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chapter_5<br />

came to the Portland area all the various denominations from the<br />

most liberal to the most conservative supported him. Only about a<br />

dozen churches did not get involved and only one church actively<br />

tried to expose Billy Graham--even though there has been a mass of<br />

documentation exposing Billy Graham as a wolf for 30 years.<br />

When the church refuses to follow God's Word and supports these<br />

men--then they must take some of the blame when these men give<br />

their millions of hard earned dollars away to a con artist.<br />

Inadequate Reactions<br />

When people have been warned about Billy Graham, one of the<br />

common responses is to for people to call up the Billy Graham<br />

crusade staff. If I ask a biologist a question about biology I can<br />

expect to get a credible answer, If I ask a mother about her son I<br />

can expect to get a credible answer. But how in the world can<br />

someone call up the Billy Graham Crusade staff and expect to get a<br />

credible answer to the question "Is Billy Graham a Mason?" The<br />

person that answers the phone is likely a secretary, someone who<br />

knows Billy Graham no more than the janitor. What does that<br />

person know about the Freemasons?<br />

Because the Freemasons are a secret society, in general, there are<br />

only two basic categories of people--people involved with<br />

Freemasonry, and they certainly know what's going on in it but they<br />

have taken blood oaths on penalty of death not to talk about it, and<br />

those who aren't involved with Freemasonry and don't know<br />

anything about it. There are only a few people who are not masons,<br />

who are informed about the Masons. The answer of some secretary<br />

over the phone to the question, "Is Billy Graham a Freemason?" is<br />

of little value, because the secretary or other staff member has not<br />

had the opportunity to get reliable information. This is from the<br />

standpoint of getting a reliable witness, calling some secretary or<br />

staff member is simply not a credible response to all the<br />

documentation. No court would view a secretary of a large<br />

organization as an expert witness qualified to settle such a dispute.<br />

http://mercury.spaceports.com/~persewen/fritz/fritz-ch5-5.html (2 of 15) [7/15/2000 8:00:09 PM]

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