Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives

Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives

Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives


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A<br />

Trddng-hoip day~ thuven tbng ire cu mat In the case of the bamboo botturns, the<br />

trong d n m~t ngu'i deu dd~c chah cV bang b~n ch~i itialde and Outside are brushed with a abrtsoo<br />

ire, tret kfn lai b;ýing bo:)i ire trQ~i 0il b~ al~g brush, ru-BV.Uled with a cornliound moade fromi<br />

quet d UU-1110mC. grouind bamboo and resin, and rucoatcd with)<br />

vcgetaible oil.<br />

I a i it, vat chi donx ddric t~f~diý-ithalng. Tim.euao<br />

ezit. dhn bil"Ik, mt)uon i hay -thp cue huo tr11 dhuych<br />

DAI3C-)l ang ion. a N~ t', 3i. duni 30 rni-kim.<br />

A/varies<br />

Czac diiy dt.1 clitng niguyen tal clio hc~e kelo di<br />

The woveni palm luaf fibur sails reqIuite<br />

frequent attention uid only lost from thrcu to six<br />

ncintlis. The cost of replacing sails repoirtedly<br />

from $3.00 up. to perhaps. $30.00 for the<br />

leigur DABC-l.<br />

keo lot chi ddoc rliay tfiiý kiui bj di~t doan hoic m~nio<br />

Cu.<br />

vi tuy~' I ( dd~ OAB<br />

/<br />

Standing and running rigging arv replaced<br />

nly when a line parts or wears out.<br />

tin -4: dfch-x~ C~ Cic'b.t' ~~c i Since so few DABC-lJnsir ooie<br />

khong ih~u-Idrni ddtltc may. Nh~i~n ngd'ii d~ng little reliable information was collected regd rding<br />

thuyeA i dla -phadng Udid'ng klanpg Ldf di ng cV shi the miiainteniance of thie iigines. Local boatbu i ders<br />

rnay d~'ii:c~n, nNu mot kill manluf ch~' Lu 141 al~ re not usually eqaiilppL-( to make any engine<br />

- A' * 11 I ,, d(<br />

dia 43U1,chng C1-o /~ -~ 7? -c~<br />

A~t nalrsmthemd<br />

ac ),,gC() U C511 J? r-11 epai i'sto thedicsels nai,,rsm thnad<br />

t rong nlihdng thi nii tu dityen -h0alb die~sel repuir garages located in omne of the<br />

coastal cities.<br />

KiN<br />


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