Detective Emil<br />

Demko, G/ A retired and was given a " bon<br />

voyage" party. I hear it was a pretty good<br />

party. We wish you lots of good luck<br />

Emil ... Bill Erickson and Len Muscolino,<br />

Robb. went to Minocqua, Wisconsin<br />

for a little deer hunting. They spent five<br />

days in the back woods pioneer style,<br />

got a little hungry, a little cold, a little<br />

tired, but no little 'deer'. Sorry fellows,<br />

better luck next time ... A happy New<br />

Year to personnel in Area 6 and the Department<br />

... My husband and I visited<br />

our daughter and five grandchildren in<br />

Sidney, Nebr. during the Christmas holidays.<br />

-Jeanette LaRue<br />

TASK FORCE AREA #4: Greetings and<br />

salutations to Lt_ D. Leahy who is now<br />

assigned to T.F.A.#4 ... We all wish<br />

to express our deepest sympathy on the<br />

sudden death of Sgt. Dreksler's mother<br />

· . . A good time was had by all at Capt.<br />

Mooney's promotional party . . . Congratulations<br />

to Sgt_ Thompson while<br />

attending a disturbance at Crane High<br />

School. He took a "crash" course in<br />

geography ... Good luck to all of those<br />

in the Walk and Talk Operations (Orthopedic<br />

Patrol) and to Lt. Pleines (Shoe<br />


fro the<br />

FIE D<br />

14<br />

Ptlmn. William Kouvelis<br />

XPERIENCE AS a broadcasting<br />

Eannouncer has certainly helped<br />

Ptlmn. William Kouvelis. He is Officer<br />

Friendly of the 15th District.<br />

"When I got out of the service in<br />

1946, I attended a training school in<br />

the Loop," he said. " The school<br />

offered courses in voice control, public<br />

speaking and broadcasting."<br />

Thus Ptlmn. Kouvelis has quite a<br />

unique and beneficial background for<br />

the Police Department. Police work was<br />

not his immediate job choice f9110wing<br />

his schooling, though.<br />

"I sang in nightclubs in the city for<br />

awhile," he said. "I had a job at the old<br />

Chez Paree where I sang in production<br />

numbers while the 'Chez Paree<br />

Adorables' danced. But the pay was bad<br />

-$45 a week and I really didn't like<br />

the work."<br />

Following his career in show business,<br />

Kouvelis became a salesman and took<br />

some sales technique courses.<br />

Finally, after a bit of prodding, he<br />

took the Civil Service exams and joined<br />

the Force in 1956 at the age of 30.<br />

"My first assignment was the old 41st<br />

District, Rogers Park" he said. "The<br />

guys in that District were terrific. There<br />

was great <strong>com</strong>radeship."<br />

He was there for a year and a half,<br />

then went to the Training Division in<br />

1957 "because I was an instructor in<br />

the service and I had a good speaking<br />

voice." At that time, the Training<br />

Division only operated for six months<br />

out of the year so Kouvelis spent the<br />

other half of the year at the 16th<br />

District (Jefferson Park).<br />

Kouvelis stayed in the 16th District<br />

until 1966, then transferred to the 14th<br />

District (Sha kespea re).<br />

"In April, 1967, I went to the 15th<br />

District (Austin) and was assigned to<br />

the Tactical Unit," he said.<br />

A<br />

NEW BRANCH of the Police<br />

Department was opened to him<br />

when he joined the Officer Friendly<br />

program in 1967. His experience in<br />

public speaking weighed heavily in his<br />

favor.<br />

"I guess I'm more enthusiastic about<br />

the Officer Friendly program than usual<br />

police work because of the potential<br />

good that can be ac<strong>com</strong>plished by<br />

visiting with all these kids," he said.<br />

He added that he may have had an<br />

advantage over many of the other<br />

policemen because he had experience<br />

in talking to groups.<br />

" But I was still nervous. Multiply ten<br />

times the feeling you get when you<br />

write your first ticket. That's how I felt<br />

the first time in front of all those first<br />

graders," Kouvelis explained.<br />

There is now a tremendous rapport<br />

between him and the youngsters with<br />

whom he talks. "Once they know you ,<br />

the kids open up," he said.<br />

" I' m really proud to be a part of the<br />

program, I hope we can help the kids as<br />

they get older," he continued. "It's<br />

important that children and adults<br />

understand the role of the policeman in<br />

order that they may aid him."<br />

And Kouvelis is sure that his efforts<br />

and those of the other Officer Friendlies

have not been for naught.<br />

"The teachers we have worked with<br />

have been particularly enthusiastic,"<br />

he said, "and, of course, so have the<br />

parents."<br />


K Thanasouras of the 15th District<br />

has also given the program a<br />

tremendous backing.<br />

"Cmdr. Thanasouras put an order in<br />

the CO book that all the policemen are<br />

Officer Friendlies. He wrote the order<br />

after he got a <strong>com</strong>plaint from a teacher<br />

that a policeman on a street corner had<br />

been gruff with a youngster who<br />

attempted to hold his hand as he<br />

crossed the street," Kouvelis related.<br />

"You have to understand that this<br />

program is a partnership. We are trying<br />

to make the beat policemen's job<br />

easier a nd they in tu rn have to exercise<br />

,judgment in de

Combing buildings for suspects in a<br />

crime is another duty of canine patrol.<br />

The dogs are also used to search areas<br />

for discarded evidence.<br />

16<br />

h Can n s c n Pi r<br />

With the entrance of 1970, the Canine<br />

Section of the Task Force begins its<br />

ninth year. The Canine Patrol was actio<br />

vated in July, 1961 after six patrolmen<br />

and their dogs participated in a training<br />

program sponsored by the St. Louis<br />

Metropolitan Police Department. We have<br />

some recent photos of the dogs and<br />

their "partners" at work and play and<br />

we thought you might be interested in<br />

them.<br />

Among the day's chores is patrolling the<br />

city's parks. This is Ptlmn. Jerriod Lewis<br />

on the job with Barney.<br />

The dogs live with their handlers and<br />

enjoy the pleasure of family life.<br />

Ptlmn. Sam Harris with his dog Brutus Brutus and his <strong>com</strong>rades are also gentle<br />

patrolling the lakefront.<br />

natured as these nurses learned.

BREWERS 13<br />

BEARS 0<br />

Police members of the Austin Bears Bre:<br />

second row. seventh from the left. Bob<br />

Kahn; last row. second and third from the<br />

left. Michael O'Sullivan and Maurice<br />

Dailey.<br />

A number of policemen who have<br />

football in their systems found them·<br />

selves playing on championship con·<br />

tender teams when the Clearing Brewers<br />

and the Austin Bears, amateur heavy·<br />

weight football teams, played for their<br />

league title recently. Only the members<br />

of the Clearing Brewers came away<br />

smiling, though.<br />

The Clearing Brewers went into the<br />

game with a 10·0 season and handed<br />

the Austin Bears, with a 7·2·1 season,<br />

a 13·0 defeat.<br />

Both teams are members of the Chi·<br />

cagoland Amateur Football League. The<br />

team players are either former high<br />

school, college, or semi·pro football play·<br />

ers, according to Bernard Cooney, mana·<br />

ger of the Austin Bears. And none of them<br />

expect anything more than fun and a<br />

chance to play-football.<br />

Ptlmn. Maurice Dailey of the Intelli·<br />

gence Division, plays defensive tackle<br />

for the Bears. He got the football bug<br />

while in the service.<br />

"Playing with the Bears is fun, more<br />

or less a hobby," says Dailey.<br />

Ptlmn. Edward Clancy of the 1st Dis·<br />

trict, who plays tight end for the champion<br />

Clearing Brewers, is in agreement<br />

with Dailey and adds that the Brewers<br />

are the "up and <strong>com</strong>ing Dallas Cow·<br />

But Wait Till Next Year<br />

boys." He concedes that the Bears are<br />

the equivalent of the Greenbay Packers.<br />

Clancy has reason to make such an<br />

observation because the south side<br />

Brewers held their opponents scoreless<br />

in their last ten games.<br />

"In all 11 games we scored 296<br />

points against our opponents' 14 points,"<br />

Clancy boasted.<br />

Ptlmn. Dennis McNamara of the 18th<br />

District played defensive end for the<br />

Bears for half the season.<br />

"The Bears were city champs of the<br />

Amateur league for seven years," says<br />

McNamara. "Something went wrong this<br />

year."<br />

Ptlmn. James Campbell, of the 8th<br />

District, began playing with the Clear·<br />

ing Brewers when they were only a<br />

sandlot team at Lawlor Park on the<br />

south side.<br />

"We organized the team into a club<br />

in 1966 and joined the Amateu r league<br />

a year later," said Campbell.<br />

Campbell, who plays offensive guard,<br />

said he's sorry to see the season end.<br />

"We really had a good time. It was<br />

great exercise. I think football is one<br />

of the greatest sports going."<br />

Bob Kahn, a recruit at the Training<br />

Academy, has been a Bear player since<br />

high sch,pol days at Austin High School.<br />

Pictured here are the Clearing Brewers.<br />

The policenwn lire ' second row. second<br />

from I:'!ft, Tom Thompson fifth, Jim<br />

Campbell: fourth rovi on the end. Tom<br />

Hutchinson: and fifth row . fifth and sixth<br />

from the left. Bud Clancv and Beall<br />

Walker.<br />

"I liked football while I was in high<br />

school and it's hard to get it out of<br />

your system, " he said. "The Bears give<br />

me a chance to continue playing."<br />

The recruit was an outside linebacker<br />

with the Bears.<br />

Each of the teams has its share of<br />

policemen and they all agree that the<br />

Brewers and the Bears provide great<br />

exercise and make for a trem.endous<br />

pastime.<br />

Some of the players are Beau Walker,<br />

of the 7th District, who plays fullback<br />

for the Brewers; Thomas Thompson, also<br />

of the 7th District and a member of<br />

the Brewers; Thomas Hutchinson, a po·<br />

lice recruit. with the Brewers; and Mi·<br />

chael O'Sullivan, middle linebacker for<br />

the Bears, who has made application<br />

to join the Department.<br />

Clancy had expressed disappointment<br />

at the end of the Sunday football games<br />

because they were helping him to lose<br />

weight, and besides, he noted, the post·<br />

game activities were always fun.<br />

But the Brewers and the Bears aren't<br />

ending their sports activity at the close<br />

of the football season. Basketball is yet<br />

to <strong>com</strong>e, there's baseball in the sum·<br />

mer, and the Brewers are trying to get<br />

up a hockey team.<br />

*<br />



Following a traffic violation, Ptlmn.<br />

Timothy Barry and Eugene Labiak of<br />

the 10th District, stopped an automobile<br />

which answered the description of a car<br />

used in a gas station robbery. When<br />

the officers approached the car they<br />

saw two revolvers on the front seat. A<br />

closer examination of the auto found<br />

the proceeds of the robbery. Police later<br />

learned that the auto was stolen.<br />

During a 15 day period<br />

Ptlmn. Kenneth Thelen and<br />

Albert Forte of the 21st<br />

District, were instrumental<br />

in the arrests of 22 per·<br />

sons involved in 15 sep'<br />

arate incidents. In addition<br />

to making the arrests<br />

which involved resisting,<br />

Thelen strong·armed robbery, dis·<br />

orderly conduct and unlawful use of<br />

weapons, the policemen recovered six<br />

guns.<br />

Ptlmn. Michael Wheeler<br />

of the 13th District recog·<br />

nized a man wanted for<br />

firing a shotgun into a<br />

tavern in the area. Wheeler<br />

cornered and shot the sus·<br />

pect in a gangway after the<br />

man drew a gun on the po·<br />

liceman. Wheeler arrested<br />

the man and took him to St. Mary's<br />

Hospital.<br />

Det. Elmer Brown and Robert McDonald<br />

of DDA 2 B pu rsued and curbed a<br />

vehicle that they suspected was occu·<br />

pied by three men who fatally wounded<br />

a man during a robbery. A search of<br />

their car revealed two revolvers which<br />

had been fired. The 3 were charged<br />

with murder and armed robbery.<br />

18<br />

Ptlmn. Darryl Collins and<br />

his partner of the 9th Dis·<br />

trict stopped to question a<br />

young man who was defac·<br />

ing the wall of a school<br />

building. When the police·<br />

men approached the young<br />

man, he repeatedly stabbed<br />

L.A.I.........-..;......_ Collins' partner. Collins, as·<br />

sisting his partner, fatally wounded the<br />

youth when he turned on Collins with<br />

the knife.<br />

Sgt. Joseph Norway and Ptlmn. Robert<br />

Malabarba, 7th District, during a nine·<br />

month period, were instrumental in calm·<br />

ing a racially tense area in the Englewood<br />

<strong>com</strong>munity. Working as liaisons, the of·<br />

ficers established a necessary rapport<br />

with the area residents. As a result, 12<br />

gang members were arrested.<br />

Ptlmn. Marshall Andrews,<br />

10th District, while off·duty,<br />

arrested a CTA robbery sus·<br />

pect after he was told that<br />

a robbery was in progress.<br />

Andrews made the arrest as<br />

the offender fled the bus. A<br />

woman who was injured<br />

during the robbery was<br />

taken to the hospital.<br />

Ptlmn. Nathan Gibson and Samuel<br />

Brewster, 21st District, noticed a young<br />

woman known to them in a car and min·<br />

utes later connected the car with a<br />

jewelry store robbery a day earlier. The<br />

officers then found her car in front of<br />

an apartment building on the south side<br />

and arrested the woman and three ac·<br />

<strong>com</strong>plices in the robbery.<br />

While off· duty, Ptlmn.<br />

John Paulson of the 10th<br />

District saw two men in a<br />

car who were acting rather<br />

suspiciously . Paulson<br />

stopped and questioned<br />

them. He found the car to<br />

be damaged and after a<br />

registration check, discov·<br />

ered the auto was stolen. Paulson also<br />

found a bottle containing a drug in the<br />

car.<br />

Ptlmn. Joseph Botica<br />

and Robert Palenik of the<br />

7th District heard gunshots<br />

and saw a man with are·<br />

volver leaving a grocery<br />

store. The two policemen<br />

stopped the man, drew<br />

their guns and several<br />

t imes ordered the suspect<br />

Palenik to drop his gun. After<br />

much hesitation the man followed the<br />

officers' order. He was later identified<br />

by the store owner as the offender in<br />

a robbery attempt.<br />

Ptlmn. Raymond Krakausky<br />

of the 21st District<br />

saw a woman jump into the<br />

lake and immediately went<br />

after her. The woman<br />

fought the policeman's ef·<br />

forts to save her, and went<br />

under water. Krakausky<br />

brought her to the surface<br />

and the shore where he successfully<br />

administered mouth to mouth resusci·<br />

tation.<br />

Det. William Thompson<br />

of DDA 5 R was assigned<br />

to investigate an armed<br />

robbery. Det. Thompson<br />

learned that the suspect<br />

frequented a specific area,<br />

he then toured the area<br />

while off·duty with the son<br />

___...loll'; of the robbery victim. One<br />

month after the robbery Det. Thompson<br />

saw the offender during his off·duty tour<br />

and arrested him. Police learned the<br />

man was wanted by the FBI for a Michi·<br />

gan bank robbery.<br />

With a search warrant naming a man<br />

for possession of narcotics, Vice Con·<br />

trol Division Narcotics Sgt. Charles Keegan,<br />

and Patrolmen Leonard Lawrence<br />

and Kenneth Burt searched an apart·<br />

ment and found a revolver and a $400<br />

check. An armed suspect entered the<br />

apartment and was arrested. The check

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