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chapter_1<br />

d. when programmed multiples go to church, they can be<br />

used, and programmed by using Christian terms. There<br />

are "Christian" churches in Washington, Arkansas,<br />

Tennessee, and California and many other places which<br />

are 100% cult <strong>mind</strong>-<strong>control</strong> operations, such as the<br />

"Lord’s Chapel."<br />

e. When a programmed multiple tries to set themselves<br />

free by taking in spiritual knowledge of God, they find<br />

that the Bible is a programming trigger, that sets off<br />

programming or brings up some alter. Reading the book<br />

of 1 John might bring up the Illuminati’s alter named<br />

Jesus.<br />

f. The cult which is doing the programming by making a<br />

mockery of God, can build their egos and their pride. It<br />

may allow them to feel they are more powerful than God<br />

Almighty.<br />

g. The victim can be told that "God" is telling them to do<br />

something. And who sets himself up as "god"? --the cult<br />

programmer.<br />

There isn’t anything in the Bible that can’t conceivably be misused,<br />

but some of the Scriptures and their programming misuse are listed<br />

below. Scriptures that lend themselves to double-binds, to<br />

obedience or cover stories that seem to justify the programmer and<br />

the programming are used. Names of Queens and Kings in the<br />

Bible can be used for alter names.<br />

The men who wrote under inspiration, knew that scriptures could<br />

be misused, in 2 Cor 4: 1-2 Paul writes about himself,<br />

"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have<br />

received mercy, we faint not; but have renounced the<br />

hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor<br />

handling the word of God deceitfully..."<br />

http://mercury.spaceports.com/~persewen/fritz/fritz-ch10-5.html (3 of 12) [7/15/2000 8:08:58 PM]

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