永明金融2013年度大學專才發展計劃 - Sun Life Financial

永明金融2013年度大學專才發展計劃 - Sun Life Financial

永明金融2013年度大學專才發展計劃 - Sun Life Financial


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永明照亮閃耀人生<br />

永明金融 2013年度大學專才發展計劃<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> U-Elite Development Program 2013<br />

永明照亮 非凡事業<br />

Career’s Brighter Under the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

第一階段 Phase 1<br />

金融服務暑期實習計劃<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program<br />

第二階段 Phase 2<br />

營業管理專才培訓計劃<br />

Business Management Trainee Program

永明金融是主要的國際金融服務機構,為個人及企業客戶提供各類保障及理財的產品和服務。永明金融<br />

於1865年註冊成立,現時與其合作夥伴在全球多個重要市場發展業務,當中包括加拿大、美國、英國、愛爾蘭、<br />

香港、菲律賓、日本、印尼、印度、中國、越南、馬來西亞及百慕達。直至2012年9月30日,永明金融集團管理<br />

的總資產超過5,150億加元。永明金融公司於多倫多(TSX)、紐約(NYSE)及菲律賓(PSE)等地的證券交易所上市,<br />

其交易代號為「SLF」。<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> is a leading international nancial services organization providing a diverse range of<br />

protection and wealth accumulation products and services to individuals and corporate customers. Chartered in 1865,<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> and its partners today have operations in key markets worldwide, including Canada, the United<br />

States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia and<br />

Bermuda. As of September 30, 2012, the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> group of companies had total assets under management of<br />

CDN$515 billion. <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> Inc. trades on the Toronto (TSX), New York (NYSE) and Philippine (PSE) stock<br />

exchanges under the ticker symbol SLF.<br />

引言<br />

面對全球經濟動盪,市況波動,客戶需要更專業及全面的理財意見,運用風險管理、儲蓄、投資及退休管理以應付<br />

通脹等問題。作為一間對社會有承擔的企業,我們希望透過<strong>永明金融2013年度大學專才發展計劃</strong>作育英才,此計<br />

劃包括為大專學生而設的金融服務暑期實習計劃(第一階段)及為2012 - 2013大專畢業生而設的營業管理專才培訓計<br />

劃(第二階段)。我們希望將財務策劃及金融服務的知識帶給新一代的精英,令將投身社會發展事業的您,深入了解<br />

金融服務業前景及機遇,並能從全面的培訓中,得到一生受用的知識及重要的資訊,助您作出重要的事業抉擇。<br />

Foreword<br />

In today’s rapidly changing economy, there is a great need for comprehensive and professional nancial advice and<br />

analysis to help customers to tackle issues such as ination, aging and other problems through risk management, savings,<br />

investment and retirement planning. As a committed and caring company, we created the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> U-Elite<br />

Development Program 2013 which comprises <strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program (Phase 1) and<br />

Business Management Trainee Program (Phase 2) which are designated for university students<br />

and 2012 – 2013 graduates respectively. These are the stepping-stone for high calibre to<br />

understand opportunities of nancial services industry and to acquire wide-ranging<br />

nancial planning knowledge before making a career decision.

第一階段 Phase 1<br />

金融服務暑期實習計劃<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program<br />

金融服務暑期實習計劃(第一及第二部份)專為所有大專程度或以上就讀任何課程的學生、2012-2013<br />

年度畢業生而設,計劃旨在提供實習機會予有興趣了解香港金融服務運作的同學和畢業生。五個基本及四<br />

天核心課程將提供溝通技巧及基本理財知識,讓學員於學業及為日後工作打好基礎。完成課程後,亦可報<br />

讀保險中介人資格計劃卷一及卷三研習課程並參與相關考試,早日踏上理財事業發展之路。<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program (Part 1 & 2) is designated for university students & 2012-2013<br />

graduates who are interested in operation and knowledge in Hong Kong nancial services. In the 5-basic and<br />

4-day core trainings, we oer learning opportunities in communication skills and basic nancial planning<br />

knowledge for lifelong personal and career development. Upon completion of the program, participants are<br />

optional to enroll the Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination Paper 1 & 3 Preparation Courses, so as to<br />

attend the respective exams to develop your f inancial planning career earlier.<br />

日期 Date<br />

6月 June<br />

15 (Sat)<br />

17 (Mon)<br />

20 (Thur)<br />

25 (Tue)<br />

27 (Thur)<br />

第一部份 - 基本課程<br />

Part 1 - Basic Training<br />

時間 Time 內容 Topic<br />

2:15pm – 4:30pm<br />

7:00pm – 9:00pm<br />

迎新活動 — 我要做主角<br />

Celebrity Sharing Orientation – To be the Lead<br />

建立個人品牌<br />

Personal Branding Workshop<br />

魅力表達技巧與運用<br />

Compelling Presentation Skills Workshop<br />

輕談淺酌事業夜<br />

Wine Appreciation Night<br />

第二部份 - 四天核心課程<br />

Part 2 - 4-day Core Training<br />

理財創富基本步<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Planning Process<br />

日期 Date 時間 Time 內容 Topic<br />

2/7(Tue) - 5/7(Fri)<br />

7月中旬<br />

Mid-July<br />

9:30am – 5:30pm<br />

3:00pm – 5:00pm<br />

財務策劃基礎理論及個案研習<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Planning Foundation and Case Study<br />

「型」象出眾工作坊<br />

Charming Image Workshop<br />

知人口面都知心<br />

DiSC Proling Workshop<br />

正面工作態度及關係管理研討會<br />

Positive Attitude & Relationship Management Workshop<br />

金融服務體驗實習<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Services Experience<br />

財策成功路<br />

“Road to Success in <strong>Financial</strong> Planning” Seminar<br />

戶外突破活動<br />

Outdoor Challenge: Dare to Win<br />

金融服務暑期實習計劃畢業典禮*<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program Graduation Ceremony<br />

* 完成金融服務暑期實習計劃第一及第二部份的學員將被邀請出席金融服務暑期實習計劃畢業典禮並接受証書頒授儀式<br />

Certicate will be presented to participants who completed Part 1 & 2 of <strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program in graduation ceremony

第二階段 Phase 2<br />

營業管理專才培訓計劃<br />

Business Management Trainee Program<br />

完成金融服務實習計劃而有出色表現的大專及大學畢業生,將會被邀請參加營業管理專才培訓計劃,正<br />

式成為 Business Management Associate。計劃內容豐富充實,學員將得到一生受用、與時並進及切合<br />

理財工作需要的專業訓練;參加者完成指定的課程及要求後,便可獲得為期12個月,每月HK$8,000的營<br />

業津貼,穩定您的收入。我們提供優良的報酬制度及專才晉升計劃,讓您早日成為營業團隊管理專才,<br />

比同輩更快成為管理新世代。<br />

學員更有機會被邀請參與業內持續專業進修課程,包括由永明金融及中文大學合辦的理財策劃行政(證書)<br />

及(文憑)課程、其他獲業界認可的專業管理課程,及由美國派普賽爾大學頒授的工商管理碩士學位課程<br />

等。<br />

Out-performed participants of <strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program will be invited to join Business Management<br />

Trainee Program titled as Business Management Associate. The program is an enrichment program especially<br />

designated for degree and sub-degree graduates. Participants will receive lifetime, timely and useful nancial<br />

planning knowledge for the career development. For those who complete required training and achieved<br />

specied requirement will receive up to 12 months’ business allowance of HK$8,000 each month . We oer fast<br />

track promotion opportunity and competitive remuneration to qualied participants including business<br />

management allowance, attractive commission and performance bonus to support your long-term career<br />

development.<br />

Participants who have satised performance will be eligible for professional training programs such as Executive<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Planning (EFP) Training Program (Certicate Level & Diploma Level) which is organized by <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

<strong>Financial</strong> and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, industrial training courses for various professional<br />

designations and Master in Business Administration of Pebble Hills University, USA .<br />

各津貼詳情將於稍後向獲邀參加營業管理專才培訓計劃的參加者公佈<br />

Details of allowance scheme for Business Management Associate will be provided to invitee later<br />

各進修項目及有關安排將由永明金融作最後決定<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Financial</strong>'s decision on training program and relevant arrangements will be nal

入職前培訓及考試 (Pre-program training and examinations)<br />

保險中介人資格計劃考試研習課程<br />

Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examinations (IIQE) preparation courses and examinations<br />

卷一 保險原理及實務 Paper 1 Principles & Practice of Insurance<br />

卷三 長期保險 Paper 3 Long Term Insurance<br />

被取錄者必須於2013年7月26日前考獲保險中介人資格計劃考試卷一及卷三並成功於保險代理登記委員會登記。<br />

Admitted candidates must pass IIQE Paper 1 & 3 and successfully register to the Insurance Agents Registration<br />

Board (IARB) on or before 26 July 2013.<br />

實習期 (Learning)<br />

事業迎新介紹會 Orientation for Career Development<br />

專業形象及正面工作態度研討會 Professional Image and Positive Attitude Seminar<br />

財務策劃系列 (4個單元) <strong>Financial</strong> Planning Series (4 Modules)<br />

客戶財務需要分析個案實習 <strong>Financial</strong> Needs Analysis and Case Study<br />

基礎投資知識課程 Basic Investment Knowledge<br />

產品知識研習坊及考試 Product Workshop and Assessment<br />

中介人監管守則專題研習坊及考試 Compliance Workshop and Assessment<br />

銷售循環研習坊 Sales Cycle for <strong>Financial</strong> Services<br />

保險中介人資格計劃考試研習課程及考試 Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination Preparation<br />

Courses and Examinations<br />

卷四 強制性公積金計劃 Paper 4 Mandatory Provident Fund<br />

卷五 投資相連長期保險 Paper 5 Investment-link Long Term Insurance<br />

銷售輔助工具介紹及運用 Sales Aids Series<br />

市場推廣工作坊之客戶講座及路演籌組與簡介 Marketing Series: Client Seminar and Roadshow Workshop<br />

高規範銷售循環技巧工作坊 (8個單元) Sales Suitability Workshop (8 Modules)<br />

營業管理及實習 Business Management & Field Work Experience<br />

課程回顧及評估 Review and Assessment

永明金融 2013年度大學專才發展計劃時間表及重要資料<br />

Timetable and important information for <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> U-Elite Development Program 2013<br />

日期 項目<br />

7月中旬<br />

Mid July<br />

8月及之後<br />

Aug and onwards<br />

參加對象<br />

Eligibility<br />

課程開始日期<br />

Program Start Date 15/6/2013<br />

地點<br />

Venue<br />

語言<br />

Medium of<br />

Instruction<br />

名額<br />

Capacity<br />

報名方法 Enrollment<br />

查詢方法 查詢方法 Enquiry<br />

截止報名 Deadline of Application<br />

被取錄之參加者將獲個別電郵通知<br />

Admission will be sent to successful participants by email<br />

金融服務暑期實習計劃第一部份基本課程<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program Part 1 Basic Training<br />

金融服務暑期實習計劃第二部份核心課程<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program Part 2 4-Day Core Training<br />

保險中介人資格計劃卷一及卷三研習課程及考試 (金融暑期實習計劃參加者選修)<br />

IIQE Paper 1 & 3 Preparation Course and Exam<br />

(Optional for participarts of <strong>Financial</strong> Services Internship Program)<br />

營業管理專才培訓計劃<br />

Business Management Trainee Program<br />

大專程度或以上學生或2012/2013畢業生(畢業生優先)<br />

Undergraduates or Graduates in 2012 / 2013 (Priority will be given to graduates)<br />

九龍荔枝角長沙灣道909號25樓永明金融學習及發展中心;及<br />

九龍尖沙咀廣東道15號港威大廈永明金融大樓7樓<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Learning and Development Centre, 25/F,<br />

909 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, and<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>Elite, 7/F, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Tower, The Gateway, 15 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon<br />

廣東話輔予中或英文教材<br />

Cantonese with Chinese or English handouts<br />

50<br />

於2013年5月24日前將填妥之報名表 Please submit the completed enrollment form on or before 24/5/2013 via:<br />

1) 交予永明金融介紹人;或<br />

Referrer of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong>;or<br />

2) 於2月中後經永明香港網頁內之金融理財策劃事業發展內之網上報名表格報名<br />

Online Application from Career Development in Financia Planningsection on www.sunlife.com.hk<br />

after mid of February 2013<br />

我們將於收到表格後3個工作天內以電郵確認收到您的申請<br />

Acknowledgement will be sent to applicants by email within 3 working days upon receipt of application<br />

1) 聯絡永明金融介紹人;或<br />

Contact your referrer of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong>; or<br />

2) 電郵至recruitment.centre@sunlife.com;或<br />

Email to recruitment.centre@sunlife.com; or<br />

3) 致電3183 6285或 3183 6233 與招募組聯絡<br />

Contact Agency Recruitment at 3183 6285 or 3183 6233

永明金融 大學專才發展計劃申請表<br />

Application Form for <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> U-Elite Development Program<br />


Note: Undergraduates are eligible for phase 1 of the program<br />

2012 & 2013 graduates are eligible for both phase 1 & 2 of the program<br />

A ) Personal Particulars:<br />

English Name : _________________________________(same as ID card)<br />

Chinese Name : _________________________________(same as ID card)<br />

Gender : Female □ Male □<br />

Date of Birth : _____________________ (DD/MM/YYYY)<br />

HK ID card no. : _____________________ (same as ID card)<br />

HK Contact no. : _____________________<br />

Correspondence Address : _____________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________<br />

Email Address : ____________________________________<br />

Emergency Contact Person : ____________________<br />

HK Contact no. of Emergency Contact Person : ____________________<br />

B ) Working Experience (Please list out from last working experience)<br />

Period (MM/YYYY – MM/YYYY) Company Name Title & Duties<br />

C ) Education Background (Please list out from last attainment)<br />

Name of Institution From<br />

(MM/YYYY)<br />

To<br />

(MM/YYYY)<br />

D ) Professional Qualications and Skills<br />

Course/ Class/ Major/ Year Completed or<br />

Achievement/ Attainment<br />

Academic Performance<br />

(GPA/ Grade ... )<br />

If not yet completed, please state<br />

expected completion date<br />

(DD/MM/YYYY)<br />

Name of Professional Bodies or Examinations<br />

(Including Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examinations) Qualification or Result Date of Award<br />

E ) Referrer of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> (if applicable)<br />

Name of Referrer : _________________________<br />

Contact no. of Referrer : _________________________<br />

Referrer of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Life</strong> will be the mentor of successful applicant; for those without referrer, mentor will be assigned.<br />

F ) Please use 100-120 words to elaborate your ideas on <strong>Financial</strong> Planning Industry

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