Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives

Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives

Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives


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Gc I D10, L; lqA N -<br />


T Aty. HU10i dit ~ do:1 g toa'n e) n g The HUIIC-1 will be seen In large: graupla in<br />

rrolig VZ11ieg 0hanhi-pliAthuvNa Q.uilng-'I'r, v~i tfng,<br />

1 79 A A<br />

6s;eIn nh;) hout lo-ttv trtn song-ng dti T'ia<br />

A<br />

TI I'n. 'rhltiii-tltong, kJ)i h4'tln-quj;i otng nhl11ý1<br />

it V ' 11 4 dituv 'i"'' ;UC I týfit rd<br />

the'eltlvae if lhue anti Quanmg Trn, anid in simaller<br />

flec.'u or individually on the rivers and inland<br />

waiterways of TlhuaThlen Province, On uccosionti,<br />

whent the o~pun seu has been calnm for suveral coil-<br />

4-11Cl lii thuycn nuty th~jtiaitl Oil bIth'iiI<br />

21"y c<br />

n<br />

Svc'lt ie days, ont; may sou many oi the HIJBC- I's<br />

leaivng thle iIna:tit waterways for the open scas in<br />

AA A<br />

dat lien hay vat Ong<br />

X.1 khai i dna 10 131 V.<br />

iacn~~~i eI (~ gi(I I'd starch: of aichuuIs, of fish. 1-16wevur, they will<br />

remain In the clos~e proxinmity uf the proteted<br />

A<br />

'ntluyPn IIL'13t2- I hot -l doie iju~inZh ntiiacng<br />

A't<br />

VIA C)'1 I \ )<br />

VV. C4 dao - id, d nldag i~Idii'li'ric denh vung ch~a I -<br />

I<br />

'A<br />

bltti Ida hh'hiin I rd~e khi iil;'t ti~trh~ m~i I trl<br />

inland waters, never' venturing niore than 10 miles<br />

sc-awa W'i v<br />

4 Vt.<br />

adele Idi 1114.11 ~ I loll.<br />

Tbrougtvum the year HUEC-I's will be seen<br />

ctnguged In fishing, nneriail~y departing for' their<br />

IF<br />

'A A 7<br />

'111VUH IIL'lAC> I dmiag tfol icing vchif eha<br />

coseie fishing arcals prior to sunrist: and return-<br />

4 Ing Yi ing pr ior toe sunset.<br />

HuC vaio laic baen ng~dy. (lie tJIanLtal 111Y Co' S&f<br />

I 'Y A<br />

arngtaI ~ti ~l- u uf~o 4t~ ve hdln euVi<br />

cd, *~~ iut~iwdaLii ttý h?<br />

Tlaieit HURC-ls ungaged in haculing cargo<br />

and -~sn s will. nurnially be seen only on thc<br />

Rivvr cOt Per-funis at HOU durinog daylli~tt hours.<br />

A<br />

euli-flig Ve al;<br />

A'<br />

Ibicllog thi itvt<br />

ia ditg- nt, Khi Cho bang11. to1<br />

~llg. I, A' l \<br />

iii itgdnni ai lnyi<br />

'<br />

Their maximum cargo cacitplfy is estimlate~d aet 4<br />

in rdcnt usuailIly of sand, gravel, sea -<br />

ir;1ii cli1t liL Aid" wcL-d~, eceiul, charro~al, wood, or similari bulk<br />

I'iliv<br />

MCAiotidng-k<br />

h' ti~ c .nio~ HUBC-<br />

I [,<br />

10ihng liea e ocok. vi ~-I. i<br />

kh~nr, dun<br />

,[V1 _ l<br />

IcVl e<br />

itenis. Whcin carri-tg cargo, it is not unconinion<br />

Ic'( see the( I1011C. I loaded to apoint where its<br />

dvccks ar~e .lneost awash.<br />

-C t t A A<br />

. iii llieg 1 dil~irc kculIno q'jýn hkcuik 11'1 en ci- iji1<br />

'. ,,AI t~ u (I. \ - A' Al A'<br />

1)1)1;1litle J (I%: V 'i i s-o- 3di stng S1101<br />

" i& "i "i o ae<br />

%I<br />

No a cd:ý to iouv igation nrc used by Ulf clew.<br />

aue-1 of [lie IMIC-1, whoi t ravel on thc r eve rsand<br />

Inliand wmcnir- \;till ;I fliorueigh knowledge cof the<br />

dt-plh~w. Nhuzios id kniown landmnark,;, frePqtent iy<br />

aiqul i~ed by a I lifur iie btoard one. of these junks.<br />

KIN<br />



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