Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives

Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives

Vietnam War: Junk Bluebook (1962) - Paperless Archives


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<strong>1962</strong><br />









Report Date : 06 AUG <strong>1962</strong><br />

Abstract From Report's Introduction: The <strong>Junk</strong> Blue<br />

Book is a compilation of processed field data recently<br />

collected on South <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese junks. It is believed to be<br />

the first document of its type prepared since 1949 when<br />

Voiliers d'Indochine was published in Saigon. That<br />

book has become largely obsolete because of the<br />

sweeping changes that have occurred in the <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese<br />

maritime scene since the end of World <strong>War</strong> II. A large<br />

part of the 800 miles of coastline has wide smooth<br />

beaches and most <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese junks are easily beached.<br />

A junk can sail from the 17th parallel to any place on<br />

the coast of South <strong>Vietnam</strong> in a few days, and can easily<br />

travel from some remote point on the coast of the<br />

Mekong Delta to the coastal plains, farther north<br />

carrying food or troops. The military significance of<br />

these facts is obvious, and a number of enemy junks<br />

have been captured. One of these had made a total of 17<br />

round trips across the 17th parallel in a period of 24<br />

months, carrying enemy agents and documents.<br />

However, the number of captures is still far less than<br />

the enemy's capability. Therefore, it can be said with

considerable assurance that there are many enemy<br />

junks operating in South <strong>Vietnam</strong> waters which are not<br />




AD356185<br />


TO: unclassified<br />

FROM: confidential<br />


TO:<br />

Approved for public release, distribution<br />

unlimited<br />

FROM:<br />

Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't.<br />

agencies and their contractors;<br />

Administrative/Operational Use; 06 AUG<br />

<strong>1962</strong>. Other requests shall be referred to<br />

Defense Advanced Projects Agency,<br />

Arlington, VA.<br />


DARPA ltr, 5 Feb 1968; DARPA ltr, 5 Feb<br />

1968<br />



A .D jSY/ S"<br />




4<br />

AUTHO)R1TY:<br />

lest Available Copy L ,3 S I ED

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QUY~~~~~~~~ j E1. A TUE YDN RNGME A ITA<br />

-DOD ila eOP<br />

At ~ A~e<br />

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A<br />


Best<br />

Avai~lable<br />


KIN<br />


I A/<br />


SUMMER <strong>1962</strong><br />

HE <strong>1962</strong><br />

' .'-. ,, ~ I<br />


(7.a<br />

6 AUGUST <strong>1962</strong><br />


Colonel, Artillery Colonel, Army of the Republic<br />

Chief, Research & Develolpw-int of Viet Nam<br />

Field Unit, <strong>Vietnam</strong> Director, Combat Development<br />

Advanced Research Projects, Agency Test Center<br />

Office of the Secretary of Defense<br />

Best Availa b copy<br />


KIN<br />


KiN<br />


A'<br />





Soan-Thao lion-lHop Boi<br />

Prepared by<br />

CJ-Quan NgA n- CLu<br />

DJ-An Tlen-Tten, On Vi<br />

N gie~n- Ngti~nC~i du~ V V~Phat-Trien<br />

a- Ma ril^<br />

DX-Chfen (Viet-NIam Cyng--I isa)<br />

The Advanced Research<br />

Projects Agency. R & D<br />

Field Unit (South <strong>Vietnam</strong>)<br />

Ph'i - l-tip V0i<br />

In Conjunction With<br />

Tng-Td- LAnh T ^ .. 0 .A' "<br />

A - Trung-an, rhe-Nghicn VaPhat-Tricn Kha-Nang<br />

Harn-kCoc Thai-Blnh-Ddng Tac-Chien Quan--)i Vqt-,Nai C~ng-fwa<br />

Hai_-_ua_-hoa-K The Combat Development and Test Center,<br />

Commander in Chief RepubILc of <strong>Vietnam</strong> Armed Forces<br />

Pacific Fleet<br />

United States Navy<br />

HE 62<br />

Sukrilcr No-2<br />

rrF:Eraa<br />

N KiN<br />


KIN<br />


E. T. COLEMAN, Jr, LCDR, USN<br />

Intel ligence Assistant<br />

FICPAC Project Officer<br />

C. G. GIVEN, Jr, YNCA, USN<br />

Narrative Layouts<br />




Project Officer<br />

W. L. THEDE, CDR, USN<br />

Assistant Project Officer<br />


P. F. CARR, LT, USN<br />

Officer in Charge<br />

L. W. MACK, PH2, USN<br />

Team Photographer<br />

S. J. BARTOK, DM2, USN<br />

Team Draftsman<br />

T. D. HAMRICK, LT, USN<br />

Officer in Charge DRAFTING AND LAYOUT SHOP<br />

L. L. SHANNON, PH3, USN<br />

Team Photographer<br />


Team Draftsman<br />


A. H. QUARTLY, LT, USN<br />

Officer in Charge:<br />

R. G. MENDONCA, PH3, USN<br />

Team Photographer<br />

B. H. SMITH, DM2, USN<br />

Team Draftsman<br />


Chief Petty Officer in Charge<br />

H. W. TRIMBLE, DM2, USN<br />

Petty Officer in Charge<br />

(15 July-9 August <strong>1962</strong>)<br />

R. J. DUNCHAK, DM2, USN<br />

S. J. BARTOK, DM2, USN<br />

Assigned after completion of<br />

duty with Field Survey Team C<br />

R. G. MENDONCA, PH-3, USN<br />

Assigned after completion of<br />

duty with Field Survey Team B<br />

KIN<br />




The glue Book is the product of many different o?ýInlzatlona of the. Republic of <strong>Vietnam</strong> and United<br />

States Goverunment. The CSD/ARPA R&D Field Unit owes a debt of 'gratitude to hundreds of dedicated,<br />

hard-working individuals throughout South <strong>Vietnam</strong> and the Pacific Area for their contributions In the<br />

preparation of the book. Somfe deserve particular thanks.<br />

it 'Would not have been possible to prepare the Blue Book without the support. advice'and cooperation<br />

In this research by Captain Ho tan Quyen, Chief of Navalt Operation&' of,,the <strong>Vietnam</strong>es'e.Navy, and his.<br />

expert staff, especially the junk"Force..,7! .<br />

A.. specific expression 'of gratitude to C 'INCPACFLT U.S. Ndvy is appropriate and the work done by<br />

the CINCPACFLT personnel ois the Blue Book staff dc6ervets..rccognt'ion.<br />

Lieutenants. (uartly, Hainrick, afid Carr, Officers -in -Charoe of the Field Survey Teamsa, along with<br />

the petty officers on their teams, carrilrJ out an ofte'n'danigerous, always challenging job with apparent<br />

vaoe and high professional skill. 'The work of the team photographers appears. throughout the book and<br />

* - spaks ~~imel, a oc o-v/rkA'Lth-p t'aftm-en. 'wbo-moyed from th'e Field rFe, jAi o ir~~tyit-h<br />

shop and joined Chief Spinks', group. --- _<br />

ple.utenant Commander Coleman's adv icen 00nteli cecmanc-rw,4iwkmeicuuuaitguihfl-<br />

-graphs aud writtel.n notes, his resourcefulness in solvi:ng countiese unforseen problems, and his enthusiautic<br />

approach to the project all made hi's ervices indispenisible.-<br />

Particularly noteworthy was the work of Chief Spink8 and hi rw ThZ-'~Z In.............vou..<br />

and study of thousatids of photographs, field sketches and pages o!;tbtes, is reflected In ever,--- ge of this<br />

book. Upon the departure of Chief Spinka, DM2 Trimble too.K over and carried on Im-the same'skiliful<br />

Chief Given served as combination typist, layout man. proofreader, and'all around administrative<br />

assistant and had a practical solution for. -every one of the difficult or unusual problems given him.<br />

It was a pleasure for the Blite Book Project Officers to have worked with a group like this.<br />

M.C.D.<br />

and<br />

W.L.T.<br />

KIN<br />


--<br />





Definition of Juk. .. . . . . . . IV:<br />

The Purpose of the Blue Hook .............................. ' V<br />

Collection and Preparation of Material. ......... .......... Viz<br />

junk Blue Bo l.sficatlon System ' '<br />

'Location Map uf South. <strong>Vietnam</strong> ............ ................ xii<br />

Soiiti <strong>Vietnam</strong> Area -Orientaition Map ................ ...... xiv<br />


AREAI<br />

Q TC-..................................... C--<br />

A-<br />

-QTBC-2.......................................Ai*II<br />

HlJBc-i..................... ........... I....... Al-21<br />

QNUBH-l ................. .......................... Al-37<br />

QNBHIC ...................... .................... Al-45<br />

DABC-lI........................................... AIbi<br />

QGBC-1 ................. ......................... Al-61<br />

QGBC-I ............................... ........... Al-95)<br />

QTCCB-I................ ................... Al-107<br />

A REA -I ...... ...... ...... ...A -1<br />

AREA11Kl....................A<br />

QUMK-1 .................... ..................... All-1<br />

KiN<br />



QLIN4C-2 ......... ..............AII-13 I<br />

-QUBC-1 ............ A119 -<br />

NTMC-I.. ................... j j.. .. All-29 -.<br />

NTMC-2 ..... ... ......... All-51 T<br />

NTBH-I ............................................. All,57 *<br />

NTBHi 2 .. . .. . ... .. . . . . . . .<br />

NT C. I. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . All'-73'<br />

NTBC-1 ................... ....................... All- 9 - .<br />

C- ... ............ ............................. AI8<br />

QUBK......... .- AllI-9 27<br />

A RE A . 21 ..... ..... '.... .. ..... . A___-.5 MU I ...<br />

.--- - - A-C- ................................... 1-o<br />

Mrmc-i ............ .............................. III-I77<br />

PrMHC . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . AIII-87-.<br />

VtACT1..... I....................................AM-97- - -<br />

ARE IV'rL- II5<br />

l'JMC-1 .......................................... AlIV-7<br />

VTBC-I ....................... .................. All- 13<br />

RQMC-2 ......................................... AIV -19<br />

RG-MC-3 ......................................... AIV-27<br />


J. .<br />

KIN.<br />



Index býy Type ".........V...... '<br />

Standing and Running Rigging ..... t...................80-2<br />

The Byes of the junks.............................8B-3<br />

]Riddvr Detail Section ............................. 8-,7<br />

Typical Blocks and Deadeyes........................ B-Il<br />

Typical, Aheifors .................................. 89-12<br />

* -- Miscellancous'Fittings ................ P...........8B-13<br />

Important Fishing Hqulpmcwlt In South <strong>Vietnam</strong> ......... B-15<br />

CDTC Task 7/3: Prototype! Coinmand junk.............. B-17<br />

~Tyii~~agtn~ier~ui...................... -26<br />

KIN<br />




It is appropriat.e that a book about:<strong>Junk</strong>s .,In theivc1cinty of Hong Kong,. Kowloon and<br />

*commence with some remarks about the word<br />

* "Jtak" Itself. According~toWebster',aýNew linter-<br />

Macao where,&ie r is a wide rnaidure of western<br />

and :orilei3tl surface craft, -English-iipeaking<br />

"ntiiRu1aDictiovary., "junk" comes from the people~tmoitoften use the Suxopemn'name fgrbouts<br />

Portluguesm.' "Junico" which cornes In turn fronm the whielh. have a western look about them, and call.<br />

Javaneuae "Jnand means, "Any of various<br />

eahuracterlstlc vessels-of Chinese andneithboringL<br />

wutera, having as comlmon fe~atures bluff lines,<br />

beats of traditional Chineav, urigin "junks'%. The<br />

Freqch.,'(se the word "Junque" to denote any tri-<br />

d~tional <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese mulling vessel, but alai)n apply.<br />

very higb poup and ou'crhanging stemn, little or, no the term to some types propulled by poles 4ye<br />

keel and pole mustA usually high, carrying luK sweeps. Current tifage among English- speaking<br />

muils with battwnn running entire'ly across." people in South <strong>Vietnam</strong> givur the name "<strong>Junk</strong>" to<br />

S any native sailing vessel anid any native design<br />

The .!ncyLjqyedia Americana further coi- motor fishing boat,, even thtime with."western<br />

fines the, field of vuesels which may be called<br />

*"unks" t6 ~-flat-xl -- iumd- vussufs- --runging<br />

from 100,i joo -00tons burden. used by the.<br />

lines". This usage' Is conmnon to professional<br />

f~ hd1 -aple-fi~d-to tflif5`uaIoUw1UF111iW<br />

nuutical affairs.<br />

Chinese., They have three mnasts, and a short.<br />

bo~wsprittpluce-dontlie -starboaurd boW. Thuniimats -The <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese people have no problem of<br />

are supported by two or three shrouds which at definition. Tesmply have no word which<br />

all times are carried on the windward side.* On<br />

the fore andmainniast Is a sortof lug saillof cane<br />

or bamboo matting." -<br />

correspunds precisely to tbeEiigliah word "<strong>Junk</strong>".,,.<br />

"Chu" is most often used, but it is also applied Io<br />

a variety of biiirges, small craft,'even some kinds~<br />

of lugs,- and rC;.""' mvan a"'t".- The Pefplse M ,,,<br />

One source presented a much simpler way sail in <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese surface craft speak of "river<br />

to recognize a junk. If a craft Is large cnouioi tu boata", "ocean bouts", . "wooden boats", "net<br />

carry a water buffalo standing tithwartsbips, it IN<br />

Lclarly a junk. If the animal must assume some<br />

fishing boats", and so on.<br />

tither 1xisition, or perhaps cannot even make the The. aim of the Blue Book is to present in<br />

voyage, the vessel is t. sampan. Wibot <strong>Vietnam</strong>use and English a clear, eaSY-LUfollow<br />

review of recent basic research on Souut<br />

Thus, the origin and definitioai of "junk" are <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese surface craft, Therefore, it Is<br />

sublject to a variety of viewsi Webster's would necessary to select the brOadust definition possible . -<br />

exclude the slimn and grraceful sailing vessels of for "<strong>Junk</strong>" to permit the text to focus on the heart<br />

ceAntral Sooth <strong>Vietnam</strong> and the large number of of the matter, which is the boats themselves.<br />

power boats which appear in the Gulf of Sianm. Perhaps to somnethies are sampans and launches,<br />

The Encycl"pedia Americana rules out virtually to others loggers indirawlers. Be that as itmay,<br />

everiy native Vic - _mue -surface craft, vecause in theBlue Book they are all junks, all thirty-four<br />

large, fiat -bottomed sailing vessels of 100 tons of them., In the pages that follow, a junk is any<br />

burden, whose shrouds are Lit all times "carried civilian or paramilitary surface craft of South<br />

on the windwa rd side" are not seen in Soot-h <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese.<br />

waters.<br />

<strong>Vietnam</strong> whose length is less than 10)0 feet.<br />

KIN<br />





Ctlo'n r1, lieu ILBJE 300K 11, nit tit ii"u<br />

:1 hu h~pc~cti t~c ~tho l~fl dUtc'O~ng flu<br />

11 quen nit m6i diy 4~ cic hi I thuy'dix 6 VNCP-i. TiO<br />

The junk Blue Book ýis a compilation of processed<br />

field data ,recently collected onhouth Vicitnamuse<br />

J anks.;, It is belileved to be theL. f r atdicu -<br />

rang M ieiIIu nwli4 lo~i tI Il~ud~u qotýn kttl nsh -ii mcii of itsatype prepared since I949WlivnVoilk0-s<br />

1949 Iinm.ugn -'INDOCMHIN VOILIERS Dinm c~a d'IndochinL* was published in Saigon. rhat bo~ok<br />

Ffhiapddic &.A~nh. has bec:ome largely obsolete because oitthe sweC~p-<br />

I ,,Ing changes that hasve occurre~d in the <strong>Vietnam</strong>esc<br />

Cuoin Vd UIERS D1INDOCH11'J45 tr& Nhmnh_ maritime scene 4incv the end of World <strong>War</strong> U.<br />

ngbnh hbnghaCViv~t Nam t4.cuS thAe'cht^n *tlihai. When Villli'sd'lndochinu Woopublishvd, thu<br />

-- study of <strong>Junk</strong>e was a pleuvant diversion. At the<br />

Sd ngh~n v'~h$~i eiu huy~nhung d~n<br />

VOILlMlS D'INDOCHINE (2 chl ra m~t 'stil ti~eu<br />

khlP.h'n~c thci' Ui<br />

pesent time, however, the manner ofth gr-<br />

.sion being conducted against theltRepublic of Viet-<br />

7 HICn nay, v'1 tsubng I&1 t~n 6ng<br />

105a CNS9ngS, vito VNCI, n~n ngifii mo .nhAn th!Y'y<br />

naiti makes a -knowledge oX <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese junks ak<br />

military neaces sity. Beeauuv so little, current and<br />

- - rhng dc hbi~ thu~p <strong>Vietnam</strong> c6 Ii'nh e~ach qu'~n s0l factual infurniation- . -bcvir--coliecrud~nnd*tnhiet.<br />

V tin tuý hu~ng xuy~n vh ilitte sd eL assumblvd on the~ subject of Vietnumese junkt4, 2it<br />

va'n dc fibl thuyrn VIetnamn a thou lddm dltdc rdt Wsdifflcult, even to assess the seriousness of the,<br />

(t 61, ngnklh6 mli ikdfc tfnhdtMetrn qtua'ntryng~cua ý,nemiy <strong>Junk</strong> threat. Enough isknown,.Hw-1ever. to<br />

M61 dy Jou Ci~ So hh thuy'rn d1ch. Tuy nhiln, ctrng '6ausu concern. .- '<br />

SaO dch'o zto pQ h&1 d tryng d6n. C6 161 chbtng<br />

40, 0040 thuy'tn hoot d 6 ng trong phani vi ad( 40),000 ;1 There are somnething like 4u(4X)U~j-nkswhich<br />

dam vubngtrang cdc hi I phn duygý hall cuIaVNCH. hlail In about 40,.000 square rmiles of SouthI Viet -<br />

M~t ph'n ldn trong 800 d~m duy~n hat cd cdc b~a taarne-secoastal waters. A large part of the 11(11<br />

nhn mkinJ s1K cadc thuy~n Vitt Nami cd the c. pde<br />

dbng. M~t hJI thuy&'Onc thie choy tii vT tuy~n 17<br />

miles uf coastline has., wide smooth beachei and<br />

must <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese junku. ==::.'y ,A<br />

4<br />

tiltbdt<br />

c dc Ito'n ho 6 duyn h ha I VN CHlt ro ng mnýt v AI<br />

nghy. v'a c6 tdidt'dncq tm flhoin -<br />

junik can -sail from the17th pa rallul to tiny place oin<br />

the coast of South <strong>Vietnam</strong> in a few days, and can<br />

U? bC.# binhu~c trung'chAu s~ing Clu Long t6i ca'c<br />

mil difi hang duy~N h~a ng~c1n hd6ng Me G~'h<br />

easily travel from somv remiote point on the coast<br />

of the Mekong Delta ito the c~oastal pluins, farther<br />

thtic pha'ii hay bin]h J. north carrying fooid or troops.<br />

Cidc sit kli'n nay co tfnh cdch qUan s4~ hitA1n The military significance Of these facts is<br />

nhl~ti, vh m&t W~thuyrn cda dich do bi bat. M10t obvious, and a number of uerney junks have beeni<br />

trong cdc thuyhb nhy db cha~y tb't ca" 17 chuy!Yn k"0 captured. One of these had miade a total of 17<br />

Out qua 41 tuy&1 17 trong m~t th~i gian 23 thdng at' round trips across the 17th parallel ir a period of<br />

chý d1ch qu~n vb ti lI I& Tuy nhl~n, con d~thuyitn 23niontlis, carrying vnemryagenis anddclumurents.<br />

d-baft dlddc hay cbn r~t (t Ai d~i Ad kha' n~Ing duaa However, die number of captures is still far less<br />

dfich.. Va' co th~'~ ah ahc chan ritng co nhi~u than the enemny's capability. Therefore, itcanbe<br />

thuy-n di~ch Mang hoat d~ngtrong c~ic hai phan VNCH said with considerable assurance that. there artn<br />

kh~ng bi b t . many enemy junks operating in South V;:etnarn<br />

waters which are not captured.<br />

KIN<br />



sid ~ c~a hAl. ftuyn dMch, fl~U nhiltu Because of the <strong>Junk</strong>.-hreat. several agencies 5<br />

cd ua ~ c76 tem i cdc hhl diu9On caa have requirements for' additional information on<br />

3dich. 14c Ldolng Hit Thuitti c" VNCH'dng blinh Vietnmese <strong>Junk</strong>s. The growing Sotuth-Victnam<br />

tru~ng a~n cd m~t cu86 tAtlillu hu~ri luytn vhi nh~n<br />

bitti v cic lit thuien.. Cd'c 'ed quan thenm 14o m~a<br />

junk Forcchan need for a training and Identifica-<br />

tion manual,... devoted to junks. Intellgenve<br />

hg da chn c6 vbo cudn V0l LIERS D'lNDOCHNE 0 agencies.. which.'havu had to 'rely on Voiliers<br />

ml~t vhi tal ltdu viyn vpt 04ic n~a _fnp'h.i cd m~h d'lndochinc and a few other 4ýcuttwrcd pamphlilns<br />

CAIll CIO wd tagian ti'nh hdn. -- require somethingi ior c urri~kt. Navaloperatirig .<br />

:c.]c ltk ldng hlii q u~n cln c4 SO? soon thhu<br />

forces nuviluviatalug of junk types andch~ractir<br />

istics, prepared Pd that Identilication atid cotm- 3<br />

m~t cuo^ri 6i 116u IlQt kP clic lo#l vh de 816,n] caia municuioin tin the.. gubject 'are madu easier land<br />

cdc, Q~ thuy'N tWtlio #4y' rhtn d~nh vli th~ng hiGa<br />

van d~'ac-dtdlng'A x4c iitng'hon.<br />

more prteclp..<br />

I<br />

The. Combat DeV00lopnu. t and Test Center<br />

hi. hu6. )t~rung t~m nhy 11a ti~t cd~qua~n situ tion. Since it INt a research and duvuluiprent<br />

-irogccva dedal khimn thigct ddli v6'i Lift lLtf~ng confronting the junk Force mii ght be solved by,<br />

-1115 Thuybn c-~Iiht'i do ett quan nhy gl~i quyl~fi. Thl<br />

du nnht it ldichun, fp 'd' z vb thi~t tri dung c ~<br />

'CDTC. Exam iles of thuete problnms art: slvI~top'"<br />

and loat1 epni'nd ti selection, adaptation<br />

truygn tin *lM& quar tryngib phli tin, h16 _ nhlfla and installatioln-- fii omuiifratioinst'%-,-uipiiient.<br />

hdn anla 4~ dIOiii sung ye'u evca hill thuybn ban' vh It is Important to. lt-urn miore aboiut vulnerability<br />

dileb. N61 niaok c6ch.irffdng, quit; nh~n vlcn* cdua<br />

TTTNKNTC-l phih'~b(, v~n 6bAIthua<br />

eyktqu t ch vh' VNCH. Vay cuon tlxi lltu<br />

'BLUE HOOKl'a 14 in bd~c U&~' t8i s;thieu bI&' dt?.<br />

Cul~, 'BLUE BOOK' C~ do TTTNKTC soun<br />

uaao v01. etVtr4 gitip cua Hym Oilt cuaa B(i CIAi Hy<br />

-<br />

of friendly undt enemyjunket. Oeneriffy speaking<br />

CDTC personnel must huve u clear understanding<br />

ofthe junk problem in order to produce results<br />

that are useful to South <strong>Vietnam</strong>. The Blue BOLA<br />

isi a step toward attaining that understanding.<br />

At<br />

Thus, the junk BleBook ha enprepared<br />

I<br />

t 'iu co Th.-i Binh Dtfdng, ti Li&c hi't lii dt'dalp dng.....by CLjrc with the assistance of CINCPACFL.T,<br />

nthu eahu situ it~m v'a phtit trile~i v'h cuAin t~il H V'u nby<br />

cbn dttdc trinh leiy theo kbutin ko, tlv~n (Ch L119<br />

pritilurily to fill a researchund devulopm entrneed,-<br />

but also Is pre.sented in-a fornmat dedigned to be<br />

nhItu c'd quan khdc ntfa. ICU~'n'BLUE, BOOK' kh~rig useful to as manyother agencies as possible. The<br />

phiii IA rn~t. tuai li~u huhi than dfty du' cho sd til'u, Blue Buck Is not published as a final comnprehensivi:<br />

bitý. v'n &~ h~l thuyjen. 06S cii IN i mit tit ll.ý,u documtent on the Subject of junks. It is meant to<br />

khti~t thuy lim A~n b~n cho e~c t'ing tAc &dy du' chii be a ettarting point, upon which later more detalled<br />

titt lidn V'C sau nhy ttheo nhu cau. Cefch soon thao work can he based tf It Is required. The book has<br />

eduntici liVeu nhy cd thlvkhI6 cho myl sub dii hodge been prepared so that uhanges or u.dditionu can be<br />

bx'ttic ddiedcdidang, vN tin 0ec can nguy~cnltm can<br />

ban o~nthA ha c$ tii liu ny h~n An<br />

b~ h 4sa hoc0`n 61 tlccindng Ai'l<br />

easily mnade, and the raw data upo~n which It wes<br />

adisbmr'aedy<br />

bsdi eigr~ Wb CI)FC to SLrve aS the<br />

ledz trd ta I TT1'NKNTC dig lam nong rut cho rtfc<br />

thi lieu thanm kha~o v'e Van it ha'i thuyt-n.<br />

nucleus of a library on the subject of junks,<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />




'I- *N~y ni~ng 8 thing 2 <strong>1962</strong>, dhn VI d! chlIn<br />

itfu t~m vi pb~t rx 16 (R&D Field Uinit) c~a cd quan<br />

C411 Pi'p dtf in Situ "~ (AIAPA) thu6c Yin Plbug.Bo<br />

Trtfng Qa' bng Hoa *~ (06D) dlfdc tra6b nhi~if<br />

Vii tbigit 11p Vi Au cho'coank tdc sio'iith~o cu!Kn t~i'<br />

116U A~ hAl tlw'On 'JUNK B1.US BOOK'. W in naky<br />

da atcB Huý.T89l Coo Thfi Bnh Dtding c~hap<br />

tbtn ugly 27-2-<strong>1962</strong>, vh dddeV~n PongBoTrtiTng<br />

Q96~ Phi~sg Hoa Ký' cdap tihuun niily 22-3-<strong>1962</strong>.,<br />

VSin dt d! Jrao, alto lHqm D~i c~a 118 Chi HuyT6'<br />

Cao -Thai BhIh W~dg8ti hhnli tro ghdp ddn vi dl<br />

cbi~n ch Cd quý'n Can cfp dtf in sihat~m thuoc Vi'n<br />

Mu~g Eý Trvh~g Qu~c Pihbng Hos Kýv. Nghy<br />

..<br />

On -8 Febrmary <strong>1962</strong>, it was proposed that<br />

OS/ARPA R&D Field Unit, -<strong>Vietnam</strong> establish a<br />

project for preparationwof a J,4nik Blue Book. Thiswas,<br />

approved on' 27 February- <strong>1962</strong> by CIZICPAC<br />

and on 42 March-<strong>1962</strong> by..060.. The matter was.<br />

passed to CINCPACFLT for -action In providing<br />

assist-an~c to thc OSD/ARPA Field Unit.. By<br />

30 March 19b2, the first. CINCPACFLTr officer<br />

aryv.Icd In Saigon tin temiporary duty to help preýpare<br />

thebook. BylbApril 19b2, sufficilent pe rsunnul<br />

were on boar~d to dephyý the first field survey'<br />

feamn.<br />

30- 3-<strong>1962</strong>, vi 9a quan aku tidn c~a Ham W31 thu~c<br />

BA Chl Huy' T ýi Coo Thu'l. Blnh Dktdng Ad Saigun<br />

cbug tic da'tiQ gilp soQn thak,ctfdn Ql IIL~u tr~n<br />

___ ___ -___ - .,<br />

Extensive arrangements had already been<br />

made with the <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese Navy, the Customs<br />

prvlion and local mnilitary commlianders fr gu J<br />

- . 'Nghy 16-4-<strong>1962</strong>, &iy &I Win vitn d5 ~u~ng<br />

f dph~n tdn phdi dohn quan IsAt da. chlelen du.<br />

ti~n.<br />

' .port of Uife di~rut field. survey teams. In the ten<br />

weeks (116 April to 11) June) that followed, the flild<br />

teams spent between u . week und three weeks in'<br />

the-areas surrounding ench of the twelve major<br />

1019 cuQc, ti,-'p xdc Lrimi; diii d.' thdc hion vAi coastal towns of Souath <strong>Vietnam</strong>. 'Their tinic~ was<br />

. m-HillQuin ViOt Nam. 8& Quan Thuee Viet Nam,, vh<br />

cic vi chi buy qei"n sit dia phtfdng d0' trd gidli cho<br />

ba phdi dnq an '~ a~ chi. lTrang ntfil ti~9n<br />

l~sau (tit 16 di-tnS 4 A~ 19 thdng 6), cic; phiai &ihn<br />

quLan sit niy df tr~i mbt thbii giam ýt itmut tai1 bs<br />

Wo~n letrong cdc 1dm vitC bao'quanh mt~ithi tr~n<br />

Opent visiting iund questioning Na-val, people, the<br />

local Customs officers', 'the-fisheries, Army<br />

officers, citizens of the nearby towns antivillagus,<br />

and the fishermien and their families. Whenuvei<br />

possible they sailed in the junks they were study-<br />

Ing.<br />

trong 12 thi trian chfnhb JfmieNduyttn i1ul cua VNCH.<br />

1ic phii &A~n da thY~m vI'%g v1 ~ a u i~<br />

vign HSII Qu~an, ca'c ch~tc tru~ch . quinn thus diii<br />

phudnagi c~c ngdnghip, cic si quan ltuc qu~n, d~n<br />

cu mc~nth ~ hn r~ vic~c gt hBcin ga<br />

The basis -of the interviews was a 29 page<br />

questionnaire which was as complete as the Blue<br />

Book project officers could make it. About 2900<br />

diabbho. pages of written notes were collected by the field<br />

teams. In addition, over 3OU0I photographs Yvere<br />

Mu~i khi c4 thILS ca'c Pha'i-~an dik<br />

J.c h~l tiiuy'en mai ho nghi~h c~2L.<br />

di trOn taken in the field.<br />

Can bapn che ca'c cttc. phong &n eon cueC The field trips were rarely dull. On one<br />

phuL ban iý nit t~i ligu 29 trang gor cac c~auhoi. uccssiontheVict~ongentereda small town where<br />

T~i liou nly dfdc coi nht? dky &I tni ca'c s- quan a team was working and killed the wives of two<br />

but an 1BLUE BOOK' d~ir thtfc bie~n ddt~c. Cdc pha' goverru-nent officials. On another, the Viet Cong<br />

61~n dr thou ltfdm dildc tin tdfc gtut Chi p trong overrun an adjacent vil lage and massac red a numch~ing<br />

2,900 trang., Ngohi ra, cu'ng chup dilfdc ber of inhabitants. Another less serious incident<br />

3, 000 Lai'c hl~nh ng%;ai da chlN. occurred when a team was sent ashore under a<br />

bail of small miscellunewus objects thrown at them<br />

C'cuoC q an s U ua Phi.nf kib1 y h nr wife of a boat owner who had been<br />

J cJi- 1. ~ Cxmn~ ~ i rr h ~ ecently drafted Into the <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese Army.<br />

as t hui vq con hai chdc, trukh Chfrih Pihu' Vitt Nam,<br />

ma troaug thi tr~n nby n~t PhAi Don'n quin s~r daug<br />

Con Ac Mt lfin khdc VC trim vho mOt lhng kV<br />

cd'n vim sa't hal m^0t so 'thddng dian. W~t i'jn khucKI<br />



41316-m goy cin lida lb mtrt ph6i I 46n kht r4 bZ1 During the time the field teams were workbltn<br />

d5 bi U~ thifeu phb g&In dý ne~m cic A~t V'So Ing, about 900 aerial photographs were takeno<br />

I ngaLI. ThOu uny lhvo c~amt hthyi the junk fleets find coastal are-aa from the 17th<br />

v~h mill b1 di quAn dich trong QDVNCH. parallel south to the Ca Mau Penti~sula, and over<br />

the Gulf 4 Siam to the Cambodia border..<br />

Trong thb1i glan adc Piha' 0o'an dt ctng tic,<br />

thujion va, cic: khu vdc duyen h~t tit vT tuy~i 17 t&l Material collected by the field tennis was<br />

mu~l CAMAU, v!a qua Vlnhi THAILAN tali ranh gil~ returned to Saigon weekly so that film could be<br />

CAOM]EN. developed, questionnaires provessed and Initial<br />

preparation of the text cou'Id begin, It was neets-<br />

*T41 lfi~u uila cL~c Fhaiii Bohn thodu It 1 tm Wiedird<br />

g~~il vGSiONhn t5 6cdcpin h<br />

nary to dolise a special systemn of junk type<br />

zi-tiodgn~hn becaluse no buch system existed. The<br />

ph~g ac~ccu vgn ddp tcafdc kho th~ic vh (Iabit<br />

dusa hocuO'n t~ai liu tr&n ~11dfy rbng 6'l<br />

un-3re photographic library was then rearranged<br />

according to junk type', and material on each type<br />

ph~l thi~et l20ap iithC th(~nd~c biot d'cht danh cdc WAS cross-chocked by questionnaires, notes and<br />

ioeIthyn y) rng m~t hP tii~np!'nhiI vay Ira kh~ng_<br />

c6. Tohntiic'cbaci&nh' aupt&4d x ? la I theo<br />

photographs. --<br />

ýtig loaf thuygn, vh. tin t~fc Of ll ltu 4~ MNIi loal ca<br />

difdc xem xivt ljil nh'tro l~n ch~ ect vbo ede cgu vS'n Material wausilfted, corrected,.. discarded,<br />

* dap,' cdc dl~z ghi chd v~i cadc b&c anh, nila cdc PhaI- and.expanded. as this- work progressed.. Study of<br />

- -- ohn a thLak hl~n difoc. the aerhul photos 'proved earlier Information<br />

regarding operating areas to be incorrect. Some<br />

TauI 1ii ud; 6dcnghigh 0%i' d ml. Asi ch'da types that were thought tube of foreign-origin were<br />

lvi, ph'an r4fch 6L,'loq buS cift ditu khiung A~n tht,<br />

v~ hu h'cco ~gid o n to. Trong sit<br />

discovered to be late mnodifications of traditional<br />

<strong>Vietnam</strong>ese junks. junks were observed Sailing<br />

nghign cduj c~c Ole Wi~ng ýnh nhan thO rAng t~in In the open sea with sanil rigs never reported to<br />

tLk &~u tiri 'vu cd.ku cdc vqc hunt ai~ng cdIo c 'c h1~i<br />

thui'n kh~ing dtfqu xJ'c drig. Cie loyi thuyen mh<br />

thahe survey teams.I<br />

thoat duu tti&ng r~tng thu,$c nguGn 901C ngoai qttc<br />

sau ~ h'r ~ ~clu ~ ~ hy~ d~ 1 hn r Y'tng Temporary duty of the field teams was ter-<br />

Vitt Nam do bl~ci I e ' u nay. Ode h'i thuAnd~aqua<br />

s P d calve dd Sng nu btmcyegoi h<br />

minuted on 27 June <strong>1962</strong> and full time was then<br />

devoted to, completion of the remaining several<br />

th) cuec Phuh EAln eit khtng Of.L gun dOequun silt. hundred pages of layouts for the printer. The<br />

work consisted of preparation of the narrative<br />

Cong tac cti'a Phn't -Wan~ ch'arn 4t ng'.Iy text, selection of photographs for pubitcatIon, pre-<br />

27-6-<strong>1962</strong> v~i sao &. th~l giun du( d&ing vaio viC~c paration of detailed drawings of hull and riggings,<br />

hourn ta~t hbing tr~'r trang t~i lieu cbn Jai d~teni ?rn identification silhouettes of each type, and review<br />

ioa't. csng tdc Orm c6 so, soan th~o bin vlfn, tr'lnh of data for correction as additional points were<br />

thuat, sit Ia chon cac &n'mh~nh de'~riWk. .4d soan learned about individual junk types.f<br />

tha~o cuk hinh viF chi tiM- ye vo- Ibuyi vý liý Miog<br />

boomr. sid nhan dinhi hinh bhlng ~a nti loua 6iuy~c^n<br />

va Su X611 xet lai t~i He~u tim 4tc de tu'chlnh eec<br />

diemý f udtdddc bt~t the~in 'it- ni~i boaithuiun ri~ng<br />

The job was completed on 8 August and the<br />

packing hox containing finished material for the<br />

bi At. printer was closed. This was 115 days after<br />

A,<br />

Cong ta(c ho~ln tat vu'u ng,'ay 8 th~ng 8 <strong>1962</strong> v'a<br />

deployment of the first field team.<br />

a"cng hS<br />

I t I<br />

oa hii xong xuý d"cfn<br />

u vaqy cong t~c ho'nn t~jt 115 ngaty 4au khi<br />

PL; in Quilt 5at du chie%&u tii~n~ldi dddchin<br />

tan di co~ng t-:<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />

• ~CONFIDENTIAL,.: ,<br />



SiA-cddNnG. GENERAL<br />

-... Trong c Thanh Thd mre phddng thuc xep The classification system used in the <strong>Junk</strong><br />

= S -<br />

lost "s'c ythu~n~ddIc cbi din vi kh~ng c 6 phtdng Blue rook was developed especially- for tls par-<br />

Sthc nho kMAc kMl quan hbn. Cie phdan th c<br />

-thddngdangtrong ctfc cd-quan cua Chinb-Phu V.N. '<br />

pose, since. no other satisfactory system etisted.<br />

Systems in use by other agencies of the Republic"<br />

hay Y Ho&-Ky khong thich bop..cbo vifc xcp 1o0i of Viet Nameor the United States are generally not<br />

cdc thuy0'n, huvc-v" dtJe d. b't Iap-cho nh~ng myc- seitable for <strong>Junk</strong> classification or else they were<br />

d kchk€ic, t)atutinhbcochmn-tA dec6 thl'xI -dung<br />

trong cac murc dkch quan-aoJ. '.cintly<br />

developed for other purposes and are not sulfi-<br />

descriptive to be meaningful fpr military<br />

purposes.,<br />

Cich x~e Inopi df4c chlii oln trong cuon Thanh<br />

ThO, xV-Idung motnhb6m chlfchf danhgeqm 4 chd/in<br />

The Blue Book system of clausilication<br />

employs a designatorblockma6deup of four letters<br />

ci .Al I chi? at. 2 clil dtu cha nh6m chi vung mh plus a number designator. Th,: first two letters<br />

'thuyN hayt tJdngthly . Chfthh3 chi d 6 ung lda y<br />

thufen (nhtf buom, di'rn ltdc,chto vv .v..) ve chQ<br />

th(t4 muc-di'ch m! thuyn'dtI4c xý dpnu.<br />

- of the deslignatr.block indicateothe area In which<br />

the craft Is most commonly seen. The third letter<br />

indicates i the typeof propulsion (sail,' power, oura,<br />

fe'c.); the fourth letter, the purpose for which tLhe<br />

.. .Wil dang dl'phaabitciclooi gem nhtfog The number designator donotes a further<br />

d4c tinh di dlluoc uh6m chit chi danl mO-tZ. PI<br />

Id m~t chTf sB chi danh ' -chi l-oai 4c-biqt va<br />

"ddoc t6y j Ida chgn (khMng ddng dO'chl kIch thduc<br />

hay vi-tri a d)p).o-non t~~i I -'<br />

n t logt d~c biot trong st xp hyng tin g qu6t.<br />

breakdown of typeI, within the general descriptLon<br />

eatabltshedbythletterdesigwato ". It isthenumber<br />

designator which- pinpoints 6 specific 'type.<br />

This T i nombe n mb . ...... - is - selected arbitrarily and does nut . -<br />

Indicate size orgeographic location. Rather, it<br />

merely serves as. a means to separate specific<br />

--types wILb~in a general. category,<br />

- I Z.<br />

Trong mot vat trdIng-hdp che sa chi-dan~h In suoc cuaea the ituneial designator may<br />

cu' the0 tbh sau hIbi I chlt cF!-danh thdfng 46 bitu be followed by a lower case letter to Indicate a<br />

-thi nit'sthay-deltnhg vlo~i (thi-de.; FrMC-la). minor variutinn intypes. For example: VrMC-ia<br />

C~c nhMm chi danh de zp loai ddoc chi din Classification designators are developed as<br />

nhd suu: (Thi du) follows:<br />

ChY In th& 3 chh Ong 'Ch' in thýt 4 chi mvc Third letter Indicates, Fourth letter Indicates<br />

-Idc dl'y t "uy~n (Xem i -d~ch ni thuyt-n didc type- of propulsionoi Ipurpose for which bunat<br />

ekl chi danh dong'<br />

duli) "luJc ddy thuyen "<br />

I<br />

Ix-dyng (Xern cuch chi<br />

1dnnh niyc-lcn dd~l)<br />

i<br />

(See "PropulsionSystern<br />

Desinator,)<br />

,<br />

is normally used (See<br />

1 "PurposeDesignators")<br />

Fr(Fhan-thit) M(may) C(d'dnh c) - I (leoil) PT(Phan Thiet M(Motor) C(Fishing) I (Type 1)<br />

S-I<br />

-i<br />

-- , 4k_<br />

I Cha so chi loo trong<br />

hhngv!adngd,?ph~nbl<br />

Igila cdc thuy8o c6 d4c- I<br />

- - - =r<br />

' Number indicates type<br />

within a category and is<br />

used to distinguish<br />

Hat ch0 in di'u ch'I Iti'nh kha'c nhau nhdng L between busts having<br />

vdngma thuyLn thdang 1 cung cd nhdm chi danh First two letters show I different chuaracteristhAy<br />

(Xc b 14 O uha (X~m 'D area where bust is Itirs, which fall within<br />

ch] dash vdng ?ddtI) I)I clh dansi" & dui) mostcommonly seen. I thesame4 letterdesig-<br />

(See "Area Designs-I nator group. (See nurntors")<br />

I erical Designators.")<br />

ix<br />

KIN<br />


*~ KIN<br />


* Nut~yVFC-elilc1~thu enchqyn1ay, Thus. PT14C-l designates a coat,.. propelled<br />

*d~ng aOdul a. VIA v~Uadngtilty Ptsong voagIhan- by cngino only, priniai~ly used for (ishint and seen<br />

Thlgt, Thuyhn nZ~y dtilc phan blot v8i looi thuy~n most commo~q1y' in the Phn Thict ara which iv~<br />

44aih cm' choy miay khac cong cUa v~zng Phan-Thit distinguished from other Pbahm~iet fis60ing motor<br />

bing I Ch7sat chi da nh.<br />

boat types by the numerical designator.,<br />


14 nholka1 ch'd'hi dash vtngdt4c d~ng. Nhtfng<br />

Phcn Wr~it nA'y l'hong cd nhifti 1 ehl a vbIng dd m~i<br />

0' log I thuyth fly, nhilng nho'm cli "y~cfiubifi lal<br />

Vurng 414 thuytrn Jild~ni thlaky r'at niiitu. Nihtfng chi -<br />

tl'& phu lign Aquo ndtn cahe A~ khidc xaving m'a c~Iig<br />

e olthuyen hith~dthc jhi trong co'c pfn nbi<br />

t"~ii dab _ Lh_ 1ytnr~piig~ Ta<br />

Fourteen area designators are used. *These<br />

do not signify that this area is the only one in which<br />

'1this -bout cun be- found. Rather they indicate the.<br />

area where type io most commonly seen. Addi-<br />

tional details regarding distances from this area<br />

where the boat might be seen may be extracted<br />

from the detailed section oft~he Blue Bvol~describ-<br />

-Ing the indiv idual: junk cb48ctvriutics.' iThe Area<br />

.<br />

* Desig-nators -are:<br />

QT-Quang Tri<br />

QN-uag Nni<br />

liLJ-Iiut<br />

QG-un<br />

DA-lD' Nang<br />

giQ-~ Nhn<br />

QT-Quqng Tri<br />

QN-Quang Nam<br />

'HIU-Iide<br />

QO-Quang Ngai<br />

DA-Da.Nang<br />

QUaQui Nhoii<br />

*<br />

NT-Nba Trang<br />

VT-Vung TAu<br />

PQ-PhdI Qu~c<br />

FR -Phas Rang -PT-Than Thlet<br />

RG-Rach GIB CM-Ca8mo MadTVong<br />

IfF-Hu Tien<br />

NT-Nha Trang<br />

Tau<br />

PQ-Phu Quoc<br />

PR -Phan Rang<br />

R-ahGn<br />

HT-Hak Ties<br />

Pr-Than Thiet<br />

c)m--Ca Mau<br />


NNu c 4 the nhum chtil chif danh eqng Id1c d~y Propulsion system designators are taken from<br />

thuye~n ILiy ,Y til~ng ViL~t. Kh! ti~Ng Vi~t khflng co'<br />

chit? ttldngduldng, thl cdc nh6ni cht danh idd~c Ity<br />

ti~Ng Ash hoy td1y 4151 rn.<br />

the VfetuaimcsL, where possible. Where no cur-<br />

responding word exists, the designatur is selected<br />

from the English language or picked arbitrarily.<br />

Sau day la nhu'm chi danh &(IngidIc &l-y @~u: Designators referring to propulsion are:<br />

A-K&t Op: HA~M va MAY (Auxiliary: power and A-Auxiliary; power and sail (No suitable Vietnlasail)<br />

manse word.)<br />

[3-BUO N (Sail only)<br />

C-Cl-EO (oarA paddles, sweeps)<br />

fl-Sail Only (<strong>Vietnam</strong>ese:- SUOM)<br />

C-Oars, paddles, sweeps (<strong>Vietnam</strong>ese; CH-EO)<br />

Ni-M.AY (motor only) Ni-Motor only (<strong>Vietnam</strong>ese: MAY)<br />

K -KH(NG (no fkower<br />

K-No puwer (<strong>Vietnam</strong>ese: 10-ONG)<br />


"t<br />

.-S<br />

KIN<br />


g..- . - - ; i" : - : - , , i :r i - " : - - " ;- - , .<br />

.• ""-I4E N'. .<br />

r. . . . - .. .<br />

'Ki<br />

,.-<br />

S3<br />

. . . -.<br />

- .: . - - :<br />

- /, . . ,- . . • . .- : K I N<br />

•<br />


.- • . - .. . . . .. . - .. .. .

KIN<br />


-- CHINA-<br />

- CHITNAM<br />

B3URMA *<br />

RANG9,ik<br />

)LAOS~.<br />

AN-,4I<br />


CHINA<br />

,\ k AN K ~ * ~ o H E MANILA.<br />

'1.* CAMBODIA tNAM<br />


01DAMANAA OF v'<br />


S~A ~.SEA<br />

,MALAYA<br />

NOATK4<br />

BORNE~<br />


06 sINPORE ,E<br />


- . CELEBIES<br />

J4 IVA SEA<br />

90105* 120,<br />



KIN<br />



Ki<br />


•. . . . -. ,<br />

w KIN<br />


I .1..<br />


"v,' ,SOUrH.<br />

... ..... ..... l " .. rUN~ " .<br />

4.NG<br />

- n- .. . . . , ¢ "<br />

.0AN ,, WA:<br />

. • , O , . :- i<br />

14 I:<br />

........................<br />

..... UNG<br />

I.. .. .;QUI NHOM :<br />

"()A r<br />

i ,"PHAN RANG<br />

"':" ' HINH<br />

AREAH/kA<br />

.. ""P-<br />

W . i THAUIN<br />

I Tuo: Y 1 V pt AN',G E SEA<br />

'PHLJ "I<br />

S"~~~PHU ¢JOtic"<br />

"NACII GIA.<br />

TUON<br />

F<br />

V;,! '-q<br />


S• AGON<br />

SAREA<br />

VUNG Kr ~N<br />

CA MAU*<br />

AN<br />

X1""N TI<br />

PA, WYEN<br />

"' ARE A<br />



xlv<br />

KIN<br />


* . KIN:J<br />


QTBC-w I<br />

-OTCC,-'<br />

HUBC-2I<br />

IGH-<br />

ONBH-I<br />

QTBc.4<br />

HUBC I<br />

DABC -I<br />

QNBC-I<br />

QGBC -I<br />


I KIN<br />


I I- QTBC- I Al.- I<br />

NQTBC - Al-<br />

*~ ~~I .1 NMIQTC- Al- 11,<br />

1t V- .'-<br />

fIIA '- 0,. Al-7 21.<br />

.,. -. .:-<br />

"O i- " f<br />

Al- I' A -457/<br />

.N I.V A AI-<br />

-NBC- I *1Al-<br />

HI Al-<br />

55<br />

95<br />

QGBH- I Al- 10T<br />

. I " , ~" l_<br />

ii : .4!.- .. IB ' f" 4<br />

: ~~~~II BA5-0* .l...( GVANUN O'CCiCLOiT NCI YE A"5<br />

"1 -,KIN-1 f~ ".<br />

S.... " :)ACON -FID N AL<br />


I KIN<br />


KIN<br />


AYL-<br />

K IN<br />



KIN<br />

v,<br />

AI-2<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


:tt4TIMETER3<br />

/ I;,'<br />

/ .<br />

/ V<br />

/<br />

'II 4j<br />

/ ' i).<br />

)' I<br />

CHIEU DAI 1231 CM, LENGTH 404 FT.<br />

4.<br />


TAM NU'CIC<br />

DRAFT<br />


C6 HANG 30 CM. LOADED I FT<br />



CO HANG 54CM. LOADED leFT.<br />


DOAN V'N 2-3 GREW 2-3<br />

FEET<br />

KIN<br />



KIN<br />


QTrBC--<br />

ILL<br />

I, .> '~i' A<br />


A o juutn -dted11 4ýll l C Fl T C 1i On ntevciiy(tGl<br />

thtlc illy0 diiiQUA<br />

tu O ' 'RI.Thu^1 tl' h Vie inQting'Fi PUV~l~e Sh Isa noduawI<br />

7 se wo th f sh ng cr ft whos<br />

C~~~~~t d h' ~ hn di .1ýj an !tae 1.1 -iX~ hp v r<br />

cihky cl Wei<br />

L ou lh 1uyen QFB MC- CC"t Cua Viu Te B -Ih wsfudinth k e Vtlllciltp iry bfull<br />

rhictihQA'J R. hyi nýi QI~ Ihu~ (11n0 Vie Q uuWIn Is P~rdovine t She isk- an moderatley<br />

h M tl' e hn Vdi Citie kv1)1111 ml iti:L- 6dap m kti hi1,1t Uoa in.Ih r .olngt to ihe 1111 fth III. ItaivC pi. wh ldn I fh<br />

C h<br />

7~<br />

Aul o I<br />

A',<br />


KiN'<br />


010ttc. biet loot ihuyA QTMC-1 go- rt~h lotI<br />

cua Viet trt~&.thk 17. 0 ~i9 ~ ~~ ui 0J<br />

'Ibi craft repi'rw~tdly originated in Cuu Vict<br />

prior to tho 17th Cuutruy. At that time, it WllN<br />

dlivtj ruting bi inqt I,ý bi gb~td~.a :rl.i hin vta nP1111<br />

uinn flinj~n (ot rige;) 40'yrvdit siff to Atd' Vi~<br />

fic~qutntly uqulppvid with ;'n siutri~ggci to "inift inl<br />

travo2rning Iib rough mcoot pri'vailittg off thu coust<br />

tGythtifliug vio J P~g~iil kh~i dIi'sfl QLUAN(. 'iq- of QUilnt 'l'I ProVilIce. ()uiriggirrs are not known<br />

A ' 1l<br />

Hy~ thonpw nsAyy nj<br />

Xu dung n~t,<br />

~yý~l lA'<br />

n khn o lty x111i di<br />

to ))it usod todty.<br />

T hdo'nji thfltig 1 tt ihuyrý<br />

A<br />

Wont vho vi~'ili buoom l~on<br />

fI>I~(n~<br />

v~iph; tuy uIlli rý<br />

~<br />

A10t<br />

QW1- is normally riggcd iii a line mastud<br />

ugr howvuvv, whenil using, a flip nvý the moat is<br />

owtal ly unswteppd . Shev call also titup if low fore -<br />

buC'z thiiog Ai xi"t thitye `At Ih pti aist if 1dIe brCt:'.c coli~itiuns are favor-able. The<br />

i~N~i~Lf' i 11411t o~ t 1'1. Vebil d (dip ott) fug<br />

A '~ A *A , ?A o ''<br />

flvp thiiin gi Hi- cotIlp Wil tIi cila p t'n 0 I I iitLt (1 l<br />

A' I 'A'<br />

%vAn (ISil I 1118)W n vitt, Iilw lf-itt 1111/<br />

A .1e Ah(n I ) h, te ~ !y I,~ PA. .<br />

diltig Oteriqr rrt iaph tic vi t~ttit'lti ih -~ * N td.g<br />

I ar tioial siti appi bfeii ivc ainct hir no rm tal viiglhep<br />

ilt u y1 ~t 4 iet, dithL W al avm elat- draIfat (aif I~it<br />

thum a fo ot. *alit' worki' wel no tife tiallo Iw ialaiid<br />

*.<br />

apd 401 tfi`c Aid (dii l2ii.). Vdil tiv ikit itih',Iiv (tit an<br />

Weano, ) t rang blu d~~ it~i I il Anh (drii'i (iait3W)<br />

iluy'tN chl v dilil.dt r IPlitg I ('it cdc ontiy di~to nt"MI III apitt* of fill effort of t( l jit'Jltud Si a lo<br />

trotig TKLi~tIN iRI Opt'ratoloit Missiton 111 1957 to Intrioduce diesel0<br />

engines into the jut tko(lVict: nontt0tly m i ateQ'1'dC-1<br />

0~~~W o ld fttt~0111t~ 11 V" ' hit"1 fro nil<br />

A'N<br />

tv I inat Ky dit~ e' gaug.it v lull Id v(. c i", inavt'n chity<br />

-Dictctel ehi cdc ]fillrhuyY'it VN. Onit g Ol tlt'A' -I,<br />

is knowt ito be talort'iwd . This wun dorn' ily<br />

ext endlitig, a shritittveilti-u Ily ovvot- 11001 poil guwalle.<br />

Th 'Pitt'aft Was drtiven by huici from 1 2 1/2 liorliemot<br />

mino titayvutQTB0--l dti&i gil'ii ta minnul thi! .<br />

gtt v AyiTI vh alt;ie ii-ttit'<br />

Sitf<br />

i<br />

poiwt'i dit.'1 enigtine Svcentd oil duc k in thit snliti<br />

11,'iilgotai'll rra<br />

It ,'d In NTMC -2 . Wlhe t ohlsexv ed ait<br />

tirut thlin~g dtltig qu~it IIIi-tin thily III bull tIilt. Tri.iw<br />

MYv I.110 kt~o IsI'iir tile tliIf: t ia: o v!tin tltIi/ilfllbd 140t1<br />

ma isl212a- d tthii'Ivit ý? I<br />

mil cdch thilc galtI mnify %mill gil'?itg II itt 111 lo ltityt't<br />

Cuat Viet. thi.L particular junk hadt ht'en lt'aeittu<br />

foU loutr ti- liis a nd thlie eligi tie a p~lu -ito to hi' In<br />

ii. r otilittlr witas a rusult of rust aecuumulat ion<br />

from Conttinuousli- L'XI-xisUi'ti<br />

/~ i A-<br />

1Ri ddft, b6',tl rhiag Vý tony la' 11<br />

y~ ~i'paiuntagktiti lul<br />

V0iyiIC VtC kht'n iiht~tic<br />

ho ti lla Ie<br />

Nio itninititlgight.'i ratilo or- niav igAtron equip.<br />

Imciii Weie ,t~il-, '( Ihl~lod anl' of the Q'TiC-I'S.<br />

A<br />

NhA h~ y i'c tliitu1h<br />

ha hianh tlunget ý Calhin v mvC'<br />

,11C KIACarttidie<br />

i I _I iMi '0 U~<br />

c 'A~ (I'll<br />

atid[ siniaithotr rtca nu lamips ;1-L tCe c It td<br />

alit'a d atndl could hc et II oc tuiCWl '1ii 11i l(ii ct iif<br />

-f a rft, tot light it-, Celil~l, o* to) sigiilI hii un<br />

rc bIf ITl 'A ' tio<br />

A,<br />

ctV lobntt.'i:<br />

A<br />

%,co vat ci nrgliýCutY . Sparc p.lluu , extra t' lg ig,01tati I<br />

A? % A A A A e\7<br />

soi sinag kitiontg thuvw'un node ti C~i Ll.i,'uKId kihan<br />

I d- InK. lhtihting tri ''Avi k Ali Gq' thalý' In<br />

Cat<br />

vc o A A' -',\-<br />

IN)phtti thay [lie. ilti I rang<br />

) 111gia<br />

liuh vtI<br />

A<br />

viat<br />

KIN<br />


KiN<br />


A 'A<br />

ro Thyu I Qi I o th e otW th~dii g tieek mi<br />

E'a1 a rVft tito I I bou t $If li 7 . a A e lo l wttdi-'t crato<br />

A ' AA'A ~ -<br />

A' ' 7~~<br />

KIENi l A onA V TU BO ce a<br />

the u~vn. Rot, 1 dthe'0tlong co'~ dottrcu~ ong, ii whee tietrud nost Te of nd thet$37 keelowtsordar<br />

ngdtl k~ndC imn 900$t.: ph0a muli v huyih, )a c hardoo isn momt rt omnmnre ly U tein a 11, nd te<br />

dillyc td d n g d on~h~g pitt tal~t icu giong VLt n hu I ycnue post Viia~nds j stog ti r ar att!bdo s VIIl ande<br />

th ayn go ha ngiL' ddIA dlou goT.C thuo Mh CAn theaG as - 1. lrkn..So t o d alr oth<br />

'A J; A 7<br />

ng dn huvng dwdel bat &Ui; bhatrng &I e~ thayen dL Cov n ars restrut on be i insb laing halons iitiricr<br />

7<br />

"/ toA<br />

A, /%<br />

Va tie them logstk doa gin rnat: tbU dyi do Ic<br />

I Y 'A I<br />

tho khurghoyn. Rot, dt ca long ti d ti 4o e<br />

A, A I A I<br />

/<br />

it g15<br />

nlio A^(<br />

A<br />

asd fditional supor and atltachin bo planksng Ten<br />

to ifee ds rame ang .Te thnd ofse ted weet Ii fu tm-dar'<br />

ngioe ktng pdc lan 61 e a',. ph~ btin vdr 3tN cac thenonz ida bent uween th) serde rasitics.them landsriii<br />

t'Itfue ndi1hcdLb/ng i ben t~om lmvt I hynto<br />

C~, i'y van vi~o n n huyi~h dz~ 'I.dldc g ht ~ c n t1eh<br />

11111oll aun ~ leai fruet dong it pliIIliv<br />

h.mi' btfit Ehu 2 dil o oh lt i mfAbyte 7e.N<br />

nsn'tmlesat tahd<br />

as egs dd ptlan'kee sing Sht- bard t s<br />

ciritud sape erelat-( rsal l a vy a<br />

oi n tent xedtefe<br />

nvc i<br />

aepettred Stolth<br />

h id t tgo -ot e<br />

~ r .Fv<br />

rhoang tiIIIngý1 b~kig khoan t13y.<br />

lam u nc t ha ibnsekh~tg lc.<br />

(2; I idi t<br />

racoulipC<br />

hogv ne s q,,wu t<br />

bow~n xadth<br />

hwa~ rive thro ugh .- tl mliwltistitl' inei lo<br />

si. J e toi Thoesmay coto o t and toi<br />

. o<br />

pr o -g<br />

\1 A7lAte!<br />

vadetums~ lývinriattuyen<br />

:'t 0y~t15 vieaditoalSLpir frth dc paking Te<br />

AON1^ETIA<br />


KIN<br />


p x~~i tii'la<br />

Cu a upea vnv tuund1~ '~ it 'rho edges of all h ull pi Iai ing are bcvele<br />

de v hu lit~ c ho kh(t v% sau kiil dZ dtfing khlt<br />

ca nQh c ghop ddi~t: sum hngv yhs<br />

to Insure a tight fit and, after be~tng socured, the<br />

scams are caulkedl with tie ~korbmo<br />

cac niatil tru nh6. It Oa~t hai tbhrphn trtpy. The ..u.. must bcocraped-at-ieast every<br />

thuyen mtt Ian. va, mach ghvp not) lif pha I sanj InI two; month m and -any opened sc.almsare rucaulkod<br />

khl do. -Moi inach j~ep phh al<br />

n~'m n~t ~h.<br />

i'lal i nhat ba at that-time. All scams are rccauljwd ait Ical'.<br />

yvry three years.<br />

7 %A , % A 7 A<br />

A Vuo thuayen khung tret. hang qU -thuc ;nloe, -The<br />

Win -A kiln-oto _ A'ii<br />

khn d 'o"kogc odiem gic thi dy -Is<br />

hull is not sealod, with voetwalile asll and<br />

riot paintedur-aclotted vdth uny ottnionentattilh,<br />

* v~ a~t dn~ . nii. hongthy/W tt.$ :uuh as paintedi eyes un the boW f Von ur IWO)_<br />

c hi, bian~gui111 - ba ng tre dan. buvc vat) wovLenbaniloo shelter 6ibins. a re~ utwully.Mattachied<br />

halN~~<br />

o~n, hA to the gunwales'and ;mayk bv tacked uli~n the othevr<br />

~c ~ hId"tn<br />

ba .... .- or romoved from thle beat<br />

Yh ~<br />

L<br />

Mi ibien, A? hvr 'A co A<br />

Ao hinih hll da i loai<br />

LfhC.1111 vdanV~ hainh hdli olyt -ot iai ýlI't ph(a irong<br />

'A ' ;, /<br />

khUyc'n. DOJ klu1 thay co "lot hanh lai nh4 nhon<br />

hinh tnlk~ tuilngnn thay v anliit~.B'i<br />

An elongated dkowr type rodder operates in<br />

an inboard ruddertrnwenutea.Anulr<br />

crescent, shape~d rudder mray occasionally be<br />

ollrve:d intweaud of th-e E-longated rudder. Thv<br />

'14u dsnhn 1 ddi luunntn h -- L<br />

1 dacn rdder e:xlends well below the hull, but can be<br />

l~i b hoc rad~d Og.KhMg 111011 tLuuyeollQ*C-1 casily rahid or reinoved. No an~hors were<br />

A A<br />

o tipy hA tum, vao Ctc SaO Ire call) xluiý i l'ong st^)!g fora h swn tr obno oe eue<br />

t? p~li'l 01w* v dii . in Lhc river bied.KI<br />


-7 6<br />

IkIN<br />

4.<br />

Ap btl<br />

A<br />

A' lam li go A '<br />

'A L(h~Jc -. din<br />

tren Short wooden pultcs uri cid for. thie two<br />

In: niasta which u ru Htepped in Ilhwlirs wivh the. main<br />

pIIdi triA) cdii ndi giidi tiuys.n. L%ýt 1t;&II 1111 khi imust well forward of amitdsiihps. The fot-Cm aStL<br />

* - d*img I~N khi~m co ed~y buA, ,,nhLdng 4.t ibut(mi chfnh<br />

hthiiIfg ctJ; bLmy ba'ng hal a~i gtP il'y'. cdc .4,01<br />

hmI Ia'i m I~Ng Ire; tdtfnpng dot v( I mChIc- cao ~ta<br />

CIAl btjuuni t)cdame H'o buisNi Ay cs-ao bt'i'ut Cual<br />

di. s ccluý t tIhtljen khc. Cull WWII Ia I IIl<br />

sdilI idj edai v~mo nbau, niim nhming vii vi$ the gal) IaIi<br />

(III& triitfol khring ditifc.<br />

when stvppecd Is not stuycd, bilt the mmain mast<br />

will genuruhly have tw~o rattan Ailoiids. aW<br />

I-ol "s tire tiged fill the yairds and buooim andit<br />

rviation to the imau livigiii oit ljij; i wdi thoý'<br />

11 moist Vietnaon.' u am-e<br />

The sails art! made from woven ptijim Itaf<br />

fiber and. thougli light tind]I plible, are not sttrong. U<br />

C'ml III b i dtilac thay Ili 31. t/1 1 6 11hIl I, Ig n I-)L Iaal<br />

Iu b'A ha lo' Alp sm 11A ýih dili khi<br />

tIA'a thhi 1)times<br />

iy rt replaced every thirev to six months. and<br />

frucluuntly are seevn frayed aind tattered, somi:i<br />

with IIIrgo gaping hioles.<br />

'A'<br />

Caet:oe l .l\NQTBLI-I aihu hehin laaiga ng~v ao Q1 Iviveae yurt daily daring the curly<br />

WSims4 st ni va o't? ye t r'tdar kill litutr llmý(l 15n. 'Ill morning hourms and retr I beM sunset. In the<br />

i-ctlyu myd tinhenng~Ifh~ air and pleasanlt teQTBC-I's fi-sh as far as<br />

1. 24&ýV11.iiZ suanV<br />

I A<br />

datih u1 t fel', CML' $01l;n nuonglga ii'<br />

Imtji,-aimCimVt<br />

e (I -at<br />

thipiv daino<br />

fiiic m~spin- soelrmug i.rh-uklU<br />

the entire ycat , thecy fish the shullow rivers or<br />

11ong tinhQiJANG TRI, Cu', ngd ph8 h ag<br />

hd A que<br />

1t1g:1%V tIr . ed frOM conit. nmn.~t likho Vqi, h uiqtC<br />

W~ iriand water-W;IVS Of Quang 'rri Province. Thie<br />

fishurmen olmit'- olways return to the s m<br />

hNell% t rinih Via mliteu npiti ini-ng ht.n h d' di theno gener~il fishing a rea each, day and arc thonroughly<br />

to % Jinillhý111 ,I fl_1 . fi *'in A'~n ilij.lr i~ with their route since Iman fthlyla<br />

dung cuhi i hat 1ýloIII lao naC.n ! ihn1thg lily caC "a<br />

,jirca 110 l 111 h1dItn diemi Vj tron31lg Val, V.1t l* ( .IV<br />

traveled it since ev, ýv chiidhooit. They use no<br />

fI01C~ILiin aidS 01' WIVigatlion, hilt rely only on thlL<br />

lnlgt Iu SI<br />

rd. i en30t kiiown lamndinur ks, and th liosnit ions of<br />

KIN<br />


ýKIN<br />


LBu~lf trildc: ewang-t'roun c.^ut 'bulit chiiih<br />

L gcrq e on ~Illan maait<br />

KIII tliuyeii chqy ngouai khdi, cabucont niul Ion Both the foresail and mainsail ore generallyzbuom<br />

chfnh thdd1ng dilot d~dng IN,. Khi ch.ay t~rong used while operating on the open sea. The main-<br />

Honig hay ewe't thay dyo tfoeng ~ dju, (III' cl? ed sail alone is often used on the Inland waterways<br />

cafrh b~iCn ch(nth dddng In th i! tuy nhien c~'ng and rivers, but it is also %:ommon to see the foretbt&ins<br />

thgy cinth btu61rnimul 'dd4L duUng Ito~ tre~n gail set on the main mast in these waters.<br />

cot bun ci oh<br />

V1nth A<br />

6vuye Aun~<br />

V~ nA- ~"~'nnon nenba'n IAI<br />

g:<br />

hAl<br />

Gua<br />

dIn<br />

Viet n. ebdlli<br />

ra hi chay v'lo cdc th Iy<br />

of eca.ise of tile shallow waters in the vicinity<br />

ofCoo Viet, the rudder will often be removed upon<br />

entering inland waters and a large sweep wll he<br />

dqo trong noi d~a, v~dtlc thay Aung rn~t ldi ch~o<br />

to ch'Ia ra & ph~a tr&ai thuyen. Kill thuye~'n dnh Ca<br />

Citng ltldi tdi ve't th'l ttnh la1 cung ddtic na~ng cao<br />

len.<br />

extended over the port quartet as a substitute.<br />

The radder will also be raised when fishing with<br />

a purse net.<br />


Cac thuyuh. loat QTFIC-l doing nhfe'u luai iiP4,i<br />

Various forms of fishing nets are used by<br />

jiutdc, of the QTTC-Ic-iass. A amrall purse nct may<br />

danh ca" h'lnli thdt khac fthau. Thuy~en co' the kco Lie towed astern, or a larger purse nat may Lie<br />

I'l t ltj~i Ili V t nhý ý Sao liai lay dyng 11i1 Ik9 secured ito the bow ntid stern. When using' tile<br />

v& tlin hon bu~yc V~ao ink-it '61 161. Kht duinglib& I& larger nut, the inainsail i~i hauled in flat so that<br />

i~y, th1 edri buLni chf'nh ph~al ke manh vamo cho the craft may drift to leeward, towing the nct.<br />

A - I<br />

khLong ca'ng bit) ubd ay<br />

git; de ke Ii idi.KN<br />

n I*A A<br />

0lu~ u~ th totd te<br />


KIN<br />


4M<br />

'Ri<br />

'A '~A<br />

Nhleu thuycnQTBC-I dung mot trong hul 104k Many QTBC- Iclass junks use one of two typles<br />

AA %<br />

cu~ng ra thainh h'lnh chd V 6'i ni~tii thuayen mia WuII bo pole4 extended in a -'V' shape from thte bow.<br />

c0u V co' noy't ca~i c~an nho' bhng thtep b~at voo uinj where' a small steel rod attached to the bow 18<br />

thuyen va xuyv.n quai acu sao ire2 dL`io I It to rha netdtrjg iehmo oe osrua<br />

cal true de nong hay~hg Wllt. Lo& 10~i 1116 hai<br />

A~n* nivr c~t khting b~'ng LIV to hoi b'at VUo 1111<br />

A . A A A / A -0<br />

flluyo.ý iang bimnke. Tren thuy;Ž eu, bc hn<br />

do^ de gl!,!ho ILAd dili tiiing b-'Iig. VN3 hon saw tre<br />

ddqlc buAic dda VLA phi(a t rdtlk tlaJi h~in hnh L:hld X del<br />

A 'r ^<br />

treo hfdi. NM~t hac% hai nigif phtJ bdd&. len cacdi'ohn<br />

ad"k i1tfo ~uidi. (Gaoj Iditih4 A 1 0<br />

pivot In raising or- lowering the net. The seIcond<br />

tylx, ".mployes ,I larger bamboo frame which is<br />

hingedatthebow. Stoines are attachadast counter-<br />

weights onbuxard ard four bamboo poles are lashed<br />

to the forward end in an *.X' shape, from which<br />

the net Is suspended. One or two crewnien walk<br />

7<br />

1( M 1;* canir dkIi nay<br />

?A A' 1 A I A<br />

chl trong hl.iv it tt'en cal: song vai thdy ilao trong<br />

up the counterweight platform to ussist in raising<br />

Tthe net. TIhese dip nets are scon only on the<br />

noi did, rivui -, mid inland wa terwnys.<br />

'A A A<br />

Thuytn iAobig diung phi. Inl! phl t 11<br />

ý14) C~I<br />

'/, ,A' \ S A 7<br />

/'<br />

L.LJ ddyih (di'L'V) C.t-~ i'ie<br />

CII a.AUi ddL l& in l<br />

IW Ic )~<br />

ho hanlig nlg~iv ME baina<br />

t roug cSfc thti'ng nlit' hanlg<br />

Nil p ro v isi n I,, mtade fori p reserv ing the<br />

catch. siticc those craft return to port da-ily to sell<br />

their fish. The catch is generally btowed in small<br />

IA I dodiji boung 1h1w', ratan baskuts below domck. N<br />


A it


AI -11<br />

K IN<br />


KIN-<br />


A1- 12<br />

C 22<br />

KIN<br />


KIN-<br />


.7- ~ _ _ _ _ QTBC-2 Vl_ W<br />


TAM NLf6C<br />

DRAFT<br />

CONG0 HANG 40 CM. EMPTY .1.3 FT*<br />

CO HANGr 98 CM. LOADED3.FT<br />



CO HANG isCM 1k OADFO<br />

.6 FT.<br />


DOAN VIEN b CREW 6<br />

KIN<br />


A 1- 13

-KN<br />


J A<br />

- -------------<br />

Q TBC-_2<br />


nofhyen Q1131- tht<br />

'-2 f i.r<br />

l~ vun Ia a<br />

QMhC-2 is seen in thu vicinity of dic l7th<br />

Nvit tu V ý 17, nih phin chia Na iii 13<br />

~rimen thu~ic Itial d(nh ca, v3 b~tlg o, co 1a1~<br />

pItNn. tarallel, squprating North and South Viet Nhint.<br />

A tIII'L'L niastL'd, woode~n hull fishing craft, thi6<br />

* IMIllI, v4~ sun xuat ?I1 t~nh HaI~ Tinh, Bue vIýt .' Win boait is native tLu Ha -rinti Province, North Viet<br />

1454, mot (t ligd~i di cd bang thuyen QTB1C- cu a.I*94' malnme frfge<br />

NJ dL% quý.Ai Trung Lddng t6n Quang Tri. vli hiy'n migrated in their QTBC-2's to the Trung L-itng<br />

trU ngu tan inqt I~tng nhrA urn sting Butn (a , ngay District of Quang *ri Province wheru they reCSide<br />

phll 1-. NMi t tyvi<br />

odaty in a small villagc. on the Run [flat Rivur, just<br />

south tif the 17thi Iv] l-alud<br />

gw<br />

KhOng coi<br />

si<br />

tin tief diel]-xun. na'o tit1i Z1guon<br />

7. d A~ln - idýd thilc h~I. con Rvliabiv infurniatirin C0uILCuAlllig tiL '0. Iguil<br />

i<br />

IIý`e dinh dil_'u Iiaih curt kien tluuycni di cd chn-dh gc .<br />

A If H<br />

ruv nhiiyn. tiiuo hao ean, cho blet. !huyen QTIC- 2<br />

posibit, uunodifica ioiis, and opura [lng cha racier<br />

islics of tiL' basic refugce byoot, was wit~ avail-<br />

V'] hirh di' ktm the da iint~ni~n<br />

hic'n4 cuuva vain gi,%g nhd otinilg thayc'A<br />

Titib. 13<br />

t<br />

thay fII<br />

bit.. llowc2ver. tihe QTIIC- 2, whio:;c. plioitograpl~s<br />

parh-crexridyhsntbe utl VJIi<br />

5 c Viet. ally wa-.y and is identicai to those found in Ila Tinh<br />

Prii-~,Noriti Viet Nam.KN<br />


- -.

1k<br />

Q'11- str QTC2vvw mdli~<br />

rhuy- Q tIBC-2 stenhSuln 4QhfPrc M - i3C- a uniformslpice I~<br />

oe n f<br />

-. va 111111 u miii vai hh' nlIvn sit: Nijnh lal kvo with ai sawrply jOvinted buw and stern. Her<br />

da if Irai 110 Uli gind bt~n trong thuycPn q~ ph1i elong~ated rudder is housLA in a rudder trunk set<br />

Ith. M~ut W~ill vim tiang h58 i vai .1p aiTn trong Inijrdelose to the sterni. A long narrow czn'r<br />

'AA<br />

fA'<br />

Lic uri§l~ ay na~ng cxio hoi-c ha rh~ip de. daing rudde~r and cetiterhuiard .can easily he raiiwd mr<br />

ZI -lim .i<br />

I'l ci i h 111111nmocay oee by hadad hn-ld at any dicsi:-cd po itiofl<br />

11116.by a small wu.dgu.<br />

Ba cainll butm eu thcloUAC k) hinli b thaL1ng Vi ThlLntheesails arc luggrer rigged a ndsecured<br />

C~ 1)Itnlnng tru~n vayocn ~ýkVL VIpt)<br />

dde "It bng s~h IS~ 01, v'a chl dung 4dd~c tW nuni<br />

oards andt 1(miii mnade raf baiaboopoes WPvt-n<br />

palm kM~a fiLhcv is us~ed in making the 4ails, which<br />

dlyn ý-56u thlitig. are replaced vver-y five to six inonihm.<br />

KIN<br />



%<br />


A.<br />

A' AU0%AC Vý,, )U~n tili (i<br />

C3 c~t bu'om chf'nh V'n ct om au 1 an<br />

hb % c`4f b "qth~ rIl I a' v o t I 4 gf' it i<br />

PUB p4au ~at clman thuye~n becn Tiq nh~d clnhtti<br />

Ag~gn %o Igua<br />

iýkhourn trun ca'c idau then nl1 - a ga<br />

thityen, xuyen qua van mp~. C9 t huom chfnh co<br />

haj d&t th cnvt buorm ,u ~mr yh ýfiy<br />

Ah~g 001 hen~h . Ot bu~idaldkiong c<br />

Buth the m aind foremiast are sepdo<br />

viterline, i while thic mizzcn ma'y be ste k.-d<br />

to either quarter through holes drilled In the uutbi~rd<br />

eude of thwarts projucting through the side<br />

planýAng. Often this~mjat will be Utistvppeud. and<br />

carried on deck. 'Eli miain must had two wirv<br />

*1<br />

6 dh' clantg shrouds and foremnasi only has one on each tide.<br />

giý. Th~idng gai Ma N(hoac ln? hoa dthlc duzng lani The mi±zzon mast hai no' stays. Makilia or local<br />

dlxt ynv cdc day kewo btIndc u\qu<br />

A/<br />

myt bV rang ryec~dn tr&1 LAt bit )n chcnb. A~ Ae<br />

boomniml N&i~ ILun qua rviQ banh fer~png rpcthod<br />

hemip line is used for running rigging, :with the<br />

hailyard revved through a singloblaek on the maiun<br />

mast, The foresail halyard is reeved through i<br />

-. Sit tr": c9- bt~i\ii mntt. Ta co' tile thay cac buo)M crudely made sheave on the foremast. The salls<br />

(Cdk cg~t ngay trn n e c khla ng khii kh~ng dlýng tfo may be seen secured horizontally above the shelter<br />

cahin when not in use.<br />

NhtIng cgc ire d~ui dt cot A dý ? nguat ' 111p miol<br />

ntqn thttven dc trL'o acd~ tdfl dai'd~ng vo la ec Jn Long bamboo poles are secured outlxoard of<br />

b~'ng thuyun. N1tlng CQc n11y Con d(Ing iA-ni sAo the gunwales on each side., from which -cone<br />

*ci'lrig ph('a mul viL\ lj' tbuye'n khi cdanh ct{ 14'ng IIIl1 we-ights are quspended to serve as counterweighits'.<br />

VQ These txoles also are rigged ais bow anrd stern<br />

sprits when drift net fishing.<br />

7 'A A A<br />

Tuy vothuyeri khong sun, song iiai ben 11u1,<br />

vd a'bm~m, M& trang ye moc10 Cap mat Ircn<br />

nan dWt vu'ot Mrn"u L1111 lu,. coy eviein trang nho.<br />

Aithough Ethe hull is not painted, die bowt~ is<br />

conspicuously ornamtented with a pair o4 eyes -s~et I-<br />

*- M,ý( may tha tteo kieu dung phiktng cil vie~n rilt dA c'l,-s to the forepuuk, on an elongated green back.-<br />

IA<br />

hep niuu xuinh la cay d qouaih miep ngcoai, ddtJe d;at ground. outlined with u narrow whitehbordi-r. The<br />

ngung thuyt 6 phta nitui. how carrit.s an auiwartship anchor tumbler of<br />

oriuntal design with a narrow greeni bond around<br />

its outer L-igesKI<br />

Ki<br />



Vj i~i 11-'7<br />

-.<br />

- ** KINItA<br />

Thie eni P iuhng h w odnacoshv ogsak<br />

%A f- myng G y tahoy ndO, a3 u<br />

r<br />

iw n Pnnte ~n.- CI i P rw b odnlg.AHotwuu JWI<br />

0e<br />

V ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

v t huy en netkac V, d. qY~ neon<br />

a ina Hol N(a lOot4 Chdcngn<br />

ebngr~gg.Mthahu1'dQ Ifd~<br />

Nhn dq~n nao thu enva iqupu n 'ug. hU<br />

dThe<br />

n ~<br />

boacoftw wooden e anchur .isY lung shank<br />

byscrigasal tte oteerwnad nte<br />

ani30. dtoeg to thge. manla -e wbirv isecure to 150<br />

feet c i n ble odnngthA.ot ode owli<br />

then<br />

bine vb'mý<br />

myow derv<br />

dakuc no~ vo dvy neo ccn<br />

inserte thrug the<br />

he<br />

t6o usn a to<br />

sol gaN(dl Ma l 4 thile by s ourng spallroe patsoru cimaterind curried<br />

ILA~ dedlnh. .Thuyen khong niung dao v.3t liqu s~y<br />

buom, ng~ai tx~d root (I gat USe sdi di! dgyva ha 4on<br />

will likely be several hund~redteet of extra manila<br />

or loc.al hemp line, plus several extra fish nets.<br />

19I ro'ch nhA.;<br />

A A A , ~A<br />

No materials are carried on board to repair the<br />

sails beyond a small amiount of coarse hemp.1<br />

'Vhuyen. khong he co den sot difdng. ban do-,<br />

ha~c djnug cu hng Cal.<br />

sufficient to mend .3 or 4 small tears.<br />

Ti Khong tnmýt<br />

A<br />

phdgpap hanh hut ch~ih th~c<br />

No running liglts, radii) euqlipmnwft, ruiVigational<br />

equipme'nt. or charts are carried,<br />

nau JIJ& i~p dung. Kh! ch'at lili xa bd trong nhi'cu<br />

%<br />

2<br />

A<br />

v.y ia sif quen biet cac diem chan dia the cong are! used. Wher -Thing far offshore' for several<br />

sd thong tliti*c han ch'c"ýca M11111 ve Mot vat tinli da ys. the captain relies e~xclusively ul~tr' his<br />

knowledge of landmiarks and uponm his~ lmi tvd<br />

I<br />

acquainanct.m with a fc~w stars.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


Fra tihuonIg IIhAZy tiaUýave i Q1lIC 2 hi/ aI~ HI<br />

A A'<br />

/k<br />

-li<br />

-- 7<br />

*N<br />

, 0 1,<br />

ikl 'Iw, shaelter cabins are usually seeni on<br />

U in ltit, aiJCr L-0dlait dc :W;a~.11<br />

S A ,<br />

Vill, s1.01 gt) d1ng 14.11 iii a ) 1i' a la a i~ataa cl.tia<br />

111a; it-a a Q li,)( 2: all p idhalv and the other permanently<br />

1,1 1a Wouivi fraine built on the gunwales.<br />

(.i~ a1aiah aIlgl 11111 1 haliag khoi i g iall tL it k.&I Fi~iia t tait, not liave aboard any of these<br />

thuyvN di cal nay. -1 1 Thv-) h.1 hJ ha H; k au<br />

'A /A<br />

7 ' '.1 ,<br />

gon, Sau IlogiIa. ke Ca Clu11 hlauvitt, va !Ma I%] (t'fIiti d ,I<br />

Ca CIacrAf They repo)rtedly have a crew at<br />

invucluding thc owner, with all residing ashore<br />

l Ing 111411 cua hot.) iai quallF I kinag ,10111". 11111' ini Owl 4w hoiauaa vil lage in th.e Triing Luong Dis-<br />

Quaang Tr. irong ah~ing kial khti~g t~ai'ia I~* I i, Wien not fishing.<br />

KIN<br />


KiN<br />


A 'A<br />

Khi di chat lau, thuyen dern theo nhding th4c Basic <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese staples of rl.z, ,<br />

Ipham chInh cua Viet Nam la gao, muoi, ca ih, dried fish, and nuoc main, supplemented by freshl<br />

111f11c nlnu, vai phq them bang cd tddi bit ddtc;cac -fish are carried aboard for extended tlisting ti p.<br />

Iiton nay didkc nau tren m. bip than cui nh4 Xacth and prepared over a small portable charcoal but<br />

di ddhc. Chang hdn mot tram lit nidc in dtfng ner. About thirty gallons of potable watet, in 5<br />

trong nhdng thung 20 lt th"f'idng ddic mang theo de gallon containers, is usually carried for a seven<br />

A?<br />

di cbai trong bay n,,ag day fishing trip.<br />

ker<br />

A / / % -<br />

Nen chu y la uti,,,e o'<br />

da dd~c chup, *. ...<br />

..... c hInh<br />

i. vdc<br />

It is significant to note that the QTBC-2,<br />

shown in the photographs, was inDa Nang, approxdanh<br />

ca blnh thdt3n,> _. ,<br />

A /.A<br />

i ty ve phta Nam,<br />

^<br />

vi imately65 miles south of its normal fishing area,<br />

banh tai da bi nt1c cuon di sau mot tranbao trong as a result of the rudder having carried away dur-<br />

'A -A' / / ' A<br />

tuan 1e tr,?c do". Bi mat banh 16i, thuyen troi ing a gale the previous week. Without a rudder,<br />

giat den ranh gidi tmh Q? ung Nam, va dd'3c keo t'd the boat drifted to the boundary of QuangNam Pro-<br />

A 0 L ^1 ?ý<br />

do ve Da Nang de sda chda. vince, where she was towed into Da Nang for<br />

%^<br />

repairs.<br />



Hien chda thay thuyen QTBC-2 nao dddc d~ng<br />

) A -^ .0*<br />

d mien Nam Viet Nam. Nhdng thuyen d6ng d Ha No QTBC-2's are known to have been built<br />

Tinh thdnng can den ba ngddi, v'a hoan thlnh trong yet in South Viet Nam. Those built in Ha Tinh<br />

khoang mot tmang. Province, North Viet Nam require three men about<br />

Vo thuyen lam ling go "ban lan" la mot loas<br />

kone month to complete the construction.<br />

go san xuati Viqt Nam va 7 khong bt ,anti hiking The wood in the hull is "Ban Lan", a local<br />

nhleu nhd nhing thf g' 'c bd cdc gtlng mot hay <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese hard wood which is not so greatly<br />

% 3 A A ^A<br />

lam hdhai vo thuyen cay tren songhiedja phddng. affected by the wood worms which menace all<br />

Swooden hull craft in these waters.<br />

SKhi dong vo thuyen, trddc het van cqnh dddc<br />

gan heat vao vdt van ddy, rAoi sau m 6 i then then The hulls are constructed by first attaching<br />

ngang va khuon stf3n de' uonS giU cho duLng hmih dang. all side planking to the bottom planks and later<br />

Thuyen cd the dddc d~ng tl 10 den 12 khuon sddn. inserting thwarts and ribs to obtain the desired<br />

A X~ \ 'A<br />

Mong go va dinh sat vuong lr' dddc d~ng xen tiep hull shape. Ten or twelve frames may be used<br />

nhau tai khip cho. _Cfc dddng nolddoc xAm bdng in the construction.<br />

? Wooden pegs and large square<br />

7 " % . AI . y ..<br />

vo tram, va phai ca~y di M<br />

xam lait mot am mot lan. iron nails are used alternately throughout. The<br />

%A %A A ~ 'A-<br />

seams are caulked with the skin of the Tram Tree,<br />

Hai tha/ng mot Ian, thuyen dikdc keo len bai and must bereaved out and re-caulkedonce a year.<br />

bien lbi chftg 30 ng %i, b do ddy thuyin dddc<br />

cao bang vo dtia c tng, da b~ng IS tram de ngila Every two months the junk is hauled up on<br />

reu cau, v'a quet m~t ldp &au thao moc. the beach by approximately 30 men where the bottom<br />

is scraped with coconut hull scrapers, charred<br />

by burning leaves from the Tram Tree as an antifouling<br />

measure, and coated with a vegetable oil.<br />

Best Available Copy<br />

KIN<br />


KIN.<br />



*<br />

rhuye~n Q1C 2 hl? hoot abiZ t'n thi 25<br />

h~lt ly'r,i thi ian ti&b a'aXuS39;C gi~a ha IA<br />

u ~itofnsg N01 ling, Trong thiv gian ny<br />

'Only from, u rly spring to rhid-summ r,<br />

ahn the ýsua is :cumparatively cailm doese the<br />

QT'BCT4 uperate out .o25 miles offshore. During,.<br />

tiu-yon1 iq~i ngoal khdi h~fhg 7 n millI chuyOne<br />

.*.Tuy.n~hiemn n khnn b~t dtloc nhj cd'I tmiec<br />

. 1 , ~ C cc b ngoli ;-14h Itgti 15 noly Trong<br />

tisntline they Will rtml t wafr a6ou 7 dayt<br />

each cruice. If they, hav u not' been vuccessful. in<br />

.fishinN, however, they may ,frcquontly rwaiein ajt'<br />

Lk1bUnghlU * ithI" '11ki 4u n, .. ,!.. 6<br />

son t,.or. ion all, ... ,.- In. such uavvH -Ov<br />

*nMgy trd'lckhl. tr& tea bith<br />

-~ A ~<br />

.<br />

.<br />

*<br />

A *.<br />

usually remain in port for -a five da~y rust livriecl<br />

before returning to sea.<br />

ifriel bd p ii iA u ýdong, ta thay thuzyen<br />

Qrii.2 &(ni -e( m1,811h,<br />

Trong nh~ng thd'ng mba. deg N)<br />

1:i Ij' d~.i ban y. -<br />

c ph3n ti ~ _Q<br />

'Pro. ntid-sumriner tothe bug'innidngof Winter,<br />

-2's are- such fishing dafly during daylight.<br />

-lain v! c diing.eng holp nh1119 viýc tdn~ 4 tV il hour* *oIuse. to thiv fshu:ve. D-uring t-hte wine<br />

qw~n 'FruEp 1116n, t6t~ Quting Tri. XlIi Meng<br />

d~gt~uIck~11ilibig1, A dt & 44 cho<br />

01hi bc mm. hIiJ nam aa sitt dab Yt~c tu bW hing .<br />

iif'dd~ n* tkqý hi&-itrong'kholns thbi gian play., -<br />

months,, the fisharmun remain at lf~ure to work in<br />

the f i eld'or do othurasuel Juba in theTeang Lumig<br />

District of Quung TrI Province, Theem6I 'urika ate<br />

ue up ente bech whur.' not in use, reinain<br />

K UAT<br />

A / *~<br />

id...........<br />

wtrh the next years' fishing scesOn begins.<br />

%7_ - Ing thititime, -an-iimruul uehu i tfrll<br />

Doi<br />

A 1 4yn11- dung i<br />

keiuodeuiiyenDABC-I a da Nang. SuO ag. .. ,' *<br />

* hra dd Mz ,0 41 thy . ,~ A a ~ ir h~<br />

hun -hi do Ct &ji~ dty Idti vl.<br />

l3anh hiddck.'ln ba 1!aYdqu gly'ahaiman,<br />

QT13C-1 uses a deep drag net in the samne<br />

-munner mi that of tht: [JABC-la of Do Nang, The<br />

bowand stern sprits consist of two bambou poles.<br />

Vdllhue5chy'vt Maiu, i&RI ddoic ko u 1 bbn gkld<br />

lhoi.* Ldiki Ai " hhig 27 -htiI& vu'3G'thnl~c, dd'y<br />

approximatelyl5-feetin ength, hc r extended<br />

With theiinces of th~~lsh net attached. TiNe rudder<br />

I bU~c chl nho cukb khoulng nhuu ch~dng'25 phan .<br />

Nhdn sllu Ire dung Ai IUi- veth thh tiiuang cuhg<br />

dildc At c ngoo ~bnmnth~,v o<br />

buyi: di~dt', i hAng.<br />

is~raiued, the sails aru. trlInieW to the centerline<br />

and the bunt sails to leeward dragging the net on<br />

di te windward side. The nut used is about 90) feet<br />

lonegand IM feet deep, with small weights attachud<br />

ldh<br />

Kht chbt l"J ngo~i ktlucocot hq huicac dau<br />

thu. 0y utta dcko Itinoha & ph.( sac<br />

to the bottom at approximately At' inch Intervals.<br />

The bamnboo sprits used whiledrift net fishing are<br />

onnutinies sucUred outboard or the guinwales on<br />

thuyAn. Khe chatlI 0tii ng ngajy & Vun que^ lao'g<br />

tiiy~ dngg~ k~t ~'l~jigz t'n d bta dlCj<br />

each side and smuli stune weights are suspunded<br />

there as ruiluired for blat<br />

;sung I rong nhdnk chuyendli cia ,thuyen c h<br />

filling heco ch~tnig 254. kf niu~o cije deduntig V'xo viq~c Whenfishing OffShore T du ring tile late summner<br />

1,i; V. and varly fall, it smiall parse type net :;towvd<br />

asturn. No fuime of fish preservation is used<br />

whilu fishing~ daily. in the cluse proximity of their<br />

homec village, but about 500 pounds of coarse salt<br />

may be carricd for extended ffishing trips.<br />

KIN<br />


I KIN<br />


II<br />

HUBC- lb

KIN<br />


4. -n<br />

Al-22<br />

KI*N<br />


KIN<br />


-. . - . p.<br />

/,<br />

. 1 ".<br />

4 0<br />



CHIE DA[ 683-1408cm LENGTH 22.4-46.2 FT.<br />


FEET<br />

104-198 CM. 4.3-6.5 FT<br />


CO HANG 49 CM. LOADED 1.6 FT<br />


KHONG CO HANG 64 CM. EMPTY 2.1 FT.<br />

CO HANG 46 CM LOADED 1.5 FT.<br />

*7<br />


DOAN VIEN 5 CREW 5<br />

Al- 23<br />

.-0<br />

KIN<br />


i~l2<br />

.~ .- . ...<br />

KINKIN<br />

AS- -pp<br />

-<br />


+ I<br />

I<br />

K .,, .<br />

/. .<br />

CND NT CO' HANG. . EP . .<br />

FT,<br />

iii<br />


" CHI'U DI 683,-1408 CM, LENGTH 22.4-46.2 FT.<br />

CHIEu NOANG ,. 1o,4-19,CM. BEAM 4.3-6.. FT.<br />



"dHANG j<br />

49 CM. LOADED 1.6 FT.<br />


I KHONG CO HANG 64 CM. EMPTY 2.1 FT,<br />

CO HANS 46CM. LOADED 1.5 FT<br />

DOAN VIEN 5 CREW 5<br />

4 KIN<br />


Al 25

KIN<br />


HUBC-I<br />



/<br />

A<br />

I<br />

, /<br />

'nhuy.n HUBC-lcodnm dac-bi"'tla v(3 thuyen HUBC-! A'<br />

, , ,<br />

construction is unusual in that the<br />

clh dIong A ag Iria tamn ^1 van vuong-goc A , tASl<br />

tbo -sc '<br />

Va hull is formed from 5 poorly squared and loosely<br />

khMig dcu kl It, ghtp vdi nrau til phi'a trong chll fitted planks, "A which are literally sewn together<br />

/ % % , 7 iliolg en gi trctd t- nguai A<br />

c3. Thuyen Ia ratth i)ng- froll the interior, with no external caulking<br />

A A %. I ' 'I \<br />

du.nllg trt.'tl .ng-n l, song it tuay ng o 1 i leni kfi<br />

IS'<br />

applied. Thlughwidely used A /.<br />

oninlandwater-ways<br />

.A<br />

vi klmong chlu dtingdddc song-gio. Tlniiycti HUBC-1 and rivers Lt will rarely be seen in the open sea,<br />

Xdat 0L?' Ilfut'. Tdi Iamy tral'l-niin v'it'd(1c. Ljl- primarily because of "A its lack . of seaworthiness.<br />

'A /<br />

I liuyrn fay thddng gl nlUng<br />

j<br />

kit,'u c0 sdc fryng- This strange boat is native to Hue. It has been<br />

lal 0In. Song hiutl nlay. r Jla ltoJn-lthc llhuy ln reported that several centuries ago HUBC- l's of<br />

trtUg binh clhis, 12 ~ v0niA' /hdc<br />

I' at 1 t13 c'mns,di:rabl'; geater tonnagewerecommon; how -<br />

thdc ILttil dutn 14 thut/Ic rdfl, 4i vt., i'rc'vnt day I IUBC- I average about 40 feet<br />

in it olgth i vv, dll, with the largest Iperhaps 45 to<br />

1 ') fi Cf<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


-low<br />

Tuy dd tr -bday cotcho m9tcanhi-buom<br />

hinh thang, v" hqat-d<br />

Althougi most commonly rigged for one or<br />

4 ng ch >nh 1% chbi-luAi, song two lug type sails and used basically for fishing,<br />

thuyen cung thtddng Wdic dt4ng vao vitc chuvcn- this boat is also oft.- used as a cargo carrier,<br />

chI, lam do nrang, ho~c de d. Hinh-dang thuyen ferry, or house boat. The silhouette varies<br />

co tie thay doi khaac han nhau tuytheo cac sap-dat<br />

bu'm va khoang, song van dt nhan bict vi dking<br />

greatly according to sail plan and cabin layout,<br />

but is always easily recognizable by its long low<br />

d-it va thap, mrui hdi nho en, con lai thil ca. trot lines, with slightly raised bow and prominently<br />

han. raised stern.<br />

~ ~'A 'A I<br />

*V 'A A<br />

-c-dau HUBC-l chilnh la mot thuyen buont, While primarily a sailboat, HUBC-I is also<br />

song ta cung thtldng thayv Ioi thuyen nay khong frequently seen without sails, p)ropclled by long<br />

chay bang buorn, m) dddc U dfay bang nulung reat sweeps or poles. Several of these btoats were<br />

I -. A % % . /<br />

A'<br />

chco hoac cay sado dki. Thec bjo-c60 cho bict,<br />

'A 11 11A CAlg(<br />

nhICt, thayul lot i n'ay d3 ddSc lap m,'t dt.)ng-cdM<br />

also reported to have been motorized, using a<br />

small Japanese six horsepower engine, however,<br />

Nhat looa nho cd o ma-ldc; tuy-nhtin, vI&c cd-<br />

' / % A A N _A'<br />

gioi-hoa tay da gay nhieu van-de kho khan boi<br />

this installation reportedly caused serious problems<br />

regarding watertight integrity. This is<br />

khong dtldc kf'n nddc. Oieu nay cung dC'-hieu, vi understandable, since the entire boat is held<br />

A? ' 'A 7 toan-the thuyen A chi ddic cvt gtbang A A, si may. (1t together by rattan lacing and the most tender care<br />

7, A' StIC t'<br />

can phai A het s A't dthn-trong iac " ni A gU / thuvc" dclic is incut'dl ciul to en.;ure that the boat remains<br />

nguycn-van, huong-chi tat them sLit ,,,...... tlt ý thoul the additional threai of engine<br />

dng-cdl nda. V it ht .<br />

7I<br />

KIN<br />




Thuycn A1LH3C- I vaing dd~c 44n* giony nht Const roct ion of H'LB C -.I's~ sirnIla r to that of<br />

cdc thuyiV, tNarn kh~c, vv Yoo~ 1 uynht~<br />

eVN bots since the hull Is rmade by formghe<br />

10 b'n g v dn, cht kLhung e(f '%or" VU' "415" -Ing the-pliankling with~out using frames, But whileK<br />

NhLfng trong Ithi c ac Io~j thuyrnkhd'cd dc du~n other types later have frames intitalled, HUBC-l<br />

DIcong vA' dg v~o mou, thujN iUUC-l';chl dtide Is 1.tcvd or sown. togethcer arnd her unly thwarts or<br />

c$t halc "ghuo$" vhnihau bkng d~y lqt, vai ch14ie fr ames aire added us supports for the cahila.<br />

LthC~ fthnh njang bo4c cong v6 di khi crh chong.<br />

7 'A I A' S. %A A'<br />

ýIi N<br />

N.I<br />

'<br />

hung<br />

Vo<br />

go<br />

thuyvn<br />

ch~tco<br />

nmou<br />

hai s)ng,<br />

na'u<br />

va<br />

pha<br />

pni tiani<br />

Vorls.<br />

tam1<br />

C-Se<br />

ke<br />

Cynh nioi<br />

The~ hull<br />

ted<br />

is of<br />

from<br />

doublu<br />

five<br />

chine<br />

long<br />

and Is<br />

planks<br />

cotwtrue-<br />

of a yellowishl -brown<br />

trLie~ deu dd~c b~o phKng h 6~et so'n cho<br />

di~ng Alli h~nh-da'ugl thu ch. W~t klriv dj'ay kt( :oaty<br />

hard wood. Thie edges of all planks are beveled<br />

and pre-8haiped so that they will conform to the<br />

ddi,& durin dIý' d "cnhirg 16 coant m~l't~ni be,<br />

caceh khoang nhau ch~ng 15 plia~n niu~t. , Hai tau be<br />

day L'hay dMi 8 U0 d~c thuycri dtfdc sfp-d~t deC'ajC<br />

A 'A I! /I<br />

lokhoain gti~hson'ngthuym' tian ngay hang vdi nhau.<br />

Ookin Aiq /d La' v 6n dd,,c. trrdt Kin phiui<br />

n yt htw vd ca'y ToI<br />

trong dtihtg noi. vA phS i bng nhNg nanr tre ngIn<br />

kei tinlia~ Lxf doe thco ph~a tiong song thuyeýn. Lajt<br />

A A . ,'<br />

niay ddofe khau 001Ll qua, nhiifng to khoait 11mm 11gay<br />

%~n nlu d!c( cit p V7 CA t 11g C', L) ,all<br />

hJ1)g11I~jL1 1 C!6t &ý74 0 a. Ul1%<br />

I<br />

0<br />

- A 'I<br />

I re Vil Vanl iI'Llyc Vdo v('1 olian .<br />

desired contour of the bull. A bo~w drill Is tiand<br />

nuak-c holes, at approxlimately six inch intervals,<br />

through the edges of all tiMbers. Two of the bottomn<br />

pla~nk,-, extending the full length of the hull,<br />

ire po'itttonLd so that the. amidships holes are<br />

I.<br />

allgricd. Then a thin layer of bark from the man-<br />

grovV LrC cINi Idid OVer the 111teriOr Of the Wain<br />

oud covered with st'r amboo(1 Striff formed into<br />

ljjjlt vo'1(11' 11( ,nside- of thI chintic. Thu rattan<br />

lacing is scwn 11throgh the oligned holes and<br />

sucur-c,! the bark, bamiboo bindles and the plank-<br />

Ing. KiN<br />


KIN<br />


4~<br />

'If<br />

A A' /A A 'A<br />

Mi khau nol txti dati, hai uo~n cac tarn van tdi As the sewing progresses the planks are<br />

A /y<br />

do cho dtffng ~Icuon dang ivong-muon.<br />

A"<br />

lBa tarn van bent to the desired shape. The three remaining<br />

co~n 141 c-un Idt~c n~i vOo thea ca~ch tren . Saitu kh i planks are attached in the same manner. After<br />

'Ahf en di no 4dd lIinv nhau, cil'i. the entire hull has been sewn together, any open<br />

l5'fkhoan con c nýoh ' ~(cbtknL~igciZ ra eann ntehlsaepugdwt<br />

I A - *-<br />

vo cay hoac bU-ng b~t tre tr~on nhila dhong. kMet vii i bark fromn the mangrove tree or with a compound<br />

A?, - A< ;1djA (<br />

tlhan.h ngang de chbng-do floe khoang dtjcdng giL! of ground bamboo and resin. The few thwarts<br />

'ao thu-e bat chidu<br />

luon qua niot Io kliokiii J<br />

Xv) kIn.<br />

vdi ail V.1 01111galig. ii<br />

installed tuslsupport the cabin top are SeCured with<br />

long trolrl spikus. capped on one end and inserted<br />

-Doan mot lo thd~ nlýi dilye kho.ýn thaig, gnoc v.11. 1. viiiough i houh drilled in the side planking avid<br />

trLfic tr(h thanh nv~ing dt c' theA utl^Tl tc' ng li&ttwi't -A sciiond holoi is tlitridri lie,' perpendicuduing<br />

gid Jau chot sat<br />

/l I IlAt 11,1<br />

Sau 6) It) kiii)11 1111%i dtii; I.A iL z titst litilt iti the thiwa rt, so that thle clid<br />

I,ý ~iL lil~ L h f 1 o . 'n, T its<br />

bit 1-61 )4'n 9no Inog g') i~vnie"<br />

1Ht 14y1Lhito<br />

1Itu'k is phiplgged with j WoIoden peg.<br />

Kf N<br />


R KIN<br />

C'.NFiDEMTiAL.<br />

Ao~P 71t<br />

dnh invitriqi-g ch~ni, 100 niý-kirii . W ckat a coil of about $100. The hull normaully<br />

1-l dni~nthil 11n 1 ih ddtf, ct o~ r &n a Ii] Lhl~g nIm~ iUtli. re~uc -, scraio g ei very i h rec mionths. i Since1 the<br />

dd) gi t-1 k6i'ndfil Lif 111 ti'ung, non~ WaIL'1 tightues is4 Secuiced only frmii the ineiurio<br />

phul k ieii-sa Mon - [uon', Va" Co' ill ei~ 86-611 hlaif of the juink, it intist hie diLc kizd frequent ly and ca~n<br />

A A ,<br />

'AA~<br />

v A gi tre ha tiprig n ith phia f i tv"I rung th~ Awlu b I igc mb two tkklur fornied to iliccrudder<br />

Ia -11 trinI wil luh odLiiitctýtu c<br />

nay 0111,L ci n-ang ph fI ii oh.i Ila tuohlg de-dag va thddl ii -n ro tht udu bsicin Ixt 11m bc~ easwily ransd or<br />

x A A<br />

*:a ,iýfi .'i aii d ?f cho nong hio~c klti Uilio Ild Li ilwclLd.md willI fi-cquently be remnove'd iI shalltow<br />

buim. Myt niai' ch~vo to hQin Ay ph 7ý- / w WOl ici )'I- diite mallsts it,(! ruinivudi. A og<br />

sonl110 iL11 08i 'ng ddthdc du'ng thay bith- 1 1 . -woVUCp on 111C po1' it suit 11 fv Wii fI fCcIllcnt ho bv -Coit<br />

l'ciflg, kI-t4d :is ;z ýUhs~tittllfi.t 01 th v iddclur<br />

KIN<br />



AA<br />

IV<br />

phun ~ ~<br />

K Nt<br />

C&'r~h ttV~u tiling 810 tre cuirm Ming<br />

lfkll A g ( 'IZi % II<br />

I gSong f fihla DiIU a hat.<br />

A t<br />

Mut khuang tliuynl ~hinh bau-due di~ii chttng<br />

&in,.ihrs and will msust often hqe stecu mijored to<br />

bamboo p-icis stuck Into the river bed at fhic bow%<br />

and stern.<br />

luul thdilt' rddi dddcedung bang phLNdani vai phtt kl'n<br />

bAng diu?9i1i1,.my. ekliuan o 1, nay khu 1ihat-.nt~~ip<br />

d~nlnI rAu n4- 1UB-.v ach 'lu; ay Lind<br />

An oval shapecd shulter cabin .ipproximantely<br />

sualud with vegetablu oil. An% nuinbe!- ni<br />

nhIco thluyen natng t~i situ khuc khoting tmn~i kh6'ig fleive cablins unay bc seeni on the HLI13C- I unti it is<br />

od iliegitett 11ti<br />

hi~ ~ -ldh<br />

UhAn u'Piu khi vatm~<br />

vlo v03 thuyýn . Kid chtIW1n;<br />

'Pi co'i ctt~jp ^'~ ^h)<br />

haglmc the<br />

not. uuiciommion to See the Clntire HUil LOVt.'veid Wid!<br />

U~n.tu'l IL) SIX SC'Ltuns, noile of which are securedto<br />

the hl.When main priexi~iatiuls to got fishiing<br />

huti khoaig W~ lii lxil, khittn hlnh -d~ng thuyctn do~i or t'o haiti Cargo. several SMuet (til. ittaly 1V suickL'd<br />

kho'. hall uljq-fl one cabini or oll ,;cctiunis may bu itiiiovkd<br />

7. 'A<br />

'A<br />

'<br />

and left on ?he beirch. diusi precsent tog ia varable<br />

mait, song ta they~ ntyt so it tlhuven cat sod m-2u<br />

Liltl ,'lY, xa nil Id. heZC vang td~di 3' dau r 6 p While thchiul I was not olweýrvcd to hue imintc-d<br />

M ijl tliver' r.o 0n at. nor: adornied W1',1<br />

obsevedc( vi rh 1Utinwte Iys Silld I I pet elt~ will lit-<br />

exLvnluAoa iS Otw sle 1*t i<br />

PIZ11IttLI a bl)ight QrVL-n, bl1uC, 0t ellOW.<br />

KIN<br />

_hy<br />


I-C<br />

04 ~ ,<br />


A 7<br />

in~ng.'iong (Y rdanuiv la/l. bambu~o plstukiothrvetedat teihv w<br />

"AhhnhA<br />

Myt dc<br />

khoung t0n<br />

dy<br />

hltA rdrdi 6dde dung bang phendan va ph~t kfn<br />

j bang A!.l thlo-m , ' S6 khoang ruy khiiig jt.<br />

and stern.<br />

An oval shaped shelter cabin ap~proximatcly<br />

8 feet in length is miade (if wovcn bamboo strips<br />

dlnh tren mol thu;In HURC-1, v~'* ta ct' thC hui^y<br />

nh ~ thVen ixntilSL hchonnbking<br />

and sealed with vegetable oil. Any ni~niber (if<br />

thcse cabins mauy be scun (in the HUiBC-l and it is<br />

-ri /ut \ *- h n CIL via k I X.ihi Ah~,?<br />

bj di cl)ýl l(il hoac ch0 hang, LhuyCn CO [lie L'I<br />

'A 1 A<br />

cilong nhicu khuCt va~o nXql khoang. hioci co ~~ gi<br />

not uncommoll to see the entire hull covcred wxith<br />

up) to Six S-:Ction1S, 11011 Of Whi~h Urt SQCUIuCd to<br />

the~ hull. When making pi Lup rat ions ito gip fishing<br />

heikhan 1(? ).t xl ki~~n 'ih cldi~ctlhuy dox1 or to haul eargoý several sectcioiq nliuv&, sutckAod<br />

kha'c hbax. upoxn one cabin or all sections maiy he rui"Vv~d<br />

7 and left on the bea~ch, thus prLsenting a va:iablc<br />

VC Vthtiventiitdig kh~ng dd&c stin hol~c vZY silhouette.<br />

Xmih h]' cliy, milli hi, ho'c va~uig tildi &um 6 'AA /<br />

man thuy'cn' nho oI. ](<br />

p While the hull was not observed to be paiorcd<br />

nor ador oud with1 eyes, a sain~z Ii rLrcent~age will byobsurvud<br />

wxth pinwalt. vxtIJI1joI1s on the sterni<br />

painted a bright grccn, blue, oi yullk.w.<br />

KiN<br />



0.N ' ..<br />

/<br />

Gc I D10, L; lqA N -<br />


T Aty. HU10i dit ~ do:1 g toa'n e) n g The HUIIC-1 will be seen In large: graupla in<br />

rrolig VZ11ieg 0hanhi-pliAthuvNa Q.uilng-'I'r, v~i tfng,<br />

1 79 A A<br />

6s;eIn nh;) hout lo-ttv trtn song-ng dti T'ia<br />

A<br />

TI I'n. 'rhltiii-tltong, kJ)i h4'tln-quj;i otng nhl11ý1<br />

it V ' 11 4 dituv 'i"'' ;UC I týfit rd<br />

the'eltlvae if lhue anti Quanmg Trn, anid in simaller<br />

flec.'u or individually on the rivers and inland<br />

waiterways of TlhuaThlen Province, On uccosionti,<br />

whent the o~pun seu has been calnm for suveral coil-<br />

4-11Cl lii thuycn nuty th~jtiaitl Oil bIth'iiI<br />

21"y c<br />

n<br />

Svc'lt ie days, ont; may sou many oi the HIJBC- I's<br />

leaivng thle iIna:tit waterways for the open scas in<br />

AA A<br />

dat lien hay vat Ong<br />

X.1 khai i dna 10 131 V.<br />

iacn~~~i eI (~ gi(I I'd starch: of aichuuIs, of fish. 1-16wevur, they will<br />

remain In the clos~e proxinmity uf the proteted<br />

A<br />

'ntluyPn IIL'13t2- I hot -l doie iju~inZh ntiiacng<br />

A't<br />

VIA C)'1 I \ )<br />

VV. C4 dao - id, d nldag i~Idii'li'ric denh vung ch~a I -<br />

I<br />

'A<br />

bltti Ida hh'hiin I rd~e khi iil;'t ti~trh~ m~i I trl<br />

inland waters, never' venturing niore than 10 miles<br />

sc-awa W'i v<br />

4 Vt.<br />

adele Idi 1114.11 ~ I loll.<br />

Tbrougtvum the year HUEC-I's will be seen<br />

ctnguged In fishing, nneriail~y departing for' their<br />

IF<br />

'A A 7<br />

'111VUH IIL'lAC> I dmiag tfol icing vchif eha<br />

coseie fishing arcals prior to sunrist: and return-<br />

4 Ing Yi ing pr ior toe sunset.<br />

HuC vaio laic baen ng~dy. (lie tJIanLtal 111Y Co' S&f<br />

I 'Y A<br />

arngtaI ~ti ~l- u uf~o 4t~ ve hdln euVi<br />

cd, *~~ iut~iwdaLii ttý h?<br />

Tlaieit HURC-ls ungaged in haculing cargo<br />

and -~sn s will. nurnially be seen only on thc<br />

Rivvr cOt Per-funis at HOU durinog daylli~tt hours.<br />

A<br />

euli-flig Ve al;<br />

A'<br />

Ibicllog thi itvt<br />

ia ditg- nt, Khi Cho bang11. to1<br />

~llg. I, A' l \<br />

iii itgdnni ai lnyi<br />

'<br />

Their maximum cargo cacitplfy is estimlate~d aet 4<br />

in rdcnt usuailIly of sand, gravel, sea -<br />

ir;1ii cli1t liL Aid" wcL-d~, eceiul, charro~al, wood, or similari bulk<br />

I'iliv<br />

MCAiotidng-k<br />

h' ti~ c .nio~ HUBC-<br />

I [,<br />

10ihng liea e ocok. vi ~-I. i<br />

kh~nr, dun<br />

,[V1 _ l<br />

IcVl e<br />

itenis. Whcin carri-tg cargo, it is not unconinion<br />

Ic'( see the( I1011C. I loaded to apoint where its<br />

dvccks ar~e .lneost awash.<br />

-C t t A A<br />

. iii llieg 1 dil~irc kculIno q'jýn hkcuik 11'1 en ci- iji1<br />

'. ,,AI t~ u (I. \ - A' Al A'<br />

1)1)1;1litle J (I%: V 'i i s-o- 3di stng S1101<br />

" i& "i "i o ae<br />

%I<br />

No a cd:ý to iouv igation nrc used by Ulf clew.<br />

aue-1 of [lie IMIC-1, whoi t ravel on thc r eve rsand<br />

Inliand wmcnir- \;till ;I fliorueigh knowledge cof the<br />

dt-plh~w. Nhuzios id kniown landmnark,;, frePqtent iy<br />

aiqul i~ed by a I lifur iie btoard one. of these junks.<br />

KIN<br />



ýCONF1DENkT1AL<br />


/Vi~~c clili-hdJl chi dif~c thi-hlnh til~ d&ng Fishing Is done exclusively by nets which<br />

1Ad k&o 3' sau iSI hofe gi&~ hot thuien. Thlnb- may be towed astern or between two junks.<br />

tholy thuy'~n HUBC- Ic~nS dk~ng m~tlop i hI&i kti~h Another farm of -net occasionally seen on the<br />

]A likli VSbrnghal cdch. Cdch thý nhS't la' c~t m t HUBC-l is a dip net used In two variations. One<br />

ld~i nhS i gi&a hai cdy tre ati cbis tý mul T~uye method is to secure a small net between two long<br />

v "'phda trd~c tha'nh ihlnh cb~d 'V"; mS't qua sat alig bamboo poles extended In a NV" shape from the<br />

adng ctit v~io mli thuy'en Witfc Oun qua cd(c c~y bjow, whe!re a small steel rod attached to the bow<br />

txe d~'ding Ilmr truc nlir cao ho~c ho thap dIA. is inserted through the bamboo poles to serve as<br />

Cdch t~h&' bal. 11 ding mq~t kbung tre l8n h43n, xoay a pivot In raising or lowering the net. The second<br />

A A .<br />

led xoay Xuong & phfa ml~, co' buy'c dide ca~n-bang method Is a larger bamboo frame, hinged at the<br />

&tr~~a thuy~n, vj au phi(a tritdc cd c~t hat cgy ire bow, with stones attached as counterweights on<br />

'lhc~"A" de treo, r Qt 61~ v& blabh vung. Ta board, while additional bamboo poles are lashed<br />

thid~ng thy, mt bochln-phu btfAc On s'n to the. forward end in au "X" shapt-, from which<br />

c:-~n e gd l q nhlý hlii len . C~'c losI thc square shaped dip net issuspendvd. Frequently<br />

IA~i vs nay thd~1ng chii th2'y tre'n song- ngoi diei. one will observe one or two of the crewmen walk'<br />

el<br />

A A<br />

khi torn cal cung di1c dAp gIU1 b\ang ds4,<br />

ing up tihe counterweight plat~form to ass'st in<br />

raising the net. These dip nets will be seen on<br />

song pbhXa nhicu calc nogtLha thd~ing kh~ng ding<br />

pliddng-tiNi dLpg~tencibta o<br />

6 ~<br />

de~pgiJ m L~tdd&,cIce<br />

the rivers and inland waterway.9 only.<br />

will occasionally he used to preserve<br />

thei fi-sh when caughi. ulthti~gh ningt of the fishermenf<br />

~isL' notling to prese'rve their cateh.<br />

KIN<br />


I. KIN<br />

tA<br />


Thuy~n HUTBC-l thddng ddo'c diing 118c~ More often tdi.nntHB- ilb sda<br />

Cho m~t gia-ditth. Nhie~u thuie~n loqi Yiiay d4c-biet a family honiu, Many of them will be used excludh<br />

e 1861 nhl & Cho Mot si d'an-ctf vang Hue vs sively as house boats by residents of Hue anid<br />

A'~<br />

Quang-tri sanh--song bang ný,ng-nghiq~p ho~c car Quang Tri who are engaged in farming or other<br />

righe , .,tchkl& 6 dugvuve ~~'1~ c Vocations, thus being uaed neither for fishing or<br />

cil hngb~o i~ ct.4II idta co~ the tkiy ha bauiing Cargo. It 's nut ur~eumnion tal sei two<br />

SA At A A'<br />

all<br />

hA<br />

' ren mot thuvep. cdin nildc ddcde nau lia g<br />

7 cut hoac. thdn -up<br />

m-u 5<br />

ctl tha 7 gunc 'An cv' 0 ~<br />

Fiood is prpj~ired on woo)(d or cha~rcoal braziers<br />

and cosit. miln' ofrcihWadnormm<br />

ad n~s~rnnyofrcfsadn~mm<br />

cdni, cd. v'ua ilid~c !1i'Tn.<br />

KIN<br />


Al--'<br />


AA<br />


HUBC-ia A' HtIMC-lb AND HUB3C-ilb<br />

Tb; HB-Inc' a h an houc hai<br />

'A HUBCý cchUmng~<br />

"IC~<br />

buom, song tridudg-holp ni~tcdnh-butnt h'lhcd<br />

nhe ha thfdn thy nieunh'L,. Tbu);*n dd~c<br />

Lrang-bi mn~t htnh-Idi bsau chi' Yang phfa lIi;.<br />

Thel-USC-1a may he seen with either one or<br />

two sails, thcuugh a siingit rectangular lug sail<br />

will bc most commnonly seen. It is ufttdwt<br />

a rudder, which follows the cur-vature of the stern<br />

bdn-l~ na c k~i teylap van th9 c 6 khl and may be seen with or without the rde<br />

W~g Bah-1i dthtnngcaoho~c ha th rat installed. This rudder may be raised or lowered<br />

de~dang, va thildng ddoc th~o ra khi thuyen di 8quite easily and will frequently be seen removed<br />

chun Ann d I th Yay'bkng m~t maich'eo p~nnU' man when sailing in shallow waters, at which time a<br />

phb I phf sau thuye'n. Ta tha co thuyen gin sweep attached to the port side aft will be used us<br />

khuang, cd thu en kh~Ng.<br />

1^ 'A<br />

i a tbý;tttute. It may be seen with or without a<br />

ohelteir cabin Uttached.<br />

Kh~1i mang buom. tLhuyen phan nbicu ddilc dung<br />

de ch'al-lIJI Lr 'h Ang-n&ýl, ho'Sc eol khl 'dc^ch6 Whoit riggcd with sjils, it will rno.'st Lornha~ng.<br />

manly he used for fishing on theic inland waterways<br />

or (Icuiisicridily ustxt for hawiling cargo.<br />

KIN<br />



.16 7<br />

MMMTý _<br />

_01.<br />

HUBC-b HUC-1I<br />

A 'A<br />

tuh HBC-BCb ocgi di 1 a.Lh HUBC-Ib' haebeIbeve iharde<br />

n/' ThuyenHUig-phbco tki de nchuy"n-bh i~t~ hng-aI wlle mosCtI comnly be seaiyientifaioue-b<br />

vo habuomv- hlnh-dn. a hn.pi r rn both for form lanybaiers oena ged t helaghoiongea<br />

In<br />

A ~'.A A<br />

khon HoMC-l UenD g~un td~ m en su. ~ shong LhuAi silhouete, 'v-ic mtye uailoastutnd or covere<br />

maing hlang lach dildc.b L-IIn chiL4 Lid jt~i ca,'t wiith up ao si porle m helter t c bnve . Nrmone to<br />

-VN 11 " - ;,JQ 'A oa' g install'A<br />

.,~erl Tltye adding orld rem vin thie shail-l<br />

v~ hin-kh~'c ing ori fand~ lby orer OrL cab~edin harrangemen-<br />

Ahy~ I-C<br />

NIETA<br />




*<br />

KINKIN<br />



.KIN<br />

C.NTIMNE1.HS<br />

V .,,<br />

• i ',/- ...<br />

I." - / * '. . ...,o* - . . .. .<br />

"',,<br />

SZ4r<br />

/<br />

So<br />

».*. :,. - ,,,<br />

HUBC-2 ,<br />

"& \ T<br />

CHIEU DAI 798 CM. LENGTH 26.2 FT<br />

CHIEU NGANG 174 CM. BEAM 5.7 FT.<br />


KHONG CO HANG 40 CM, EMPTY 1,3 FT.<br />

CO HANG 61CM. LOADED 2 FT.<br />



CO H.NG 40 CM. LOADED 1.3 FT.<br />


DOAN VIEN 6 CREW 6<br />

KIN<br />

FEET<br />


KIN<br />

0* 0ft lPhIrIAI IP.II<br />

HUBC 2<br />


?Thuyen IILBC-2,cot dung du danh un d vten HUBC'2 is usedprm ilfofshnaog<br />

bicn Yua wuodg-nug tqI vusg Qu~oig-Tri vai Th'da- the coastal and inland waterg of Thua Thiewnacd<br />

Tbich.Qiiang Tri Poviricpsi.<br />

~d' ~'A<br />

'~ *bop<br />

A '<br />

OABC.- I A'-Itm HUC-2 ed' Dhrgdc-fh6 ical to that of the DABC-1. Distinctive charac.<br />

nhan bLe amul thuyea oghn-hoat va cong venh terigtics of HU3C-2 are a pronounced sbeer<br />

IaN, rnSI ma n- thuyti larm huAng rnot marth va'n I1tlcn, accvntuat log the sharply pointed bow and ntt're<br />

va mno ba'nb-1i1 i4 v'ai o Ai~ c*t *'t; bianhf-lou nay and u removable rudder fitted into a grooved<br />

co the' thea rdi ra diidc. st.ernpost.<br />

A I-4<br />

,. f<br />

KiN<br />


I. A<br />

CAt &HB- jgaj. g &HB-' rmQegT oic iv<br />

A-- --<br />

dc~t!n& haH7l^c 2hlQan us-Trl co' motttn I hoseCfrom from Qieng Trvn Provbe hae artw<br />

phikqua cot mtru turn thanhLn~t, dkfng kint hqp cd side planking ovurlkspping the atanipoat to for;iiia<br />

thlP ddng van mitt Au dude ntul sWdti lat dA narrow slot, -which could posaibly house a -stm,<br />

chdt. board with minor modification.<br />

Tren cafp- ban UhuvAnHtJBC -2 cudkt d(?c ng The genieral construction and maintenance:<br />

A no-tri tonvr-qdAt gi6*tg nhd thuyen DABC-1. oH13fl-2 is essentially the same as found with<br />

Thu~c'n chr ccýmn~t Uianý kziu~n de7 4tdngv 6 mo2- the DABC-lI class. Only one timber, however, is<br />

hqejn. hat dau ýddL griT nhdng mau g eo ngan used for side planking, which is capped at the bow<br />

dang eh~m m3 nhon cha mut vs' lai. and stern with short tapered fairings to increase<br />

the peak of the bow and stern.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


V9<br />

t-e<br />

lb~~~m<br />

ne<br />

-- him<br />

-A %<br />

.alit4<br />

x Uyno -ue h~n ag hi oe n odnuco suulycrid<br />

o q u ..-- ano -g h1 uo% 1hsucohgas alsovlse otecon<br />

T huytn HUCO then d'-cdu ( sng t$c an c qhu.oni tua of woBC2' r v kin iw~te o huls m hoto willed,<br />

the'i m tico ot d lie trn ha I<br />

0441!<br />

KIN<br />


KIN --- -<br />

Tuy yt5 thuy'Cn khong dtf1c sdn, son~g da-so Al~hugh t~hehull its not pa~inte~d, the majurity<br />

cea tLhuyZ'n HLIBC2-2 qq;anh vung Hue de~u rd sdn of H-LnBC-2's In the vicinity of Hue haive smallu~<br />

A: 1~ 0 ~7 7 A 'A<br />

mot con mat trotn nho oAio be~n rnui thuyen. round eyce painted (n each side of the bow. Shelter<br />

Thuyen i-IIBC-2 thtkfng khuong co/ khoang, v' hn cabins are not usually found nn these junks, slaice<br />

~ / \I 'A I A<br />

nh;PU ca/c gi/a-d~inh nqc - phu dteu t(t treni K1f, tri-og most families reside ashore in one of the small<br />

I<br />

niqt Ia~ng cthni-ildci nho. fishing villages.<br />

KiN<br />


KiN<br />



f<br />

. . - .. .<br />


aCut tueaHUMC-2 r'dt bi lk ct~l vlo lulc H UBC.2s depart for their fishingareu dnriwm-tul<br />

va itr v ionSIe chictu itin Hai. 19 Ig theu varly evening, hours, ruturifgtpr<br />

mu ~o xn tI mathtaC tu~ay during mid-frrnot'n of the ' Ilowing day. -. rom<br />

u A ch-h1di<br />

Joii2<br />

%'<br />

14gu~~Id~~ h spring until flhu end of autumn they may he seen<br />

1ia-TfienI~ 9 uqý ng-Tri. Oe~n rnua-- 11o _ fishing-up to twenty miles off the coast of Thou<br />

host.7nipmysnh4lnhQi.<br />

A sne~-<br />

ThicnorQuanfgTriPrt)vincuH During the winter,can-ctfdvao<br />

c ediem, chuan quun biet tren maitda't, thy-wovk the~ rivers and thu inlund wa:terways.<br />

v I- r? cdc sin' ýn thn~c. cung cdc )li~ng ni~c dua Navigation is accompisihed by known landmarks,<br />

jIiu" Sorn a<br />

Hong halc Wini. T~huyA kljGng he st'i-dulng mQ1<br />

wru ~ nod by the rivur<br />

Inkli dlung-cy h~ung-hai, den soil .dt#f, ho~e vgt- anti ocean current,,. No na:vigational ti quipmen~t,<br />

dyng n' hcm;i doi kht tiunivo the mang rijuninig liglits, or otliuraids aireknowiiit) be used,<br />

txeo myt &-n bu dot a~u. Trun thuyu A uLn<br />

vlA<br />

A ltho~ughi, ;k sin.IlI ui-u- hurrlLdnflntu<br />

thco nhdng b-phqn titay-the hoae vqt-lit~u nuc<br />

may bi- ctirried. Spare parts or extra rigging<br />

hinom rugýh v)i cdc Vo~ 4~a~ch~n dI'!U ddrc. materials tire net carried, sinceJ repairs are not<br />

tili-liyu thl-han~h tqI be:6.<br />

usually attempted dnywhuria except at homne tx~rt<br />

-' A/<br />

. .I<br />


KY-THUAT CHAI-Ltddi<br />

A A A A ~ A' -<br />

Mot day cau diii co buye tif SU den 100 hidi<br />

A long line suspending 50 to IOU small fish<br />

ca^ a 'n~oi nhiO thd~ng dtf~c sti- dyng. My't 100i hooks Is4 used, with small fish attached.for bait.<br />

I.drk dung to: t purse type net may be used uccasIoflaliv. No<br />

thtmqngti thlrh-thoý;ng Cu<br />

'<br />

V1 khong dol-lliu V1v "(dp 0d n~c thuyen pjrovisions are mnade for pre.serving tbe fish,<br />

HUJBC-2 cASn phai tuo ye 1nntoi n9\ y dt-ba'n toni thereby requiring the HUBC-2's to return to Imrt<br />

frequently iflough to unsure the catch doesc not I<br />

Co.<br />

A 1-4.1<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


KIN<br />


KIN''<br />


¼'KIN<br />


KIN<br />


IUE D ENT<br />

KHN O HANG 27C. EIT 9F<br />

COHNG5 CM LADED~ 1. F<br />

CO~ HANG 844CM. LENGTH 27.7 FT<br />



AI-47<br />


KIN<br />


-4.1X<br />

44.4<br />

KIN. . .<br />

.04C1 DEM TONG QUAT<br />

QNBH I<br />


'AA<br />

Loal thttyemn QNHH-l idide~ xlt du~n cUyell<br />

COi h~ang trfin cac s6hbg ý At'h QIJANG NAM v%.P<br />

ackhu vd~c~ Ian ciin dyc theu Lkd bi,'A. Vo thuy'en<br />

hi% t"a bNn iyt~ a ogct(ul Aýc<br />

QWH1 isll used exclusively for hauling cargo<br />

on the rivers of Quang Namu Province' and in offier<br />

ticrbyareajalongthe cuas. HeIr roundbo~ttomed<br />

hull with Its shallow ke~el, is entirvly of wood and<br />

f<br />

-t~<br />

hugto ra &ldc lWeN tau rat chac chdu bdi cac thd<br />

diong khteo le~t MIM v' hhu thuyen nhun chiýl ra vi<br />

Main Uiuye~n pliu-ng ra ie-'n nhau, khoang chu en co'<br />

A A<br />

1111 chec trt~mg gaN nhd Ili det V1 hdi nho lea kh~i<br />

man tluye~n, banh III Lhuyen to trotig h'lnh a~t<br />

A%<br />

1.1 %ng non' nho cao len khbi c~t chinh sau lai, va<br />

/ A 1, A I<br />

thuy' cia' dJg a c uom ch uopbncl.<br />

Tlitiyen C o ~jdemn kac nda dc ahn biet I<br />

man t-htyen con co inot Ian can rang, 6C<br />

di~i n) y it -khi th'av LY cire t1uiyenVN kh~c. Khohg<br />

gives the appearance of being wt-ll construc'ted by<br />

aicconiplished boatbu~ilders. SlicLhas a prominently<br />

pointed bow and stern, with uniform flaru to the<br />

:3ides, ati almost flat shelter cabin rising slightly<br />

above the gunwales, a large crescent-shaped rudde~r<br />

exiunding well above the stern potst and two<br />

luger rigged mnasts. Another distinctive feature<br />

is thait die gunwales are capped with. vn ol<br />

a feature seldom snen In the c(InSLruction of<br />

<strong>Vietnam</strong>ese junks. The reavon for !iue': an<br />

LCr Id Aentqo Ian can nay. arrangemcnt IS not clearT.<br />

KIN<br />


dUgc eu~ c c No verifiable Information was collected conleaf<br />

thuyihQNUil-l s~ykhGbig~tUoc ph~i MlTR mic<br />

dhi tinti : cho bay rAng thuy*A fay tdilic 10A~ tqo<br />

cerning the orilrin of the QNBH-II'lass5 althou~<br />

it reportedly. Orgignated In Quanig Nam Province<br />

W1 tnhUAN b~ý NM&'hithe ky nay;<br />

Kh~'g thay ed Inqti thuyen bae':A cd 9 m~t dnh<br />

duy N al, Auo Jthe'. DWcr b Ne thu~b Pu y$gcp<br />

ln eoaI c al nao kh4c ngos. vfl., m4- d444 ed.<br />

Rcveral centuries ago. No -Qt'5H-l's w ere<br />

observed In any of thP 'Other W-Laat~l Pr'.vlRUee.<br />

for lhltofnoa Inboard divese engine<br />

in two of these craft about 19~57, no other modift--<br />

Diesel trong hal chli; cAa lo4<br />

nim 1957,<br />

Ui uyA A~y Idho-g catiorns arc known to have been made.<br />

TIRon unam <strong>1962</strong>, cd' 13010 thuyen QND~j-1,<br />

Th nra orWa~ aboutl 1300 QNlIH-Vve rglatcr0<br />

inQuanl;NarmiProvinxce W<strong>1962</strong>. Although theslength<br />

8ang bb tunhQLANG NAM. RiuA1 c! ca thuyani<br />

cc Co te thay'eol tdi 20 t61 40 tre Anh (6mn - 12ni) A<br />

iay vary from 20 feet to 40 feut, and Whe beam<br />

from 5 feet to 11 feet, most of thesve bots are 27<br />

Wel~ nfae<br />

0'tlhuy. a<br />

ýJ ~tdl jR tac AnP (ImSO - 3tn30), do<br />

drmi d~i 27 ts`c Anl2 (WOnl) vý r^'~<br />

fac~t ;ang and have a benui'of 8 feet.<br />

8 ca Ar i(2. i40). 0 .- A MouSK pruvisions are made for imiatulling<br />

three masts and salls, apprxi~nuitoly 10QNFR l'.48<br />

Toy 94J dup thyicf:bi9.atb ored nvar Quang Nam. had only tholinaln nias<br />

bmur 4a c ' h buorn, nlidng they chdng.40 uyujn' of tiic- mi i and fore moset. ute'pped and rigged..<br />

neu gal QUANO. NAM cbi cd mn~t cot bu'6n chfnh<br />

dunliai hu~c m~t c^0t b~m, ehfnh v'U m~t c~t<br />

The mnizzenmasat Is rar~ely carrded abourdur eicen<br />

rlu.*1h .Rea-via Is atopped thirough a lonigbu<br />

Ir nili d4f4c difg 'An n'a thol. 4DuJc bi~t cyi<br />

bu;Al ia IdI4idc ('t khM mang tren thuyA ho-4c thu~y<br />

Itudinal beamm on tiw centerlne at the foru~peak.<br />

Thu iualu inuust. iti wepped in aSlotted vcgti'ýdl<br />

d~n&g1IN. He c$1 buoh1 mlh dtlc &~ nguy strot support un thit centerlfite, positiuned well forward<br />

fung ti yen tran trung tuyA~i c~a i~m ofaisis Tlemrizzeflmast when oised Is:<br />

m~i Itudyg add~g ranhi :<br />

tu%'YýV1tiK&bu't'h n1A 06 ha<br />

ngo trung<br />

py phf a truchc<br />

into one of two holes drilled into thwarts which<br />

projE through thu side plunking at each quart'er.<br />

c a gilt Uhuyub. C4t bu~u ld'i khl dng &Ih dd~c<br />

d~ng~aaithuy~ ý btcdlphra r~o btng cu'h ra Only the miainmiast is normally stayed.<br />

a'v00 mot trong hai 101 da huauk cu'p th~ni vdn<br />

0, A P 'l Anlpng<br />

dong trold ra khol0 mian thbuy'n d mol phfa<br />

Manila or local hoiiip line is used for all running<br />

rigging. Banibuo poles are used for- the. yards<br />

bbng. and booms. The sails are conventional:1woven<br />

11 .1 A<br />

Thd~dng thdbng chi co' cot b oom chL'nh dii~c<br />

palm leaf fiber sewn together with a coarse hemp<br />

thread. Whenthe salls are furled, they are stowed<br />

dqnxg lden tbhi. ai~y c~ng buoim laim brag td gai on ciecx.<br />

RtI Luat T~N hay gai rroi ho's. Truc buluh', J'm<br />

bkng cay tre. Canh buo~r l ba -r d 19<br />

V' ao :klu: nl~qtdbn hy b~ng ch gai tho. KM<br />

ha u~g. buorni dddc cu~e v a~ ex~ tr'A n~t<br />

thuyen.<br />

i'CU A' - t<br />

% A 'k -<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />


*A -If-<br />

WIdli 2/3, cl miLl nrng thyi cumy About two-Uiirde of Whe duck iiuriuvi. li<br />

kplivaigthlI,>.Zi bAu V-',i1; vi cen co" nut Oich b~lfig uimf'<br />

datn nhil citdng<br />

g thay 0 cdcy thdtcii Io fiftyte<br />

Khoa~k nruyet I py (IcC' nu11iiiiIII Off ditc iddoc WeG<br />

cove~red with ! ý-rm!i--pe~rhlpanreit wovenI rattan<br />

sheuy cain<br />

cabin,<br />

cuueo<br />

cunimi<br />

houC1 alliuhQ~l-l~a<br />

NII- cu<br />

This ovul-top eiblnis~ bullion- five eurvedthwarn<br />

tfintrlen slim1 ch &) i ng Miitcng V'Us r40%it r t~i 1111m and extwndH to the. gunwale tin eucla side. Five.<br />

btm mn thu;yN lnitgIudin~al strimngers ure Iinsertedi into dieut'<br />

P All utchL-d thwortu tu give additional suppitirt it) the<br />

Nawm di'i dye dddc 11t vati eae kha'c. chot dabin find are remsoyt.4, ulmig with the cabin top),<br />

* oni.nilg tiuyeliitalecd~hc eh1~i h6n. Truniklil x~i -eý WhleQ loading or unloading cargo.-<br />

ItIng hoac Nir lui~n, cned' dtidc siuzy dide)% Ichueru<br />

culig vii niui mlioong.<br />

N A A 7 Al<br />

A 11 o11111 1obn id 1 ei<br />

truwi tlluvzliýV 9gi"V 1uý'1 net) niýcy (L~ ch)(fng 151) to"C'<br />

Otic wo~oden anchor i,- usually carried<br />

ab~oard, Ni di approximai~tely 15U fatet of mnfaila ort<br />

agui<br />

Anti (45m) 1fa Ulit bang s~ii PhI ii LmA~ I'ZAn huy<br />

1 liiA' )j. nhi cay fit-, ii'av I) i dt' hi I iigqrdi<br />

locil hemp line carriud us the aaiclim imu. [Iau<br />

anchor has a long shank, with sha rply "itilied<br />

dd~cach thi'n uco 3(i-V>' g T- clU Ii n~g LCat tlaxvs -ei~' ýf 30 dgrees from thu tihunk andc<br />

r~l\<br />

AA<br />

c~ ~th~~n ~c, tV iii t' I'' Uonboc ritta i. Alilaitighais --mchor IS carried, QNIII1 1-1<br />

S'( 0d LUC 4.Yi l~~<br />

I XUA A I<br />

og~~~g~l1 i.V1h . in~', (41i., miia'ied f(Ir andiaft to baiiibo I-ile,<br />

111P e~. iVtci bV(d<br />

KIN<br />


KIN'a<br />

COuAuqu.,<br />

i-. ,:npa thyvn11i<br />

NO n'i~ g) V& 't-angnon hlji<br />

I A''<br />

a,<br />

p r-<br />

~~.0<br />

V&dtstv hy~'dn<br />

ý2,g I14v IC''rug<br />

rigcl *I<br />

ý c~dlsa<br />

O11ClLd(1 O~ y M TIbldýW- ngUI<br />

], BT hie'ldi ng oal, thuycn lain u ontn<br />

&. t hu v 6 1 i~l'ng Willin lai mygng11 7 ac bassc - ( KW ldP :1<br />

trd ong dchym bathii pl i<br />

A A' 3<br />

A'NFDNTA<br />

A I - I<br />


KIN<br />


Z:2 ut6Z VQ thuyeu khong baýt gio dn,' tuy hi~ie no' Tho'hull Iif neve~r painted, however, it has<br />

CC M9^t 4u na~u o VILA ~ 4:~a. a lihtbrown colu resua;n f rom frequent coating<br />

bins cti~t dru thiio m~c. Tatcdca'c thuy'vn l041, with vegetable oil. All QN11li-ls display orna-<br />

b~ulhu~'.Nil spare parto 'or 'repair materials are<br />

AA A' Aiocrid a tlzd<br />

0, huyen Mhons mang thecq ba phAn thay cridasall available aspace is uize OCarry<br />

th ha* aA11^4aNcn v) mqi pihA troig thuy'-n the maximum amount cif cargo.<br />



-1is bu I lt t~hrvuu. iut: Quiang Nam<br />

.Thuyen NBH-Idldc iing t4I ýh~p dlnh Province at a cost of upproxirii~ttly$7'. Thq hull<br />

Ph<br />

QV<br />

n g<br />

cht~<br />

di ba<br />

s Sis.Vo thuycw v;u can<br />

thfgrn g<br />

c~u dja phldnrg<br />

undwuoden parts ure mnadve 1mw yellowish -brown<br />

hard wood filtind locally.<br />

Mlu hdilvang nsu.<br />

,74!q<br />

I / A A! tv '<br />

PI<br />

cling vdco niui vai 0i chfnh sau lui trin6ckhii ra'p<br />

cal- khun- tnuve Vao. Be~n trong V0 M. cliia ra<br />

planking LO the shallow keel, with Its attached<br />

stemn nrd stern uw"ýt, prior to the insertio~n of the<br />

hthnnh ha khonnng kiin nddc. 0u bZY b'(N klung t~oni<br />

At4<br />

yen, gdal nioi kheng n~y c6 ge'i) tid 3 mdai 5 hok~lummg<br />

framnes. The ilntCUIor oif the hull is divided into<br />

irearigtC)IIl-llLt.Svuflf<br />

diay N-1 suin. a rt: used with from 3 W0 5 ri-b andi bottom Iranie:cs<br />

inset tvcd L'vween C~huf mime full framcs.<br />

KiN<br />


a It<br />

KIN<br />


1; 7-<br />

A A' ,A' A? A<br />

Myt so nila car Wito va n ngong co lw an rnAs many as half of Uhw thwarts may extend<br />

A %A A<br />

ni, quo va' lildin thu en mia eong duing A a ca~c cho? throiugh the s4ide pl~anking, wvherv they uervi; at<br />

ch~ na ~~~jaA ateiia e hyn Ia len khi sdla<br />

AhTi ft' do~ tIlYe ig~iurn. t~v C'16is~ e<br />

lift polints when the hull is pulled onto the beach<br />

for repairs, as poiniits for securing the running<br />

thuye"-, va de latini Chat ken thu.vell vat) bi. Gac tm III<br />

van that ra tip luC~ N~ (ludaiit ~ng de<br />

iggng, as a base flir a narrow brow leading to<br />

the bveah. Loose floor hoards are used to cover<br />

-lie ity tluIvi v'a dL~e hm hung ch~i 61?1 b1) nd&t<br />

it 'a i khoang owli v) Id Pell di b~t vaii 11-a<br />

'A ' A<br />

day Ild om. !a vao gil 7 bo) khung [(,an Vyn. Coe<br />

1 'L n e V ''a1 I %<br />

van nay en the lay 1a lap vat) ddtic. ff~.il 1he.Illol<br />

the bilges and to .nsuru that the cargo is not dam -<br />

iigim by water. Rloth the bow and ý;tern sections<br />

are deckid with one-half inch planking, fitted<br />

ilsely between thev 7 full franies. Wooden pegs<br />

nin'i ewiL thuycn Sceu Lluil cac con inn'g g,; arv u sed th roughout the cinstructiun.<br />

Ilch mu ghlenp vt 7 thnytu 1113': s~iii banig Cate rhL. hull scamis ate caul kid with thin ball,ma~nh<br />

ire mining I rdte klil t~i th II 7rhu. I dihlc boo sivi ips hef or the entlive hull is coated with<br />

. % A<br />

quet Nan~g motf<br />

A' A<br />

chat daiu than' iol"C -i Ca:Ihiivenl :1.1). vegetable oil . These craft are geineraily beached<br />

thd'ing ddtitc ktct to~n btl niQ naom 2 lan khi<br />

,o; tiiuvtN v) can tho '~ ek cz'!!ch<br />

Ca1I canv<br />

iii0wd I"ZI<br />

twiCte a VealV wil' ho th ltl! I- SCr'aped, the suiOUs<br />

reaI reavi tu IU aod eaulkud with ihirl bambuo strips<br />

sa<br />

nit liii ChAM<br />

ha tui i ,' toan1 Ih L.Vt. o UV t.,~1 IhI i'I t~d&~ Vt~<br />

dAh0171 lilt Sit ;u Is.ý N-6 llltlvAII log<br />

i~i nd I l(' em1 I I hullI iS agil it coalUd wi~thl vegetable!<br />

01 I.Gnr~VUi IV h111l !IalIlI1MIanLC CDStS hoi01<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


"A. - ' A 'A<br />

Uld -ift: 11 V lki' Iy 1;y' bell Idl -I tdi Jo n11t in<br />

rh1v tLZnli Il . G /<br />

iilidng 'ahI.IitIti. 11 9~ *.n. ac<br />

ti ~~ a. gb .i 1an u%ih3 tay kh a ~<br />

fiaInfg c;lie cj'iili bullu,, ilititdng dTtd.c rhay hang nam.<br />


Loai thuyuai QNBIIH- I htliu'ingLTd(.ic dnngdc cdi<br />

The hull il, teported tk, las.t Ii I U ,i i<br />

years, with the external rudder requiring replctej<br />

nient cvciv ten years. The miast andrgigae<br />

replaced only when damaged, while thc sails .Oill<br />

normally be replaced yearly.<br />


hang tren cac son- gaui QIJANG NAM, nlhdng doi WieQB- sms omnyue i<br />

khi cungthly chay 3?<br />

tnPHIAN 'rHIET.<br />

lgual kh~u de! glao hang Xdjonl iii-, iq<br />

,t<br />

the river near Quang Nanm, she<br />

siumilly on the open sea<br />

d,:IVL ýsouth as Phan Thiet.<br />

Tliuyen n'iv ci.( 14ing tal Ch'lng 4 tan, hatig<br />

% ' A? %/ 1<br />

chdi thddtig Ia than 0-61i, gil, mIunli, gajo hoac ecaW!. g aaiy facrxnatl<br />

'A 'A / '7 7* I,,,ng c^ong kenhi kia c Sa u kh i d~ac 1T~ h1%iig 41 bell ^f tdi<br />

%A. 7 '? A' \ A X? 'A \<br />

rot, cac thuy Zhu thldiig lay bun song do day v(at<br />

% \ - ~ /A<br />

'<br />

cac thungdanbangtit. v-ýIdjt v~ao cac kloanauguluyen<br />

to ns, QNBP -l moves charcoal, wood, salt, rice,<br />

or other bulk cargo. After delivering her cargo<br />

at its destination, crews frequently place small<br />

A? S 'A A A' 'A<br />

deco d aml thuye rriint-mg tlmuyen ye. Buna naby sau<br />

\ A 'k Al A.?A' . A^I<br />

ban cho cacnha nongh(.duuIg(dedo klap VaO cac cho<br />

N _g "i'<br />

na4) chang 73 ngoai dotiA.<br />

bamboo baskets filled with river mud in the coni -<br />

partmentsto serve as ballast on the return voyage.<br />

This mud is later sold to farmers who uise it in<br />

1^ N<br />

Khi clul habný, chu tluclc hihddg thue 2, 3<br />

their fields to replenish the soil. Upon returning<br />

to their native village, these crewmen return to<br />

thiuy thui. XIii thuye'l trtl ve c thuy thu naiy la~i their other occupations of fishing or farming<br />

'A % % A A<br />

ye lang h;Aiii jCc cLing, VILc l;ii aný Mh-L ii da'nh jinh-~ss another cargo haul is being made up.<br />

cahy'A. . A' /<br />

ca ha cay cay . t A,? phii l,] L. ChUyenl likng khaec<br />


-DIEU KIEN SI NI-l IIOA2' I' Generally the owner of thle QNlIH-I resides<br />

'A. 7aboard<br />

Tldfgthd~ting eli<br />

with his family when not engaged in haul-<br />

3 thuyvii l.ja i NBII1-1 it ham ing ca;rgo. If the are~a of the shleter cabin is not<br />

tren thuych clang gia IS~nh khmt tiaip kluiig clit) hang. filled with cargo, it provides a relatively spacious<br />

A /%' A Ndi khoaiigtliu;.cen All Co mill dit. n1Un % 1hig IthIIa t hO`ang<br />

"/ '*? A'? 1-' A%<br />

co the danh cho tddng )1I ru)ng 1, Ol.a tth<br />

and comfortable living space cot ipared with that<br />

2 1I niai So0<br />

' A- Al' ? Aý A' IA<br />

vd huendathy koag unetCa l.~a lnvei<br />

khac d3a biett ' (7"iniZh Nziui VIETINAN1. *Ki CLI'L<br />

seen in most of the other classes ofjunks found in<br />

South Viet Nam. When an owner fits out for sea<br />

andhiresa crew, his family with their possessions<br />

A' ^ A'? N<br />

tiiuyc' chiat hanig sda-tu JuIn dilhntAI 1-1<br />

I<br />

:11i dI r ImV till usually moves aboard another craft to live until<br />

N~ / /<br />

th'i gia d'inh ho thtrthdollhi Cuec to] a 1ý1 it til suig lhe returnsý<br />

A A . / A7?, .A~ 'A<br />

Mlot thuytemm khue de dIl<br />

ci)i klm luni I;a 1 I,<br />

Sýý'dAng n[J) ,hd InkiA<br />

iii .1 kl-~ ~d<br />

'i ntcin It<br />

i4ik<br />

A'<br />

g11i<br />

i i, .'<br />

Sauuall quantities of the basic food, consistof<br />

rcsalt dried fish, and nuoic muam (a<br />

l prcpa red fish sauce) are carried when<br />

lui!nh ti tl - I 1'aaa k nI I 11 l' -116 It .<br />

1.'k. (Ola Wait These miay be supplemented by fresh<br />

'1ýn%.Th NmA. it Ingm tl 1k nill' I!;, i. f i fish coitgil daily using hand lines. From 20 to 30<br />

('I i~g (80 lt) ' i di i - 11,11 ldi, 11111 gajlli in of ptitable water will be carried, normall<br />

~li .!'ltni ~ 'A ~Iht~iii ' i i' g~illiln ..i,ntamv~rs. Food is stowed in various<br />

It,01L Cn. La do clii d lA( i 1 .ne i~f s-diiil seni - water-proof containers and<br />

-hoi ndhlc klimnigamai -,io) ~ l It]i. t~'.Ikp ILL cd0V 'Vi -.r1all 1I~ortable charcoal burner.<br />

jA' 1\ t.~l1,7 (i<br />

~copy KiN<br />


I .,IKIN<br />

I - N<br />

.<br />

KIN<br />


XIN<br />


22<br />

-I<br />

KIN<br />


• _ ... ,<br />

* .. .. ...<br />

I |lull . -i<br />


S" 1 <<br />

"<br />

0 0 0<br />

QNBC law- I- I ,<br />

CHIEU DAI - 9II-II83cmI LENGTH 29.9-3&BSFT.<br />

CHIEU NGANG 165-276CM. BEAM 5A-9.7 FT.<br />


iA<br />

KHONG CO HANG 24-46CM. EMPTY 8 - 1.5 FT.<br />

CO HANG 46-64 CM. LOADED. . 1.5-2.1 T<br />


KHONG C6HA\NG 40 -61 CM. EMPTY 1I.3-2 FT.<br />

Cb HANG 21- 40 CM LOA-ED .7 -1.3F<br />


DOAN VEN 3-7 eREEW 3-7<br />

Al-57<br />

KIN<br />


SCIN.. . -<br />


-<br />

QNBC I<br />

UA LN EEA<br />

trD g c on tifd -h GENERALc~ailu'k'nPAC<br />

.OFDN7A<br />



KIN. . .<br />

C~'t SausI it ' ctin v1 thuie~n to' Cthis mg~t kfdog riinh,<br />

arrangement, the hull has the familiar<br />

MiY nblen. tbay v'i c'1q bauh<br />

runh nay tI a& "I, rapo mqr d gan<br />

&IsIdc ra'p vo 6d4<br />

P 0d4.: -Dgea go<br />

slotted sternpost; however, a sliding wooden sec-<br />

tiun (instead of the rudder- post) is fitted into the~<br />

nay co cac trodt do gan bBnnh 141 to h'nhhMt rn slot.- The sliding section Is fitted with guzdgeons<br />

bnon vao dS ~n nbu bthuye~h PRAC-1, han b&<br />

Wri c; lu tE a uioleu hay b# thap xuo~ng thpo<br />

y un Ip~ uicnbn lnmsuhn<br />

and the large crescent-shaped rudder is attached<br />

there. As ir the' csscouf PRAC-l, the entire rud-<br />

der assembly canbe rausedor lowered us desired.<br />

d~fii ant Sau Ini, '^en m'ot thu ythuz pblii lý0 hai<br />

xubag cdtdi thuye"n d~'dit con trot; 6 da ii.<br />

Since thc lower section of the rudder sets well<br />

under the stern, it Is necessary for. a crewman<br />

to dive under the bout and set the lower pintle.<br />

KIN<br />

A 1-59<br />

A& -<br />



7buth NBC- Idijdc treng, dthZ t rten ca'c s~na - QN~c-1 is ae'en in; the rivers and sea areas<br />

a ~ ~ ~<br />

vL a hnccDaihaug, Quan Na Phan-<br />

1 fIiiet 21 4in (di4 y )C'ch tict vii sk~i-h<br />

ott 25 miles frmDa Nang, Quung Nam, and<br />

Phan 71iet - Construction, maintinance and fish-<br />

* tq~tubO tuy~va ky thu~t dnca'<br />

nhd doi h<br />

In&g1ig a tkbahnques are the samrnas thosediscusiit In<br />

6 L 4~ Iin thujan DADC-i vA PRAC-)1. detail under DABC-I and PRAC- 1, howeve~r, QNBC-I<br />

Is more often aeen with an ungnethannDBC<br />

S - - - ..-------.. *1 *..T -<br />

-NC- engin intlain-B- tmn<br />


A I~'I<br />

-"1<br />


- ~KIN:-<br />


DABC-Ib<br />

DAk- Ia.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN'.<br />


KIN<br />


.7 .:KIN<br />

I<br />

I i<br />


U. -. U. U. 1. w " .<br />

-.- I, - ® .- 1<br />

I. _ . ,<br />

44<br />

* -- ..<br />

Lo<br />

t.-., . ,*)<br />

t.OlO<br />

-- -' >. U U -,, >.-..~a)<br />

• . .. ll, 0i 4 j I<br />

I - r<br />

II<br />

KI<br />


AI-63<br />

C<br />

z<br />

Z o = 24<br />

w<br />

(D u


A -4CNIETA<br />


KIN<br />


CHE DA 94-1f C. LNT<br />

CHIEU NGANG 210 -302 CM. BEAM 6.9.-9.9FT<br />


KHONG CO HANG 24- 46CM. EMPITY .8 - ,5 F T,<br />

CO HANG 46-61 CM. LOADED 1.5-2 FT.<br />


KHONG CO HANG 40-CM EMPTY 1.3-2 FT.<br />

CO HANG 21 37CM .7~E ?2 -. FT.<br />


IDOAN VIEN 3-1; CREW 3-11<br />

KIN<br />



0 10<br />

Al -6 - aIENIA

-KiN<br />


i. .I | . .. - .<br />

.<br />

Qv<br />

.. I . .. iI<br />

K,6N CO' :N 12: M MPY.-6FT<br />


1 1 *..<br />

. - F,<br />

. . S.. . .. . - _<br />

C HAN O<br />

18 CfA . LOADE . 4 0 K"<br />

--. 9 T<br />

CHi U DAI 488-914CM, LENGTH I " 6-30FT,<br />

.CHIEUJ NOANG 101-229 CM, SEAM 3.-7.5 F T<br />

TAM Nu~de DRAFT<br />

KHM6NG Co HANG 12-18CM, EMPTY .4-,6 FT.<br />

CO HANG 18-40 CM. LOADED ,6- .9 FT.<br />


KHONG CO HANG 18-40CM. EMPTY .6-1.3 FT<br />

CO HANG 9-24 CM. LOADED 3 -,8 FT<br />


DOAN VIEN 3-6 CREW 3-6<br />

Al-67<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


Ilk<br />

A /A<br />

DABC-I<br />

t)AI U klN( l /luo MlaNE1ih.<br />

CAc A.,'t %lu~i :Iia Aoa % ii DA 13C -I<br />

h1dtijin zlcav rat 1111 i(I dol. btf bhii.'ii ph (o Nami<br />

Qti~iig lI-i ýdtr Ply-fiui#, ~ ii~Itutn<br />

DALIC- l's cin thruce varaI~tliofl ur'Lcfln-<br />

irg numbelLrslc aloung the V ictflmeti coast5 CuiIrtOin<br />

Quing rri snuth to Phan Thiet. Tu~eitrs<br />

1: . %<br />

nav. Chic rdii ~ 1 ;Sý !'<br />

. . A / A?<br />

th v uven co~i the 11m<br />

_,e ýIe rd 1<br />

al~ ti.! VJ y fronta 15 fect in o(IVAl' I LI)&qh up 1to p~ir-hiilp<br />

fet-t iXspitfv this widty di ffyivucyw in<br />

d~c c~ tau~iiIuii h~khknhiu hcu. sting lhinli .izc. thi' hulls all hav Vt lt-. sa mu bWsic li ncs and<br />

*ling k H* n niu Xiiif viahyc~ 71 gl(Iriý mghai:<br />

V~nmuI ~i ~ cuCanaut 7,jd nhylmui<br />

chol -ac-ter scics a smaooth shuct' rising ill j putinti<br />

Il-VC111 I I '011W ig tlo l100CI i.$,i iti n.'u O i mi<br />

V, , I O I I I ot Co i%:d0 (1 i k 11c. b.1;t lb i ci (LI ho aue ' i<br />

I:, IIl tit? cot il I nalaif i~to~ dhy I O hict I Ituua. V.1 toi<br />

%kOu'Vi, Ixuitiboui, SIUlLttd StVinjto03t 011d St V'IX)ISt, 0<br />

Ixot lI L ot -- ty oc r iod 1 ,: w It kht uo ps t iIt th c St c t -<br />

pus Iik ki.'\ 01nd MI 'ti'lrigact'd str'iibtuard<br />

!::I\ 4 1 zati I,! 1,int V'ii gI i !at1 IJ W m illib Iftu SeCklif-d !L the III o III tilt :;aunc Ia s i an11l .0; [Ill.-<br />

t-<br />

%<br />

vdkin d1 dIi mlstern, tounded b-titt'rn of wood oIr<br />

KiN<br />


KIN-,. - ..<br />


A? At A f<br />

Ov 8-11 dat nuhtf (hu. cyt atid'ittled kh~iun mniv~ For this atrrangument, the sturnlxist is<br />

10 (Y17 iVQtig dLA iip truec ba'nh jifi . Ooan cp~h s.au drilledwith a hole large ernough to aiecepttlic rudder<br />

dddce cit dc "Jni 111uf lo holing vano mQ& dieting khle vtJa post. The aftler side is then shaveduff to open the<br />

inog tde loonE hanh lai qua du7 eZ eho bafnh lj'i vU~n<br />

A<br />

hl noauwd nuht asturde<br />

7<br />

yin an / o / a rc t\ th lAt di,ý ttiong itself and allow sufficient room for rudder move-<br />

4khe<br />

nhtt h'lnli Ch'ia khl'a 2. C(^t Idl ct( 14) khoan va' dtiltig<br />

tdilie di~n) l~nt"i ~o. Midn" NhtVI.W. boBih<br />

/ 1' 1 , LIA S~ t'<br />

hil t c 1'tha xuong niftit to tntd 0l~e a JtrUp~ e ~<br />

keu lenl 0 bat cd vi in truiig giin Dý(o. hay tliis r'a<br />

nwnt. The rudder and post sceii froir cro~ss<br />

-;ection nre shapud likv a key. the drilkud and<br />

tove s the "lock". 'Thus, (tic<br />

wr mlay he (roppcd to maximum depth, raised<br />

klnum tlwtiven thco N' 11464, bia1i~g each Camii NIy gif Ca'.<br />

A x ? ^*. '<br />

neto teen dinh cc.) lai .<br />

to any mntevmedlatc liositton, or reniovvd fromt<br />

thw Lamt at will, by the iviscrtion or ICipin'va. of a<br />

kkedLge at Ltht toll of h tl c :Ii li'sýt.<br />

KiN<br />



3<br />

3I<br />

KIN .<br />


A * .0 '- T_ / 'A A' A<br />

delpvin inui, va Y%1n khift die tioni van nliy khOng enough to accept thw titumbourd, and is not<br />

xopy di xoay l~i d~.c, Mqjc d vi~n nuI, ciuhg sufficiently widew topeinit, the bia rd to be rotatud<br />

giong nhdv!i l haiy van da~y tivii Phdng thuyen<br />

khl M A 1" /o rung vi n~lang va giambditak<br />

from side to sidv, The purpos~e of the stumboard<br />

i zhe Sallie s as that of aI cunterboard olr lueboard<br />

gi4l j!~ nit v dicn hldtng mlu) thuven. Ta cAr othci* bouts: tha~t is, it) IncrL . v the latral<br />

nIn A' A A . 'A<br />

4:1th~ay van nil dadt; d~a len kyao hot khi d lhun<br />

chv.y xu~ui i6 hqj thap hiii m'ung kill zci.y nigdj.c<br />

area and decrease lt'eway Lai ~ome pont of sail-<br />

Ing. One notices that running before the wind thu<br />

sat chleu gitl. Vii ý Itfug ht'haIig Rhi chjpy ;o't cheU<br />

glM- 19 ly do khiciin ph~i duing vI.(O mul~ n'ay c(" the'<br />

x A 'A ^ I<br />

1i v)~ sd kho khan c~ohd-u Ve Viti- dolig thi-n voln gitla<br />

kJaI thd.Nna trong mot thuv'e iv d~yting.<br />

stembourd will be in thu full up povsiti'mi; Close on<br />

the wind. all the way down; endl onl a reach,<br />

partially down. Otiv ruason for us 'of this Stemn-<br />

boaird univ hi. the Inhui unt dilflculty of building a<br />

CtilYil l.i'I O~l~iIXJI11tr unk in a busket bottiom<br />

boat.<br />

KIN<br />


'A<br />

KIN' -I<br />

!D7 A I<br />

AIAA % .<br />

thoycn. Va thuytn t~ddc; ditu UICA b1;;;g nJtig iir l hdc- ft -ltlei itloldb w tlq<br />

jIghl"<br />

A<br />

-q<br />

g" c i l.'c M A l l ;- i id(I ekuu 11a, "J Ilic li ;;i;I; al Aitnam;ite eyvc4 car-vLd 1111(<br />

KIN<br />


KIN -<br />

~~ a ai~<br />

Thuycn "IAC-1 d& ,~chia ra, ilm ba 'hpn The DADC-1 lype Is divided lnto'three varl-<br />

he vu4' l iln nho. DABC-la 14 hq ng ations according to size, DABC-14.Itoi the largest<br />

kIn nhuft.a1, dil q~o~ngl12thtd~c trD Ie~n - ýo th ye of the typo, ranglngfrom3 fctupward. DABC-lb<br />

UAC1 hyditit khoang-.9 thiIeic rni.i dn 12<br />

%AC) nhn oiU'~ %A gnkiogno<br />

hulvrfon3l to 39 feet. DABC-1c's are thosY<br />

with bulls shorter' than 31 feet. More often than<br />

9LhAillai v~l. A<br />

AA<br />

wli'vil& 10#1 UhuyT-n I&C b a not, Wo' will be sten configuroed for three salhin<br />

tho.<br />

NA A %A A<br />

lKhuyuh DASC-1 I~ Imrt loqi thuyen Vi~t Nonn<br />

L~~ru~ m~nung ~ % n cbn m~p m4f, bay (5<br />

D -1~ is u traditional Vietlwmem'e buat.<br />

DS<br />

whu~corigin'le nuwobsc~urv. or at least nut kntown<br />

to tlai' authors of ihi& book. Suniluistoilivul da<br />

nhabi uung khong ddoc blett rZ; bAi nh~'ngngddi .I V mentm Indicsfu that prior to the Revenitcrnth con-<br />

I ach nays. Mq~t va'I ihi liv^V itch oit cho hay r~'ng<br />

tr~dfc thO'k? h~i/7 Iog thuyrn I n'aychi ]an) vd"I m1t .<br />

tury this boatwhs moade only with a wooden bottom.<br />

ThurL'Ufte. the skilled Annamite boat buuid-.rs<br />

td~y thuyiy'n huing glý. Stud &. nhtfng ngtý'. "aong. dcvised the woven bImbIUU -bultulm Mtb: boat<br />

thuyAn VIýAt khlJ4, 16', chLA ra dif4y lja'g tie dan.. builderti of the Da Nang area are still) widioly<br />

3. vn~ngd'dl ddng thityuh df ndn A-fNXNL; h~In<br />

lay vincoin Mole niýl ngtl$i blAtIj V'C ;t a kh4._~<br />

Si, t, a hij. nhitti chiua ali bIl~t rt- tai boo ddy<br />

vhuy6rh- tdgd dtif)c t) i ra trong'M~~!'"<br />

d4IU thue u? Oi7.af<br />

rucognlzOi for their skill, but why1 basket butioi~nn<br />

should hilve Well discovervil in the 16U0('9 to not<br />

cleair.<br />

WT<br />

'A A' P. "<br />

Tuy ng_ n gruv mqp ini<br />

/ 'A<br />

song day thuyun Ire Rcgui'dles4 of the origin. of the bamboo<br />

da: trýf nen ni~t- loqi vth', Oil~ Vil 'A e~ huen bottom, this has come to bc the mostcornmonholl<br />

DAIC- I v~i nhi'eu thuy."' buor^ u truven khaL .. eua type of DARC- I and severs Iof the other traditional<br />

Viet Nanm. <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese sailing vessels. It strikes one as<br />

A' ~ rhyniaykhe IL) t hingcoio ena' h<br />

tiiuy nhdng thUyen idn kh(Mrng 12 hany 15 thiltic.<br />

A' ,A ,I \" 'A<br />

chuyen vwn nhi'c~u tan hang, man day thuyven lah? ý<br />

strange to see large txouts of 40 or 5U. feet, dishcitg<br />

-ivv~rol lofls, whose twtotni; ;ire mjadv of<br />

thin stripls of banilxoo woven together and sealed<br />

with resin. However, a Closer look at this techhaing<br />

nhL'ng nan tre 1mt'ng darn kvŽ: vd~i nhau %-il ti a"Ini nique I vc~ilhs mveral marked advantages.<br />

hing nflta thhrj,-. 'ruv nhic~n, nh quansat 0, hI I~<br />

-. A'A A A? -'A<br />

na) ky hdn. to nhani thay nhiv iu ic 011 F o UVtKI<br />


-I ',KIN<br />


T(nh chg' co gti1 gioip day thuyen b~Sig tre<br />

chlu dylhg dU1/C mt Pit ~1 1 achmlh<br />

mlec cun hay tdnh trqng thf't thb~ng eda in edng<br />

M~y re rat nhqlV -et (i bjrc nat, mqt hay mtqc reu.<br />

IA nh~ng VA il'thittdn hy ~tr& n~i Lho ngddi<br />

x& vgloI iu'~ dy;bn O NmHl<br />

The resilience of the bamhoo bottom pci niliti<br />

it~to take a large share of the sluickof beaching or<br />

of varying surf conditions. It is very light In<br />

-44ight and to not subject to the decay, worms, or<br />

marine growth that create many problemsit for<br />

operators of wooden bottom b~iuto in the Soutii<br />

Trong khu rib qtanh g6 v1 vd'n dng dy hen<br />

dou hi& vatiah auy~i liqu tro nt~a a<br />

"n~Au vA% d4 Itich - u hoe, %i6'c t~hay uihcJ mri<br />

day tiiuycI Ii gil di va ce'thedo cbh" thsly thd<br />

trb thu *i th1c hi~n. Ody tbuyb Ilan chi phat<br />

thay N rnghn n~fm o~m in~ INh, A gild t~i~<br />

chifa b ng nwa giA tion ddy thuyýh bAng g~i<br />

China Sea., While timbets anid planks arc scarct,<br />

and exv~nave, Ouer* are abundant ntip:ffi:4 of<br />

bamiboo merely for the taking. Finally, replace.<br />

men? of the entire bottom is aimploun,4 Co 4. dIont<br />

by thecrew. The woven bottom I s replacud Amt the<br />

averageU of 91 5~ years and iLbo cost hi sonic,<br />

ýthinx less thati f thiot of' wutiden bottom.<br />

*m~y<br />

*~<br />

Tra'I h~in4 vti tnh trqngbd 'mui Thai Lan, cade<br />

kty t.~iu hlI, co/ ta visng I A~ 2 (t Jnh~ltdlng<br />

den ki~li thu~tn, k7 thuA ddni cdhay t~p qudn Jsa<br />

dAn chai iddi trong cd v~ng A~y. Trong kili Iq I<br />

-vanj 1rhit (ZiQu Rqjeh Quil hitfn thu-'N hun.111oIon<br />

eh~Idl liii ?IVtm, I vNa 2 VL.ic dolln ilsu;!n &(till L&<br />

tiding 030 31a lhlb, huin co 'hy nfAl<br />

in seharpeontrast to thL SitUatIon~l In 11hV (uil<br />

of Siam, avail ' bility of ,small marine engines hav'<br />

had littlecutufe~nbuot design, fishingtechniquvH,<br />

or twbItn of the fishermen oft Arcas I and 11.<br />

While IVt the Phu nuoe R-cb 011!a uru-A JIne I-xv i<br />

<strong>Junk</strong>s are. rurv. thu uppusait, Is Ulu case In Areas<br />

I and Hi, where twitihialts compribic OWs fishing<br />

III ye^n mify phit, cung ciii MSo ni t filuts anid powev hoatti, evvn 2auxiliarive, are u<br />

-*<br />

S1 h ~ pr'six ;,j 4 phtu truns huy'ni dy<br />

tre Hty niot V41 vrl~ n 46~ kidw L'y li. t<br />

~~~~trong cd'e vii dtn'ny lIeN quan t~i as/ true d~ng ct<br />

*tr'n mot, ngxin dit gil"a hut nikin thujiN d kliNg<br />

A' % A<br />

The Installation, of .n inburd engince lin tilL<br />

Wovcn hoitton bouts douti present certain *-njgIntvrting<br />

problem~isOeto~li wle upvuis<br />

(of theengincon a structuire built bLtwevn the stdeti<br />

that no Part of the engine Is upre by the<br />

hay d~i ngang: Al d4" tui. boittom or oijlge s'trinigers,<br />

Nato 19%~d OfA ~Vitm rrKib 'A" ti Hn Ky in 1957, thle United Stutes 1)1%rati-1<br />

vc hb tnhd th tchrng inh' rl thiet tr( dyng cd dit an<br />

nbv, ifihin ic dgl hoiS di<br />

Mission Initiated a program to instal deseI<br />

engines sin these hos~ts, but the nmotorizatounoa<br />

d .tih tri, cl1i hýp '~' ' l~diI [itng<br />

p~tu~ DAUC- hl~n t1<br />

progressocd very slowly, Probably less than 511 uf<br />

3 ddhik lip dV~ng CO. S1 all DARC-I's are now mnotorizud, This may ill<br />

hA~' trý&dC' le' nit ml pli~sdo ';Inhit-Ian ttAl Chanh part bl.- dLC t11 tile finanICIal stattuS ofthe fishermen<br />

i -a caz ngt! phu. nhidng cung ratr C.th'?v liq klifng<br />

tiIithisy 0oa phti'thg phdpl co truy'n cua hti.<br />

but more likely It is Caused by a reluctance on<br />

their part to chun'je their traditional me thsods.<br />

Yec id gal~l hi/a Cd'C thu]Yen danh ca enC<br />

trier. titnac trlnh dy thap tWi QuAng Tri, nai mai<br />

thuyLen rnuy hay thujUN nd~y phu k~ing thOng dung,<br />

Cho 0i Ruch Gia" I'd ndl thuy'cn hu'oni<br />

The mlotoitization ofifi.shingboats progresses<br />

from F; low point at QuangTri, whore power craft<br />

or auxiliaries are unco~mmon, to Rach Gia where<br />

t on kh6-ngJ<br />

ld'y tot~l nit divhs Ia. Tlnh trang tLh:n t riUn<br />

I A'A<br />

nsay taing I~N dyV theo 1s ic ' L c-A'lg tielu xuotng<br />

a iurge ulpowi.ered sailing craft would beanuddity.<br />

This shift appears gradually down the coast, with<br />

engines becoming more common as one rnivcs<br />

Aý 'A A<br />

phia Nani, so thuyen col eong 1-d ca~ng tht"ung dung. south.<br />

KiN<br />


4 . eN<br />


Tu ddt li' v 9r<br />

While designed Lind used primarily a ih<br />

thyndanh eq. skng thu;yen DAHC-I co' hýb~ Ir~g junk, the versaitlilty of the DABC I makes it<br />

ca A'deýmdn " dtny nrigv vu~u vlitAc chuyeN cliS Imkin<br />

hon ho~c haith khach; thlu;IN thcLKng dti~c d~ing vao<br />

A ? %A<br />

viqe cht gh 'atv a di dafnhi co f xit xae<br />

N, A<br />

hay tron KInhuffng lu~c thdJi tivd Kaiu khong ch~ai Wlld<br />

ajejptablo for use in carrying cargo or passengers.<br />

It is frequently inmtd for these purposes after<br />

returning froni a long fi.4hing .rip, or durin9<br />

periods when Inclement weather prohibits fIshing<br />

ngun bienl k1i Milk. on the open seas.<br />

Tuy quanh in~i la van thay nhan nhdn nlidng<br />

thUVe'n DAIIC-1 I wi mien diiyeln .i.i song cacthouflU~<br />

Though many of these jun-kie will be sven in<br />

the coastnl ired throughout the yeair. they appear<br />

Ma hug Ill hyp dung nhi t&inh t'Jngdotin dý)c t'd in greatesi iiumh-n im fleets along thc2 ViuiflamlesL<br />

h ienV^:Nn gi a ng-Tri v'i Plian-Thic~t xa<br />

dij So h~i IV$ np-1ii khdt. trong nmw~~ a i no 'lild<br />

toast between Quaiig 'rri and Phanl Thiet up to 5o1<br />

mintes et di. dring --;p-,tng an~d summ'ner. In the<br />

ha. Trong nhdno- EthdIng ye OlIn lilough lng, biei. I,"g w.iner mondis the~ rv -uasrustrc t the offsho te<br />

Ilan cehL Vic d~ i, a( ý lidoo hkitt Ing cliic. fishivig gemrally it) to he la rget junks and in pa riIc -<br />

nhdnig tlluyenbuoiat I'ki va nh~'t l10 nhii g hIluven1I U1111 to thoSU Whose CrwI enIII III'( ma IScL*aI. , S.1(rs i<br />

"A A 'A 1;, it71 \111 V Ih n is eIm n<br />


* *'** KIN* .- -<br />

r~nI~lr.A' Al<br />

Khl di dyc bvi Men it khi tata chu<br />

thynDABC-1 diLph cal nguoaii hu vdic dflh hm.<br />

Itrvlnakgth :fioemdn<br />

'a DABC- I aklpocr fishing outs~ide<br />

Ne<br />

the priwTtln.1<br />

MIC a~u Mang the' dinh r( gai gIAu tliuy Ndi chli 5, whwir e li~t!ivs Though no p r v4 -L vtntutble ti can<br />

v Wi~~l i f,'~g trbnvcii kh~l. I Ath ild 1ing<br />

vao khoung gila 21W~ dthJ5i U. I ~ '~ I I't<br />

be Made Covering the period a junk fisheii. Ithv<br />

iiectusua iiy pa rta from the olnt v Iilauiv betwi-oi<br />

*khultig 41Ul 150 dvnil 1900 e ml~i ng~dy. 'Tuy nhivi .21001 uind 0504) aind ruturnN b-tween ISOU und 1400)<br />

g thuyrn kA~ hlv- di chai rtiy thuyý 1119 phat. daily. Thc: time that it junk will dvpurt for 114'<br />

14 ýqu~g &LngPhI 41,'Clang tnln trung.glo1 V1, fimhlng arva will, howvver, greatly dvptxrid upon1<br />

glong Wkd. thvfIit4ance itobeciuvecrd and thu wInd andcurrmt<br />

AI dttii (dy Algcl n og mu tý in t . Since ?ih, hati ntj kvvl and a large sail arvis ,<br />

u~m I tn nntuy,-n DABC>I -i~ gn(ý)( tiiuy,0 DAR I IC m a~ u"tnder" No iUbuat. Shc. runds iti iwei<br />

uu m 9 tr!d mun g1 6 ,-Tritng v~i m~v-smIvuiy n tvsuihvulimm of Nuiling In hcuvivi<br />

.0 1 -- I ~ thiei. lk ,Phiuunq OA vrrIut-tin! thi- Is by hikling. which IU flthes<br />

Iliong 'Jkinrg nit 41,~*~d anh hdl~ng iu~i)y iII di<br />

gil thf~mg b~i eýnjig. ionig nhý k9' thtit iOij~ j (rit)<br />

tt-chuiiio ust.-d on hi~mii wvtitvvn m~ilbkmts.<br />

tir. -mer, Niwcvvr, for iikn40DICI'<br />

Thv<br />

trun 4fl th' c bU it -ihi Au-Mv. Toy r11ill' Lvi uto'sl init-f~wlint mt nitirv cihi'tioi-il than a hikvi~i.<br />

ia i th ang mu~u~ hyvnDI doI l1<br />

12 th&~ ph&l dillit Hip dil chu djo tidn ýCvl~i khiong.<br />

nhd t'du Ac~ cdthuv hurnyt nhii ch i~??n c~ng<br />

A y &~ 7 A' -<br />

mti y ethuy Ith eft thte kyl idhlnn<br />

Ing strop In whic'h vrvw nivitbexrm cuit hook their<br />

tuueti mzd<br />

Side.<br />

Si I<br />

~end their botldivz %iwe. 'rw. Windward,<br />

-~~' - .-<br />

10*1V. -~-<br />

A - A A 'A<br />

iý) plign 111c buonil duing treni thuyen DAHLvii<br />

mot so LhuAd Vie Nmh'cg nItudti<br />

UIL: fig Used in die. DARt. I and in a numiber<br />

of odier <strong>Vietnam</strong>iese J'mkS LeunSiStS of .1 'iundi-r<br />

Q l p-.. n;,-..A nid r& v% dd&* uti"-g' gui -spr up tit pr'rh:ipq 31) feul in icmgth. extended ito<br />

E Aan It (tg<br />

'A"7'A<br />

chvlldndii<br />

dl~v c-mir, it] d.u momn<br />

bunchi .TCAsd<br />

1111^0 111,41`3<br />

'v hap<br />

%vcafthr E-1A supported at 'lhe ouitloaid uxtremiity<br />

b a lint: running to thy- main niastiiad. On this<br />

A A<br />

"t,-L Are dav "i birds tn ai IL'.K<br />


itch c~do hitidng(Vn thu' d chtqy. t~a WhIqLtmilingcondiduns rL'quirt: iinly'i tima<br />

thay hui ta~n$ d(1 A'ti dddci. trco ien Ian can tiiujyri shift int billaot, paitrg of largc stontnst ile hung<br />

AA<br />

Litu Uigi~iltj tit 114 t~o dt r Lr T, yn Iida. 4nvcr the wcuther rail likiv tuddlleh:,gs<br />

M/ t<br />

A'A<br />

Vuao nildrig tiidlig tZuli X11 Ill via i2i u lidI !)uv ing 1110 Idit motiiiiiIst of spri lug and vair ly<br />

111thidg thiay cat; thuti~ch UABC- I h~i-ng h I vtii llluiný itjndis if sumiviiiri thy lurgur DAIC -1 Ikiatzq will<br />

Iivu hoUc sla cnghmn A iav,^pha t 1MrLVdc vlliu<br />

*Caidi s-aitdut crinf gilifir ihiIUh'li t run thU~cfl<br />

iiften li hLsLL'f with hitig spars fir spivils vxlvndud<br />

fu'INWaId ~alid aft. This is thv smijuifi tw .IgIIIIii; I<br />

QIIHC-I.vt 'I m I trug, u itL v itruh<br />

? I A I ' ^<br />

QLJRL> Ic&ilit OiY. Cd- i tru 1, )1 11 rn %(; tile'<br />

/ ~ ~ A I l 'A *' A ~~<br />

tiji iti 12 thildc nun hiviiili. ui~( v~<br />

A I~ A Cli .' 11 A<br />

C1ha I dia I ~idd il'ongom toi tha t c iI uh tg<br />

it ddfth. Kill chati hri-1I tihd thC'` t thivi~N DARC-I<br />

(f ~ lcimg CIj f3Ai~ n<br />

liau gii mat %ing i uloig '11 Itv<br />

cIni QUBlC-' I nd tIMiCIH~td hII IIlsi SVLAI(Ill(I<br />

the hotik . IIt'liesL spdi~ Lii> mayc as lung as 401 h'u<br />

Illc hi 111' .:v44L tilt, itige I aindaO iuisc toi svcul<br />

dlth wlo vild s n ha rge isilv Ic tie, v.11 iare hvuv I~v<br />

wuighitvd Wheiti DABC- I is wo rk~ing ill tih s \%va<br />

boilN AIways 11itt.I .il s wiigly<br />

(m7<br />

cI- Zi<br />

k u~ii<br />

rII dIu),,<br />

V11CI1<br />

tuvcn QL'11C I RtQai7 00.i1s va<br />

e7 Ai itdm~ d '1~ i<br />

ClmR k~Ig -11 wo~ hmddu<br />

JIl tilt., s:uiv way it, QLAIC 1 of Qui Niir:n and<br />

Niti Fraiig, tile boun; is imiikdjI drc I IIle IL-L<br />

(isiduwav s), mkniikmg Unlit) heaway, With tilt- Sluml<br />

IIIUI. VJuI auIii V)\ hjulh 11` 11h1 it O it( lIi 111ii I mijidanid rudder raiised lm: ertr 0!. 11w V -'I. towinge<br />

nt~lc, Ilait ktcu thie( saun C.iik sue<br />

thd 1 ng I~uuIl hdnlg c .V~i tUyN iii Ultl<br />

dii ii.ii ti cli<br />

gi 1 I<br />

thu DO. Tht.-SL spiIllS WOVV igi'IIVI_,IIYl MadU<br />

1..l-~ ld wh'l easl unhppud .uicd Stow,,d<br />

"I<br />

thOn!vi d, i ii ni~av c ii iiiiJitI th.- will u.ii ;all v huc sc r. ~i ~ ha nh rd<br />

Inc Uiuvcu lice,ý Li-01g9 uholng ille 1im vtul dun)g loit .1<br />

nh'y '~lk-l utogltlt 'At<br />

w i It KW 1111 o11 d I di g IM"Ljtllii h l i)il.<br />

Ig ilii seastms Whiullfle thu~iats :irc 'Imsimg tha t\vuc<br />

110 It bu<br />

14<br />

tii, i'iolud tim ii -- iiRCtSIim<br />

A A<br />

~~.iil"' Iam<br />

, "\<br />

Iý<br />

^ ''<br />

6?i 1 phulliph 7ji~ Iam this<br />

I<br />

(rig ttmý ;, fiitrcm and1110<br />


A -A<br />


L'Upt giacl tho~ng quioc I UR di Mqc? th it vIapj tu ThQ Internatio'nal RuIles of thei Road wevrt<br />

9A' A?<br />

nhivu nam nay dv an dinh viti di lal trN bi~n Ai, v-nablIihucd many years ago to govti.1n tileI afk<br />

va cdc thuyNbVIytNam c'ung ph~t d'pdv~nglu~c rly. on the hiol seas mid dih Juniks of VjvI'tntll ItL<br />

Tuy n vl'n ;hf r~n~t d~ (t thuyNh thi hhnh adtig cdc Isiibject Irp thrM. , wYl jUWV ,r veyt-* .4111ill vll<br />

lutI vý! glao thong, den IN, ho~v hi~u bdo, T - uj~ (if flic junk, sh %W i foundupvuling in iwecord<br />

tOh~th phit nhIu edc thuyvir trifinh 76 chi<br />

A N<br />

r*Ing kh i gyptiub~kh~c. nhdf t rt~ng hdp ra vlo<br />

anec with-any i-ulvs governing iiriffi, lights, II<br />

signalts. .Most junks can he uxpiected tii mafuueve<br />

bt;. Nhtfni tron 14C chilli Iiv ýnri<br />

A A AI<br />

L'lng v IAc, nun thuy th6 trhuy'C<br />

r~ t yenn AL~d h3~ kn<br />

v well 'clear duri . g ;I lflLilng situation sIIl'i its<br />

entering or leavlnigp~rt. However; when fibhllug<br />

t~dtt'O 01~.1 it'll g'.?n tbc vrvimmen of ;I junk will osften bv%;%une m, lrvoccupied<br />

with th~ir fll~hlngdhIt~ies thai they will nut<br />

Ky thubt hang hill CUa thtly th?) IrN cilc nqif<br />

ihlu;,b VýVt NamnA chien cf U' 0W sqI th~ig thuofe,<br />

he awure of other jiinkv 'II Vvi-l4Vl$ i;ippioathiiig<br />

thum.<br />

14y't tuLN IV ide A~n nhl. v 1/1 khu vile 'hltil iIdA;<br />

U91.5l qU I ciua in'nh. Cd'c ngLI phi! nlzy hobn tu~n iuvIgatimo by Ulu V~eiztaumvjunk fi-.licrinm<br />

lrtmng voy vauivj Itiva ehleu huung ebu mhung tinh<br />

/ A' Al A<br />

I.tu dliu vt IthOan tren dlu the, ho~c \n Itia efl quvn<br />

hiri, v~i va'v dng .-<br />

ibmAiXI 11"iiiy, eu. ptl8fc',II<br />

-y<br />

hood, with the g~nerUIu jrea in which lhe fkishe.<br />

Thesv men reI ly koniptetely upim' thv puhioni mi~d<br />

dlrc"t ion of a few kniown Ntars, kiown lan~dmnarks<br />

luau do va dyng cy hiiiig h~aI kII^1ng hao ýkl (W H1411.~4, (1n1d Ujxi thW L. urrven. Navigls titino il a ld.<br />

du(Ittc 'fiing uJI v kim Lhi narn Lunp. It kll thay and c~ha~rts Iirv IVlused ee r und ra rely will a tm<br />

t I. -1 ihuy'rn. -be sucll with a compuss aihoard.<br />

fý ' IA' 'A /i -m 1 hWl)L11]<br />

I It II " A w AZckc DABC.. 1c dy DA[BC- is almnost inva rtii ah iit~ii<br />

I161 (Ii chdial ca. LdSli J.~ ioc IUa11 long thMa<br />

Aun ia ot ,n ~~~I i.'~te Ai<br />

'A . - \ A<br />

dO'c - c pnua sna gdtj ha i .u v vn. floaC 1rd C:Ia<br />

7 A A 'A<br />

0,1 111 ann VJCOV sao kf la I kill 0 1u unu thay vl( III((<br />

ýA I I . 1 'A I /C<br />

Amlul tat*. ?'.glai ]I ., if lhav' )IV(i'[ I I)ABI(J 8i)<br />

la irge pus vpv cto a siaih-u circiiiar i<br />

'rlie pursc nt- t ];IV bv Ituwed as4terni Ii'uvl ('o 't<br />

junl.s tai frnni b-v, anud Ftcn sprils on a igc<br />

ol~oi While sailling to lucL-<strong>War</strong>d~. ihur fit AIIIII<br />

I j & i .ý im<br />

1iiitiloI t S I~ IS-d 11V Oihe itC C I~ iu.~. -. II<br />

th.1ing tk-ýý ihitllIig pl7h10p chii 101i thuit lit!)<br />

KIN<br />


KIN .. '.<br />

A I<br />

A Vol Uittdng bi't oddc- nh u to, ,t ucntn,!)n As arusult (ifth 1kwIirgequontltlieso Jitjiti<br />

dang cdc ndphu hl1i t U bn mu I nga y du ba'n.<br />

Ca'c pgd phu nAy kh.rig dng phddng 13nup 4oa kh1c;<br />

frequi.-io.y ca~ught. many fishli'uiin will ictur*lt<br />

port daily t,ý .40lI t~iutil 0"Mci. Thesev fiishui'1lvei<br />

de dlp g1~ie tiuai t ri c.1ch h~i cal trong thdoniz tre<br />

A lyII 1 4 x h ~lr 'Ap trg t ogtmelv.<br />

use no (orni m pruisvrvatio~n 1wl- tLir fish, oithoor<br />

thnpaigh i" in Cabun mu batikvtti which ml<br />

trn d u 6uc vung dcbd v klhc5<br />

kln o vladc lit hS. vAt hy thLng tr fV ~<br />

Oni m~i n~ AL, tAn i~t ddill kh I bi tMn.<br />

Nh~<br />

be covured iir swtowd within iine 4 fic ~ lt lt<br />

Iii qultc liniltud in mnist cam i l liut. Ihv ast and<br />

Is not readily available ito thvfisherivmit. Conse<br />

1 n nhuay di.*- chual lttli tren bi c vi uCu<br />

th d 41uny kDAB l 02 A15 n % thimi ph&~ .<br />

th. guihtt<br />

guI<br />

MUM c4c dy6"dfp gim .<br />

quently, thue rmst genvrailly return to pori fiVr<br />

ieictly eniough to) insurv that Uivir ictawh ilnei no~t<br />

tiilyl. FMir the Ia rgur DARC-VIii vngagvk1 Wi\ deupt<br />

sea flsihng and whic h nmy rem~iioý<br />

fromi two Lu 15 clays, a cioui -.v sai i-<br />

hl. "i<br />

the fIish und act am a pri.sLrvative.<br />

41<br />

' A ~<br />

Vit K,1luaig quo clit.-J, olednl I huyeii di cha i -it the l cit afternooni I le fleet oif fi shing<br />

lid ve .11n. va Coll hVUn iifc of chaCi ,i f dpi junkreu s I-cU.1 i pr 1t, Whelre the'ir firs<br />

ISI So will<br />

*A I<br />

nhhi' c.ieh ý-Iia lien I'll hanloin 1 el.a 1bý,, dif%*. scng<br />

Ult~n 11 hdc Ii~vnly( 4,1.1t: 501% \v\i Lie1 iiIAXI Vienl<br />

for caish. Thtir% ~ii, nioiv Itetliuds ;)f dividing<br />

the ji1ioctedh fvonil the Cic hiwvevur. the one<br />

eII nZu lii 1i (dido, 501 USL-d 151 flCie (:lu it lV iS I Slplit of 5(1'7 foj (Itle<br />

owe.with hel crcw liluelixcis dividing tilw<br />

rItii v 111g nI 5ul.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN.<br />



HiE rHUNG BOOM<br />

Ta' a 7 it thive DAB -IALt ld ~ DABC-1 in i all its var tatih ns, is lge<br />

loat buoi (I h~h diang fl( riting, chi? oifung cQi- buoHI rigged. Gcnerallyspeaking, only thiv mainmIastUi of<br />

chil'h t,$t 1cun-c Kic~u iliuyen ti Ii~ . (ý ly'1 hdrng<br />

111V Uo hien u -u*fI~r.~~uziui<br />

largur varltiioits will haive shro~uds or sas<br />

lluhLABC- DMI 1b whcn riggL-d -vidh the long r:i1:rsdi<br />

ii iik~ uV\iIi i ;IAClhhl~g<br />

c 1114 Ai~v c ng trilic of<br />

11 ~talulgOl g~uiu. 111uvciagtnucI<br />

Ae 7 A I I - A' ?<br />

A. Iii 1101(l mm tinti<br />

i3l Nit .h1alt cuilSi o :'laIng 1)111 Fhi<br />

A 'A '<br />

bCull ho nu itij . N1) i f k ill I fl 'Tit itng 1.111 giiuc<br />

ctf~il fuon hiiw and Stern will carry a I inc<br />

similar iti a fou c-1;,v fromi I,(- filiwai rdniot mit11<br />

Ut OIlL bow 14pir to 'The foIi idst i head. Oltu,<br />

tiv \Sol will be set Ilk a~ 3 41,1 iilIspIinnaktui n 1ti<br />

- 'A \'A, J t 1 v iii 1ge<br />

ha coiih tdhl<br />



A;/ A"<br />

(2 "IU.L kiu<br />

A<br />

dliuyen fills"<br />

'<br />

nigay c$?t buomI As might bs. iLxpuc:t#ud even Ilv itiatjill",iii",t<br />

11lit AH14klitiX co day calig rr cht ihdng<br />

'A % fi AA ,-wl<br />

Iliiy'ji l~, (IIIn dLIY Chang, du i kill I,, c0a, th'iy<br />

Alf) t i /1au 7.al d'1 71ilf A~~ butAl L1I.l<br />

mv tarj gigr~~r~a ldidiit ai ht I~fln<br />

ch~htgii K<br />

the sniaJ ir b~a Is huas nip stays. (if,.<br />

where slirt~uds are used, tleu Illt nrubt.I'<br />

se hotsrae<br />

-wnasotsraL a few feet below Inc mia in<br />

ast head.<br />

I"4<br />

A<br />

A A A<br />

I1dc cto kill ha~i day ktfi ddtitc duirigel<br />

A A' /Toduetsesiswn<br />

.lL~~l n cn. uon ha.- cac buoni nav khil<br />

One arid sometimes two halyards are used<br />

to hoist thie yards. Todueteesiswe<br />

A'fAA 11A<br />

k,_ ctrip-v set, the crew case the halyard permitting the ya rd<br />

bus-III<br />

A<br />

Vto Vi<br />

'A<br />

ag. O31,i<br />

iiani:(h~ '<br />

th"ut<br />

ha<br />

-I t~tllIIa~c ca<br />

tL(hId<br />

A A' ? A'<br />

~my 'it'&d cuon<br />

lo It<br />

fuot<br />

urp. At the same time the bo~om, to which the<br />

h ali ei - rotated by a toggle, rollh.Ilkill1.<br />

kill ip Lidrig k7 lu; fit, sail a riuiidth1w Ixom as the sail is lowered.<br />

Wl~i!u~uluuu su ,th: sail is secured<br />

ii.. d ft~ttilk, ' ihisij-, parallel to the deck, with the<br />

'A1 - A'vt ''iy the rolled sail.<br />

KIN<br />


BestAvtable COPY .

II<br />

KIN<br />

kIn<br />

b1%n.Kib %i<br />

CUA A A!<br />

daio tj tr blkll p 11 hu'a y on~ iJ Al yardshuiled dofwn, raishniqg pherlp most V<br />

MaýJupl h.tt th~i kc,"c Ic. Mi fileg v it &u phn,.This blrling, the fiiiyofw r i (if baoth hi., to L r indth<br />

cuobuni vta ca-i c ca cng choj i(~ n boom.ij phu ii bom ar th o shoulde leelsWe sai the rcld l Is omplrdeted<br />

dýicunl jq 77 VLu kilt) ti~ngi lani dkii anri oftheyr is ll,.ivrical adw. rliesiangsd the mfast d.<br />

A A x A<br />

'p.. ' I /i Ki d- il' ;<br />

AP 'A P-<br />

ci'al 1111d a it ti haig Vi~i a a1uuu du<br />

Oleto 6^il hlii-ni. I lmii .anh nwy it? xii th~ ao ~<br />

'' 11 1 A ^<br />

I' . To th"Iy bijoZin nii4' daln 1tJ '.ili'll ele I en, Va L.na<br />

SLCII from1 J~ -I- e tchis operai ion presents un<br />

uuuuiz 111 ISI spectacle. Te si per o go<br />

S ic01r and smallIeIr from thu lowcr slide up, unt il<br />

Cuol tling 1ýIl lidiii .d i t zh iu"Ini. saul, Vatd alid 110011 all form oeiedrrl<br />

whic li s sec ared at a slight angle to tlu mast.<br />


4AIA<br />

1..ý<br />


3p<br />

KIN. . .<br />


'Ic<br />

'A . A 'A . '<br />

~'A my Aor<br />

, tt An ig rseue<br />

rrq vtai %m ieang chan buion thiitng lami bha ng Y~nrds ndboomnsareus~ually madeof bamrbou<br />

CVC11'e va gorn m1117 htI .8iI~ bhU~~l Mt<br />

hoe x liten hit'hi ba cyc. vti ehllr~ cac<br />

'A / A / 'A<br />

thoven Itn. Day keo buorn ddclk loin qnui nhdlný hit<br />

pole.4, Ubv(t1 Vingly oil the smalle igsorscu<br />

togtl~ier in. bundles of two or three on the ltirp-,<br />

boats. llaIyoitsrervdthog lesrthav<br />

ieho rk.img r(ýc k1 tren cyt bum~n chi~nh. Roug Ing as shuavo- In the masthead. Blocks art, a<br />

Iu ti 'tA day %A I at hi Vi ' tt. o ,:l Iac UIioVe.ý<br />

tlidngtltV hilg ku ic. til r.)<br />

n~ay, song ta<br />

dLhu dS'<br />

-runty on tlice boats, butone vftvn sues deadeyes<br />

made of xvood to which the shrouds are attaudi ed,<br />

Cho~ng.<br />

ýA DAIC-I Sajils ;Irc almost inivariably of<br />

rhum'eii D:\C -I .ait h kt deu clung bauom da~t<br />

koig ~ ~ 1 1 UMi 0~'~ Xiic'1<br />

soing ra't rc. nilt. V~il cTifnig gico.<br />

~<br />

finely woven1 palm fibei . While the life of these<br />

sit I~~ s~yIcvk~giti. is short. theyV ar ve iry inexpensive, light,<br />

and fill nicely even Ini 1i01L air.<br />

KiN<br />


ýKIN<br />



Tathay TA" nhldng khoaiig h~nh ddng khoc nhau Vacious firm~i of Mheltur-cubiiis are seen<br />

Lr.cn Cat; thliven DABC-1 bt:ig bitw co'n calc Lhuy'en oin the, larger size'd meniburs of the DABC-l<br />

nlt7 ti~ A.~n g dc tro'n'.<br />

lJiio Wing p4L i Irt trtki<br />

(,41c klioang nui trrn<br />

iju' ph3 gi~ng nhd<br />

fninily, while. the smaller b41i ts -are open. When.<br />

cabins are Installed, they lr ade of wJ)vc.<br />

g it) Wit( ctA fluiuve dan. Ta thtf'dng they rihict<br />

ill / ^ 'A<br />

tuiulcoiraongbi 1(d 2 hoý 3 mui khcoung co the cio ~<br />

bamiboo lath Scaled aInd coated In much the gamu<br />

vvay as the basket bottom . It is not uncomm~on to<br />

lvn nhau cho ryng4 clio khi chatI Id(tl, lio*c diit noi<br />

diluot hau di 1.3m,'kh~n thuvcn Ion. ~uI<br />

Sve junks outfitted with [t.) or eVen th1reu Of these<br />

Labifln. set cud to end to co)ver a large part. or the<br />

S.Zp dait khoang rnt)i Itic klje nhanl I'M thay dti~ h~in<br />

h~hd~i ~nnrI d bo~ AHI igtg<br />

lrnut or stocked toguthur while fishing to Ieavc<br />

moewrn pa. rht. cabin arrangement<br />

thuveii kill 1111 zipang. that the DABC t may asswiie at any one time lias<br />

a conriiderahtlu L fcltc on thv Out ward .px<br />

and sI Ihoti(ttL Of hth boat.<br />

KiN<br />


* AW

* -I --.- K<br />

.4<br />


KIN 4V<br />

ALI<br />

Nh uhu~'\nIi, 91 h, ~nhngdj~iad~ug May v th botN ued y fniffcs ur ish<br />

_h. I hln um tkugsd ha al Ig acaprucacbnfa eatihdt k<br />

hu insong ywy.o gd c gia i<br />

"t Wdi C~ hddn l n ed m~ \ ng<br />

v~uh ~Ao vl~n rchli<br />

dl be 'r<br />

o atiny M~"n of the . bu~t ine bny cusc a v fu r l<br />

sitd 1,agn~ r tiealenLlet~il rii~itcu h<br />

ku ih9n I~ iva 061 thu'.AlngrQ gunwalc oft tha~e b jhn a w re co xlsvered fhur<br />

tac~ h u ba rAn bf th1P m g u"n. , a hdic c ihiu g hayr uthaeir crews l ivn.soe 'tl<br />

A A A?<br />

mo 01i diht a trencrc liuecnh glu 131n]y thaygc aLiioug icuindahn me be ird Chi ý;c wlls<br />

idiAt ca~hie tuv ri~ tJhu ci hnDA -ah Cao Diu diem <strong>Junk</strong> ary i .:in-on irddertb watch.dNg oral onlyu<br />

hq i ILn a n/ita t<br />

th t~ hn U<br />

huycn dang ohi 1 C4 the'i ii, c l(^<br />

lq.t Tro y~ riNg tay , va tdung lam<br />

th i au e~ st rge. tn DARC lTo ban DA sud xc11<br />

findIlaic h.we oher poshya faiil living abhor ard. li<br />

~hdtig glh &r.1nhdn whvnD Ill B C ,s.il ~ Ci<br />

reahai 'amr: an sd r uah Nornfly homey<br />

kill t& tr'i.<br />

(<br />

luniswill~k ~on<br />

ngd riodh khoung ho JC Ua kl S3~n ln v~m ftaind l bnsar p the lhyafm',Ian cabin adi or<br />

i naad<br />

dic opeti dcc}s in OvLar wcather.<br />

KiN<br />



Lddn g'um thc c' mng Ps. dvo h~n sualy te fod crrid wll'b rie, alt<br />

Aý 11o d 1 at(noc-iam, uppemnte 41"<br />

'41dun ih ac<br />

;V\ a c' afl tdl man; b ten a<br />

eA<br />

Lf ddng i" thij mng biuo ellhofdn thum ell.L~uf trisar ud . lufod crisd welibervd 1,1 a wood<br />

-or charcoal fire, in a sarkd box.<br />

Chdoa i thiy, hoac khong co ba'u cao nao cho<br />

biet J; .thay Icai thýP n t ran bt den chay No junks of this cls w'cvsno reported<br />

A A<br />

dun cuy ruen. hu~c dunrg L~u haig o!, b + Ty To he zi~p~pp~d with any form of runninq 111ghts~<br />

c'<br />

A<br />

nin w.nhini Lthuyen thd1dng m " g then mo~t den 1:4c i dio equipiliert or navigution equipment. Miany ,<br />

nhL) hoaic ul't dubc tre co the dtc d ot ~ci UA hwvr iry ~n~ orcn lamp or bamuboo<br />

Vi thve, ri h~csoi s.1ng trang khoang, hay bh o fla re, w~i lchtimay heIighu, d to it',dicatc the location<br />

hirn. of thce junk oi* to light the cabin wheno neccssary.<br />

' KIN<br />

t<br />

A 1-8i<br />



'AMyt dieu dac bi dan / i g ~ ' tr'n .It' iv of particular inlterest to nute that die<br />

dwyedDACng IAi ph~ ral 0ii<br />

~UV 'nD BC. l tha ir t~ thg C (j Ce fid l w~ho sail In DABC-1 are extrem ely cumnthri&kiidgvý<br />

t~iuyn d 6n~ imong 414 R potcn;'alos h opcratv in omplete darkitut~is<br />

WiIt h'mh bait C'rn, ng~iy nl7"aTn, d . Wn taiithit!.t~i with gxtLat vaseL. Whiwr dhpairtin1 g ii night, evup. :1<br />

" ghk9 1 d~1 Ad~i 'h, ' in g j, 'Prag~thi. y, vcy da~rk itloit. they shoiw no liIhtm whaitsouver.<br />

k(ihiV dc khin iih n, eav ch f h thbun enque Ih o handling the sweeps~, when work-<br />

ra 4. b.14 -uni4 khong gay thms~'l~ tiajt Ivy, 1por uafprpoucin al<br />

kh~lng tdt~n k dv'i, so vh~mnrv 4goad itn, ra .viq tiquvak" hr rolnh ua rvhe oy v bfrek dater, w' Inr<br />

.1 %n t %ea I t;C Arn. , ?id I o wn, I .iptd ~ ~~t d I<br />

t'utdI IIV npa'l uditu. v- wo S ora.<br />

on A lily di61 -1 do i<br />

hi A 1<br />

- trbii thuv~fl du alitfng phi~ v~o vito droa<br />

-<br />

I<br />

ldhli dt when to tiosh int. nignt ruh<br />

'KA<br />

Mid~ huvi<br />

...., CONyFIDENTIALyioi<br />


Pr<br />

KIN<br />

~M S<br />


Mi.1 ed gidi boa, thuy~in DAR 0- I thb~ný &I~c When DABCl im le quipptid with anenlii<br />

tratig bi bkin dong cd t4 5 d~ & 201 d.C<br />

0 % cq nay % ph~n .nhd UC~. hA 4b~ oIdii 0 ý; ,n# gidM<br />

thf. hormepnWer will usually vary betwe~en 5 and<br />

20. The~ unglnva arc most ILkvly water cuoold<br />

iihlqt b~nit ndak, 1314L YANMAR h0ac BUCH. C3 diesceu made by Ya,,mav or Rnukh. Both vf dtneUM<br />

hail o#i dilng id aa'y dtuU tngtfiig rn cdcrhuyvn<br />

Viet Nam:_<br />

typos are wid~ly soon In~ Vlenamteae hWutH.<br />

Kill<br />

7 1 A<br />

lup a' day, th1uyel<br />

7ý A<br />

go, d9ng cd dddc When the ungine is Instqlle~d In the wuudu~n<br />

dr:. ir,^n ha~nh tigung gin 4 ph(v lot dd~i sin thuyen., b-tmbas i sIi~ d on stringers attaiched<br />

10,1 lap Zf.a~y thuyLei daii, ^ing ,cd dd& a~cing glid<br />

A hn gig~ fy ~ / Ii<br />

uhn gain a main h*a<br />

to the floor. When~ used In the baiskut bottomn<br />

tI<br />

<strong>Junk</strong>s, iissupportied by thwurtship members,<br />

khung tuynya vJng chac hdu. which in turn ai-c sucurcd tuthe more aturdy side<br />

M~icdtiphinks or framub.<br />

7rat<br />

Mrcda y dthdc do'ng thc.4 lo.)i naio, d.$ng .d'<br />

va.du lt 7ch~n vIt ba cauh. Cha2n vit n~ay xoay<br />

dun 9 'A<br />

khngco khoang loni dddl day tlauycn che chd cien<br />

dt'bi hd ha~i kiti nioc cajn hoqu tchiy Nub- ~iilk<br />

Regrirdless of the bottom consetruction. a<br />

Smuall, thic-bluded screw is used. It. 18 turned<br />

w~i'lisst ~I*pi-to..;I-o a*1 ti 4ug 4f miy kind anud<br />

nong. W- c dvng ckl n~jv ihh~ng '~M S~n ingt thi'ng osdght hI' L!XJ]LCtUdI to 131 V.ay FfSl~ odmg.<br />

di~n dd3 (r 191 tn nhiLgIt 11 1 iA , 1a iio we chlgor opcraiting in shorI wut'01i.1<br />

gidJ cung phai p~hat hainh biang ray. T~hcsu lngiries ut-wally haavc a built -in fuel tank<br />

t arrVing 31 to S gall~ons and are inVaTIAbly started<br />

I-A ti hand u. ank.KN<br />


KIN<br />

.DdNG ri1LJYPNý<br />


OSRLTO<br />

;11(ni Lhu;C'_ý- DA3C- I L~u thuy'týi A siubstantiial lUuk;7e of the DABC;I boatit<br />

Plumon a- h th n d**** g ha thu ar bu y the owners themselves. But. whethe~r<br />

* .<br />

ti A xg VIVO v n ty phan nhivu dthqc thqc ht,'ui<br />

d'ri~i ýA j 7 rn 11 'Aýi i b v,% nha chu<br />

huyvq. Od'c chuy'lh vivu &fus'ibitluo rsL *Jtdng dung<br />

nhi nilnhi 11m i;n phong, .Vi Adnig thuy'n & ngo ~<br />

trdai, A~ (t n1itil d111 may, min co.m hi) chv x~l'fbg<br />

*don0 thuyi<br />

S<br />

.~cha Ihujth tti~ng Isat Odthi'g cbo ngtidi dtng<br />

Itituyv bAu r% vc At~ I~ A~)'~<br />

SO kiloung sono AII, anhnly q<br />

l~l~tdulM 1 ul, Ssukh 4Jkbng d'gao Su Q~ Ato MIilgt ghld'g<br />

tkuiiowncr buildolt hiinsell, or hInrcsa boabuider<br />

for th oone will most )ften f Ind the uk vn<br />

built In a tarnisll OlvarIng near tho bench and the<br />

home of the builder. Generally, Owe profemsional<br />

builders uve their Wines no their offices arid build<br />

the boat undur the aky Ainc few are fortunate<br />

ecnauuh to own a Covered building sheýd.<br />

hero ive owner normally, opmifii<br />

to the builder the type and size junk dugired, the<br />

nibruftuuuhe. -i~g typvtifeubin, numberofuncehora,<br />

11i11y,ýnuthing Jy m~t ph~h be tti ird&. rng^;phL~n<br />

baY' *ýIiiJodnc t~t n~u, vluhn coeI91~ khi giuu<br />

A- 1- o u no-..(<br />

and the rrnueriala to beused. Aftir Li verbal con-<br />

"tructioncontract hns been negotilitei, the WWIe.<br />

utiually req4ýrcH otiv-thlrd pamn in uuyanct',<br />

Atft 1,'h ttnjuk CehiU Kuat. A~ h~uc W16n A ti,,n __ nt-third ýntidway th'rugf-nstructiun, and the<br />

d~hk'y.iJ~ý<br />

/any,<br />

b -Oufr:de~livery f;?.hv junk- Very- fwi- if<br />

buAldorm are known if) provide' financing or<br />

Nac<br />

i Arn<br />

- b -. -. 1<br />

1un Bhy~ C-I pi~ng IubdL do -<br />

quunryng mn kht<br />

time payrnentul.<br />

6 . c~Viq't-rum.<br />

-n 041 pani in the WrunH vtof ofDAine ~ ud n&<br />

Murovc. ,onvraely h tuzii t 1plateti, pntterna<br />

ir Jig.Li;<br />

sngctf-dung ~Iitan nhii'u f ho. sVIi do * The 01 uLo-V WNWl~ u 1e 108t prnimitivu and hove<br />

t!in "iU Aýý , Ar i no.mtd nUc ~ tei~C. icit how dril) Is<br />

4!-J TI TitU ki--kv nyM hI -do v', 1,,Q I bccn inus for manyeturls<br />

dunag tvo IWAI-s.d 1i'Vil van kitfail 4~ng Id 'j o y kiiodr. one excuoipW of the prim ttivunc.4 Wt themtois sci I<br />

A' * ~~A' A A I th'Ao i ie ii os u~Ii t1L1.i<br />

1~ :1 y . Tronug xt~io! 6mlg vik d~i, lh-n. I s. Throq~u~tiau th ~'O .O ILruto<br />

(.1lh uh'A I A" A kt S<br />

';'I _ I 1.., I iu 1 iw .el'<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


"I g! le anycot*^ In obtaining the necessary lumber the<br />

ipat chpm-Lrdn v~i V2 id~kh~Ng _14 A~ V1t dd'nb<br />

ahaon An ~Sti ca~n-thl, Phq pbli mUa<br />

ouiiloer is faced with Idhe absence of pro-cut and<br />

finished haml~r. To got the lumiber 'required hu<br />

du' cua ngtldl chA go, boqc Ph~i tri OiN trdhc de'<br />

nV1'dl 'y At V%8 ~ao cho m~lnh. Phddng-pd<br />

most purchaiof aiffictint logs from a timber<br />

dealer or, After paying's fee to the dealer, he a<br />

tbitng d&mg 11 tJ'l gtz~l thuo cic tbty dqo ra biJ have the timber cut and dclivered to him., The<br />

blert<br />

'AU dd~e m eJ de&t, hdLddng-hop<br />

usual method to to floist It~ down- one of the Many<br />

watewav tothe sea C09111.<br />

wtrast<br />

-A ' h<br />

:14id ito hatbN dt'. .0 ra t~ting tt'm thee<br />

%A A s<br />

hue.Viqc &rig tbuign dut~c kh~ylj ngo kY<br />

.1agay sou khi~mg xong v~n, kh~ung ft iiT cIog<br />

If the -tintbcr is Iprocurcd in b ulk, Us~ is<br />

liqually t-he c~as, he 'Will hire wood cutters using<br />

lrgdobenddawo keterqid<br />

pa ,lan rg mte ou logndds.aftw tho loge the reqied<br />

lni rmtelg.Atu h oshaebn<br />

Iau. V1 thuyu h dd&e dt ink~llt~y op Wtdd. n~n matt cut, the construction of the junk lei turtcd<br />

b) n~it h~f vN. MhIA cho, van-j!e baci-trl thic'm kho'-<br />

~ng Ph~ kId Ag<br />

Ahn o C IR Ia,<br />

immediately, allowing n., tim ' for the lumuber to<br />

-d of gmuseason..<br />

Sisxe the joanlleobantructeh fgrelumber,<br />

it is not surprising that cracks soon<br />

appc-air and ucunms open, uggavating the main-<br />

- -- --- -tanance problcm. -<br />

I A<br />

Vo thuyen loiday go<br />

z:7 . A<br />

Medd o ng trddc het<br />

-.<br />

The hull of a wooden bottom boat '15 built by<br />

b~n$ cakh g4~ ^'ig thuy'en v~i rn~i vai lafi. Mqn, first laying the keel with stempost and sterfipost.<br />

thuyeh dd&j cnr~ol5~an<br />

o'' -0 va u'o v nol attached. The sidegh es are made up separately witi~<br />

carih A~ Mlau brigr9ng go ho~c tre; dTown uor<br />

% A<br />

th~eo dfng, hlnh-dd-ng bang day tbtfng, dA th~p, cAty<br />

Ae A %<br />

Chn,,day leo, va do'ng g1i'vao mui v'a lu'1. OWy<br />

planks, beveled and edged fastened to eachtdLher by<br />

wooden or baimboo pegs. They are then bent Into<br />

thedesiredshape withmaniia line, wlr.ý, shoring,<br />

thnýTcny 4dd& thdc-hin &ng hd -Di~c or braces and sec.urcd to zhe bow and --tern. Tile<br />

&~c-bla't dking chu -y' Ia ec khuon sh'n ddoc thei*'n bottom is made in the same manner. It is of<br />

v),sau c~n g; r~hid-thttuý~ndo d vd'n trilhe particular interest to note that the frjna,ii; art:<br />

i~i m~ti ddiig klaba sdn -Rau'. addud last; in effect the hull is plankeil, '(hen thu<br />

frameb are added.<br />

KiN<br />


~ni.<br />

KIN<br />

%U01F M EN MAL<br />

\I<br />

A<br />

Bit rogI a-id ~ r~ d! nhqa tho ng dd,ýc Caulking is dune with a comiun aoo<br />

*d'unll'xrn hiulInI X1M101 1 to.anthe tun<br />

ddoIc qudt phý mýt 160 &u tli~o- niyc t I I(,ý .. h d<br />

nhu~l niiu tddi ugi c~n2 m'd.<br />

ruughly ground bamboo and resi. After Iti<br />

cauuked,'the entire'hul.- is coated with vegetable<br />

oil, which when dew gives the upptearanceof a light<br />

brown stiiln. I<br />

:~~~~~ I brwlt=un.H<br />

pi.A tr'A V- thavrn Ci lu ac l 04, h .tl#yn dJL) The upper hull of the basket bottom boats is<br />

re dung cigmdd&y. dng gYaingu . hd thil chl trh built in much tnhe same way, except that after tbu<br />

ds khqt (15 I~p man s|Vl cdot treo c'5 lenronin phh~ sides have hcen illnt iled the entire structure is<br />

lai ren de lap dary tre &~ ddd.c tliii ci~ng v;ru. suspended right-side-up, while the haiwib~o<br />

- rluorli. whichwas nidec separa cly, Is igtahled.<br />

KiN<br />



*Oýi thuyLh Med Jail tay d'ýCh rI~g 1161 V3 The bottom ia constructed upart froin the<br />

thuy~in b~ng nhdno IQit te m-ung theo, du~ng khuor hull by hand weaving slim bamboo lath int the<br />

adng t n&, ast; dori dtd&- de sle't ýI ph ta m-ii v ~ general shape requtivvd. This 'bskct" Ili thun<br />

ph(a Ili vzl' . ýiahn ten vS thuvený* ph(a trong squvezvd fin at tlic,buw and stern and prea-d Into<br />

Mon.<br />

thu upper hull. Inboord of tht. sides.<br />

M t Eliii kqp U~c&i CA e.3nh tr*-u, ph~a A. stringer is laid vtlong the ioner, upper<br />

noi~l, 1< l y v 9de $ e h~t Vao m~n thuy'Prt edges o! tht. baskut und secured to the sides with<br />

b.Ing ;ni)"g g(, hoýIC tre. CUc nnng n'~ty thd~1ng wooden or bamrboo pcgs. These pugm4 often pan~<br />

difsig quathen )ýp. ddý rvana h~'n l hwytruhtesrnebsvad-ieq<br />

duy, nillyng d~Idc cit nF~n 05 do'ng ii'u dAtu do being cut off tutstdc the planking aud fiuishe~d<br />

haln i;Lbimn LIvn .ulcn, dS~.' ti 9lý) ~dr'~ flush. Fmually, theinsidu aidvutsidvoftheba~kcx<br />

[IV! k~ti b'jng bti, (ye truir. nhy.i thting: Oam hi Ji u art, sealed with the coinlwund ninde fromt ground<br />

e-rig dude qutet ha ng ch~o thau0- M9'C. bajlINo and .esin . Later it uxis covurtd with<br />

Vegetable oil.<br />

KI<br />


KIN. -*<br />



NosIefl ii s e sd b A -<br />

.'N II'<br />

nhci hdn d il-lh hue lk t-ý'hhi rcie hi ana oehti uin h wne<br />

x~d) Ibi ayIrngn~g e g hili1^1 1III ý nonhs wer te easar to ouh o xI<br />

stin khun k~hoý, i rfising , ' I-egla<br />

V u C i ccb,, ri idtlg le.thu' d titi i t L" 0~ uw rt f routine maintei naunce, Ah funkwil beI<br />

lhin can n~il thuyg.. ho -b hosi- tohat n~ la I vo l Kth yen wait monthlya s oe ei r 've1 ote month- At Lhull<br />

1A % A t<br />

thuen ici !-ti v c,(1rit ai Yln ui ~e~, CA i 1<br />

Ni A '1 It tuk. I u<br />

n qt c'nc .hyo Chang m t liIanhn'i nvl. cc d'rc~e<br />

cn v cah i zel on the be ach. H<br />

hi nu~lochnldln<br />

crae d. rt e majorit<br />

tw wne<br />

iji14i) nay ~ t i ro h v, Alm t ji v hog n-to do. kido ti on cea, whear the SUIJ)4 (1 are rough d oto and<br />

K I<br />

I'Vc ulkc .<br />

s~~inA u~uI'rfia lg<br />



A<br />

Trddng-hoip day~ thuven tbng ire cu mat In the case of the bamboo botturns, the<br />

trong d n m~t ngu'i deu dd~c chah cV bang b~n ch~i itialde and Outside are brushed with a abrtsoo<br />

ire, tret kfn lai b;ýing bo:)i ire trQ~i 0il b~ al~g brush, ru-BV.Uled with a cornliound moade fromi<br />

quet d UU-1110mC. grouind bamboo and resin, and rucoatcd with)<br />

vcgetaible oil.<br />

I a i it, vat chi donx ddric t~f~diý-ithalng. Tim.euao<br />

ezit. dhn bil"Ik, mt)uon i hay -thp cue huo tr11 dhuych<br />

DAI3C-)l ang ion. a N~ t', 3i. duni 30 rni-kim.<br />

A/varies<br />

Czac diiy dt.1 clitng niguyen tal clio hc~e kelo di<br />

The woveni palm luaf fibur sails reqIuite<br />

frequent attention uid only lost from thrcu to six<br />

ncintlis. The cost of replacing sails repoirtedly<br />

from $3.00 up. to perhaps. $30.00 for the<br />

leigur DABC-l.<br />

keo lot chi ddoc rliay tfiiý kiui bj di~t doan hoic m~nio<br />

Cu.<br />

vi tuy~' I ( dd~ OAB<br />

/<br />

Standing and running rigging arv replaced<br />

nly when a line parts or wears out.<br />

tin -4: dfch-x~ C~ Cic'b.t' ~~c i Since so few DABC-lJnsir ooie<br />

khong ih~u-Idrni ddtltc may. Nh~i~n ngd'ii d~ng little reliable information was collected regd rding<br />

thuyeA i dla -phadng Udid'ng klanpg Ldf di ng cV shi the miiainteniance of thie iigines. Local boatbu i ders<br />

rnay d~'ii:c~n, nNu mot kill manluf ch~' Lu 141 al~ re not usually eqaiilppL-( to make any engine<br />

- A' * 11 I ,, d(<br />

dia 43U1,chng C1-o /~ -~ 7? -c~<br />

A~t nalrsmthemd<br />

ac ),,gC() U C511 J? r-11 epai i'sto thedicsels nai,,rsm thnad<br />

t rong nlihdng thi nii tu dityen -h0alb die~sel repuir garages located in omne of the<br />

coastal cities.<br />

KiN<br />


p<br />

KKIN<br />



KIN<br />


* j ~OGBC-I<br />

____<br />

AI-95<br />

.961c.t<br />

.- . •<br />

OGIC-Ib<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


KIN<br />


KIN<br />


... . A A<br />

I.<br />

'p,<br />

A<br />

--- -- - --. QGBC-!a It i ii -0<br />


C.HIFU DXI 634 CM- LFNGTH 20.8 FT.<br />

CHIEL) NGANG 149 CM. BEAM 4.9 FT<br />

TAM NLfdcC DRAFT<br />

KHOrNG CO HANG 10 CM. EMPTY .3 FT.<br />

CO HANG 24 CM. LOADED .8 FT.<br />


KHONG CO HANG 40 CM. EMPTY 1.3 FT.<br />

CO HANG 18 CM LOADED .6 FT.<br />


DOAN VIEN 3 CREW 3<br />

AI-97<br />

FEET<br />

KIN<br />



An 1. -- 8C NIETA<br />


KIN<br />


1.<br />

"j.<br />

,64 . G 2<br />

--, .t..- _' Q G B C -Ib m " -I /<br />


CHIEU CAl 634 CM, LENGTH 20.8 FT.<br />

CHIEU NGANG 149 CM, BEAM 4.9 FT.<br />



C6 HANG 24 CM. LOADED 8 FT.<br />


KHONG CO HANG 40 CM. EMPTY 1.3 FT.<br />

CO HANG 18 CM LOADED .6 FT.<br />


DOAN VIEN 3 CREW 3<br />

F'Et r<br />

KIN<br />


W I P_<br />


%I<br />

TAI' - iLr:IFIU( r~-QIJAI<br />

QGBC-1<br />

GE'NE'RAL INFOiRMA rlo"N<br />

bilool Da-M1riP'mii'rig OWu V n1 :11,11 hdkl 1)7-11!1`111 Is'<br />

ghelicIim li'.1ig fire. t4~ v':ghe ttaii b-0111 11 v. 11v' fi<br />

IM' . I'igl'ti~ll> hum<br />

dC<br />

ima std lu~ggck<br />

-:trikintg fczm1<br />

.~iri,.f!aLo'<br />

r iýýd fishiing junk. Its mos5t<br />

,isi f liat ils construction is almosiit<br />

:il t un hull to the<br />

U",tw. ni -: gua i 1ii, mi vii cýItJ I -dc'<br />

g i nim n 01 11%1111 dtimg vt, gilW I10loin 141 iiht!<br />

011 kiu- 110 l'miii l;;II coia Iiti bj dkilly. 11 1i<br />

QGAW - li Výi W ;B( lII i.11 navkul~lk v"I kh, , m tlladV<br />

'it<br />

I l3gmm. (if this typi' arc found Iin the ivaturs<br />

tf Quing NgiiPri'viiwc. -I hicy ate c iggt'd ini rniiuh<br />

flit- ~. mi c i~'miin ntI iid Llic hull iiflui are identit.al.<br />

lVhC -11iNVoil 1.11ol IS1 III fi t, dI lffVI kill Ikutdldi- uiiltd<br />

" ~l tC Lin(] Q( fl('IlI. 'I s ~i~c y e arv<br />

flii clii lomI ic i 'Jl, I .<br />

KiN<br />


4S<br />

KIN<br />


.r;<br />

IiA<br />

F j<br />

Brb'~ laIQC;BC-kaIt' hnh dung nh id r, 9 c 'aftlh Uica The type carried by the QGIIC-la is sihaped<br />

di.trucla' i ekng vilo ni$t tnu~p bain liai, Tryc Ia'i likein elongareddour. with the ruddur -pust secured<br />

thuii ~ ~ ~h A -' ~od~ Ai iuc<br />

l~(klie). hifnh laif co' c.hik caiin LU tel lan<br />

Xii u<br />

tha<br />

iui n d -u~Ldi Thr: post is tapere~d to a slightly<br />

smialLi- diameter uLi the b'~ttom. Fitting into a<br />

X1.10119 b~i ml1rit chJL) banS go va'c 19 tr(!n hly In q1ortcd sternpost it can be raised, lowered or held<br />

d L? uj.Wi bfnh 11i nay ci~ng dang tre~n DABC-l. W i ntermediate positions by a wooden peg.<br />

is the surme airrngeinent used by DABC-1.<br />

'nits<br />

A I- iO<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />


n<br />

ra,.* nidcn -~dc~<br />

7I<br />

--<br />

I A AT<br />

II<br />

Gahl1a icnbagesl e oe ru h ot<br />

ai trn co ot.c<br />

otesvnuti antb asd<br />

loerd bu a*ite hc eii ob<br />

M~~~~~~~~~t~muc ~d iite bnhiik~,hn h to~ ther rudder potbyp fris png ittrut- u<br />

n~i ~ogv~ i~pc. ~1 dn ~n ~1 'in da board ind qhurtdermoston i shpe.g un Widy and<br />

th~ camcaothothvo juan ddc. chicd hbe uor es to thl etrirckturo tilllr the in pav<br />

I~~~<br />

A, /lerd 1- buhspnte wiChNFpEr NT IALo<br />



A '%A ~ A %A %<br />

C t buom muava cQt buom Ida cIm vao, . Th: main and forumusts are placed In mast<br />

Cgtbu rn u I €d he thoe ra dtdc, con c Itnbtr benches. The foruiasnt may be unstupped, while<br />

I~*,ththtdnI ,A A N 7A thd;Jngdt* thbS a. " bc / chat ' vio b A bng AT<br />

* d1 nay v day deng vd mup ge. Nh~g dny ay<br />

thmainmut is more or less permunently suiured<br />

In placeby wire or rattan shrouds and a forestay.<br />

rnQn du hu c v)o cy: gii dddng ra ngtiai mcp ghu. These are secured to the gunwales and stem by<br />

ghe co mdil treo thl cung Nbuc vao nh~ng eye<br />

AUy.<br />

tyingthem off to wooden stakes which extendabove<br />

the gunwules. When sweeps are used they also are<br />

attached to these stakes.<br />

Buem dan h5ngs~ l lat, khbu vao truc va can<br />

b~ng day C'd h11 thifng I0 d~y 8 l.<br />

A N, I<br />

nhtt tht ra la "chnq" tNg ch, V,<br />

NoI l' kh~u,<br />

U. A I -M<br />

bu o Mp<br />

The sail Is madu uf woven palm leaf fiber<br />

laced to the bamboo yards and booms by very<br />

buoni kaong co ndt d& Iuo n day thibng, course thread, usually hemp. This thread Is tied<br />

off at individual points insteudof usIngthe general<br />

A' f t A • .<br />

Khl dddng • " buorn, . ~~~* " ngtdi ,.A. ta lay day 0 t" thdn.uge ^! 1. practiec of over and under running lacing. The<br />

tryc btum vao cgt buorm. Khong co co ngung sail has no reef points.<br />

DiAy tr c bugc v?1o hat da-u truc va luon qua mqt lo<br />

tren d inh c buomn. Ngol ta diltu khien buom When rigged, the boom is merely secured<br />

bang mnt dby c en can hu'm va dlay buyc v'ao to the mast with line. There is wv) gooseneck.<br />

hat d8u truc bu'm. The halyards mre bent t- the yaatds and reeved<br />

A<br />

thru a mast bead sheave which is nothing more<br />

than a holeborod through the mast head. Thusail<br />

is cuntroiledbyu main sheet running to the extu'-u<br />

after end of the boom and a 'Anl attached to each<br />

end of the yards.<br />

KIN<br />


- "

KIN<br />



I<br />

p<br />

TrAdc h~t th14 da(ng ghe )am viaI khun& cho vo _The first concern of the boat builder is con<br />

ghe Wing nan, mý thu'd.ngco- thrfdan in dtbadn. Y struction of the frame for the woven bamboo hull<br />

It 16 mm4 thuY'n udIJ tige. GhZ nhlng cgy kre which is freqwe"',-y oh!'aied frnm a weaver. Hies<br />

ra lm da, ghip vao mep vsghe dan, rol buc dau first consideration is the hsaping of ote gunwalev.<br />

tire 191 vAi nhsu t# qili vA. deuOi ghe. Dang dýy<br />

may hay d0y thpp d b.uc, nlihig &;Z buiv ro4lh<br />

This Is accomplished by placing the halves of a<br />

split hamhnin pale-fluuh with the upper edge of the<br />

rhau d',66A trNn Su me'p ghe4 Nhr'niln cy tve woven hull, the drawing tha ends together at the<br />

tr9I ra ~nig mnti va datui ghe, de iping gU va duqi atem and stern. These are held in place by wire<br />

. -wA W A A<br />

ghe, dung oh~t xung bang chtt go va co day may or, rattan tie-offs which are spaced at equal<br />

hu4c nli, adtc viu vd ghe, Intervals along the full length of the gunwales.<br />

The poles extend far enough beyond the hull to<br />

accommodate the nternpost and stempos t which Pre<br />

held by woudon pegs and rattan lacing act flush to<br />

the contour Of the hull.<br />

N ,<br />

. t¾<br />

Q<br />

Kc" do, n/ on Sat ba'y<br />

d9c ghe. xli guha cd tdc-dtng ni.<br />

trongvc Y S h3 . h'Tt bn thdLng chi cd<br />

xa theo<br />

t song e<br />

Al -.W nd<br />

In the next step, seven bilge stringersmre<br />

ru' in place, with the certterstringur aoting al arn<br />

inner-keel. Thu center ztringur Is usually the<br />

rn3i di suot bu daIie. g:ong Nhtfng cai xu khac bI<br />

only one extending thi full length of the hull. The<br />

vatl phf'a %al gae, va not vdi nhau if n va duoi others are bent in towards the inner-keel and tied<br />

ghle. ( i f ngeth(,r at the lxn toiii of the hull. at the stern<br />

and at the hiw.<br />

A I- I AV<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />


4,4<br />

lKhi di~t X'a ng, n1,ý'A van d~i dddc "c,~e<br />

&'Ig Xu '*a e xa h~ lug ayvi lzrn; da/y ghv*<br />

After placemennt of theCstiringeris. .'evcrul<br />

half frames are notched. set at po~insto i hold the<br />

Tr~N vafn d~t ghe pl,"in, hai da 5'Y1<br />

mcep gin'1 va ~(.1~ (hin,-- %,,Sit ville.<br />

0dck stringers in po~sit ion and to mliaIttaii i the corrct<br />

position and tO nmaintain the correc 1)mt)~ form<br />

or curvature. Abovu these frames are thwarts<br />

Co khii be ghe dddi: ti~iig gis t;', ca'ch not<br />

thenn tre dan rong ch~1ig 15 cm 1tc bheli AZ '~j<br />

so Into hicsi-drkiied In the gun1WAlVS Omd<br />

(o dii fi-iine btwo or three: st.nchions.<br />

tihd<br />

d~y IJV~p hoac dong dainh.<br />

F retho~ard is smile timies inc; ;eamcd by adding<br />

a woven) ibaniboseiSctionI abouta 6 inches wide thu<br />

fulli liigml IIf me vessoi Thbi, pic i-; fittud to<br />

the Ilines of the pguowJ le- Lid :ittached w itil rc orrud,;.<br />

A I-<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


Uho co mut ct nvo khong co coy (sans One shankless wooden anchor Is carried<br />

-vrre), chi c 6<br />

trqc va tay. Toy uA rr% c having only a crown section ond armR. The arm.i<br />

bng !,lw day thep, Il co d ghep vuo trye d ethem arebound to ihe crownby. twb ploguo of wire, with<br />

nong; dae nuo dal td 100 130 pIcdti(30r-40M), rocko lashed to the crown He&fun for added weiglht;<br />

n*I4tl ta noeo xutng via kWo n wo lun bhng tay.- the anchor line will vary In length frjm 100 to 130<br />

Khi cop bn hay Mau ndl ndac canl. ihu thddng feet,m and if pid out and hauled in manually.<br />

4<br />

buyu viu wtt CSI A, w d"ng xu-ng ddy song. Anchoring in port or mooring in shallow water io<br />

A' . / ,,ha, r<br />

$un ghe 1in, 0i1eu mnanh co the thoo ra MW<br />

usually accomplished by securing ii painter to a<br />

bamboo polo stuck in the stream bed,<br />

Nhfng mnnh smn ,i m b4ng 0g1. hup them tre donc<br />

hinh ch thgp, q do' Ihn tren ghv ngang va mtcp gho, Decks are made in sections und ure renuiv<br />

Cunl Co hl surn lAin bhkng trv be, d~t rigang ghe, able, Thn sections are wooden framn es crossedi<br />

hati tu utn trun m.p ghe.<br />

2A / A A<br />

with bamboo strips and supported by the thwartH<br />

and the gunwales. Another typoL.fdveksomnietinms<br />

ton phi dong mot chice QGBC.i tilting (d41<br />

"4 timt, trung b~nh 1rI 20 My Kini hal ngdgil thoc 4<br />

used is made of bamboo strips Ild flush ucross<br />

the lngth of the vessel with the tunds rusting upon<br />

.. th .. drIg xong mtt UptOc Ihih trung mdli ngty. the gunwales.<br />

M)It chicý ghe c& th00 dig ddl)c 5 nrlo, a~i-dltic.<br />

tlwy. .cnstruction co8t, for a junk of the Q.I3C-I<br />

pI•u L/ov1 t^ /, .type is relative low averaging $20. and caut be<br />

1he. U~O vJ nen 'i n at Cong go vU, g[hu built in ten days by two men. Its normal useful<br />

vo , Ton h('nhiei nhat la xan lai, hal thlng lifetime is about 5 you rs, when it is replaced with<br />

phwi laBi ngoal vA ghe mgt IAn, con trongv th'l<br />

m1, n1m ch[ ph~i lam tiIl mrit Ian thai. cd cang<br />

another of the samo typv.<br />

ca vat litu t-n chitng 8 M7 kim. Comparing it to junks with a wuoden hull,<br />

the bAnIxmi woven hull requires a minimum of<br />

Lam ighe ngddl tW dung lIt ch t gum nllia maintenance. Rcuculking being fhe' major factor<br />

thong chin v'di coy rt~ty w1 haen (so) nghtUn nh4. In tids maintenance, areornil caulking or rsecalring<br />

mont han chli bang Ire nia phet van he, Ing is required every two months, while the<br />

__h__A<br />

I A % A? R<br />

Lam t lu myt 6ing viuclamn tren baibit.,n.<br />

I nlill vac .hc le'h hal, thio cet buom, badnh<br />

interior Is given this attention only once a year.<br />

The aotual cost for this work, including material,<br />

is about $8.<br />

lai, v'nduoi ghe. ;av& sn &hc,1 R.1 I ?n ngdllc ghu<br />

i1p, d~t ca, l~n trr~ gl go, donh'In h;rn ghe eh,1 The caulking material is a resin substance<br />

d0v d~ng. made of pitch obtained from pine trees and mixed<br />

with ground bamboo or seashells. The coir Ixund<br />

is applied with a bamboo brush.<br />

Hull and bottom maintenance are arcomplishld<br />

on the beach. It Laube lifted by 3 to 6 nmen<br />

who carry It ashore where the masts, rudder,<br />

stem board, and deck plunkIng nlu removed.<br />

Then It Is placed upside down on wooden !tnrchiuns<br />

oi- hoises for easy access to the bottom.<br />

KiN<br />


I<br />

I<br />

.1I<br />

KIN<br />


I 1 C<br />

I<br />

I ~KI"N<br />


L I- -ON<br />

.* NI<br />

t .. KIN<br />



- .. ,.<br />

. "KIN<br />


' t " 11 " d I<br />

- . . CENT;ME-TERS FEET-<br />

CHIEU DAI 1m 21i-01 cm. : LENG4TH .. 40-66 IFT ..<br />

CI ING ANG'," '2 44 -549 CM. "BEAM B -18 FT.<br />

TAM Nufc" DRAFT<br />

KHONG -CO HA&NG 54 CM'. EMPTY 1.8 F-l.<br />

CO HA'NG 6 5 CM. LOADED 2.8 FT.<br />


KHONG CO3 HANG 67 CM. EMPTY 2.2 FT.<br />

CO HANG -37 CM. LOADE[' I FT<br />


.DOAN VIEN 4-7 CREW 4-7<br />

KIN<br />



141<br />

A 7<br />

A<br />

Lonl thLyr Q H-1 h(2at dqng gu lhQGBH -I's operate in the vicinity of Quang<br />

QuAkJ NGXI. Thuý-n nahy 0d. v'a r~ng biZ'ngang Ngai Province. This large. broad beamed junk is<br />

dkic chuyunn dkig cht7 hAng. ThuyiN c6ba cadni Used exclusively for carrying cargo. She has<br />

bioom rQ~nýhinh thang, mn~t c(.i CEI I mIUl thuy'en.vla thrue large trapezvIdal a stern h*4rd, utd<br />

Mo~t day 'Ag r dan. rrauyien (3BH -I gu'n gi;'ng a woven bamboo bottom. QGBHI-i bears a close<br />

rhi tuye~n DABC-i. chi khd'c co banli ISI to h'Inh resumiblance to DABC-1 except for her large cre-<br />

Ma0t trý'n§ mon' va kf'ch thi'de t4'an diq~n to hdn. sceunt shaped rudder and larger overall size, IThe<br />

Banh Iii van h'nnh treun hai call tro't to 9L 10 voCaC rudder is swung on twu large pintles inserted Into<br />

trot truc ixong 4o ca. nX g sju 1.gudgeons in the hea4vy stern po KIN<br />


KIN<br />


7,<br />

Hiatongboin hannhie<br />

A ... A ~ A CA p -i<br />

nhi cN<br />

%A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ " ~ , ~ tjnku ~ e ~ am I . IATeI A1('<br />

thujun DABC- 1, mn'c dýu ca c~t bu,'m fighlnri I an t~wt althetugh both the maot anrnd fore niastiif t~uvQ~3RH-l<br />

La~in miii eu Lu~ QGBH-i thiiingdiqdc glidbgng are norrijaily watyed wIit one to lhrct. shrouds<br />

mA~inbg i~ ~ ct uyn c.6tdi b~'n kioang -each. Up lo'four shelter coliins are installed for<br />

LUmiii de' chc haing van chu tLhd thd t& nhiintg r~a (r pI'ohweion of cmi p and for use by the criow, Not<br />

Witi thay gla d'lnh cdua 00u Uhuyen (7 hin t rem thyen rarcly will fwnilics hc found<br />

'k<br />

living<br />

^c<br />

alhurd.<br />

1~ n1<br />

A<br />

5 ^ Jd ~ ~ ~ cn a wC~ilInitieo<br />

Mot he'n mani thu ~~h en co,<br />

anli<br />

mA 1 ~ iiV1 v ~i lrgnro omnmd fwvnbmo<br />

dun b~iig tre &N10 mao nn thuye~n trungl L.o iten. strips. is attached to the k~urwulc on vaich side tw<br />

Thuys1jn thiting c0' hat nieflo v~a nrtdi ta tlv~edng inRUEaseU reoi.ru corg'ea.<br />

trong Uthy khi thuyendi~u nvo. 0h1 mint ncoth.d6nr carried and onie usually sees QGILII I riding ;it<br />

.1 A t 1 A '<br />

4 lai. Trrn thuyen co chd myt IliuytN nan nlio*, ton. arcimir WIiili mtlj it bowi and stern ;inchior set -A<br />

Ce dung di vaio 1x\? hu'c gi~iay fJIiuyYuIct 'A 11j 14\1 CJC smind found bamnio~t dinghly i s carri itId -boaid fm<br />

A<br />

Vi ce g'i khoaC. t i ijs Lu the. sio iL, lending l r~ine and suueh h!<br />

dultics.<br />

KIN<br />



KIN<br />


_ ,-<br />

-- a;.<br />

1 /<br />

S-,.- .<br />

,AC th4<br />

1-. V1 e r'n~r~hktcu llyIetclt hto AC .Bcuoo<br />

,h;!<br />

- f<br />

V<br />

-AIA<br />

,, I ' A ' .<br />

-h u D Ci thuye n d khi e bo .<br />

ka. bun -h d~go'ng . nhniun ' thuj~l v~k n can -u ha 1. 6t giqn cho nh cargoyholdniaslbtolthto<br />

mhnner on tuthe Dpndmalwthnna spart swaungfo<br />

the mat ea.Anerofladngth aroha<br />

chuc dcn chuo' na~ng leonylun V3chay dhaic gd e tarn. edrhnln ulte ne al iigwl<br />

bhu'ng b den c'ho nbit mthue<br />

S<br />

trt<br />

on Dddlngcn ki 11 ontyn blat cu do M t c17 thuyli freuetl bel~ nuraiy nm~ dn nth um<br />

A''0<br />

hKI ngani vafi-- ntong no t thdf b tUh fequently. b ho os 173 tut nGBI-i-ssareyan iofilndwith d i tud ar e t on bin arrd Nhi. the in same thn<br />

dhoye~n trung gl~ DAB-I c'A tronng ingNd th12n b e tl hathung 6ACI l hay •~ " carld aindePra Bhu i imat ovic and snballt. hof Afgitere QuAnC- fladsn CONFIEaNd wgih In th Jprung cargo arn-er TIAL from it<br />

'. . the mdyg a rgoa..Jerofodn hecro an<br />

Sau khlthuyen a Quangg Tiitar<br />

may<br />

utht<br />

thon van cacQtBH-ng banig tr hvadahxtng h'i"urm hang Thiet. sbalat<br />

Tnxn in te PrvincTfhuangNgai Jn in 92wt<br />

doin trng Nl i',\ttg<br />

CONFIthagDENTmIAL6<br />

' nay (ac ddcdon huy vadngl.,laumyn cr! oly ne epored s mtorzed.QGB -I fte

.<br />

KIN<br />

S" ' '" CONFIDENTIAL<br />

• / / w ,_-<br />

- ..- .<br />

-..<br />

\ -" " - .-<br />

nam dhh Ing til nhlVu c€a blrt phha Nam QuAing the year in carrying cargo to the many sea ports<br />

Tr ne t kioa g non col thiddng vic no co' th0 xdt<br />

dung cho cad.mmtc dich ciadoa phlddnp, Tronr cafe<br />

south fromQuang TH. its potential use for unemny<br />

purposes should not he underestim2ted. During<br />

Cuc di thorm trung tdnh Qu~ng Ng91, nl. thay Imae thefield trip intoQuang Ngal Province, the village<br />

ngd Vhu #3 cac lung k.ong to rao d' thai do' than hdu fishermen did not exhibit the friendly attitude<br />

t1110 0 Cuie iJng khac. va ho phin nhiu khong tr3 shown in other villages an'i mtiost refused to anower<br />

7 A7<br />

Ioi eae $-au h~i, ngay cac cauuhol thdhng. Oddc any questions, even those.- of an unrelated general<br />

A' A A. -<br />

biet nhieu dit cdc lung naiy co' cam tIrtnh vci VVCt nature. Many of these vlIlageri are reportedly<br />

4.g , sympathetic toward Uic Vict Cong. The QGBH-I's<br />

/may require a closer scrutiny, hecouse of their<br />

V1 cdc thuyin QGRH-I C!, ti ru Ide han quan parua-miitary potential, than thosc junks which<br />

%! nWO can phai ki7 m seat Lue i' nay eha cit always operate in the vicinity of their pa'rent pro-<br />

hdn cdc loai (huven khac chl heat dtrig g-'&n cac vince.<br />

tlnh que' NH4iu c~a LAiY th& K.<br />

Al1-li<br />

,:<br />

-;,~<br />



KIN7,<br />

I vudd r t~to i<br />

Ultc i~tCaC o duýN n G9H-Ikhog 'hi W~l Is arunutkniw tocary unin<br />

k~lchi C litilg o ungCYtrilt.tinhj<br />

lghs, idt)eqip entor'nviitin qupm nt<br />

II:j.. h31 hytaAlcl hU4 ~ih i tw e r xvinelsae h ai Iyri<br />

-,,it h 1'i2)( x I I ;H'"'ý I ru\11 e mr k orLt4 hots pl- xstu / i nw<br />

I, d A' L a' Alq% l i<br />

/18fi<br />

hit I vItr cac Obuyune QGBH- Thonv Lh6 siars 'nhy QGBU atrm ofths vessel a)crre notinn<br />

cid li c y d~riuve, a 1-0ing hi' dun q?~ a'ut' qo le n i to fmligats \0dh huuIpnternatiornal Rulesof tequRoadn.<br />

h h3 ron .T i llh th ill ah (ithuj, ntiy Qu~m NgkinIh<br />

7 7 '^ ., '<br />

A'<br />

igh-i- rn- th-dal Y~ trong mthucn nii4 ITiy .I.d l' a<br />

0111 "ng 'ihf iing i<br />

cirews<br />

gt un<br />

wil e i e ob purd, sleepin ouiin stra matsiayng~<br />

o copndecko s dfiutriang wuith-&o<br />

4 ~ lmyng hay T i.anh tit g a ngl it],y al<br />

A<br />

out<br />

Paigtna s~~ohrdr nw<br />

7 A' ~, /N A<br />

thumi dich o. Cat: v t (l~ 3<br />

c phai mang% (1100 'iul? d nu, stars . and drie ftis o h arhee carried irsj nutf<br />

A<br />

go nttnt ih: it g hieu ca, W4. t Cdý ch<br />

A<br />

uoc totm fa ir ammý r 11' i I r terna ipnlRls. Th dr o e heRfis<br />

i's<br />

/~ rrOi n c. frlii ha haini n ira T h. Qtdniz -ih Ngai; enrews wt ive oho w atciis d curc ~ in strp aw l.'t' Ii<br />

t ca~ Ih~ vi!. 1 da th11'~ 1n u g n z ~~ J. a1ý ic d u Ki INg erz o<br />

A'IDNTA<br />


KIN<br />


4 1m<br />

AT- 115<br />

KIN<br />


KiN1<br />


KIN.<br />

A 1- 11 COFDN IA

KIN<br />


~JQTCC-1 1 1<br />

~tjTIEE~FEET<br />

AHE DýI8ObCM. LENGTH 2. T<br />

A~7 FT.<br />



K H NG c6 H~ANG 24 CM. EMPTY .F a T<br />

(.O HANG<br />

LO~ADED<br />




DOAN VIEN 10 CREW 10<br />

4<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


QTCC -I-<br />

vAt cL~dN( GHNERAL<br />

Su~ r't iw1J hieri tlnh Quang-Tri, ciLv<br />

diuye id't ~ ~oi tgiuiny co d~y h'lnh hu#dildc<br />

Ail lu tkin c1 oastal b4i-ache o[. Quang Tri<br />

Province these basket blittom surf boait's will be<br />

ttd~ ln r~nhd hauydang drngi 0i ltin danh ca<br />

"uI bion ech "ht ý 2(10 in- f (n 2 c.v). Tin t(~e<br />

seen pulled high unit) the beach or tending large<br />

Seiflo up to 2. 000 yards at sea.LilenurahuI<br />

ldifin ddij,. v*j lop I thoyen nay rift (t, tuy rihfc~n , tion concesrning the Origin of thif. bout was collec-<br />

0114 hi%` 1<br />

A' dUng no da nhivu tbu ky nay td lhuhi ajivotdyWnI s u<br />

va no trtoig rut giong lowi thuyvn DABCI,. several centuries and can be linked directly tu<br />

J,.,~, ~ ' DABC-l to wihit bearp o atrotg~ ruvmblance.<br />

I~~,JIIIý 11(<br />

itt'<br />

A1 ,h' Mn~iih ' .~aj -sn~n The surf finhct nLri, utding L1WeQTCC 1. prv -<br />

1 I-i blu .1 1143 I n-nCpgyn tiont it lively tilcAmle, aut cruws (if (41r to toll<br />

hitid 11111 Sail Wit ;i Mil ii hg Yvrntn work dihe lxiat- svwacd thrvugh large<br />

vu 4 u 011g~~g. I]`.)! brgti.rs, in order. to lay out Mueir larg~e neIVN..<br />

ti~ 110 ligki chil<br />

Hoiigii ldt~lag<br />

etotuv v' wV 111H1 11AW V4<br />

C011 IL01 11101 vitll, UV.) UV IRIL tiI)IOp.k II M W I, JhIS4I 1101' ItVkIidve&Vt.- IIv fit 'WinrJ~t niv iut&V i<br />

141 nts ligiu lallCJ Ulai oALrit cifi thg: ldng! cit ndi nit')<br />

11nirilyngn~n. 4 Oiyn dity A nay dil~c hu~v Val, di0AY<br />

Wl,* )Oid y Ma Ui , ldIfi Ity viii Sing sitc tl h(1ng<br />

kind app: oximutfuly fiftevn pvoplu. Including women<br />

and enildren, pull the net onto thou beach. Tui eascy<br />

this strenuous uffort, the fisheinrentf wear a* walst<br />

irus ho i lay viin 11!1silt ibdi1 butild with -0a hort strap attacltd . Thu saiflp in<br />

'A<br />

LI~4I-11 tiayen Iiiiy Wiling bilti giu iting tluolil<br />

Rccurecd tu tlsiv linesu uf tile Sinc, fit) tat the-ir<br />

pullingJ isi done from the waist, leaving the. hundm<br />

Idil (1,t111 ca, vII phltdng /itl 'd5 th ntQ f rue,<br />

*tiiuyun co niot cuat io16 ntmotii thoang guj kiiung c~o<br />

A . % A1 i<br />

thian Mil neu\ VIA Mi't t 4idýhtjlL 1,1I4~ Le dut s 10&<br />

Mitt, nvo. Tlniddrg tf)4 y mvt stil tre Vali ung A d~<br />

Sails tick! Iuvur used on thiese boats while.<br />

211.11 nshiiig u1414 1144211 only Jitetlltl of iolst i<br />

largt, iurS and itatn'11, pulem. GJenerally one<br />

nguun1, du,-; ,~ )m -4 threo, t~chun dd ninrg Nniull stockluss wuojdva anchor, with a stone<br />

VI grift cho thuyun dilov Ong, eiri hhn tri-in ng'%n wea~iit attachied to the cruwn will he carried, A<br />

sting.<br />

bunibou polu will be suen securedl outboiard of thu<br />

gulnwaltiei, whore' woightud s1441tNH maly b4, Hitsia-nded<br />

to py-iovh<br />

surf.<br />

for inrtr.atsel stability In INe<br />

Trotig Mil1 cli, khonng dunng de.ri u i chv, Shel ter cabins are not used while fishing,<br />

uhun kh ti uy(i 41 Cli n id co) ilit tut mintinh Mhans though a gabled ha mhuu cabin rnay be laid ac ross<br />

blang IrtL (1ay chtPini qua CLC miar thiuvem- leN, ch.- thc Jnwi les fur protutct mu frorn tiie soin whi Itlithe<br />

nang. Cai' ng il-pw d1 itong ac a ing sat tý` hic'n ma Lx~at is oa hieclvch. The fishermen live in villagLI,<br />

KiN<br />


KINJ *<br />

QUMK-~ I UMK-2 QUMC-P-<br />


QUSH-I NTMC-21<br />

NTBH- I NTSH-2 NTBC-. I<br />

PRAC- I<br />

KIN<br />


MIN 7-<br />


a ~~~QUANG ~~ ~<br />

NGAI<br />

TRVLONi; XuAN<br />

* ~ILF TOl 1Jý r<br />

I -7 XUAN PHUJON.<br />

BINH DINH.QJ fl~ze<br />

( - 'C'<br />

ITH THAll-5<br />

7-; 41NTAQMX -2 AII-29<br />

QUMC-2- All,-513<br />

NTTM-I II-5<br />


CHN<br />

It-<br />

NTI I Al-2<br />

J~~~PA KHNVI TH-2 ll6<br />

NIN KIN<br />


SI% 1 J- .. ..<br />


A -<br />

war<br />

K IN<br />


KIN<br />


AII-2<br />

KIN<br />


iVIN<br />

!<br />

I<br />


!<br />

VQUMK-I<br />

I<br />


,~<br />

o99-<br />

CHI9U OA'l 762CM LENGTH 25 FT<br />




C6 HXNG 488CM LOADED 1.6 FT<br />


PONG Cd<br />

KHONG C6 HANG 457CM EMPTY 1.5FT.<br />


ENGINE<br />





A 11-3<br />

FEET<br />

KIN<br />


KiN<br />


'QUMK- I<br />


ThuýA OLIMK I %; m"' halthij~l 11A c T e UM -1isa otri d un i~wru<br />

(I N TOy ',C QL.!AV CINERA ,,F)AAI<br />

Iap111t lý'ngcd anm ý r o h a uvllut, almar 0 ; c l~n er 6 11 disI<br />

M.Thuycni Ila itiu al VKI ayclii-it qul us day Att mIrwi is an tusted fo umong iPwtrud<br />

Iahcd la (r I ong mi k vhay Qiiic l Chidn thmay 1114:11, t' y<br />

ruIotda ibj flu' cIn~ a nlict 1 C1 r ~c u ng II Qha) nh~ 'lil<br />

d u mn k ig 12ch vil 7c vi r a 11,11 n 11 1.c11 1 igay Lgim<br />

(f t Qu e ony arcai Ihn oni parls whi ch w~<br />

rI, a; i d icd ownt iNy, d 1 :uaguSLi hy Shuv a nd iseta<br />

u ed fo r iu I p I iWz w 'Ku' cuiN g<br />

Cl~r. hyLiiny uc<br />

ui~y~ ha vcoqau UCda. t ighc CONsusdForCiIDNT<br />

urIAL<br />


KiN<br />


/ Fhuyvi, nay kui h .uiq itog 18y ýu Qul Wit 161<br />

PhIfut M ca thi tihiru rh~dng 4 d$ni (trt.i tv ly0<br />

t'hi k(civxIin haltl ~h ,sngt O~tyy<br />

klogUuss jp? r~Iat dinh ii~o J. T11Uti~ L;~' I ftW<br />

Thiti bot snakes daily trlips from QuI Niion<br />

tu Phiuuc Mat, a distuuica of aboot 4 nIlles, with<br />

ivassuIngurtN atd mscell ulncoum *i.'ago, but doguH<br />

not follow any Net schedule. It csarriUs fifgi~e,:<br />

15 hbu h Nio~ch (gfu .-h& 7 xo (nij kim) nsyt ngboi 1) Ito H lun~vrm(alt 'I cents ji hsvd) and 2 Loan& of vp rg).<br />

va hul 4~n hl'ung. 'risuvZ~ khS~ugc,( mul chyi hiu-11c Not mheltur or bec~nhcHn aret providud for tin. pasimsLn<br />

She dAI cIio hanh khoti l<br />

A<br />

ahuyvin? thhg thuysss hay bat<br />

'Lh ho "iis tj~ lun :i:tu:<br />

''<br />

O6 lss n)J : 1'h 1ý C0<br />

gvr8, amnd thuy tilton the. guliwulvs. khxk tr where -<br />

vt vt'r they cin find spasce. Two Inner-tubesa are<br />

'ngoi d& Thu;'N ci? eht hai c'ut UI Gg lU%11 carried as lift:pesurvvers. A meal of rice and<br />

phao ceui ci~u. HZ~nh Midol C ctllý :hs r ' 11+ n b-du fish Is provtdcd for passcnigur who care. to buy It<br />

C:Om v01o, 0i thuyen 0' bdn n"U hot Amuo.<br />

KiN<br />


74~<br />

ýKINj<br />


KIN<br />



All-7<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />




I<br />

KIN<br />


i Lit<br />

1<br />

IRV<br />

* __________ QUMVK-2 *r~n<br />

,ENTIMErT';<br />

CHIU D41 1007CM LENGTH 36FT<br />


TAM NJi6C<br />

DRAFT<br />

KHONG CO HANG "CM E.MlTY. 1.2 FT<br />

j HANG 579CM LOADED 19FT<br />



CO HANG 488 CM. LOADED 16FT<br />





DOQN VIEN 3 CRE W 3<br />

KIN<br />



L'j. KIN<br />


QUMK-2<br />

YI<br />

VtV<br />

J/ ILA<br />

A, As , a n<br />

ben ~ i~aUM jI h Ie i -an<br />

k h uyuniq% g II kho ung alon gTahu side accmmoate -<br />

thloied 1 woeng jun<br />

dpi' cud "O h4*c mv~ h nhan lain h. Tht uytig na UScv is tanhighcainit sners tha und h cmIucv i -tn -<br />

i11Y-1 Caodn 101 kvng 'n~ m 1r kn chul mem~ andu sTail-1 The~. pio. is oec os y aisned rsal cylider<br />

.'' cain<br />

md, i jni.11uy'icor1~tkio~i<br />

d ~ Yaua dtsl ngne Alug a iN wt c<br />

'A s. A long h i~ CONFIDsENTISAL

KIN<br />


A<br />

Trhuygn ny gun nhd i? hoat d- g trn l;~ rhis junk operates alniust e.xclusivelIy on tht*<br />

con song gan Qul Nht~n, nhu~Ig dol khi ci~ng chqy<br />

ca un al~dni gl nod en ' ~ g<br />

rivers near Qui Nliun but does (occ~sioInal~y make<br />

short trills up the coast (in cargo assignmentg..<br />

Thuye~1 chli dddec 20 lianh kha~ch Ava 6 E~N li1ng hua<br />

trong cue chluYL6 chay Uidting nhut giduiQui Mh~ln 4~<br />

She carries 2n nassugr n oso ag<br />

hur regular diyschudulu and 6 -ci t u N of cal<br />

i<br />

nd<br />

Go Bi ci'chnhn xaci~ig dm (t~b a,/~ so), Co Boi, a distance of about 12 miles. 'rwr were u-<br />

iidl hy eC n o~ io najy hopt d(ong trong v~ing elcven of thev3c craft opeY ating In die Qui Ntioi<br />

Qui Nhdn trong tildrig Sa'u <strong>1962</strong>., 1Nincii piqiig cuia area in juiie i962. The luedi mvmte iý; "Ghe uy"<br />

thYe'<br />

may<br />

"~GC'ayCr ghal tuhchybn which means "Moturized junk".<br />

KIN<br />


IMEN.<br />

441<br />

- KIN '<br />


QL 1 NIK-2 (raniiing dca ii<br />



* i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I.<br />

I<br />

KIN<br />


*<br />

1<br />

.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


KIN<br />


KIN<br />


OUMC-2 1 1<br />


CHIU DA, 853 CM LENGTH 28 FT<br />




CO HANG 91.4CM LOADED 3 FT.<br />


DONG Cd<br />



ENGINE<br />


SO M0.-LYC' 6 HORSEPOWER 6<br />


DOAN VIEN 4 CREW 4<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


QUMC-2<br />

7: 1 .7ý<br />

111 tlti i~u Itidnidddc VcU lusat 1huyvnQUMtC:2 File Information colluctt'd on QUMC-2 Is<br />

%:lii dni kiali, vr, ball 1141, cju da clh co, 11'e'dt-I s1ktchiv anti 1110 field su rvey ticatn was abkc to<br />

v~l~l '. ot Iihan nlito clia tinl tkd P o nv e fV unly a smaull portion of it - Fori that reason<br />

Va.i altha- %\it A-iig qulat xtft ra dtfllc zhjch hilp. Uii;i shif'gcnural v ena rks are amwpriprat, TluIi Iuat<br />

tuu ni Lagin loat tltuven co dni c3tong hea rs ;, strong family i'uavmblaritc to the uWLI<br />

Vinh Th.4i Lain. Nheu'A i~gntin tin kha'c iilhau chouhay<br />

FagCti' 010uYU, lom~ ri'iy lioit dtng khAf nitivu I r-ong<br />

cdihitn KAL-H LIA IIA ThEN; toy i-ilicen khit'ng<br />

logini hiic-ii' 1..i i10 Who vd . Cung<br />

boats in thu Guf iSim SvrIdlt Eit<br />

S0U & .et r Cisirtv.d thiat diusl'St ats opcrate In fair Iv<br />

lavgv numbers in tle Rach Gia HaTicii area, how-<br />

ever. ilone worv sa'vvn ihvirv. 11 Wa, aISo tuIiuk<br />

til-1k til Cal: Iliavnto. Q~hiMc-2 CýIjug hunt do,^ni! 1'<br />

khii i. *i('l hcQUI~NIKOh. ulififnglimnh cona ilioveli<br />

11i1V I 011t, C.IC ulI)!~ ltll '1 ik (I'IJ V o I clI",- I C<br />

thU*C iio hili 119iiI iiŽItLI d da Old": stjIv^<br />

thtj O dditIOnal QUMG -2'. aUjw-a tV In thle QUI NhiiII<br />

area, but t~k., boat shown in the accompanfyinig<br />

p otograp~hs was the uniiy unti: actually Seeft by tile'<br />

field SturVeyV tt-dill14.<br />


KIN<br />


'A A<br />

'A<br />

-- I<br />

"A - --<br />

' A<br />

gM Camn Lot Iu<br />

'Af<br />

Songlha<br />

A<br />

lihiul Vc l<br />

kit t<br />

t<br />

A% ,I,'l<br />

I vU)Ci tilt, T~mhl- iiidia but<br />

d i i- 'oayt ;inie ws cuuset Ctet y i<br />

qf Q i LId- ION1 1<br />

cacti ]ti<br />

300 C N<br />

x Suit Xii '111Y 5W)i idl~ I<br />

a'~ Ihl ell t10; Iii<br />

SIR fiel wiis uit lini orgitI Mum whilsch is c abo t'n<br />

Gi I~ I)n t.; I om lie, v rI gi im I on thIf rJul r, of a Sin Ir) f<br />

Ila)- n<br />

Tnhu lng<br />

Ily iv liI NI ION ev i ' ong l I tt J11 i-oll i'Yy5X da k! i QuidMu I'm fivrea vinLs Qli N t hii hihis botsillu bvars<br />

bAhin K ti. 11 11 Ai~ /<br />

C8-tall deotn GAi<br />

hiddh~i~uiii ii I ONdtc nn iiyn rIa. hcu. owe 'I. ste ba sincIdle ownhiers a ore * n lin<br />

viy iinitlivi eua t InglItl g kin I d Ii got, byt Nli on fie-itv cis 'ths Wi tl<br />

~o I<br />

old a ni IN( A b +IL iI luiJ. 11i,11 thee KUo ra l ltItuii~ltlgk~i ~n i<br />

1")liA ltt \, h<br />

li Inf Ai<br />

01 1 I' hu e<br />

hi, n.ii<br />

71<br />

itkw<br />

hVei t punlf dlih@vC1 hl'<br />

11 I' l I *, '<br />

tl hiCL p'Ol 4l 'C j 1 3 J<br />

VO0VMý'. T indI S myllg boa opuri.'<br />

li li ILi<br />

IIl ru 11011 Ist ' ll<br />

a s<br />

n mi a rL iqul dis<br />

-I WthyC,~l~ ,<br />

C h l' t y 1,11.~i pr<br />

KINi<br />

iiyiii~ :u~iii s li~n l~id:~v~<br />

iipreil iccCONF tIDENT~islIdAtL

ifi<br />

A I<br />


KINI<br />

K.N A-<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


.0r .T .5<br />

a-z.7-<br />

* *.'.<br />

-~- '-~<br />

Al-2<br />

1*-\,<br />

w Akl;-<br />

KIN<br />


,<br />

KIN<br />


I /<br />

I6<br />


.44<br />


ITAM NOU&<br />

-.-<br />

/i,<br />

L a l .il a l_.CENTIMETERS<br />

UB<br />

I<br />

853 CM LENGTH<br />

213 CM. BEAM<br />

DRAFT<br />

.11<br />

Ytl<br />

I<br />

FEET<br />

28 FT<br />


1 CAN E'NMAR<br />



C6 HAENG<br />


2FT<br />


KHN<br />


O AG6!C<br />

868 7CM MAST HEIGHT<br />

MPY2F<br />


2 CREW<br />

Best vA,1%j o<br />

COY A UI-21<br />

7 FT<br />

28.5 FT<br />

KIN<br />

2<br />



/ A 7<br />

I Al I Ali Al<br />

QUBC I<br />

phk ~ t: Y ~u~ c~~u M~ en Niam 111ii. Vietnmeise waitursof theSoutih China Suni. QUIIC- I<br />

Lgal lhtiv(N 0013C co' thu'n liiuyi~n (ttf "it-t n'IM4' hds hightii frvvehunrd than !wcn -tin many of tlo'<br />

%A'. IA ) ii xlt'm*~hn bu antd v.hiie Iei:<br />

kh~ iz ~iA U. to ~tynI.n It 'A~r.<br />

hull cairrics 1.h door-type rudder fitted intoas ~oi<br />

11 I ah 1Ai 1%a Jinlt k dI,' Cvu V~ n-~ jt1 ulifdgý IgeL h in the arapqsl, thei Stem is not silottuI fmt iei<br />

ol ,vA t m-n thyu Min A : ditin /d i aiia tmxa<br />

, 'h<br />

Vail 111ri 11 1 lud g hia)-.t<br />




I-<br />

[4<br />

A1<br />

IKho(ng co van mZ1~ nly va c,! dly rdi~n h~nh Without this9 stenibeoard and having a smooth<br />

tron, thuy 6QLIBC- I nhý v~o bu'nh 11 1 vyong va<br />

f r~~dL 5hiilxtsd tr~ gilt khi ch~y c' go. Tuy<br />

nhten., uii UJd id1i mu,:i'.- mV ~! ai thu%ýN<br />

roundedhottom, QUBC-l relies on her large square<br />

rudder to decrease leeway whe~n saiingon the wind.<br />

Hummver, wvith the rudder rpised (out of the water<br />

nay An sdc can thap &~ b~N dd'ieu h~anh ct~c i~di this junk usus her low lateral resistance to work<br />

J'nAd He A 'n býon ..- 4C bi~ a her nets. The unusual sail plnand rounded bottom<br />

iliUZen tr~n khi'cPn cho thuyvn ch~y thj~ng ph(ai daito permits the buat to sail dirc-ctly to lee, towing her<br />

gG', di ke'o 1661i v~i 0ong cJ chay t,'i phfa tr~dc. net, making nu headway whatsoever.<br />

KMN<br />


WIN<br />


Thuy6~A ~t~gbA hrhch nTits 'fl~ -jun~khati pimary r iggi .ng (o r otiev mast,<br />

Cyt buiom .n ngl1jVrlgh*ny ,A Ala Sg~v~n hasu A t ZaI rae ae wlft. e stayed only with a single shrotal<br />

dddi~~~~~~~ a ic a itu h"hn~ '~hn foot and of lat-en cut. The two smaller forwar<br />

phfp dli hili'n~ Ih 1 cot phy v1i n$t h~illh iCu masts are actually auxilturitv4 rnod are uckly<br />

ldfIng jen ho xutg mau 19 b~ng ay. Cd'c Cot * pebhrdynprsn icesii~at<br />

huoir.n hO nuly kli~Ngdqnig tlivulig xuytn. are not stayed.<br />

.. huyen My ca the nhaflth~y khi FJ ddi!ug~eu<br />

A1 A i t jfi.hy buom chv5 00Mot bu~ni h<br />

~ The boat may be Reen with unlythernainsatl<br />

set, wit~h both 'the majin and the larger uuxdIiary<br />

rring, hut,~ J W, bunrn (boom ch~nh v1b hot bunmn<br />

phyi). Tu~y nhi#N-. thOng thiJng kitOng tity thuy;Vn<br />

I )a*y du'ng tci valebM(~m phytr'Ii pill bj~m chrnlt cling<br />

or with iill thru.u. Under normal conditions, how'-<br />

ever*. ohe will not be acen using the juxiliuvice<br />

*.unless her mainsail in also set,. R<br />

%A -AMa~ny<br />

Nhtiu lyal thuy;N it hut phqn trung phan<br />

Vitiii-ani kill dddnor buhuhv fdeh mti.<br />

bouttlincuntialSotolt V.1vt Naij woturs<br />

exictid a spjir to wulither wheon suilking, Aind move<br />

frumOni oegt rwmiiuuOu oteedu<br />

6.nr a vci t',rn 'At tlit t A I I~d I trun thuyeiilifing _1_ ivu balawt to- kxcp tft built from heelting excLeit.<br />

raiu h' d'au du'gh. :hu'tu~~~ -hi Angv1<br />

*kh ntipiclg qua'. Lqa I thuycn QiUfC- I kh~no 1heo.<br />

ky thu~tt nhy, tuy' niliit, ed duo eitc t~ng d (thrg<br />

tilvely. QUU-i duLbs notusethis techlnique, how-<br />

:Vtr, andca'rr toninsteadpnImre of stone@ weighing<br />

Su tob 60Pounds each, tied AlLthtw daoHit<br />

e~p)c$~, nfngmii t ~ngeht 25 itil 0k 0b'<br />

v~uo haIt d~lu t;(i dyan g0X ngifn, Khi ca~n ph~l glif<br />

clm thuyýi dilde th~ng btang, thl cliv t~ng &-' n~ly<br />

r~cteo (lull tity vin niu~ thuyen t rdng f Ag nhu<br />

pieces of line. If hi~lt of ballast becot ncs<br />

etry, thusu stonum are hung ovur the weather rail<br />

like saddlu bags, in dit n'smhior necessary to pre-<br />

vent (thc boat heceling.<br />

nili MIN ayl tay theo as! c% 8thilue g12 cho thuyeN = Another distinctive elwrticturistit or thil;<br />

k ci., Aktgtno<br />

bunt is noticeubie in the two spars viitciJiig 1i it;<br />

A A A'<br />

Milt tfuei d~iem khue nua dc nhiqn thay cila<br />

10 feet for-word aid&aft, which tire tisicd<br />

tilL throutof the purt46 nct enuiitwlutwr-<br />

il kcci)<br />

lyul thuyun naiy lNU ho cldhui cutian chtiig 2m40<br />

till 3 chla ra phf~* tridde vNt iih~a sa duzng dgl<br />

V ill, 1ti1lng iddI Ye't c~f nit! ra vý JOdd xu dung cdc<br />

log the. ntst1. While these spars are cisily and<br />

qu(jickly taken In, QUIIC-I wvill noimuialy hic seen<br />

fialtingiind pruccuding to anti froni the fishing area<br />

l~I C ddah cj. Khl ea'e cAln nay d~i)(c d~t chla ra<br />

l~t culch dt d4ng v'a nmau 19 thl ta th~tdng thffyii<br />

with both of them set,<br />

thayen nay tsl. di ddrnh d vii tehiy t~l cinqy lui & khu QtJEC-I has not bteen obsorveil eqiuippud with<br />

Vt~l &dnh e'vdh ce hal %:'I cau aydtc'ur.i motor, al~though several techniques arc known<br />

for insulting mnotors in Lxisket bottonm bouts, and<br />

Khting nha'n Eh~y iyak thuy'en QUHBC-1 c6 jan sortic stniltar type-1s ire so equipped. Therefore,<br />

O~ng cii unlc &u ta da Lbi6 idii'u ky -thuqt C~ dijdc It is lugical to expect that auxiliary I)Lwered<br />

CS<br />

ll A C I & a<br />

aq dyng dulg~n d$ng a vau d byen 6ody o QUBC-l's imiglnappear, providedthe financial sitb~ng<br />

t re. Y'z rnqt v~iI Iva thuyL~n niy d3i i/dc t ra ng UW ion and business justification of the owner tire<br />

bi tlng ed. V1 vdy, hy vong rhg e~c thuy'en l9ai aik'qoatc. iHowever, if the business of the owner<br />

QIBHC-i ctf the ofd~ng ed mie-cn iz tInh-trang t~i, is fishing, such an inStallation Wkotll be ruarc.<br />

chl'nh L13 chul thuy'ndc ~y& i ijgndn<br />

cii nhil a~ c 6 Idi chol ngI;L% nxhit~p 1l-r 5n. Tay<br />

0' 11lA 1A '<br />

Mhien, neo ngtY~c V~P c~u euhye inh I'll<br />

ti SA' g0ndv^<br />

-t<br />

ti dgun 9t~n nh) ad dyt ra hiciL-ni co'.<br />

KIN<br />



1<br />

KIN<br />

X j*<br />

"A I I II<br />

A hdn hd .g o o t.huv QLB -I,** iAbu 30 as ruualr.iu f.'- the~ Cl-<br />

chdn -a 30 n'.,l h n1 5)M Km ilcin(fi lR -I tacs faot$.0<br />

-k A d/ N<br />

a. 1 1 7<br />

khun W. -hn L-. Ill c. go k ag fric ihW ~~ )g . om lfai ljt<br />

-p.ghin<br />

6**kl<br />

*<br />

*il'i L11-m<br />

*.-* 'Ig(5<br />

.,~ ýA<br />

11 is-. tI<br />

40 cm)<br />

/ ',*~\ 7iN<br />




T1<br />

t~~ ---- -<br />

7S,- -- '<br />

Khtlang chting 12 edi t~i) tIuyuvn cil Cl~ng A dtizun or st' bilge stri ngci of aj~lmut onti<br />

idnit ch~ng 2zini5Ihi'y dqJt,, d~t chqy stua^t he~n trong inch dianictLr will likvlybt mtuvn runt'ivng aflongthte<br />

&N' di~n b tg r,~ diu'vco dqtk- ch~fr dian. C~t lai<br />

4?,Ifc khti~n IrdvA bai t Ii*ii hali I&ai %'ýII) vLI pIhu uu<br />

int~ldehifthL~hniuub~ltuinhIor~idditirniI strength.<br />

rLan )tis~drillulodtakc thu- ruddicrix,.t, and.<br />

i *' ti i A<br />

cudcyt ittldlt c-tthanh mot d~&ng ki(&q riAng v'~da theufter stdcofthcjx~st iscut ilwaytomalke d stt<br />

It,, at' if t,1.In hr; I)J,1t ihi l~nit S lup iýI ph~u wide L'Ikugh it) lkrinit cthe rudder assembly tohe<br />

L1A % ,-Az~ lJ~ .<br />

ch k i-hyedn "~g IralnlO ktc L ~ permiht aidcquate rudder movunient.<br />



VV<br />

17w<br />

KIN<br />

iftm -A-<br />

- -<br />

Cot rai thu;h 'a n Au A - I hn d The stern post is solid and straight to tne<br />

I i !n Cd' A Son thuy~n vaday b~gteca thuyen. juncture or the sides and bamboo bottomi. At th is<br />

Tal chio tuol n'ay 0,11kIng cif nitAt chi, Song thuyen<br />

l(quille) g.' hay r~t: bP phah rZ flAc bat výo dcfdc"<br />

~A e<br />

i0Iy, cho mnit thuoN Omn tron v~fi clay. Cate hinhi<br />

7 -A A A IA<br />

Chup chi ro ho) jih ty laycd c$: buorn co the<br />

\ no, A t, I 'A<br />

ilWthep in g~y thlung n. h6a btorc v'ao dau<br />

A'<br />

boom the kCk ~g nhat ulinh vci vao Ian cain thit<br />

point thcrv is usually ,i raise kevl or cutwater<br />

installed ito make the stunt fair around to Onbuttoin.<br />

The photographs ,how this cecarly.<br />

Shrotuls, aru likely off wirL' or nn'i't.v fiher.<br />

svecred w: the mast head in o randoimn fashioni anid<br />

ca t"ij 10 mat JA'- sd N11 kýy. C'S 'lo miat n'av at the rali to crude hurni-muir'rrd:-dAlit<br />

ildtc neri ch~t vio) c~c Ai~igg' (tm-vict tdysi unaescrt t yt()" a<br />

Inieng sit R sdongtau dL cot<br />

c1 0' t \i ?a ~ ai*<br />

Ml!y) bang gia tih'ung.<br />

n khi 1Iýv cyt buoni)<br />

plate!, widh malnila lint . Thvse arce ('siv~i<br />

ii. when the must is unstcpix~d.<br />

cast<br />

fi ke^ r..<br />

KIN<br />


CONFiIDENTi11AM .~ .-.. ;.S .. .. .. I<br />

iftly N~o buo'm lo~ne bang sot-ai hily 60 At Running rigging is locally made hvinpor cueo<br />

z '~o~~.Thujven thWfng. cd Inuang hal muo DUO tv<br />

bsrt~~~~gu d~~gU l' a. 1.2~ .,4IC Sidn<br />

.. tuyn d~d. rn'h~ i'~n ot 1.a n1a chil !.<br />

nut fiber. Two lotge wooden anchors are usually<br />

carried with but. IX feet of hermp-lirna for eah<br />

Thv sideua..sa;ecaulked. with mapustehitideofrombn<br />

tiiuvn thdnitdi)&bwopuwde:r and realn.<br />

%.9 7h*t d ~<br />

vuanS61u t 19 l~i ngiliung. Nhu vTY thuA hý<br />

kvo ItN 611, :ut bu7)m b?) ra, khe~i kq, va 1bd uy3<br />

Thu botutt willnormnally beelvantd, rvle<br />

tu.~ d1'( hl. 'Todothis, hjutitdiw<br />

7 t: 14^tl dp xu~ng, Tih~fing thN1dng hill ntdl I Um up on the beach, maHst (instepped and the hull tsp-<br />

* clng vikcn'ay. Thco nhtf Ibdi Sc ngtf phd n4elfi th(<br />

*d4'y thuyrn &;d the~ bN chling n~m n'~m; tuy nhill N<br />

sized. The two-man crew u'uuslyiduvaallthe work.<br />

'Iho Wttoms 0 Ore reprtied b .y the fishermen to last<br />

theu kinl. t...h4f tronir kht Uhu thgo cdc tin i~tdc<br />

Si~ tii iiu bvthalc t~~ lnrang ai, dc<br />

W aout fivie' yvars. howuvorexpiriencogained.during .<br />

collection of thv railal IWUibni ) L iii h7 -<br />

Iqt4ingd Ceu t~nj;i 101~ vO kliing u.,<br />

mnS va danli dtlile li~'llaD cliun i ng 1:ý, .<br />

v~t, tht~ojnclutiion that'Vestimatuo byfishormen rvgurd-<br />

initditsiank~v, tvpee, I imv, andi size of the catchu are<br />

v y $ Fn<br />

'hylutýI~ng t.~r~ !Tn I~<br />

k~, iT&nt liy rAng imit quan<br />

-<br />

~<br />

Sitl1w are of wuven palm NO41 flb.-r and<br />

hll~hC nxwiogriiiihyil<br />

vin 2N~u kiat) i kiiah nhl~nim Lh~fng khildt-n sat isfavlory. Normally the work Is of such a quillity<br />

gt lliuylýD dang diltfng h~tli chqy dt thI a~iiL thut tht; lfLpIiLI'' bsreny approaCh with.<br />

buoni il'ay I~it bl1,ig v i ch(ikliflo1; ~IhAI i ng Sit~l tLt fit a fuw fveet of a boat under isail without realizing<br />

dil hat the uou mal~uh fiber instead of canvas. I<br />


V1 -1 tluu;N nhu' via Ily blfig tre iln A o Bfltv of lut 4oil size--, anid keeLllov4s<br />

~ng iiu~i jahv) ~n Y Lhu~ e~ QU1HC-I Meeting bunlIhvo bottoml QtLlC.-l Ia not aUIparticularly s5e0-<br />

1pl131 1ý 19al thuy~i d~c bl~t i ki~n vii (t khi A~f worthy junkc and erurly vctitures miore them aubout<br />

hi? kbd<br />

A A<br />

W ii chhg tjud'l Widni (16 cav so). I0 rnilve to sea, The longust itrip reflortee was<br />

Quit Nhon to Vung'rau. a distancit of atuiut 2UO mitivs.<br />

tvklivAc h'~anh tr'lnh diii 1 nheat clit Iy,1i That Voyajgu Itok se~ven days., stilling only during<br />

4h:ninl , ý(~ Nhdn i6i v -n TAU u xu chlin ~ daylight close to thu shore-.<br />

20. ~i(32 A. A' A't<br />

2) b2 n)gý'jch<br />

bi %h~ Ay lit '211lYAP1&It nMI VZ<br />




NNTMC-Ib<br />

. .NTMC-i'a .<br />

NNTMC-Ia<br />

K iN<br />


'KIN .<br />

'NTMC-I -<br />


rhi~nN rNIC Ai I. tllkll nht~l<br />

cdi %ik I v NNIC Nik I 11irjduN~ ui I' ).Id<br />

- - ~ ip '~ngid ~il.*dI ~:?ii~ Of Da Nang mimig I'IldII nlitariiet d. fishltn: tImk- which i~ tFtn<br />

ThI~t hi'~u vi :iti .c tillt' 'iw id ng kliu iOpvi i t~ i ig fr'l 11 'Nal ig 'i'ul h ILi.*Pi 'lial 'lh ct.<br />

nlii'll Ill 25' t('i 501 Gio Atili 11;(, iii I 5( ii) V\1 C.1irL,01viii'giiin~2 h ihi iiiviiu<br />

V' A '<br />

kii h rll u iljtI\vi i t)IlffAig cling kIdidc iiih;.m .<br />

A , . A? 1 A 11. ' \<br />

'rr V I Ilit 11Cc co Ili d li Iuy CtIi iuri'ii va<br />

il).i~tu1 l i ld S0 1 C.111i b 110 1 ipg('d Willi<br />

Iia:,[d and uixi laiv Sad;-<br />

III c iigurd<br />

~.u l itiev'ii, hl C<br />

VA'' ' ,<br />

vili.hiij)II IV -."1071. hllh. V; '1W.-Vl<br />

7<br />

Ci'a iovuduilli l 1 11 ju h \iu Some l (t i il- :III h 2 hl. 4 lia,;<br />

\U'tMI1.1 V. ýI u<br />

a<br />

Jic lpdinwi hi N.Iii Vi"' N-%~<br />

clNI i dl--. 1100c Sttl VIL Na al- 19- w till<br />

\ t.! \ ,5J &&itl l1M<br />

C'dv b~iiig Iuoii0u1 vilgilk' powo roihli ihin sail .<br />

KIN<br />




ThuyLn 4ThlC- I cli(iih d~4ic gd~ng I'a tin u4tN ?'TMC- I 1'. UStd ]'I 1411d ity it ishn<br />

danici mt ty vi niln W6ýL~ th dug c cif h'iw~vvci,, scrnlu may se'rve i UISCI'gl) cares<br />

4<br />

tliu V<br />

etdc nthat co' mot thuyenr rhtic quyelcl<br />

Iuhthumtn~ trye l fo<br />

iin, t Iceam one is krmviiw to livonwid mid n1ii'iaied by an Amuriciin Ili~ssond ry.<br />

KIN<br />


-<br />

KINKIN<br />

=5 7 -<br />

AII-32TIA<br />



0) (00 200 500 400 wo r<br />

-NTMVC-in 0 a4<br />


-FEET<br />

CHIE DAI 1219CM. LENGTH 40 FT<br />

CHIEU NGANG 274 CIA4 BEAM 9f<br />

TAM NUOC<br />

DRAFT<br />

A<br />

1(1-ONG C6 HA'NG 54.9 CM. EMPTY.<br />

A<br />

MAN TAU<br />

e6ONG Cd<br />

1.8 FT<br />

C6HA'NG. 70.1 CM. LOADED 2.3FT<br />


KHOfNG CO HANG 67.1 CM. EMPTY 22F<br />

CO HAf :3 48.8 CM. LOADED 1.6 FT<br />

ENGINE<br />


S8 MA U.K 30 HORSEPOWER 30<br />


OCAN VIEN 3-4 CREW 3-4<br />

Bost Av j"ýJ~ Copy<br />

KIN<br />


KIN.'.~.I<br />

emmlPmnFNTIAL<br />

k<br />

NrMC'ila<br />


nthuvth NrMc-la~ hyat &~nA gal Nbol Tra Il NTMC-1ii o~writeli in thu viinLR ityl'Nhu<br />

Vic Qul Nhqin Not ios c ttInoi r%qd~ (11 04 r Trung and Qul Mull. S-Wh~o large c'uhin abojut<br />

Ainh (2,~4I) i~ trV^H ph1Sbv:;tY I tutuy ~I tlbuuyn 8 fvvt Icing ivvr 1tvl evtginu volinpa rtinvit, and NlmmL'<br />

lilat u vot iut1 dvn mVt Moluunting In t'ludng ? tr(~m,. junks~ tf this vui'ia'hni will lie aver. with an addl-<br />

0. i ietuel tC 1R1 t~outi1 I VA4111 illy vII( tionid ciubin ~saiward . M681 N'RC- Iu'H rely<br />

664 a LA u bafltyeiu de Ciw~y; Iug Uhn 111N mot vai<br />

chive~ udilOle tiq.i 8 IIins vý^t butI.r thapu cilhdol WU t21<br />

Atih (3mu) if tr(N b nung-dtanA n~yi va dtidng myt<br />

votirealy o tin elvr unglnem for proliulmitirl, how-<br />

cvver. a fow have- the ca pabiIlity of stepping aAmr<br />

maut, about 10 feet high on the forveastle und<br />

txanh bloom h"'qn cunih. Wit lit: thlong, buoom dogn nild hointtingin luiugjvr rigge.d !gull. junki; thug uqulpiled<br />

vy. thuyn co th~' c y trung trifidng hill) dy'g C41 use this rig na a isteuadjift ail ur. in the eve.nt ui<br />

Ii6ig. englinc breakdown.<br />

TUY UtdtIII-YC'U dun~g dvL duobI VU. nhIVtlleurykvo While p ilmaktIly used for' fishing, many of<br />

sian # 0m7 lidv. 71 lt hlh C&o Ul.40e a'd IU der dnd abo~ut 30 lip. Fuel capacity iii from [U to<br />

dil 19) ga ttg (41) hay'd 111 i) o' IZ trung b'Rrh uoZI 20 gallonis, fuel consumption averuging' perhaps<br />

iI rty IV -I thq Zga long cý8 Itt). Khl cli~y (IAun two gaitont, per* hour, Whun traveling at night,<br />

thuyunft NTrmc-iO. cov del~ n huti hhlt~dlh idiih tz'"Ilin NTMC-la will display pIxrt and starbOard electric<br />

t1lUy~n. Thuyen Witing tJuu, nivt luzil h~ilhlill<br />

rC~ v~%.~gkhng ~u<br />

ddtjtg cyh~ai h~nh. vIi IIIN<br />

running lights. Site follows rio known rules id f th<br />

road, aind no fnavigation, signal or conumunicat'on<br />

lac hu.ic truyun tin nU0 cau. equipmevnt Is carried.<br />

A' j<br />


C.j C tIlUven NFWC -11(aJdi~ddng il Nh Fng -a . NTMC-ia'. are buil' In Nhai Trang. taking<br />

doing II. '' La Clufu~g tootl a:ho'ng V'tli gla ch~dng hi. 7(k)$. iibout orte aintinth to uLonstruizt at a cs, of appro ximaiiacv<br />

$9001. Engines ctost an additional $1, 5OU 10)<br />

GIJI dting Cd thU' i04', 5a040$ , 14(1, o0o1$.<br />

'A L ' A P L<br />

ilhuvien I~fng hawi ,i g r~rn mau tNii mian trang. C'nli<br />

$2. 0m.<br />

the hiull.<br />

A giucyIsti-wlitc. hiiud wooud lb used in<br />

Sails, if provided, are hand wioven cucu-<br />

'A'<br />

bu~mlliui Ra lain 14111' (it la till" tloir tai. KIIing<br />

'A .^ A,'<br />

I" ^ dilng C tt bunti. vi giav dofdnui 1-.j1'ni<br />

'Wits ga1l.<br />

nut1 palm leajf - here is nu :;iiinding rigging and<br />

I-til iunn ing rigging is h4 lis2Oi.<br />

KiN<br />


*KIN ~<br />

__M.-<br />

Vis tliuyin Oi~tng Odn mtllu 'Alnh In oyit~ Tlii hull is~ mt9I aft, n pa~fintd ai Iligt gretL''<br />

YIM ý Idiih vl khagtuettilO ~gYg<br />

1111. ). hu;,% Io 14vt bp tbig<br />

rtVlA ^1 , A A i<br />

Th yii h~b~n van chuyuh [it, myt cia Korth lot.<br />

'3. A'<br />

'rh~flng e.to hal niotria..t' Lin ~~ft nlidiii d(AA Wit mauy<br />

with White frim and the Lubin while with grqeri<br />

trtim. An Iran, dour typie rudde~r is uised and<br />

operatedby a tlllvr. Twu irununchori art., us~ually<br />

rrd, hlawu'nnhrltr#unInl<br />

clo mu tico bang goý Mol inu two cil git^y ricu blutli<br />

gal d~ii 61inhlg 15t) tac Anh (451'it). Va~n vS thuyL~<br />

suenr. tach anchbor liva .bout ISu fvct of IwIqlp<br />

line~. Thu hull pluntking Is~ edge fdimcmud with lrion<br />

ghiop tcini vaiu nhjiu Kbingdinh H~t v'a gh~p V12- dc. naills and fasit-cned to ultvinatcd htalf -ftijile.4 anti<br />

h~vkhung chinh v't phu(d~r xtcn vlo nhau in~qt khung<br />

ichinh laiin I ittt kung phy) banig inyig go vahu looti<br />

full frames with wuudten pegs alid<br />

riuspcn saou . ct<br />

iron blliis.<br />

sn. Khtuing cach gid.a hia khung chtlng 1 1/2 tKi<br />

A N<br />

anO il C S~~LI sdd'i VJIl nhda s lrit . Thuy I kho~iig<br />

dun II,, chat g', de trii Ila Iuni Ijtii hid Vo thlv'ii<br />

? AI f 1 1<br />

ml llphade. xvi .win0c luot'i' ltuon. 4.ýc~iau V1 tIIuV"L%1.<br />

*]j~ ~c'lii okhi ntkc r tv vi v' -on uvctt<br />

t.t !'I'lnlg I^ itbrg ka M~kilitc 1g ' tit ,~ .io 41,1 d.] V.<br />

bon or cticonut fiber -m!rcd n No aniai-uuiing<br />

agt'IIIS altU USd Oil tIVINO' botmWhiCih rvL(iI1IrCS fI'V<br />

qucnt a tcnttion. 'rt CI cur t 1w ho tom011 Ili junk Is<br />

goundet.d ,!, hiigh t idc.. and the hull Nir~ocd %vit I<br />

I1K SOi thatl ti t hi 1t 1i i C dliht- S c r tcd . r'lI S ~IWO<br />

Sl I qot~ VA<br />

lb 1 0 ll' ~t<br />

rhtii"'<br />

Ia .<br />

nhil if;.IV<br />

U'c dtlt 6,<br />

tillhiig lIa 1 tit It'?] .1<br />

t huV7n ýi ing k106uc sýLit<br />

ii-tthirt is cir riud mit cVVrIy M111 I(ti ll UV. 1IIIuIItS.<br />

luItt uiaohinguutit 111c 11il1; l. ic, IIIijIIShIl1 .1t (ti' 'i.IIlt<br />

Ap<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />

N1 %It aI I II<br />

At h A<br />

9 ~ ~ qi0ui ~ ltT ~ ~ ~ CIL ~ IIlin uegtvdivsi -<br />

lii-1----,fl i<br />

emil A il(2il~ rtn I~^. )(uaII tileda t 8 outsh ftth ou h rcin tiil g ji, .11i itlkI,<br />

_.Il ' 4 C1 e ,,<br />

it; 1141 gl m Ill il. va ItI uitin i bylan cra k.11n cigi~t, I, ra mI<br />

It ig nh !" 11 1 .;vipav -D Ilg l (06 g~ln ll llý c oldLin 'o er mUI-d yc rly A 110.1 1 ,<br />

IN MI p oc s tit c Lw I'e 1-1ti .1d %:I lll<br />

In I., I~ it ulk: ifiIli Ci i-L ~~)It' )<br />

UUi<br />

lI k. dIi ii:Ilg v Siuy ' , i I $il1 ch d vil ha t~lv Iulic n il' i Sp vll r . b~ii III i-S11 4.1g ik aliL<br />

cgl: m Iw 1.ii I'll' 11;1i vuc .' I t i llin.v g luan tilt p ."L Stun gin 11'.L1 Ivandc taik.l ii.111M 01gvvv ilt .i Wi-<br />

A %'

- ~KIN,-<br />


I a, A,, I<br />

'A<br />

ON ~ dilld.ltMAW\l 'Aio<br />

L 4hii<br />

'A tsvi `<br />

titt v il7uJ& c. l u Ibn19 11)9<br />

ccL:i A ~ A~i<br />

dy, (it %oj~n th,7 l cmy. 14,11<br />

tms Fiiuycig is i~ia s tui'dy h u iltu<br />

h ~~udIytI~il<br />

mi mwid il tuy<br />

nf s.Wi<br />

Y tivni<br />

AM do!dn thi itbi<br />

1114t .,1 "dol ?fil cif chl n~i~ ~ tio.i~.<br />

mu hard I Ii~h rut ~i kliku mla~ Thuu<br />

a A I$-ItUI -u ati tilt-. till and unviu ic anl tll 1141tuiiN<br />

IS kuly toat minIi virncu the hulmd III. Nrcd pci.id<br />

NTM~l anhcdI hl AI MltTvng 'dt han lIt-flN iii .heNh TralS~ig a I'mbil lpu it I.11udly I~j<br />

HadI lIhi. thtdi'ng hicnI, r l Ich rIti tihtn' tKA~ii 'luvi %:.I thu" lvftv int, Qciri thuln to Ilcd 11111. NrC I)VJ<br />

it? thI imng ha I tng n.t<br />

A ~ Al<br />

qua ~II m.acthyit<br />

~<br />

nlIk on<br />

'<br />

A<br />

thrugh ut-ga\ cTi to I junk itif [ i o i mh mm i.b u .tor<br />

di !tcn Qui Muln dt dal-ill cai th d I.iI cillo hang Irking Q111 N11olickm "1h: CJImmmc<br />

Lrcil Ca artcl Sdiut hg 1kl Filit -<br />

11116.1 kiOng dafnlm, L11, Nha 'iiatig ILI uihtg 2 htti tiary-Ma N-h. iiU - I Nha ri.ng. flic Lcutll is<br />

thon .5. Cai da'nh dtttlc uhI1dtig Ia Iitj~i cz] sd V' \Id usuallya Lrb. kingfi sh and varioius tvpcw of tuna<br />

IIU A - 1.1A i cal)m il aind vit-ms n'oi 0 Iti I, ON) 4 l) d . Ik i iii<br />

huhi th C an cli'dng dijcq Jt WO umm5uIautI c tIfLI<br />

(230 td i ~!Ukilo). Th4?dng thulmuc cii chmt! imtti d~i carried to lirLsvivc div ucatti (if r th it-ashcitinicii<br />

Al A I<br />

Nuni hWn milt ngauy.<br />

~~<br />

LICHI SUL VA ciOG rmicH<br />

A~~ lIr0RY ns AND) OlU(IN<br />

Tm 'rii, I xi .- firt- hi (wit ll t I Nh it a<br />

1.,id li t~tUVM1N d~.hc I~J- d~i ~ . .iI., ~ rit'i-i. W( I- *ahplu.iitwn;.0 411 of On,;<br />

Nha Tranig kiilang tidi I1452. flTro th lng Uo 4- k:U 1. uiss ;to NUi' Vuaiig" .ii1( Qum NI'loi tIn 1111c, H02<br />

COi Chtfg 40 tulmuv1h 10l' nlay 'I Nhoi 1'rng v.ý Qii -l1k ist' it t.iimv is ''Ght. May" M~iwhl imi'al<br />

S<br />

N ftn.Tn dila p) tddlqý do 1a tIt cy1 Il a G hc M ;t<br />

(qimgui la thu 'N c C.l. b-'ing dli~g ctl) .KN<br />

Ik<br />

*A<br />

Il<br />


KIN<br />


AII-38<br />

KIN<br />


A<br />

S<br />

I<br />

I.<br />

KIN '.-<br />


A<br />

, -.-<br />


!'<br />

A<br />

IKHONG c6 HXNG 45.7 CM EMPTY 15FT.<br />

Co HXNG 762 CM LOADED 2.5 FT<br />



c,6 HNG<br />

I ONG cd<br />

91A CM LOADED<br />

ENGINE<br />

3 FT<br />


Sul M.A-LL(C 70 IIORSEPOWER 70<br />


DOAN VIEN 2-6 CREW 2-6<br />

AN£-39<br />

.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />

NTMC-lb<br />

's A? At<br />


D-<br />

'A<br />

ml u*thoel \, rhI<br />

vtti i NTMC I lv<br />

ýA A'<br />

I iia I b.i thotuvc bh~iv cati<br />

~3 wt 111,11 U'l INXiII.<br />

'rhv% N Imc. lbit, I., ariiWI(if theli NI'mc- I<br />

tood mi tht: Dui Nmiig iv.It I,- c I~iVgcsi of<br />

I'1hu\k4 s'r'T"c lb 11 klilol hl~<br />

tuYVIIv N~rmc- I v4%) (Iiig LIC ali<br />

nIo II;I.'a hIi"l<br />

c:it. cit? himig Iwv<br />

th N rWC-I clas,,<br />

m' -- ciu iv<br />

an is os- iol i<br />

Itc IS ~ chl icelcrizd 1Wy a<br />

ciiiN<br />


* KINmw<br />

S . ~ . A<br />

-AT"<br />

Cotetog14Im tvidIv-%Ila lJ U uvo h., uk myb enw~ij<br />

11,tLtb~mvrm^tc'i*h;md'x ;ugtog snl atadsi hc a k sdi h<br />

'A7-<br />

Minlyhn.hvI)l ilmcft L-c i.M"1 eeto niefiu<br />

r u i a y n u l<br />

thuyen~~~ ht gl ma D iesl4a W iig/ nt tgn sutaya4tyidrdee i ~u<br />

h-li ht% I-V fil<br />

- -~ -- -KIN ~ -<br />

co m ni i io , oliin s i l LaI[td<br />


KIN<br />

dli jiti*<br />

Iii-yt.1<br />

i Igun fi ~it~ l' Ill19 thuyu TIUN1LMt. lbi<br />

i Wil It aillg 1101 .14~v Nin'ig ci im,it Illi'ai<br />

/k 'A<br />

A'<br />

ju ~I j ll y, .IllUy(.1 jilay o.' lq riiwjt g % t-la<br />

Ili Jamiuary lIVU, a mIi iiwhIat Iitirv claboraL~tc<br />

N rmc-lb wau in uit hiD.o Nangt fi- au AmurlLrnI<br />

iiIjijliniu huH hu1Iiit iN jIsaiited whihte w~ill]it red<br />

litin 1huI~ttdL if phL. trai~t v'ia klmaiii 1 1. Thuyvil triiun the lorwurd bulklli'ud tif tlw piloti lhijuuu.<br />

~ ~nh, au s* dohiu sill I'l c", kiii dt.' , n~ti ci dc d ti gIt rinn a id aind Iis i.quiliped with Ii a iiu nt 110aitIi<br />

hI bIwi)I'll i -j 110 1 1 W.iiis rI'llov l lids- s~?t uhig 1A ddti i i III porit a ild S i a ubii 'a id runu iM I igluit N. I liv<br />

4<br />

4 1 1.1cti gWl uA l' Piii' I'inlo v t1l1m~<br />

klvi 1 1:110 61i 1 411~'u miuful it-i d$nliv V iiig. IIO<br />

'rh, liiv ii*ihsimi-'.it i'pi-Ily 'Ving (itu Inpil Ulm<br />


Cat! 1tiiiitili NTKIL.' l1 dtltfc tlitig i'f V)'I N'liii1 Nrm(> lb'i art, initi, Iii Di Nangu~, Quaing<br />

0 'A - A -I<br />

1111. Vol tluyul hn bg l4,iui go ii'ii uIlau hll) a'ain IFiiginc c~ist IS~ all idd i;ikiiila $2. RIl.(t A gliI~kI,'<br />

anig. c.~nitbil 1) 111 . du'ing. Iiiln iiIdt Wi'liurialu UCL (iiliii hull. 'csi<br />

t in l , n~lau . t~i tliig t - %il 1ilt-11 Liu ,,nb u i gial I tlivil<br />

~.igid dttngIrn'iii' bkViig lo~ii W -. ii Phi'Litimi' To'.<br />

whlui i ri.-oalI hd. is %uvoil 'oicumut palm i l~ivir<br />

Staiidirijg Iigtgiiig IS i.~diniigugii<br />

HWIin , :ii N'ilg I IIp ,<br />

m'ig loaiJ-u.Cjlj<br />

V'. ii7 1 16 l 11<br />

i ii<br />

bill1111 xv<br />

~ighd i'i<br />

maintl l Iiii' c T ; iuddvir is stuit and rIly roicd liv<br />

licc , oiii 1 pioti iioust. rwo~ stuo Djnfortl<br />

^1 A A,<br />

'11.flouiiV uih IIJI k-Iii'c 01 I!d (j 1.~ hi00 Iuc .11111<br />

(Aitii) lamii lmYiiil. 0 la) i it i li I TaI. Cjic vaili<br />

iii ii iv~ s. .. h1' l iii i Ilt .~iv L i li at ci i 2<br />

,,lic 'l's<br />

LL1 11.<br />

viu carirudl with 100lt)' f 11ilanha lilii fuii-<br />

~<br />

I<br />

A<br />

I<br />

'*<br />

*.,lm ih i. ii inýll bin! 1h Iiid V. tii~i ~ dt."it hailf fi ,iii,c~ dit altirmilt-d withi foll fra~niucu and<br />

"In li~t 1i'l k1l , .ii. tl iiii. Xliý 1 I'Ait V. I 112.i~ LA iniL' IA 'lpujii-I ' . Tli.iv 111i1s rt vai -ci f \kI IifIIi -il r<br />

Ijilil .1 Viii\ vil 1ý (it I~ IýL *i; C - v i hi; i iilzt, -iuIS L)2ccpb i lh ings a1.11 ii i.d Not .]illimllu<br />

KiN<br />


I,<br />

ihln tlijd'S V.t Iuii~t' PVuhý MOPi 11101111- III ilt'' fill 1111vk~<br />

ba gc/-1l tcI llc rl)1.11 It hO l` 1 OI fA h liva la hig r liii ll~i~ . tild.1' .1p fill-ct hoti 'l<br />

X<br />

'A<br />

N<br />

NO 1. 11% A 1 ]A 2<br />

I I I) el .*7 111 J,<br />

11'f 1 i'. n h<br />

ft; hunvvo II<br />

il 4s.1gld d~1 Ia ya1<br />

vA<br />

A all, .. nh 0 t-v11ni.11 1d lidil.6Ii1-13, t c VIIIan .-11.tvi 11K piN e In<br />

A 1Ilt . 11JIt ~dnII, tl.KIN.Sld'10 ICI1111 CO1NF Ii 1:IDENT11;iAL

KIN<br />


'A'<br />

TI Th:V 111YE 0"JA 1'AI<br />


IN *I 'A A<br />

ThuN I ; MC11 s uidv sdw l-ll cu U<br />

I-iIjw,<br />

iiiu . I c n t rr I<br />

Ilit b til alb~ci dilL.V% ) &-g It WcI] ny<br />

I<br />

It Iig mI vi ldiY ilk, d)111 Il l% hi1v 1,1li di"I hi I''n avi d j;O li itjv in iyUtts ily ln<br />

tidlu~<br />

t~Al<br />

hurt IllIc~ htn I'IaIv oýIld k l~ic x higl'l hIIL~l ld dVILdlitld Vocgu d .i I t s rlvuaso~ullybl 14~ 1 rass llv1l<br />

I I^<br />

Ilh11 litL-1lity el' III Ii p 1 ) c .1 dCltl CIVIC %il it-i' l an d .I~ilu U~ f(i ji ul of ik lfld 1w 1)(I t1.)ISI-lls<br />


KIN<br />


IA<br />

1 ~ ~~~~NJ Nit:-I .ib~'t ti ihIhyIpili<br />

tc n<br />

Ki<br />



-OFDET<br />

-KIN<br />

Al-4<br />


KIN<br />


IN16J ~NTMVC- IC a1<br />

CENTIM~hH~<br />



TýM' NLU6C<br />

DRAFT<br />


CO HANG 51.8 CM LOADED 1P<br />

MAN TAU<br />



AOGC<br />

CO HANG .45 7LM LOADED 5F<br />

ENGINE<br />


so MA-LYC- 10 HORSEPOWER 1<br />


DOAN VIEN 3-4 CREW 3-4<br />

AE-47<br />

FFT<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


'A<br />

).tillynn<br />

*hyi WMOo 111nwi l Minh hu k ehy 0Thy<br />

t YU hiqlat I qudrt (meu ejaia<br />

pwtr.d<br />

junk w<br />

NTM Iwo m allndvr. I)lllqwl.ýl vhdtlt.14lp<br />

u -lui fulcau ie h'j o - Ii Mom'~ iu ~ara Sit isnj<br />

da't1i i 1(it) tt0l c laiuL vmt lunh, 10 m7' wl~l Choy llwe 3 d.b pir auit ho ylinder 1Illtt divstI)41l)t Wiigi('<br />

(2.1 1t) - id Uc) e n t ?Xr chd tlts 1 quoy dung. clivc rIis Slit!g hum u, fuelrwurd 441 of 1 quartsfo andv cmintini<br />

%l{i I A jjait<br />

ti iht dug Illy<br />

A .it I llhlzy ili''h) Yll 111ilt chif' Ill th1'i tCi<br />

I 11 Ijt.!41 'K1 1iia'ki ~ i I4Ju n thm 5 ga14,1 Ni dO4<br />

'A<br />

I<br />

3i<br />

'<br />

t . s u<br />

m ll- lit 1)<br />

-R l'14 -'ili giiutim i (ltt I t mis ap t i iic th~l<br />

hour.~11 I~t ~ 1. 114 I lhl~ ~t<br />

Vii t I~'ll t 1. 41 tl Ihe C kV. ' Th14) t Is41 t.4<br />

d .kiuiw~ ce gaI ddit4 reno atlerlighi jlvlt~ ti 14 l-n i hg Oi)1 l, 11,11.4 olthilIiita<br />

Wuagdi tntai ag thtie va aluynun VI etiju tilt- airlgin. illgIid Ilturtpat1. tilldr lvdi'i till tIis<br />

lllciotuy hl-f<br />

p ~lm<br />

lo.1~~~~~4 I thlttnv ~gv<br />

CVttttlti,14Ith lo vI~ii Co..- ghad. Kllivih(ng vodul etnoate fl44 l. An Ill spling cmuti<br />

*,~ A~i~~ hi, tIi .- 1 l ph1 a Vr.tckiauo A haamemadc, hand a'pt'ratcd, lvsitivi., displace.<br />

vlIl t ,I I c", dxt aIl ")' 11Pbim ndde cka.' tqtvl iay * thet hiligv pUmpl Iis llwmud furwu rd Wi thet. clbol4<br />

14~11 hilliag (ay va~ tit ChulyiNvitlkaa dei1"l'uti it c !I). lillig '4I the ly po l it~ At [Ilnt glaitte tills polli) ~iti41111<br />

\N ~ A As 'A Y-<br />

liii voui. rli.,ia trailhg c-1) tolw ~lhdll llthY 111fi11 61.1cfi 11L. Imstl 4 kelt h'&a It oI Ligat lg l, xiiit111' xil<br />

1. allg th"Il itl 1104 III11,#\. tI4live'41<br />

rilay(.1 NTN \T Lc t~- khic dtng ?tQmllNhi~twv th(D<br />

liti 1 1: -'; io 11111 Ok ia 11 ul ' .11 t-i hig 1- ltA i~ Ca kai<br />

AT e N I MIC- I- ; I 'Illit Ili Qui Nhit' a la. Iioil<br />

Oh Pi 4oIiuc c Gin41tsttie ol time142 Is ol-ti LIwo~a~<br />

wetk,. maid ioisi, Is4 .abmit $7201. *lc hull I,, maltliv<br />

Jlllulqg .52<br />

11. ih.l ~aa4.<br />

VIj$. \'' tilklya'i hanog l)iii gn) 1.ll111 II .0<br />

O i t' a V.1 "aaIlig tilItVvfl %7'Ult IV.<br />

i a hi~4w111'4 Ing aind cahiii.l<br />

yttl4ow i ird. womia , as' ulic dt: (lciA.<br />

Tilt, hull is4 uastliklv 11 d. . .a I aIlal<br />

Volai huv it 1ltu'ding S.),l 114411 \..it ic ph,'i tiit v.d kht' oat blu.. trima. -hei rudder i .nd m h-v ..<br />

IlU~! S ll11J t'flg h d'Liti vIa.n an..iu xil401 hull 1iljinkitt udgy is f(aSteahaa. W1111 W4411111'21<br />

lla. it. 1 .. ) v.it 111o lull tii Wlung S7ll \dII i Va thtliyLfl fiJI-fraltlics a viv ata.1ilowl Walhi tat ll 1,aaaits with<br />

i inag vao mall 141 1'4al vac t 44 l'.111t~ l~o. LU. Wiling it spa clng if* 't)ol "Ik 'i oldt .,<br />

.XIh-! plitdl<br />

.lqag d~ ' i ""k~~:16<br />

KINVv<br />

cach Illall l~j g Iiil.1t 1.144 411411 (30%:ill).<br />



.CONFIDENTIAL . -. ..<br />

dmThuyvn NTCl hthgXuY.Vnbi'tiL t!g I'dn NTC- rutnuy JitiuL at Right 126t Io<br />

Kii hiihi' ii<br />

va tilco-kinli<br />

0in Cývv 41<br />

ca'C vat ýtA f11 hadhkjualnmrs;n<br />

Iýnii cud n~d phu 4~ hytiU<br />

Jn gt,4rtngn khu vqk: ty.,t 6ýng.th<br />

fihr maiu N 's vigpitjoncc<br />

with local tide, curruni arid wimlcndiLtldonsflL<br />

'A- n<br />

ThynTC1 -Iygdn a mtIl~lNM-1 'hngi igeIi:uvat<br />

rong hl.Ni 00 pdm )7d, A 0<br />

'A/<br />

&. ithuyuithMCh1.k) k, .'-! d &ibi. ý ,'no ni'inh F.Sh NTMCVI z.~ sulal n dir1 tlt: vlu h ot the tiofl<br />

4d gi hid v' o"pt I an thon(hit Whg~utArc .an nilt- ac haolvdil oIstu<br />

A ~ A 11 '11 /k<br />

C1on hniI ni&nQl<br />

I Ikk b!diun Lq kIt killig co lurlig. neln lilt-I mannui titt fi i-ilng, utl iizing flowtting l ights.<br />

'I1 Al I<br />

d; II kdu th'ildlg ýl hjti~ iCa kh't 1ng vo y vo id aI vi<br />

mot ;ii dn dt!' uld-g,1L &Ji'nh-ddk<br />

mloon. conistujuvntly, fish log Is only dloon A Ixt I Fi<br />

dauyz vach Ihunjr Iintwflhl 'rim. Cacur I, m'it;,; y<br />

bi'n p I qiii NMn co 1Y flku AtiY4 .<br />

A<br />

snfklwkLILid anditiC fiuli and<br />

1sun~ds, k~iv . '111V '.~ Ott b<br />

dv L rjgcN LliN)mllIoo<br />

N ilid In Q111 Nonti mn1i<br />

A ?<br />

kJhOng Iwo' gitl t? n 'wi bic'n quda ni"it. n preset vc IlivL LdIL Ii incet Ihi. un<br />

atl m'ksuit imidtre than .i d~iv.<br />

I -tivu oU1di. I1"<br />

*u<br />

KIN<br />



KIN<br />



AI-5<br />



X~ -<br />

0 t og to A 0 f y1<br />


CHILI 641 853C41 LENGTH 28 FT.<br />

CHI&\ NGANG 213 CM. BEAM -tFT.<br />

TAM NAf~ DRAFT<br />


c6 HXNG .457CM.' L~OAED I5FT<br />



C 6 HA\NG - 457CM LOADED, 1.5 FT,<br />

05N(3CCI ENGINE<br />


SO MA-LdIO 3-6 HORSEPOWER: 3.6<br />

/ A<br />


DOAN VIN3 CRlEW3<br />

A 11-53<br />

KIN<br />


-, (4KIN 1<br />

* MNTM~\' -2<br />

A'<br />


2hya m91d Adi *1 my NTMC-2 Ii r, a mwrlzetl fishing buut found<br />

Lhdongptron vbg aTrIthUA t Inh dnh -<br />

H~. liun di~cd~'ybkpK-~ d~cd kc<br />

in the ura . sIof ' .NhauTrting in~ihn orvn<br />

It is. puwvrced b~y an unuousi* inbunard uutboiard<br />

thdldng gmnddrjccd -itrunglw'n uguihthuyL.'n. chfith<br />

64ng-ci~i dd~c d~t trong Ahy~l hnvtIi<br />

_V th yujd " On ch dan-vng<br />

IffP vuong gA~ vl Ay trcd dnng d gu<br />

viu..Trqc nay quay chouln-vit nhVd dnS-hqc Q~u<br />

%A A<br />

drive. While the-' engi1nd& eIt'l I04 lical"- InisWd.;<br />

th f~ boat, the propuller isi attacltud at rgnnla<br />

lug1hPIitue<br />

to a on hf which is in turn **aije it) the out.<br />

.41do of the truntionai'..T propý-.kIr Iis driven<br />

truyen-cd chitV 'Y dnqn tren~. Trqc c6 thq~d~tdc<br />

xujy IN~ cu at n~Ng ch~a~u-yt kilul htql ntU't v'<br />

,dcLv Q d vdvnn tfI~LU ~l~ ai~ y gkn<br />

trung I1% lool g~n ngu~la thuy'"n,<br />

end and u'vee-bvlt drive limr-Lhiv 'up. It coun he~<br />

rotated upwardl to 1tlu the proliiphI leuofti<br />

witer and uffordm~ muinivuof the advantages of 611hh<br />

an outboard and dn~nbaurd d'rivv.-<br />

*A VAA<br />

'g<br />

Thuyen NTMC-2 cogenh ieu-Peu v'a hl<br />

cao ~Al' ha mui Buong ma'y thti~ng ddjc ehe<br />

nhe NTMC-2 has on unbroken sliver which<br />

sweeps up slightly to the bo~w. A low cabin about<br />

bang niyt clui kIR-anQthp, dal chidng 2 thd~k r~ddi 8 feet lotig usually covers theengine comnpartment,<br />

to~uqthy~ri so I't thuyen loqi .n'a y<br />

awxng Cd khoaiig. Thuy'en NTMIC-2 khong cti cot<br />

bL~t'r1 hoUL S Cklc teye rc d. Tliuye~n cung khnX<br />

although u few junks of this class do wi t havv<br />

cabins. <strong>Junk</strong>s In this class will niot Wn oten with<br />

either must or jackstaffs. They do not display<br />

giin d~n, sot ti5Jdng vi imang theo dung-cu h~ng-h~il<br />

l'. A 'A.<br />

biao-hi~lj, ho~c truyen tin nao C3.<br />

running lights anid no navigation. sigmiilling oi-.<br />

communications equipment is carriL'd.<br />

A\ 11-4<br />

KiN<br />


'KIN<br />

CONFi1DENTIAL'..<br />

%A f<br />

Thuyen NTM$1ý-2 dong dNhu-Trang, va trt- The NTMC-2 is built in Nha Trgng at a cosat<br />

gia e.hdng H. 7001$ ve thuyen va 11 tW$vt'eqng-cd, of about $121) with the engine costing an additional<br />

Thuye., l1a11 1An bwng my~t th6 ;ýrI chic- VS ' $150. A strang hardwood Is used for construction<br />

mui hoin td ng dc.q d Tah d-tdl con throughout. Thehull and cabin are usually painted<br />

sne gonch vshd6i mthtA TIhugh mang theo rn~t a Ight blue' and the bottown 1., painted black to the<br />

net' go -hd6 *Au hi gnl. Id6 ddoc gin waterline.- This bout carries one wu'iden anchor<br />

chit yea van vo !huye~n bang m42ng CQ ,u^fqt then with 200 feet of hump line. Half-f roems altersd~$n<br />

dihi -la xen til iiqt then sddn ngirn. cdch noted with full frames are fastenud with woodeun<br />

".A' .. WA<br />

*khoung nhaui cb~tng tfA 5 ta, Vo tliuycn dtic x 2 m pegs to the hull planking, and spaced about 1.5<br />

bzpg ir.- t-h~' nhi trron Ad d~b thfmg. Ngai ' / feut apirt.4 The hull Is caulked with a mixture of<br />

stfn deni I~ d4y thuyen khong dd4c quet m~l chat shredded ,bamboo and reslin. No antI-fooling<br />

ig~l f~ 4~ ~ 1f. Ru iiid'rg mqt Iinh, thuyen aigents beyond the thick black paint are usedon the<br />

dd'4c IkLt lin ein d;ý cop rtudu y. '? iyen dat.iz Lxlt,.n. At Iinteivals of direr- months, t~ht junk is<br />

x 2 rn lal mol nim m^Lt Iali. beached anti &w~ bouotnn Is sira1 xA. Once a yvar<br />

the hull is recaulkteI.KN<br />



E~ d'hi-ahbang. mqt tay quay, VA Tho engine to Wtarted by,& hbu-d crfr k, and<br />

Wasy chuyek mqt ch~N vjt ba cd'nh o:J3ýR (12 inch)<br />

h'd mt i;-,th~g d~tXttu cd a~g da 1chU<br />

"V" .ýn-cd di~qc gldrhnhlqt ban& vIdo blen hult<br />

a 3'bladed 12" propeller thrcuho system q vrv .<br />

belt pulleys, It-is co'oled by taking sea varer<br />

L'rough a -funnel and huatc fitting attauhm i ty thet<br />

qu fasm Aii:nggin ",ho- nr~r- L-%hqflg if Jut vertical Prc ';liar shaft Iosu.~gt lil<br />

7'<br />

chsin-vit. Ci(c bV^.ph$n d1i'u-khlib 444ic dft tr~h<br />

_86ý-u-cdý v1 do neldl cýAv tay 1hI deu-.dA.<br />

~ Thuv kliNg mans thc cd1-phqjn thay-the hojc<br />

are on the engine i4d Mi operated by the =a6 vn<br />

tj tiller. No spfare ptope oi teals are care<br />

and. if the engfine tails, ihei crasft is towo~t"pr<br />

dsng-eu nhhldng m~y pot nh'd Ah9i khdc by another boat or Jo rowed with the t Wn/wVPs<br />

ken ve Wit, twic Ohil dang dený hal Imal chz~ Zy' carrie 0 abo;prd,<br />

4A<br />

van mang theoI<br />

Wu-LIU-I- n.1 fV1_.Wi~<br />


_<br />

Thuy IN NTMC' 2 d~c -bict chl Clung vlu viqc<br />

. ChAt-1d~i, va thee bd'o-cat cho, bld chui thedi xg<br />

* Nho -Trang qds 18 dt; 20 4~-~.Vdng cd (<br />

.va khtng choy d~iiI 25, On~ thuyG0iNTMC-2;iht~ng_<br />

kwih aiUtbiju' n~r g qq-hn~- -~uW- hir -ca-~<br />

NT~MC- Is arnd i l~usively afish Wi<br />

junk and re-p4Drte,'Iy n~vvr trave~h more that. 184 toi<br />

20 miles fromni NuTrang. Bit.-ause of Its weak<br />

engine and very limitcd range, the NTMC-2 In<br />

unllkvly to undi~rtukv a Y byugv lasting. more titan<br />

n day, or to vunture away fr~.'ui the Nh' 'rr.11iW<br />

3<br />

AhZI v1n PsTrn.Tu%%<br />

2 chyc fnd .u g,<br />

hrnan tvwu chifngghlhn;cd<br />

thQc In. -<br />

area. Five gitlitinti uf %value aive carried, htAjU<br />

lod.<br />

TnA NM- Rdn " dl TC2t ii'y'A/ tmi Iia tcnqoue<br />

A NTCyk-thu~t ,'ua chat-)diNM~m '1pilJ aire<br />

kien I I~ t unhu . M9cI .lIt cd' phc Ii rA In fishing. A n0,t, T.yoI lit thut topj nnd wvi~htvd<br />

va buiye ch & dd dtti.thathnh o<br />

dd~ing vAng tr~n, attht.buttuni, Is luidlio a vitard and then rvtrieved.<br />

dw~~n thuliji. MCI Angxy thuyu'n darih cd'hui 1IN tVI<br />

0300 g16' 10W0 gill, vu týISQIJ 4N 2200 gi'if. Thuj6,<br />

Thu junks have twit 11ain .4 ~ d e dy 3M<br />

too 10(10and 15(M0 to 2200.. N.) provislionI is d<br />

akWag tr~u-1iL~uC-Lav d1g1 tom edc b~t ddsoe, Y1<br />

ca:ndpS(tkhi hoyt-d4ng xki Nha-Trang guS 10<br />

for pruserving the catch sincev the' flishurmeiV<br />

rarely operate more thun 10 mile's frtonNhaTratig j<br />

bitlva bust gid c~ng tf'nh tril 4k he{itr dc kidi and rely in returningto portbefore the fish slxot1.<br />

tolp cai bi ddn. Q batc odtle thuring l~a cd muil, va The catch ustiully consitits it t in lhy~ ad -1 lo;hbl chl 30 ~ fa djsordine-<br />

like fish and<br />

sells for abo~ut $2.75 at the local fish market..<br />

phdng.V~ ht~ tuyu'n co ta Ti ay kheh<br />

eun. ~An<br />

I'nh lam<br />

(ini~ n a~ g I~ 106i~<br />

1lm. don<br />

Since many aitliese Junis are ownL~d cupt:r~at lvefy<br />

by several famililes, this could sicnrt'ely, he Live-<br />

ni-rbcd as u highily. profitdble occupation.,<br />

'A ~ \ A<br />


Tiiuyech NTMC*2 khii xuat dNha-Traiqna<br />

19bU. Thuyen naiy c, I- dod avhlm en V)<br />

The NTMC-2 design origlno!.'d in NhaTrang<br />

in 1960. It was probably at imulated by a program<br />

chjddng-tjlnh n~hg-d cu.a Ph I-Dooi Vicn-Trid<br />

i'Uirh:l-ewa-Ky- _t1 ViqetNum ((M~OM VNI. n ot<br />

sunsored by United States Operations Mission<br />

<strong>Vietnam</strong>. (USOMVN), and the japantse Y.-nmar.<br />

ph l tv1 c~ng-my YANMAR c6iaNh~t-Bi~n d3 phat- Company which developed the unusual itboardtrrWN<br />

loal dug-ngcd khdc th~ddg, gan di5oc ca J<br />

trngl~1 goi~muyen. Cking-cd nay nguyLen-th"a<br />

A' At t.A<br />

cot tIL tran-it .anvthuyeNda "n h ca da'ydan I:Zng<br />

outlxoard drive. This engine was originally<br />

intended to power the woven bamboo bottom, fish-<br />

Ing junks of South Viet Nam, but the design Is<br />

tre t~i mderiNain-VlcqtNam. song citd&L dddp dong - readily adapted to auy small boat.<br />

auien -Ag Cie-Lang cbo mvi IOU i thuye-i n~<br />

About 17 junks in this class are known to<br />

Ta dddc bidt Wqln & io et chbg 17 thuyen<br />

NTMC-2, va tut-e? d&l "I tqi X,,m LddIng-S~in g~an<br />

exist, and all 'may be found in the hanilet of Luong<br />

Son near Nhatrarg. Theocu oiane Is Ghu Van,*<br />

Nha-Trang. D.ýhdtia-phd~lng Wti (huycn nly lit ghe which Niimply mevans, "Wmiden junk".<br />

van. KINI<br />



A<br />

V<br />

5'<br />

4I'<br />

t<br />

2<br />

U<br />

I<br />

__ KrN<br />

.2!<br />

- II ½' - ,t'. '' Cup-<br />

-<br />

-U--><br />

2<br />


i ai5<br />

- a<br />

___<br />

__ __<br />

fl -r -&.A<br />

- - - a<br />

- --<br />

-t.-<br />

- .<br />

-I -<br />

.<br />

. Ii<br />

. . I<br />

-<br />

MUSS<br />

______________ -<br />

_ I-<br />

-<br />

It<br />

U<br />

I<br />

I<br />

U<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

sa I<br />

- a-'-<br />

K(N<br />

r 4<br />

-I.<br />


I<br />

I-<br />


KIN<br />


DAN<br />

17r<br />

NTHI<br />


COHNG5 -4 CM D -OD<br />



CO~ NHANG 230cm LEAME 7 FT<br />

COAU5<br />

DIN RAWF2<br />

I<br />




KIN;- - --<br />

-~~~~~ - -- -A<br />

A~ P?<br />

* NTBH. I<br />


Thuyen NTSH-) P~a lai I huyen go/ djIrg mnqt<br />

A~ bo co' WU vd in h b i aý61ýn cqnh. VJ<br />

C91~~~ vienh' b^no ~~ vOgn<br />

thuii chl n~gunghvpq1uithuen cao len va phla<br />

II hlra. Khi daiyjben, vla dec0`dnho 6 cho t~uy<br />

NTBH-1 steps a single lugger rigged mast<br />

in a~long narrow bull with a raised bow and pronilnent<br />

poop aft. To provide a shelter for the<br />

crew when In purt, the afterdeck will often be l<br />

thtboong sau thuyen thbddng didc che phU7 bling covered by an awning Made of palm leaves sewn '<br />

A / Jd A A<br />

Mgt cal denm lanh b~i!ý laddakhn2ulqi niqt cach thu<br />

ad. :ac t \in v~( aaI Wy ra l~rp vao diddc. dqdc Or<br />

erc tr cac da M r g, e che phu long thuyen (khong<br />

che dy) klu thuyen ch 41 vol coig vi"c Vh& dn<br />

vo'l Aty lI' cong vILAC hL~dng xuyen.I<br />

together In a crude fashion. Loose f~nor boards<br />

placed on bamboo poles protect the' b~ttamn of the<br />

open hull when this junk Is opertn -rating as s a lie ie<br />

sttiu %ýrrler, which is her norifal functkion.<br />

jI<br />

A U-60<br />

KINI<br />


KIN<br />


-41<br />

'-'A<br />

4"~i~<br />

A' Khi trdi (t gao, " hai mat cheo dati ch'Unig 16 In light air two sweeps about 16 feet long are<br />

tac unh (4m80) diqdc l~p v~ao cqc che\0 tre~n Ian can secured at stanchions on the forward rails and<br />

phia mtri de^?cheo thuycn. used for motive power.<br />



rii':iv. krrm- ouih dddc tlt/ng ýI Nha NTBH -I can be built in Nha Trang, Khauh<br />

T~rang. Im Ihn k-ýoa, tIhii gian di~ng chhng hai<br />

thatig vdt gla d$'i 32,8,50$. V' thuyen, lw~nh 1ai.<br />

lioa Province, in about two months at a cost of<br />

$45U. Wood is used throughout in the construction<br />

lyba'nh l'i, va\ hai ino n eko to~an the lain bang Igo . of the hull, rudder and tiller, and the two anchors.<br />

Ba!nh iýi h'Irh chf bafn v'~i lay bia'nh lati co' th4''da<br />

A - CA<br />

len ha xuong dLqdc b~angtay qua inot &sng ranhc<br />

The do~or typc rudder and tiller are manually<br />

iramst-d o~r lojwered through a slotted rudder well in<br />

banh ail sau thuyen. Khi hat ha'nh thuyen co Imlng A<br />

7<br />

.<br />

hai mo neo cogay net) lam hung tJ pai Phi Luat<br />

a.7n.<br />

tht- stci n. Two anchors with attached manila line<br />

a ItLc ar T icd when underway.<br />

IBozst Aj'JI:b3Cp KIN<br />


KIN<br />


Cý rii Yc il c~ciniit ittt<br />

un V im spacing is about oric foot. AllI hull<br />

v., v i cj, byi~ khmumug h t plJinking r-, sccuricd to tloe frinic with square i ron<br />

i A A<br />

[iI 'l ~ ký1I 1 11, 111 bgnli ý;; v bi It I:lp.uv1c1u u c , ji iit .~ iui tlo n t onjtoI r thci i . tI nni . ( i<br />

A 'l - A<br />

hlkili um A/ý\ I gt?-.I l<br />

A<br />

P,;, lliu Tht"Nu ''tmbm . -tm 1u:, 1 Milks1111, i .ulIgmn th th in] uuld llm'ad I<br />

'A ' A<br />

PhI i L iti I' i . % I -I I !.!<br />

ic<br />

All ot.m ar<br />

,fh m m<br />

KIN<br />


* .. *. ONFIDENtIAL<br />


A'<br />

A' -'A<br />

'A-<br />

rH aM c~-rlq.tue h? yn .1zvt-NTHgI.I a tender sailer. with, h&r<br />

-Al 7 Jpoig i' an of<br />

sai~y<br />

vl f i g co~' lg c,-pit. nj o~nguthufBi; kvvl kvOr o ths mL cuirt. i ~mDn<br />

cal Nhd~fn Itiui ni. kh c d,61 giTjhotldn e 440C n tieeUiuso i om fl uf'ldt'th<br />

GU\ TI.<br />

Aý<br />

'Thc Tniu\' n".. mvaitl Iu"4N<br />

AD ISALY<br />

KIN<br />


KiN<br />


NILAN XEI / ' /C'MMENTS ý<br />

Han iighiu"n cdu da' tay Icli of tntl thuy4,11<br />

lyom!N'tIl i , do uo' titi 0~c trecih d a'y ai' d%~ d~t.<br />

-Clo'c b"tu chil thuyen nw) di vang vi cia plaIii di quanl<br />

AA* A 1<br />

dieb trong Quan Dou! Viet Ni M Corng Hoa. Tuy<br />

Thu filid stirvey team fount!d 4111Y 011v J~lik<br />

the NTBH-I type; therefore, onc shouuld jk~cepI ulic<br />

above information with caution. Tile ownert wa.<br />

reportedly absentbecause of having hcetn dralted<br />

I<br />

ohuen, bat, righien ctfu ketua : T1 an tI 'A dA into thle <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese Army; howevver icur<br />

Lý do ttuc kac.tho// ticLO vy cb-L~ thuyen trong teatn cof.lIuded that there might have been anotlici I<br />

11001 thuyen cau co vdi nha~n vien bannhe d o reason. The owner's wifwowsncaret<br />

A I A, / A,<br />

cong khai thli nghich vdi h'i, la Iei nhicu tieng the boat was at first -iullen then openly hostile to,<br />

~ / A 7 \<br />

Viet Nani v~a neuni'v'~jo ho cac vat nho ma h~a la them, shouting various words in ViLtnaiticst. and<br />

Yow,?.- m.~nianh boo)n~ L Atuy rthanh ra throwing smajm objects which she collected about.<br />

tic A'iu kettc ,~ ac the deck. Tlius the interview was cocIdcap-<br />

maturely.<br />

KIN<br />

Best ONFIDNTIA<br />


KI<br />

KIN . .KIN<br />



KIKIN<br />


:1 -


'* K<br />

-<br />

/.\<br />

! -'<br />

I ' 4<br />

,\.,<br />


oN<br />

N_ T- '1iN<br />

A\ 975 CM LENGTH<br />


DRAFT<br />


4KHUNG Co HANG 152 CM EMPTY .5FT<br />

MAN TAU<br />

6O HANG 76 2CM LOADED<br />


KHUNc3 C0 HANG 762CM EM.TY<br />

C-6 HXNG 152CM LOADED<br />



3<br />

A E-T67<br />

CREW<br />

II<br />

FfET<br />


7 KIN .<br />


NTBH 2-<br />

AD~l C06140 GENERAL<br />

'AThu~vi N B-2 11t mt uy n ch~h~ng'ahNB2i cargo junk native to the Nhu<br />

S NHA TRANP. Mlaui n~ dht .<br />

)bM #:Po cmii bumbn cjnh A~ m~gt v7 thuy~<br />

rn ra tPS two lugger -rigpd niu 1w'N<br />

ii a odnhl ihn cabin. The hull bis<br />

* .<br />

b~nw I~ngc~ bun u.Ph mlvpb<br />

i~~i~id't vdnkiwp trinm: tuin h'v gidst~' dil<br />

h~ h'r~~bn.Thyi ~<br />

h~gc dn y<br />

decked over in thu forward and aft 1wrtions while<br />

tho centur section is left open as a cargo hold.<br />

No sgnalling, communication or navigaulonequipt(n<br />

hi'Lu. truvt~n tin hay h-al t~anh. C~nk Mhong C4 mont Is cairie id. No ruming lights are displiyetl<br />

I M~ Auki hlnl hinh v' thuyPn kh0^ngthC0 m4t quy and the 'Juik' es 'not fol'ow, iinjknown rulus o<br />

10st tli~ng h~ul n'lio cu& the road.<br />

Thu;v1:n co hal 6lc die ld1 pan b i et i\n dng rwou distringuishing Characteristics of this<br />

mul -, I ui do'ng vah ngtltfic vij<br />

A'~n lpnnkd~ If<br />

ha<br />

l pha liii iul<br />

~gci b<br />

tihuyell<br />

a dA<br />

juni. ;i u thu unbroken siiiuc swueping up at the<br />

bowy and the stern and the extreme~ly low frechoard<br />

n phani Anlv(i5cini) kt phlwn gida thuyycn. of about 0 inches amidships when loadedi.<br />

KiN<br />


KIN I' -<br />


A' xNNH<br />


Cal diuyny~ iiy do/ng ~iNHA rRANG. tilfl$ Flive pinks dit! built in Nho' *ranig. Khaid,<br />

KH-AN11 110A. 4Vnp~ mit,' cliltig 30) n9% V1 0h') 1 (1 1 imi Province in about 301 days ut a ous of prx<br />

I A L cA<br />

u,;Iu Mdi nj~ti *xA'mi v'd ri' 11.~. (.cac .li boiom nLiig Is I nij-nsh graiy ini colol i n ci ydi.l al<br />

siui lul cQ dan. C;.O, botlln chintin difie~ gof ch.i.w lxýI ig 'AU' wilVefl p i'la.T" n m~ i<br />

Tin.V nBtlh<br />

TnBit<br />

~ju 'js Ab'h<br />

o cot bn!at<br />

hIml 'ng sioi Va.3 Phi Lut<br />

bang Lip.<br />

with rallari srouds and all i Willing v i;ýgi nr is of<br />

mlao.~i nit: ruuiddc atid tiller ale woq~d.<br />

KiN<br />

A I -w<br />


KiN.<br />


rhuyeln CO htA fill net) cung bnntig go nang va Trwt anc~horts, ulso of a heaivy and durablet<br />

W~il. . 0f10 tit C Lo av nuo bafng stil gai Phi Luat wood, are carried with WIN feet of Ianijlj Iinu ftill<br />

A \ 'k A7 'A f<br />

Tin diat I00 ue AtIM (30mi). Van vo thuyen dfing v.acli. The hull plunking Is fask'flnid to the frataiti<br />

' A A A? i<br />

VAtO _ilC /khiklnl d, iucn LZIng caic mqtng go. Cie widhtlimwdun pegs. Franic spacing Is irregular,<br />

Witing cai va cat. k-hurg phu dar xeLn V13o nitno va but not move than ).t) feet. iTh hiullI is cat<br />

c oiai 1.it(i ~c 11I'g n~iunt inguicitiia Ron idh a mixture of resini and .0hteddeJd OiCA11tat<br />

qlttj 1, (1 tal A oh (48cot) Vv' thilyct. sami banig 1111t palIm bark.<br />

A'A At<br />

'A A<br />

riilm co N'UBi1-2 khngAtid<br />

kj<br />

ck<br />

A<br />

im<br />

NrHH-*2 is unpa~intud vxcept forv hi t I,<br />

stt nut1'ejust unider (lit: gunwa Ic oin vach howýti. moo<br />

\'IC dut I F;Ivt t' I l iI 1. 11 1t 1111vn C t? [ IIi lta u'. Caie alut 1,13 the lW~UilM Of liiiL hull . A I 1 . tig va i io<br />

Is ld 'Ito\ d It ching ""3 ChICu OJIm CtIU e white eoe with b;a,-k pum i~ palt- "l 111t .t<br />

~<br />

No I t'CI A,~ ' 1 ti tt 7<br />

C\tli in<br />

co~ Im iI11\<br />

ifi ii<br />

t1 mt31l \..At con tigiiii itim.<br />

i3 *hc 1)11 hti: tIýK v mo y tli .<br />

Ili, dA ). C.i<br />

rattan stivcuuds, 1mi, ttloifil~g Ito vacj glitiwtlt<br />

ft'n illuIts is nut staved.<br />

lii.<br />


* KIN<br />


S.L k. kA , -A .<br />

4t4<br />

N-1101 21 iruddcr<br />

Thuyin1 Iiuy 111131 Vail) stlkli vi suim lai vl Iula<br />

A<br />

[Jiang nut~l hin1 vi kiwitS c", (Iunlgctlhlt ý A 'tu<br />

'A _. 'A 7 d7~l -Ac<br />

AIV<br />

phan vo thiiyin d d .I~I Itdli khot till, C(Aing viA2<br />

A L, "% '<br />

cuov~~Ji h n'ytli~l hci kig oc *kern thuVe"i<br />

SIniLL itto unti-ruiguin uUu i h<br />

isncsayt la n<br />

undeiwdiur boxdy, It ~nc~uyt ci n<br />

I-CLU thleIl hull every two mcintis . This is ditic<br />

by be.aching at highi tide, shoring up the hull and<br />

le MII hI eitic t cu lei] cm), VkIn Iidiu I ie<br />

AA' '\ A/ A! A<br />

xlliig dhup till qtiv VIduveN LIii ral , Cac c~on nuiu go<br />

viCOIld (f hiený71 Iii itli Cc dya 14ui1 c 1 d.11y lhuvýE^n .<br />

nen van day Ifilnytn ph~li t hay mdil clidng Wa ni~lll<br />

A '<br />

-Woi ig onthu e-puL~Ld h~towin at lowmide. Wooid -<br />

11( iuvsaeli.'ieic 1<br />

woinlis an iaviSae thu rute51mncet<br />

thL bit 1011, itvcussitai iig tvenw ing thei pluntking<br />

about everyN t~rcle yea ri,<br />

Cie( calfil biuoi halig s~l cy (T.I rt rhdnig cili rhe woven palm hii Ii j aIils numb; I ly Iuisi<br />

AA<br />

N<br />

Ila I g a iti. It khti IM llf Ild ild(IL S al 1iiyi 11".i Is iula~cud VcI.j Iy IV lt-i rly is ally all c'ilnlh 11LI(ILc<br />

Dien). IWOa hu'. fill IhtuI dl Tliiivct khaK. kcei \.a" It. V j)11 diiij-ii 1.it smis whun at :;ci raiihei . tnh<br />

R~i hov tht~l thll ti~ lIue Vi. junhnghtii~ tlk IS Cit. I' 10owd to 1oui I m'rowcd by tLic crew%<br />

ch '' i z d td. huyun tll 3111 Val 1o 911'(1 he kjliC Ut0liig 1\%o 11-fot ii~d '111ishIil- iii<br />

adi 4 o Iming<br />


KIN.. -<br />


Buw Ster<br />

* 'A \ 'A<br />


'Vhuyv-n dung d:. cliii vi'li iii clu Iuo HUN<br />

0% 1- A 'A A<br />

' JI -9 rI4AN Xai %,!INii 3(1 ii(gall. n<br />

a<br />

Tht, junk Is used to0 Carry CargUicS o~f ihut'stone<br />

froni'lHon Lon Is~land to Nim *rr~iig, ;I disso)<br />

Moti etuyviii cdu 3, tall V'~ im liti ng ugy tut<br />

[h/! t~ll. '/ A. I A<br />

dili giili to.0 dil Vol fit cong<br />

A / 7 j'<br />

vi- 7 eu' zui<br />

to% klli111 Alu~i -he AVt<br />

culli LA nint(I~z~l m ji~i VAN GLA 01 trvn vi,: Me~n<br />

NII TnNw~n 0di rin~( ~ e.mdeto<br />

.A A -<br />

taliev (if hixut 30 miilvu * Shc carrivs thruv ionsi<br />

in vslitgle trip and iii&1cui thv run dailly front-<br />

Janiuary ito Svptunibt'r . 'Whiv tL'hits is ithe p invipilv<br />

occupat ion of thev junk. ol %cuS znal trips di dIS0ili<br />

Van 01n. hiut4toniles up tht: coast frimi<br />

MiuTrung, withca rgoes of fish sauce (nuoc titam).<br />

tc..i tliuy th u tinVtO hni lo athen ni<br />

11 -A tZ 'A 7<br />

cui It() (R dicu h In thluvn nhui Ia ye thuy trieu<br />

A Is "I \ \<br />

ging,1dcf, lldtng gi~id vi c (c v~it (Iit oi<br />

S'A<br />

11odld~i. t'_ll kid il \a X tcwsc<br />

lilt ai<br />

- 'A I ' A *A<br />

Votiluveii 1110 kt-o !JitlyuII lell L.Ii .<br />

~<br />

Tth' crewrinct rely on totr years (fiti~ ex -<br />

fc ihtetds crnit Urrevit,, winds: and hindniiirks<br />

iii piloting tiet i era ft. Bleachi ng the junk<br />

i nrxu<br />

isonly dime for purorises of cleanilng nrtcuk<br />

A' ing thIL- hull.<br />

DIPiC bivi kicoi dnivier. oniV piIit. sait h NHIA<br />


TRAING khlo-iiig nrmin 1940. Kic~u thuy'01 diong nhtkt Mhe design idf this tl'tiU is reportcd to hawe<br />

yvi ']i11i<br />

V4^1 At. cU Iluk 110N LON~ L\ NHlA orgnae in ha1Ivan a., 194U. Itwa<br />

VR4ANO.,ý xtic v nhiý v'ý d~i ng vaIon ho xy 1-ul 111ia dusliil-4d lo tiIjI~il,-)lt I illieslohli fromi lion, L~ol<br />

LIr u'ng thidng I, m12 ct'i naniltuc I(Ili naiy<br />

tligdNI L'\ 'tRANG.( VI elLdIIIUlIJ,:11) dia phtliddl ;6ij tilt,'~<br />

Island to Nha 'rang wliuiu it coald tbe criilied andi<br />

inf huiugu11 JTi 'iicVe fl\ed ~<br />

1.\, GI~Iii 1.\N L t' i I ttype I i nt -- ii Nb Friaig inI Jine 111162. Ii. tic. I<br />

mncli I- G~I nI LIAN \tkli h nwit .l" WiidCii 1.lank.<br />

KIN<br />



KI<br />

KINN<br />



KJN<br />


AE-7<br />



KIN<br />


CetT I t4 T E HS<br />

- ,u<br />

'tt<br />

NTBC-I rN it-W<br />

CHIEL DA' 1097 CM. LENGTH36F<br />



KHONG c6. HANG 24.4CV EMMY 8 FT<br />

CO IANG 39.CM- LOAED 13FT<br />



KNGOHAG54.9CM. EMPTY 18 FT<br />

Co HANG 42,7 CM LOADED 14FT<br />


OOAN VIEN 4-6 CREW 4-8<br />

AII-75<br />

,,6F.<br />

FrrT<br />

KIN<br />



NTBC- I<br />


NTI3C- I lha 14t Iyl ot uyvn butni hlun-w~in<br />

Wilng gFi' thi Ing. hoqr-da~irg hWIN Oil ti Lcdc vang'<br />

NTDQC-i 119 ph allwoodnitlini~junk foundmiuabt<br />

often uperlating In U1$J fishIng potinufl of Da Nanig. -<br />

3<br />

ch~i-ItM: 8 Vý-N~lng, Nha-Tvan$. va Ph~in-thl~'t, Nba Trang4, and Phan ThIvI. ovmo~~ut vinvvn'<br />

ilthip typv will be found in thv Nha, Trunt;<br />

Nha-Triang. KhIt di. lIv khu ch:1-itldi, thuy'Pn<br />

ýthiellios k-4 m~ a'4ih hti~im diln itnh thanig t~Lni<br />

tlrva. When pro~ccdlmK --to and from. th! fimi~nk<br />

UFIAS.ý t~h will ke 8~vn with at ainglu luggot IYKt<br />

trci'r ttwtl IT1c v~a Al n rnis sAngvtte. . 4ail rfgpid tuti o Wnbixm yaird aclu buoni.<br />

*A9 Lnt hUY6u FAY .t~p-trUng nO-tj 1ihft ,trung vutrig iratiun u-<br />

7I<br />

V71 td~g (I ho 0v l":t ""' II Itwasruprte tha N~lC- ksoftn sL~ I<br />

thuyii ci "C- kh WotillhitIx~c<br />

bacan salin wit tw oreve thre silsmet Th<br />

It d~o n.c.A bLan CaC l th1ln u~ hij h~i adto I t s s wreporexted t o~i beH- ta lugger Seen<br />

bu~tlm. Thco b,'!-c~oni.~en b'on ljlI idioa al er eotdt ealve oe<br />

*<br />

niqiot bU0iii 1111,;<br />

tlli h'i h tha ic<br />

, I , i a %~i<br />

Miil va m.I 't buoii p~h(; lxi, a ha<br />

Kin kh~i t) Q ng 1 it"In ~ M& :ut-n<br />

11ic 11iiAC V1, etj hukIn j djlij tjý kli'u<br />

sail and a simiilar mizzen. When not In use t he<br />

satls are furled withi thu ya rdM andi wXonis stm-L-l ~<br />

to Iti Lhv klstclpptd mast and cirricd hin brackets<br />

4A At<br />

vii. Oft tfiedc iian- thuyun de ira og theo, ho~c bý<br />

i it il. Nhiing k~o. kh,.d lim chi h~iv oin)t V.11<br />

(LIoe .1 10"1 111.1% tIn ~i ng<br />

bai1 "I tjj"" i. oN. v :ýIV Ct~i lna 1t,('1g Uuv,\ 11t<br />

alonig ci~li guinwalec or eise left aishore. Other<br />

I'port'i %vure thnitom ~ofle these boov; had t'cvn<br />

motorized, but no ot rsin VL'- observed<br />

no er inv if these, Wiits Seein With 11n101 ija<br />

JA ' , / A<br />

L'1 i<br />

t<br />

11iwoiti ti\1 eli t(1 im i tic nii bti'qiii hall gtl\ . %'c~ "li !4i . rhe useL Of foreV itid 111Z7121 1lulVJ1-<br />

.~ i:-~CONFIDENTIAL<br />

KIN<br />


5I . .....<br />

dOng hii uiN 1 Io aL ir lm-i, h<br />

1abhj-hid1 1 vi'll t'nA'rlh-04 cdc Iuyi thuyi'N tdiing-td, a..o such rigsI wvr~ t.vvr by fivild atiuaivv t:,y aw.j~j. it<br />

sngl cok toan quian-Ndt oIid~a 1 cý r thay IOin n~aoc. $b4'uldbvniunit.oie.,vd, liq.ymvv(. tv~iIN l~.<br />

A J<br />

Ct wng1 Vnh W ll( do cvu qaptJJ tbu nbldu tbuyirn * wcrv tictn Will a1 sigial) moit clqulipld<br />

A A d~<br />

Willi luiwd<br />

* NT110~-1 maunj mi*' -vt b~uni nlili trang-bi d Udy y~ard ad shv.iv. bUt WiLh4.Ut S~il, S:UrL'4JMaj.n(J),<br />

Rkt, V"% r"aig-rqc soiii khoaig c4 butm, tre~n oln<br />

I.M.<br />

-~L<br />

Ihv) NT datt'ausalyo acaiamdhis x<br />

A A A A<br />

it oILn che. b~aag nuiu ýJphin uon vtiaig sNUIg 11,1 111,111 a d aduadcd wovena hdambt I wI.aif curving tkown ato dieu<br />

I ) A * A<br />

kIUN'Ciiun th.<br />

11.101 v1,11 ddJl?<br />

IWO. MIu a - pht~n n,, n'vdili d'y<br />

mint khoaiug kill IdVi Ci Jal<br />

Ito 11-vivde c rt -- slict Ia cr whela tili bt~a a s ii miacht<br />

Th" .1amv0111' ~a~C'r C:AIIItIi a'cwitKjunt.<br />

theila cti ho~a lam C taiel: 1 S011. I" tihidcin. ;mnd Ih aII(- addli10 t dick .1ukaa L: jra i.~<br />

KIN<br />



KINi<br />

4V<br />

bj A . -:3<br />

C~nihi gh1~v~ ch-tr' h jcii A distl nctiv~ ear t&i.e uuuid' sua r-<br />

d&i vi-trt'1chd'c-thd~i;n C4'4ýn vfi1 n- bourd lovation Which ts found in all NT'CI junks.<br />

thy~in -TC X lao cung co_; . V~nkiy -na int nicimggerLvariwc is inade of a stogkv plank oif wood<br />

4In miclig gr c 15 phila X 4 ph~n X 1811 plaial. AVbciur 6 ihc1L- by 1 1/2 titchL' by 0 NOi. It I.I<br />

WJ'n ddakc n~ag call boac ha! th~p btlig toy td 1111,t r~a~isd tot- lowered by hund in ittruntk I0UeaiUd Just<br />

khoang nh4i&~ f nguy pli(a sau tniil vai ttLn Idd~ng i~c aft (if Lift- '11m and ura 111c, cunterinet. Whun thv<br />

0aai thoy~in. Khim 1wz thu'p nhlat va ii ba w-big rd is in 111V full down1 1)U, ~iaa t 81ants) Oft X 'In<br />

11Ir.Ig dting.<br />

%hi kJ angl of aprxmav 0 urc foiwhvr<br />

cal.<br />

KiN<br />


.6I<br />

7 ~KIN~<br />


B~n i -l jB t ;- tiy 1111ýc1,11'tl.'<br />

Is itc--u<br />

stinad n h<br />

1m - tn .",I) I f c aw l u rmro 14<br />

tf*<br />

h lug~ ~-15gVIII thaIvII1.1 t LC J!~ y It 'I V j'n -11 at ril Imsm-s d eph by~i usin<br />

l (iI 1g 1I' n 1,n iii-lLtIfiý~d'c ng.<br />

liii45 cj<br />

r i if ah vvn l nth is class I, the fluall d te wn ith win * h he uv<br />

ai<br />

kha (!tf t %\l p'il umdf)Iig l r oul fisin l. b~ oath uincid dii typie it) ek iffish~ i.nd ohe e<br />

miisatf1111,C~SC<br />

S.11i h'ip' ihic lust111 xl I tVTI1g sin le . IltCI III<br />

K. iN<br />

CdIJ..t'u.'n rhtl~ ~coh tuvi tisc as s hecCOiNFmus IDhwhNhThvIiAL

KIN'.<br />


~ng~jc-n~v~<br />

W~n c~m~l g k~J~c~u.T~t~i The bi lges are sweet andclean. The neatnessi and<br />

trqhMg vn-8h vsa each-aZV Ay cd tht lhm vý-Vang<br />

Clio i'l th:4ykem'a 4~t-c nitflkd; trenl thc'gitii.<br />

cleanliness of this class would doi credit toi<br />

VCIDlAHS of (Ity nation In tbv wovld.<br />

navalI<br />

M~l diru MiIlN ck,. tvdu quman-Hdt d;-ngool Rwoat of partic~ular iteres'~t to the f iid~ul<br />

1&14-l itr chll-trynJ4 11 nh'ln-thay iný.c'd~u 4, chNl vvy teamr. to note that.- iilhougti tjaivy had'clu and<br />

,I'hg~ rit h bdi~cln:u~,mmmlv their shoes bdorie boardinit, they had no aoe<br />

Aukt'ltuynlv i h~ hy-h ~hj 9-s et toot aehorc than the crew wert- hnrd at work<br />

"vat miluy" tr~n thuy'Un. . iruhhlog away flhu "tiutoprintt&' they had left,<br />

Nhing d.i-in I~n V g J iOnt phb~n-bi~t Exterior charctieritcw~ ~ ltnus<br />

3d~'i,<br />

tuyelti IS BC-i v('11 ciic loik kh~e. IZU h~nh-cdzng<br />

thi"Ji khtei fimtuvL~n cof vye mao-Ic, nmanh-nw.<br />

vz~ phia trdd'-ctL ink~ thanh-gu uon congn~ni ngang<br />

11111 nmi amht'cng 14%1fh Old CPSung cu'a loiqt b6<br />

saIng tjii .1t vim Texiiis rcng nm~rin-neo bang CdK,<br />

vao tlhanh~gi cong do~. Nigo~i ra ta co'n c6 the<br />

tt~~~~~av~. u hyn111 Ipf idi-i ogtngd<br />

NTBC-l are a long, low silhouette which gives the<br />

boat a fast, racy look, a curvyed timber athwart<br />

the bow which rusembles thu horns of a Texa~s<br />

longourn steer, and the wooden anchor secured to<br />

this tImbicr. Also, aft there may be found a ulmillar<br />

device! consisting of a half-section; that iti, only<br />

oehrn of the steer", Oteas i'nne 1v the bow<br />

uhltt phia trutdc- song Chmi co IIIý112TAI.<br />

mA .1" . l~. 1~m rh.ih X~<br />

tighia jm hi'01<br />

dIN %~ dAlI^C<br />

timber also extends !,) one side inly, 'T17hues are'<br />

usud for stowing poles, spars, some'timfes malsts,<br />

C~.r.I-Uý 111:1 liiO' 't but~im n7bo vam thinli- and~ occasionially to fix (lie lung sweeps.<br />

1l1!.aIIL 1i cot Witing cav cht:o dZ61<br />

A<br />

KiN<br />


KIN A<br />


Xemx6 7 lit o~i huPh ~rB, . t Aclos!hIS110ont Ath bo rveas<br />

d nhn in lcbttgt1(g0 I, m tkii-lilrt oohr"ofge ukNc<br />

I ol h y -c "k a%<br />

'On"di<br />

dW le 'rA -2.VTM -I, as ".'(* .V MC-1, THC 1,andPrB -1.On<br />

Xem-x0 i 6 lur ot thiuy'h. m11 t nk hujtign N'itC<br />

%:41111h~ I m Mi hln dteni~ co t-he114 glialn vtii<br />

tae<br />

idicu ha<br />

Ai dimsig Itil p4"'Ialt1 sid f bow til r il eI$ ay<br />

ed favt~itihro ufto on.her har dlig ofu Jthe~ Wuth<br />

r~ncg thytdd ve -di;i. M 'I diling Oilo vig ' b utg ite uls Iis iid, flat ~istir Wi the tylvd plunkinge<br />

C~chJurit cu ng N B o -d 1 101 Iba lt n i vng u N18- tii'hrisin b uil il faho n st rangelto mortcu<br />

dd& ghe van Irdwl uo r m t yl dalngkliuti thuycfirsthrough<br />

l<br />

thuh a oefrhame andrdwed ite. Stemantli<br />

Ci i;aln irdtf vm a la thuy en th ddi jIcp dlt vl~e 016 -a stern sctweiobs avst Inpaheupphan dl of by merbort<br />

Aý11 Iluu d~-de 10 u(ig vr~ dngy t~~id Ow g op ut ilctt u o sh c thendne curit edto ecothe ty;ljnsro r<br />

khZ) li dk fnt diowi &6'p o ut thu n o dy.s'lgtiy ' th niu ne.Afe<br />

A'<br />

A<br />

at aciip chonfgt~ULI N aC itkt ~dtv~ TC sbul i ~sitt i.nL ohn<br />

A 11'1

KIN<br />

A' 7<br />


'Ay~NBit~n dtkdn ~ a NITC-1 Is curre.ntl y fouuod DeIng built tu<br />

tral ?i 47* g..~ Nha-Trang. vA, fwn-ThiA h~i.<br />

cbtdn N ta1ltu~ jhgIMUIdstd y v'ao<br />

shipyards. in Da Nang. Nita rrang, ands Phiniblet<br />

by nomiu of the rcfugeces who brought the origia 'I<br />

Nam. 81n tbdi~g, mWI 016C thuyu~n C4 thg difdcdoing<br />

xangx Irun kh 1n 30 uN~y va 111rI'i 750<br />

MYk41m. V i VA An itsula b'dw Apt<br />

theSO q nS "A~ 2V hthi phi vungX Buaom etbling<br />

thJIagos Dy itngn~y~ch c ham INe ay<br />

tii4, q(" n~ (dba' rt I~r ~gai gallM-N o'<br />

junks ooutli. Normally this junk can he built in<br />

about 30 dnyt at it voto of obout $7501, The hull and<br />

deck planking are miud& of a yellowish brown hardwood,<br />

The slaila axv miadc of wovenl palm !Vaf<br />

fier Standling rigging It# of ateie wire and the<br />

rulonag rigging la unualiy mionth. *r Iiwaiiy rnutk<br />

U<br />

B<br />

9 .- hoa.hemp line.<br />

Hilg Int nnin bet,. 'A<br />

two anchors are of a hayand durable<br />

nt ou Ullr 1111 go va \n lien hea<br />

in101 1jLv thddng dai.d ~cui '.0 o lhO ý evfc A chlo<br />

A<br />

wood, and are usually attached to 2010 feet of<br />

7<br />

- 7 - ). A?<br />

binrg sd i ga i Ma -ni. Ve gid mo nuo go Knot nni. manila line ior cach anchor. Stones are secured<br />

A<br />

nco quarig fren It1in nitto eh'kIng 1, 8 thiddc<br />

FA<br />

11looe the shanks 't) (ovLrconw1 any<br />

aIKy of the wood<br />

mIfl~tvu buoy-<br />

KI<br />


KIN<br />

Va~n VS zhultuy rddc gh.'P VAý abau Ong Mang Hvil planks are julned using wuLeden pei and<br />

1; vA diuli sit. Nb~ag kbutdu addii ng~n xcn O~n iron nm1ls Partial franes alternating Withi full<br />

gl~us khu~n 4nd~iu ci dot~c ddng cdcb kJhoing nlidu froniea are spaccd approximately 2 1/2 feet apart<br />

Ch~tng 75. phan ýI qu3ag gfi?ti &thyrh výi SIAM iun amidships, graduating it) LibIUt 1/2 foo~t ait the bo)w<br />

% ~ xu1~nich~Injjl~pbn A qugnq ml Y vIdi. V.S Lhuyr~n and stern. The hull is caulked with a iqixturv %)f<br />

r-a I44C Am Mug tOu vA d&f tron vat chT-t nhn/u d; coconut husk fiber.. and treated rusinu btalned<br />

C~hf-bda. slu cd 4t Ots-phirdny., 0~ bu~m ch~rtl 1Qva~lly. lhcjnalnmast Is stayed with a Nminle wire<br />

dibdc Ching gta 11ng mot not day k~ni A~T At t(ri 8hroud running to vavIsh gunwulv.<br />

A % - AdV '<br />

henangh-gchun Vied~<br />

g sik,- phae hosnc.i a mi~t Thu hattlL' igzainst thedL'struction cauut.vdby<br />

thujy~n IN cijn hal. lpn nmot thifn~ 4gd suchi ct'y<br />

thuy' Va ld d h(dlun den len Wd i n . huy~N<br />

Bicn- phap pbong -yn nay wykhngho~nito;)n dysitatesbchichngbi-nwnthly<br />

so that the botton may<br />

he sc~raped clean and the entire hull charred black<br />

with burning levaes up to the gunwale. This pro.<br />

J sorig cang ral hilu-fh v1 C. giu'p cho unct so tvctive meteasur. is at least mharginally udL'quatv<br />

daychyenb~Alu nhcla. .tus U0111 ,imc s)IC ome bottoms list, lU yea rs or more.Mut<br />

va ,Vdv chang Zy nguyen OZ~ difdc Lhay situ u(~t k' .111( standittg i igging aire renewved about eveury four<br />

ch '19 %on thang. mots<br />

Ii<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />


A'*Tuy Orn thiiyrn khng m njihtshuumi~ thay- Altoughnospare flails are vearrledonbuard,<br />

thp, song mli~t ca~nh buoAm bi it3~ r~ch 0'rgnill khdi<br />

c~ng khong cde g) ,ddng ngai, vN 9; dktV vA mga 1W<br />

a sail blowing out atl sea is not consldcred sor louts,<br />

and repairls are mnde after reaching home. purt.<br />

Z~ 61i tjvn Tiiuyrn NTBCI1t i~a vg ch~y r6't<br />

mOc-dliu bii~m hl tilnlg A. at0 Ithl is co,1g ahy<br />

* bui~m &14c vd, mhf tronz 141c thuyg-n dang chpay,<br />

Theac brialls seem to Pail well with larpe holed -in,<br />

their valls.- Infrequently, one may olbserve fanils<br />

being repalred uaderway with prepared palm frond<br />

titng cdchduing kim tro, vh O~f .al l-h&a Wku putchop tewn In place with bambuo netdiva and<br />

nh~n$ tim, lat dua ceh sun len cho thung., Thstyrn<br />

w~t~lftng mant, thu tmfIe~ ho5ý ho -~ dhi<br />

*ril4, 8 iht~'~~ll Kil~np~ 111311)ng 111fe<br />

locAlly made hemp type thread, About three Nix-<br />

teen foot sweeps or iwirm nre usually carried and<br />

are used when the junk IN becalmed, fill mancujn'ieiccn,<br />

huZuiiAi.~~lI- huivA tufnqu~ng ngan trung verlIng when beaching, or it it, nitov Ing mli' 1rt dlst onvvt<br />

khii tih nest. within -an anchorage,<br />

- -A<br />


17huyu~n NTI3BC-1 lit nilt loipq thuy'rn burm r Sv<br />

to Va -hlrium( -d' m~-hyhdgdihl<br />

Although NTDC-l halt relatively lIttle free-v<br />

board, it Is a dry craft and tin vxcueIviut ouailer.<br />

gapmyt ni4P9. W~ i thujTn lool nýy d; di At Soem have salicd frorn H-annh, North Vielnut ito<br />

its Tinh (H5 Vi~tt tdi fihan-TliIM Aa IM ANO h~l- mian Thlet, a distance -f about 31U1 nautIvalI ritiie.<br />

ljy. £C'ngdaei V1f,~~ith~ eltla tV -I~ng T1here are also indications that the Viet C;ong hutvu<br />

C, (4,11A loojt thuy(un pal a~ ehtf nn-vlf!n v, tie,). used this type juak t6btroaaport agvnto and Nupplies<br />

li t-'ovai nhllvi vun iiIu Nurn. Into vurlous aiarea of South VItzttutrn.<br />

'AA<br />

thayvn Nfllic-I hoot-&%g truný MOt v'nrn fishing. theMN1I bperatus in tin area of aboPut<br />

celcli 1A rd'll~ Iil ;al~i's l' v~i a l~i guli khdidit 25 nautical mniles radiun from Its thine ix'rt and<br />

12 gill --ho ui, 3 ng~iy, t4y theo tcki'dng- hop gop Cd will stay at Neu fromn twelve hours up to perhaps<br />

ualaL&.t la It three days, &,pending on how good the fishing has<br />

been.<br />

itiovent Illbn~'g aniiag then nhilPu njiy lddng-<br />

Wk. it), om ni vu a'tra20 rol<br />

vi *khoutIog 130 if't nifrdu uAwg chu tols'n .hdy-tha tRt 4<br />

Usually suveral days rations, consititing of<br />

abuut 45 lint id rice. fish fromt the catch, and<br />

itl Iuglplfi. about 35 gallons of ixitablou water are calrrie'd<br />

aboard for the 4 to 8 man crew.<br />

A P .A %'A<br />

doAu-Mv vu~i-it to vibusa dleu hi% -bI~K Navigation Is p'rimitive by westurn standards<br />

thO , euulot:k n tuuho tlv-jt i. ,n-~ v1l itý ton to gvneration. Thu fisherman cantle expected<br />

di b;un OttI1& %n/th Is tlit h'oac tre hdn . NhU kinh-<br />

A A' / %<br />

.<br />

nIuII llhan-tiiiii, hA lev %a do1# t`1113C. C(n nldtc¾<br />

to be an able sailor who has been) at aa rcom an<br />

age 0& about 15 years or Younger. Ile is well<br />

gaao, :.Ing nhilng o~ 1i)h;ii~ tronl V6ý<br />

T ~~h-& h-cvN cA hy thd3nig it-bi: n3~ ngrifil<br />

Irliforried fromt personal observation on the currents,<br />

rides, winds and sudden hazards to be<br />

III 'W&1~ &Nl trd~tng l~i his t ri. B'lnh-thed~ng hy<br />

klitnlil di aya itti MLUAIut- L4n lt',tla' ndt co (I<br />

encountered in his area of normnal operation. tits<br />

eidyde ducvtion Ie probably limited to about 2 years for-<br />

Chuaan (jc--ht):tuy<br />

(JenhL~cAI<br />

nhi~N lit c~ng cot chut-drinh<br />

A %<br />

ye `'ý: ..atii' dinih-litfi/g nh'd1 thU~c mt Vali<br />

ma I schooling. He would not normally pruceed out<br />

of sight of land, where familiar landmarks are<br />

Itn8' A acu ~a ~g*t ena-lt Thi'y- available, but would possess some direction finding<br />

A11re<br />

dnu Iren<br />

an mrcnt ng<br />

IriU ungh'L ca htf' L-ct.c<br />

ddtlk)-Ct.114WIIan oidelIILkv -thuA~ng<br />

aIcl -.<br />

- his knowledge of a few of the<br />

brighter s~airN and constellations. The )link crew<br />

will be clothed in black or white comcaie type,<br />

loose fitling pickets and trousers (it shorts,<br />

u.'iualiy in need of mending.<br />

A lJ[i<br />

KiN<br />


KiN<br />


CtIiu 11t11<br />

1 ddckic ti&~ LI.n 1141~t 11Ua -I'<br />

hiytii~ rwg ~c1g kuingh p\<br />

III&f an~i xac<br />

- ao (a<br />

Vo- i I )Jicld 'ov rii ~Ia ml I x~I rubIe c-hai -<br />

bt)Uful inide dieIL cabin or out on du~ck ,it if<br />

!.,~jii kht lr~ t ,$t ýir thuý wcalirhu is faijr.<br />

KiN<br />


'KIN'I<br />


A I'<br />

en *ien.insa12ic -dcdm ttu e I ugq.iWt na:dth gl e isigt~nq e<br />

11in -i Mat ildn rAn - ,2 lln ~ eh eie ,-jic a h I udbo e<br />

1. 2 1%,.. VA CInS<br />

diquh-dIa , i vong riyn * dctJ ing 3 y a' t rd I P ihyui dnh gill tc annaout2 gt fih ehnqet tilie When fisett/ing he<br />

tnanM1 ci'. hal8A It~l d'an dd&n Cot V-, 27 plten, Vh(' tiiiahit makes awligtied ctrlv paytingoun buenyed an<br />

Idd~i cdng bu'bi ct'~, pild( k'o Ir c'%n bani kh& g<br />

ruinthe n top (it junkb' Th ~roi. nsof n et . ared the nt<br />

trw.'. l~idIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I~ ~ hyn ~ ip~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ :C~u s.eiid an h;the net winh thecac isnanurafihly<br />

BinJ (! ILhhng .1U() thuyc"' m kh' xu ' nig - ' rhc haule ab ard. :W arslug ~ pl<br />

U. I thuy 1 n h1 n nhui(? Ai rianlIIM han tu. ddt t -i ng ~ l 111h. down cu !rui ial in.wvnbi-<br />

I,;q tlingl 6. doi' i s8 vi 6-1 . Ti dl uyc h i hn'nga n1_ N rml s boat.T digy h is wprnil~tl ium- fasr fleeti<br />

quatt111c n~t vng rung c.( thulend. vai thd VI fit0 Y 1 ddmtrada"t2felde.<br />

Iblil datii<br />

We etn<br />

on<br />

r o ehita l md ih adrtr<br />

A I ~udtk hve, ~tVa) a et i naksa are ir:i, ayI igoNth an<br />

ltfti ikk~ ~ lu~ agly eun otejn.Teed ab n'<br />

fientaete<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CNI)ETA Ltn

iii<br />

it,<br />

tha'ng tadi% dddng Ich, v" dem b~n ~Iclu ud<br />

phtift~ ho~c cho cdkc lfi'g lim nifft mini. HUN<br />

mnas ca, thuy~h ad thed4no di r? tom. Thinh -<br />

t~wing t1LayN cnig mang theo mutt c4ca dLfjp-c4<br />

4~ ddQ Wh tnii-li~u chuyAt di Be k& dhi qua'<br />

A A<br />

m19t ns. aia biO'n-ph4'p d~c-abt~ ddoc ujda~ng<br />

de &17 c, 'V upa hilvi-phip nly,ctrng bi LZ!<br />

q eu~ ca Lit, 4Wc: t (nh dem ban d9 lam addc<br />

the following noun.. with. six to eight hours being<br />

spent in the actual fishing operation. The catch is<br />

largely scud during the main (tithing seuson from<br />

April to August andI is sold at the local fish market<br />

or to a manufacturer of fish oil (nuctc mum). In<br />

the off season, tbe junk may be found trawling for'-<br />

shrimp. Coarse- salt Is 6ccatfionally carried to<br />

preserve the catch, when It its aiatio.Apatd that the<br />

mum. fishing trip will lunt longer than oant day. This in<br />

%lA R the only way of prcsprving thtw catch and even this<br />

NGUON-GOC VA LC-U bLCP 1 Uot "vii j~If itw fthc ( ~ 1 to "! for' ?uoc<br />

Nadfi ta hIý lo 106u-mu can -b~n lootLhye<br />

NTDC4 'li-ttii Ngh-A (ic-Vý& 10 ORIGIN AND HISTORY<br />

Nam g91 loiji thuyon nay In "gli nov . ruy da cil<br />

t~fI~u, wingh'i h-dn~gctdn-b~iiuo I huj~i fuly 44n<br />

mein; thaY-yl -41 rug tr( W c a ~uthe-hf^ U;L~i<br />

ch~~~ilv<br />

h1d-l.V~ em thnt NTRC-I vil-t Nuin<br />

trong m'fy Cv~l VvIa qua Woe~ co 1 nhit Wihif nguy~N<br />

cho my"t loai thoyen m~ii trung viling nlly.<br />

The bash: dent .gr of kthe 14"MC-l Ih bclivvcd<br />

to havtu origwiatcd In Nght. An Province of Nurthi<br />

Vlpioy~!ii Tia' Suithi ViettnanluaL vail this class<br />

craft a "C~hu Nov", meaning "Hunting junk".<br />

Althouloi It Ia very old, the basW design has nout<br />

changed within the memory of thv preucnt gunura-.<br />

Sa ' A A ton fihreIt18Ixlxi' c that the introduction<br />

u haho v-hctry~n-chien gil Llin,<br />

A~l Vi4kt-M111, vii plign doll Vij~t-Nani It vi-tuyea<br />

17, ~noiungtphl A~n-l~ i gtz-dlnhi d; di-ctl<br />

di H14Trnh vi~a Nam b6ng'mot stietlhu;'O 1TBC-,i<br />

of this type Into South <strong>Vietnam</strong> in recentycr<br />

cunstltuws a new type of junk for this area.<br />

,!n IM 120 chive. Vi~c di-cd niy dfdu thadu-(d~<br />

bdiy mau'n tr&i khuli nuit khi~ng-bi' chnh-trl v~a<br />

After thu truaty that unded thu war between<br />

the JFzench and the Viet Mmin and the pairtitioning<br />

8~-ido cht C~ngS9;n. 'Theo b~io-io 11(11 tiaing<br />

6tilrn <strong>1962</strong>, so'tbuyA 12D)chiec tren~daddtphftnof<br />

VietUnam at the 17th partallel. many Catholic<br />

fishermnen amid their fumilies migrated In about<br />

phlt Culd u - 3 NUn:6UNi-rn:30j han- 120i N1IC~ I's fromi Hai rinh in thu tiorth to Soiith<br />

Wthi: 30). Ch~i co' tin-tac nuo cho hie hing-sn'<br />

thuyeLn NTB(1>I hI,4A thing asl-dM~ t#1 Hgc-.Vi4,t.<br />

<strong>Vietnam</strong>. This migration was pro)mpted, liy thu.<br />

dustru to escape Comniunistpo~litkictnndrv~ligiouua<br />

poi~svmouetionu. In June lgo2, thu origlinal 120 junka<br />

were reported to I* diatrlbtmted ag fullowsi.<br />

Wa Nanig - 60J; Nhu Trung - 31); P'han TleIt. - 30.<br />

No Information Is available as to the total number<br />

cur rently In use'In North <strong>Vietnam</strong>.<br />


K. N

KiN<br />


-I~ ar -a<br />

Ilnh<br />

/i<br />


KIN K .<br />


All-89<br />

or<br />

KIN<br />



All-90<br />

KI<br />


:C0NFiDE-NTiI.<br />

.. KIN...<br />

6-. ~1 ' PRAC-t 19W99<br />


cl 1219 CM. LENGTH 4OFT<br />

CitJ NWANG 3 35CM BEAM 11IFT<br />

ARF<br />

TAM NA, RAF<br />

A<br />

KHONG CO HýNG 42 7CM EMPTY 14 FT<br />

CIS H)ýNG 82 3CM LOADED 9.1 FT<br />



CO HANG 45 7CM LOADED 1,5FT<br />


OONG Cci<br />

*\2<br />

ENGINE<br />


,07 MA LL~fG 20 2<br />


DOAN ViE'N (REW 7<br />

A fI- 91<br />

:4<br />

KIN<br />

FT<br />


KIN<br />


PRAC-I<br />


P"RA C~wig J dVYn nhu m~t uihuy~n iniay. PRAC-1 is normally used aa a powe~r txoat,<br />

tt iuman chitili th( thuy~rn m'y lii myt 19al<br />

tihuyatt bu&m vi ,choy i~t -A voi n4t con bu~m.<br />

hiowever. she~ Is primarily a saling junk in deallg<br />

anaprnl efrswell under sail. For thlo<br />

Vi ah-ung Iý1 do d Lrtn. FRAU- I Gdc xap vtn .1yai re~ason PRAC-.l has be~en claosifled an auxiliary~<br />

P han Rang, t4 hon m~ttinL mm huyen thutc<br />

lyal -nAy. 0~ ngunn I& Oki lvai, huy-0n nlhy thli<br />

,. More tiwvit 100 of this type werer observed In<br />

the.Phan Hang[ area. Alfthugn thu origin of the<br />

khfng dJtto ro, c~ng nhu tr~idnk h~3p nhung thuyun<br />

the l~n hay dil dtde sal d~l. ruy nimlh pIn ildn<br />

type is vagu6., as la'the casu with many of th"<br />

traditional 'op r ndiflcd-traiditional busts, =al<br />

nhilng bdu cilo din phdil'ng Lho rfing ki4'u huyth n~y local reports inicetat thiti de'sign is native to<br />

xult xii N Phan Rang hay iýt mhijt eung 1Aisi mt lyial<br />

thuy~N vc dril Phin Rang hhng lrno n~fm qUaL.<br />

Phan Rlitng, nr at least has be~en a Phant Rung type<br />

for many years.<br />

PRAt2- I on li m4r thi'di kdhac 6Il nhun mounh PRAC--I provides still another exampleof tb*-<br />

VV si$ gill Ong dan dilli L-'I'I Uck !h&~ 011oo'n olav kill gIiie-kH1iiAv increasing emphasis on POWeTr IXuti us8<br />

di rti QuAn$ trl v -t ph~'i Nami. Phan Rang n~imm vaio oFI mOves South ieomn Qýuing hri. Phan Rang.<br />

kh'.n l a v f! ik7 tu!~ 1"Y6 " v5m ranh gi'0 Cath Mien c4i lying about mid-way between the 17th parallel and<br />

I hclXU6ng 'bat nhi kIn' (half and half) ]i m~t<br />

tho thuven uuiven ho'i c~it thii thuyen tiq pliu'ng kliac<br />

Va t Phan Ra)ng cc, nhieu thuoy(n btl'1mu thitioug l011<br />

the Cambodian Bolder, has largv ntinbers of<br />

"half and ha~lf" c.'aft which are more po~wers bout<br />

thant ioxiliary, yet more snilboat than motor sailer. I<br />

thu yell hauoln niay.<br />

TMe PRAC- I e~ngine will probably be a Danish<br />

Nl v PRAC-1 .Aý ýi :ý~ Ai.,, Ilukh. 2 cylinder, 20 hlorSCpowc-r diesel. Fuel<br />

d~vilt o h~uDANISiHIC llt) 2 n11ýV ,i0 c'unpur wam repo~rted tobv about 3 quarts iwr<br />

11151 It,. Wtic N&~ maiy i~iv t ii~u thu .3 qua is t da u hilar. With thiu usual 21 qua rt. tank, this bouat coulId<br />

KiN<br />


m. KIN w..K<br />


*ChiYu<br />

v~n m~ulgAl nhtf v~y vdil ra~t thong m~ngtivii seldn'r<br />

dytdc 21 qjuartsi th'1 thuyn ýnuy i'v th'4chgy<br />

Cru I m t fIT'PW~ut 7 huutro, Ilwt-vur, us pointed out<br />

often In thlo Niolt, niumerical cstimateR'by 1ehvr -<br />

dqL:trng7 ifToly nhl-i Phi (0dd .) 1 e vary widely and ashouid'be accepti.4 with<br />

troilgeliln iodch nby thl nblnng conw 4iv Id~ng<br />

cua dhin cdi~ thay add th~hdng %~uy~n v4i .chi d~l<br />

uflngnh4n v6i oiA dkb d4t. NIP n~ii. t!t huim nv~n<br />

avT4if thivii th~ii iihIt!n 1Iu Ar(ng cut: Many, (IVJ iTTU<br />

Cum I Ion. For exampic, itwotildbtgaxi mpie mntteir<br />

to curry adiitlurial fuel In lukitv vnnti if tlw oa<br />

h aeet IIn on in ~,vxtedcd crulne,<br />

fitu dcl;n thu d4f d XuL.<br />

N--jh l %ii3ing ui '? n t~iiii KhotI,. ig thuv' ii, cv tOnit .1 iqu r cai n buIi lt W tpv( It f . l g'is cabHO in Is y lid V<br />

~it itd~lig t1l cli da' nlikigMI01.11111 (IV isqure VCuI'V 11lýj~ UWIg, butc its pr1im ariy ISus<br />

klit ''i my. i~s to Iuwse I hu enlgifc.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


$7<br />

14 V ~ a<br />

[all1111 su bnh nvn Ii. vi mn hu<br />

i'ti 0vi shipat congbi c6<br />

graeftl lneswith apleasant slive~r risingm<br />

u Tite hull md thivri Tuhe unusual i-udde<br />

khiicthng.<br />

batih 1.1co ~<br />

04 lit mrt sf ph~i h~i uah nin s&iu<br />

' 1 )IIXing dfl~ bdi ch'uo vii cdc<br />

arrangemeunt res-jlts from au conlbinaicamif the<br />

slotted sturn for thu ruddvi: Ixost, and iiie famiuliur<br />

HI~ uchtAý hinh 136n nguyi~t thag th~didg. PRAC- icrcStCVIt 1*;lmpcd .idi PRA(>I ujuhuzus the<br />

klm na a. Lminll 1-4 t: dvct !om vu.%ýg 13? M. i-liiiLvd stug i nps to cat tv a woiden iileibuh Whichi<br />

llik~t gh6u C i3' tile t len luldt xuuong trong 0, shlidts uil aund doiwn in thue ihI. This wotidun mII21-<br />

(MCrU,41 Xt]011 r.iv. v~i d~iic gitt chýE bang mitit cali bor is secured at variflhi5 J5IN~itit by a up m kid<br />

171,111 gOi u lh'iý dthibc ihp vhn nhiflng It-it Xh i l OS(IL I C. ht 1UUJI.Ir neuuii i: i Ii<br />

KI N<br />


KIN<br />

5 ~CONFID~NTJAL_<br />

nh~ng, bdi chkto cng 4Wdc g5n trun dd. Sj uAp 44t crt'scvrlt shaped rudder to be ramcd it necessary<br />

&<br />

klidc th~dng nhy Lbra cho ode bdi chboc<br />

a~go#cao I~n tty thwl tbo 0 muo'n e<br />

~vdng mttk ego trong hi dd van 10 ift<br />

cue WiL cheo hish ban aguyo.<br />

c6 thd'dijdc<br />

ch~y trung<br />

Wdc itcn~nh<br />

for ulw-raton In ohallow water, while still retain-<br />

in .the greater, tNrelgtin of thv ruddvr,<br />

-4;.. _1W<br />

...<br />

-<br />

L .. 0%&__<br />

NgUI~ ui cd cJim tt~dng r~iig cdc hdi ch?-'o My Rudders seem~ to give local fishernien cundS<br />

gly n~en nOita si khd khdn cho nhfl'ng tt~n chbi siderable trouble since in many cases the rudder<br />

di pddg.C1u ~a rt ~hiL~u vitrngnI& must give good lateral contrul at very slow speeds<br />

triYdng hi,,p bdi chi~o phAi didng Mddi'C khte" ý phi(a in calin water, yet still be seaworthy and sturdy<br />

b Pn trong vbng ndde kho~ng c6 sdng Avcoi I d' r4t enough to wiihstand continuedi operation at sea,<br />

ch~rm. Tuy ahie~o, bdi chtxo Phil dd khu' dOchlu Finally, lateral pressures on the rudder must be<br />

d~inS nh~ng asl h~is. l~ njeai biun ce. controllable by a helmisman using a tiller of con-<br />

Sau hei, moz ng~tdi ch&o thuien p 1 li o~d thefei'u siderable length In the case of the larger boats.<br />

khien dddc dp liqr tr~N ek b~il chk a phi's bcn The compromise rudder of PRAC-l UapPCarS 1i beC<br />

bang cich %I dung b~ith 141 dui d~i cho chc thuyen one molution to this problem.<br />

O~n hdn. Wh~ng Nil vhihn lie~n h^~ chi PRAC-l dt<br />

gl~i quyC~t Gi/de v~n de n~y.<br />

KiN<br />


CONFIDENTiAL .j.<br />

'TINS<br />

II t<br />

Mtddx1i b t~nzygn i~ng 8 Incuo ~ A rub strkake about 8 inches whid: runs from j<br />

0h9y di "151 thuy-Pn At~thnh I(II cons hdn (4~ mqn bow to atern, with more sharply accentuated sheter<br />

thuyen. Thuyen, th~dns Cd hat neo, c~t vao, c~i than the gunwale. Thereo are usually 5* thbwarts<br />

'N~ga' hay nul'y UtIJ nuu' ci ihumt iro bay odn nl'au. extending outboard of thie planking on cach aide..<br />

Two anchors are: usually carried, Waalwd to. the -<br />

Na or "anchor tuniblWr which is itself often<br />

dtworated with curvinS urjlutint.<br />

W I<br />

Annam dqcic ch~jni noi li~n tr~n MIi thuy(ýN Y'a co' first Lzdrved In rcliuf into the bow, the~n paintud.I<br />

KINI<br />


'VKl<br />

-CON M EN 1 IIe<br />

IM I ~ hi jM I 1<br />

Bm m9t gal1 buom bigc.Kikhda Ile sasl io a lugger, When not nuc18<br />

vxa ngdw~kc Cu6-h V10 c~t bu~m nkiS Chodi khi cINe furled by rolling the. boom until die roll is lonug<br />

cian su~i t chit via trc ba~m s Ida. saud &v' agairtakihbyard. then the, forwadedh eue<br />

O I* dC Ct Cqt M ng a.ul thuiaq. JCY dut kwa tu thtp otum. TVia tc1:saquie to ahao usod to -<br />

nly A!dc ~ift dy 6rCUfl[Y mdp buft V1 86 11 rnyt rftf the sail, since it 19 an eaay matter to case the<br />

1h008 Ppbd ~ng uihogt 46 0 v'a ha bu~m halyard and. take a few turn@ In the boom. JtI<br />

dl din vh IA'cuiov~ vM na vlo c~t bullm. Wit, iattrutL4 to note that toiler rcefling is a rolaulveiy<br />

viah ng cdcb cu~n bu~m lh m~t di~u m0A 61dc I'' now introduction towestern saillngboats, while Its<br />

(1a114cho cbc thuy~n bullm cgs Tty Fh~dng, troni use here is as old as Iwedevigr of ihe bo'at,<br />

e dA, Ccitol on, 11 v~t, phldnig phdpo<br />

idie niitlchfinh kiu tie@j3'.<br />

Gi~y didng de ko vi hj bu'tm 11 1901 gigy<br />

bhUIdni 45 -qua M~t 1 WDF lji~nh dVdc dbng Ihm cdl<br />

rdi- rd'ch. h dku cot hu~m. Thiddn# cdhat g~gy<br />

ULuing Luh~ng cQt bu~rndJdc buacvAo nh~ng cAi<br />

The haliyard hsaconvon.1nuiua, pasting through<br />

a puliahed hole aervingatai mheavc in theumasthead.<br />

There ar'e normally two wire shrouda, fastened to<br />

Wvuden deadecya which urv N4,vurcd to.the sides<br />

khatn (deade) bang gR gift cht 4ao hal. @'qnh w"~ liao.<br />

tha yNl b~e Ing T1 ig<br />

Vt?thuve~n pbsn kdn thddln, dqdc l'ni bang g ~ Hulls are most commonly built of sau), a<br />

kavl, m;;L h,.Ui SU- cha-C X'~ 11, u v~d v~s Cle yidluwo-bf'wn hairdwuud. Pastening8 are usually<br />

khu.ig ah67 d~jdc dfit xen Ian vdi cdc khutig kIn cla'ch wooden pegs. Partial franies are alternated with<br />

X11 n1had ch'ung hat b& Anh (feet). full frirames spiced about two feet wit], the partiels<br />

In butwecri.<br />



WIN<br />



-Vjt Iliu d&ng de du thuylen nhiy lam agn Cflulklitqqmntterial is shredded biimbioo mixied<br />

ohft~ minh t~r v Yn tr~n Ifn vdi uhda thang ta chg. with prepared realn, A beavy black paint Is used'<br />

Mq~t tO~ adn den (9c 4d(dc d'ung- cho O~ng v?ý ddy -in<br />

thuy'n.<br />

the blipgs and on the bottom.<br />

A<br />

C~ivit dl~dc che bang m$t m i~ag elt not<br />

d1 cde song thuy~'a. 4ily h~y ph~l quay bang<br />

'The screw to protected by On Iron akeg. The<br />

engine in started by hand crank. E~ngincoutrols<br />

are on th20 engine and aro opern:CIJ by a crewman<br />

4. av. Nh'anF i~u nhn kiAnisa &4c<br />

rnuy V~a - euu k6d bat tnt nb~n vtt~<br />

nay ,<br />

theo .khau<br />

on verbal command from the helmsman.<br />

lobbcCos ngfftl 191 thuyeln.<br />

Ca cbn %agte t 01u dping cy c~n b~n,<br />

Afwcvocu ti.na viiisy b'M ý.ai:VWd<br />

ever, repa tra are nor mally never attempted at Be&.<br />

ln case of power failure the bea1t to LiLd opr<br />

v1 rth~dný th~idng khtng bao SRIuh t4dinh osa clta.<br />

Sbl~n. Trong tr~Mg b~p mdy hang tiil ph~i dang<br />

or worked In under sw .eeps,<br />

'bulgm hay cly chd'o d~l ES'dent thuy-snV1 b2n. The majority of'thase bouts weru reportedly<br />

built in-NinhThuanProviuczviA normal uuoutruu'-<br />

PhAnI A ci4 thuy 'n n~y dldc Amii tlnh Ninh<br />

Tbu11. Thbii glen Ihrn mot cdl t'huyuh l~u ch~tng<br />

hill thdng Y1i g(a chlung 900$ c^Vng vdi miy g(a chling<br />

700S.,<br />

tion period Is two mdnthu with acu t of abiut $900<br />

for the bunt, plum about $700 for the engine.<br />


M~t s9j tddng quan gi~a cfd'c. bdo Ado Atu~ An A concensusi of reports iruin fishermen io<br />

ebhui cho bigt rging MRAC-1 rat (t kiti dI/L4 xtdijng<br />

Snealr khdi qu 10 hey 12 arn. Tay ,nhicu, di~u<br />

that PRAC-i is rai vly ope-eatvd mlure than 10 to 12<br />

ailles to sua.. 1-lwcvur, this i sonit~what. difficult<br />

nAy khd mb tin dildc v1 vJ tliuyIN rt'i cOng vui h'tnb to accept since the hill is sturdy, of good shape<br />

ddng rf't th(ch hop de'chqy ngbai khal vA QJ the' for opon sua work, and could easily carr'y enough<br />

chr~a du nhhln liq~u dechgy xa kh~l R1 biCei, Toy fuel for extend coastal aruising. While crews know<br />

cd'c din chli chi c6 m~t chdt hay kh~Ng cc( ni little or' nothiing of naivigatirm, and rare'ly bother to<br />

cbidt kinJh nghitin n~o 4' ngh7Phhng hZ I vh i~t ft learn any rules of tile road, such shortcomings<br />

khi chlu hqc h~l thtm vP 1u4't hyIng hAl, nh~rig have little effect on other similar boats when their<br />

nh~ng khuyet 4iern naly caa h9 6~ kh~ng g~y itdc skippers choose to make long trips. Thus, one<br />

nhieu Inti hing d6#i vdi 19.1 thuye'n kiidc tdfdng tlj might look on MRAC-1 as being readily adaptable<br />

kiti cac thi)yen tr~dng quytt dinh thqc hi4qn nhgng to purpuses other than local fishing Inavery small<br />

chuyen di xa hdn. V1 vay ngedi ta cil tht hInh area.<br />

dung ring PR.AC-lI r~rt as s~ng de' x&~ diyng cho<br />

nhlng muc dA'ch khdc hdn Iýit ddsnh ca' In- din<br />

phdldng trang mr~t khu vt~c nhA ha'.<br />

CIAC<br />

-<br />



Thuyen nity th~dng di dadnh cd rnit m~nh k&o This bout normally fishes independently,<br />

thev my't cai httdi ddc .21c'u kffll. bang tay. LUng towing a purse nLe. vhich is handled manually.<br />

ti'c &;'n ca' th~fdngdId&- th4c hienbau ngliy, toy vq'y<br />

A' ',, .A' I '<br />

neii co nhicu cO cnung ta se- thy cac t~huyen nay<br />

Fishing is usually done during daylight hours. If<br />

h.fslrc I lI L<br />

thfihr irnningwelli may alsoubeseen workhoat<br />

dong ve eem n'ua. ing at night.<br />

A 11-98<br />

KIN<br />


Rf1<br />

K(<br />


KIN<br />


KIN<br />


IKIN<br />

Its.<br />

Irv IR<br />

All- 100<br />

'm/ lo<br />

.<br />


KIN.<br />


A \<br />

,<br />

4<br />

-" ,°-<br />

'..N ' . k " ! ! . I<br />

' 'F<br />

I I\<br />





CO HANG 51 8CM LOADED 1 7 FT<br />



CO HANG 11258 B cM LOADED 7FT<br />


DOAN VIEN 8 CREW 8<br />

KIN<br />

8F<br />


KIN r<br />


v,<br />

QUBH'-<br />

OM C.fdNG ENERA<br />

ntli^: l tU41I Q l~jQl HHA 11 loa h Q(~l- Iis irc-ralicdj~k w ic<br />

LI5qih1l h'gb o 'ý twy co a1 ay a eyi '~ q iiclWlia n ie<br />

T l% rV'1 ht~r ~ttlti't!n ' ýj of ho miýt n ol utmp ovv ec ed mdha i c bi tf ov n "II<br />

klongtuy~'b~gir<br />

1c~n (1w- n ~ ooalui~ffx lo wih ~~dsr mrt1r-<br />

(giii8")<br />

~l u hay pha ti S-1V'. I 'ý2' ~l b'on ma t ~tan frll oli-11 l g nw le.Th reaI<br />

11ticl huycn Q . eIll ýLRl- mli I<br />

di" .tlhim kwgbog~I (-dluiy<br />

thv& i m~ LIH iiii igQ<br />

.i 1 CoN) a 1,11, 1'<br />

11 ml;z rvyos rldi11tv<br />

ruii-oithi thcunwilc oni wiith<br />

d y horg stunkwlu<br />

Se war-ie. ~<br />

kfl tingl, ma thuy unb~i hr, c lwn ~la ch"Im ig ~ t~' AnDi litr, pi~irtiul No l ieel ng W li glaN altend cutromthe nori<br />

I3 ' A A j<br />

,-I fi) I I nh.n~ uidg I"t thZ<br />

iJ du ih<br />

h~ng 1.1i al 11.~dt h<br />

C~nt<br />

' d'1 v I rll z d till ic<br />

hrlil-<br />

o ~nui<br />

( s 'lcd molii L 3jI cnehtn<br />

111) Q(BI e JUT 1<br />

rwn cone ~''itto, h'lnh (.?11311 I zi Ih~gt ft ccbvie d givesi hic a dimi-<br />


V KIN<br />


*1 j<br />


ThAl QUq~i1 I dd~c doln4 tai QUfl NHUN. QUBH-l junks ar b)uiIL in Qui Win, B~inh~<br />

rlnh BINI! OlNif, viii ch( chdng I Lb.80OU$ Dinhi Province, at ai cost ut aipproinuztely$1, boo.<br />

vj Lh'i c _I~n hai d..ang. thivc l\i- ta.king abrnut .1wo mimh_~ Hull.; art: madc of a<br />

Llbig Inai gii n~nhg. rain va rnuAu xani, t:afn'h bu61i heavy grtiy colored ha~rdwood, the sails a~re of<br />

A'<br />

ch 'p V' sdi ga.i Dy'y cung luoril bang s.)t pi. ging is it mixture if hemp mnd wi i. Runnintg rig -<br />

ging is of hemp.<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />


va<br />

'AS<br />

*13<br />

ta ingmol ", %'. (,II q dit. thvillrurdlrI iii~ Y uunuuI nt<br />

hu IIII a ~ h diih I.I~ Chuatu 0b1 it isl~<br />

A ^1 X. ' 'An CAt*<br />

dlil)-i cny Nwiti timi~ cinjiltIhi l,' 4?t h~uol vlitnufu dti<br />

Z ' v . A. A 'A'A`<br />

gill Chit: NaaI Isip itial I nhyu cotIII hitn mul thulune<br />

A A * kb<br />

giI tili.!J i ll 1111i I iLst 4L. XUI 111niiIttie Uccl<br />

mati ~ dtI ~ ~ rt ' ~ (Iftitia A 1 11' ' nalt i hng<br />

AA<br />

tou ivac ogunwalv;til flh~rumm<br />

e~ach to gunwale unit' ; fretauyt Iii<br />

ln il id oety<br />

nut skaycd.<br />

by Lline shrud to I<br />

byhe mi11 loiadLi<br />

h IiIulli t<br />

1<br />

choW~i~No onut-foullng rniaturl at Is used tin the hull<br />

1<br />

7<br />

Midi<br />

'A A<br />

fllatvun liilav kl'h'nl dbaung tvfs 1it gi at CloV7)<br />

',* ^e A ') <br />

bj ha(is i) 111%i CTIan l'h:!it Itoh luiýi I I it<br />

tu requiring frequent aialittunance. Foir this<br />

work the junk I-, beached to high miter and the<br />

MuiI'l to Ix-) thliv~ul dildc krUo v&1~Ib tkii ntlltu t.a. V~a bo.ttom sc-ralud. Sincv the hullI is not protected<br />

- d\ d,,c ci~'aIt. Vi vo nhynkhotig dtlitiz gui from Nlodv&-irins, bivalves, tir other marine Ilife<br />

ý-hw kill's ii1ii J* iiYJ tca conli Ili.),> cac canhl ji kh;,c the 1kimtoi planking nwi t lie runcwed at appflxi -<br />

s 11411t Idill hit 1' telln V.In (ay thlucun plot itm Tha aq%1 iiteiitv four ycair iiiturviibi.i<br />

A 'A 'fli The nt-sts arc repi;iuvd;k Ixaul nvvry five<br />

Cirs and thu sdils aLL: i'uicwLd yearly. All ruin<br />

cac ~ AAA hjv1 cluin I~itl1IIy1 '111i<br />

-Llta jialt buizili (uf It I ha hatugg~u Ccl~ dv<br />

- ,/ n ' ' .. CA 'Ag<br />

cdot: hunt (1tl<br />

va<br />

rn iing is renewed at ileast onte it yeatr<br />

g<br />

1 -YIha:',ikf Iuth ir tht out nato uiiyt sfIa.<br />

Kila IbII q- ~ cii uoit bIii~h hi m ti' hi :jachb'lil hL~n<br />

Damiage to thusil.s11, incis'rid while thi: junk is at<br />

SIt. ritpa u&'d by patching w~iti %%ItVcz Cii1:iiltlhi<br />

lilt' hooht d130c .a 1.11 hbog l da I.Iii1 a. Sd III bi paint Ivaf. Mauttiten I.,r cost's for a QLUfll-11 run<br />

mot uhily an QUHH-1 hang n~inu phit incidng 23.4.. aibout $32o1 tics V'_Jr.<br />

KiN<br />


A<br />

a<br />

ýKIN<br />



"-A N A A<br />

Thuyen QUBH-I hoan tooth laI ,nt thuytn ch&t QUH-IH. I. used exclusively as a cargohang,<br />

Hal tha'ng mq lan thuyen nay c hk ong wU currier. She makes bi-monthly hauls ;rom Qul<br />

QUI NHON ra .DA NANG, m4t I. trlnh 185 dPm<br />

"(m(chng 300 ca), mat Lj 'ngay. H1Ang ch& dd'c 20<br />

an thn % onu, 6io ni/ u dy sma dnfa<br />

ta hifng c n " *~ ms, d ~<br />

' . A 'A A<br />

va ddfu tral. Chuneti ye thuyi~n khong ch<br />

Nhan to Da Nang, a dlasUnce of 185 miles, taking<br />

three days. Her 20 ton cargo normally consists<br />

of sult. nuuc momn(fish sauce), coconut fiber line,<br />

3 h~ng g ard coconuts. The return trip is made in ballast,<br />

S cJ ngoILi do v, gi.lho dAM thuyvn.<br />

<strong>Junk</strong>s of this class have been known to make<br />

4hdijc he t Cal u131 lh 'A n loot nCyI thaitng chqy voyages to Cambodia sailing down the coast to the<br />

d~c the tký bi xuong ca L sng C-Iu-long, rAh mouth of the Mekong, then up that great river to<br />

,yAV ngudcgttJ song ruv len ranh giI VN va' the ,ambodta-<strong>Vietnam</strong> border. The, while<br />

Cam-B8t. V vay tuy kbu vdc hout dg lh1ng<br />

Lng A thu Tr hn VN.<br />

nhu'g nh~d| avng n K) dylx ni cth'oi trunn g<br />

ap n<br />

QUBH-I's mostcommon operating area lsthe centrul<br />

nGastal region of South <strong>Vietnam</strong>, she may<br />

also be en'.ountered along the entire coastline of<br />

bien Nam phl;n va &tren song Chfu Long n0a. South <strong>Vietnam</strong> and in te Mekong River.<br />

t ~A 11-,0<br />

e<br />

' !1<br />


KIN<br />


*a -IE f imA t r t .<br />

Vi thaivei khong .ll .~ dunig -u hill ha~nh. litwi It SIIi V i'II~I- ii imsti hwtninvots arc cvriiud<br />

khi cluiov rai klit I din liny thay dor hen~. t hilf'nil '1? f OW JLUii pLl ic.s bvy id lilt Aight or jt<br />

C'~ch býi tZ( 5. b I, .Mr (itreN cs.) V) I'd" :;Jc Vý5`1 1I'qhaiily' tit~ (11111 5 t i ( Ill uI L u f f-Sh s i r i'.ind<br />

hi i ll -Ii l ah~ n dili . 'I'Iuv~li ibting 111,1:1g 1t11c" 110 pdoiiiigti kniiwnI i'driai ks.- Sufiwiciir p]uivislonls<br />

tldc ;!1Lpj d-),g -. .vig ,ig y k' .'. . 1:1 -tls Ikgfu lic udim! 10".l g tiiilo id juiilldhlc WdIul I 1 L<br />

(111If) nhkiticlgot L ig hkh0;g c.t hig uwiiI~~ d . Whim 111! Iisaidud S1L. cdit-I Ics<br />

II~~~~ I.91hoc(LIIk<br />

tIIIIvk.Ic ht l ci i.L - mgli It, iig iig IIIii u d<br />

Imiat h Idd II thi' foilII Of nudI~ol dil it iI largebalskuts<br />

A A<br />

.* A ~QL 1111- Iis hic tirltn . ;IIN i c I.I.iiw k I. (i t,<br />

TVIuVcii .hii Il.',) li 0 ULf ll 11"1 111 !ll ' IS 50ii hiti i IIrL'tLNS'd IV<br />

KiN<br />


KIN<br />


/T<br />


oAý ti" h ki A)thuye~n Q rB~ c I QMl The de.sign1 of t-h QUlIB -I probably originated<br />

NIION. Kh~ng b~ci lt Ita lou thiuv'1ni~i v tldtk, dtng ilf<br />

hat) gI&d; tuy ni.ttll ~'tutytuhe du iI I.a~ Iu: i<br />

Wi QuI Nhur.. It o4not known when this type of<br />

.~ buimt htnwcvcr. thcrc~ has bcun nu<br />

theo nhtit r( nhil cla lby th'i khi(;g k0 -;I May (*') nlao<br />

M4 V~ V 111111 ki~it'll~ 111N.-Il l 2%\ cor<br />

"IgInigl~cut c-hange in dJIe design withiln the memory<br />

Of pII III -dJ;IN operatorl~lS. Heir local nqnic is<br />

"(JlL' Vaul ýI'r "Gle Buon- which means "caigo<br />

cdrrying junik".<br />

7<br />

KiN<br />



ILN ~3INH JOHAN TI Fut-<br />

~ L~NG .~.<br />

~2 ' PTC-I AIII-27<br />

DIN ITH" AIIIf-r9T<br />

VN#TAU I..-.,, b<br />

* . . . VTAC-2<br />

* OKIF VTAC-2 AIII-53 100-I<br />

VTAC-3 AIII-ST.<br />

* i3INH . VTMC- I 117 SOI}77X1<br />

VTBC- I AIIII-87<br />

BA XUYEN<br />

SEA<br />

BAN~ - 00 GHi NGU6N G6C CAC LOAi THUYtN<br />


KIN<br />


KIN<br />

PTBC- lb<br />

PT BC-Ia<br />

KIN<br />


-KIN<br />




I A<br />

Hav~nuy~P'I'BL.- ~ $ q i th~: uytyn A 7u<br />

~ The FMhC-l to a close of refugee junkwhh<br />

nJ6i dl. ud dang hqat#DS & VbngPhanthllff Thtd<br />

Hil tliuyen nay chi tiy & mn gNim a#9u nm 1954<br />

opevatioR in the Phan Thiet area, This type of<br />

junk was not often seen In the *south until after thu<br />

Wit chiki dAL hai mien Nam Bic,' co' nhie^u n % dt (Hi porititkning of Northi and South Viet Nam lo 1954<br />

cdI lHa Tinh, Quting B~nh qboy tron cong irr VAo when many refugees from Ha Tinh,'Quang Binth<br />

mien N am. Qi theo, hq c clt a' &l~6 chuyeN Province, fled to the south to escapC communist<br />

A / A %AA<br />

mon dung t iyn va ch~ng bao lau hJiZ thuyen Ioyii<br />

PTBC-I thsAv b~t &C'ia heuit &iNu bZ cdc na~1i di ed<br />

dPhnThe . Obigd ~ al Ihuyu TC-1<br />

domination. The refugees brought their own bWat<br />

bulidure with them and soon l1unkB of the ?rBC-1<br />

clasKwervopterating from the refugee curnmunitlea<br />

hqdut dy'ng S v'rng Phain Thl e trotig thang SaLI' Nrni in Phan Thiet. About Vot ?TC-clcass <strong>Junk</strong>s wr<br />

<strong>1962</strong>, 6purating In thv Phan Thict area in june <strong>1962</strong>.<br />

1/ A<br />

/ IN<br />


a7<br />

KIN<br />


)ZiAU mau cawn ban vua vac hal thuyen ?T'C-1 The basic design uf the PFC-l class jwiks<br />

dunhd nhau nhdig ct( the'pha6 biAt diki hot 1981 is 'thv uumc, but two distinctly difterent variationt:<br />

NIthdc mlhuutrunig phqm vi uto Uf~iyun n~ay. lisi.iqat can bcediiiiingutshed within the clas,. Thevautypes<br />

khd- ntunu nly pti iý P'VC-Ia v'a M~C-ib. CJ hat have ' .i duslgnated PtBC-Ij and VFBC-ib. Both<br />

i du c4% the mang ba cot bu'rni v', bta IS biim nhtfng type ý- -n curry three' masts and sails, u tw<br />

tJ~dinL~L~ ~d ncihcI'umgtav~ are Motit Commonly seen with only the Mainsill<br />

1d bubm tritdc ebiI Vqt bu r~l "lI ith') th~kn gkhb~n<br />

and foresail aet and -thv mizzen mit n tpe.<br />

atuntpr<br />

Gttde k&,I eAn, Mg~t mnI 'ng gt) rong trung tam de. A large wooden contorboard is located forward of<br />

gil 'h , Pi~ n 64& tIfrling hang It 3'phia rdc the mazinmast Which, like the ruddei, can be rained<br />

bM ' c hI IInhlong siw edi b I Ofti Cd th nv by hand In shallow Water.<br />

*- coo IeN 'aic b)ng tay kh I 'P ch0 4do vqn.<br />

A. 7<br />

'4l) 86It hat thuyth Lucac hatlIqal trLnr<br />

dltdc tniing bi bang dq<br />

A rew jtinkm rti lujib tyN p-a~ re moteua lzuti.<br />

2 ng cd. ('Ac EIYng cd n'ayv nh6<br />

v~t chl da6ni chto th ern tjedo. HInh the,~ VS<br />

The inotors are sninll ~ands'r~ve onaly as aiuxiliar-<br />

3<br />

enayc ' he thon Irna CU lya (a co gun dy~ng c-4<br />

vd yd khong & don aSg cat A1 / gif P tv~a chl<br />

tes. The configurtaion of thchaill und hL~ sail plain<br />

aire the 'same in both the nvotorizud and unrrotlr-<br />

Ized versions, and tinly ICIOSL' InSPUctiOn Will<br />

k~i IWO~ t11<br />

ai n ang, td.<br />

,a n &a"lt<br />

We ~<br />

'xLc 111i afi thav looal 'auo U~<br />

~ ~ hfn truinIM-:tdn bua 0 ot co<br />

reveal whether a pa rticuaaiir junk is motorizLd.<br />

MTCA1s usually, show a IterOf1LIn iarmp efter<br />

that) nlat aki., d'au la&. nhdng kIdlng iaiim<br />

A'<br />

co dun h~a; nighitfall, NuT running' lights aru nmIt dispilayudi.<br />

Cki atK hania tin hit~u hav<br />

*A A A . 1<br />

iy I II lac v~a clang khong m1unicaltions cuqaipanient and Jo ola obscrye any<br />

tu~an thvAi loiat Iv it' I I ih nýio . roles of the voand<br />

KiN<br />



11- COFDNIA<br />

..IA<br />




CI-IFU DAI K)06-1646 CM LENGTH 328-42.0 FT<br />

CHIEU NGANG 250'-375 OA. BEAM .8.2-12.6 FT<br />

TAM NLJdC<br />

MAN TAUl<br />

A<br />

DRAFT<br />

KHONG CO HANG 39.6-54.9 CM. EMPTY 1.25- 1.8 FT<br />

CO HANG 60.0-78.2 CM. LOADED 2.O-2.6FT<br />


KHONG CO HANG 60.0-782- CM EMPTY 2 -0-2 6 FT<br />

CO HANG 396-549 CM. LOADED 1.25-1.8FT<br />

CIL UCO A UM853.4 CM. MAST HEIGHT 28.0 FT<br />

DOAN VIEN 10 CREW 1<br />

A ]fl-5<br />

FEET<br />

KIN<br />


KIN 6 --.<br />

C 00 FN F-0E'o s L<br />

i''1<br />


'A ~iy pnhC~akid Lhyen PC-bSeveral<br />

ve~ nhi u d~'c t(nh. PTC co 0 mt cikhoarig<br />

featurcs of the M~fC- ]a distinguish<br />

it from the PTBC-lb. The PTC-ia has a cabin<br />

phiclrni 4gg hay Eubanirehlh s--nq." ainidships with a woodL-n or woven bamboo top<br />

tlioýat Itt~i XUOn~g hben, q thyen v' n" b A' which slopes down to the gunwH1us.<br />

nau bang than df ph(a sou man 1a.0I<br />

KIN<br />


* Ir<br />

KIN i<br />


.40.<br />

Ty' 111d" gila~~~eA ngang v-i lannlcnh t yCn 'Dvrtov th bem t)he( eordi ls,<br />


KIN<br />


.A/<br />

A7<br />


A'Liai P113-La hivn d'ang dtkic ddong Lt Phan PrOC-ia is currencily built at Phain rinvit<br />

Titdct, tilnh B'inh Thu~an. Th'ýJl gian kien t4o chling Binh Thuan Province. Construction tinit. isi about<br />

di? 4 rtii (ý ti-n A~ 'gia 1, 100 den 1, 400 Mj Kim. four te six weeks at a cost of $1, 100 to $1, 400. A<br />

MrrIgo rnan'u xi6mdt)dc dAng ltn gray colored hard wood is used for the hl l<br />

A - A 7 /<br />

Titca nhding giay gdcot bUoini /tLoagg<br />

tiwic --tanding rigging is made o)f wire anid nianila lint-<br />

LOX Cac giay kejo i-,uuoi laint 1uang glay id dda - Cut is used fur the running rigging;. The mainmiasi<br />

1/1/ W A / I~<br />

but *i chi'nh co hon giay thepgihc di tzY tr..n has four wirv shrouds running from masthead to<br />

A A ' A A' A 'A A<br />

dau Cyt boom xuong hat ben býtf man thu~yen. Cyt the gunwales. The foremast and mizzen aire not<br />

'- i\ /A _\ r,<br />

buomi mii v~a li kholig cot bang gilay. Cac giay gui stayed. The standing rigging is replaeLd about<br />

, A A 'A / / 1A 1.-<br />

-;,t Ia ~rI hi oom ba~ng, every two years and the woven coconut palnm leaf<br />

la' dda hay bang vai bqt~ dc giay keo bu'om ddd(c or canvas sails renewed as well as all running<br />

6,bat / g M~ 1A<br />

thay min haang mq an. rigging are replaced every three months.<br />

PTBC IaA A'<br />

FTBC-latinder con -trý.ction<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


Cau va'il V3 tlhuyer, cua PTBC-la dudc gan vdi The hull planking ut, pth i' W i. i. ,,,<br />

A<br />

nhau bang nhang mqng go.<br />

'A<br />

Than khung thuyen with wooden pegs. Fill framnes, alterrnated woth<br />

conn va. ca~c Phan.Knung Phu d~c gan lien vdi van partial frames, are secured to the hull platakiuig<br />

vo thuyVn 'ang nhdngdinh hinh vuong bang kerm va<br />

a mong bang go. Vo mhuyen sam bang mot hnp<br />

ac ' g. 'A "<br />

with square zinc nails and wooden pegs. The hull<br />

is caulked with a bamboo and resin conil)und.<br />

chat bang tre va nhda thong. Since charring the hull periodically is the only<br />

anti-fouling measure, the algae and other marin.<br />

Vi sti dot vo thuyen rtdng 6inh ky cho den chi<br />

1A 7 A<br />

Ia de tranh cho vo thuyen khoi bD. ha, nen hang<br />

/ A A<br />

growth must be scraped off every month, In dit,<br />

op,.ration the junk is hauled up unto the beach by<br />

1<br />

- I<br />

thang phli cyo sach cac reu bien hay cac lO0ii thao<br />

A '/ h'A 1<br />

moc khac ob ddi biLn barm vao vo thuyen. Khi lam<br />

manpower or a tractor and jacked up. The bottom<br />

is then scraped by bhnd and, once clean, again is<br />

cong vtec nay n\ditaphi dung sitc ngidd hay xe charred byfire as a safeguard against woodworms.<br />

con -e nay ri~tit phl Ang .I<br />

i A, a.= - , A' - 11A 1<br />

keo loi thuyen len bai va ctiong thuyen len. NtguV<br />

ta dang • tay . de cao " bung A' thuyen, / mot khi -/ da s4ch "-<br />

The junk's door-type wooden rudder is<br />

n^1di ta 1.7i hd den cot de ngtla cac con hi(moi)an operated by a tiller. Two to four anchors made<br />

go. of a dense hard wood are carried on separate<br />

manila lines each about 250 feet long.<br />

d d Banh A lai .1 AT bang ,"^ go hinh cIa / bin cu'a / h~i thuyen<br />

ddc , dieu ^. " khien "1. bang % mot A tay A , banh lair. A :_I / tU .- hat<br />

tdi bbn mo neD ban&. cay_ cung DBuC bang nnung<br />

^M \A a g<br />

. \A<br />

gi~ay thf 'rig s{i d6f m igay dA i ch(/ng 250 bi.) anh<br />

(chung 75m).<br />


PTBC-la chi d~ng v~ao viec da/nh ca va ih PTBC-la is used exclusively for fishing and<br />

mao hlem cdch Phan thiet qua 50 da'm anh. Khi rarely ventures more than about 50 miles from<br />

KIN<br />


KINM<br />


nlob)g~ Ion ~ hyt~han 'Pinagmntucn Thlet.' it is a stout, dry crft though whei)<br />

me kv'o cg~ ngnn 1 cJa Id bu,;qi cho xu~~I iiev chitu the wind Is on the beam, thle crew will rig a Hpar<br />

1d 0fi Al~i;o RQHY- ciwy dt~ da-u ck bIjNh A6 &4 to windward with ii line running from thle niaothead<br />

tha'ih ngang. fuAi m~t ';*M ithjy Q. aZ ppille a to Mhe outboard end ofth dw spr.; .Svvrral of the<br />

*ngang m~t pli(a 4gai cAng tro~jnt biuna m * crew will -then sit ou the opar out 6ver the.wator<br />

vho thu;-vh kh~l nghlong soni; myt On. to compensate for the junk's tundu'ncy tu hieel.<br />

PT I r C-1 niabp hin<br />



I ~KIN<br />


Ir<br />

IT3-b1Z1tl<br />

PTC1ab-<br />

AU h to tc r elv c u ,b tt i . o m ll<br />

-lrgc<br />

wruu co th magIoblndn<br />

Idn <<br />

nyt or ntehl.8eotdyst a<br />

ro h l 0<br />

* hy U otevq o ~hyblcsf~ o b vyoeae i otsu.Ti per<br />

I A<br />

A) A<br />

800 an y; It (362 ma0 ~ng lem bal nho mot t ro ete fsing quasohnouIscunormallyd, hut h i to tone (ifl<br />

lihang WIa ma4n iPanTn,ýtt Aan bldc e ni yfs to work (non inhe ma utitursi<br />

tr'ddng~~~~~~h~~$p~~~tit<br />

sTn o hyn.hk nl hhul etwu<br />

h'~ti'A III- I~n ThI tyCOuN<br />

KI<br />

salyFIDE~NTAL, n

KIN<br />


ApA<br />

AR-1<br />

KIN<br />



S- ..<br />

,_ K IN<br />

. .77',.V<br />


- .. , .. ...<br />

: r<br />

". I - a<br />

..<br />

S . - 5 .<br />

,H . . F .. 15 4 1 7 C M . L E G T .. - 50 . -- 5 5. F: T-.<br />

78. CM, LODD2.<br />

KHN A CO HAG7, ,M EPY26F<br />

" "*NTA COF.<br />

CO HAN G4. CM LODE 1. 8.T<br />

.<br />

CHIF.U DAI .1524-1676 CM. LENGTH 0,0- 55,0 FT.<br />

CHIEUt NOANG 335-381 CM BEAM 11.0-12.5 FT.<br />

KHONG Co HANG 64.8 CMI EMPTY 1.8 FT,<br />

CO HANG 78.2 CM. LOADED 2.6 FT.<br />


KH(ONG CO HANG 78,2 CM. EMPTY 2..6 FT.<br />

CO HANG 6458CM LOADED 1.8 FT.<br />


DOAN VIEN 8 ..1 CREW 8- 10<br />

,/!,<br />

KIN<br />

A 111-13 CONFIDENTIAL<br />


l<br />

' . ' - G<br />

KiN •<br />


- " I<br />

PTB{;'Ib<br />

-. ' . - , -<br />

' !i<br />

i ,t<br />

' . " i . "<br />

• ' ;t<br />

At<br />


H 8 L "^<br />

thuyun Frl](.-Ib I. hl "^<br />

thuyui hielat The FrBC-Ib Is lh{: largest of the FrBc-I<br />

lhulu .at PTBC-I vu thdng th[fdng dl tren 15m class, nd Is usuolly over 50' long, She Isdfacked<br />

liui thuyun flay d/l: lt sn Id,p ll'en mat lhtJtng ovu|', but has n{} cabln. Like FrBC-Ia, sllu i<br />

khmg co ldluang. Cone nhd hal thuyen PTBC=I, used only fur flshtr.g and oper.tes hJuully In the<br />

J ' ^'d'Jnh .<br />

n' chf dung dr.' va hgat dqng tel dla phffdng Phan Thh.,I arc:.. Th:l'u ere 7 Io 8 h.lds f-| nt.wtrong<br />

rung Pha,' Thh..t. C) !f 7 ttl 8 ngan ch, ca age of the fislfing c0tch and nboul 12 tons of fish<br />

vu culhe ch(J'dl: d). 12 tan ca. Ngl t. khong canbu carried. Fl'BC-lb Is never painted and ht:r<br />

paogt sLn i)1 uluyen nay, vo lhnyun bartg ) mau hull is the Traylsh brown color of the weathered<br />

, • . ? "A" ", , "<br />

,it I X{illl lillJ, ,,l lllUy'('rl ItJr t) VI. Itl| Crl llI[ w.od, She InvarlaMy has th :hdracturl!Ic lung<br />

d;.l) !hun !lion dqc b it t ilh'a mu| thu}'en, Ha slendel" eye paln.ud on her bow. Such an eye<br />

)hu\''n r'rBc-la khng boo gt] ¢- v-" tun ma! nhu n:ver apl)=.ers .n the FTBC-la.<br />

A"<br />

v,],..<br />

KiN<br />



I PTC nm al*k<br />

II- TBC- I bUW 1'.TI3C- I te<br />


7r1$2lb PM -II & hl'lI'. ni~ni uli' , Au^11 h 11w P'fC- lb it; btitlit Ph~ul 'rhiut Hinh<br />

~othA h1,11, tli~iih trongz (41 6 t~in v 11 (a' IV Thuan Provinvu., and can be~ constructad In 5 to 6<br />

4 ,I~1tl . 4001 tit) Lim. I. s;o, A~l thdu rul.6 wcults lt a cos~t of $1, 1110 to $1, 411. Sao woodi, ui<br />

'A A) 'A. -1 Thhl<br />

Will Wil li)tkih (lung dI"(0ig 11111 hil tuuhni brown Iitardwutod, Is4 uw3d throuhomut. rthl<br />

* lt'A dtj g /1 tli- % c u<br />

VoSI tuigilit~cii dldc,,g~lw **d V(in Iio<br />

nldgp11kniif nedwt oau wi.Fulfii<br />

VA"T"g yl cliiiut U! j han<br />

planirngIfastend with un i n f'ini pegs. Fui [out<br />

ddde chia ii~u kht2.aiug chiniug IbyA a nh (0iuJU) v%- vyin I f00( jind the hull planklug fa~twniud with squalre<br />

dddc d~g bangiditigdinh \iini.gh~ngk7II -i ."- zn aisadwov e.. h uli alu<br />

mong ba~ng go.g Vr iu~týnt iftic Xam ihwig nfll h~ip<br />

Cha~t balw~ tic va. i1lu1da hlg '"n lii 1'11 t'1i C<br />

with a bamlhhood nd resin comixound. At periods<br />

of b to 12 months *. rein.i comi~pound is ipplicit to<br />

n I, hn 12 1 gta<br />

111a tc<br />

141 dlJI1-14 \-I,, b1 Ing thu y'ti ht1<br />

v d16 v i -11 aki Ildi.<br />

lithe bottomas a woodwo 1rm dviuve unt and anti -foul -<br />

uIng agenlt. Tis compImijniid is tiut considuei-d tn be<br />

110p cht liong tdqtic tiub hitu El'm v.) byng thuyvLln verv i'ffcclivc since the hottoni of fhe hijl must be<br />

1,1 sh.J1 ii..ch i ll .fie oii rs Li. I..i-aiwi -voy .,1- 2 i.n ,rahi,.. What.r,.1 it I- a c .. arv<br />

Kid ' A' '<br />


QI<br />

ki<br />


a~ buonm bunp gc; Cula hot thuytil M6h kam<br />

b4n 1A &a. Cde gloy giU c$t buq~m 16' h~nS<br />

Inykern huy g1lay ifi'j ý:~ cSC gity k6n btvi<br />

Tht; FfC-lb'ji lug autlis are made uf wolvcn<br />

Coconut palm leaf. The standing rigging ORa made<br />

of wiro tir rattan and the running rlgi~ngmi manila<br />

kinggat ad 'ila CueC IMumvb iyio 0um<br />

hsim hay h ullthav Mean c~1ngla'y gil~ CA~'<br />

mtnMYmQ tý, eit hiqu~m chkn dil~dc giflbla.g<br />

line. Sailo andt running rgI~ng arv rvnvwvdevevY<br />

2 to 3 months and the standInX rigping Itrtiplaccd<br />

yc rty-, Thv mui~uiu Itato Nia ie bya ei*orfi<br />

4 glity~,JA 'A hat i giy di LJat d dfi<br />

iin nu thuyen.<br />

1.) h.d en shroucIN two 'in eavh slide,r'nifti te i-<br />

head to witho-gunwale. The l u 'mrast and nizzimnmaot<br />

are rout aayvd.<br />

A,, 'A A A<br />

iI~ Iay ay k!,IA~C tai banig c~it av biunh I Clio<br />

hanh~I ta Angg ~hel (thong A'tdn 1oiv<br />

bati tyng f -it). BWni Ill ta i oua Ahn do i<br />

i~i eiFrcl) Bwll~i(I qanl*it cal to<br />

tin. large wooden door-type rudder conininon to alt<br />

junks tif tire PrBc-l family. The rudder seats In<br />

a<br />

awell just forward t -. stern.I Is raised and<br />

;Ugsou lai. N , 4di p ogrigl Ln hoy ha xuiong hpng<br />

tay v~j cJ the de ml ndg i rnun g g~n hang1<br />

towvered nianually and canl bev set in ititeriiediiitv<br />

r4.wltuns, by using wedges. rw anchorn; made or<br />

11itiirig nitL47ng mcm Co hai j li.. tizil! F11,ix<br />

t, A 'A % 3<br />

rio Liiiac V\00 dau giav itihig %d dAla (Ot 20 IP au<br />

Silli).<br />

a d~:'su hardwood ors- -anrricu at the ends of 2501<br />

foi ot mdlii a l ines.<br />

KIN<br />


KiN<br />



o<br />

*<br />

)iothuyv~n PTU-Ib 104)ng th~dng hyat em~g<br />

trong *.a cqu uu u ri 1 L ,uV.i Latjj .. q<br />

vi Willni hi yt e I I in I1 wit khl mo nt, IW 4 0 1j'rn<br />

,.s. Tuy iihivit JIM1 Il ~IIIt~ uZng vuing dunh ca<br />

11111it 101 1anl' I hIlt ~i ed. ial thupln olhpy hanl<br />

de, d v'tiidii c~ ifini di(oh j~i unluig i.O9nir LzI. ru<br />

MAf IAA<br />

I. hA il P11111 fliqt M~t iILul h.3-1 Y)i lifil thily' kl Hit<br />

tnva' C 40 1 phiaing 1ulqr h~il hanh. iJ~m-opt' 1q~Ijii,<br />

I'lc. ii, &.( til thy 011Y 1111 yvil kiuisti lit lvn u-no<br />

A<br />

10 8 111)1111 (211140). G'I n~id uP'Tii(- ol Ii, MIil<br />

4<br />

gkl' il 1)to g A ji~jtig'iilt~ linis Yu* mit hNh u<br />

nut~dl II a hb~i~~,ig 101 As thilaob ogall el" ~s I I" i<br />

MrB(>h nitriiiaily spiwctom in annd n'rontJ<br />

-....Thiv!.w!hr 4.t-ht -oit o1anai. I'L:IVVLuly ~ iL<br />

i'ui ntoru thmi 41. m ilesi. Occatilonmi Irips4 of ,ihout<br />

125 fulLsv have bul.- mude, howuver, in Hvrcrh of<br />

new fiHhlng grounids, whuii fbuhing Is had near<br />

Phun 7h~ict. 11w junk mrivvtn at night to rvlo'h the<br />

filairig erot'ntls, but will niot stray fill front hii<br />

M~l~ht of !and Mnvvw it hao r nivanggauimo niom.lit~<br />

rhte PTBC .lb reu rwtdly will uppuraite in ativt up to<br />

abut M4 feet. Like the PrC- III shu huH a it nduitty<br />

~II 11ul 'xcuinuively whun sailing with the' wind on<br />

t Ihe ut livn, a ad It Is co'inuilt on Wu~ sc "IsikIn~g .4 psirt<br />

ddilt. ku, o %:I? xurldih~a 0.Ii1I As Vý nirft Xi'nti~i~i ri'gged tit witidwurd with tieveral of the crtiw<br />

e.&m da'~u #Auy thil tr'uo INcj^. t~ hath ligung 11k perched tin the outboard eund 11kv vpar rows4 oni n<br />

spe.'aO i<br />

I<br />

e'n aao flh-tin k<br />

- A'<br />

gitay j e g nhutl(a 1 tt iikg col ill tlehelie<br />

41inh t. a isit tkt irang<br />

ihwny Ihaly U11sc 113i thy<br />

d id tha 1idn t 0 n~ill~ to<br />

MnP C-lh ndti 1 ud te~hg<br />

Wrie~ng the but.kt fishing seu~tion, jutiv (it<br />

Daube~r.M0 PTE b'N~ art.' nuiiiit tinoniy seen fiflsl-<br />

ttimyrtu<br />

tOkdl VI , ry! cri<br />

trong Imoo phu tIl<br />

41.~ e gluýI<br />

nsaAu cioyi &4, du<br />

lo Ig in pairs by towing a pursu typu tnut bv.twuen thlt,<br />

two bouts. During the off-seasoun, she may fish<br />

ca~ mtnj ni~nh I:01 milt cil IkAl'ii 1111 1131). dm ddlnh alone. with a santller nut. Thu, catch usually cond~le,<br />

thwatng lai cd mu"I (Sardine) vai bin cho ecoc sists of sardines and- to sold to nuoc mom (fish<br />

nh'il It'ni iiade. iiimn Z? Oilnm thIVr. {h'i W'it niohti ta<br />

ilusf theo mauli To hit aL^ IMrP ca"<br />

snutx.) manufactertire.4 in Phan Thiut. A course<br />

suit is sintimu.ws cairried to pruservv Wei catch<br />


K Vu thuyiuh PrB(C- lb d'UIdo :ihu phuat .41 uh t\,? The design of the PTC-lb upparently orlgi-<br />

i<br />

g :nhQuang B'~nh f4-fc VI~'t Nam va 0( te.'INnimast<br />

ium rol. NgIli UII khohg bIC~ kIv~i thuyvi. naiy iia<br />

eWde. bi'n' e.~i avhda. L~a ATI'bkI I MANI-1<br />

g NUC hay NOC CHA dv~alr ciii dcah Ihl& difnh canutvd<br />

inQumsng~inh Province, North Viet Nant und<br />

Is proibably over 100y,ýi ~'r- old. It is not knowni it<br />

the original design hus bey oiid u<br />

l'Cdlbtypi. o( <strong>Junk</strong>is calledl MANIA NLIC or NUC<br />

cua tiuuyN~ nay. CHA which III Iudv.s to the nian nur In which It fishcs.<br />



4 KIN-<br />


KiN<br />


U I~ l "-<br />


I-<br />

I<br />

I<br />

" - _<br />

AM-19<br />

KIN<br />



IWO-<br />

AME-20<br />

KIN<br />


,.<br />

KIN<br />


- _ ., -- f<br />

rtNTtW.TCfR<br />

CI iii UDAI 1341 CM LENGTH 44.0 FT<br />


rAM NL16C DRAFT<br />


Co HANG at.6 CM- LOADED 3.0 FT<br />


KHONC CO H'ANG 78.2 CM- EMPTY 2.6 FT<br />

CO HA!l' 45.7 CM LOADED 1.6 FT<br />






DOAN VIEN to CREW 10<br />

FrET<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


PTMC-I.<br />

A? I I<br />


'A p,,M<br />

nhI ~ l 14,114,1, tU;A<br />

n It<br />

di A 7<br />

I)CVE IIIIIN 1h i la c;ENEXA QLJAT 10g AIukpeet og(0li hy huscuising. Thin<br />

la<br />

iorkin<br />

'Aa<br />

Sd gviin, Tl i i~ uY*P<br />

eJ h~'1n iu t<br />

hui ii v ang dui coi l v6n<br />

slhokme- wi<br />

rt i. i<br />

iiithe<br />

igtt<br />

raullyd rhimingiui sher ryilg<br />

ngmng. Týiiiyoi l~iloy yih(, ve~ rnzi khu rg an wtilo hip t0 htler iudto;ilnePlmn Thiinct. boxy,<br />

dddn ~ii(~2v~y~4~ bn k(nli20 ?tPhu Th~i. uupllA bo-yp u .wLxuide Cabine oa2(phrvoxiaely1<br />

ch~ii~hlh i 13chng10 g l n an lt),51 g g4 o g<br />

A A<br />

tdog at~ Th.up' do n i ad Mih dang) de ciii vtly<br />

Nga trddekhong ,ýy Ia I lo 1-la i mulg b nhn<br />

hUYn tig de^h dai ca'I 066't chuttic Kill chyb<br />

fhey hour ngii~ Io% -datt Tub ~ poette nieustnNi c<br />

forwarof thu cl withhrgnully bfi~ing Mbt~f er of t<br />

holdshl thalit pi usledntl streth ctch. W hen<br />

newy- ihVMC- stlydsly<br />

ha bnninthy dddc ii ungbuphng Wi tnong fetlong e from oed an enrite thien gennerao. Nuo<br />

A %A A'<br />

'<br />

di a anhb~ no an niý tuyh. hon c bcl<br />

k 'A A<br />

nau khanc ndn., v~m tiuyun khong codung cu hm~ ha~nh.<br />

hay lie~n InC..<br />

At A 7<br />

kl t A A 'A<br />

A<br />

viot duy rihjii mn k vuyr~ dc h.to hic-m<br />

otheriwlyghts naightion orC' cniunub icpayso equip-<br />

niunroitnin--i.riudzibourd. An elect ricalIly opera ted<br />

aotomuibilchorn located in the engine compariment<br />

is lht on-ly signalling device carried (in bonrd.<br />

I<br />

Ia rm'Ot caii k'n me<br />

thuy~h.<br />

hdt til dimi 0.m1iog kluoang nillY<br />

KINI<br />

A<br />


I KIN<br />



'AA<br />

B1 Ph Tuy ?1 phia Nom~ ihon ThI&\ %uh~ng 25 d~'m<br />

(40. c q~y 4o), 0n~niat4,h~ifg2QnXy-v<br />

Tuy Provinvu, ubout 25 inilivnsouth o(Ffltian TliuL,<br />

6 l g'a ch'Ung<br />

SN,41K$ ma L~uyb thmA 6 U n1. VLt.hqyUiU<br />

Construulatmn time runs aroiund twenty da~ys at it<br />

cosit tf approximiately $8UtIwlth tleunginv t': hlto<br />

-ýt bwXm V1~ bontu&l'<br />

dta phlifdng iv~u vaiig wiu.<br />

bu uy,~ oaunip ie<br />

in I aia go r~rp d<br />

CarphbWEn h'm Waing<br />

hg tiuot chleu n~an$<br />

an addditionul $1,150A. A yellow-brown loval ha'rd<br />

wuod hi usu l~ur contiructwio ti~tlnh hull. mastt and<br />

decks, Thv Hall in inadL of heaIvy eunvuB with Ajx<br />

coauh buo~m der4o bu)M thu% h klA ngua . kthuyen full length bambojo b-attivus to fo'rm a Uaal oftt Li<br />

niay d() kMI dddc 901 lb'Uhoy; kiceu rtung it; ' northern demitgn sttmetimesi rcfvrrvd lto is<br />

"-Chino a juink Style".<br />

thv<br />

14.<br />

_7 &<br />

-MM "W<br />

DýIy dijng uot hu'[l n ihdtineg la gia'y Cliii va Standing t iggting is usually witei h i<br />

gta CeIg bu6(%i III lo.m 0 e gal pill m lait Tar. Raliii ning riggring manila lir .' Thv rudder is iron aind<br />

I.." Wrbag saI t vo Vi 1mbil nitd mnllý[ ikv 1.ii e~t np~y is operai td by a tiller hiica td (inth ic ent ii I int:<br />

.I . mitt gidia &~ ngwy pitfa ltimtl3ik clilui 115( ihSal) just forward tit th stei~ t n overhmang.<br />

'ii<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


A' A<br />

Milti chlix vii gilty nviu chlinlg 150) tnc unh(4SnmbWhg with ubo~ut 1St0 fuet of munila line- fur each. A<br />

lit gii Phi Lual, 'l'ai. Ngay iltng tr'ttc Ir? nwn stone! weight is usually nttauhtmJ to the anchor line<br />

to, Aoy ' P n ngdt Icho rnS nvo b.tng go kh~i just ahead of the anchor Itsulf, to overcome the<br />

lCil sowli amount of hluoyiancy of mhe heavy wootde~n<br />

uncho a<br />

t 4.<br />

i\ t 5 -ti nals s ae-j .ld-r<br />

'4jAtV -aeae . ' "C)U *'t..-.<br />

tng Va vC' duvuhu glt'$ ¼Jt Ilnk lb lng inorýg gr 111 Ivtol plnin g Iastc edgte fplunedwtk woe<br />

va d0 sAt VU6LOW. C&bLkiugptxdtcdl 4i es and sqtiare i ron nails. Ikl r is c<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


VoS thuy'"h &dtdc eal btrng mot chat Chon li'rho hull In caulked with o mlxturiý of<br />

tre butj nha Vý nhtda o am Jay () lnitlyi qiii i shreddud bambuo and resin fronilone of the local<br />

phd.knji. Da edca'c thaych nrty Oin n2u xanh hI$I trees. Motit of these boats are~ pointed blue and<br />

V1dbagnt %h rn auR ch dye dec~orated with a white rub atrake.<br />

h~w, mo~i lar htl 3 thuy~a;nel nh I*ng ildng p~uil CPUi Vo ntl-fUulIng meterial@s are uned miaking<br />

oh~ huv.B ~~P~ dd a8ech Wq~ tiiujt kI -;' t~l monthly. bottom cleaning a necessity. This is<br />

Su Z mban thuy tri'eu Wibddng len uuons bang n Q done by having the junk drawn~ up un the beach to<br />

'Boll Rozq.r' huy xv kuo (Trac~tor). VS thuie'l d dec the high water mark with a bull-dozer or tractor.<br />

ba'Ly~ .1~ hy thta vh a~ nu v~ eý'h The hull is scraped by nanoC .py, tne crew and<br />

Chbd~ng ihuybb ph~i 41~nIh '.h 3 ntm. Khii d; recaulked ata necomnary. Normally. recaulking<br />

"4da chl3 Rong, thuyeIn ddd - u,.y bitng nh~n Joe to requlred tat threq yicar lntervaIR, After the<br />

ktsituy tits .1 ~, -rnnir hv.e compleited. teinislaunched<br />

at high tide by manpower.<br />

'A A AA<br />

May thuyefl vojn hanhlw c1lan dlit ~i a c , fill The engine turns a three-bladud prolvIier<br />

dN-LIjog kf'uh chling 30 ern, qu nv-t llý' phL~ir gidill about 12 Inchesa in diameter through a reduction<br />

hA',tueec a mttrcd~6 I/2tX ahýgh 2ro). gear, clutch and a six and one-hailf foot hALM.<br />

a' Ai - ~d balig mout imunkI go cr da Ll long propeller Is protccted by a wooden skeg which<br />

c~tgoi~~?lial :ihU lni 1qI thinh go tkic. Mfv dtdic dOUbleS dS 0 strml. The engine is cooled by sea<br />

7 A / A?~<br />

iamnhctbag i~c ici a ha 1.Ih ant quaiy water and cranked by hand. E~ngine controlsi are<br />

td . tCii ho phan dit'l Mhimi 111,1N GeV~ I'l)p 0 11-ell mournic nn tie engine and inust hu pewratcd by a<br />

Y.A' A A 'A<br />

niaIv va do ni1.t nhan vicri di~ii khion kh-^ng Illu ciew meumber other than the helmsman. No spaire<br />

nii av h -rhv -'k)n to ang thoC11 ^ parts ri~c carried, but ill the tools nece(ssairv to<br />

priin r("I ta th0'j nhding co'mn hoc. dung disu.antlv the engine are carrica. Normunii<br />

cy 11.1o mlay t~call i Tinidug thddn,lg kinl 01 aota repaiis ;in tI;ý. _mgmtu are not .attempted Lit seu<br />

A? ~ A N \ A / ''A<br />

bien 0 nav hd khorigk 10O sdai vi ihuyen co int ivv hc: rn ihe Jtkis , Ldllaihlu of retuttliig to port under<br />

A A I A<br />

tdng phidtinglICT1n hoM. Mot cmu olayhm vaýn h"Inh sail. A small enigine driven bilge pumiip Is located<br />

I 'A , ?)Akitl<br />

mlay Ulu de hoinl Id'l d N1 g [~il &1[.1c dji 0f to the yongin tecomfpal iileft.<br />

t khoatng IUlg inaKIN<br />


KIN<br />


'A<br />

"A<br />


ThuyL6v rmc:-l i'JnI a:oingi A rung A Ph m IFTMC-i normully .up4.rjteN within appruism*<br />

VI ch'tinj 2Uha l, h li Tltil'i. An Aal 2V nautical; *,,..,.i ofPa Pt1 itibing<br />

vzo IltUY~N iý 11611 V1,bn l l'a~rhnmtt the dullly,. Year. rocund ecipto;h'e<br />

AL mti"tl _V4, INrt V~ ti~ahe m-suilosema &I drii li<br />

iom;rvn<br />

nhivn trong 0is k,~htec~c£ rhy~h co o 1rn l~f~u~ntie;~ ccieiw~riti<br />

kh i t lai ng~ril hlv'ý V~i rn.ua 1,11 4<br />

-1 cal thu;?Ii at ;ivii buying fif-h fromt tie. sidivi juoko cut c tolhv<br />

k4 LI)Ith Wt T dSI-PvlayZtI% ~<br />

on hal tc scmufficient loud til wacruc rcvtscrltl. (will.<br />

irllallnu1 An w~ iml"Irsy~ a-io 04%j 1? ncn'%ai blen t"'li 11)<br />

*.n~y Tlhi jien M thdn~ u Pilli~~ 0ik r<br />

''my Mill otecnl 1`1 t'dnvo<br />

Uinder thimLH LchIcniUIaIicu. thL icmik nwv'jrLumidlI<br />

at meca up)h to ocll it daytycc<br />

l'NC ?nh vif 'm III~ .Jit ie m) cli 4't e nflci Juni: tto Ov.tolir in ctu~l!~ the lit-tit I 1111.<br />

all .de~~et.ivPani Ithvo A 'kh. (d~oji,% wo1,111)~ for flcihleg.. At thito timut, Mhe PT~MC:- feIteeci<br />

111jej~~~llicnT<br />

Tc lii~) ~ ela.dIng luin nidi'l., indelvildenity uilrtgnuiti, SJucvvuU lee mincc lilet vtce<br />

`*'nh -S~ -~ ~ I ~ ~ ' k~rried ca~~~ w~ presvrvv 0he catch Whvie it Lsc!-IL'e Xc'ldt<br />

~t Si. tikee, l'i' hh4d~ ic pi~i td fo fur bill h0wever, if the ecatch mto it,1L timed for'<br />

fisch mccue it will not likely lit- prvNi*VzvJ in anv<br />

leTrllig e c-Itcllg 111111111"lg ithfing, th.n% 11<br />

Way, slicee reutic tluil auc inancfuurvrcc imptilw Ills<br />

- l'l'MC-A i 11`%); M1iaw1,'Ila! e. gill JcnJ4 V11 q711 ve 1Jtk Attitgutet rctjuiremeteuie for feluiviiiisq.<br />

11pl milluc)' Cat t.i ley Itilct"I 0111 rib d.%111~ lling Vil' itl<br />

1I- di. lc id 11~ Ir"' I ,,1,1 0leui. d(e;ie vsi thuti kirib<br />

11lp 'ihlm ect i.in 11dk. A~ m" ki,ý)l g(f<br />

Under u~mi eli e ettu 'MCA T I lcaven<br />

puce1 tchoul 021K, ruturnioeg a.1 lAllaw HIMt11 tiec ~aline't<br />

Ji TI p~dg IileyePr( I %(It~ Yaq~ dat ty. 'rise fishlecumen ncevigaeiL at night hy'knoieew<br />

huostill it' iChoy Vil tht el1C. loch 4d. m~ttvotht!<br />

A A. AT% A<br />

trOng,'tHty tehuycnt euty kI ll'10 III%!" 1wlce' iciunl tr)?<br />

llifldtemitks uced their long expe~r encei with lovai<br />

1euri viett and wind VIudl~i,-riN . Sinvil lI'FM0 1 t IN<br />

k) i thIri it khei il'<br />

(I~o<br />

hVit #~ I' C sau. g~a~~cc thilcy'vi<br />

,A, I,% er 1,11~ i 11,11W vtellhieyut phlei it] still.<br />

not de'pendent epion mail for powe'r and ia reastinably<br />

svoworthy. slit' may 1-4- meen cat seuu under till<br />

.7 except the. moms severe wcather eIJLonditi<br />

LICH1 SO1 VA 6(14' UTICI Normally, she lea<br />

ito beachedi except to have work<br />

N7 pefre %i thNihil.<br />

KIMe k: Ic1ie.Uj lttut p rVMCI gl il WiNht hl.<br />

Itc ctktpdng U Phlel ThI. khcacng n"511 OJRIGIN AND HfISTORY<br />

i158, O~t laimil, Vol atll ituchlone kitli ti eueg hou 1<br />

doi dan did Vid(Ing di bt'ne eho OnIIUY'NV naey. SLI The bhcnte dvaign of the VFMC-I is japaticust<br />

dllng hi? utuig liourni khitNi chd Wc di~e hQnie thuyen in origin and was lntroduecd into Phan Thke aot<br />

de.(it. LýI1 M titc hi111 vali thu~ef ced 1>1liniy<br />

hOý. Trong u1.1,11" 6,162 M&~i biC,.N co talm (8)<br />

fluycn PrIVC -I hoaut d;ticg 70 h'ioi phcPh'TliX<br />

!95S. Thu' na Ht with Chinvse type, sail is aninnoees<br />

veition added by the: local <strong>Vietnam</strong>iese. 'r'it sail<br />

allows more cuunomi~cal operation and provides<br />

enivrgveny power In the event of engine fajilure.<br />

There were ceight rTMC-lI type junks known ito bou<br />

operating In the Phan Thiet area in jurc <strong>1962</strong>,<br />

KiN<br />



I<br />

!<br />

|<br />

KIN<br />


A<br />

KIN<br />


- - KIN~<br />


AM-28<br />

)r1,<br />

jI<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


o O<br />

PTMH ' 1-I<br />

CHIOU DAI 1829 CM. LENGTH 600 FT<br />

CII1EU NGANG 427 CM, BEAM 14-0 FiT.<br />


MAN TAU<br />

KHOG CO HANG 64.5 CM EMPTY 27 FT.<br />

co HXNG 95,1 CM LOADED 3.7 FT.<br />


KHONG CO HANG 106.8 CM EMPTY 3.5 FT.<br />

CO HANG 76,2 CM. LOADED 2.5 FT<br />


DONG CO<br />

ENGINE<br />


SC0 M A LuC 45 HORSEPOWER 45<br />


DOAN VIEN 10 CREW 10<br />

A ]1-29<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


A 7 A<br />

PTMHI<br />


T'Fky.1 ihril I la mo~t loai thluy~n -.: tzkng The PTNMH-1 is an all wood motorizull Carl,<br />

haniR b'&i feo ^I' ;,,gi -o d vl' lhvut 49ng junk~ which opurateg out of Phan Thict. -n Binh<br />

algii klidi PH-AN *rmIET WUni1c pith BINH HLA. Thuan Province. -It Is poKwered by it Jaipainev. Yanf<br />

lin clu~ia thlnvc~n dnNh" li~it ~h. 2 UohIUYANMAR, inilv 45 hp, diesel engine, and thu ful patyo<br />

45 TIJi'I. ~~jyDicsvl, \i vdi s&c clhtij 16 ga 10 gallons is sufficient for about 7 hours of cruis -<br />

IL^nlk! t)4 lit.) CU thtu &.0chY chtmig 7 git"! FAing ch& Ing. The cargo tiornially consists of large barrels<br />

il-tlflg 0a~ c~c th~iug Wfin iii'td1 ma .ni Ohi trong h~m mf fish saduce unuc. niar), which i~i carriv!d In 111t;<br />

. A I 'A A t. A A<br />

niam IthIIu v' tren hoong. Thuven 1ven co mot cot Chio five holds ond onl dec-k. There is a single mast<br />

7<br />

AA L, I gdA ); [ A 'A A 6fc ihwihi c owr 5fo ag<br />

2o taic A~h (dti 7mIi() duod i niol Cult 1ý ing 2 VIh~wihi sdt oki Sfo ag<br />

^rN A 'I 'A<br />

di i.5 ta A illi (d 4',iSO). Kill ma~y ]long, can L'iu hnoiii .In cose of engine failion'. the bovin can he<br />

\ % I ,N I 'A 7<br />

l1iuing nay co the Lmi I'm V1 mITRi bti0"ii nubuoin nho, unshippi.d anti a sinaliconvas lugger type* sail set.<br />

bi gv at lo..ui 4 e;~iil dddc keo le i)n.I<br />

AL\ 3ii-<br />



KiN<br />


L\ A<br />

Io kotgIu iig1gysup~ ,K1Alri ai utA fa isiscvr<br />

%<br />

Ihinc~geepogmy hugnydl4 2 teegtccmm~vl.'1 ai sixtt1<br />

I ~ ' rh 036)vic"m h:hrhM mtImn fe ogadi ntr- yasihl uvdrtf<br />

Thlvih ttth -. bn xe hinnwaed~. Iae<br />

*1ý . I retim fi i mrew <br />

thuytp ddng Amh~ ph~ng. S'ndo bu ho n Cang d 1y bm ubn 12 sahl uniuaried in br1l ckets 1 th cabin on OILui 1<br />

An(dung m6o)gk ka thc' mul dhe h'irih khar tre'mn fenturlong ne. cvrdb asgtyc~c<br />

th u s v u n g b m n n t u y ~ b ~ ki i C iC o e h Ith h k ig th is c ~b i %u i s pvc l a y jmt' w l c an d s ra u<br />

eit khuun kc cnu<br />

nd tr I~ ohyd i~'n i yrn Illd tr ve t-ut. f:: Thhlifi ughltop W114211 1 LILld t11<br />

*A j 1.A<br />

thapn d9 3 (raCý bun 1(do!v 0m 0). I'll u~ long oI duyIgt. b. (Int'u w of)Ca-' Ltrd plunkWIng f ant 4.1111111h1 uih<br />

AA<br />

duukong ct vyci INl bang:," hdZn nat wc. M t~ ~hS<br />


KIN<br />


AA.<br />

T171114 PrMH-1 dl~dc dung toi Phan rhle'*t, PI'iM-l Ijunks a re built In lu Thla''litaI, B11,11a<br />

.,A 7 , IUA *<br />

tuniya tanh DIlhl Thuaon. Thali gian &(ung tnu'Ung<br />

cli~iag 2 'n v g~ia diong nivt clhle thu~yvi lai<br />

1, 4mo$ khonug KAC ai'Amg cd. 0A~ng cd. v~q cOAng dlif Y.a('-<br />

'A A, A - * 7 1. A<br />

thuven ton them 1, 9~71$ ntfa. V/n iliyAn Calt C.10 via<br />

Thumn Proivinace. Normul consitruction tlime is<br />

about 2 mutlsalit ndut tile cos of thei. jilik without<br />

el1i)lL Is $2, 000)1. Tile UIgIANC jutS Its Iilltilbitliiii<br />

Cxumt an additional $2, 701). Thc hill I, must, and<br />

'AA Al A<br />

can cau hang dcii dq&J lam bang atyt lnqii udja :aglbu r aefo tvl-i-rw<br />

iauidnji ~ga~ucnsnh'n II laal Ihardwood, while th.' hunan and var (ofar tile<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L -~'.adubt<br />

Th fi hull, I plankhing is Jatn.L wl' 1 go).<br />

Van vi) ttllIi'i uonlg vaonlihaujiiiilg ciw iis nlig<br />

Lait ida kltiulg dijde dat xc.. I0n vdm cd-c Own<br />

kinngv~ cachnhrnchi n d~hChie~ htg<br />

i woue<br />

u.L.. Vhna<br />

Ivegs. Half- Iiatliei are ualturimwed wihi pi thai<br />

ftras -i and ipacco ahouta Wt inchus apart. The hull<br />

I 'A<br />

Alanh'r Ault (do 2imn). VJ uimuyaai ddtic Aim b~ng<br />

A A' 'CA I<br />

iialchat cl~ iyaln tre den v) amghie Wh -~' 7 vii /j iu<br />

V1 khnng dung ca'c Cha (te gidia Clin V. tiyven khiýi<br />

A / 'A I<br />

bi vaon Iit, anel (day uhi'j1voll 1111Pi ciln Sach haingdmang.<br />

A 7<br />

hil!o cq tint? c'ay*c t'. h~y. thil pha' a deno kinth che<br />

Is cau Ikvd with it mix turv of slrtieddcd andi grhoundi<br />

bamboijand rcsin and, since no nnti- fomullingagents<br />

are tused, diihotn' an)U11 ust be scraped L'ach moiiiiil<br />

This scr aping is accaaaplishud by the cruw, Nwhu<br />

weanr skin diver gogg~!Ls and swaim under, tii' junk<br />

mata ,lid 10i n vi~ lidm -xuong dtlidi thiavl dc can, to cleajn o.ff thu 11111 itii ga .v ili. PTNIH- I i, 11.<br />

s~acl cic c~fal rut ['tel 101a amVitn. (11ten beached delibcrlately. hiut is )%CcýIsovilll v<br />

gi-milda-d it1 higil title wheni itias lieCeSs.a1\ Lo'<br />

III MI-1- I it kill kvk.-o l ý nii ailidnQ duna rkip.11 a IaC l1ton)i "Ir 1i11aia' aa 'p. ]-; In 111t laa<br />

1A t.1 a1 Va1' 111/c Univ tr iii toa kill imao a gr a ph a1bo 's<br />

killa dticQk~ ~<br />


. A

*-.KIN-,<br />


Bo gli t~g 1 -n ggay thi ha I sdl, Thefour shrouds are, made oif 2 strand wire,<br />

nluin<br />

Asiau<br />

nh~ing: bSt & (tendeur) bkng thep tcA 4Wkldc.<br />

glbuqc Si c~t d-Jdc thay the'hApg asm<br />

but a variety of sizes ofsteel ttirnbuckles are<br />

ue'ed. The standing rigging 9rnwdec er<br />

A ig ý<br />

kngXn q ghymg't i' 1 0 jay<br />

ca'ng bti:% d'cu ]am bi'ng &Iy la1051 gaPh. Lu4At Tanh.<br />

and the running rigging Is replaced every three<br />

months. All running rigging 'is made of manila<br />

cD un on s cd cda thuy'an vqn hanh mg~t chbti v it baeebddprplr<br />

Canh fdng~d'nh chb'ng 26 ph~n Anh (4o 65m) rr~h The engine drives a- threblddpoler<br />

mAt trqc uing kim &bdhi 8 t~'e Aith (d$ 2m40) q 9 about 26 inches in diameter Ion an 8 foot metal<br />

mpt b8 ph~n truy~n dim (10:6) vi milt bo lt~c We. stialt through a reduction gear (10.6) and a clutch.<br />

qIh'n vtt dtjdc che billp~ sauct dioncot a~m The propeller is protected by an iron skeg that<br />

&<br />

*<br />

b~'nS 01( chijy til dd'y cqt b4ln lai t6i long cut. A<br />

Idong cci khnGS cil 1;ý0 ph~' it O~ng b~ng di~h vA<br />

b'nh dish nte phil 14 gun mid:my ephdl nhfo is glal<br />

A d Ag'<br />

4vsn Vito dýIi%.Mvly-tphdi riAy cung cae hdi cp<br />

e~ho hal b4' phurn khtrl(acmulator) I bng hi<br />

runs from the. bottom of the rudder post to the<br />

keel. The absence of an electric starter and battery<br />

hasbeenfilled by attaching a small two stage<br />

air compressor to the engine.- This -compresasn r<br />

f ile -dU tindd-f-Vefut'intotwo -Met ni-arumi-ý<br />

ki~ hht vh ng~ip~ nddcbi h. x c.. Eft d dtqdj latorii and la used in starting the'engine, which is<br />

811m.~~ In ~ ~ nhv c bw~.ý6b Ph~n di' khien cooled with sea water. The engine instrum~ents<br />

AA<br />

dyng cci kuA cl 'ga' tay X~i 'Cat, de de d tr In and controls, including thethrottle and gear shift,<br />

dtyng c vu. do 11i, "iy en.ukhG~ are located on the engine and are operated by the<br />

Sq. gij gl1 diAng cd dvile nqch Ic enalnemdin<br />

* liti v*q vho~ d~ng cii da'ag diodc ch6 ý. MQ~t (t bt, The cleanliness and apparently high rc'llphqn<br />

rdi de thuy tht'nhd cdo lu so Wh, mie~g lot ability of the engine are impressive. Afuw spare<br />

JI nt) V,v. .Z e~ auc dyng cij nhS dqdc mang theo<br />

Iwon co the s&f~ chlf nh4 nhit dudc khi c`n.- tu<br />

parts, such as small springs, gaskets, etc., and<br />

cc nr ~<br />

onie 2ý thot Hmint.M1 roprilrf<br />

W nhl nlý4t v'I di'u^ Ahnti d4ng cci dqdc h~m hang can be Itiade- as necesssary . M~nor malntenaouce<br />

tthaing. and engine tune up are performvd monthly.<br />

ThuyG11 e4 bA%n ni neo to lnini b~ing go chac The juntk carries four large wooden anchors<br />

varat bun, motl mo fleacf h'iling 200 tG'c Anth made of dense and very durable wood witt- about<br />

*(60m) gIy galr"ng Phi Lu~t T'N. I)il khiNg 200 feet of manila line for each. Whun not in use<br />

A~n w uld Odn juihlni thuye~n<br />

tren tngt bi~ philn thd neo dujdc to' diem clia di~p<br />

ma~t, coin hat mko neo kia deo tren plhan sau thu;'n<br />

(dung cao hdn IC'n) mijl be'n m~t chice. Phan sau<br />

A A<br />

I,<br />

0<br />

th nS hog biGL hiq~u 'Yen vai<br />

I eA A?1 ~7<br />

Y0119' 0i Aida, C~ang vdi cong tr~nP tram tro cuob (y<br />

two r ' the anchors are carried in the bow on an<br />

ornate anchor tumbler, and the other two are<br />

carried on the raised poop, one on each side. The<br />

after side of the anchor tumbler usually has the<br />

"Yen and Yang" symbol ir. the center with some<br />

scroll work carved over the entire face of the<br />

W~isp not cba pi&n býn trong. inboard portion.<br />

7 A ~A /<br />

(3 mIb be~n ph"a ml~ rJhuyen co yehlinb cac con Large elongated white tyes with black pupils<br />

ma~t to vaN dali vdi con ngadi 'den.<br />

~ \ /iroit,<br />

Mot hanih lai bang sat hinth cla b3n dijdc d4,<br />

are located on each side of the bluff bow. An<br />

door type rudder hangs on the sternpust and<br />

is operated by a large iron tiller.<br />

treni cyt ,.i pluia sau thuyen va~ van h~inh itna<br />

toy b.(iih 10'i to bang sit.'b~ n~<br />


A 111- 3<br />


KiN<br />



6 LM tu~e ?r;H- 11m~ rha uyhe~n ch~y<br />

b4ng may v1~ ch~y bion dildc. Tuy ca'c thuyeh 11i<br />

FrPMH-I is a large, seaworthy,, reliably:<br />

powered junk. Although boust of this class'normth~Mns<br />

h~a d~~~rong v'ung Phan TWINt, abing. ally operate in the local area of than IlMei. 'they<br />

a th~ajh ctf the haIianih treN Vic h~l *tr'lnh X9<br />

Tron ~ t~e ga phanThiqt, tren thuyen co<br />

are quite obviously capable of extended off-shore<br />

Voyeges. Provislons for" several days annd abouit<br />

TOm te hc pham uutroanl6. 7nzgayvs actlUI<br />

P long (400 lit) n,~de uglocal<br />

100 zalluns of otbwtr of c carried on the<br />

runs out of Phan Thict.<br />

Lgai Lhuyc n nay dung cdec nttdc- mi,am g~o<br />

Va' cchg h 1khf iaP An h~ ~M<br />

Nv cihch an Thlet 14ll A~m (tith 22 cay so)<br />

'Ahl 14<br />

re ha? B c v1 yen bd blgn. _Oidd bit thyn y-<br />

Cu th cha 26 tAA; h~ng& ong cdc M'int VIA tran<br />

'A bwWthuyen, di mu oIa<br />

Vs quash narm ch~ # ~ nl<br />

* nz, rogbandeiB- cath tliuý thId deiOAU khlen<br />

tiiuyen~4 c- t ~ ;h~ fhu tri Ah~<br />

This class is employed, f, C I fi t CatNporIL Of<br />

fish k auce, rice. pand oth .er miticeltintv-w% c:argu .e s<br />

between Phan TIhIe and MuiA, Ne. a1iouf: (ourtuun<br />

ont1A!thicr.d;L<br />

mu'tohenr d<br />

ihe can carry 25 wod oi cargo in her hol&l and on<br />

d o al~roito M N'lvyetir<br />

deck,, an<br />

round. DuWring<br />

ae<br />

hours<br />

aiytiu MalN'h<br />

of darknewi,,the crewmenu<br />

aigte .fc by known landmarks eelying' prlintarily<br />

I<br />

too ho dZ biet' va nhd vlao ngyn h~i ding 8 trunir~hu on the light house in the ioca Iarea of their route.<br />

vqc hli trrInh a.a hy. Tli'3 ti~t (t khi 4 I~nh hudng Weather rarely keept4 these junks froin iaking<br />

e ynci ch1t'h hng nI t cahyn y. their daily trips.<br />


Oddc bILii kieAu' thuy~un PTMHJIi g(c ti'ch<br />

Phan 'ri~t ~, 'A A' I ' ~tn b<br />

'hAn ti vloktg dau the Icy XX yadngh<br />

caq thuyen dcdng t~n e~ c act bu~m S~Ita<br />

n1Te basic desigii of the FTMH-1 junk<br />

reportedly originated in Phan Thiet at the turn of<br />

the twentieth etr n heoiia uk<br />

buorn b'Ung dqng Ld co'1 dc bt Stu týf sau the chi 'n<br />

2 td n~m 1950 trb di. Khi gin d$'ng cd thuvy'n<br />

apparently had three masts. The transition from<br />

sail to motor probably occurred after World <strong>War</strong><br />

PTMH-l dAN dAN thay A~ h^V tho'ng chqy !bui'm Lho 11, sometime in the 1950'-. The motorized<br />

tii kitI h~an than trb thbnh thuy~h chqy b4ng MAY. FI'MH-l junk gradually replaced the sailingverslun<br />

Trong thdatg sdu 196z, coch*Ung 20 thuitZn l98i ny<br />

d~cdungdc hang it-ong cac vng Phan lU,<br />

until the class became entir'ely motorized. In<br />

June <strong>1962</strong>, approximately 20 of these junks were<br />

Phan Thiet va Miii Ne . TNII.Da Pbtfdng cdo thuyecn In use carrying cargo In the Phan RI, Ptwt Thiet,<br />

n~y 110' 'Chu m 6 y' nja 11 thuig'n may. and Nut Ne areas. The local name is "Chu' May"<br />

which means, "Motorized Juitk".<br />

A 111- 34<br />

KIN<br />


VIM<br />


VTAC-lb<br />

VTAC- lo<br />

KIN<br />



~~:* KIN I<br />

i' LOA~rum<br />


VTAC*-I<br />

J. I<br />

7 IF<br />

GNRRA<br />

Lo~ tlyý i huen dah TA -Ildloy at TA -1 s c~ss f hin~w r(-uge fsh<br />

LOAI~Al 'IttNG~PRA<br />

Loye nyI' thuycn VTAic-l hi oi thun el n junk VtAC-Ir by an auxiliar enginne aidranugeufs-<br />

Ct v~i dai ~ti 45 OiI 55 tA'c' Anh (i3mM0 16mbn50). froml 45 feeut to 55 iev.' ill kngth.<br />


NI<br />

/i.44<br />

KIN<br />


II<br />

Dqrig cd n'ay cung Au'p theI11 sf.~ nianh la d$ig A Graiy Marine. ( cyllinder, I'li 1P diesvI<br />

cii6 siI-hinh. 125 ni3-hc, chavDi~sel, Odnmau xai<br />

n&dd bien (hay dý%g cd id-dug 1.n) Thuvcn c-f<br />

fLnglnc. or cquivalent, furnislicN aikiliary powelr<br />

Thu junk's fuel cLupaci:Iv is 5;- gdlions, rntuigh~l for<br />

thep' chia 55 *9a 16&g nh1ic~ CILc (220 1I~ chav about 50 milL-s of ci ui';ing. A sngIle mas~t nimid<br />

4f dn e,,0 dain (chlinF 32 c s.). Git th rhuyn iI rniQt<br />

CiQr buoml I-( ednli bu<br />

ships carries a canfvas suili SlIMALld WI'll full<br />

6 'nj ba-njg Vj'% U&t lrnI 010 Clidl length hamboo hatlens.<br />

chmnr ilum rxing L~a'Lu nep trrt chaoy suot chweu ngaiig<br />

canh butlil.<br />

I<br />

KIN<br />



Ji.i<br />

'11, ýA A'1<br />

coI1v ~ .1* hnWvilasdi ap citrtir owr<br />

0 lllI %J V jj<br />

I<br />

j AF % Vll<br />

-<br />

!Ii' idi izi ,6 ill vau ting ii khimgt Awnc ca LI ijkiI d ait ~nvhIdrdft<br />

A 'A % 7 N A<br />

ii 'A<br />

dC 11 .ac 114 lta dl !M 11, 0d11 I. ott. C1 L C t;I<br />

f iung lit-a tit Id Ilit Ni-h'~'ici i~ t HIc k III M.1~i<br />

rirung hiul hII ct.Img S.111 kicini ,sit. Kii kill \N III<br />

H fli l s hermen Whitl UJt.'V 111C V r A\C -I i<br />

Chines n I ClUgCU' s Wit) ii iv d tis Nlim~ ( y Iii<br />

Nat !hI-n <strong>Vietnam</strong>ii when'i *111 C01inniuntliNSI gilitid<br />

1'it '11', 1II lit: 11w .111iithnd UIi Chin II I . I 1SU Iltell 'lId I<br />

~, 'A ?<br />

q:Z t~iii il lii. 'i c iit ii~.~i~, I Ii i .. ii ilriicnk.ill 19-514. NdY1v i tnii . Iad vtlr d 1. iSal<br />

liiti ti iilc' .i 'i N d~i~- ~ ac'1 :~ ii. iiu; V ctli i\v 11%.\ I .S spil' miill Nc! cl (i~a d I S In ull<br />

I t i - i<br />

,l<br />

o l i. i i 1 l c l j c i s i<br />

A'~a<br />

VI il Jil t: .1 II.I *11 -It -I<br />

K . I N

WIN<br />


m~arket sceflus at Vung Tau<br />

A\ III-<br />

KIN<br />


:KIN.<br />


KI(N<br />


- * ~ e<br />

'VIM -". .<br />


"j~<br />

I /_<br />

AlA<br />

No k I w " w"<br />

"<br />

CEN..... "FEE<br />

"TA M. 16 DRAFT<br />

CHI NG COI 1NG3025 FiTMPT 15.0FT<br />

C6HIUNANG 45.7 CM. LOAM E.6F<br />

MAN TAU t"IN<br />


KNONG CO HANG 91.6cm. EMPTY A.OFT.<br />

C6 HA\NG<br />


6! 0Cm<br />

1h27.8 CM.<br />

LOADED<br />


2.OFT.<br />

37,0 FT<br />

Dm.G cd I ,',<br />

ENGINE<br />


S. MA L,.Z 120 HOHSEP(MER 120<br />


DOAN VIEN 5 CREW 5<br />

AIC2 -41<br />


KIN/<br />

CONFIDENTIAL'** i. . ,<br />

VTAC ha lu<br />

0A1~. C-IkJ'NG GENER AL<br />

-'A<br />

V I'AC 4. Vo ihuytb :3ng ik figait'g V. nui l iti vi.l cj"S I V.-s c ie-- :h has ai widc hull. hetr ho(w is<br />

KIN<br />


*At<br />

KIN<br />


co/ý iýdv hct~~gnatU1Poil h ziq.Uuuldaatrsi<br />

.1dt dim k~ N~t~in ngant howvcr cru o.iy- only' 4t.g unouguabov lkLhvwaio-rI<br />

Chl dy~g Ai Ichkn dth tr-n wuig" nu gi J.v 1h4, 1~ Wong tho meet theafte denik,'. krivn an'u opening Nhurom<br />

.. I au thuyLhdnMvio vthý.l vj dr_-'h~ W o ; choun h1 t' cgin br1ut,<br />

suthnh ehn cid' pwhan hut nthy but i dk n'iot cha<br />

Lipe foini of dticiuw r ser fla u .' u i opnig is<br />

cahpe wthn athwartpontose tfunto hu Tht s knsown.<br />

AA<br />

khl dtng t1- In o Inn call 1S(ng 11' on~lf. *t b ng t ettl'atrdu, evn nopn g.w t<br />

culta 'CEon hldng iid Co fien<br />

11 ! h ua o eoeig itefiao<br />

i -- ' -<br />

ON<br />

A -<br />



A?'<br />


',TuynVA C-Adt ~g~Vn ~ h The VTAC-lu is bull. in Vung Tau, Phuoi<br />

Vtin Trhd4 tuy Y~a ?t Mnr.hA tfni B~1nh tUil'n Tuy Pro\'ince and In Phan RI, Binh Thaun Province.<br />

Pbari~uni aia tttlo2,n 00$A<br />

146 00$ khtnkk~dqng ed thuyA. Gi6 ti'ei &yngc.4<br />

tay thta kI ki vs loqi, m<br />

It ban be constructed In a-bout 5 wecks at a cost of<br />

$1, 400 to,$2.t t)0, lem; e-ngine. The enginc costs<br />

6i h~c #:Z, abdng pid vary depending upon thec make and1 model, and<br />

trwig b~ni chbng 146, 000. whether new or used, butthe average costis about<br />

$2, 000.<br />

Foredeck Dm3.11<br />

W, thu;Ch va d4X bu'('h1i 'ain b~inkioai 1,3 k14 The hull and must. are constructed of u fairly<br />

ning:. n1au nau 101 xm Yuo vo thuyen dl~oc gh~p<br />

10 inhou bing cue n~i%-g gou, V-a' d~ b~ikhung chfnih<br />

heavy, greyish brown wo~od. The hull planking is<br />

fas~tened with wooden pegs and full frames are<br />

V&d ght~p vau va~t. A~ thuyA Wong 'uj luung vh dinh<br />

thep. Thuy~hkhung co' long cot, song d hlul 10 g<br />

tin Ngkfi t~n I ha Lh (5cm cach<br />

f ixed tu the hull plunking with steel bolts and rnil .<br />

The junk has no keel, but two heavy timbers abo~ut<br />

1t0 irtc'hes In diumeter, plaued 4 feet muiprt, run<br />

nhau 4 tau Anti (1mn20) eIyy s'uot tit nial tdi lal de fromi thebow to the stern, to strengthen the uthur-<br />

,am cho At thuyvA ddd v~tng the^m Wise weak hull.<br />

Cal: did~ng g fp ella ye thoycri addt<br />

sd tth~ ý1~ny nhtia sam. A thuyG'i<br />

sumi b~<br />

ddoc Amln<br />

The seams of the hull are caulked with<br />

shiedded bijnibuo and iesin, and the junk Is<br />

lilt ý'LI , niLtrn~ lte<br />

ki6%i %,,.. a' /dn kh~t<br />

hol n16niý) fai l.. n<br />

1t<br />

VJ tLhuyn retzaulked e~very one to two years. 'Ihe hull is<br />

Ic', nor are any UffCulVe auiti ouulingaugents<br />

hIl l;1m hd yel thayco1; V1'i'' V") tiiiiv~th ph?.i ddtic used, therefore like most <strong>Vietnam</strong>s-ae junks<br />

cao such ^L lu;a oc gi~iq nllh;'d I hoLýt h'ii cdc thuvni thc hull muist Ix- scraped often. In this operation<br />

V N kPac. - huon cuo ye diuveli. 1'.gd~li ta dung 1d-C men use rollers 0'i pull the junk up on the beach<br />

d.1 il'n de ke' thuy'N l'^n bi ' L'i' ing uAv Day wheru they scr--bpe it by ,land.<br />

dthig co~l bu'C)) %-Ao fhuyvtcn rA(-'- !a !ý--i Ii Rng dir'y<br />

butýp cin dILMC dthey th ii.l'e th'n .i l iii 0 KIN<br />

Phl-u.,Nli'<br />

ut'll Vd 41d-I<br />

h6Y01 g11.Vai<br />


KIN<br />


12 ý 3<br />

a nI iA 11A I Atd - i' it u n n -1<br />

ChNi vit"., plh~nAilih(OM cm) rqui -ii hS I g '<br />

Mamnilaj ol licillp line Ii-i, dtt h. ulnu i<br />

Id,- *21 Vii tuo .fyi M ddtiic plh'if hlti nit ii-g 11,1 ging . Thet coinvasi sd I anin slav.dliji rigging i<br />

bi rd) OI iiet lln (I vunl. KlIN thtdlllg v'u!Z hlidnh uinu) replaiced -intc a ycar and tilt.. I nning lig~gitig i<br />

- alc Nt k1 1161 kil~ n v d'eh da Ir unen1 )a Y, Ilut dikciel citgiill (it-ves ai 26 Inch pi '':lcIueL alit'i<br />

A J V -' W 1<br />

J 1k, A -1<br />

V'I Ii. t lt nIII11111 thu' Lieu lint"' h i ohnt 111, nit 1,g ((di 2:1 IredUculnn gear U-1 .1dclit 1nd IS 5(1 t1Ied 130-Ali<br />

CllLii. rI.'Itnyitl coIming titet, lii'*lttldt~igClic de sl'ý V-ti1 llittvi i,. A ctull utii flugal hilgig putnyt<br />

- - th.~ :t;.i\. 1111i11g Ctth tle ~ ~ i: 1.n !<br />

pV<br />

cil 1iuii..IIv drivcn off thie engini. f'lit, Venigute ci'<br />

nlu. ii 'I-O Ae ,1W.l<br />

te tini eg A.~ u 1101 lilit MI<br />

)i"hit 0ong<br />

itOll<br />

oi tilt. tileri All -I 1iii' i t.'l Iiit<br />

KIN<br />


L ~KiN-<br />

A<br />

Th~i. ct v rC - a ct' im^t banrh laI aI o' baiig go TJ~c VrAC-* bIs a a Ia ig' wo~it--ii door -tvpv<br />

111111 uli ;:'n d-o m~ r. -i 1 ' 0~ vii .dJ L; .1.;~ r.ddur vC. tc hh a d ; sv Jir<br />

1.1I' co'tl %Th 'so' I In h'i sli'<br />

itcniz.ru~<br />

lpilI :.'I I i u. ka~o klIn<br />

I ".' . i~ n<br />

Iudv MI ICI' .1 he I.i INC( Wit lth oica d oif a itiic ke whenl<br />

hepn is in) shallow witvi T'fw iron ancli''rs<br />

t'Nv~ 7h1 A<br />

'lnd. n' I: All f 0- 1-1 Il?, n , t e j n<br />

baig~j. oo o. i'~. ~ o i~i,0 1sig t-i gal Vhli ,iiC C.11 I ld V-1l 2111 reel ftL' l -4 1111W l ine ll eCJh.<br />

IAt .%' A' h(0 )<br />

Ii~it M 'i.( 2010 ILac h(tm<br />

KiN<br />


C12o KIN I'm I<br />

V -<br />


Tliuycii VTAC-1 ill di dnh catiV 1un ig'0y kh?1i The VTAC-iu fislit-.4 tviry daii, de~parting<br />

hi~rpi itiov 3 gib Mn itr v~ I1, v~o khki~iig gIia ;libout Ono und rtcturniiigby midi-afternon Jn<br />

A t<br />

*n v/ tri Z iti d i.nuk,<br />

b u11i tjU [I'd j.i Ca''IIC rUYýCn 10llo'V 1111" Iu^(I d:'Ith Int v ci, lasq t fly !iv fh in Iairi with apurse no<br />

hi Alidght At va I c stircdand btitwL'cf tileu twti' : s.The cati~tcmi -<br />

t&I~ung hu ~ZIli ~ '~t dun nitl ikt I'l iii vut thki<br />

gtitu hii thuy~'n. Cilintdtnh&I gnil nhlkul olim! kliat si Mts tif v.riouu kindsi to fish delviiditg uiu.n hick<br />

iih;iu, %ltihim ddtjo nhis.)i ft taly thetin v it'll A~ thu;^Ii ;hIud tile s1suI1isi n auvui.Ige album I It-n. tic "<br />

mil. Tul~lihi~ntid~ khillg M - It i~l C'i nulrl sticliiius corrid tit in USU thtl UutCh Until It<br />

rii %, uIN d Zt Il fi), k t oI a f i i uc<br />

cliuyom. Din %hi thuvcn ICo maligi) II1CI' titi&. IV V 1(eIo IS1 ni.. siukih<br />

"')Ca cL7~111) il kbi efum ll bp I~k 4:h', %,I'rtldi plidt'ing (nti:mu~aim)unuuufacturer, Since MI'.Lfisih-umLj.i ly,<br />

hav chti ii vIdi lln 1111c Inmat. V1 kl'nh c nigiv VTAC lai nrariy uj'cnuubc 11101t~ diii d l 's<br />

I il '<br />

25 toll 30 dill) (40 -4.1 c .s.). ~ii i'g thuMycri 11.y<br />

A<br />

junk Ad M tIMS O CIL'V0121id lines fixa-&ngut<br />

t<br />

^-^ * I I A /7 /<br />

llLnrattVAv ~ CIC igŽ .0 ~qUdLc ~UJ CdC hiat<br />

n t,)v liv cc vnkhi:ti u<br />

:2Ul I 1in 0111, 1 'itstf the uctrillL Wiliui dil dlnfr'hiuf<br />

pi i-c-duug fisia thc fishing grouinds in lIgt<br />

-Iid tj--t<br />

i~g niing tp ng<br />

_. T t<br />

g4 % tdigll" i Idii<br />

h: it Inyu i .I ki-11F .'u g %;<br />

av 11ihi1% nVV Lk It OA' it<br />

A - ~ u l (i Aoi lu1K.uIt<br />

V 'AC- .1 -..4 ctiuuiumaiv si-cn with the sail<br />

it:;. I cd .;md ih_ f--htqfl no- hanging, Imili tile ~imis<br />

-- it<br />

KiN<br />


'KIN<br />

IKIN<br />


W IN/<br />


.<br />

.,ii7> . - -<br />

It,%<br />

VTAC-I b IV SLOf<br />

CHIEU D4I<br />


1302 CM<br />

457 CM.<br />

LENGTH<br />


46.4 FT<br />

15.3 FT<br />

TAM NU'OC<br />

DRAT<br />


CO HANG<br />

30.5 CM.<br />

43.2 CM<br />

EMPTY<br />

LOADED<br />

10 FT.<br />

1.4 FT.<br />


KHONG CO HANG 1524 CM EMPTY 5.0 FT.<br />

CO HA1NG 140.2 CM LOADED 4.6 FT<br />


: ONG C(3 ENGINE<br />

D6 G C<br />

DIESEL<br />


SO MA4 LWIE<br />




DOAN VIEN 5 GREW 5<br />

KIN<br />

AMIE-49<br />


-AA<br />

ThtI~n VA -b00i dtt~jýiV-(- ~ TC1)i dnia oV A aecp o<br />

tr he dii k)Ac kit-i-T~v0llu'k-ýnt ~ h if tsencntuto. Isedo h<br />

ididi~ ih .5t -I<br />

KI<br />



7--<br />

A' ne' khoun<br />

Aiirong hon vi' Nong .j livlN royngitin c' nhieN aind thv gi-u~ter deck sipace affords more working<br />

oh dt'iiU vIv'c -'.I sinh! it~ cho t~h~ thui. and living spure for 01, crew.<br />

A M-<br />

KiN<br />



11111~i~ buliii tliinh 1.4111g cii ct:c. 1I tui, t:n* The, lorge mulnunHall~ with full length haminiisoo<br />

NHit~ir 0 1gfllg 1101 4 )I111g, VN ,igodl ltHif:ilddngi;u hatiumi Iim hcaavy &rnd the windlava I u~tw~ully U'4tM<br />

nt1't cill Ill, .'I~ R ~i u ddduig deJ1'v buohn. for the. mailn hulyord.<br />

%A A"<br />

11mi;tig Ii i<br />

"1ii t 04iv k.4<br />

ctli Iiyvii tAujIilgIie<br />

ldidtec din I'fl<br />

li<br />

tUe *<br />

Ai clear duc~k forwaird makuse ut 1-idndlitig<br />

r iand there 19 nu iscomin for VTAC-Ib iti<br />

- - -V V'AC. lb kiihýuta of vii b butii liufiik V)i vol 'lf; 1-4t cairry ai torueu i, sloce all of thu clues wre rimptir-<br />

Icu thiwvvi Ii;.iii my dell %:6i gal lvi OP I,6% Tov hIvd, It iipw ri likely thiwever that both thim junik<br />

n iA il.Yiig ihd 'it .ifL kla~- cl, tuyvi V I'AI.- lai vo~ ),ii tilt V VAC h~i -ktuppeid fivakiieilc-ds<br />

VTAC- lb d ibig blwli miul.<br />

Quimi ntiqm pay tllii fill hlip Il it-ng Will lil<br />

d.ol V411 Ili-it tihuveln l'QIc- I V'~i RtNIC-1 i f v Iili<br />

Tlivic mvem.4i to be. 'hu Same tre'nd hiorv. o<br />

logItil'ol 0111C .whc OCIII III :h UGulf Of Skillil<br />

With~ I 1 ri) 1411 Ia ii Il~ Ia hii lio"Cny nvi v ia v iddi k ia t.ia 1.<br />

111i 1 11 U01i it ~ S 11 ii.11 l it1 i giavi a., ofd 1114vv1v<br />

illivv, - A A'A -,<br />

Ciic 51do 1. p kv gudiv( 1t,*Ih~g clvig butiii Lda<br />

, N A' 11 ca" 1 (<br />

htrl i %al 1:116 Mat ttusi IU ll, ii ~~L 111V, C d.,<br />

KI Iid RUICM-I. Thiost? h..ill i e<br />

a 3 pp,3 r d (silly as SiA II lig I uilk i dIv rapar<br />

tliLrL, was mi vii 11v iv L'ivr ay i~i~~ %vx VVI*<br />

"evil No 111th Saii.iling Version li-v.'iipiIoi-tly<br />

hai~v e<br />

di 3ii ppC.lV1id. yvv ~th ft -1;vr eni i m id but il i' ii r i d<br />

4- v~dv~ tuycy~ug7 IiUV VI t) vIYc the u~i v~I- wkt il 1V-ligbi idlctvi<br />

VPImli~ai sa l hit'A, Al nL!' o<br />

KiN<br />


p &<br />

KIN •<br />


AMEr-53<br />

KIN<br />


KI<br />


AMI-54<br />

KIN<br />


• . .. - ,,<br />

Vo<br />

KIN<br />


_ * 9... . .. .<br />

p- , I.q,;<br />

•<br />

A<br />

• "' ; f.<br />

!r| I " :<br />

VTAC-2 EiUU ,<br />

CH16U VAI<br />


1219-1524 CM<br />

335-396 CM,<br />

LENGTH<br />

BEAM<br />

40.0-500 F<br />

110-130 F<br />

TAM N UMOC<br />

' "- U,, 30.5-45.7CM<br />

DRAFT<br />

EMPTY 10.6 If<br />

CO HANG 432-053CM L.OADED 1.4-2 8 F<br />

MAN T`U<br />

SKONG CO HANG 610 0CM<br />


EMPTY 2.0-2 32 F<br />

uo HANG9<br />

CHiEU CO CcuA COT EtUM 1127?CM MAST HEIGHT 370f<br />

ENGINE<br />

DONC CC,<br />


o ML-L.uC. 20 HO2RSEPOWER<br />



152 L<br />

4-6<br />


CkEW<br />

40 Gi<br />

'<br />

KIN<br />

I A19- 5 5 CONFIDEN<br />

.,,<br />


KIN<br />


VTAC-2<br />

+)At cIX$Nr GENERAL<br />

I'. 'A A klI7<br />

I'hloven V l'AC-2 1. L%~ III III, ILI C c V r;AC- 2 1', 41 1rugged utid .ap.'Jblc saiiling Jilnk<br />

mnmn tirong cts ve tl r htuyen alliv k~nC0 the chj-Ipy<br />

Mliiibang dong M. M~i ddtlnglit'im thu yi chay ly.<br />

Ih'inhl dling ~vti veuil, VA j1I4 0101ig lt1 k4it) .7114<br />

which I so op~erates well under lx~wcr . She Is fast<br />

under Still. "lid of a hull form aind mailing rig thait<br />

makes her ca sv fur ~iiL sina c VCw to handle Ini a<br />

thuv'? C6 thlý d.;t 1ýý1 I ii t jnI &ig Iii. (I Ihoiy, 11hu variety Wf sea 'and breeze conditioins. The shape<br />

tronr fint dtoic ,ityn khiic nhou ic'a bi"N'n va glui mnd mlanner of C011-t riULciu Of dhe hull are des-<br />

Idothi d.n Lho' C11 vil t: ('uh ing Vii h Iel 1u ' i.11 n IV cribed in detail in the siect itin duvotud iti VTMC- I<br />

d i, i1<br />

V IMCK<br />

uII -uIn tiEl 11 on,:i limla td 'itC I'ita 1 YIhIuii<br />

(III veil VI-P1 I 1,d 111hnYCI V FA G -2 dong<br />

hilch Is shvIiIlft 1i~i FiIi tUiL version tit V 'At'2 ..<br />

thu 1111" hII). KIN<br />


KIN<br />


A''<br />

811 Ithde bkv~t ch(ith'd VY nu A'' A 1 01 Vo<br />

V-1; V41a ~tlulk YT<br />

Thet oinly major differt'nc.e int constructltn 118<br />

4 Aý2 ye Cut" limaI tltiyeIIIwuc<br />

Idn~ htn. Trtunll 1I u~p n'~a "~ "i u'td "11141"<br />

thLt tri1nner In which the plankti ure tustent-d<br />

together in tamieV I'AC-2 anti other larger ai~ats.<br />

iinh v'amu nhuu b~ng etfe dinh to v'a mN.g nsi~al In this Procoaus the p~iuklng W edge fastene'd.<br />

,Ik%: sht4j Vuo C~Af b; khung. het~ldett being fatitunu i t, the franicH with large<br />

tie dtong dinh v~o cite etjnh van, ttlde hUt uIad oenpg.<br />

ntl ta khoan ci e<br />

p~%' tc<br />

lv~iam jpbt d~i3I cuj lain v an<br />

tu amu n vnud A&ndtht<br />

Ti Hiet tht nulls fort the t~elgcitsteflhtg, hle'qi<br />

aire fiirt "tou-natleud through the lotwer outboare<br />

tre ~<br />

I~ 4 V I<br />

~o the dong cut. h xa nhau td<br />

A A /<br />

M91 Vol l~innanh u ti i it. -Into the~se holes~ aru driven large' galvaoilzt-d<br />

* *ih t!!t utnh, l~uy theo c, to nh0 c'it tlily~vi v a^<br />

tinh colo e~a gif &auel ;W Ong. Ng~It(nh chat<br />

noails or' 4plkeq. Spacing ul the natl 1414 1Irregul r,<br />

antid nity va~ry fromt a few inchob up to meveral<br />

doSng thu 0A nay. ptudn hy ;h~ C0 u n<br />

lo'm 0'ho dchu hji ýV'i vg huyen n-li rahauy CU IVi.<br />

It",<br />

filly<br />

reet. depending on the siz#e of the Ixtat and the cotn-<br />

dtitot of thel lumbktr Ix-lng wed, Beaidc-4 being a<br />

bj vt~t v~ibfi dtll) tieinu x'6 . MuN ldnhci. ch h.c rugge..d method of it'ngtrurctioti, it Is a simple<br />

1;) nlid tY.d thuv'en dtic~ kvio It% ati %"a 11421 (Wh<br />

d an A.kl i la hv iin ' ghu~p ctiat v" thayen1<br />

matter it) "tighten-up' the hull as flhe ploviks swell<br />

or contract, -- rbecaorirs defurornw because i'f teavy<br />

~..u~n c~j iubv~t csc h~ 'a e.1 i *a aill wealther. For this tighteninK. theL btoat isq simply<br />

Ia i I'u in.j S a d'n g V in vi t h UyeLn vfluti v z hi'c becuhed and -j caitpenter muoves along the edge, of<br />

1jhuag th~ding kh~'ng d'4dc k7 lam.r vohii~" In thu pl..nking. zapnping nails here and therv ,i<br />

*"L ca~n i cac, van<br />

.a I sIRge<br />

dt'cho vo 11huv)en iLhic chac,<br />

6i luv i'thi re'quired. and ru-coualkitug if n",essairy. Fa'acun<br />

ing of planking ito frames is often lxi''u jnd greit<br />

reliance is pluced tini the edge fastening for sI r'ngtlh<br />

in the hull.<br />


A 11---,<br />

44<br />


KIN<br />


,tll _a<br />

& ;a ClI !S botmt JUidll wei an'1 d I 'elul<br />

thuyen tIYciff rt OV~ llig % 4',i d<br />

A .1 7 AA<br />

rnyt qch kha quvin. Ng11wi rai h'ý tbong<br />

At,<br />

r4Ri ee<br />

tetut.<br />

fucturi~j ly Ch)e i<br />

ii ilui forill very satistic<br />

tewindundon .i rvach. Again,<br />

euj buoni khi diftic dicil khtc~n h~1i 14ot nl~dli thiiih ilwflexibillitv -f Ole rig w~~o cnlruIledhy ucuill.<br />

;h~io co thc !jhictn cho cule diuyvtlm ny tkinh cki man wkvs tIic~ejuiks exce'Illen saillcrS.<br />

thu vi uchy humhi nol ianig. *fnuy'cn%-rrAc- 2chav \'TAC 2 is not is fast wilder saill it. tlivla rgur<br />

bti) )khUitl nhun h hIng thuyun DARC- h~i d6tig iio DAIIC li of the, Di Nanig itr-a. sinc the ligit,<br />

hion 0 hut 1 1hn Ii Ning: vt thuV'en DAB>1 cif v.' !Ahi Itlitw ill. ,Ive'k baske't bottom and lairgv sail<br />

thuyen nlit; vi tning lt~mg. dzfyN tre don lK;"g IUng V%]<br />

t<br />

but.), 1, ng n,_) I~ C edI ~ %.' hangi~ kc thW Ihuve<br />

arva ploce: DABiC-i ai owng the fastest sdtling ci-ait<br />

in the %orid. Hoiwevei, VTAC- 2 is fatr more .seua<br />

'A 'V , AA<br />

h~iu'ii ch.*ynhil i i tIe %gili.- thv111c l I th l. il \Wr 1by1. W.-g ed ICis. ,4t'llqtlvv to<br />

'TA'C- 2 Lihi kho l1011 tihit tr!,e tI~IAnI. k.cd'I dI or c~ut f<br />


KIN<br />


J<br />

7<br />

-<br />

h lVJ a Lha b- g I~ R de I n Li VI 1 IIh~ ma~ig y Lw ir ss pIti red i ly Iuto-i s an chlii t vi,<br />

Jo hi-an<br />

ig t ii ofl sr<br />

"I W- d iem cdogl Ia tii dlqng vu It!' ria S4uik wearc dii out rathery thanv~' . huliu<br />

Iý hi~l dichOWin ch nin big~jithii r~it VIii 2'sar-,stli 5LL ugliry III ufl iuie Vlcan frtil<br />

Thi rgt~ l ii ng th~uy ciuc tqVTAC-2ddidng brevzu wihi Il I ge holes In the sail.4, yeltheb holes i<br />

hIII, m choyu ktil g(ji P+.- viii civ In .31ilng its tIf vi'lih svemi it, Iovc till tvi-dency it) tear furt her . Sotivihlnor<br />

vli Idlidng Wit( khrong s,,I cd'c I,', th111-g ntIy Vao'<br />

hdo.I I~ikin~ A A<br />

tite hill). khll nlO~ t'ihivy klua thui durr nrtljJ( il tI11siti guly<br />

tinivls a cruLw rtinmlivi will talke* a pivce of Wire 3<br />

Ill 4 idice~s ~Nng aurd Install sort of a "stulari" to<br />

mup 0cm h~ich'ng It li'u tm 1' ihlli, lll~g cosu the l~ittle. hut this is done to trap the liveeze<br />

h I, i Vl Iaf lideJ% chan gfo WdinI glý~i cht'ia 147) IIoý IIIratlit 111) r to sup ) I Hr.<br />

rau~h tor hdr i r~nVAC2.I~.se<br />

00ni klu co the thuay tiruven ri-AC -2 kLoIII('(5 A liti it \voven%: ciicoruo (rh sai I 'et on thu fogei] viis<br />

canh Ijuni hang rboi dui dan duming clinoiun oti irotii .ald when so) Equilpped, ii Is of conventional loiggerva<br />

buoin 11,y II8 loai hmne btln o ir tcalli nllu 111iiuiii1 siviv, -siiiilai Fit, the refugee bLxjitii Iii Me Phanr<br />

0ha )d dyIe tia r c1im upii.i di :u u. tI I haii phi.)ih 7t-IA- di L0 (,I iliiUsI n~it. HJoweVer, SheL iR ,meelI<br />

i'hlm nThier vL' phial ac. *ruv Mien. 1053 ionoil riing<br />

thliy tlriivin chi dunig c.. 11151l co! Iiii i 1. 1 ,1 ing<br />

giay illwp hay gilrv call.<br />

tlriostt-ein with --ily il( ireooiniruost stepped. Rijn<br />

fllfli I its~i g i>- 1si ;il -lv ip :indi -,hisiiiis ar tl "f*, ireI<br />

01 kalit.u<br />


KIN.<br />


I ,,<br />

'A A ~ir tdng NIIj v " lin MtitNuti aw vafly u'l"I~tL'pV1t ,,td .1INI. are<br />

Fawv! -p o iu ,bc<br />

Ll<br />

toNU I-ir~ kbuib mul<br />

Jh~iga 11t t~ilL duck it dcuilred.<br />

la 1'a,1ji<br />

a1w1n tifullull In ouhLI 11 way th~ 1* IIUYLun Ix, lidI<br />

A 7 77<br />


/ ~ ' Awan a S.1u Ui~ t.nu 'All Tna' I iv2ilg quartelirs are lust aft of the ni'un -<br />

cai, klvunj rang nhUng Ca Vll p~hai LUI Oil. P111(d<br />

to q butArn c ai la taN1 kgi 1-191 -A!1 (uIdiggaom. ~<br />

A 'Aung vc hi~a sau th.)nh aa~ ncchli iq 20<br />

0 rd) t h Kiting ph(a mwm aiIt -A ,~. ilk-i tcdv<br />

must wht-re thrca is ;j large cuahin wIth vciy littl<br />

Filnvr'ad (if Ute mad iflmitt Is a Illipc<br />

-wi:maiiv &L-iggeba brd incllnuil aft abO~t it ;12<br />

kgt.n A Iurg, haund olk-Vatcd windlast- vi I<br />

-'ký Nm iva ga mu<br />

quay hImng taviydmng dLk-1411\~xu i<br />

'N - 'A"<br />

thiuvrnl cung th.Li u1m116a 'Illl In at W114itc a VJ<br />

uh11ing ipac-1:g g(^ I'Anh ca'itd i' d lg-d 1"o<br />

ti fimut: oin dec k for ward. This is attisdi t) handle<br />

tlic nos. At so Ill 'h vic mmv of teIIIC Ithelre y tItav<br />

II.10/1 1Vl-(l -id~ fw tt lfl v I<br />

C ho' ch1a5C.<br />

cva s anad choc ks fil ilv sahr iv puar~ix~v<br />

KiN<br />


Al .<br />

ILI<br />

Ii~inh :<br />

Ti)ý% i C;ý_'<br />

bdib V'.LA 1114 iwy<br />

ti ~ la Il to h9gAv<br />

10a 1 ,I, 015Ung. 11d;Ih t<br />

rAC-2 has a lairgeotior -type woodeni cudder<br />

and hine, straikou tillki The' ruidder is di'uppted<br />

dthIk 4- t 11i Itling i3p qu<br />

IhL Sda clcij dda xui^ll'y atf<br />

A~ AP<br />

nm ~ kiai<br />

11Ilý1 ph"i .al ;I V% C'<br />

vi tr n<br />

cxi vi ~'If) ý 11<br />

Ar I A<br />

osely Itolt<br />

iti~<br />

a weli in mey stern, and heddt any 01<br />

f itIwit )1iim v a q1.1<br />

Ii wdieIatti~b'aN1.I<br />

stimple matter' ill uns~hip,<br />

lnit?). i3anoh Iji coa the that', 1,4 l~bla ~ hemp~ sI rag. It is oai osl.<br />

di 1. cog.a~~ thj ý ,Iuin I king cailIi the rudder. Oneinfers that thc rudde'r aiiangc -<br />

xc dat 14!11 1;1 Pl rd vv v itliklne d '! ia naiy 1,14 cc i' ii nt Is a ch oi t \aiicw ,4 pa~int Ill filk. and .iiiti1al<br />



'o.<br />



'A A7 A A' A<br />

NI~ h~ytnpho dhong ui1al. li !Il'. do N'1j! rhl' ntc011111011Il w<br />

Iig~ni is the !mad11<br />

A, AciteId<br />

thu lv Ya ninla v do, 20 ma~ I d,: Kilhnn lh~v dxns.Yaoofiut20l)rupw . rghe<br />

Cdc inifv Iiianh hOn 40) lihld 1 ILi rui gla On 40 hil suc)jiwcr arc no, comnmon. Nunv.<br />

bdll si tIl Coin~t ti~i' t t-i~ Ii p in -. t tt.Vktiig ni tic c~lippz wasit h~ clctwin sliti t<br />

.'. iiti L~n 111.1 td IWO~ ia~ tl 1111.1 t 11111 ;till 1111iW 1.1pcVU U Lil.t. cohn uuit.v 1111h ho; rou lt<br />

Ii ( thcoi tiC)) tn \1chci tul\td? aanlotc II~ti<br />

Iltint i llt anh ~aKiN<br />


1:1 G.

KIN-<br />


cylbu j~~l% 11, ty -k M it ~ei bo il ri'~p It'j[ 11wtvt- ,I<br />

ittil '"d cthil Iiftm ti IdiselvigilI<br />

g),dtfNvr i ~i wiv-A- itfv ut sL w aie uk<br />

A ;<br />

v ."elvil thl'A vl60. VT(.-2 the o yc b'need nth lnht'ia-ta itl-owectfo n<br />

4 C" A 1 Lý n -<br />

th, kl but, wyti i<br />

AW<br />

v~~~~y. Itkll npii ~kt<br />

fo~r<br />

1, lýl nIa\ dV) Id Dlam vill vi" eninw't't, inded lit rdIs mort: of ur~ hIIinrtwc itigitiL<br />

1: M i. l 'v" -tl/ :Ll' thl~ I& 'hIli * i A v~ ,^m c d ill cik<br />

XJ-i q n 1 A 'An Luarth eth]Anui ci fl luii bo vtad-ig z<br />

l c Inn h l. (Ak Vlll.I C10i II~U th' itA i Ik<br />

h~lafl uunlcnV~ ~y ICu thuvnVTAC 2c cis p<br />

help. It Ist ne4J In onvvf&.A(i tl ~ ift1 Ol'awe, ca'-rw a<br />

i I d<br />

itointuefýrm wth it-, ,tv mid kJin fu.&l ail.<br />

alp tI t.v'n~ i rtti'fihr w<br />

Trhe, fitu, aihos VTAC- 2'% la4UillPp Willi Ullgltn<br />

doig CO ccuII tii,% bZt C,^t wkt4u 1111 dl V~ will invoirm~hly tovitup 1wII~vioruhmw And IufIVL' It Onf<br />

ti.-, zli. ol"% I', d'mg oihu ,. nnit tillt nh~n<br />

thtllilng ifty dang X'.1 co* u~ 'tllý11,o I~ituy'*L'I 17t<br />

the beach. This is wot irk -11 wittc ,incu :1 glanick<br />

a, hL, ktxm vevv rhon, ., aisItinci ton Is mwc wit tlot.<br />

Ia piivtg n hti hng. nfitv rnQi tilveti lytl tnay it Sholu~ld be euqwppcil with di tituginfl 'l *Io.i a~<br />

ea1' dtn a 11\iedIh~'i ch.av k1 cI~ uatl nlq fiik tie I-Ha of this e iass With) Iwo miast", but ma iiig<br />

Ai~'it<br />

AA'<br />

d1i 4, ng nI Tii jili ph~ I ttit tivili n\dv thit tVtinitu munctl.tv susicjimIIS Utless thvtsu jinmiss<br />

tuiIAllkitn amhllpý11 IiJi tilmiing Ili,,s kha~. (-.It<br />

A x A A<br />

lI~~iI~'Ldiftik 'Anwlt~i~h ~dt'lo ti tikc~d ingIla I 111nim<br />

S 1u A(,'A Jl<br />

W iI llA<br />

~ .11C cmiwagd Ini ailsimr I atit lv it Wtilhm llt<br />

IA'A<br />

Clip 11C e 11041d C.11rrV INil .I' .111d 11111SU L-11111111)('l<br />

liAS'-1 % i1-1V 11<br />

llilbln Win<br />

d11. 1111!IoiLli KiN<br />


KIN<br />


~ ii~t v Idin mqt AlltatILi~ vk~t Cýlg III,, L1I r<br />

v~i r~t ~i~y'h.rhdy 'nt thuyvn V -2 LcI13V<br />

iuL i'nhIi'fe~.dnd igo'al kilul) Vc dainh ci<br />

tii wun'k in paims, they towv a 1taegt puim , net<br />

butween the twobhuuts. A vrAC2- 2tranveling tilone<br />

llavwhlerL witsideik the mitLdiILA fitshngar eu IWO,<br />

tift<br />

Vtun datihu)ý c<br />

IiiIl)I iLt'V'I' clise<br />

rhuyeoi VTAC- 2 luun IuimI 03 (ti 1,11,i ehu)<br />

thuv~ "i ngaiv 1rrun thiuv'li. N~o thu'U~ig thd'y th'ie'<br />

VIJA-<br />

~nl andn e<br />

is irc'querriuy,~ ii. fim~lv 'tome<br />

-.11~ thui VWSi~'' W ill nt-Ni iLllik-~Fl.<br />

ci dan 11a.<br />

bau I~zi ch~<br />

Thilc vy. mont so Ilizat'a na I,,<br />

v'a chi hiuN- Mtl~t quit sal Vu 'it<br />

t Jill i<br />

I htoý 1'v<br />

In fact. aI imnther 44 these I-t~is are ouwned will<br />

cotllthltdcd hv wometn. It Stirke.s ani Aine uivio<br />

laylm nwigc dhuen ii~ to.. set:i a uu -iid<br />

mt itayi> be~ conu cl t.' v kiut dulithtg bti1'11i C.), icV<br />

~ 7 1 A 'A shr<br />

s01ianhu ra '.a\iui nltn I ell ,ell ,ill yen n']\- 1':71<br />

, 7 1~ ' 1A 1 IN<br />

nut-I cac tbuy thu *~ttu~tngay 61, k-hi t.nnho rtui<br />

niursinug child in ione darm W~hhie Sht NMIlS the junk<br />

hlrnwi ochr n 4o<br />

with the the.Cide h ir onadg<br />

up it-.ucl 1 af hucnw emiuvi ~lyl skilIIf ul sallu s<br />

KiN<br />


KiN<br />


A<br />

naI m~il ib nhU I~ii vtkiitqin Int ai~~t .. (j1IIIV.<br />

A<br />

ri I hLNh trA mot ihUyni VTAI, 2 Vehtjv t'th~l11<br />

Cmn tint-luau,~ur~~n?~t'sjF'~<br />

wckpd cliitin)g Ipst I it WVTA 2..j hiuh it yIt<br />

di t,1118 fill dinli klý tIluin 41 lII i~t likiu 'l~it, VIf 6i<br />

III v'~i taujeli litifcf thA.' thbddng, V1a clitky 1uchl gii. a<br />

rentrtciced wutet wily witlh If I r W;y I if ,1141 Iitie<br />

vtm. ,anuinig tasany otlttr jitoks~ titita-hor11 ~atsid<br />

II ,, tituy'Cikl 1ildt: c :I th ehii 'y vu' cI th) il'i tihl Mo.a ,<br />

SaY khia icliy clhtikov rt)it 1ttni~ sighdi ~c~i laif Ilt' v ( t r<br />

chi~'g rofi snA Idl A dii 4'G pm(d 14 thuiuh A ý<br />

ltl kh~ft blil, M7ip %At gal O i f.ttt I td~ i Ln<br />

Ufilti way * Afto'i triaVtlln~g s'limtt Ui laitidii ei yal adt<br />

hat' inuiltt liat Illallta k-it his~ Litt~lon Withoutu aWord<br />

and wiaat forawa~rd for t uit'i retdwian. A Hiamall girl<br />

of 411711111 8iX 1V sevvii ycoama iminnwdialttly stu'pix-l<br />

Inhtt 161 tay t11A c a~niII li Eti't Meln thatiyon ai<br />

V1 A<br />

Wi a b% a itvii mi t~ikhu'o 16) 00 1111<br />

oaV ''vi'<br />

o(~t 'theii<br />

d look 1' titiivr. inamnvuvi-ring the biout oti<br />

harbwto und tinta thme ojkn ivii, with it ick<br />

Al t~iidl nbui t'hliyin liii Uttayuni UAlt thuyfli Ilimia of skaill that WoulId have.v do;ate culi tdit iivaIy tii.m<br />

%AA<br />

Thuyymi VTA(-2 dou tim ton l idvw Phing y~ou ORIGIN<br />

tial ph* Vuti Tp% Kau ithi.Vlv.t N~mai lit chko 41<br />

ndin "ay111 954. huvet 061 thyullV<br />

?ir %45 &iuvi<br />

ntht cua ngj1Jdl Rc real<br />

1~ '~J~ ai~t<br />

ilt Wh tri'ngthkV<br />

lu<br />

i1tt'ui<br />

Umua<br />

Nuam froim<br />

YA-he2 (1 I'st t:l~, div Vilng Tauý Jiitaa<br />

Hat limcuag after ihr pot ltiliming lit Vivinani<br />

c.ho 0~i Ulf ngý]Cii Pic di ed vl im Nu sj Wit rWml%<br />

£ A +7ý 1111, A % r<br />

aRi.h C,,ige All 011viet tlong. 4) hcn lai '-ixt gla<br />

d~n tp pi e'i b? '3ý dIt hit ph'n tJY<br />

Iin 1954. ThI4 junk is another example of a northo'ta<br />

huot. ravliy Scutt In the South Until Lteu<br />

nmigratlaia orreti1gaest toSouthVhactnarn atter coni-<br />

Liu Min so va Lit -n i41 (ý -ntl boal nitiost &kntination Iin the north. It w~as naturtil<br />

thu^k 11. 110 4~ rIamg quen bi~ ditng tht fishing fdsimlits, driven away froin thL'lr<br />

in'pics woluk mut 6.011116, Watcrti and 51111iior<br />

DIaCtl Ju ) '1". 4-1-31ioy V71"WO 2 d 1 . hvt "Aitivod. ard It Is 11,41 niatmr~ai that thtey<br />

111 duaiai de thikv the loat thuyt'n VTBC- A voc tich o~ would comitiaue to build and sail hliuts with which<br />

vaing tau. Su thay the nay cote Ihn haIilwyL-i VTAC- 2 thev were farnfitiro. An interesting situaition with<br />

tot hon va chav nhanh hotn va cc i.- T hki~i hop hV'. VAC- 2 :s that this ciu ; t~uphbo'lti V711V-1. a<br />

cin vicc gan iOng %:0. naitrv-c Vui~g T~au boat. Trhis mamy tic hbecause it is<br />

.1 tit~lti dild, fastvi boat or it may he that it i<br />

htictiu smirid titii lmtdiliitafn ot an ctignine.<br />

KIN<br />


- ...<br />

- + "-<br />


VIMS<br />

! I<br />

Ii<br />

:<br />

IJ<br />


I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

AfrI'-67<br />

- --<br />

KI<br />

KI<br />


k<br />

4.<br />

I<br />

9<br />

-<br />

,II1/ INI-<br />


....<br />

tI .<br />

'I<br />

4<br />

/ 'I I'' I<br />

I<br />

II:<br />

I<br />

S<br />

AIII-68<br />

.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I 1<br />

KIN<br />


.5<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

4<br />


KIN<br />


10 .0 3 0 V T A C -3<br />


/% 119-615CM.<br />

1<br />

LENGTH<br />

CHIEU DAI 53-8 M BEAM<br />

0. to<br />

40.0-53.0 FT.<br />

154- 160 FT.<br />


EMPTY32<br />

53.6 FT.<br />

A M NLIC<br />

THOAU cO<br />

CO 'GANG<br />

1,NG 975<br />

3- 109.7 CA. CM.<br />

LOADED<br />

6.BCDRAT<br />

TAM C o It . H 4 N G F R E E B O A R D 6 8 F<br />

FT<br />

EMPTY<br />


9_06 2<br />

ETY6.2<br />

40.0 FT.<br />

189 CM.<br />

LOADED<br />


I219.2 CO H<br />

DEE<br />


ENGINE<br />

%N 2ICM<br />

TYPE<br />

IONG CO<br />

LON DAU DIESEL E25-50<br />

SO Lt25-50 HOSEPOWER50-100 GAL.<br />



L G'-0-380 CREL<br />




All[- 69

KIN<br />


-VTAC-3.<br />

*<br />

'A A1 .<br />

1.11 t ii VI AC~-. lif Ii.I,10 y. ~I ~A VTAC*-d Ii a ishi ~g Juiik of U inesk, originj<br />

(o)nn, Tmghts,i Irltu~in aiy d*A' ~lccfdIpuol hc sflu l til ulgTu Phan rhiet, anid<br />

A 1, iI~Ip~ i t~ ~rii n Vi~tn<br />

Wil%1am Phain ehu au IVth ('4 VNCI-. Phan Ri ,IrvwsI 4 South vittiuiu. She. earriuoL<br />

)l~ Co V gltIil ,?d innjo1, swils~n whicLh dii'- used only under tdgvovable windJ<br />

A' ' A i' an uin ltutlfjuiii . L<br />

1,0% t~ (0~ vZ 11h 41i da~ C'.w *huel V rAC- 3 bg<br />

AhIlig nin.1 Ii Ijiu ~TAC -I 'a co rdilN1 &.)c duni<br />

nitil thvi Il .i Ltu~vvn iini i jd pi~hu LA oww<br />

nhivu it ~ky ird'&f day tat cul lato )I-nibn phI'oNan<br />

Ti ung- litia .1tI tvja Xeldd um'Zgi"i NaIlt VNI 11;11<br />

l'~i4.~ ~ pd~ng i'h thtiyvi la% *Ghe None.' V'ýi<br />

jIIAIkQk, 'ngLlh'A A<br />

i C~gtl~iIiIn ýcl luci 1i6 y'vdang 1".11 tlontg<br />

VTACi-3's origin and histury areL sIimitiIari thuse<br />

of vieVTAC-I clus-4 of lunkai'nd It shairue mainy ofi<br />

th ttvit'i charaterist ic. The dt-sjign pi-tbabl<br />

o~giIntitd svvra~~l hundred years ago on Hultian<br />

Islandl In Sotmih Chill~i dnd wus brou&4it ito South<br />

Vlvtnj in l9q4. Thu local nameiu s S"Goe Nang'<br />

ln<br />

About 5SO of Ul.it~,t junks aiv u now hiperatt in<br />

I<br />

1<br />

1.., nili Namn 'IN. South <strong>Vietnam</strong>.<br />

O~ng 'ý 'mai thuv'^ I' 1.1 mot0 iiiv Dit-sel. 4 si - Power is Wi inkslwd bv a furv i i ndr,(l<br />

1.1111. tit, til0 liii) Ide, do, Phpii haN My che tat)<br />

P.oIjij !llc ,\~ htq, uV, I ICU<br />

11,'A14 CIlu'n . timg I 140c *tsn<br />

\l uCIw tiýAi Iit ;n(41c.)<br />

701 litrseIKtwur diesel e ngin if Frenzcnh o v Anit-riuu n<br />

makt. [IOLA toI CIipcty IS d timi)d 110 gA Iloti andtu<br />

r ,mg ) oboitt I*l imics.<br />

thu pniki~ has I i<br />

u ~guug<br />

.~. ,,~CONFIDENTIAL<br />


7/<br />

KIN<br />


VTAU- 'hnn:~:*ab ~ Vk~ 1f lVTt-3 it,1 d ttljglu Im~hl~ sIlelliLI ~ll mlgtly<br />

vC h(U tilloit- Ai khij1uag ~llsthoya~n nuyi aiia. fsi Wad itiaf airhitdimli~i 'nit, (cunvus ti IIIIN m Ims 111<br />

~~ ~ .. IdhIa bi vs I ' c nVil ~ti ce Iy full Icligill bl~i4Jsim, Wialowg Sii. Soejulikov t" hit<br />

01. al b u 4*4 oly il 11 lae 1~ di b u~laa hIl ( o n il V In - u v N s n u~ w n~ a l I<br />

k~ig lsuul b'iijg V"i v'la U41' C.1t; 111.1t' 1,11 VdIlly mkiutr<br />

ebiAl Ilgng.<br />

'Ahye na~ trAll A'gnt tiv VTAC-1, IThisi<br />

touen n1W trolig<br />

chi c u'k.] * '% 'Xi csso hdn v'11 sau lo'l hii'ai tr,)n (" bac<br />

junk bcars it dismiaict family 1L'sclm-<br />

ttiVTAC-1 Nnitahdý1fcec! areuv<br />

aVA-.Nb~~eic~ sa L<br />

tren c&eilu 0h~gc basng i11l lull call. h1lgber bw ansd arunded stcrn, 011411 tc, Ae with a<br />

A 111-7 1CONFIDENTIAL<br />


'KIN<br />


-KI<br />

A' 'A 'A<br />

cv umraien, a h d~ e Ien able whnr iq<br />

Aii 'A i/, I<br />

A' 'A \U~f<br />

_-i A<br />


KIN<br />



/ AA'* A' ^I<br />

ca c t i iu jvLII VrAC- 3 a:~tn E2 dl bitll ddd. junksi of th: VI AC- 3 claiss di c qluitL sLuvacg<br />

uo hj~i cr'trh xa ?d pLj' bit'%j1. 411ii Iti worthy aind aire callaible fif extended crmsvs~ jllkd<br />

xhc<br />

tlynCoh3V ttd Pir-1-1 Ii .xilt' ug 10 l.d .iju ~ i.~~j.ck-caioai~i trips ali c<br />

' A I A<br />

ch'Ling 1 25 ddi ' m (d. 200~ cs.). -r-j\ lilijc '1 (iXIc %..l 'I,: made butwceii I'llin R i ad \'ung Tau, itLII Sitlg Wi<br />

11.11 ti"nh x') vA~l (1 .r. i.1 .,Il ofIti aIiou. nitvs Lo gv ya e r, ttcis<br />

7 1, / Al<br />

tv'ng khtwndg ILI' 31~ ,1 40~ii hI d'111Cli binJ m di ,nti ;-nd ihucS jiuiiks dl'-: 0slijiI\y<br />

SivLf opiptiting withio 30. Ito 41) 1111 , 01 VUng 'rai,<br />

or Phauui 111(1. N<br />


KIN '<br />

T143tuig Ltguyý,11 Ah 'dijig 4Vnh coo' vui ihd . The noirmal and expcUlcd oMxuput~tm of<br />

C61. Thinj d~tnl'c W tng hal, clileg mktr V1 veng<br />

1041t~si "Wv'Ir gida hai thu~enh Cta da'nh ddilI ctf<br />

VTAC-3 junks ore tishing or. trunspurting figh.<br />

They isually fish, in paira1 titramn a ?iu net<br />

hInhi'i kujik kh,'c nhau vlA dem b~n tl chki cS 'htiy bjli betwee~n them. A varicty of fis~h are' caiught dI<br />

C14 vua h~im n~ mnivi a diii phddng. Thuyt'^n khIil sold at the fish market uir to a local nxws morn<br />

hwainh PIN Jtdanh cI' ch'ing 3 gild sting v'u tr.v'f 40Iiii;<br />

gi b titu ui~l Irda k<br />

(fimh sauce) mariufcturur. The junkii delwrt for<br />

tlfishing ground at abuuttl31K1 nd ruturn by nu d-<br />

Thuy'vn ct' chil ca dd& "h<br />

N&i~ trung b~nit cdi Nalnh U&d*I 11t 15fM Id 1RU n Shaved te sk aridt prvurviu the rLat.h<br />

Anti (clidng 675 - YU0 ki). which averagcs frunt 15010 to 2Uf() jfuunds.<br />


rhy.hVTAC-3i ddi,: do'ng ift Ph~an ri thue TheVTAC-3is reportedly built onaly in Pihan<br />

1inlI H)1on thUAn Odt n n. lig5lun2 ag<br />

z hung M4,( vvv$. ODNg cti tii'f clh\ng 146, 000$ naa.<br />

Ri. Binh Thuan Proviince, however, the bouat yards<br />

irt Veng Tau are likely~ nlso caipabl w~ uilding<br />

ttiese junks. Construction tilnte runs about 5<br />

wcl~s% and the cost is appi oxiouatelv $2. 0100 The<br />

Unginu costs an additional $2, 000.<br />

KIN<br />


KiN.<br />


% IIiln ~ :A11<br />

~ 15vi 0 I.Id u 10I~ M.111 .. a.*Vm .'" tiluyvsi 8ýl)l k deis.a lhtl(- i.'I huiv Ilvlull ilklg 1faeit(<br />

-~~-i lm' ly 4r11111i,41t (?"t<br />

vit V~NI it* 1 iti^ii ?<br />

Ioý klim ig c h rnh ditkc d5t<br />

cit lillut) I chU hN1 2<br />

with I rim mimm, I I i , l I rillp. m., atts''t<br />

hulU haw (mm's arv tup..vd ahul'~u 2 (cte moi.<br />

will)<br />

'A silt (d1 Th fig i4 Vi tliuyvi 4114v S.11 liN11 CI$<br />

cii:n . th,11.A 1.0 v h~t 4~ru ISu&ng<br />

Vui~kl ~n~'~ i~vi Itdtil dat~'i; ct 4:;, 39li<br />

The& holl Iti ,aulkvd~ with the oemijml nh,'i'ddti'<br />

ifiLibol' &ilid reskil utAimihikUlid, anmd stillo. ti' t .1441- ild<br />

~, AA<br />

111 11(t III".<br />

A % ~ A<br />

KIint1 glild<br />

f ' A<br />

t3trli1.11 ruxuuktd evily %etit it twit yv.'i'8. Nei -intl fo~ulming<br />

Z lapi lid .]it) 1tiiuyuli. uL'II-VAm chai Iliusiy'n"f 10~ l ?fuit<br />

17.0y, thiuyitN tsi vacli Intl:1fife. cho ffli thminhl 111111<br />

S A' % .<br />

dtt~ ntivi n.Kh.1J ~ It~i tdig~thun<br />

"prigtsl a re wwd til 1t1V blittoiu , hutt Some11 junk<br />

lowliert.. will chditir hubthtom up itu'hi' walctu'itit wis<br />

Ldeterrent too wti'tdwtin iit, atdliii hvaut-4. At twer -ddifoli<br />

Wei 1 11C b~i luc taimy el it', yto vri thuy~dddut viulN ust I (it 2 nitiulh. U t Itrilrg' Can lIP) IN lbay ih ir rik xlmltig tit) &Y<br />

ile junk iq g oiniumded ati hilgi<br />

t ide and tilt-Ibulil shord up. iWiiiii le titde t-mxeists<br />

ItI IUve i I M I a VJ d-ille ý~p syci ths. buitit" it1 i s 51zmolwtl.<br />

c.g el, iuvt~n v'4ti litt il 1vt eI~llalt Imrci ~L r~t 3 h u,3)Iihp<br />

can~hltiln k('li 36 phall Arlo (75 .cin) qu~i iitt$ bu<br />

A161 it) ld vý u Olu . ChN 1vit I I % vl d,,<br />

plvi r thi vughit a duithilt gv ir end clutich.. A<br />

wiodutl skeg which doubuhs ils it *,t IUt, p1 tillcts<br />

lislig itilcog go idal l~ong cot, oiiiicig P) nluy g~jip %11oi (fu pI opeitclt'. A stiail Ic~imipi sa till liii cilgignh<br />

XU011tIUg l'ilg llilU<br />

1! !!, 'I.<br />

II du~<br />

I. 11.1 111 b~li<br />

1110<br />

j i Ki. h ng ý~k i<br />

chlp i-I<br />

,-..j,'i<br />

tw i<br />

'<br />

miicdi lsinlc -tl'i'c<br />

lit- Igr .,la tuf'<br />

acu'tmmit,11.,teurs WIili<br />

[lit-' *,.l. h<br />

1iui hinli vi`' chat duug de i' 1 li 11311 lly man<br />

%!'A *Ca M - I A / .uaigd<br />

titilytii.<br />

'<br />

t0i,'tIte aiiiidg~isua S1111 t till 411111k 0 ýi'tlgu uI*u<br />

i v.l -_a di n -u Iii'i da t (v if ilit I l II y~ t itti ii t sg Ii.' be~' it mii'--ldb i tlile Ilav i lt,' cr11.11 IThwgu I \ v<br />

I - 1. A C 'A A'' ~I'<br />

~i~lith<br />


C<br />

KIN<br />


vi' * a'% d n g vAn hm' % Wigsi ''ll A,,01 fle I t.igl~~~I l-i 1 11 l I<br />

i'I~tnjthuil nilmvg11u"! L'liyirghU-1111 ;III tli~iy c- vv3v tit yevL) vs oi- ilit,' rusi33 If4 y ggi~ty vz<br />

~ AAM I<br />

~* *,<br />

i.ý I.I<br />

1.11 W~ kigV W AIt].av<br />

Pp?<br />

-AC AA<br />

~ Ifiit ~ 3 P33 I. litl& 313 t1 ;-IV .3 IttI W~3 it),t I 1 3. 3 .1 lit ... 'I!I3 11,1- I7.I I- ll<br />

-1!3 W it~i 11"I<br />

KiN<br />


I<br />


"," 17 .. 7<br />

M.LL J,-rI<br />

KIN<br />



a Iam<br />

KIN<br />


7- .. .i<br />

'kIN<br />


I<br />

(.t NI IP,'FIl I,,,<br />

VTMC- , iE 0E E<br />

CHIEU DI 853.4 CM. LENGTH 28.0 rT.<br />


TAM N( .. DRAFT<br />

I Lt TI.<br />


"C(t HANG 43.2 M LOADED i.FT<br />


KHONG CO HANG 30.5 CM. EMI-TY i10 FT<br />

DONG Cd<br />

cO HANG 22.9 CM LULIO . I"<br />

ENGINE<br />


So MA- .uC 6 HORSEPOWER 6<br />


DOAN vIEN 2 CREW 2<br />

A 1-79<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />



VTMC-I<br />


Thuyeri VTMC-1 gigng thuycn VTAC-2 ve VTMC-I is identical in most respect, tu<br />

nhiteu phddng dien trtlkfch 1hddc ci[i thuyen. t 'hInh 1<br />

da'r vo thu , khoangthuy'n va cA nee ton<br />

VTAC-2, except for size. The hull shape, cabin,<br />

and overall lines make VTMC-I a minature ver-<br />

A 'A k vA A to YA<br />

khien cho thuyen VTMC-l gi('ng nhd la mot tuyen sion of VTAC-2 without sails. There are several<br />

VTAC-2 kho'ng co buorm tnu nho lai. Nhieu phddng aspects of this hull which merit special attention.<br />

'A 7 'A d UY<br />

di~n ve vo thuyen dang dd c chtl y(.<br />

As I A/ A<br />

"- / " -<br />

S N 'A 77 A 'A<br />

Mot thiet do khoang gida cua mot thuyen<br />

_______(d___ VTMben ptrin.bCac v6 thuyen nay qua<br />

thdc khong vung ve chlic va d9 keo len b3i.<br />

An amidship cross section of a typical<br />

VTMC-I. Thesehulls actuallyare clean, fastand<br />

simple to beach.<br />

Doi vdi mot quan sat vien it quen thuo9c cac To an observer unfamiliar with junks, boats<br />

/<br />

loai thuv..n cac l1al thuven, cac thuyen tren trong with these lines look crude and clumsy. Such is<br />

•/ 7 "A ..<br />

A<br />

co ve thokech va vung ve. Nhdng sd tht/c thl khac far from the case. Both VATC-2 and VTMC-l<br />

xa. hal loai thuyen VTAC-2 va' VTMC-1 chay move well with low power, make a small wake and<br />

AA' '/ '^t ^ A ~'<br />

rat tot vd. guy dng . Idc khong can mnnh are very stable in swells or chop. The outward<br />

lnin: ki ,;.: . ret vqt nuc nh3 / ". I / / \, _ / d~ng sau appearance is a far cry from a western racing<br />

va raft -1-., c;,,i i, .. to glo ldn. Hinh dang yacht, yet the lines and offsets show that the<br />

A 1% 'A It ' A<br />

ben nguai thuyen khac x;i thuyen bu-m d'ua cua tay wetted surface is very similar to hard chine rac-<br />

A / i %/ 1^ A A *<br />

phddng, tuy nhien cac ilct va cat1 phan nhou In (t0 Ing sailboats, such as the "Star" class. The<br />

A A- " A - I /<br />

tren, ben tra'i) cho t thav rang phan mat d didi sketch ibt)vt is typical.<br />

A' ^ 1<br />

'A 'A<br />

'<br />

niddc rilt glong C¢c mhulytn 11 0 m ua co song thoyen<br />

•'A"/%./ 'A7 N<br />

cdng, nhd I" loai thuyic "STAR". Sd do (I t ren<br />

[ani tC'u bieu.'<br />

KIN<br />

: \ "A I - CONFIDENTIAL<br />


KIN<br />


A'~~<br />

KII'N [A~t) [U 110 VA SlIA UlI1A<br />


* -.<br />

pihag kIlllm di<br />

l'h.Allifig 14al k 10o, S~ 411 11 .001 Vdi rt'li<br />

tliimfil Ifty I'ld'tir'. till 6 dong Vil l IUyniN haj I II<br />

iw4.c m~~ l~n v ill~ .t~ic &ifig l~ii Imaic dti'l<br />

ta..i h'.a1h v:3 tliu"N, r'.tvSC'ti.%.khuvnz dQ&' a7. v"4o<br />

11.1mg 8111.Sit 'kli'vi Iau nlid viApy c,'( nhl' i~f dh).<br />

I'la. ido quani tv'omig iiho' ~i ~~ ~mg ;n thsnifiqtL<br />

A wf'Wgkl~o$i%. ac him 've CU gtdv val<br />

hA tuV'v elk -I i.,ing pitemn '.iv hi?& va'tcI<br />

lit~ colatUigll<br />

410g<br />

rik'<br />

uit ~tnk nu ~ti~<br />

A'ccoidimg 1t. western icsiq.i the hull8- aire.<br />

built Ljckwards. ihuv plankling kh shaped itd afsra<br />

ill.% bull, thtun the fiumlub dIv built Winll tlt, boult<br />

'rhvrv iire b-vvrul rveist'is (illm ih4. Prohb~iby theu<br />

lntivalint iirw Ps. thut innul hoIidoias uise. nw<br />

Wrhltki plansan~dli I'uildiliv vi'ntrt-1-4,.j Iychilk o~r<br />

pisill mluilAsa tllt l eit, a'l, ii good'Ll'yv, untJ c.ar<br />

I't Ig Wit Lh'i le"iiiItl g,V d~lng IZI'11 riiit dco~iftdu ldnh<br />

vji~i kfi Lc-a Il~i.V khtdAg A' 'a I jlkai , .0V gu<br />

stfi ~iifli i(nh en ihltidt o ih'i heng Uivigilco ddolv.<br />

v'I viv. k1aeght iauiII,4^ La~i~idug tjIUVAI.J thieint<br />

petitcr 'i s.kill, Sitvu -therea'i re inoplam; ot il iji~iwo'<br />

hifting tis, ofi cour~e, out oaf the tjvvsti,,#,, Ttu.~ re-<br />

fore~, iliviv'I isi d Xiltillwyxfbild ai lrmeiimciffl -u<br />

aiciuruacy ill mai ke .mt h ici ilb r~<br />

A'<br />

"14tA<br />

?-. .1 Okit<br />

III<br />

1i1.iik 1i<br />

*m l~ nimu<br />

VI.;ii. !.)Ia d;;a-' : vo i;ijv.i , nla.; .v %m? w -a a- iht.- Oe I x-M lluailmg Iiaalv.ha liii' ani cutit) i to lw thula I e<br />

ilha'i 6111,, a- a~ g Ii ll.'llt aaI' C cIi)- .V I I- hiAA ' O 11.t -bol hioa waiglv iev fr .!te allaic Is ii811g<br />

:"--<br />

KIN<br />


.1Ki<br />

KNT<br />

iCONI ~ETAL<br />

v' I'iv IIIlP' I~t1t it' fir itti<br />

Iitv<br />

Ii Ik it. tu klitle ho wia lhiiy. Iah~ l'q, ~ii w fill<br />

-I All i<br />

A ~A'I I A 'i<br />

"It-ti Ld Iit It Al't 11!~ _11Ii'h tl 11i.iis ti.. 4 Via eiliti' r'i. plaimJi lt] Willi ille~ (h Iteiflu of t milo itclc<br />

A' it<br />

7' A'I<br />

It' 011 g thloieg 41); .[ I$~l di.' v-, rhto'it;l V~ 14,.,l bIlhs V'i.-iotiv.'' vuligI'eil (Vill) St. J.1%, qu ill n w.. wvvio't<br />

4.11. Iisdy itttao~iit. \11,dio~y~l 0.1.tglo'llig h,,h 1 151t d<br />

it d s~ .4l" lo a!tl$~,50Jk e i st i~i' tlI isittl$211ti Iiii flit-'<br />

7<br />

Ill,, lig i t -if~ "~ Jiu (t'll fi ' l<br />

Itumnu lid<br />

tidwol ted and i 11111 i- fdII i tt u<br />

v~ ~fit) b.'i. hn dhL wIkI iuI. "",Ii blactk in %oleti. I tiv,. dotish~i thh vlonvit .frt'm<br />

-,<br />

% W \ A. A4 A''<br />

P<br />

lun b-1 Dav Iit fll'ot tile I dtiv "Iilh I, &' I r'd Ih lls t hiM A I VAIg 1 hjlid ltJt ''ig CI LAid, tthIlt theit u<br />

1,11 1 Ilm l lid lifill thot~vu l !tt I~. Iuuj':A thI Ik III l .. tii ud NIaetit orti 4-i [,let r clod iv'm w -I it a,.- Lli lit<br />

*kt! 1 r"Ut 011)l i tJn If~i. gilmtg "hill tmi~ liac (n.' !Ie miy Iv uih Tli'tW:ng INYSIllu . I~kvn Witbh 11w ddV'<br />

- h~~illtIi, itt il ~ire 12ften1 o'. j. Imiiti.d with a .t hw tk WnIk<br />

~ fitM (ItSm yl i ili iM ,uN MIIY' 1,1 Skit -,ibwnw like, likot M~'I<br />

tith ' vidv;!I, dlmaif ithiv<br />

AA<br />

sall) plidi~u vlv l1*C I urI<br />

ti .. . ..... ' C !O Ilot 1' I lv fill I'.,i' fit.- vli uhti oll"q i iuxve<br />

ClýIot o NF.\0ihIhqENT1:11

p<br />


4K Ithy.hch~y d nil Wn.thdh durgDmb' 4)IHnd ia4 nre used vihen<br />

eic act tro v'i bdi clitbt. KhI kii ng cing dtn i, c uperaitng its rvitrhcted wate~rway~.%und ini shaIIhow<br />

Mdl chn dd(ýdcdi"gu'c sting mnt: bN1 ..uz mut khtlitig<br />

t yu. a~ kht d d tn hl lap V'ao Cdc 01y I1am<br />

wawvi. Wht'n mou In uxic, die Sw-eps: 4111 moiwedt<br />

along unc. mduot~ tht: cobin toip hnrvukrkudstdtuchimim<br />

b5'ing hat dy~iniilio tre ubut v~o rtbhiu bang dly. made by lashing togthe~r two woodeni ;p'Its<br />

A7<br />

AtA<br />

ltBa bn lali g11onkh niul bo barsh Wi cum tat c3 ThU .UddUV aSSnlA11ly IS t111 SJnW us thiat<br />

C I Ic thu'yGN j Iia 0'i dIWi 0M1c i ctf. N4~ ýtZhI% c" MG11<br />

ba nh~n la big n hth.~ ~f in I" Il<br />

u!d in praiitxivaly all dic rciugev boouts friuni Jht<br />

ninrth. It conu~ists of wii vIikil door -tpt, t-uddvr<br />

N~n hiaot qua myt ca, 'I Ily lit ~fSitu Ithuy'o. and u long 0itiki. t:p1raled thimiugh ai wil In the<br />

- uc'uti h uddcr is uisd muily %%c~ hus On-NdLt is<br />

011 d'Utng haidi hil khi thuyefl ehuy haitg dqng mouving unlder power. At twher timets ik 1,; raiised<br />

id<br />

rrn 1.UI(. dhfih<br />

otxilt A~i 1 hng<br />

ISiu~ ddii,~ A I<br />

i' rv dc' i rn Ashoong ulushiplidc an~d<br />

ttwt -<br />

on'i dvck<br />

I . u~u<br />

thuyen.<br />

KiN<br />


* 0-

_0'~<br />

__ ~KIN --- _ --.<br />

CONFIDENTIAL .. .. .,<br />

-da IntlI 'r A wo.e widasAwaeiwl<br />

di<br />

d Ii thilyen CII nlyt edi trYL Vuoion hifnthgAwueiwniluudwl ~wId<br />

go thngd it, 11 difnh ed.~ rhuyen VTMC-I used to haul In the tiets. VTMVC-5erre nil<br />

k~$,ci yg y11ihiinl truyei.- tin Voa IkI* h14C. * rhuyki kht'nk tring &-'n hat harnh va kh~ngthco I U..i<br />

comlmunteult'ng. signu'iInt or naigaV~tion utquip*<br />

mnita. No cunrning lighiti atv displaye~d anid these<br />

if wing Ii ni' u junk's tailluw no ful-IIJd rule~s i*d tht.- roa~d.I<br />


Kiiu v~lc lii;'*~t dyn cua ihayLn VTMC"I In caic<br />

*401 vu vuhhin)r.n yvflg~ lu;It'khi yth n Mu<br />

WSL'~ opt-rating JI' jis [ie IL rIvL'rý MAI<br />

bay ~in~he vicinity oi Vung Tall (Cap St. Jar~i)<br />

h it I i xi bid qu m'<br />

"Ing i %.) Ift<br />

do in. nhding. thiiv, UMda khd . Thty trar.Vhi~ luL h~nuotfv~ ili<br />

1 l )ii i h 1fui h sd hut aiLe u suffitiicnrij dry .zd.<br />

Nitable tqi go nmch fd rtliur ecci-pi fit Vcy huutvy<br />

* 4Cat 1l1061 nay dainh cj baing 161di titay v'a<br />

co cie phaoimlbig 11-t tu gui l1*i tt ViI VI IrI ( Cie<br />

wt-aye<br />

hf1I ojy JtlifC )`%.- I Lkig li<br />

11, 1;c it it %1.1 0~ ýI 'Mi ma~t.<br />

%%. a qu s<br />

I1>~<br />

iId glupl i~uui<br />

~ild<br />

Thiuuse h' t<br />

Italic]~ ihn kept fi l<br />

rij 11%1 Willi nt4' Wth h zIL NO llI y<br />

iko itin hy b. nhI 2.p. ' nhe<br />

k,'-, imfc lk*ý II'. 1 ý4anl;g h y f rdf,: k~hi f 3 ing alcl ..- haultuI -. m;z.anuai~a v. 'Xit. an .- ii 11,--.n;<br />

Vaif "wvc saeug. va U vv' sid) hUo qta t Ih wiIdIi ic t iil'hv Csun.i<br />

6d1cI dp. hiu Ii e Is at high W11ci In thk miuu'ul:ig dur<br />

Ing [it:L pit duwn Jtur., ru,- chiurl) III tilt kict<br />

tiftcrIliwon und sell their fiý;h.<br />

KIN<br />


K IN<br />


VI ia.dih chu thuyen th~ddng d' ngytre~nSicfa lesualyivintsebt.<br />

thuyen, nen tr6 'n thuyLn co'dera theo thtic pham va<br />

nudc 0,ig.a<br />

food and potable water wvill<br />

bua ru.<br />

invariably be fiiund<br />

fluO /<br />


Kho~ng bie~t ro- r'c ticth cu'a thuyecn VTMC -I.<br />

/ 7A"A Zý / ^ 'A<br />

nhltng co' the ket luan rang no giog nhd thiuNycn,<br />

VATC-2 dddc bit~t la' mq~t ithu ~ c riagildi di<br />

While the origin of VTMC-l is not. known<br />

with certainty, some inferences can be drawn from<br />

its similarity to VTAC-2, which is known to be a<br />

ctl ii '-n Hai P1~ng va~ xu'at en~r (I mien Nani l~atn refugee boat from the vicinity of Hai Phong.<br />

da~u tien giaa khoang 1950-1960' VTAC-2 was first introduced in numbers in South<br />

A' A<br />

-Rat co the la ngddi di cd va gla dinih hy (da<br />

so la thd d* gttenhXngd phu) ih i vat iNant i]ai<br />

<strong>Vietnam</strong> by North Victnanmese refugees in the mid -<br />

die 1950's. In all probability, these reUfUgee f11ni-<br />

ilies, many of whomn were boiat builders (or fisherh~hd.<br />

0)ng kicu thuychn m'a h, &T dung t? ng nii en, began it) coe~struct the saine sort of boats<br />

iScu hfi-nl 14.a 1 thuyen nay d igx ai Ki ." l, piatdtcsiecasi h Nord)l.<br />

ksN<br />

KiN<br />




LI<br />

Nidy 11Aj 444~ cihlVi,.~v cql tdile phai h:i~ih King The smaill diusul oi'gine is alited by hand<br />

ipyvok-)m o*. IU Ni Nil)T~s~i tvieli<br />

tly~i k<br />

cia nka.nd lis Wii gunvxi*itr. Crews tiuallIy carry<br />

2 ~d~' 1~a11 .~1 r~.~x vid l 10<br />

bliii hi' di Iiniy. uti7 killiIll..% htl pllt dun<br />

!I h:] v WQ a~<br />

h~' ~ ~-*ick<br />

1110ii Jud ' i~ dia IthtI4n 1111 j<br />

J~.X utl\ "11 0%<br />

iu.yli Ii iui NIi Eat t.i iidag tlit cay IVIl "a it'nh~<br />

io sivi partIIs anid do ,iot aluulpt to repa ir thi'<br />

eg iv.h rcly "in ~u or pule toSh gut thitn<br />

b toi Ivs1 t ~ii'i -.- s o uniii figliucI.urv~. Engmus<br />

.11 Julmi idanmlmod tnt c lova a ~ui r epai rmu<br />

lumt-vo. ftlto Al, J.-p.,nes n ii gi.~ nLSi 5ire vuiv<br />

i t ri lli 1r' 1,11 wallu 1,11. liilj kthd;ig phj)' -slL1kt d l'k-u,;!10h J.ir L!pLIJ.L' f-11 Intng 1p ri--d. iieii<br />

KiN<br />


. _-<br />

,. . ...<br />

: " ; " - -- 1 " !-<br />

'KIN<br />


A -rr- A7<br />

-<br />

KIN<br />



KIN<br />

AIII-88<br />

AM-88<br />

_<br />

KiN<br />


'<br />

KIN<br />

.<br />

CONFIDENTIAL --. .<br />

--<br />

7/<br />

* - - d\<br />

VTBC- 101<br />

CHI&U DAI 1219-1524 CM, LENGTH 40.0 -50.0 FT<br />

Cv'l NOANG 304,8 CM. BEAM0 FT<br />

TAM NLtIC<br />

DRAF'r<br />


CO HANG 640-914 CM LOADED 2,1-30 FT<br />

MAN TAU<br />


KONG CO HANG StO -916 CM EMPTY 2 9-3 5 FT<br />

cH. HANG 6 7 .ANqI 6 CM LOADEO 2.2-310 FT<br />

CHiElI CAO GUA COT RUOM 652.4 CM Ut, HEIGHT 28-0 FT<br />

DOAN W]8EN<br />

9<br />

A fla-89<br />

,<br />

E m<br />

COCREDW N-<br />


^#wf ~alli A I<br />

7soon<br />

VTBC I<br />

I A<br />

niufN<br />


* ~KIN .<br />


vt4 tx^,P1 w I1 .<br />

1 Val* ý di lyN-icd"-pa tm mtrat ati ihn.wtig o<br />

*h ak<br />

'I 1<br />

, ',I t h i d i g f v e m t~<br />

Nbetki ,a & elIIdI, ,1c" z b stc saVI<br />

*i li L wI l O*.c<br />

Khi uS ? bi I 3~ -u A ut<br />

I dtn io c i 1)Llttthii"7) it U i s tvcl" teaihiso 1t 1t iký<br />

MIJI<br />

A -% A<br />

04) 111p.1t ttui-IW M111i Ma<br />

'A.~n<br />

'ih flihil daýifff<br />

ti dulva 11"ill Im n It F.11 l iv a<br />

ly ncSpiwt<br />

uk ' itidtlltdhL<br />

r nrhn. nis~ u<br />

K IN-<br />

~ ~i pii 7,n1thlur~ ghi~cu toJ~ *bJttwdlrg.Ofi CONF;<br />

~1l fl~hll tAll-<br />

ii Iplu~ &h stug<br />


-KIN.<br />

I A 0<br />

(if c hatI ben mV)~a Iul htltlnV, hayi vu hInit on both-sidks ofhr Skey mvi Jitr IIL'tfunt~ly<br />

7 '<br />

11rtJ~c Irt-A nhil~i, thuyC), kht'i. -Da nip nili thuyecn Lhu ihiwwrd~ 'dbn ibutkheadi~ ii tmeuiy Wats. Hici<br />

that-1.1cnui.rate dvsIgni, which may ikls includu 0%; "Yets<br />

A* IWQ<br />

KIN<br />


ii<br />

KMN.-U~<br />


(3trm vnhv Mublun quanli Vmngi pTat In cJiu bay tind &-,a u rtm bu 1 cwuhdl r Vunjg<br />

wth~knu thdy) thu~ia IN~~ fv~ rvfnl 4 Tail. V-flC'-i will nwl iloh st-fel Iutoil'rvd norar<br />

70irigtn b~y cai" ]am, liing vtdc djiY c dc i dt'-sg xtiu`,g<br />

tday bitin thanh h~nh did "Y". Trotig if boll~<br />

'A ' ~ 'A ~ \ *<br />

Il). i'~nthd~igcui hutn i d Ow it mn hi<br />

tine tit the lrge (imh Ivajs math- tii a V-hle<br />

aiiiii' ;..' lking Ipil. stuc k Ili theŽ ict.-aIn bjittim At<br />

m lh ink.- shov usui ~Ily h~is lxa' fuire.til fui klu int<br />

chm va vtVl 'ý buquil.huqil ha it Col ni~Ml tr I I ght rol snug tpito ains; I I uiv msk %- he~r I.)rvinlasi<br />

v ..j A<br />

Xton llg d"<br />

?k<br />

li<br />

.-<br />

an vI j rdgK-. Biu 6,11 11ii81cupput tto h's3v.. 1110 au working -ilmio~ forrwaIrd.<br />

t<br />

ClftthiAni WI l~ d~ij: Uo .,k soaki Caing tatd.kv 1 J m~ainanil is usually~ nale rtowlfed aboAut the hom<br />

d!~u~ili.a t't id iaip ut~l gi ii I~f I thuvun ah IbU JiiI fUrnd hIIUUtud down aliiti..It, fi'ta level<br />

Xii X.1 1 ji l'±t"l, stxll; cht 60)a V.'.'i-Tau'<br />

tit Z' ovin I0 Iial -ly IL CIi.i ' tIA~ lw hiiaii P~a rter '%-i. odw.fra, but skill Withtin -N to It,<br />

iiir 11 thaiv'-r"I"C- t II clflvc I' 11tt thut- kv !I ~ Il SI Viat min ru Il~vse Juink- nuily Ie foud Ill<br />

*: , . A<br />

ti101ViI t-aIng thul vell Iliii! I ii ell i, nut t liI iig in fil I ndivaidual kw'i wd vil<br />

fl(,jUL*.<br />

KIN<br />


IVI<br />

iuirt near*<br />

A Il.I4C N IE TA<br />


KIN<br />

/ I<br />

*B VTc Ii~~ i ; 4041:~ W - M44,1fle Silt~v Mc1 I wl-cc l ~i ImI imidhy lihs Hin k% I I<br />

I51L ~iit - h~~ w ~4i.hi;y;h-ImI,1 ac<br />

41y, Nii I).wI, 4. fihio 1 Wti I'. %vvrvm. l 1n' h.1'i.<br />

XmIt~ hAIVi'trg-Tau v'ý phfR iI: Lh'jpnVvj, havi fvw ruitI1: n~th t~rill ift t jc~u .,I~ I<br />

Niun xuong til , Rqd01,014 iia , hoy 04-I x~v~n in tomuiti nuiuhv.rum'il paling a'it<br />

Ii<br />

it -n I K<br />

Stsi-li i p rvlv~ djl vodf l<br />


MN -if"nNaICn1"hsrEAL-<br />

v unig. u* tais dtc uha 4t oIii ta -vl y n rq coo it nh la mbiiC<br />

thuyX k.LnW. 1114i bi'i n.ý 0111 ty&<br />

Indicuivas thaiiiit lvi;;m ont; Val-1.111ro ll exitiio. 17111,4!<br />

.Varlatfoni .Wall firly 1,ag1v JIl. LI"'L rallp 1.0 W14<br />

nhln r#& 6~n iNXimrlIa .Kht do~' 1a11iti U,'n qu411 v u 4"Wp'. At that IitulaL & Plut- lliw, Itlvd hut vso~<br />

milit da-n (11 q~ wi h? T.0 Dlmn flang di tr~i% team wasi ll1ding at Sotuih Y.Vr.Wi~mpnok navol,1ltii8.44<br />

AA<br />

* out 'o. t'li nh-hlynh vJvHiuusg chift ph tshja him nhik whi.d apraitulyndr-dhtng WIvr hara)o.,4s oaili 1 rh. IIIa<br />

A * A A tdlli$r %1<br />

-sit ,hc-I. Vltrunhl ct!i ihohyp.n hl 4 bin<br />

VT-ocaly'nihuing recli-avy 04vouaaolo io-iiil t<br />

thn~n mai's gn44-VIIo.Je huvuLmsgall U la ubd&. Iw I nd whilt . tleu th atc ii&-. *riini fl iv nn i<br />

%A %<br />

riigval tbjuyc van t Nhamh. hVa met' ]a that<br />

tve<br />

yxSh ost villt0 vy ~a 111<br />

'A A__%1.-ta ~n inntisi. Whvtt nnposa~ ~. 01ti f tn 'limo.<br />

Au- P~vunha y<br />

niti.<br />

Thy6I'i 0.0 a bi'llatqa tflItv<br />

biii. Wlig I. n gang A t 41u johr ~ 'iib tI~A Idtoa ltu. no11 -o. im n h<br />

lpl-i,.ýJt sl.t<br />

I~ amg1 un ng o ?i uo. K .7 I~I<br />

a1<br />

nio--Iltlk. ~l A) txqh aiOI I-I -;ip<br />

I'inW1 141111ly tII l' MflkhttL ?4 vlt1j~ u41oll. hi I 111i.nt wIth a,<br />

r Vitt thdyit n lav. dh orn~i vjoae o'oituin 61% 110 (IngnlubvldouIIkl bmntbus. andk- art- viluloiilwult hull<br />

J.il % Xol 'A<br />

O L:Iyuin11<br />

$4itIlmngtyn vilt ito' van vni k 1 o Voftuye Wquta 1111 glp CJ114)' no'iv runinving lutptt&4 oitlnoil.Ictou i<br />

" S 'u 1 A # - ^ . ' A 1<br />

at Irdilm Iru .w tiaoig a VIII toa.<br />

c. ~e<br />

* -.<br />

th~v<br />

(7.. o~-llV of otin 9141 6) 0 iuraV lt<br />

I,, h~no o~s't thaveoto~oi<br />

a.~'w vtig n~y, l&Ount r<br />

'A '0 d<br />

(q~t. -s I) lt'nh 141 (11. 1 'll)"a ilone lto luio.C I<br />

fuv ~~ dI . f~o 'Ai<br />

ht .It'lnlvien tooqo iloo lt,111 111C L IJIL. root im ulo [n~III<br />

c'lom Was, tnsun(iiv u'an -~t in t- o Itsvultro wiouthi .<br />

ciipa iunhly hs,' Ioikdud bani .Lo~ unw ityL' ion. Wt h~~ul<br />

-<br />

4L_<br />

h~4 ~ai n,~Iic<br />

1)H~J i IIIH uri Iý1 a. I Q -ifk Vll 11h' aig~''- .ot Yelp lu IV~~ Ve r wih lv tia h vy,'lw-i.. lk<br />

1'hat tni 1 , i nA "A' tdI tkwu' Iniano'o paini It- nalnti art- Ihw~<br />

f - an ,li<br />

h-I'llyn doin li Ttil ilo I ng 1 kh"ingginag iVý a I Cu Oa<br />

(Ai So ldI i . II-.ly l~~<br />

it itkjllg~~k<br />

1 UL!1_1,F MthngINknwnOi VMC 1KýiNr~" ;<br />


AM9<br />


__KIN___ -I __ _<br />

CONFIDENTIAl - _ _ _-<br />

AMI-98<br />


-- - ... . . .. I -- .-- -- F . ....- -<br />


. . . . * .<br />

._ I ,* . . . ..<br />

i- *\<br />

I. ,, -. . -<br />

'2 i<br />

I AL<br />

S, j ,<br />

.*<br />

m Nu<br />

ft ow w ft %mt d mwP T B H - N C~t4I~tEhHSFEET<br />

CHIEU IDAI 1890 CM LENGTH .62.4 FT<br />

C1416. NOANG .461 CM BEAM 157 FT<br />

TAM NUMC 782CMAFT Y 6<br />

MAN TAU<br />

KoNONG CO HANG & .EMT26F<br />

Co HAN( 16.0 0 LOADED 38 FT<br />


CO~-- l0LAEIGH H.N<br />

33, FT<br />

KH NG CO HANG, 1803 CM EMPTY 364 FT<br />

CO-HAW, 670 CM LEPDEY 22FT<br />



A ]-99<br />

is<br />

KIN<br />


KI N.. < ~<br />


PTBH- I<br />


rF hH -14~ m g t lo91, -6t; chb thln g V uing Pl n-<br />

T~~~iiC~~~~. umIv ~b~ir~ tr;.,hul~. h~<br />

M HI--1 Iun acargot )Unit fo'und in live<br />

Piwn Thict. The main and fre'rmnot<br />

ar Va<br />

airv lugger of<br />

it V- Irv~ dii 11 trua va cir &t dtd~l pn hdn Inj rljctMW with a very. long yard and rdutivuly bbir I<br />

Nhtl pwi vq Ir 4 5I,<br />

ArnsW han ~h~Ng 1hu)4!n kII~c, iq - to chu',<br />

I ~ Rtuhb n A~ un<br />

boom. *rlja nuktow the. iiiiia Pl~ngtr tim thr hood<br />

Pha thi; fmional unr4!alc idistintni~avc upplararwex<br />

Onecs ti noivolka the dlffuronvo hbtwe"thirtnai ll plan<br />

II Huaiin VS.u ý$IitIllNil doir; Loi kJ4;v ng %;4: p~hhf urid ihiv Iluggerr of farther mirth. ouch ip flARC-I<br />

* lle; l(-dunhdbuinl DABC. -I o~n a<br />

wihqt Ii11. f3~t -di4<br />

a l~h1 ch'<br />

idn.n ~<br />

whopo* oroil a rae morn enn firl rvvionulpu<br />

c~yhl~w~n thoriicwrlsoliv- ahamuld 3w LacrlIL3tcr<br />

il<br />

y<br />

Lifilwg nh~on r.' inik.i IA. . othier owlI al linq& distlnnvic..u<br />

'A 'A 'A<br />

10iuni dul 4 e'l butimn<br />

A A A<br />

duill tliwo keu Ihlong- llkr rnlzzvr I-, rigged in thL futo~hn tifict<br />

cubai~n t-MOha.ng glx Vi Vt Xi imn. IRulitm nliy hInhi- Foundi ivVivtrliantu~c junks. XWhllaethe ui busi lit-1IL<br />

'A % %^<br />

lung tddtg-Iq/ Adh hu(-ni nini va ithionia bifn,<br />

%<br />

4t sa~me. rvintive tshol, us the ore andI rnwin, tlit.<br />

til co 1a 'A<br />

Vg11kilcg<br />

tile civi VJ1,'m In irtng NA iý.<br />

xqong ghe. h',i .o410m i-m.I N41.<br />

011kki.<br />

6~ vlt. '<br />

a':lT didtLiw<br />

nismi li~ullF is haindled asi an uumillory aind maly he<br />

wxvrkvd in eithVIV Of IWU nllaiL StIPSI, miutinasari of<br />

tho riall, tin buarhldeni ofI llw Stutn. TrlL asaizzcn<br />

Nlo;in dutlk Ihi g~tv ciat.V aJit liti 11colamt 01 cni V1C Is. u~sed oniv in siItuaiollmI" wilti'rt a it ljl<br />

aLiada.!in 111Arm M', 1.1c'L ga I i f ini willI lie spent! tin manvtdmk. socflecomuingl itii3xut<br />

1iaeVIN, t~i ' ca, laa~ 111 ;!q kh4 i X. t ruc 1. Iiuai ho<br />

a. L111 7 ia dung 111A glAtY E111in- i . i<br />

wi ti.ei mlizzt.-i %,:v. i s' ,wol~iinag of ia clm~aro.<br />

ung ini l m var] atts i.~ long Int ouu.se.d us ma<br />

KIN<br />


KIN.<br />


V -V<br />

11M Ira not chqy itQUdI bniuI ""T b2LOr du$*(Ib' otthtwh-icoigobii<br />

iA i. hy hA~5 bI~ tJ~s~b~~ dui d3~cevWhilt br h? bouu; Ion-vrer wdi~th wthe inizmzit'Itis.<br />

.. .t~ nn du g1.Kkiw gaidhjGt<br />

put Pki. i ~I fon l h aodled, . w llm is ten b.*~~<br />

vl'It ujt.#. h a $ l~.141 h pvt on ithtj wl befur1d jii ainth w ainia uniawp bcd mid<br />

II<br />

I. .I b ý A I<br />

taim %:a% Min. IdnA, t iyld t The Hidin-&41 o hirldb liv (ut tt ctUng''It<br />

ýAA I ,1*<br />

ijdl d I, k~<br />

Wn ~nn utiW y nni ngki I. k'f the~ 1-a orl the vast]. nit: sail is thesi driiwn wtm'<br />

thc mast SI Urmtighi. a s ti~ll o~f si-'s tj' 4 mll ri II hibM<br />

-a<br />

Irc'f<br />

ed'ukiý.v<br />

11u ito k cuoll buo'r M % kng -0 Ia ng. hu cul-In c~iat bll~nj from" the ducxk. lihv bmlmafh is<br />

codu trues bLArn1 IoNi. Saud 1:16,1 kmb frfii rhu Itumii Qlong- the foul. thttn raIsi~ g,<br />

Nqlt d c irut%.'Y<br />

KiN<br />


* - CONFIDENTIAL'-<br />

A 'A A ' A '<br />

Va) do~ bil61ro, kwI~ 00119cn<br />

WunS Vag CV1 btuIm. -on d" k. T1hu appearanct-fromn I dotrc Ito lP 1nifuy<br />

bh Uu. ,i myt; chive PM1 J1IMkb bisom Id4 ilar to the 'Do Naril" mcvthtd uf Noling Whivre t4t<br />

C411 Wt v in 141, t:U ve<br />

buomA<br />

hng ago ýa . Y 94 ra<br />

c~n hiu 14ri a son* y itaiInS<br />

sail Is' rolled tiotly skoimut bthe xmm ihnti ljohlrd<br />

vertically slongside the nluit. iHowtivver, tiliI<br />

kw~ Put Vag tryc ihZI. Ntiln Onf~ rhiy rzo daidli, Ity<br />

-d- ..<br />

appilrCits~cii of Thll rig with thiv nhintiathifuljtid<br />

oet a ao newhat more untidy appueoanrensince<br />

fth ouai Is not rolled, but nivri-y drawn to<br />

to the yard wilth atnpa.<br />

thimmtt.~isrP...a--<br />

The phi'a'graphs makt:<br />

II<br />

1<br />

#1 Ait110<br />

V U<br />

NI. dl ~piPh- 1II<br />

H-I I piiiidng VIhii 111ý<br />

trvn mA: ndile. NO)I<br />

Ali unumuoami vdtiurt! 11 PTUHi-I is t11w "~isdv,<br />

bitard" arrangemewnt to Increase~ the firt.urL"rd.<br />

f %r lus<br />

jh iid gil~ ght' -h o cltI~wng 60. countiiii-trtus mai rrt-M ard omidtship!; at the Itow point oif the shvir.<br />

iluil, nWt vgy tI'l ngot I khdti sari Notk. us thU bviouuly tiii, dout notl pirvimk-. I~~2.<br />

NI ~u~n, ngdi to dNag th~na vlio rh~ng 4inw v&n anmwcr to vuyuges in dlii olien two * Toy raiitt' IN-<br />

4It<br />

Id0 a'v bqi. Khing hitu V1 1§-&o gl. kbi dong gih', - -idvs. Vvtws In the Lrovn of hvdivy bulwarks tire<br />

Wh'ng illm Cho gltz'-bsfl c~io hin, dc! Zo Sau pbaiM - ddo~d. It Is not Ovear why this bilt should he<br />

sail vaf nhudy V#7 e~ In '' I y'id. V1 SJU built with what Is ktaown to u hr ~adequatu fteL-<br />

khIt aghINW-ldix 01Cif rth'" jo, Vk7auch~tii(ý &'og<br />

1?i1. tILU~ell COn 0ý1, llgd~ti ?;I itltow et, rang<br />

huu-htt caic ,iai-.vtk dou C'i IV-,' 1..h~c .zhdn Vii<br />

bmo'rd. then have. the aitiltoinf nintle. Chit- might<br />

r~lxkvt ihat thr boitl wauld bircons:tructud Irmo1 the<br />

btgiflfltfg viiffi luighor froccboard, but such is not<br />

O~ng -dunig. inic tiZu th~iig~ n-iitig tIty ngddi ta cin tLw Case. However, carviul study, v-ispviaiiy t.r<br />

,1<br />

ij' k-_dl.<br />

~~Ut.vI)'y<br />

[h tradhitmionl de~sign-,. reveals that virtually<br />

(VAUdIIIHi Iit a C y s "i-id anti proicticnl re.astflInirilI~ng.<br />

UV1,fl thISugh ",0111V iJpIIP;l stranlge<br />

at fir~t glanice.KN<br />


KiN<br />


I PTB11d Weji Deck<br />

*A<br />

W-I1<br />

. ,4<br />

KiN<br />


..- CONFIDENTIA,<br />

PQMC- I .<br />

R~MC-I . I<br />

RGMM -<br />

KIN<br />



.AA<br />

;> ~:CAMBODiA I<br />

VTOC- AI<br />

PQMCI<br />

ROMICOF -A -27., t; M<br />

I S'/_AN<br />

c. I,%<br />



KI<br />


.. , , -- '-,<br />

I.<br />

.,. -- .<br />


WINI<br />

-AV I,<br />

PQMC'I<br />

PQMC - lb<br />

( KIN<br />



I<br />

KIN<br />



- -<br />

. :<br />

PQMC-lo<br />

ClIEU- DAI .945-1278 CIA LENGTH 32.0-420 FT<br />

CHI-U NGANG • 259 366 CM. BEM 8,6 120 FT<br />


MAN TAU<br />

K!H&JG c6 HA'NG 30,5-61 CM. EMPTY 1.0-2-0 FT<br />

CO HANG 61.-91.6 CM LOADED 2.0-30 FT.<br />


KH6NG CO, HA NS 61 'W16 C4 2.0'-v 3.0- F T<br />

CO HANG 30,5-182 CM LOADED I-0 26 FT<br />




"".• ;.A•.' 6-30 H0RSEPOWER 6-3^<br />


MAN VIEN 4-14 CREA 4-14<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


0 - CUONco GENERAL<br />

asa h buyon 4at trein 9 't6 he majority',of -boats oe'-thirty feet I<br />

tras vn I 11thuigh niy vskan8 d&08 length a InArea; IV aopower traft with ,w<br />

* bAMn. 44i arbja~ thiau *b OmI'd leti dy provision foreanUs. "On uurmlovs that this move<br />

A-oa d tur~co' nihUnl"09l -CdIg l away fro~m large salling junks*Ibsre bapa after<br />

thtiy~mnki5aca=h 0, 4.81 ra :J ftm bin Cho World '<strong>War</strong> U.when small reliablei' inexpenalvi'<br />

agti-Phs3 troas v'Uns, IMiuynh-hl AJIg~ c4 10. 6 martne enginal bacaw -availableo to flebermen of<br />

4tVc thtdc-dty IbJi x4J Thye-hth, Z .fh 3casN h!- that area-rViw Iiio imtlvhpnac~~<br />

'Bin v's a~n-Poch, &i A MA (~ A log cl4 tbuyft ated by the Industrial recovery ali Japan and<br />

Rqch.Ole, Phu*,Qo' Ou &14c trartg-l) b~ogd~ng. Denmark, siltwu a large share of the Fisch Gla-<br />

~CI YANMAAR cdu NO~, vh BUMJ itn Ou-#0 :hu oc boatparcpwered with aan or (Jipanutao).<br />

*1 WIcchqo t'ui 1955 htic l1I56. or Rliuh (Datilah) unginaR nionulacWred alce, 193<br />

ur-1956.<br />

J~.40<br />

nwn M- I a tu~ qeg Ipp 14n<br />

hfun Ia RGMC-1 v-o to chier idi ba - n-1tsfftbuy'Cn<br />

INQML>I atidvr lorgLe sister RCJMC- cuturn<br />

prise probably thrt -fourths of the~ power boats of<br />

niny tronA. Vyng IV. ChIiu &I<br />

lixy -$61 tdi9 tdi 15 thtfe'k P0t hnth<br />

ý<br />

Y'~n 111<br />

hy<br />

Area IV. These c~raft appear in lengths varying<br />

from thirty feet up to perhaps fifty feet. They<br />

Co thi blig-d~ng nhA~ tc&i'h t~ty the.0 rkng ve<br />

tlnh~trqng al-cho~nh cua chulnh^013. i-Inh-ha19<br />

maiy be' seen with at; many variations In super-<br />

structure as the whim and financial situation of<br />

thuye'n ýo the khong carn gi&ng vdi lool thtuyen nai<br />

trong SO Ll t -KLI till V1 ngoqi -dI4n da bi ta -&n<br />

nhieu b6oi nhuh btipp-CAt tuiligdo -&I MUU z lip<br />

the owner ermitl. lloats may appuar which fit none<br />

of the Bllue Booik ctegories since major changes<br />

ayh nadL in the uutwo rd appediratice of the boat<br />

t~n keii, trei phanti hthing-t''h hui thirough~ re'id;ve.v quiuck and Inexpunsive changes'~<br />

to the supIertitructurv.<br />

KiN<br />



Vod thu;9" vilky Ih4~ Iulo din-xkzn. ICA*6<br />

pat nlg Thd mq~k ii~uyrn u'ny ddt:vd-'ail open<br />

Thev baikok hull of thetee b~tlal Iton 0a"iml.,<br />

ouible-eader, revemblivi a motor whole::..<br />

MtI vý IJI til~tih Vhn coo 1^~ pi0 9I men<br />

y n '" Uipgdw% 1 MVIdt ~f~khkthUýe~n did nulai. M~t<br />

bnh~lih A;ii bans itn ivy P 91to rbns t iO<br />

trlt. v~q chii~t&f~c to p-4 do co 1he nang- coohonq%<br />

liq-thlip xuohg mndk- int khang ýan 1*11 thlo ra.<br />

bout. it htw a highI pointed bow and satom, low<br />

free-board amidohihps when loaded. Thare to 9a<br />

largewuo&'n rudder secured to the vlornpwfl wti<br />

a pinthe and Zuge4~tin arrangement which tlwrmlue<br />

the rudder to be ralsed or lowered In the wallet<br />

without being unoltlpped.<br />

KIN<br />



KIN<<br />

RCN1C(*. hiaudi da',~ GJIE Clo. A' ive<br />

R~M -I.Ohoio'ttt* con *(I~ Is'UA" Avtcil.<br />

uiict -- n trun dcu CU tI im phut~h<br />

r~y~ ntn~hiil"4t1!cU t<br />

I "ghv &I AuI S h<br />

All<br />

o<br />

,it'echuractruicit~c rniay be traved to<br />

o (h t ethn Cua amnd Ght: C~au tit<br />

Mid -f"WI' ma'dui itwy khrng v- 4n nN.-', Ivyl 1 hu<br />

b~mIrn i'y ;~ c ang co.nhn gh~nh -dola Y-" 'iuut IUM<br />

kti ml, n(t ba'nh-lyl výI ht-tho^g ýrvo M A~n I" k<br />

14n nii& hiaII a a "mt hfru S~ d Cing<br />

14 gdn t kithf -e ih hih"'nI co -tru<br />

Phu Quo#; Island. Thotwe large malting junks4 hadl<br />

identical hull lines, thu win#- ruddui und rudder<br />

suspunaluf system., the same "plafrnin-duck<br />

cns.trut~ttun aft aind the sjunwiearpu round "ys<br />

oV n the tbiw. lhvau traditional sailing junks were<br />

nd hac -chin6 nd %A t tan~huebviously fiircweur, of theme contvmjrntory<br />

nle~y hI'n qil. VIlq bitn -ch~c kti thuycn co -truyyn inotor junks. Tiis adaptahtion of a traditional type<br />

VL Y b~Ng W~ng- Cd tli V'Ung IV I.ra'i - ngddc h~n in Area IV Is Iin 4har;) consTtr~ast to the situntlun Im<br />

01f I)'hh- trqng trung cdc VhIg I Vdi 111 ti'l nd 1ý ca Arvati I aind H where Ixuwer botats are niorL' ofte<br />

thw nav phran tihI'~u dd~jk &fnS theo k tco AuMuf weste'rn tir Juone.su ý-Rtyle.<br />

.. \ 1 -I.CONFIDENTIAL<br />



J.-.<br />

p A. -~<br />

Nhd no ~ eh ittu'ni*gi _<br />

piA ttdbfr.basmd rmti<br />

-A At t<br />

thyn tn-l lyd h hj hu a thtt e bai hl ar retyInape-ne.Te in<br />

e &' ? 'A I '<br />

* h~nhi-dangTrAd-bet voi 1hiy~'n 14ik.~i4 onthemn addlition to the hull Is partal decking. mittU con -<br />

pHnr att tau, va mt phngJ Zu~ 'a an i structun onf a sorinIofplatform -deck aft - This may<br />

S~ti i ny co" thc ditic chu i~ng mv~t mial phth thuiw be covered with a bam~boo rixof 1)r awntng. A<br />

V1 Sau &ol thuy'en e( d th~~i d~~n the rni further posiiible, tadlition Is thi. Installation of a<br />

h~rng lon-coo quanh 9ýmn: tl~p'*thv'o, rn~ khoang<br />

baic Wh*in zhiih djcddng tren thyo Iv.4 Ipf...r$<br />

bulwark around the pnlatfrm; later a du.ckhousu<br />

or cabin rnav hc butlt. whicuh in turn rniy be ~<br />

o hdid& ea nd-r emh nnot phZ~ng n~a Ih~ap pandled Int~i ai seton~d, loiwer cabin extending for -<br />

thiddJ tiungLl-bi~ trtf~fti Ctwai-edng thuy~n "I warir.-t V.-i'kly a variety of railuandmam sarriantu -<br />

thedtdctian-tt heoinhTng d~y lan-eanla.,5bý- nit s amay bi. utkk'd.<br />

* *\ V. ~CONFIDENTIAL<br />


I' ~KIN_<br />


A Tuy cif h~ chN-t -i~t b -d~i nhd d~ulPor all these varlal long, PQMC landROMC.I<br />

tren, sons Cck tyhe'n PQMCtl I Y R GMC-l v~'pc<br />

mint hlnh-du (Was nh _h$a blot, vs' 11 lao<br />

are still distimativa In appearance and are by far<br />

1 thuy'ai:<br />

vthtdng th* nhtu wha itrons Viinx IV. Tb~t pll<br />

nhln. thuyp, Cgivi 84 gtbd' Iu chi ' Mh Au-<br />

M7. 4L ha p Mt, vi Ifn-t~ "nsk ih eo Ida ieU<br />

the most common types seen in Arco IV. At first<br />

glance the boats bear a similarity to *a weatcrn<br />

tanker, that to fth high bow and high after super-.<br />

structure are clearly atcparated by thr low amidth~y1<br />

dtkk~ phgn-optrh r7- tV6 3 gilt man #hip freeboard..<br />

N P QMC-l IIs the asmalicat of the family,<br />

PQMC:.l Us thuyih nhQ nt~i tronji logi fly,<br />

tht~ng chi A~t A~ 9 thtAc. Thu~v,a haty *sdn mtua<br />

xam . hoc xanh do trdi hay xanh titt &y lyt. 0A<br />

khl thu'At kh~ris dil~csdn ji hNat. ýVS uyth o~n<br />

usually being PIbtit 30 ftvot long. Gray. light blIUL<br />

or light green puant in ullually usdw~. .In BA1,a1'L<br />

Inatunctit they aru unpaltivit.- /'lmotit trivuriably<br />

tho hkil Ioads luindwith large -round black eyvitu<br />

Phd Iu1n-lu~nd* 0dtm.d 'rn Ml$iI m~t 14~, den<br />

vii ttrin, chung'qurnuh vien jrlng, ých~t hat O~n<br />

Uencraled with white, wvll ftarwardan e~ach utith' III<br />

tlat upper b4'w. Thu ..yvua urv Ilaintd tin it hirighti<br />

rN 1 ml th~Iup~n. -D& m t ny Not: 4 v~vo m(tI red tlecoraitive larval isb4'yothe rubsitiskv, CJiht'ld'.<br />

AA<br />

kht4; 1dy %,.- tuy.4,` vii Of th~nh -Lhuing mot dildc nrartiy eqaupippd with radio, and unly simuattirniet<br />

urang-Illi 6n, sting thuyret PMC-l vJn thd~Mg C'01'<br />

lts't cuit buiorn thoup Wing qu~j ve. 1+4t mul . WA den<br />

&i I1 thuitrqgdttra dat 6 &sdL asut s~ang sNn thuy:n Iur<br />

equipplir witli lightt.. shv- isi usau~ill)y !cvn with ai<br />

luw mjaIs silitppc well foriward. A tl'sidlhighls to(<br />

stuim typet will tiften he imountud Mere I' tihitti in<br />

v:. 1 hviivNndem. 4Xthi nug ;rt thiv~ rhtC'h .ate !lhv dvck k'us tl~i~t worik. The hit~Iitiiii.4iv<br />

kdt.11 dtw. suit aiin nfiletls Wl(i sl dS jkhr-dP), ?dvr<br />

iiiwng-sni!dol Z6s 01i. luZ.ic dt'n s~ingt.<br />

iwiv ht: *:,lrstriv. Nit 1s11irt<br />

K ~t i i l i. ' i-gliilS<br />

likely It ts Lidrihldv.<br />

i ie<br />

KiN<br />



E0dNG THUYN "A ii 516A. CHUA<br />

A" Aa)Y~I~ din 41 - uta Most of these vessels are built on Plau QuqC<br />

Quoc; hud c~n.bmntrIgii 700 . Isla"rd and cost about $700 for the bauic boat pluii<br />

cY6n 0 -klm. Cfft~ thX 61bout.4l000 for the ensine. Thv structuru to all<br />

thh1-I toa ll I ian g V1 vhb'ht-thiiiing co 4 wood. aduerwnilcircumstance . can 1w<br />

16 Wll n tinig kholng 60n ul naot6 as<br />

Mg dldgseg hl. An ý J0 ch~y A ht!4vy wooden keeul rails. the full Ilngilit4o<br />

d~at 4~iuy "'l lo 3 kiiuon vbottom. Thr r but3Nhay rnu u<br />

1111 1"Fl M~chk dd4ý- O~n edh nlwu Of1 3 tc with a spacing ofat about one fuci. Hull plunking Is<br />

V4 vA thityph Ga4c Sho'p 3ng mit "haotv~r fluph and fasevned wit galvanizid nollu. Bottomn<br />

4mb mq h~1T. VWndiy v1 ni~n thU9 day 00hln and aide planks are about onel and thruc-quartera<br />

hdn 4 phn IC au- ~butri dotbi~y-thb lnchoo-thick. Rvpairu and maliIntefati4are per<br />

Iront huY~N tJihlDhO au khi 6~ dila ihuygn viO bI formrdhythts-rvw, after thcihat boocenbceauld<br />

v'U 4~ at~1 dal I'~ nx. 1 " bi arA ahored 'it hiou tdtU-.<br />

ML~ iAp ada don that aty dd.4c quataeo<br />

(y thuy ah~lb~lid-h m. Tuy-rdsitis, 131id, ti~ll11y<br />

kling vt~~uhi(ul'm 'Irutt ii a Onlv~<br />

A very thick black pdIrat in lined fnvr antifouling<br />

on the buttuni, It upp~arai, hUAW~Vu4r, that<br />

thim leavesIin uvh Its v desied no tan Mnif fouling<br />

qual-wtnryng liat' lrtln$ yi(vý hZ4-tr'I Nh-til:i n,<br />

Lhuy'h 4hOngddl~k ch -chti a9fl l~ili~ I14<br />

:invasurt: tin.e worms and horcri.pruitent tlwinaint<br />

3 naf)h4c,<br />

huge nLu ed u~~c - h L j hicu g'l hon Rip wi~n<br />

uiumttnaauab.n Othe'rtlnup.<br />

tectivu coatings aro ulfthr rion-enuimient, or of<br />

_da0I daiy; A~ the vI<br />

hlnh kt~ngnng<br />

i 1 i vh biuti-rl ph~A thl-<br />

&)I Cu-h ~tit "nlmitu C(11Ml~k<br />

about the samcquullty an the brattkumn Imlnt; thurc*-<br />

frer, ulikeup and nuinlrtenuncuu tire a neveur -nding<br />

'A<br />


asti prithably dlntaauraying julb.<br />

Nddu trung lhuYNh dt?%fe Wt k)UiimQ rn<br />

%A A<br />

iviji<br />


thumunticil. tlh~ngrh5u. uh~n'di*ab Kpong ch~til hoge<br />

non Ia. M~I Wit C-ung dlng rili'Ing bdm lay bkgI iru<br />

~ tJ'(i~a.u Than~ um a~ '~y<br />

These' buats are. bailed wnit whatetver is<br />

handy. bucketv, cups, pans oir &ttraw cilitlit hatt4.<br />

Cue but effetilve horeusti, hand Ittinps4 irk,<br />

la'm bang Ire cii 5 &fen a 144"i dtdllgjinh, mIn U1 uuX989znaelly seevn. Thn' cylinder of mucwh it pump<br />

- 'A<br />

Wi v- AV khtt. Kid Wsrii nnialh, lovi bar" Ituu Vn..y<br />

co, thudJ th(f:h.ng vit& nhuavaki.<br />

tin one unit, aend o~pen tin the tither. It 1.e filtit-t<br />

with at piston Inside the cylindur which, %ihtq,<br />

I W t<br />

Tat lieu vu .ik th-hyt dleu'hanh CeUa cat: Ivul<br />

nixunawad vigurnusly,<br />

reuijeirumun~tt.<br />

atdvqutately -,,livries tele<br />

thuy I nay thau-thaqpdth rat (t va khlA)1gad`nj tinye<br />

VIcdiaehtehuytn,. hum<br />

cdrig nhidr~d'nghot)<br />

nvji 1041 thuyun kh.i., thung~el..iiel -111 lng<br />

niit?ng b~Ii chfnh dL'u-kfiAn can thaiyeleg. nili cln I~dl<br />

thuAit dcu -khien va itj hitiabiet veA thuyVre Annh<br />

Ci3a Chu' huyi4cn. Mq~t vii ngut phh3 cho bilf hy C.0<br />

Little, it tiny. reliahle inlirniuatioln With<br />

collected regurdtng the' tipuraeteig h11hhfl~tt,1l kit<br />

thesL' Wiats, Like any tither surface craft t'Q<br />

opuirdition Is Itmnhled nint only by thu bXUI, hut ailse<br />

by thv 4eearnannhip tit the skimpier and fit- Wo'w.<br />

til et nnn hn. cho bien -nung I thd'k, rdut:<br />

C hllA. nu rtiv d1il Vat nhit-u nd-1ji kitc ivi nhie'~a<br />

ludge uit hisq lxot. Somte itilthi menu relimrtt~ted tu<br />

Lhk-y uriluad 111wratv- sa~fely in fly.' (iuut )vas~z caleers<br />

hludnhtluTc A hum. Vtý^ I x 1. it &'dinh. .<br />

6btat, csin-ucg Vant :n~t chloc tliuvCee vung-chign. toy<br />

4a1 khit e~ng~o ke(ite rr, dd& ',CI - I Rth m"NNin<br />

less anti Rtherg mkire. it is fill the reader to draiw<br />

his own cclinsin this niatter. viinsidite iteg a<br />

sturdy. ofat tillait i anuti iv~iky 11tat, a oilli~lia lidd by<br />

1<br />

Tlg4ih suz~l -ik lim ( i~t% ]luat thuvlii ti1i111?If<br />

cht'ih C rong khu hMen hyp hi! &1'.<br />

a man whao lis lit il.eblv s~ix-l hi x Ik I. Ax o rd N III,, I I<br />

criAt in the siniee smal'l sea irvj.<br />

KiN<br />


c1Fi DENT~ M'_<br />

Nhun CU nhIht'1i xartnV6OB 20 LUmg t""s are reponM'1 to tv arilvitit<br />

hhi-lý. tuy-nhiib'nr to 7ng thay wii~ll cbUyh 1"I mila., yeit tbbosto are stvn in lurnburii anynly~trong<br />

4~hP V'Urnv ,am-jidc Iecb.Oid- - 11114 whr ed~c-i-hiQ<br />

Quj ý Ha-Tienj, v1 ifim khi lt4n CJ ph(a 5tC d' MWd Mr freqUOUtly Seen In the South China Ova at;<br />

Nm-Bli chu tdi t~u V~ng.Tkb. N&i nhibill' far north as Cap M. Jacqucv. It ishould be<br />

thuyb logi I ny iA khl meng t ho dns-C~ ~~hi ramnodb'rod that Lheoee bo-if, rarely tvarry uny<br />

-truy'h-tUn, twii; bd~l1 va aly.-tnh, trg th ~ isaviw.uoiw cummunication or signalling equiptuy~t<br />

aug bift vv v~IU~t.Iei]gta-tfnc3. mern, and their vrowis generally kno'w m'iting uf'<br />

the ru~les of, thiuzati.<br />

vm<br />

IhlaI-nanm dieu -tdvg. Glu -6n &Mi 1hp th~u kh&S ?<br />

tA N thu; -I. Nd&, ogyt M&~ niung thenu trong<br />

crew. Perniltee do nbt notnially lilviuhvnr~d.<br />

Frushwtaxr Is carried In lorile varthvii joar andi,<br />

019"sg v~io Iu'sigf ~irong khi di 0 usI- lA, 3I,l &~ng<br />

Cd rug Abi jdi:lurm nionIrl. Thv"Ir vai<br />

whilL"#uorking, the crew mauke untlitir mcam fisi~'n<br />

tiwm tntch. Th~nitaluirvugm LntLdhyittvi~d.;n-'<br />

C01"n, 1itow 114m, 41 hif V: WIC rdimu'dc" owmioning. aind weik beer ur riLLe WIIIL'.<br />


11N~II<br />

lrNlFuiMArk)N<br />

Nm 1% I ul'4 1tiiuvei~nUrit cav en n 11FN 1 Is i.~ islg ui4. k auwill n'l 11k<br />

nhe , 0nh-tra.;g hihnh 4inti 011. hut owi prt 'ta lnc:%3 iiin't sf )Ithis typou cupIled %vill<br />

r)ICA M dil&l Vdi so de' dvail 1(01 cqc CIi vi*'t the as--tiv. Vivt Cong threi~t iii thiIh atva. and 11wý<br />

r t,)i Yang njy. vi-I -ti gip .1n V41 C51)1 11. u,11t v it) C~anil-idia imi.ke~ it lI kviv thAs tiiesu<br />

1V. -~<br />

_<br />

KiN<br />


KIN'.<br />


ThuyvaFQM9. I dU~hig alroc du68ng ~t'u nhMA Moat COrilnonly PQMC- I Is u Bed to c night.<br />

t rqng v 1$c tcI -I~hdd ban d~m. Thuy 'rdv;b0A fishing, The. boats return to ýprt daily to sill<br />

miol 0y dan A~n cd iýEdtO . Kbt hoot-6$ng their catch, 'When operoting !a ;his way thqy<br />

phtl th6thua' thtJ~ng rdi hn vap khoing 1330 leave port ataOout 1300, fish all night, and return<br />

01ll vi trh~' visiu Ohm- Wm- asia. 'A t~ni cic btt early the following day.- Since the catch It; ftld'.<br />

d&nly no~a lin INupy Uo' nh Vit p giiý the oomw day an It Is taken, no prnvIslnn is ninde".<br />

ngltAkhv'MI Y&' 1trbillut 1 for Ita prearvation at sea.<br />

T(oh A~ m6~ ho.p1982. di cd Arn C0S thuy'en<br />

PQMC-l d~c 4h ~to 1 Maldng-4 ittA 4 d~Ph<br />

Qutd. Hli~' na CehuzlIidd ch? 6n 1#i 50 ch&~<br />

IV ~nim thuj&a kka di bi atIh lqvi q g14b~ b~io<br />

c4 ~ ~ ~ tbS.C'G ~ ~ iinniactn ;j d 0hý a~<br />

Mny) v~i Uthuyc Pt~itung nitry dana d*~ Anx GOe<br />

By the ownmner of <strong>1962</strong>, over. nixty five<br />

junks Of the ?QwbC-lio ywhad ben built in tho town<br />

of Dutong DunS on Phu Quoc lIand, where Ut"- type<br />

wao or#ingfated. Only M~fy of thoose can now be<br />

account~edfor. It I- logical to @peptthat somvof<br />

these buatm have been last to weather or nthor<br />

Yffi trO Vi(gt.C41ho. perilaouf the ova. One might also. assumiethat part<br />

of thoe" unaccounted for craft are being used aosa<br />

PUNIC - I bow Bamiboo net floats<br />



~~..<br />

." -•. . -- - 72 . .- _ -<br />

.. .....<br />

.<br />

- _. -. , - .- -;<br />

CONFIDENTIAL - -_______ _<br />

• ! ""<br />

.\<br />


PQN.-I di tt yebninh Iai<br />

PWMC-| riiddr'r detŽail<br />

KIN<br />

Kiii<br />

A w\. z CONFIDENTIAL<br />

I<br />


KIN<br />


RGMC -I d<br />

KIN<br />



. -- ., .-.. , , -<br />

,.-<br />

.<br />

KIN - _ .<br />


-I."-- • - " " . . . . -<br />

"=<br />

'" -M RGMC-ld ml m m/ it'<br />

4, -<br />

CHIAJU DAI 10m7-1768 CM, LE(NGTH 38.0-58.0 FT.<br />

cHIU NGANG 244-488 CIA BEAM ., 0- 16,0 FT<br />


KHONG Co HANG 58.b-95 CM EMPTY 1.9- 3.2 FT<br />

c) HA.NG 73.1-125 CPA LOADED. . -<br />


KH-NG CO' HANG 73-1 cM EMPTY 2 4 F'T<br />

CO HANG 78.2- 109.?CM LOADED 2.6-3.6 Fr<br />


n r Cd .0<br />

ENGINE<br />


MLIc i I<br />

16- 60 HORSEPOWER 16-rn<br />


DOAN Y!EN 5-9 RE - 5-9<br />

KIN<br />


S, - ,t..Z U<br />

. "<br />

• -...... . .. ...-. " '<br />

I.<br />

S.. . . f .-/ . . j . . -- . .Z _ . - - - . .. .<br />

-. *''., I il" " "" ""- --. .. -<br />


: ..<br />

.<br />

.. . . ...<br />

-..<br />

1.<br />

"RGMC-lo<br />

RGMC-Ib<br />

"NORM<br />

.. " - ' :<br />

i : !<br />

RGMC-.c<br />

.RGMC.Id<br />

_ _<br />

* *<br />

RGMC-id<br />

RGMC-td<br />

--<br />

KIN<br />


RGMC I<br />

S qutt 1091 tun OMC-Jyrt s git, OuuI a nbrmatlob concerning 1thtiun<br />

rhu~n~qMUr~h 4 ~LL~o~ pt~ bs l&Vs appear. in.80Ont detail undW rovc~ndvt~<br />

k#1l tbxyo% try (QMCl.~dycln~ to IQMC-1. to which RGMC-1 boars a very clusa<br />

'fc i rduy atl ca us huye'A ROMC- I ml thki reseimblance. - Cly cheracterhuticP which are<br />

W044. to RQMC- I are dlscuind here,<br />

ja aq khmic bia~k d; ddL41 pba.n loll i'ty theo Variations hava beent classified according<br />

VI5Jkiv'n ti4o thdong ZWt1j Rw Zt ah tiicy'i2 Y Vta Hipo1Mtructure. poresgin from RGMC-a.<br />

trie"n bti~ cla tý Io:)i thuyt-h HOWC la kh~Ng ct' whtich Is an open bout, to the more~ elai'rate<br />

tolui Ia, 10u4t thuy~cn RUMC-ld ddii ki~n tqu kg'- RGMC-ld with he~r after tcck house. long c~abin<br />

AI *A I ),-, -Visi tw~idh-IIplro RflMC-l<br />

kha l. I guka thuytN v5 kle^u Ian con khaG~ biwet appeara in lengths fromo U up to atxust b&I ket,<br />

Thuyen RGMC-I 1rv~nS IXu bu~a titt 3H tlli 60 6Ct<br />

Anh (Ilmt40 tol 18rn). nhthig~ v~'n gla nguytii kh-ung<br />

but invariably retnins the samet.<br />

carric,.4 the sanmech ractiurist l<br />

bull lint-q. and<br />

e.ye!s painted on<br />

thav A~ cdc 61k10 MenI tao 14 Q~ lhuje'n, V'da Cung<br />

ck tn c.k cun nil, 1 Ii a bn miz1 thuy-en.<br />

the sldmcs tif Lou bow,<br />

KIN<br />

A. 1%;1-<br />



Q~ V. ng ad ýtbiga 1d~ng co Diesulde<br />

th~n~wh~~um~adc mqflh 'if 16 tdi 00 rn loc.<br />

0 a O0 ck thuy~ cu. Ongpd dl~c tro ngbi cjje b<br />

ph~n *i~t hinh dknc i btnS d Ie thl UUI ye 1<br />

4.~~i chpla.~thcom~ rn iSý ahl khd ctq v' b ~<br />

Frronei arm usually diebel adarts Reen In'<br />

any ai~e ber*eeu 16 and 60_ herserwiwer. Moot<br />

-boatit are oquippbd with electri to storwr. Oinly<br />

minimumt toolo -and aparep orb carried who" the<br />

boats are Involved in fishing apervti ons, and skip-<br />

Pi' fthy :w h Kbdna t cd. h& is cic cht thuy'An<br />

tn~ dto thuySei khdc k&o v0%0 Wit.<br />

per@ rely Qfi other boats to tow them to port in<br />

can* of engine failure,'<br />

4i~dc 4%~ huqt d('nM Cl~a tiuyi l'& Whc' Operoting characterix~tict; vary #0a widely ax<br />

ulwu t~okh6 ýdt'~b th~ quar 4dWc to imake gencralizatgn difficult. Thesoboatormey<br />

A<br />

WiW 09 ont~ ý0 00 r., A bcN work on a day-to-dayboosi returning to port~each<br />

Id dem i "yid 2 4 bACin~r aiiit Won dgdnd c Might lI. w iat other Htimes they MaY 7CM111 8 sat<br />

AQ0 Y~il 2tyan y my v thuo~dloll fishingl for 10 days to two weeks. Some, will he,<br />

Nth: 7 laiiui 01lyng. T huy dt~c nht(,ng ve itran usin$ itu or satlt to paLvourvu their catch;<br />

thlkA hl RQ I ikhdi thlay others Guse othing. RUMC-l isprimauilyu fish-<br />

I'd lin hoych i nh id. nhif Witu 41iei t~o cbs. . Ing boat, but her dvoiegn makri' her asilly hadttin<br />

U; d~~nj h tnh in tu~<br />

u hhAng bay chb khd'ch.<br />

L~<br />

- ~<br />

"<br />

Ma ~dimc d-.<br />

I_ .cll.r<br />

khkbiv. nit, "bnor h<br />

ko.1- r day Lea tt iuvfr<br />

till their diffurtunces. huwe.vur, so~me<br />

common ciarac'terlatisce r hte ilastd.Thw<br />

--<br />

ti,.ka thc 1J nhI~u kl W I1t~g nheu vl di<br />

~'o-n ddlk nhupi iu" khi cti' chi( & hoac co OWN vq#X~<br />

nln ch 41'1 UIUVyIn. VJ, cac 1hUyci RUMC-1 V6<br />

LO~i-Ib cian~ niiiiu l s all aen<br />

bouts are sturdy. versatile, and seaworthy,<br />

ezpvfialiy wham loaded ur in ballast. Basic hulls<br />

ojf all RaiC-'Is usul PQh4C-; s, ari c,3svntislty<br />

Identical excejfl for size'.<br />

ug~..m t~t kh hL~'.KIN<br />


__ _ _ ___ I'N_<br />

KIN<br />



COWIDEN71AL-- X.-- Y~<br />

k,4 .<br />



.... S.. .-K IN ' . .<br />

..---<br />

-_<br />


_ _ - -.-, - . - II--------<br />


- - KIN"-- -<br />

RGMC 2<br />

f)AI CAMkN6i GHNEAAL<br />

rhauy'I. Ila RUMC- 2 I11lt- 1:~ quanli<br />

Rach-ia -Gi lng itiin~ g-d'it thly (t 116% Ci' I<br />

kilt<br />

IItaw<br />

Me 1AGNC- 2 mwotorlud junks~ 4aliro:ic ii; o1w<br />

%1ml ~iuv f RdLI GIia, b.,i tire fqiunI Iin Nmihial.i<br />

thuvol Mlla: ttoii N'Zmg IV. Thu%) 14nnliXaU "iovs th.ani otihar tiv, iw .pcratjng in AKIAA IV.<br />

? - , ... *<br />

r<br />

i l iilnt rd-ht;j:ViO- N ml . a~i' Trvig, tiv rN CV1JU eV fi n 0tLu Vir-yIng hull eurtfigbrtt.,r. i-Iu -:4r tht-'<br />

mt.Vj t rj IM~i .hj%- ' CPh11 dIvin das:- 01'! dh n l~-l .. r . ltn in ntta I 'iniill~. 1 11 1 i thu<br />

iJ v-; ~i hy 2n V rA i~ V A C -3 jts Uf1k VTA(>; midt NTAC .1 to Mi rth Vktrwna taii igm.<br />

vl. KIN<br />


-~. - ~ wxwKi '.<br />


f ,<br />

A:.<br />

* Ngaii tj Out chke thil 1ii41i trong ti(. Ilictot t.it tmoxilnwlely 50) HcomC-' 2tIs<br />

144 If~nh-a~ng U&cl-stng iyiii o'- lt- dj<br />

Will ut if 1ti Pllkojg. 11't-1c~i v# khoijng Ifam<br />

gunur&1l tui'agn probablIhy ,r 1lulJIn North <strong>Vietnam</strong> aisuund thut yvai.<br />

lk.i Mohtag,<br />

All %orf11w ca4$<br />

Thko ml'k-cao&:Iw ,ivj tatj JUKCIMC-Tsbiilt Het rVImasI ctudiv still olrting dnd<br />

*, Aiiul 1 diwke. ruy-iih~iih. htIilntaiih-diy tint: notics~ thtit appi rownic ksf tehosii' litluaU - c<br />

11111h'Lng V4 thu4:6 it) ' C I~ut r"\ it ntui% 121 vI II lif I grvitly io Lhe buildup 4,1 tile sitert and dflur suiwv<br />

-- "a . .'..<br />

al<br />

'ý7'. ttd&l-j lip ~i vhpcki ditni Ott iiiA thu~tdu 1AI X kct'u11ctL:1 w1it] iid, jijl ulily urnil th? fuwine'<br />

1 ~*k~~<br />

gafa 1411~ag sIn'^) aa~y tail~ c 5 ua nhli.~ laln o~iad afftfiad it, iri'atall it diustal ugin~~c. N.aaw,,(a<br />

I-.\. loa liuW.11,~ khtnig cont *hictc l-I.ir dhjv thtuse cia .11 t v lji'-vn t, I. 1w I' aairia td ias -'. iin<br />

King I104-11 lto~c Ntigo nj-4.a phl. raft ort auxa liarivs Ivitlav<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />

A<br />

-511,11an~ t-vly IA Wii rlyhopl R4UM: 2 ho. ui Iliinkd bmoiwol .<br />

IftingIshish r till Int. dx 6411g, Oni~ tluAQnx i~Ih~ivmi, toWi ji Ionf ti~i It. Thu- after isuptwi<br />

All ~ ~ sting Iti iM k- lapis 1lvh-qc h nh-dolnicsing &dI , lhI k1uIU Iv ilds it Uwws thv uplivranct: of the<br />

4.jv ~~itdrh P~ Ph~ "'I it. kin &'A~ ,nifforill Ithetxr te tht. bii-i1' hull. *Thvbn.v junkis or<br />

d~ h~ 1 trufwll-I'nh k'liing norpl 13 0l144C~ 1ibish wonifros I miz oan d overao.~ 4.3 rovt In knglh<br />

d)l 1.3 lhiIe Itkfi of v0h i'h'nh ngdng. V~j Isrong- t 3 l 11.5 fee~t In beism, aml dimplace whiti 5 toitn.<br />

A I A 'AA rub uiniike ~alunp4 tltt water line.~ is chii nc-<br />

Mititd~v ciu nthuvlln k<br />

III viv mql ,n~p Vdfl li. i,4t'. The swill wtmi~dtn iuddii Is ni~ted into,<br />

g~il vit ch~ni. Bianh-Iiit Will bOig g."I~k n via<br />

niw*Ijt 61lai O~?y'i. 0hiyvd.1l It" Pbrf,'(p Akh,,ig<br />

Into. tht: inivII.' tirii the~ e.abin. i.there It 14 ctfln<br />

mirllird t-4 ii bting witwdviii llur. A 'inioll d.1mble<br />

I 'A J# I<br />

tict don cvi; V'o Ii~ shall &miing -u~ I .c ;and<br />

uim 'lt.1w ~ ii iuir~Ut<br />

t~ v~h I;~ . u~-- nsi ' . Ast tnr cilod- eullng.. Inuistingth hl' m tottijdll-<br />

sitii~ 4 ~.nl~1<br />

-InIAu~ c1ngti-Ve itW- W&<br />

Y7 AA J..<br />

r (. itou nj1%q4 11111 S.;41" RUIC - .' uIv jiud up It- tile witvi-hir with a<br />

S:1111~i Mail 1t' rAt.. m1~ V~ith uI dior mvtcen d l2Vcyit jiam ing is'ru du~I~lS. iet<br />

', -I A4<br />

,'!~ 1.' ~ ~~-11p . u I'~A.I~. ';, f<br />

!..ttn.itV UAC -. e V IAt.1<br />

-tilt it chanrq<br />

.<br />

N' kl~.. (Id mtileR RGMC 2. whi:Ich .igatil Ii<br />

hjjým- itk*t VI'At* I im( V*lA(: i<br />

KIN<br />

as<br />


* ~KiAA<br />


m~Thu;yiROC- 6ix:ngMang Uth'uil Phfa lWMC*Z utqudily varrlima twit prevtato titikA<br />

thddir th~ug put Muilof loli ba daN.OctO nIVlit'.-At<br />

NP-llto~ Oain V<br />

ptrand amanild Ila' for vach. rW4# iiitd vitaninterN<br />

4 hal thZISallS k~nd6"dangl'mph1 arty Varrled for use as 10o119 Ito NuSvnid ftlahtrj<br />

Iu~&1A~, v1i ciang cit htfliln phuo Adu-ngaydiije. neta and coiuld ultui Its umrii as a form of Ilkvife<br />

~<br />

" A<br />

Phnnwiro dtI&, ttalag-bj 14ng d4ngce<br />

dadu-rfn YANMAII (Nt.Jh) hv~ * LIKJI (Oa~n-<br />

IMph), 16nl~n IoIn~ 6;nit'vd giant' :thiCI a~nx<br />

Ingequipn~tfl.<br />

-Thezse crsf are must, oulwa puwtored by<br />

Yu;.iwllr Oqmpsuvic)tt Dukh (DW nih) iet'iel vnginuN,<br />

nele V, viat ph~thnh Whg milt t y qumy ho'k mAt lzl which ate water'cotjlt-d and FtetrtWi by ulilltvk a<br />

phiht -hanh dlq~. O~ng- d lip trcA d4 lgny, ''Fi hand crank or eulctrlc stnrtur. Ties u-nginvn-ure<br />

hill m qn-lhuyvý Lra~c ch#y d~i "uig jAu qua 6~y mounted ani'Adships on atringurit. with thv shaft<br />

P<br />

1;1 thuy~ei. &t & cifgd6 m~t vfh '- v It bi c~a Inh not<br />

~~~~~~Thuyeii khbp -4 khoa'ng 67mi dd~il d<br />

extending through thot after bottom tit the hull<br />

t y a ,-C91c'<br />

Coy xtca eu che thb Cho chl~ni-vit, 4wng- thoti<br />

lidi Wt~ Ma~ng 06 dijt 5f c<br />

weeas ll1ebvedcrwIatwhA<br />

The pli-iie.l le It not prowvwdby a itsegot atruat ..<br />

1 ]hot b'N nimi-iqhuj'<br />

Thuyei thdttrg ruing theo chlhig non MI 46 JIO<br />

The L-ngineL v~huuoi isdisthargpdxhroulil v6610 on<br />

xth 9ltcski r the hull. 51) to 901 goa lions, of diesel<br />

16t d~au-cam, 11tng tiong thbng t~liho~c th'i'~ng phuy. fuel In ý:nv to drumai will be stowvd amidships,<br />

V4 xci, khl mn-0111,14. W4. LuI-<br />

Phflf "ii hit ma A<br />

pndletikhlen may dLuu 1141 trendtOng-tai, va 0dN(Z<br />

thdy-th6 ph~l d' Iql la-ong buong ittoy nhJ co it<br />

E"- nginev ontruls are lwaicad tin thv cighirt, mad a<br />

crewWhan mutit rcomaln In the tsmall ventea.d engine<br />

uniopartn~itn to nonhimthe1 heimmauan In upirla t A'I il .Ah di 'A ,e"<br />

tJhgK hdi de gtup te u~gdu-ht thuI.<br />

ing<br />

this. traft.<br />

t 'A '<br />


,jfo thuyti -R1MC 2 4-1-k Mi&ng iý ttwh-6ui TheRGMC'2 hu~ll I~stzacted InliRah Clu<br />

vivlincti~ng 16.6<br />

bang pi, va thildng rn~i<br />

191 Vii Tluvvn .1i.ngto'wn<br />

O~iing bo ng")). laT~ho"nat<br />

ai osst '4o obi~ui $2, 201. The ntskliltlial cinni cif<br />

the engine antd instjilatitin may vatI y fr~iviu $bOO two<br />

- .<br />

thi'nh. $2 ý000 Thu lihull silrtwtuie Is; built enthitLly 4'<br />

~~WOOd ind a' nurmdialy LinsntrLctcd in jltoutf60 dd's.<br />

KIN<br />


-2<br />

A 1<br />

Ialanlil sjýaWe. U~y-tha pbt! ktothoy<br />

o~n cqn] bln; ad jia ang Ila thuyAh. C4o ri,<br />

uj 1p i pb.1 j-qi O dn don d~a' khdc<br />

Rome2 mui 'be beached manually by the<br />

crew e~very 6 montlwt, when the hull In braced,<br />

etiiraksd, rocatt~kod Psa nactoesry, and racoaWd<br />

MQ1 1A 84 pl~ t-r~inpl quae'rs-r4i 10t<br />

tr~oovi;'cb-O. r1, v$i1ýlXnglq& fr~imnt h~Stshl~<br />

kh~s hd N~ ~tc da , norod~y huyrn<br />

thik black point. Wood worm and borers-<br />

pro the most aerlouli maintanlafte tproblifm.<br />

Improved forms of ant -fouling maetoiala arv<br />

phil &h*t i;Uni rsns, Ojn-iliq an~ig 41Ritn. -either not available Pr are toa-expenvive: ftra-<br />

- . foro,"the upkeep and maintenance of the bottom<br />

- . ~<br />

i*X -TiNl 01'hLl-NH<br />

/ ~<br />

huyth RowC-2 O'bi-.[ h dil b, il -blsIlong<br />

VfuIV, .4usni Kq190-Ofa. Phd1,Qw%. A h f<br />


ROMC-2 (W~hen aloin$ tho co'~ioi In Area IV<br />

lilt PA#I kh~lt 1f 7 445 10 P~A~ ft-a^ dhi: a round Rdch Ula and Plhu Quoc Island and usuially'<br />

Itievhlook il~' hov* 4igM chbog 10 hII.1y ripmalroa at ciao from -7 to I1) daya, Moot junka4 In<br />

ng~sal khdi. 4ý :h2i ril h4, xpol; v.'<br />

thuyA To ~a tdt if,~mt~<br />

cf lnq* v" I thim clampa olipru.:aaahiut It! milva off thy conat,<br />

wvlI vA thin PIght (it land, but tulflv nwy iaPuartt: 00<br />

fag fiti 25 nillvtaiiIIl tilt Coast.<br />

A A N %A<br />

vihil<br />

Nh'vI^th ren thuvvn thihlog~ lom 4 ngj'I'hU<br />

ift ki r~1t thuyit trong kht di 061i. -Up ingZ J'<br />

The cre'w wusually conplisn of 4 flaherman,<br />

who live Ubiiurd only while' fighirg. They Acllc<br />

truog khoiang hale roullAn t~y theou lo1-t. Ind iwdchuru tt. knJwg t<br />

(<br />

* N~k n &I& 44"S Iroins v.~I V'4 sIlang th~t; dr1 0A<br />

ding tru ng tnult &iIk-jiln di dwla tl Ldikngthil<br />

uhfnh udil pul(~ml cli lull cah~ bdoi dI,, 1<br />

weather. Suffkivint liutiabie water itt torried in<br />

turge cl~iy p~its I'm thL dur~ation idt thy triks. Thelr<br />

4 01 iIi~to<br />

gqta. nituil, va ndk. inan. mung tht'j.<br />

lim.'ic fouxisopiply Iit Witatlncd froim the emiati-usn<br />

aitginvnt~d by five. 4jl t, and n~o,, MOMan.<br />


Iihu hic 2CI pha ithle uhiC ty l doing~ no"' KGMC-2 It<br />

Iijims, c..oanionly usi% a large purve<br />

141t tin Io~ji tI' thiwl. 00 A Silo liUt 5 i. wnh 5 h-vi&~ i>-lw' fiShing 114t. Whirh IN. 11WtuIl 'i;tern. The crew<br />

rct i~av'iad~nt %:' luv btan njg~vz tian d'm h~i nIs fis~hes during lit divaysnd sklees at night. with one<br />

v, chl J0' ligih nI) ttof cin i-oIo tliu e., i; the crew tending' Ilse cra~ft. The nut may hii.<br />

1.41 tjk(d.ti k4t iwu deni. diii siiný Nina~ mait n~uii tiowed tfi)lrotilkhot the night, uand pulleId in early<br />

IS t" 1<br />

A iit lt -I<br />

eachi ii0'.rlflng With It'40-1tCh.<br />

Titivevtn thirting Inting Ili(,% 101h1l: % ýiv aId.st fi Moti, ksS oi d h l)1i21 ut ii art catrio-ti Ii the fish<br />

Is ~ di~ -P'(Jo gil "~i 1*. i1tWs- ht -' ,~ i.-vethe cjtch. Tht' we is : rushedd<br />

D. 0111k tig te 11i ikAi 11,1d n u&S 't' n JVjieLIkSIIl1S 14dtl V k<br />

11is-ve". KiN<br />


'p _ KIN 7___<br />


I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

-I<br />

II<br />

KI<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />


- --<br />

L<br />

AIZ-28<br />

.<br />

KIN<br />



SI<br />

I<br />

WIN<br />


II':<br />

. . - - . ..<br />

'&rI 1LNGT<br />

-._-_ _-_ RGMC-3 il i , i i<br />

I 'N! I1[<br />

1250 CM EN nI fIF<br />

4 F T<br />


TAM NOU1<br />

MAN TAU<br />

DRAFT<br />

KHONG GO HANG 916 CM. EMPTY ,-0 UT<br />


FREEP4Wt)<br />


r.0 HANG 432 CM LOADED 14 FT<br />


DONG CL<br />

ENCJNE<br />


3~2n HMO;FPOWER 20<br />


D0AN VoF N 5 CREW 5<br />

AY-29<br />

KIN<br />


KIN%<br />

7RGMC 3v<br />

C. di'tin" 1 4%6<br />

tramc-a in murt thuye'u dmnh rd An 1110<br />

bithuh-i~ 1 q.uanh v'ubVRqw-(1il1# Pht'Qtwc,<br />

~-Au. V~ Hnd1gSbunUy xudiPhil<br />

Thte ROM17-i lie o rou4nria floishnt junk<br />

wtikhuuw ly uperatep in the vwiv nity o'fHachIWs<br />

(jjLvcjg) an O Ca Mau mi W ith~ub. Thvd<br />

fl.y.. 0-AU lI; CC i"a<br />

P'1fL Vang<br />

nF ýf 01yriw<br />

dik Aibw<br />

IIli.hww v<br />

,N<br />

hil khaI~n n or ca" chg 9~ 2e r Qng A three foot hIgh flatrtrd ahnti'M<br />

IdJ MITp niun-thuyen bu-n n4yd'% nl.fp rnqn bA' kka, f ruin gun*pnk It, ii!JhWau In the ttoer thiri! of thtu<br />

v~i di~i Oiing1 lilbk<br />

lrn b g<br />

rau hi. thuV^.i vq Vihtta 11, 0114u<br />

k~rLinly. MA ;,III bysig 1a41tIfi ria~<br />

- craft, aind [ormae the e~ngine ctmi.vrtivnt. A<br />

Ii folt~rmi &L'k" vxkvnds bsioiv three I'et A~f froili<br />

WWI' ei itgang ISI thuven ching ' tSlý NVAphtu Si.<br />

St~il s-in ii~y thiti~ng dd4ijs chan h, vlt111 go<br />

tht: transtim. ThI4 will usually lie usijvu'td<br />

flatIProoewodncip %%Ii<br />

.ith I<br />

-ikvsd<br />

ý it h111lg<br />

hk ah o ~ lal i Va ay hal wsinisdn rudtkki and Itillti are setWO 1- Ifit meti<br />

1%tll ill K~d 1? !1.1 Ib'~n V41 i futic cI it vi~ntlcad dh duw in. r' nUi<br />

SJId td il -J %11i ln a h, hi Il t-1 alI . z--<br />

ma~ khi.liz vani ph 1 iii [I!.% ta.a i huVVI ciiIan ag lIMt Ii.1 t'ut huang unshippvdlint. m a. chia F antl il abut .i) 20<br />

ino nova vi htign 60 1 GOui- Ual1g gai Nta -N.(.<br />

7 1 ,7 11 ik l ijýj ,~ /<br />

i11.1 111da IRO-, IiP kiakh duiilii.<br />

4, [j kLL of man~ila Ia di~i. h hu 11 o*r IaII d I', Xkaldt<br />

svcurtd d to li bt'w janchni tnl'Avy %vikcit no-~ III<br />

U'st?.K IN<br />

%i11<br />


A<br />

KIN . ,--<br />


A~ A<br />

"n 1~-1vIpa il tAIfllhv.1 hr:<br />

*P- h~ing Ire Sol 0.<br />

i. - I I~.<br />

alms' prii~vidun I~iw.vr foor umi running Ilitea d..rmg.<br />

purludso tot darrkn.ea'.<br />

DONC THIUMN IlA41-1iI. VA BtilA AMAf.<br />

*Thuyenr<br />

I "A<br />

JW ý .3. 1kv dW aut t~b Ruch-told,<br />


u<br />

hoo; ?Ihwn-Ibhal, dy hai theing Itl xiij vA ill Wul`;;<br />

4fn 152, 2W$4. 01' It' chd. v^ 6$ngj 541. nil; g1<br />

l1MC-3 .vio 1vt voni,41ruliftl ul Mtuch Uli,* #of<br />

4 *<br />

lien It- d&-tahil"7 hliitgO~~;~u ~lM :ih.vt<br />

~hIS% rd~y. VJ huyr) .~ i<br />

v~ ~ ~~1 bn h~tt1l~HYiaiut _1n N~-I~<br />

PiWlthlo n &la il 2bu L11ml ouiln~i ~tt tti se *1.41,<br />

Thindfe~it..! nis~lisft n hi p'rice %!t dhe Iv41fw0V0IVK<br />

wh ch lot.e,-~ l~ut-n. VsaiIv4 guevaily aet ording its mizut<br />

mWIlI mie ttke. 11 hull 1-4 coml~totUiktu "tihull~g Ow<br />

RtUNIC-I twufft. lv0InIqu.i ~andt millel lain Malill Itu *s'4t Ill<br />

A 'A . lciudlsti* rt~Mt. 1 an UC-1<br />

0. lill~ c it duu-u ~~id~tt guna ir~niidtitng dope<br />

I ginib Lhu v'4 xw.y chuj;\n m~t ..hu'n -vi I- c~t 11W dktcui vgille Is ha ewaulvtid ficellj 44v t 'nS..<br />

ntj 14nj bW'phn iwuj, truitm w 4~ ti~ni k4(ýu Sin IHnt and drlvot a thev isbwldakU t% i uhrrnagl A<br />

tqr Ming lihtkin. cdv r44 ,4 Milo -Ithl-Ph .4d'~I ervtail it-tI dult oind gv~ar rrtdu l'n n*'unl<br />

Wrqnjed Mik gil. "h~io h.ing "A~ lw~' i' h w', S tilirmc byI-~ Ovet h'lmIcwn. the vngmisi -Is u~ilI<br />

hit 4~ phla Raau n0~ nh~&irn uchuy RUY141 till.1at W.i~te cow~l.d ansd its xilusti jmsse thrvtleil ult'<br />

n itag Ie" tuys.. I*d ) Idfu nuI mit un rtht) maiu lah. ru~mt'm.n'Iuw the~ over hanging phlnlieutr tkhk.<br />

U Ji~n~ - dti aJ4t e' b~1a IlQ1 Moil;~ 041 The iW r.w is vrtuoLu by 11 tokidterifAl,<br />

Olung r.-sy b~fng ainh-tw ~u 'a Vlua *fich Ou111- Ipst, fiasciun.d lu ii... ,Aug~ woI uil# arnd hick key,<br />

vit %eh~ng 15 ph~n vil ph(ia kk~~u, Thuyunt JiA.Le x.if uppris'icii..t.2y f) Ifickh' tiltil file 1wprosIxut.<br />

m nibang k rlhii th~'nj Ire,.` 41 Iri:v.k Ilu i 1V4 1<br />

1<br />

'b. 'Aj 'a~~g-mjsra ch<br />

=11<br />

b heddIm<br />

nty hc~ri h'v d.i hui (tid. Ih .1lr va lt. ý ~~v ttI5 -s-id. ctm-mt land reL'un it, usc tilt ~Al jsvili<br />

q~t~ udi- Irgrng Irting kh'Atli ~i0 nieae). Ifil n1111 a.nd isi tciaerit- i* Loe ife~~ hi lt- .4 ltit. jetniis tA~him<br />

MA iI Illpl miiC -<br />

ill' ihtn. thuym'%'n ~doltc kl.4, hen 1:.I do':C4 I-e. ýsj di'tv. dt~e' iltr u td~ ~l "' .1s...<br />

thapiz 1t bt'.e hitd .and tIhk hill) s. ralwd .jblui. av<br />


KIN<br />

- - - CONFID~ILM 'u --- ~ -- ~- -- ~-- .-<br />


-AW-<br />

Trhuyen ROC- tuthte tf al ki I lau ttJI<br />

10 q~y $irng khi Chat hIA~. *Thok-Frni durni trll<br />

<strong>Junk</strong>s tit th. RGMC-3 clies man sty a~nt ll rtu7<br />

uip tu 10 days whiklte shlitt.Thcln ryV<br />

UituyLNb Oin nO' 1u14~n "Art-41-4% cum Viet-Nijn namvite rations cornolanin~ Ir~ice,'h~. liv;* iaw ih<br />

ttnl gMpo, Cd* "i mMin, tI'm tý bit diJ4-, v1i odtc from tht- vatch. aind fresh water will be~ fauM<br />

10 Qi ni-% utMh & Au Inr' mot bpthown aboard. Noirmally, dthe luo lit prep-arej over is<br />

CJIi nhZ aSch fdi dIk-. d~t 4'~ wnpia ,an hqq ttiro'I small puortablt' OarteajI bttisior. vitheur In theu<br />

kbýTl 'th u )itidI4V ta<br />

tiAdy, aIrei xIf"ltIn.<br />

u n~ -ph.k1 EJII; npv kir Iii the~ vabin dpndin n wivU~ t weatherw.<br />

NU~ faminlies diekiA)WU tu Ikvv abuard these! Juuiks<br />

Thuytm RON4C-J ffh~ng d'urig luflul di.I vu'ng<br />

Iru',n. htlc 1A m~k idfnh mang cA thi? 'tell duang ý.t<br />

*~jut*" generally. employ wtihtm utd in<br />

circles. or tuie gill nots which arcfe. mitced down<br />

thuyen". Nga~y lam vi4ý ciia ngul-jpu MAI att khd ho c.urrent Itrun it, The Woirk dany starts fur the ertew<br />

u'll bA, v 4 i hUS' naic IeN; 1&i-gtan hp trr vV' bet<br />

b ku-q trr.~vI~d~-W.i.Ndidc! dart<br />

w~hen they eivc.. 1p;rt at high~ water; the reut~rn Wu<br />

j diEkpvfidS 011 their SULCC~SS In 1`114111g. kc 118<br />

trhuln Cth an<br />

chit thhhd Stp hii~ d11 7<br />

o trc'h thuyeh, ;a nghlih ruh<br />

~ bi&c<br />

carried ahoardand crus'hcdii<br />

th%: tatch.<br />

needed t1u preserve<br />

A 1V- 32<br />

KiN<br />



KIN . -"<br />

unin I hi 't<br />

pAp<br />

ti<br />

crthulo IJaulotf<br />

alut ~ ~ye~rs lahi<br />

71w nImus of uw zr~aft 4rfa a1"d wit aud<br />

ol. pilnt le~aives thait art is Insulatton.<br />


. Ak<br />

I<br />

Ngwingec;ý hlnh-dan Lhlky'cn RGMC-3 khw~rg<br />

ddi- bico rJ. Sa'tiuy'0.'ehjiqn &r.11 h"i-avng tuy-<br />

6-N,' t~iy the.t b-c In' So. 3001, v'a 1200 hilm'.<br />

TheŽ origiol ot ftht R(MC-3 deksign is nutI<br />

knuwn. Num~bers Ili upwr~atiken w.ure. rviliorted<br />

vairl.'e.y .e* Vu), .1, in~. d 12MJI. ht~ieuvr 11hii ~ -<br />

iuyrihiirn c.icihvien a niiMn" n<br />

A' % '<br />

v"'] e.ie the. g".1 hi '(1telu IotIUuye'n tw~ng-A~ hrnl.<br />

tiia1 bu h Iut t Sq.."iille ieAfgiv nubr<br />

eaIei rcieat1ivey rdir.. type,<br />

.it t'-Ight bL<br />

A J\*'<br />

..<br />

KIN<br />


- . _ _•__ _ _ .. .. ,,<br />

. "" " U<br />

*,'"<br />

.- ,:K |~ , I, I...,- .. -. ., ..=<br />

-: - .. . ,.<br />

U<br />

m m milI& ~ •- ..--. .<br />

"*"I<br />

S• " I<br />


KIN 1<br />


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------ U . . __ _ _ __<br />

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* ¼<br />

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ii.<br />

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U.<br />

1-*>-*<br />

* Al<br />

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'1.1<br />

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I<br />

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m<br />

A<br />

I C,<br />

I<br />

' I<br />


_ ., .. u .... .<br />


,- --.-<br />

- -" --- .-- -- - -.<br />


D^CI ......... ............. AI-61 QWBH- I .. ,... ..... . AI-48<br />

IAtUIC-I ...... ......... A] - -I .........- I<br />

H C*2 A1-i37 QTC- ............. l1<br />

N'=- I ........................ ATl--i .,.... .. A l I<br />

I NFPII -f - U ................ All.IQ<br />

I<br />

IF.AIVA ~ L~( A FFFFFFFFFF Allis<br />

P I- ............. . ... .... AlV- K MC,. .......... ........ .. AV11-<br />

N ' F . AF<br />

pI [ C I ' UM F -<br />

li-Dll. ... ..... ........... . A.. ,I7 140mc-3 ........... . .... V..... -27<br />

fNBC-I( l ........ ..... ,;.......... A1,5IY M C .......................<br />

IJUIIVl Ai I... .................... Atli3<br />

Atl| I<br />

. .. ~..... AI.I-27 vrVTB -2.. ..... ~....Al<br />

iAII l......... ... . . . A1I-- 10 vi - I . .................... ; -I<br />

KiN<br />


*4I A<br />

IL ~ -~- m~ma~Fopa<br />

-<br />

MW~ ~<br />

v-4<br />

122 . 1 ~<br />

KIN . - .22<br />

1110M, ('er BL ?M VA CAC IIAY n.l Ti it<br />


4 -4<br />

I TKRcC -TmutiMNPU.6 IL~h&I -0 RISC KXCeH a U7LAN IN(!<br />

SIAIN Y6KD<br />

j O4r u1l& LUNG<br />


10'M lUG VIIA B W<br />

MAIN tltUM<br />

UNN L;N<br />

MIAZYE(EI14<br />

IN LX NiUM OL~\;<br />

M*% SAPL<br />

P(*hNJASr<br />

4 L-A JUCM ThLWC<br />


11<br />

CAP3IN<br />

8JAXhI LXI<br />

RDIAtlL~<br />

20I<br />

AVI'S iA~r<br />

TkicU i1IvtNcG h1L:M L$!G<br />

N1177EN YAR12<br />

r, cCr BLIA~ MNJ<br />


;LA . M,<br />

11 NANI A<br />

A&M<br />

i4 AY LAO VA' Th1UIC HA<br />

1Ol AAY 1-90 BLIt'M LbNG<br />


l.' WAY R;AT<br />

S .I, p 4*I-X MAIN SHBfir STOP'S<br />

STEM I dOMU) SHEIr<br />

-S LP0 NtL1 lo flUMLCI UCKIL'N.(<br />


4 tc~gh 0A '~~ thy thea de It In a risky buoincon to make sweuiri<br />

1ý 112Marh-, 'smot choly ^n WAgnl~ nhIn UPbralleatioRBBaboutsoaarilnimPP. but as a rule<br />

OKeI kitih notea I d tho II oft- U awbo call say thata North Vioinainvap <strong>Junk</strong>s<br />

tijh h~ #.t dG2 MI ~ operatintg nloih <strong>Vietnam</strong> carry naya iinsd juniko<br />

W isugo ve Guhnhn I~ Irn~h tha rh)1yw~a native it, the south 6lwayo have eyes oif onv lorin<br />

.4d rtq rnI m am bac, 0tb Als cd (hop~ Jilil na)1 or auitWti "h u% ittaistio may . 0awigv In the<br />

ho;c kioTa khtc.). 8) khfc blit Ay W 4th~hay Cf Iturti. but in. 3mwv 1%2 thiw roiu-a~'pled to put -<br />

tr fng t~a lt, ah~jttntrc aghing 6 1%2~ nhqh h ?-~ hapis '0 'iv pr cw thns4LI tit jor~ke eittilvi 144Itool<br />

4<br />

ha c 95tioT udl hly I rong C,4 Xv hs~ Vimmu as<br />

~~ . ~ .'" ere airas6 vtsral k " w -ita r usjwi cted pwozio*<br />

hNA ` Tuyili ~e C WIN tijit 110.11<br />

5<br />

1~.Wt~Il iu~ ~ uU~u.<br />

hlni, vtun itilt. . .io*lito c.saitlivailon by thi' aluv 1hickh staff,- Th4'<br />

* A<br />

CIOdCid 1 4 ki~h~.a tron~. ' 1r 1.ij<br />

tIjyitv 131 M6 VAi'iii lI4htiwe Coo A f11ltu 1161.1W.<br />

(11t. If-.vi~ c Ij,Ittq th'A9i'si 4 Iavp Binkr. 01h rt r,.<br />

rIO to lot this junk was Iful pu"Itlvt'ydolittritlhlttvi<br />

hii. V~wnus .idsstp atdrlo alid maatance, wed il<br />

HItk:.vd to- hw thu "lNilt cliaump toouiluiliw tyiIv<br />

11-ta which totiow its'<br />

thityA nyt~~~t klvi v~iib.ak III" tdl<br />

A<br />

i IMU -lA It silhuutd be uuuderatsjeu that thusto rwin'as'ko<br />

klh%,g cl MIS.'toimrsi vlt lltvt tiyit applyn its alJANtitr Mirith<br />

1<br />

v. 'A A VI1111 u tl Ohfif i ithfti il<br />

Ni't hii'u rannt vl ditr-u.1vi xv "" W."y i whichi art- iutw kovpsrting in She. swth.<br />

Bd ntb<br />

%h aptqlgjq LNI~ iri hyb~.asOisthof<br />

~d'~..w. ht1i ~uj l~f~. h1 it '~nnicwerni~ m<br />

Wt t4-1vyioua v~ct.4ttul is4 tlwiainllMv itt<br />

d or~ruaia puwer .btato ot wunemt'i ur Jalkstv ti<br />

SOi.i litwit which iýassy lilt Daynirmlitv eyv oil aity kinl.<br />

My.litoloitorqt khA%,i nyu it vuel iiiivt to Thi Aiitinusiti'u it' Is by fur' the misat 01"lr~n<br />

67'ng w~l v'~I glu thvi A,. VIA 41v iud'niI<br />

k-1 Nh~1t1 it;.~ hingIP CIO VA:~ t;)" h'lio h 0-11Ml<br />

~ .htut.'l~ni~va<br />

sulknly w nttedr ~&Iuqh Vivnum. lit? name given<br />

this ttyle of %ltlus some~ yowarm ago by d Prt-nch<br />

Itit 11 4llrVopriour. Thu 'ircs ,cattoni<br />

'A '<br />

N 3 nVysn tityop ychqn 'KivuApneit' ratthiffing<br />

I ry1J thq. i~ust g1" ln NI ol . Call SAP .k1A 0i. II..i<br />

"Annumi" was that trtiinn %of the euantvf hbit.-<br />

Ch"VVinVn 'ViwslSOUei NkhiCh t1001 bs't%%tfi (CAuhitt<br />

(Chw~ l'ip the siiuhi onit Twinktin on the niu, ith.<br />

M'31 tuvcn M 11~l it "l-. Visfl, !1if PhJP "ti.R IJV<br />

it :ai-nn 4i~ng vNiN L6 thfih hop. Khuivlc t4& Lkibill<br />

13 Atnnum (Trung ley) hi nuit glil e~t Illifi<br />

Annumi plivvuuuIt ncludes thi. Cos~rtal i'vgssfl mirth<br />

truiti~hun-tihtu wr obtaita(lovtils -4mth "rtlustici.<br />

tI%-ohin die 43thM diidnig v6 ni g~ a y<br />

C.'tr mithi di) Bic. hAj v (! IX I 11ip Ide) Thtt~lngiVNIi<br />

F (;fu i*N, 1414 chaI Il-d pha de Photo<br />

iTAi ~im)<br />

KIN<br />



MA-<br />

I IhVyh W4~ AImn~mQy vo di.m 10Y t'4 11W Annmht~v s'ye ip utvm inl bvefaI ininur<br />

thay TIi Y4vhpid' ~ ~.~~ii -4a -s' PW~i~~n -l.~and bacJqporuun. but~ oinwaj<br />

nguy~i4Jn~uiuiu~an u~I ~t'nlrn Ithring Pit-ndoir Phtf'p whith Ow pupil 14's'1ing 11r-<br />

I p to Iajr. I wjAIrh ~i oiV' ward.<br />

t~filin YSphq~~ aaie I fnautf wjv. In-tbv Salsoniiver and in Uwi vicinity<br />

m ut~i tuYvan mu"h Qo&.y Ra'.h mo ia r. v'V" of Yatg Tau lwtir on vyu o'f mors) ittarly U~iu)<br />

S..hapv. aimilur Ito' 6thatalni found Mu3laytyp'y<br />

'Am<br />

1141mBI d iIL)Y/II V!. d<br />

II,, %<br />

1L tliuyvc~ itw Sfiij. "TYP19il Vyw touna one Jwka ut thit SatwINs<br />

Si t1wh (111-iaha truii bliV"u i rua V1 dK#Q). River (Ath"ye wia gmid. nmuia).<br />

luv yen<br />

. 4 *a1Uthilnal Juuk Gativu Ito. VIWa<br />

p1.YV m ATC1 o11A cu Itr, yen<br />

g ""ht xI 1vu'nK 'rlu 0J pbra tr~h bv% Pill). ~ Tau (Aboyat r15hit).<br />

C~a, thuVen WNW- I V~l PVbi(,- 1.hat loi* ~ HMC-1 and PQMC-I, 1ihnt~ci)tL<br />

nady 1wjt x4l X~ Vinh Thi at 1 tf~ dsAin cul Ze hh tioo Gult of Slum invariably carry al distinct1ive round<br />

itt' djitrV7"fg tl^ eye R('IMCt 41"d RGtMC-J have none.<br />

CI' k'-41 thiyteh R.KcJle HIWMC-4 Ir-i 7 ng<br />

KiN<br />


TIv<br />

KIN<br />

5<br />

Yv<br />

AtLi */p<br />

"CuVo ht!) N, rn<br />

.. 4 ,t 1)P 1<br />

v; uI i 1'huyX~ 1its) hIlh Fly It On<br />

holytl i "lit U n' liiitw<br />

he? ISW IN tithe ' P lydnya"~ lyMbil . A P'atr Of<br />

kh~~bag Ml ý ia ng' aI veii h Wit'atu thuy~~u thwtdvikwH ioN tutu. e pUEn'tŽ-ulJim tis vxhP~movt"<br />

dg t.It h a: ub)11h 1 thqA1. t V1Itc-I 11Z Un sily .bulkhivd in t iv YIIity titthe r'dbin a~ndin the ca.avt<br />

&ý hu 04~ &I plf dd td1'h Chnj iUaN 'fnZ' of V M(:_ I OnW I.anti m I$ IuAtwttt on J1W wwdvr<br />

thqy~v av h'Iuh vty tA'i lhfsy aiim ui Ir~h ;~ti<br />

uhiiarw thuvC'n da)n ciJ III 14 a U v'& Q~na<br />

~1!,ta-I~rl~hNvi init t1,uy'N. Oy MhA,. Ldtf<br />

b~unh 'Yoayans' k&Itw Lwv gil ijy t k<br />

Pld, .dal h1' axtraitnt, pulaniaf de'Imuk". T-y<br />

&are i. vista seen pai.nik4 tin die ipiUtrlo, Wiiilt Offt<br />

and Jivu ulivii dhosight to 1 b ye! hoWLVUI-. L 114<br />

"Y6~vuf itg l.v If l'tvv~ palatvd tauII Ulu N e kit iic. the<br />

g~ IN ViJl f 11" ittd he -~i tiat noth it~nrwdi n thu widev or<br />

Mut IhUyin Vda %;4 uia Xna<br />

KIN<br />


- CONFIDENT|AL - __ -_-- __<br />

,.*1<br />


'2_1'<br />

if<br />

- - I<br />

-<br />

(' -ib 1L'1 4<br />

'(I 4NFIDNTIA<br />

-<br />


KIN .'- ~<br />




I/I<br />

QQBC"<br />


KIN --<br />


;. ....... . .... 7 7<br />

0 1<br />


II<br />


Ki<br />



KIN<br />



B -12<br />

-<br />

KIN<br />








KiN<br />


KIIN<br />


, hoi;6~ thdng tzo'n tr jao, 1); n hlnh d(njg The. mmaild found b.5kel bouts: arez Unlusual<br />

Wil hlk~g I~gnhing A<br />

In ,iLVi quart trqttg Irv pl ivaance, but play Imw 11iri" l~#int J'.rt II hu<br />

irofl &i mans cii n Id dih ho'k Viq -Nam. livesi tit the Mviijlc whit sail in Vivinim~e junks.<br />

Thuyelh can Ilyh.r 11i'm man Ire invatetca<br />

k~ i Tuyn f dk Ivilly'Znm 6m domrn, ii-t<br />

hs Vli knaaeointtImxti p n<br />

'akwi resin itntipiund. The~y ~ire uplxute.d<br />

do)1 kdbn ah btmm ,i,6 ad hay~ng ni*) k7 with pidiv,_, coinvittiows with moails. and !Kme,<br />

ttLu,, di thiilng In' chuya eding Qj othnMn timv- lly an uflsmml tIio-in~lri ux U1Weight ihlftin<br />

Ife'i' hat li Wi'i~m cN, thuy~n 1,64id. 1;V 111t. porsn all the boaLI So; that the N~t'~tis<br />

KIN<br />


KIN __<br />


1 4 A411 A4" "1 10 W.V A" fl`F - 40 P If<br />

I QUA A;4~<br />

i r"CA~ Otlbl\Nfy Vf* FOINO faig QUI %NNO<br />

1A5JI ITAAa viI IV ft ml<br />

ATIENA<br />

j-j $4 ACH '61<br />


P-HANI4<br />

V ~PHAN THIE-T19<br />

BA100 4 ~A<br />

NHAY hA jd ri<br />



KIN<br />


- U ,<br />


I--l<br />

IVI<br />

---- -<br />

,<br />

-<br />

(1090 CtAtO CUA C~OT iNUOM 1421. U02 MAS r HBIGHtT jU, 41 FT<br />



501 MVA- LLUC 225 WlRSMFWER Z22<br />



• "<br />

KIN<br />






"1T4KMT Wkhing tII~n & ýng Val kc<br />

d<br />

quye~tII,^;u ILUBROOK' tfonga& vls<br />

A r'u~<br />

e o<br />

f& it into the dicaluns 'the iawl& ik *.hkch clatetog,<br />

~ junksik itLAorring its iype. Ikmwitr, thl-. twisit has<br />

thy 4 up'lI'. u MN hZi thuyen Uhl . tulficent signkuicame. In the. Viunime-v naval<br />

Nmva do do &ngdd-I k9 tInon itiivt-h 14lvU proitushv be svuc in inL IeJsing nunlbit N in Vilx<br />

A N<br />

On n13Y--,t~nit A lv1 tuyvn<br />

hd-iNchr<br />

tre vaOfiitAtSta ani~eaics. dicu N bDNTA<br />


tU~ h Y1.cl OntJ-101% 4MHV# 0 1 0 4 1 hj4I ft l liuuH in' re.4poave 1*' an, vrpm South VIOLItwwtc<br />

h 11ktv m~u m%~ n-M vi thO<br />

*~ .<br />

jk~T)$ Aw bIvtIj VM' Ilion<br />

4A~ kt~n 0841<br />

ph.? clarwo5<br />

PprarnhsvMl ftd fore aJuni whiOd', 'iimia v i'1<br />

Il qialUty ft riolwnab). coE1 would riopiolve valy<br />

Ili~nited sopm allod po'ruomoel traianing s.uld h's<br />

@,Aptly pbaorbd in-t fth vzltiall naval' rom~1ilir<br />

Os the du that; Il~n 1 0 11 11W n t aif Is .'pmems of 15w dolpn wewrv;<br />

~~4' ~ II~St~ ~(1) AdaFpit1tip 4 tosthinructfl4Tin soh-.i WVN *shlip<br />

,nPA pa Iron t i<br />

thoy', viii hsay kitli nmn nh&1 mm,.;<br />

4()<br />

i'm.rns<br />

t() Porturn.iuswi, oupmoI.r so 11111"I t*iwbij<br />

faft. I at!njl<br />

ili i * Lho tay, (4J)iiI h Q"Il"Mrtyi l h tHuh andllin<br />

il<br />

(A1lsjolb.(M Lktihtidc. but rm om11i~ll r iairsth<br />

41c) W k Ii il)i c~ila nll lI,&) ll~ninit-go kakhj rda l . i n*I r wIa w<br />

r!~~~~~~)h tt'.i:ttj. i~ J.yV iin'~ &10tm t.no ttvX111 'n Willi lbhýq<br />

W n<br />

RitIn0t.b e 0~.p ililtl dbtt h y IOo.1612 V04MLWNM Wht ValhedITRUA<br />

VTrdiitt> truybut lotye iti -4. juks V 2wo<br />

Tlkm 0hvo "1u t u'i eibMo- cl~o Iuv-; WA0 .ctd0%fo Piislr"IitC1411110<br />

c", Ala he 111 hil toKIN1 rin hi<br />

cd lh~nh ph,"061 "'a,-CONFIDENTIALNUH<br />

-A I_-<br />

Ve ývu G~j14 al) v'1a<br />

to~v^n, eelhWit

jK .<br />


Jil<br />

-9<br />

VTu;%rA v -2. i.-v b.t hiijn kuw tbP k~h<br />

V1TAVLL d;6. iff<br />

VTAC-2. Otheru dril " 111` Itigged. Avid otherv'.<br />

milli ar rnoye bwaw,.uihy, i,ý VTAC-2 OwdH<br />

a m ni ml dithi ch(If itn g Ior; utn.<br />

Kle% Mo. tuyheYN haaby 6duPbiJ**lQ11^ W11,<br />

K~ at. if Itan Qatia MAWC VN. luwa-h<br />

duilt. Ki -al AY nd;i & i3&lis QA"n ic Na Xti1p.11<br />

VN<br />

sectIeedas avin~fg thg' h0MV`~.hInt,4"%'U 'e1I M"lH the<br />

&Sirieutr's it1tilt .tiwdb<br />

Llouuvnamt (,inhaudntk~r W.K. IIANKS. IISNO, tit<br />

the Navy Svalgvin. MAA(', Vioiatnu. It wan con-<br />

2 1?P To ith~ at.I klA too.<br />

vsericil ItoL. %;.tmxruitlhn ttrawinla hy the Vktý<br />

00h~i; 5 ou/utrons klhu ed 4c aiM k:11~i bjn va'n Retaining virtually aill the tiriginil beasi<br />

aidnti .Nh vq datlng t(1 4e&z~ thtiycnin charcterlstttk, thec V'TAt>-l wwn acaklr tui<br />

%Yng thim n&k v~ kg V11 nh3:n V-1011~ V1 lng&hnll oppriPoximtely 15%, Tht was thinv pr it~vitke<br />

I hi hl hanh I nt may. 54'ni III v'la so kA1qwoie greawre spced. grieater .cab'gi andpur'.tindtwapa-<br />

Odetr m~I ton nitil-heynedit& bl%63 .1~ v1blI'ritng itty and for grteatcr range undc pwrltwa. The rtadek<br />

jihan a~y Ithia chti ithuynt bi atu . Vý' der and inte~rnal bow coris't rjthq io~n wvrc, nutidillvd<br />

thp ~.tLbg & gtiin lot Seo te 4 I sinct; it wa.- larned that theset a r. Inherent weak -<br />

-""Lamk-<br />

n! i1tame junka. Additional. strength wtas<br />

deatigtltd Into .;IIL' hull t' j uaccot1110ake a<br />

1ýynbr um 61yk-v it AluePln N hrsepower engine. Seve~n watertight vonigikagtua<br />

#0 saft VNi al wit' h~a 1* dich. ments wcr%: irltmk~d [t i tL tktiCm2 vnin ablitty to<br />

ehldTWV tire.<br />

KiN<br />



IwoI<br />


*i KIN -<br />


We U.-<br />

CA XA VII.A kenb"OuIlt.m by the VN'o I Lah i,,yord vtai ukti<br />

m~t ' F',P1 Sdth 0a 1!A h"T1, 7 ThV4WeC- Under ctvilwn contract for WDG Whi;@ Very<br />

* Thyro titiavk Iwi 110hu t sa J pici4ar-the two b'J11t rfv lvc a Mig~ht diftyrompc<br />

Md.N oiliti Vol 13r4fe'ff ct'?~J<br />

,0<br />

berwý bi~'llt~ d hull ulrvag'h.<br />

hoyh 4'. CA "IsQ4A "m Asths bthwhfil fabler,6 1 elw CU' b~ LIn, 1`114W 0 r 141SW<br />

I" Poriitltl 2Y as 14 6:14y ,itmhanwU Ph& 4, am wtuibly mtor01 Bibit,.<br />

d~a tho r'rraNKTw') k4~h hliA ci<br />

l3 Ong C Na~n. Thy latter <strong>Junk</strong> -will We rpikn,0 by t~1'C<br />

&ay~~ as w as ve'h~lu vfr omvie I im-ntiam pisrt ~ie<br />

4to'aJrm i tV g i<br />

r~s'Isi si~~Qtnjtr~1~ roh hh~ ~ W<br />

I+ To~h M tisg o<br />

4;10i, of ihii~ f4mit, 4ho will ho .anq1v1 Ill fonit<br />

ýosbt gpiia'le teuotsi i aTn'ainvitni co nico atw<br />

4,zr6cmtlp %hPT wok te tpiet f ý attt willr Lim U<br />

Iloio ar pill~ 41 tin vap rul' v 11- VO~N \ ;runa. Airrw tum Avridk it omuteýv il -<br />

Aki p I Iiku a-wme e. ln. Th iwr<br />

iltq~~ 01-1 trIF? 111014w~I. a~ 0~ W ch1 4i<br />

81nýb Th..t 1*4Va 0%ths<br />

e'n tf% lordeettr low Iflil'th 61Tak 73 Ill.a ade tanl<br />

~ pr.W. iam'ity ejuMlnvat aonk, lw r.iljv 1ltr<br />

d~~uy~~1iVN<br />

.Iup~kLA ta~po.lvltoon achlewnflrds 1Wh atisIwVNs<br />

chi. C towpvr. junk mh jub Iti-',<br />

thu;,V1, wi~A miutimi it % N*1lnI shlvylrds Why r eanly theV<br />

'411o tule IInv<br />

wpla.unVll~ic . ~tI'eu<br />

th.~ ng~ huy'Ph Pay kho' Wrea 4t JA 01. "t, 3' Ing Major ran~livnanru tui swevat 4, t if<br />

VNum). rov, ruhiAl, HII QtsN (Cvl11 KsWs VI'%. vt.ry grvat nolldwi ofivlltun yards cnbutldpiuu<br />

Nam Id lul khi~y tilJ1 I 3VNVIJ l th~ hje ileI j;mkv. Bet lca;wtuasn 0'.r miuurces dtu~tdae u.u,<br />

thcdtI. No00%;%<br />

AhN flhi ttv..j.Wp trill khu ut dir VN Sh~ipyerd lilt J4.4b toly it eeoc qlto. ItiA-<br />

u~s S~ranbl 2h A~ght~aI1 th2~eh hatyummitted Faciltiy I it; wmirk that cian be<br />

Hat Qumn Cqr/gxdicnv~ti;Nalil14 lc Cho Leh 1i quan dhire !n kethet pksuevs.<br />

"IV diuk, tiý)i Cute cetig tuoc! m'i chlo. ed ee uun svay<br />

thkfc hiv% &I'dc tl.^i. C"I Quim ntiy W~ Cco trkh<br />

co"nu ni~<br />

Id. iac<br />

7 ~~jd~Iiuh n v ii V;":. ka cu; -At U4<br />

AnI.<br />

KiN<br />


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KiN<br />



Vj & Ith'1 i;4' Jailh.l<br />

Q, What 4 yiia n"wan When Y00 wi~, M~m<br />

Tr ii, 'id 'Vlh'fiavhvibdH o'r) oil A: Tlw IlM1 ehi~ilvW tit thm 14 ih& svlvcw.t".p<br />

w mi W' 15 ma I h.L. Prayan *71.<br />

mu94" ~~,~ A Mh~i<br />

i tlo 16g 1%1 ains w , TUy AiN,. hlIt pay rilly<br />

tIifymatria P ~71 iSunpo&*i1 1 A~<br />

nIR<br />

~u~IIJ~J n'g4, ~~ VI~s<br />

of thi; Orayfriarirw lb 71, M~ h&)rnvpl*(;fr pn$lt.<br />

This jitak tould ope,ýaiu very wpil sian.1ti.Vi. iLO<br />

1wlo r b~wvuvr. the U'rovirrvainfl -7 n.~i t,<br />

flirrmiwy W"n in F'e'ra *of Mtt V I~; fal -Iv VN. r<br />

Nay tho ~ ony Pnipti. Tbu,g r- iia*rt.wr<br />

Na4rn, t. (Ir~ayngiu~rgt ii C4 l oi fri rt4- l tMYr I10<br />

O-n.n~fiti ~ dc~ Ito. IQa $181 4h NoI. Ie<br />

li,.,a n.ity may M 4* JI~I~i<br />

*pomu avallabiv. nivV- waoIt. *and wwr,f p v',uj<br />

IIA m anii IF) rn'i'rt glsth~rpno p~lopiog ti I'.- o.*M<br />

4 ~ Ct&r RhsIA twin A<br />

A -ti, 1"I may Flu) hiadl-o tis 01hy". L19" wl<br />

3<br />

ro.iia I I. 1 I4th<br />

Lt At v't ua.<br />

b." phiia I tu*m1 107;111 af isi ~h~nayetn<br />

iair oan hi liSR IkijI ht; AwIiglizil, 0Igtls 1 hit%<br />

tmaj1ne it in wit PAcor toi Indr~1ift JtKfv;td ,14<br />

-W 1141 Oft mfpjýr:, udaiti,1, OWA w"111 wii.,'<br />

,(rn. on. 'iwr .40va*mp iat tivi.t~t .111g<br />

9" WUn Ia I fILMOY lay a I Nr w lor (IJ<br />

kl h wsh Y V4~ vSi'4gI V A 1 ty JJ~I j# Wq ifriyr-ngwu Vdz nIVIIiln'unalutitS I<br />

pV4Jjii'l -0?I<br />

A *4.iaaaiv llih:lhfhyd 1.~teuIA by t'nruvv ia mlwhati~ pimnfiin4<br />

wk trl trO hb i .. atUlF I7Q~~ vi t<br />

general e-. t#VW tnhimtum "ftt41 %wrod unn'nft<br />

riag W141 Itdiit.. I bQngMuV Ubtgh"teiptily ~ luip ti. Iiw aminemtei lik11.w tlked<br />

it,# k-11 1141i l~I-1" t~ 11 ttl Y0'nj li i ,~ i. Il. tthu design oitouid tw muide tIlk, At rr<br />

;ý1J u h,5I,* ' nha% vith Chiift Lh et nos ,ik . had. Therv arc many cutmimlrdinhout sitkh'~q<br />

nwit M qskoýtA;( d taia e~IIn Flay~ Cliy bw'nu W4Uw" that terid to 6PRItTO 104 W41,110fW. Mr ;ýJ<br />

Al. Stobi. Nr' afita IMUn thayl fatoI,~polo'y<br />

vilwnWI~, till vnuslauyuino iu4,gl a di~ nhl<br />

emnphasiting ai wu cdwracturistirs that are meml<br />

IMP01`1811. Thw il 518110110111 lknlOrtniWl ' m~e PAkf<br />

th1v U11 hII (1T b*Iat). Nhl 1119"' nht CAr MCuIIol<br />

na ,i4 14ji Ou %Vt. tit,& dtfiNg nhtdl OhIC~ ma u<br />

butonly go that Ithe can cotittvirv Itel dur ing<br />

v ~rnwtautA penI~d tit sea. It moaving In apiprdivmnI<br />

ibulng vt** %UMh kin, ,nA~ mef Ihdift c nt~t kif MI~L ahijv enl h h't rv'wd.rpai<br />

4 4ieqi tanvng 1nhii. rljuye'% r 0y Fw4 I ,<br />

wih &hqx W1,111a'n, nh&*,shT C6h1y thui Ih "l<br />

1 v~ A ul i lltzc IVt h~khh froing d~c ON<br />

gia" h ton. tv'hoii &I %b~i% t n " thu 40%<br />

tu movwe "1 boat fmuer than 1 tl~kistv.,whih give-;<br />

he~r a cornfort~ebkedIg oin ploscKically any <strong>Junk</strong>~ I"<br />

the South Q~InsSa lie r It* Gulf oil SI n,.f~<br />

1 arger. rig Iht-ing m. nwavn LtI and "ov-r-dtwflgn'o.Iiht<br />

fih -<br />

n&1 hIi i hl oych Phalthu %:I i hii R4.<br />

A . 01 ,.<br />

V%<br />

A sI Li~tt'iiu,- ~hti ~Jkthu~h<br />

hh N'1 41% ,D. nz ;r_~t~~nkar<br />

hull Owiuld give her gtmd seea-kveping quj~l%:ws<br />

and adeqluate strength tit permit lkvr it, vitv<br />

~ih1tr>iIai,<br />

.,ha~ rih.inh Oatn Wt ,<br />

*A UP bI<br />

Vi. rh.d Lan rh c 4<br />

cae, ithuytegi itk 6nw g li ni ad klidit xits(oithank4.<br />

KIN<br />


KIN<br />

ýI; Tof Pol. 04 sii. ddi they tiiaVil^Q Why 211III ,111,Vflieu.-a'ilr hL bIaf~iesIA114sr<br />

NýAllll e1 ut',a Ohel~ vA,. Ihoy~ i.-y I-~ Illl 11W<br />

w4nivý lwq'pint jp'aleauslitfl? -<br />

I I'rZ ,I)'; ~ e~~ A, Wt*l v .. ls n r nsuuanli<br />

le ' - V Ca~ xe in Ianot~ th11j .11 VItrelfftaflotiv ot junk ript ier*; ii" Ainireid.esa'<br />

eI.~~N~51r,~tlA U , ~lleth~ thaiMy Tht. dviihirv Fly, Isdittvirvnio1 nd rv4laelrv~a kabi1tiop iaely<br />

* i~liLy P 10 1 ! kIfNei &t ~ haef as~ hUt.4 nhad, fon.a lrijtafn wsdw,, 14 'inkl Illight ridt ist .iy.I a<br />

Toan p~3 j~ i-<br />

i Vhy va~ Wi-n,&ian Fig %As.u4 It~vi. ida lea.' sreieoe 4.1 I1awi<br />

Uwi 'i11og ad~i. ..<br />

aeliare aehl ti.<br />

1 uA-r ehaisitiflds liis:t ti,.' bi<br />

.?,T P~fd~ ~ 1iIa ;4.u firb, ' W~it "fr., be ,1 kest VhAnh j, "Vi4 l~edl~t h iaacjat.rtia h , ua ld' h i .1 h<br />

La11ii~i A" I& k.)t~t~ h~ili 43vi 0% ni ahiana I w~~n<br />

4<br />

1441<br />

11 m ,u&d1 nak'iIeaint~<br />

0i hf tos 1mmiTh WK. L 3 e, I ~tY~Ij . Ths; 011h~tve ~ini fiqUhiltd tinilIng ami ald IwoI~ais<br />

Ih~e Ii. .1 A aA~<br />

folaaick!~ nIiIfItkIli<br />

vNm aaqt ,I a 6`11:11 thtsi,'n fd4 rt a 1 Q' Why, Wels u IM i stisaaa. flat lvaahiaaia Istll<br />

ithhoefa i6 ' Atuwally thal "aMima, Hasi haistnnme boll"<br />

II~tie. gs 'ltit ittayi, ~ " AS~ W4~ unw a~t &alI. lt160. Intl betta volivntlaeay 1114.<br />

'-- " is "b aita m^ * 1~'t~~ilIa<br />

a'l~ hit- ai'tvf rovming~ faiWi~ju M' nueilisAset<br />

li , 4%' A0 byf a I<br />

a 1 ssl hiiva'vh 'Rlr' U~ ~t r l tuan t .. (%if thiavrgulUti')etn.*Il t it~aw~an gum-i<br />

IldivisWell&; ih il4ai A pn WiN.ajul i404 [a i.ti- Ill 91-eutriallem list mamny ifl"tiviv. Ililaahtill<br />

t ;"a Ill caiu 4a16 I it y ,~mt " Aab lh ibtay- r L, tai< Itatran haiR ve~ty c Iviigt hewam. yoi can Ita.' built Ito lowe<br />

INaa cuyCItajll mN54'3au thdavia. Vi%1 Nit", kv hiu~v)k' 11441 fji hb'e %Ai1Vt-k Iah 111P club dla't'atI ai .ald<br />

$it lrkk lo tiIag # Iy~ VA6:4"kr ,.- enIfl l<br />

l1 ra,muthir b~efs 1% Ita build up thv poitldaki"U,<br />

lot NY"n t an iTon lust Ith Olel INbt' ljhvitipl olI thea~i In~ioaI ftt Ifrattwo htala.'. Ont hat surttate..<br />

Vm14 N~am "It hatsai'N VtIN alfA d"A sel Utat dphan hINS avemir wi %tia'a traenjo. haaYdinavaiv, asptlie *~ari lhbiI<br />

ku .h~y Pigy. Pk i~it ýIdjftt ishifi 'euh ld(u the "lil~td VIVIahiesti bi'attiuawoidvt in"f Is0111d<br />

Phdldig Ideval "71 i tb4 ) IN 'igh<br />

1ý I it"It~<br />

t<br />

Insti Vji' Nami lts;,%- junkst up rti tjfluar 7si feet )la Ivirixthi haltlaiwans<br />

4 6~ ýdi thuvell tri lrkie. aiui<br />

~.t-. ~aa tit fall tvI<br />

L~atL. bIV Mkolige mcip-e~ly 'lea.' pr r'ibt.'a Ihvs, pratfvldd the.'hot-ll<br />

Ishiv Aaug si~Ruch.~ o r Wrm thatIt its wlmdaptuablt-.haothtise IehilIV~.<br />

tar, tihilt la 114411a~m thay tangq %;ea%; %hal w -'t~u hic h Itlay~bre hamlIl-ar.<br />

Itue' Ilel kb:L 1t 4;1% 'mý l<br />

v~c .thuyvlo ln 141 chitu~uaili PPh~ay. 70I AtaAItil<br />

(j$111a Irjai :2111) Vall hdi'ldtid Ic&1u<br />

fisl~ng mtqtd~'dlnh.<br />

Z 161


A<br />

tlicTo% IvI bsbM m Pý ~ngQ; 10 tgg<br />

wy 00 Uw dunoy Ch~w---U3A<br />

Wo u'6 WicWIwni ' ~ dAm to"1 barom 'vltn Q~ Whylb mom". Uwscmidy oChms. so NIllp<br />

born~.e aybtoffie vu ohI C;6So sitq d~mg *taw7 jb~ Siti tifuermy, ow wri VIIWI<br />

Wit hhg u *mr YQI notWo cL. duhuo 047 01cm t 010Ifrn te ui)upfo t'PVt #al lap O<br />

Ni-i ý h; 040 bqsJ Oh a tMe iul " dbtv4 Ay)O<br />

F44:0 beut $Dr~. oil" he. of<br />

tboo fai Ivl ift, fvmr iay b~fn his tho r i nhOy Va ithatt wtuthu wolttut s~~p~d~ro-Aitusy'rii<br />

, ih*js<br />

horhng ioo .nik.<br />

dam tINay btFmv~ p"1 eax O "6 trn sTrok l M, a. whee 0 usi sbatn s 1 .hfrofy Iv~w thasti 40Ir'uuwoo<br />

ftbf Cn~ Nbta Ott h&W MrthOft jZ kh1AAmoAC2 itb uthor. M&t rnIftd whernis. tho 1hiisfint: fro<br />

they di~a W1u'k W&I M&o nh*n OdA lift Bll" c I japihewrf Uftived''n'r~i &ae.~al eywf<br />

t rou fiohSlVcP1 thifiga 4<br />

06 tihiu, y qiLARNre itttse a hmtrti~~h5IC~<br />

m MIS 4 ~ muIVUldk dt, biwh 4': Ath 4" 1e~ lam)<br />

ri.$ ko W40 bam 4<br />

#w hth~tuyu"Y'3 A<br />

onn thdko<br />

7 ~-KIN<br />

- epT$IB~uhi~tng n.Na'K~ mtN~S~u<br />

it<br />

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