Blood cells - Chicago

Blood cells - Chicago Blood cells - Chicago
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12th District: The 12th Dist. is be· latedly reporting ... Dist. Cmdr. James P. Hackett's recent surgery and re o cuperation have been deemed a suc· cess ... Things are buzzing with reo newed activity. The 12th is proud to boa st a lowering crime rate . .. The fine troops of the "Fighting 12" extend best wishes and hopes for a speedy reo covery to Jim McKittrick, Secy., and also to Tom Samansky and Joe Leonard . . . Not too many days ago, the 12th had been put through a gruelling Field Inspection by the Inspection Div . and pass·ed with flying colors ... Because of the outstanding police work demon· strated in the month of April, Honor· able Mentions were awa rded to Lt. · Richard Rae, Ptlmn. McClanahan, James, Matozzi, Gage, Tucker, "Bruno" Provenza Ie, "Jawn" Keller, A. Lawlor, D. Collins, Ford, and Olson ... And welcome aboard to Lt. C. Riordan, Sgts. Blackburn, Lazar and Wielontek . . . Will report more "news" next month. -Ptlmn. Frank Lewis 13th District: Ptlmn. Dan Green be· came a father again. He was presented with a strong, good looking boy . Mother and baby doing fine. Sgt. W. Wojda's wife entered the hospital in preparation for giving birth to the next little Wojda. ... Sgt. Ed Michalik is still on Medical. Everyone at 13 wishes him a "get well" and we hope to see him back behind the desk soon ... Sgt. John Walsh just started his annual furlough and is headed for the land of the' "eternal sun " -Florida. He's taking his family along, which may prove to be an ad· venture beyond description - Sgt. Walsh has six children-WOW! ... Ptlmn. R. Spinell's wife presented him with a handsome baby. Mother and child dOing fine . .. Yours truly re o cently returned from his annual fur· lough and was glad to be back from the "hard labor camp" ... The 13th Dist. softball team has been working out for the past few weeks. Sgt. Paul­ "The Babe" Jankowski revealed he has another championship contender again this year providing his injuries are kept to a minimum . Good luck for the 1966 season . They ' ll need it!!! -Ptlmn. Mike Coyne 16th District: We are very sorry to re o port the death of Lawrence Ryan, for· merly of this command . He was one of the most respected police officers in this Dist. Our sincere sympathy to the Ryan family . .. Tom McGuire is a proud father for the 2nd time-his lovely wife presented him with a baby boy ... Oops, I goofed in my April article. I reported that Richard Natter was the proud father of a baby girlit was a boy, Richard Jr. Are we still friends, Loretta? . . . Bob Weisman, our engineer, is unhappy these days­ Reason: he lost his 12 helpers. We (D.C., Its., sgts., vice men , ptlmn., cadets and yours truly) all participated i.n Operation Ship·Shape. We were given additional tools to work with, i.e., sponges, rags, polish, wax. Every spare minute we had we helped the engineer clean the station from top to bottom. None of us complained though (not out loud anyway!) . The cleanliness and housekeeping of the 16th Dist. station is second to none. If we don't land in the # 1 spot someone is "cheating" in this here game ... Following named men are on Medical and we all wish them a quicky recovery: Sgt. John Hauser, Ptlmn. Bob Fitzgerald, Ron Bevier and Tom Cahill. - Ptlmn. Louis F. Bruzzini 17th District: Ptlmn. Emil Nelson and Richard Server received letters from the Supt. of Police acknowledging creditable service to citizens ... Con· dolences were extended to Ptlmn. Eddie Kennelly on the loss of his mother ... We were all sorry to hear that Ptlmn. Ray Schmidt was retu rned to the hos· pital. Get well quick, Ray old boy ... Ray Stillwell, a ptlmn. formerly as· signed to old 34, passed away in St. Petersburg. Burial was in Florida with no services in Chicago . .. Ptlmn. Joe Digati and John Pin ski were com · mended by a citizen for their aid in saving a little gi rl from dying . . . After four boys it was a baby girl at the Robert Felde's-congratulations ... The Dir. of the Max Straus center reo cently commended Dist. Cmdr. Mc­ Inerney, Lt. Walter Powers and Ptlmn. Alex Marches for excellent service and cooperation . . . Ptlmn. Eddie Tyska returned to 17; Ptlmn. Tom Skelly is also a new addition . Ptlmn. Joe Digati has been detailed to 14 .. . Lillian Dennison recently became an aunt. -Ptlmn. Joseph McDermott 18th District: The members of our command were sorry to lose Capts. Richard McGuiness, Henry Hartman and William Payne; Sgts. A. Lazar, P. Blank and W. Wielontek and other ptlmn. on a recent transfer order. We welcome Capts. R. Clark, K. Fossier and F. Cloherty, Sgt. R. O'Hara and other ptlmn. To the many readers of this article if you have an extra card to spare Larry Traub's son, Terry Traub, at St. Mary of Nazareth 's Hospital wou Id appreciate getting it as he is still recuperating from a bike accident that occu rred in March ... John and Rose · mary Gubrud are the proud pa rents of Eric Richard, 8 Ibs. 10 ozs., born 2 April. Almost on April Fools' day. Also John Durkin and Joanne Phillips took the big plunge on 16 April. She knew what she was doing for she also got his pay check ... Stanley Tomaszewski took his pension and is just relaxing. Tom Smith, Michigan and Chicago Ave. crossing, also left and is going to vaca · tion first, then practice law as he is a licensed attorney ... We were sorry to hear of the passing of Joe Leon's father ... Rich Bollman and Ken Watmouth met. in of all places, at Disney· land in Calif. The Lithuanian Eagle . -Ptlmn. John R. Daciolas 20th District: The 20th does it again. The Chicago Bulls bowling tournament was won by the 20th Dist. team spon · sored by Laurie's Pizza Restaurant. Top bowler for the team was Ralph Lippert, 2nd bowler was Jim Spicer, other champ bowlers were Jimmie Eckner, Larrie Ide, John O'Connor and Bob Tanner. They will have their victory party at Laurie's Restaurant in the near future. Congratulations, boys ... A retirement party was given for Capt. Erikson at Antoine's Ballroom on 21 April, which was a real success. En· tertainment and refreshments were of the best. But the real treat was when Sgt. DiGregor and his beautiful wife Terri did the tango and rumba for us. Capt. Erikson was presented a gold en· graved watch. Good luck and a long and happy retirement, Capt. Erikson, from the men of the 20th ... The 20th Dist. was given an awa rd of merit, a beautiful engraved plaque from the Donald Davidson Memorial Chapter of the Leukemia Research Foundation. It was presented by the president, Kay Langerman. Kay thanks all the men of "20" but we thank you, Kay; the honor was all ours ... I see John Michalewicz took the Training wheels off his chrome plated Honda. -Ptlmn. Tony Canezaro 21st District: Emmett Miller reports that Moe Erman, retiree from the old 6th, is now in Ariz. for his health and is dOing fine. Moe wishes to express his appreciation for the kind remem· brances by his former co ·workers. Em · mett has become a high rise dweller, which means he will devote more time to his travels abroad ... The stork is proud to announce the bi rth of Owen J. Patterson III to the proud pa rents of Off. and Mrs. Owen J. Patterson Jr., and the birth of Angela Brazlen Patter· son to Off. and Mrs. Howard Patterson. Congratulations . .. Off. Sidney Lloyd announced his marriage to Bettie Joe Reynolds, 17 May. Best wishes to you both . .. Sgt. Reed is happy to an · nounce the promotion of his son , Phillip J. Reed, to 1st Lt., U.S.A.F., and he has now been transferred to Germany from Calif... . The pains of grief took a great toll upon the members of the Dept. with the brutal and merciless slaying of Sgt. Claude Fisher at the hands of felons. His courage reflected the dedication to his profession and the qualities of a truly fine man. His absence will be felt. Our command not only lost a truly fine gentleman but superb leader of men . . In sympathy, the 21st Dist. wishes to express their con · dolences to the wife and family of Sgt. Fisher, and may God guide them through their hours of darkness. Our condolences are also extended to the family of Off. Robert Gunn who suffered a fatal heart attack. -Ptlmn. John J. Burian, Jr.

12th District: The 12th Dist. is be·<br />

latedly reporting ... Dist. Cmdr. James<br />

P. Hackett's recent surgery and re o<br />

cuperation have been deemed a suc·<br />

cess ... Things are buzzing with reo<br />

newed activity. The 12th is proud to<br />

boa st a lowering crime rate . .. The<br />

fine troops of the "Fighting 12" extend<br />

best wishes and hopes for a speedy reo<br />

covery to Jim McKittrick, Secy., and<br />

also to Tom Samansky and Joe Leonard<br />

. . . Not too many days ago, the 12th<br />

had been put through a gruelling Field<br />

Inspection by the Inspection Div . and<br />

pass·ed with flying colors ... Because<br />

of the outstanding police work demon·<br />

strated in the month of April, Honor·<br />

able Mentions were awa rded to Lt. ·<br />

Richard Rae, Ptlmn. McClanahan,<br />

James, Matozzi, Gage, Tucker, "Bruno"<br />

Provenza Ie, "Jawn" Keller, A. Lawlor,<br />

D. Collins, Ford, and Olson ... And<br />

wel<strong>com</strong>e aboard to Lt. C. Riordan, Sgts.<br />

Blackburn, Lazar and Wielontek . . .<br />

Will report more "news" next month.<br />

-Ptlmn. Frank Lewis<br />

13th District: Ptlmn. Dan Green be·<br />

came a father again. He was presented<br />

with a strong, good looking boy . Mother<br />

and baby doing fine. Sgt. W. Wojda's<br />

wife entered the hospital in preparation<br />

for giving birth to the next little Wojda.<br />

... Sgt. Ed Michalik is still on Medical.<br />

Everyone at 13 wishes him a "get well"<br />

and we hope to see him back behind<br />

the desk soon ... Sgt. John Walsh just<br />

started his annual furlough and is<br />

headed for the land of the' "eternal<br />

sun " -Florida. He's taking his family<br />

along, which may prove to be an ad·<br />

venture beyond description - Sgt.<br />

Walsh has six children-WOW! ...<br />

Ptlmn. R. Spinell's wife presented him<br />

with a handsome baby. Mother and<br />

child dOing fine . .. Yours truly re o<br />

cently returned from his annual fur·<br />

lough and was glad to be back from<br />

the "hard labor camp" ... The 13th<br />

Dist. softball team has been working<br />

out for the past few weeks. Sgt. Paul­<br />

"The Babe" Jankowski revealed he has<br />

another championship contender again<br />

this year providing his injuries are kept<br />

to a minimum . Good luck for the 1966<br />

season . They ' ll need it!!!<br />

-Ptlmn. Mike Coyne<br />

16th District: We are very sorry to re o<br />

port the death of Lawrence Ryan, for·<br />

merly of this <strong>com</strong>mand . He was one of<br />

the most respected police officers in<br />

this Dist. Our sincere sympathy to the<br />

Ryan family . .. Tom McGuire is a<br />

proud father for the 2nd time-his<br />

lovely wife presented him with a baby<br />

boy ... Oops, I goofed in my April<br />

article. I reported that Richard Natter<br />

was the proud father of a baby girlit<br />

was a boy, Richard Jr. Are we still<br />

friends, Loretta? . . . Bob Weisman, our<br />

engineer, is unhappy these days­<br />

Reason: he lost his 12 helpers. We<br />

(D.C., Its., sgts., vice men , ptlmn.,<br />

cadets and yours truly) all participated<br />

i.n Operation Ship·Shape. We were given<br />

additional tools to work with, i.e.,<br />

sponges, rags, polish, wax. Every spare<br />

minute we had we helped the engineer<br />

clean the station from top to bottom.<br />

None of us <strong>com</strong>plained though (not out<br />

loud anyway!) . The cleanliness and<br />

housekeeping of the 16th Dist. station<br />

is second to none. If we don't land in<br />

the # 1 spot someone is "cheating" in<br />

this here game ... Following named<br />

men are on Medical and we all wish<br />

them a quicky recovery: Sgt. John<br />

Hauser, Ptlmn. Bob Fitzgerald, Ron<br />

Bevier and Tom Cahill.<br />

- Ptlmn. Louis F. Bruzzini<br />

17th District: Ptlmn. Emil Nelson and<br />

Richard Server received letters from<br />

the Supt. of Police acknowledging<br />

creditable service to citizens ... Con·<br />

dolences were extended to Ptlmn. Eddie<br />

Kennelly on the loss of his mother ...<br />

We were all sorry to hear that Ptlmn.<br />

Ray Schmidt was retu rned to the hos·<br />

pital. Get well quick, Ray old boy ...<br />

Ray Stillwell, a ptlmn. formerly as·<br />

signed to old 34, passed away in St.<br />

Petersburg. Burial was in Florida with<br />

no services in <strong>Chicago</strong> . .. Ptlmn. Joe<br />

Digati and John Pin ski were <strong>com</strong> ·<br />

mended by a citizen for their aid in<br />

saving a little gi rl from dying . . .<br />

After four boys it was a baby girl at the<br />

Robert Felde's-congratulations ...<br />

The Dir. of the Max Straus center reo<br />

cently <strong>com</strong>mended Dist. Cmdr. Mc­<br />

Inerney, Lt. Walter Powers and Ptlmn.<br />

Alex Marches for excellent service and<br />

cooperation . . . Ptlmn. Eddie Tyska<br />

returned to 17; Ptlmn. Tom Skelly is<br />

also a new addition . Ptlmn. Joe Digati<br />

has been detailed to 14 .. . Lillian<br />

Dennison recently became an aunt.<br />

-Ptlmn. Joseph McDermott<br />

18th District: The members of our<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand were sorry to lose Capts.<br />

Richard McGuiness, Henry Hartman<br />

and William Payne; Sgts. A. Lazar, P.<br />

Blank and W. Wielontek and other<br />

ptlmn. on a recent transfer order. We<br />

wel<strong>com</strong>e Capts. R. Clark, K. Fossier<br />

and F. Cloherty, Sgt. R. O'Hara and<br />

other ptlmn. To the many readers of<br />

this article if you have an extra card<br />

to spare Larry Traub's son, Terry Traub,<br />

at St. Mary of Nazareth 's Hospital<br />

wou Id appreciate getting it as he is still<br />

recuperating from a bike accident that<br />

occu rred in March ... John and Rose ·<br />

mary Gubrud are the proud pa rents of<br />

Eric Richard, 8 Ibs. 10 ozs., born 2<br />

April. Almost on April Fools' day. Also<br />

John Durkin and Joanne Phillips took<br />

the big plunge on 16 April. She knew<br />

what she was doing for she also got<br />

his pay check ... Stanley Tomaszewski<br />

took his pension and is just relaxing.<br />

Tom Smith, Michigan and <strong>Chicago</strong> Ave.<br />

crossing, also left and is going to vaca ·<br />

tion first, then practice law as he is a<br />

licensed attorney ... We were sorry<br />

to hear of the passing of Joe Leon's<br />

father ... Rich Bollman and Ken Watmouth<br />

met. in of all places, at Disney·<br />

land in Calif. The Lithuanian Eagle .<br />

-Ptlmn. John R. Daciolas<br />

20th District: The 20th does it again.<br />

The <strong>Chicago</strong> Bulls bowling tournament<br />

was won by the 20th Dist. team spon ·<br />

sored by Laurie's Pizza Restaurant. Top<br />

bowler for the team was Ralph Lippert,<br />

2nd bowler was Jim Spicer, other<br />

champ bowlers were Jimmie Eckner,<br />

Larrie Ide, John O'Connor and Bob<br />

Tanner. They will have their victory<br />

party at Laurie's Restaurant in the near<br />

future. Congratulations, boys ... A<br />

retirement party was given for Capt.<br />

Erikson at Antoine's Ballroom on 21<br />

April, which was a real success. En·<br />

tertainment and refreshments were of<br />

the best. But the real treat was when<br />

Sgt. DiGregor and his beautiful wife<br />

Terri did the tango and rumba for us.<br />

Capt. Erikson was presented a gold en·<br />

graved watch. Good luck and a long<br />

and happy retirement, Capt. Erikson,<br />

from the men of the 20th ... The 20th<br />

Dist. was given an awa rd of merit, a<br />

beautiful engraved plaque from the<br />

Donald Davidson Memorial Chapter of<br />

the Leukemia Research Foundation. It<br />

was presented by the president, Kay<br />

Langerman. Kay thanks all the men of<br />

"20" but we thank you, Kay; the honor<br />

was all ours ... I see John Michalewicz<br />

took the Training wheels off his<br />

chrome plated Honda.<br />

-Ptlmn. Tony Canezaro<br />

21st District: Emmett Miller reports<br />

that Moe Erman, retiree from the old<br />

6th, is now in Ariz. for his health and<br />

is dOing fine. Moe wishes to express<br />

his appreciation for the kind remem·<br />

brances by his former co ·workers. Em ·<br />

mett has be<strong>com</strong>e a high rise dweller,<br />

which means he will devote more time<br />

to his travels abroad ... The stork is<br />

proud to announce the bi rth of Owen<br />

J. Patterson III to the proud pa rents of<br />

Off. and Mrs. Owen J. Patterson Jr.,<br />

and the birth of Angela Brazlen Patter·<br />

son to Off. and Mrs. Howard Patterson.<br />

Congratulations . .. Off. Sidney Lloyd<br />

announced his marriage to Bettie Joe<br />

Reynolds, 17 May. Best wishes to you<br />

both . .. Sgt. Reed is happy to an ·<br />

nounce the promotion of his son , Phillip<br />

J. Reed, to 1st Lt., U.S.A.F., and he<br />

has now been transferred to Germany<br />

from Calif... . The pains of grief took<br />

a great toll upon the members of the<br />

Dept. with the brutal and merciless<br />

slaying of Sgt. Claude Fisher at the<br />

hands of felons. His courage reflected<br />

the dedication to his profession and<br />

the qualities of a truly fine man. His<br />

absence will be felt. Our <strong>com</strong>mand not<br />

only lost a truly fine gentleman but<br />

superb leader of men . . In sympathy, the<br />

21st Dist. wishes to express their con ·<br />

dolences to the wife and family of Sgt.<br />

Fisher, and may God guide them<br />

through their hours of darkness. Our<br />

condolences are also extended to the<br />

family of Off. Robert Gunn who suffered<br />

a fatal heart attack.<br />

-Ptlmn. John J. Burian, Jr.

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