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Blood cells - Chicago Blood cells - Chicago
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ws news news news neV4 Traffic Men of the Month Pllmn. Michaels Officer Philip Michaels, "(raffic Area #6 Headquarters, has been named March "Traffic Man of the Month" by the Citizens Traffic Safety Board. Michaels was patrolling his assigned beat when he saw a Volkswagen go through a stop sign. He curbed the car to issue a citation. Michaels noticed the driver appeared to be unfamiliar with the car's operation, and then noticed there was no key in the ignition. The offi·cer ordered the driver out of the car and searched it. He found a fullyloaded .22 caliber revolver under the front seat and 38 .22 caliber magnum cartridges in the driver's pocket. Michaels found the ignition had been started with a small screwdriver. He contacted the Communications Center and learned the car had been stolen earlier. The offender admitted he stole the car and had attempted to steal three other cars earlier. He was charged with auto theft, three charges of attempted auto theft and for carrying a concealed weapon. 8 POSITION OPEN Police Chief, Lombard, III. 30,000 pop. Minimum five years in supervi$ory police work. Police administration schooling required. List education and special training courses. Salary: $10,000-$12,000. Apply to: Carlton W. Laird, Village Manager, Munidpal Building, 48 North Park Ave., Lombard, III. CHICAGO POLICE STAR Polico Period GROUP I 23 Jun 24·25·26·2· 7th 3·4·11·12· 20 Jul 19·20· Detectives Lawrence Fenlon and William Marley, Area # 1, Robbery, were named "Traffic Men of the Month" for November by the Citizens Traffic Safety Board. The detectives were waiting for a traffic light to change when they saw a grey car with two men in it, coming from the opposite direction, drive through the red light. The officers made a "U" turn and pursued the car to issue a traffic ticket. When the two men saw the police car in pursuit, they jumped out and fled on foot. Del. Fenlon Del. Marley Fenlon and Marley chased the men on foot, through yards and over fences. until they caught one of the men in a hallway. He told the officers he fled because the car he was driving was stolen. Upon further questioning, the man also confessed that a few days earlier, he and an accomplice had robbed two men after inviting them to his apartment, and during the robbery, one of the victims, who was bound and gagged, fell from the third story window of the apartment and suffered extensive injuries. The two then took a Cadillac belonging to one of their victims, drove it to New York and sold it to a garage owner. As a result of the detectives' alertness, two offenders responsible for two auto thefts and a vicious robbery were apprehended. CHICAGO POLICE - DAYS·OFF SCHEDULE GROUP II GROUP III GROUP IV GRO UP V 25·26·27·4· 27·28·5·6· 28·29·6·7· 29·30·7·8· 5· 12·13·20 13·14 14·15 15;.16·17 GROUP VI GROUP VII 23·30·)·8· 23·24 ·1·2· 9·10· 16·17· 3·9· 10·11 · 18 18·19 21 Jul 27 ·28·4·5· 21·28·29·5· 21·22·29·30· 22·23· 24 ·30· 23·24·25·1· 25·26·2·3· 26·27 ·3·4· 8th 12·13·14 6·7·13·14· 31·6·7·8· 31·1·8·9· 2· 9·10·17· 10·11 11·12 17 Aug 15 15·16 16 18 Aug 20· 21 ·22·29· 22·23·30·31· 23·24 ·31· 1· 17·24·25 ·1· 18·25·26·2· 9th 30·6·7·14 7·8 8·9 2·9·10·11 · 3·4·10·11 · 14 Sop. 12 Crime Study Begins in Chicago An intensive study of crime and law enforcement in Chicago will be made June through August by the Survey Research Center of the University of Michigan in cooperation with the Chicago Police Department. The project is being undertaken for the President's Commission on Law Enforcemen t and the Administration of Criminal Justice, under a grant from the Office of Law Enforcement Assistance of the Department of Justice. The purpose of the study is to provide more detailed information than any now available on the patterns of crime in major metropolitan areas. Chicago is one of the three major cities selected for the study; the others are Washington, D. C. and Boston. The principal director of the study is Dr. Albert J. Reiss, Jr., of the Center for Research on Social Organization, University of Michigan. The study will be concentrated in two areas of Chicago: the 11 th District and the 19th District. Several other closely related studies will also be made in these districts. A cross-section sample of 200 households will be drawn from each community, and a member of each household will be interviewed about his experiences with and attitudes toward crime. In addition, a sampling of 100 businesses or other organizations will also be made in each district and the owner or manager interviewed as to his experience w'ith crime in the community and its cost to his organization. Similar information will be gathered from the major public organizations such as schools, parks, the department of streets and major public utilities. 18·19·26·27· 19·20·21 ·27· 28·3·4·5· 28·29·5·6· 12·13 13·14

THE BLUE LIGHT Task Force: Welcome to new Cmdr. John F. Mulchrone and good luck to Cmdr. James C. Holzman who is now head of the 18th Dist. Lots of luck to Ptlmn. Henry J. Campbell, William J. Benes and Martin J. O'Malley who have left TF HQs to join the crime fighters of 18. O'Malley was your "Star" re ­ porter but with his new job he will be unable to continue_ I only hope this reporter can do as well ___ New faces in HQs: Ptlmn. J. Mucia, J. Hoban, M. Darcy and yours truly . .. Jerry Hoban and wife Carol became parents for the 3rd time; congratulations to you both . _ _ TFA #l-Congratulations to William D. Quinn who is leaving the TF to become a detective for DDA # l -Robb. __ . TFA #6-Honorable Mentions were awarded to Sgt. F. Makosh, Ptlmn. M. McGurn, S. Green, E. Poslusny and D. Doyle to name a few. Keep up the good work, men. Cookie. -Ptlmn. Edward J. Rothas Youth Division Headquarters: The Y.O_s semi-annual party 4 May was a huge success. Y. O. John Drasitis, cochairman, injured in an auto accident some months ago, was able to attend in his mobile unit which made the affair complete ... Sgt. James Sterling from Hdqtr's is a proud father of a baby girl. Congratulations to the Sgt. and lovely wife Margo _ . . On 13 April, Lt. Vincent Burke was elected pres. of the III. Juvenile Officer's Assn. and Plwmn. Vaughn Morrissy vice pres _ and Sec 'y_ .. _ We are sorry to see Mae Adams, Donna Cunningham and Roselyn Mallek leave the Youth Division . .. Mr. Jack the Magician, son of Y.O. John Donovan, Area # 3 , graduated from No _ III. Univ. He has been doing benefit parties for the last 10 years and recently gave a show for the Chicago Assn. for retarded children _ .. A reti rement pa rty wi II be held for retired Plwmn. Ann Flanagan at the Beverly Woods Restaurant on 16 June. Hope all her friends will be there. _ . A speedy recovery to Rosemary O'Connor and Ray Caplis, both from Area # 3. -Ptlmn. James lock Communications Center: Congratulations to Sgt. James Norcott who received a Dept. Commendation for vigilance and action he took in the apprehension of burglary suspects while he was assigned to the 20th Dist_ Ditto to Edwin Roehr and Frank Zboncak who were awarded Honorable Men ­ tions for their alertness to a burglary in progress, enabling field units to apprehend two vicious criminals. _ . Wel ­ come back ot A. Gyarmati and I. Simulis on returning to our unit. I guess Communications is in their blood. A we lcome also to A. Romanoski and T. Barrett on joining our ranks ... W. Simon, who was an Urban Opportunity worker in our unit, was made a temporary messenger ... Sincere condolences to B. Dorken and R. Purcell who lost their fathers recently ... Cadet Donchez will middle-aisle on his up-coming furlough . .. Sgt. P. Heraty became a proud father of a boy and R. Sheridan became a proud pa rent of a girl . .. Frank DeYoung attended pre-sergeants' school at the Academy. By the time this column reaches publication he should be wearing the stripes. The rest of the fellows are sweating out the new sergeants' list to be posted . .. auf Wiedersehen. -Sgt. Edward T. Haas Office of the Superintendent: I want to apologize for missing last month's issue. Seems we had a little problem that needed a doctor's skill. .. . The girls at Kardex in the Personnel Divi ­ sion are complaining they're never mentioned-so there. A little help is all I ask . . . Many moons ago Jim Modic transferred to Data Systems (funny farm next) . Ask him about his helmet . . .. Marion Blake of Planning is going to visit an island in the Atlantic. She's flying-seems she heard about all those ships sinking . . . Freida Kraines is going to the old country this summer (again) .. . We want to welcome Nick Roder from the 18th Dist. to Planning . . . Joe Catalano (life begins at 40) is a grandfather 3 times now. What's your youth secret? ... Do you remember when it was in vogue to carry your lunch wrapped in newspaper? Brown bags now ... Speedy recoveries are wished to Dick Potesta, Public Info. Also to Georgette Campbell, Supt's Office, who had surgery performed in May. -Ptlmn. Charlie ,Farber Detective Area # 1: To Det. Edward Wodnicki, Burg., and his wife Joan, congrats on the birth of their 2nd girl, "Debra ." Their other two are Eddie, 4, and Susan, 20 months. Next time, Wodnicki, let's try for another boy .. . Congrats to Det. John R. Boyle, Gen. Assgn., who retired after 27 years. He was one of the best detectives assigned to forged checks. Also to James R. Magee and Joseph F. Ring, Gen. Assgn. who left the Dept. Our best wishes go with you three ... Belated congrats to John R. Ferguson, Hom/ Sex, on his recent marriage. This was one of the best kept secrets of the year. His other two partners, Rudolph Nimocks and John l. Merriweather, may be getting married before the year is out, as the gossip has it ... To all the readers of this column, I have decided it is about time I brought you some straight forward "Man-to·Man talk." Two years ago when I first accepted the responsibility of writing this column, I thought I would present it as had my predecessor, so that you readers would not miss his congenial reporting. However, I found it has been extremely difficult to obtain adequate news from the various units. This is a column in which no news is bad news, and if the daily papers must depend upon its friends, so must this Police Star Reporter. Help!! - Ptlmn. Stanley L. Taitt Detective Area #4: On 24 April Area 4 youth officers and their wives donned their best for a night out at the annual dinner dance at the Jolly Club. Dir. and Mrs. Delaney, Lt. Burke and Sgt. Gannon were among .the dignitaries present. Everyone had a swell time. Hats off to F. Szwedo, l. Maggio & Co. for the great job they did ... Dick Heinrich and Tony ("Have no fear I'm here") Del Genio were injured in an auto accident. Dick went into the hospital right after his wife Marge got out and brought home little Dawn Marie. It's their 6th consecutive girl. Betty and Dick Brzeczek were blessed with their 1st, Natalie Ann, on 4 March. __ . Frank Powers became a grandfather again; this one is Elizabeth Ann; and his other daughter was married on 7 May. Congratulations to all ... Sgt. Ford was transferred to Intelligence. We'll sure miss him ... Rhey Orme is still wearing sun glasses since the party. Seems that someone spilled Coke in his eyes. After Don Thomas made everybody pose for a picture at the party, he finally realized that he had no film in the camera ... Someone overheard that Lt. Bryan is polishing old fish hooks for the coming season ... How about some news from the 3rd watch? Now back to the adjustments. -Yo O. Richard Brzeczek Detective Area #5: Welcome aboard to the new detectives-Thomas Hickey, Gen. Assign .; Chester Dombrowski, and Paul Straper, Burg,; Francis S. Kenney, William Kredich, Jim l. Markham, Hom.-Sex . . . A party was held by Gen . Assign . for one of its leaders, Sgt. John Aldworth, known by his friends as the "Rock, " for his coming retirement. He will continue his surveillance at O'Hare. . .. Would you believe our dedicated desk man, Bernard Higgirts, is to be grandfather for the 6th time? Would you believe the 5th time? As a matter of fact, it will be the 7th time .. . Good luck on the retirements of Dets. Howard Rauhut, Gen. Assign.,' and George Heeb, Burg .. . . Det. Harry Belluomini, Burg., is an authority on rose busheshe just planted 20 rose bushes around his house ... It is rumored in Area #5 a certain detective is going to retire in Aug. He has cashed his stocks, selling his house and has plans for Las Vegas. . . . A speedy recovery to Dets. Wm. Proctor and Karl Mueller, Gen. Assign .,

ws news news news<br />

neV4<br />

Traffic Men of the Month<br />

Pllmn. Michaels<br />

Officer Philip Michaels, "(raffic Area<br />

#6 Headquarters, has been named<br />

March "Traffic Man of the Month" by<br />

the Citizens Traffic Safety Board.<br />

Michaels was patrolling his assigned<br />

beat when he saw a Volkswagen go<br />

through a stop sign. He curbed the car<br />

to issue a citation. Michaels noticed the<br />

driver appeared to be unfamiliar with<br />

the car's operation, and then noticed<br />

there was no key in the ignition. The<br />

offi·cer ordered the driver out of the car<br />

and searched it. He found a fullyloaded<br />

.22 caliber revolver under the<br />

front seat and 38 .22 caliber magnum<br />

cartridges in the driver's pocket.<br />

Michaels found the ignition had been<br />

started with a small screwdriver. He<br />

contacted the Communications Center<br />

and learned the car had been stolen<br />

earlier. The offender admitted he stole<br />

the car and had attempted to steal three<br />

other cars earlier.<br />

He was charged with auto theft, three<br />

charges of attempted auto theft and for<br />

carrying a concealed weapon.<br />

8<br />


Police Chief, Lombard, III. 30,000<br />

pop. Minimum five years in supervi$ory<br />

police work. Police administration<br />

schooling required. List<br />

education and special training<br />

courses. Salary: $10,000-$12,000.<br />

Apply to: Carlton W. Laird, Village<br />

Manager, Munidpal Building, 48<br />

North Park Ave., Lombard, III.<br />


Polico<br />

Period GROUP I<br />

23 Jun 24·25·26·2·<br />

7th 3·4·11·12·<br />

20 Jul 19·20·<br />

Detectives Lawrence Fenlon and William<br />

Marley, Area # 1, Robbery, were<br />

named "Traffic Men of the Month" for<br />

November by the Citizens Traffic Safety<br />

Board.<br />

The detectives were waiting for a<br />

traffic light to change when they saw a<br />

grey car with two men in it, <strong>com</strong>ing<br />

from the opposite direction, drive<br />

through the red light. The officers made<br />

a "U" turn and pursued the car to issue<br />

a traffic ticket.<br />

When the two men saw the police car<br />

in pursuit, they jumped out and fled on<br />

foot.<br />

Del. Fenlon Del. Marley<br />

Fenlon and Marley chased the men<br />

on foot, through yards and over fences.<br />

until they caught one of the men in a<br />

hallway. He told the officers he fled because<br />

the car he was driving was stolen.<br />

Upon further questioning, the man<br />

also confessed that a few days earlier,<br />

he and an ac<strong>com</strong>plice had robbed two<br />

men after inviting them to his apartment,<br />

and during the robbery, one of<br />

the victims, who was bound and gagged,<br />

fell from the third story window of the<br />

apartment and suffered extensive injuries.<br />

The two then took a Cadillac<br />

belonging to one of their victims, drove<br />

it to New York and sold it to a garage<br />

owner.<br />

As a result of the detectives' alertness,<br />

two offenders responsible for two<br />

auto thefts and a vicious robbery were<br />

apprehended.<br />



25·26·27·4· 27·28·5·6· 28·29·6·7· 29·30·7·8·<br />

5· 12·13·20 13·14 14·15 15;.16·17<br />


23·30·)·8· 23·24 ·1·2·<br />

9·10· 16·17· 3·9· 10·11 ·<br />

18 18·19<br />

21 Jul 27 ·28·4·5· 21·28·29·5· 21·22·29·30· 22·23· 24 ·30· 23·24·25·1· 25·26·2·3· 26·27 ·3·4·<br />

8th 12·13·14 6·7·13·14· 31·6·7·8· 31·1·8·9· 2· 9·10·17· 10·11 11·12<br />

17 Aug 15 15·16 16<br />

18 Aug 20· 21 ·22·29· 22·23·30·31· 23·24 ·31· 1· 17·24·25 ·1· 18·25·26·2·<br />

9th 30·6·7·14 7·8 8·9 2·9·10·11 · 3·4·10·11 ·<br />

14 Sop. 12<br />

Crime Study Begins in <strong>Chicago</strong><br />

An intensive study of crime and law<br />

enforcement in <strong>Chicago</strong> will be made<br />

June through August by the Survey<br />

Research Center of the University of<br />

Michigan in cooperation with the <strong>Chicago</strong><br />

Police Department.<br />

The project is being undertaken for<br />

the President's Commission on Law Enforcemen<br />

t and the Administration of<br />

Criminal Justice, under a grant from<br />

the Office of Law Enforcement Assistance<br />

of the Department of Justice.<br />

The purpose of the study is to provide<br />

more detailed information than<br />

any now available on the patterns of<br />

crime in major metropolitan areas.<br />

<strong>Chicago</strong> is one of the three major<br />

cities selected for the study; the others<br />

are Washington, D. C. and Boston.<br />

The principal director of the study<br />

is Dr. Albert J. Reiss, Jr., of the Center<br />

for Research on Social Organization,<br />

University of Michigan.<br />

The study will be concentrated in two<br />

areas of <strong>Chicago</strong>: the 11 th District and<br />

the 19th District.<br />

Several other closely related studies<br />

will also be made in these districts. A<br />

cross-section sample of 200 households<br />

will be drawn from each <strong>com</strong>munity,<br />

and a member of each household will<br />

be interviewed about his experiences<br />

with and attitudes toward crime. In addition,<br />

a sampling of 100 businesses or<br />

other organizations will also be made<br />

in each district and the owner or manager<br />

interviewed as to his experience<br />

w'ith crime in the <strong>com</strong>munity and its<br />

cost to his organization. Similar information<br />

will be gathered from the major<br />

public organizations such as schools,<br />

parks, the department of streets and<br />

major public utilities.<br />

18·19·26·27· 19·20·21 ·27·<br />

28·3·4·5· 28·29·5·6·<br />

12·13 13·14

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