Ph. D. THESIS 2009

Ph. D. THESIS 2009

Ph. D. THESIS 2009


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The two forms are in equilibrium and because the equilibration is fast, the<br />

NMR spectrum does not show different signals for the two isomers. The spectra<br />

exhibit unique signals at mean values of chemical shifts.<br />

The strong deshielded signal at δ= 12.32 ppm indicate the presence of the enol<br />

form and can be assigned to the hydrogen atom involved in the formation of<br />

intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The enol structure is supported by the<br />

interactions (observed in HMQC spectrum) of the signal belonging to the<br />

carbon atoms at positions 3 and 7 and the signal pertaining to the enol hydrogen<br />

atom.<br />

The 13 C NMR spectrum is presented in Figure 2. The presence of two very<br />

deshielded signals (Figure 2) located at δ= 171.77ppm and δ= 170.76 ppm,<br />

characteristic for the C=O of an ester group, as well as the absence of a C=O,<br />

characteristic for ketone (close to 208 ppm) come to support the bis(enol)<br />

structure, predicted by the 1 H NMR data.<br />

The spectrum also shows two peaks at δ= 168.03 ppm and δ= 101.99 ppm,<br />

characteristic for quaternary atoms involved in carbon-carbon double bonds,<br />

ascribed to the 3-C/7-C and 4-C/8-C, respectively.<br />

Figure 2. The 13 C-NMR (spectrum CDCl 3, 125 MHz) of compound 1<br />

The 13 C NMR data combined with the evidences of the hydrogen bonds from<br />

1<br />

H-NMR spectrum reveal no keto form but exclusively a bis(enol) form,<br />

stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds, for compound 1.<br />

The 1<br />

H-NMR and 13<br />

C-NMR spectra of compound 2 are presented in Figure 3<br />

and Figure 4 and present some characteristic patterns observed at compound 1.<br />


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