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892-B<br />

AzmaCOrt (triamcinolone acetonide) inhaler<br />

Brief Summary For Oral Inhalation Only<br />

INDICATIONS: Azmacort itriamcinolone acetoniclei inhaler is indicated only for patients<br />

who require chronic treatment with corticosteroids tor the control ol the symptoms<br />

ot bionchial asthma Such patients would include those already receiving systemic<br />

codicosleroids and selected patients who are inadequately controlled on a non-steroid<br />

regimen and in whom steroid therapy has been withheld because ot concern over<br />

potential adverse effects<br />

Azmacort" inhaler Is WO/" indicated: 1 For relief of asthma which can be controlled Oy<br />

bronchodilators and other non-steroid medications 2 In patients who require systemic<br />

corticosteroid treatment infrequently 3 In the treatment of non-asthmatic bronchitis<br />

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Azmacort inhaler is contraindicated in the pnmary treatment<br />

ol status asthmaticus or olher acute episodes of asthma where intensive measures<br />

are required<br />

Hypersensitivity to any ol the ingredients of this preparation contramrticates its use<br />


Particular caie is needed in patients who are transferred from systemically active<br />

corticosteroids to Azmacort " inhaler because deaths due to adrenal insufficiency<br />

have occurred in asthmatic patients <strong>during</strong> and after Iransfer Irom systemic<br />

corticosteroids to aerosolized steroids in recommended doses After withdrawal<br />

Irom systemic corticosteroids, a number of months is usually required for recovery<br />

ol hypothalamic piimtaiy adicuai iHPA; function For some patients who have<br />

iccmvcd l.iii|i: dose:; of (u.il M-muds 1 nr lung pounds nl tuns; liiilcit' Ihi'iapy v.-111<br />

Azmacort inhaler is initiated recovery may be delayed for one year or longer<br />

During this period ol HPA suppression patients may exhibit signs and symptoms<br />

of adrenal insufficiency when exposed to trauma surgery or infections particularly<br />

gastroenteritis or other conditions with acute electrolyte loss Although Azmacort<br />

inhaler may provide control ol asthmatic symptoms <strong>during</strong> these episodes, in<br />

'ecommended doses n supplies only normal physiological amounts of corticosteroid<br />

systemically and does NOT provide the increased systemic steroid which is<br />

necessary for coping with these emergencies.<br />

During periods of stress or a severe asthmatic attach patients who have been<br />

recently withdiawrt from systemic coiticosteioids should be instructed lo resume<br />

systemic steroids (in large doses> immediately and to contact their physician<br />

lor further instruction These patients should also be instructed to carry<br />

a warning card indicating that they may need supplementary systemic steroids<br />

<strong>during</strong> periods of stress or a severe asthma attack<br />

Localized infections with Candida albicans have occurred infrequently in the mouth<br />

and pharynx these areas should be examined by the treating physician at each<br />

patient visit T he percentage ol positive mouih and thioat cultures for Candida<br />

albicans did not change dunng a yeai ol continuous therapy The incidence ol<br />

clinically apparent infection is low |2 5%!. These infections may disappear spontaneously<br />

oi may require treatment with appropriate antifungal therapy or discontinuance of<br />

treatment with Azmacort inhaler<br />

Azmacort inhaler is not to be regarded as a bronchodilator and is not mdicalec<br />

lot rapid relief of bronchospasm<br />

Patients should be instructed to contact then physician immediately when episodes of<br />

asthma which aie not responsive to bronchodilators occur <strong>during</strong> the course of tieatment<br />

with Azmacort inhaler Dunng such episodes patients may require therapy with<br />

systemic corticosteroids.<br />

There is no evidence that control of asthma can De achieved by the administration<br />

of Azmacort"'' inhaler in amounts greater than the recommended doses which appear lo<br />

be the therapeutic equivalent ol approximately 10 mg/day of oral prednisone<br />

Theoretically, the use of inhaled corticosteroids with alternate day prednisone oral<br />

therapy should be accompanied by more HPA suppression than a therapeutically<br />

equivalent regimen of either alone<br />

Transfer of patients from systemic steroid therapy to Azmacort inhaler may unmask<br />

allergic conditions previously suppressed by the systemic steroid therapy, e.g.. rhinitis<br />

conjunctivitis and eczema<br />

PRECAUTIONS: During withdiawal from oral steroids some patients may experience<br />

symptoms of systemically active steroid withdrawal eg joint and or muscular pain<br />

lassitude and depression, despite maintenance or even improvement of respiratory<br />

(unction (See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION lor delailsi Although steroid withdrawal<br />

effects are usually transient and not severe, severe and even fatal exacerbation<br />

of asthma can occui if Ihe previous daily oral conirostcmid requirement had significantly<br />

exceeded 10 mg day ol prednisone or equivalent<br />

In responsive patients inhaled corticosteroids will often permit control of asthmatic<br />

symptoms wiin less suppression of HPA function than therapeutically equivalent oral<br />

doses of prednisone Since triamcinolone acetonide is absorbed into the circulation aim<br />

can be systemically active, the beneficial effects of Azmacort inhaler in minimizing<br />

or preventing HPA dysfunction may be expected only when recommended dosages<br />

are not exceeded<br />

Suppression ol HPA function has been reported in volunteers who received 4000 meg<br />

daily ot triamcinolone acetonide In addition suppression ol HPA function has been<br />

reported in some patients who have leceived recommended doses lor as little as<br />

6-12 weeks Since the response ol HPA function to inhaled corticosteroids is highly<br />

individualized the physician should consider this information when treating patients<br />

Because of the possibility of systemic absorption of inhaled corticosteroids patients<br />

healed with these drugs should be observed carefully for any evidence of systemic<br />

corticosteroid elfects including suppression of growth in children Particular care<br />

should be taken in observing patients postoperatively oi <strong>during</strong> periods of stress lor<br />

evidence ol a decrease in adrenal lunciion<br />

The long-term effects of triamcinolone acetonide inhaler in human subjects are not<br />

completely known although patients have received Azmacort inhaler on a continuous<br />

basis for periods of two years or longer While there has been no cluneal evidence<br />

ol adverse experiences the local elfects of the agent on developmental or immunologic<br />

processes in the mouth, pharynx, trachea and lung are also unknown<br />

The potential elfects of Azmacort inhaler on acute recurrent or chronic pulmonary<br />

nfections including active or quiescent tubercu osi! an nol km ivn For this reason<br />

since systemic administration of corticosteroids may mask some signs of lungal<br />

bacterial or viral infection, the same caution should be observed when treating patients<br />

with Azmacort ' inhaler. The potential effects of long-term administration of Azmacort<br />

inhaler on lung or other tissues are unknown However pulmonary infiltrates with<br />

eosinophils have occurred in patients receiving olher inhaled corticosteroid's<br />

Pregnancy: Pregnancy Category D Azmacort triamcinolone acetonide' has been<br />

•• :• v/iitngc'iic n rats ;ind •abb ts .'.I'-en in doses aimpa'a:] e tc no<br />

highest dose recommended foi humanuse approximately 0 032 mg kq day Administration<br />

of aeiosol inhalation to pregnant rats and rabbits produced emoryotoxic and<br />

fetotoxic effects which were comparable lo those produced by administration by<br />

other routes.<br />

Teratogenic elfects in both species included a low incidence of cleft palate and/or<br />

internal hydrocephaly and axial skeletal defects These findings lepiesenl known<br />

effects of glucocorticoids in laboratory animals<br />

There aie no well-controlled studies in pregnant women Experience with other dosage<br />

forms of triamcinolone acetonide does not include any positive evidence of adverse<br />

elfects on the fetus However, since such experience cannot exclude possibility of<br />

fetal damage, Azmacort"'' inhaler should be used <strong>during</strong> pregnancy only if the benefit<br />

clearly justifies the potential risk to Ihe fetus Infants born to mothers who have<br />

received substantial doses of corticosteroids <strong>during</strong> pregnancy should be carefully<br />

observed lor hypoartrenahsm<br />

Nursing mothers: It is not known whether this drug is excreted in human milk<br />

Because of the potential for tumorigenicity shown for triamcinolone acetonide in animal<br />

studies, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue<br />

the drug, taking info account Ihe importance of the drug to the mother<br />

ADVERSE REACTIONS: A few cases of oral candidiasis have been reported isee<br />

1 WARNINGS In addition, some patients receiving Azmacort inhaler have experienced<br />

hoarseness dry thioat irritated throal and dry mouth Increased wheezing and cough<br />

have been reported infrequently as has facial edema These adverse elfects have<br />

generally been mild and transient.<br />




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<strong>CHEST</strong><br />


Postgraduate Courses<br />

54th ANNUAL<br />



Date:<br />

October 3,1988<br />

Location:<br />

Anaheim, California<br />

This year's Annual Scientific Assembly,<br />

to be held October 3-7, will feature a<br />

"track" focusing on "New/High<br />

Technology in Chest Medicine and<br />

Surgery". The following postgraduate<br />

courses will be held at the Meeting.<br />

• Perioperative Management of the<br />

Cardiothoracie Patient<br />

• Invasive and Noninvasive Diagnosis in<br />

Lung Cancer<br />

• The Pleural Space<br />

• Cardiac Disease in the ICU (Non-MI)<br />

• Chest Imaging<br />

• Overview of Pulmonary Infections<br />

Sponsor:<br />

American College of Chest Physicians<br />

For further information contact:<br />

Division of Education, ACCP<br />

911 Busse Highway<br />

Park Ridge, IL 60068-2375<br />

(312) 698-2200

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