PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual

PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual


splitting kernel. The simple ansatz g(x) = N(1 − x) n /x is used, where N is a normalization constant and n = MSTP(87). MSTP(87) thus controls the large-x behaviour of the assumed gluon distribution. Only integers MSTP(87) = 0 - 4 are available; values below or above this range are set at the lower or upper limit, respectively. MSTP(88) : (D = 1) strategy for the collapse of a quark–quark–junction configuration to a diquark, or a quark–quark–junction–quark configuration to a baryon, in a beam remnant in the new model. = 0 : only allowed when valence quarks only are involved. = 1 : sea quarks can be used for diquark formation, but not for baryon formation. = 2 : sea quarks can be used also for baryon formation. MSTP(89) : (D = 1) Selection of method for colour connections in the initial state of the new model. Note that all options respect the suppression provided by PARP(80). = 0 : random. = 1 : the hard-scattering systems are ordered in rapidity. The initiators on each side are connected so as to minimize the rapidity difference between neighbouring systems. = 2 : each connection is chosen so as to minimize an estimate of the total string length resulting from it. (This is the most technically complicated, and hence a computationally slow approach.) MSTP(90) : (D = 0) strategy to compensate the ‘primordial k⊥’ assigned to a partonshower initiator or beam-remnant parton in the new model. = 0 : all other such partons compensate uniformly. = 1 : compensation spread out across colour chain as (1/2) n , where n is number of steps the parton is removed in the chain. = 2 : nearest colour neighbours only compensate. MSTP(91) : (D = 1) (C) primordial k⊥ distribution in hadron. See MSTP(93) for photon. = 0 : no primordial k⊥. = 1 : Gaussian, width given in PARP(91), upper cut-off in PARP(93). = 2 : exponential, width given in PARP(92), upper cut-off in PARP(93). Not avail- able in the new model. = 3 : distribution proportional to 1/(k2 ⊥ +3σ2 /2) 3 , i.e. with 1/k6 ⊥ tails. RMS width given in PARP(91) and upper cutoff in PARP(93). Not available in the old model. = 4 : flat distribution (on limited interval), RMS width given in PARP(91) and upper cutoff in PARP(93). Not available in the old model. = 11 : As 1, but width depends on the scale Q of the hard interaction, being the maximum of the fragmentation width and 2.1 × Q/(7. + Q). Not available in the old model. = 13 : As 3, but the width scales with Q as for 11. = 14 : As 4, but the width scales with Q as for 11. – 418 –

Note: when multiple interactions are switched on, the distribution used for the subsequent interactions vanishes in the old model, and has a RMS width forced equal to the fragmentation one in the new model, but the shape still follows the choice of MSTP(91). MSTP(92) : (D = 3) (C) energy partitioning in hadron or resolved-photon remnant, when this remnant is split into two jets in the old model. (For a splitting into a hadron plus a jet, see MSTP(94).) The energy fraction χ taken by one of the two objects, with conventions as described for PARP(94) and PARP(96), is chosen according to the different distributions below. Here cmin = 0.6 GeV/Ecm ≈ 2〈mq〉/Ecm. = 1 : 1 for meson or resolved photon, 2(1 − χ) for baryon, i.e. simple counting rules. = 2 : (k + 1)(1 − χ) k , with k given by PARP(94) or PARP(96). = 3 : proportional to (1−χ) k / 4 χ2 + c2 min , with k given byPARP(94) orPARP(96). = 4 : proportional to (1−χ) k / χ2 + c2 min , with k given by PARP(94) orPARP(96). = 5 : proportional to (1 − χ) k /(χ 2 + c 2 min )b/2 , with k given by PARP(94) or PARP(96), and b by PARP(98). MSTP(93) : (D = 1) (C) primordial k⊥ distribution in photon, either it is one of the incoming particles or inside an electron. = 0 : no primordial k⊥. = 1 : Gaussian, width given in PARP(99), upper cut-off in PARP(100). = 2 : exponential, width given in PARP(99), upper cut-off in PARP(100). = 3 : power-like of the type dk 2 ⊥ /(k2 ⊥0 +k2 ⊥ )2 , with k⊥0 in PARP(99) and upper k⊥ cut-off in PARP(100). = 4 : power-like of the type dk 2 ⊥ /(k2 ⊥0 + k2 ⊥ ), with k⊥0 in PARP(99) and upper k⊥ cut-off in PARP(100). = 5 : power-like of the type dk 2 ⊥ /(k2 ⊥0 + k2 ⊥ ), with k⊥0 in PARP(99) and upper k⊥ cut-off given by the p⊥ of the hard process or by PARP(100), whichever is smaller. Note: for options 1 and 2 the PARP(100) value is of minor importance, once PARP(100)≫PARP(99). However, options 3 and 4 correspond to distributions with infinite 〈k 2 ⊥ 〉 if the k⊥ spectrum is not cut off, and therefore the PARP(100) value is as important for the overall distribution as is PARP(99). MSTP(94) : (D = 3) (C) energy partitioning in hadron or resolved-photon remnant, when this remnant is split into a hadron plus a remainder-jet in the old model. The energy fraction χ is taken by one of the two objects, with conventions as described below or for PARP(95) and PARP(97). = 1 : 1 for meson or resolved photon, 2(1 − χ) for baryon, i.e. simple counting rules. = 2 : (k + 1)(1 − χ) k , with k given by PARP(95) or PARP(97). = 3 : the χ of the hadron is selected according to the normal fragmentation function used for the hadron in jet fragmentation, see MSTJ(11). The possibility of a changed fragmentation function shape in diquark fragmentation (see – 419 –

Note: when multiple interactions are switched on, the distribution used for the<br />

subsequent interactions vanishes in the old model, <strong>and</strong> has a RMS width<br />

forced equal to the fragmentation one in the new model, but the shape still<br />

follows the choice of MSTP(91).<br />

MSTP(92) : (D = 3) (C) energy partitioning in hadron or resolved-photon remnant, when<br />

this remnant is split into two jets in the old model. (For a splitting into a hadron<br />

plus a jet, see MSTP(94).) The energy fraction χ taken by one of the two objects,<br />

with conventions as described for PARP(94) <strong>and</strong> PARP(96), is chosen according to<br />

the different distributions below. Here cmin = 0.6 GeV/Ecm ≈ 2〈mq〉/Ecm.<br />

= 1 : 1 for meson or resolved photon, 2(1 − χ) for baryon, i.e. simple counting<br />

rules.<br />

= 2 : (k + 1)(1 − χ) k , with k given by PARP(94) or PARP(96).<br />

= 3 : proportional to (1−χ) k / 4<br />

<br />

χ2 + c2 min , with k given byPARP(94) orPARP(96).<br />

= 4 : proportional to (1−χ) k <br />

/ χ2 + c2 min , with k given by PARP(94) orPARP(96).<br />

= 5 : proportional to (1 − χ) k /(χ 2 + c 2 min )b/2 , with k given by PARP(94) or<br />

PARP(96), <strong>and</strong> b by PARP(98).<br />

MSTP(93) : (D = 1) (C) primordial k⊥ distribution in photon, either it is one of the<br />

incoming particles or inside an electron.<br />

= 0 : no primordial k⊥.<br />

= 1 : Gaussian, width given in PARP(99), upper cut-off in PARP(100).<br />

= 2 : exponential, width given in PARP(99), upper cut-off in PARP(100).<br />

= 3 : power-like of the type dk 2 ⊥ /(k2 ⊥0 +k2 ⊥ )2 , with k⊥0 in PARP(99) <strong>and</strong> upper k⊥<br />

cut-off in PARP(100).<br />

= 4 : power-like of the type dk 2 ⊥ /(k2 ⊥0 + k2 ⊥ ), with k⊥0 in PARP(99) <strong>and</strong> upper k⊥<br />

cut-off in PARP(100).<br />

= 5 : power-like of the type dk 2 ⊥ /(k2 ⊥0 + k2 ⊥ ), with k⊥0 in PARP(99) <strong>and</strong> upper k⊥<br />

cut-off given by the p⊥ of the hard process or by PARP(100), whichever is<br />

smaller.<br />

Note: for options 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 the PARP(100) value is of minor importance, once<br />

PARP(100)≫PARP(99). However, options 3 <strong>and</strong> 4 correspond to distributions<br />

with infinite 〈k 2 ⊥ 〉 if the k⊥ spectrum is not cut off, <strong>and</strong> therefore the<br />

PARP(100) value is as important for the overall distribution as is PARP(99).<br />

MSTP(94) : (D = 3) (C) energy partitioning in hadron or resolved-photon remnant, when<br />

this remnant is split into a hadron plus a remainder-jet in the old model. The<br />

energy fraction χ is taken by one of the two objects, with conventions as described<br />

below or for PARP(95) <strong>and</strong> PARP(97).<br />

= 1 : 1 for meson or resolved photon, 2(1 − χ) for baryon, i.e. simple counting<br />

rules.<br />

= 2 : (k + 1)(1 − χ) k , with k given by PARP(95) or PARP(97).<br />

= 3 : the χ of the hadron is selected according to the normal fragmentation function<br />

used for the hadron in jet fragmentation, see MSTJ(11). The possibility<br />

of a changed fragmentation function shape in diquark fragmentation (see<br />

– 419 –

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